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B. T. vmraujK, 




ODt Pl»c«t eont«r B«rcod Btrectt 

niriinn»«>rt 1 irTviir rrmnrpd 

I tii'Ml. witlioMi H 
Kvc** hi«« witliout imlt). 


81’KCIALISTH in ^ 

toxic DI8E48L. 

ns nn- u f«w of Ihr Iriler* rrcplTct! lUI* 
Ti* «»f liHUiiry iiuy b«r mlUrpwU lo th# 

e High St., OHARLHBTOWH, Mut. 
ond orOAHOEB, wJiUihi andw 0^, 1 
Oraene. Hri. 0H&8. BUTLER* 


I h»Te Mter mbb Dr. OtrMi h# 


Id WM cored b? Dr. Oreeneof a tarribU 
lUMuE After being fiTen^bj 
jrtioiAoi. J> bABJIES* 


Id WM cored b? Dr. Qreeoe of a terrlbU 
LOUS HUMUE After being flTen^bj 
jriloiAOi. J> bABJIES. 

ilmoit entirely belpleii with BHEUMA* 
nd have been cored bj Dr. Oreeoe'i UoAt* 

iirtoi* iiiiiy Ij*’M|» on nil DIH* 

, fH'.* ,»i rrmrj{i'. |H.T«onnlly «>r by lrtti*r. 

:KNI-:, M.l>. F.K.flURKNK, M.D. 

.'U TpiiipU' riiicv. Hoetun, Ma*«. 

61 ly 

..naiS MI.1IMK. 


B piirth’iibir attfiillt'-ii lolln* Sale of llcul 
Koliiic iiimI IVr.otial IVotiriiy. 
re Atlilrr««. NouTli Wrymoutii. Maho, 

li uf> nrcivcil lil'* | 

i'all and Winter 




libber Coeds, 

mill i« )>ri-iiart‘il to fo il 

* juQwsa ^Mwms 

ui run hr iHiiiulit iti t^nlnry or vli'iiilly. 

Wrkrrpn liUEAT VARIETY of 
dba*, Misses' aud Obildren's 



in’a Thick Boots, 
Brogans and Bals., 


l.r anti THICK ItUOTS, 

|)UE>SIN<«S for l.iolii-.>' llootx. mill 

ii‘s’ aiul (ii'iil’s llOSIKKV, 

iii.niy oti.i-r mtii-li-« too nuinrr<>ii« to 
(■•itiir ;mil "i-r otir :«i>-l 

will lir .ur|iti*nl ul our l-'W pricf*. 

■». n. 

ishingtoii St., - QUINCY. 


t,. j : f, 
llnp Rillt'ia 
Rro n miijM‘*r. 

. >jrt'l lilt- 

.i;om ‘1 itlf.rtr 
. I MUik aud 03* 

I llitti*ra will 

JO A mall of t>u*- 
vrtor * TvryilAy 
i*.a o.or y'xir 

> llllifm win 

Si >ioi:k^, uml 
4 .>rrk.i«i..4U|f s--.' 

> llillci « will 

TltUTilH. W 

poor loMUtb. or UngnlR* 
uku clif.'r, fur 
will Cure You* 
sti.l hare OYortatod yno^ 
tax: or a tnoOwr, worn 
If you mv ftliiipty niUofl 

};lrlt«d. Without olwny 
KeMiore Yon 

Wi'nki'ord by tho 
iluiU-i: ur 1 % nuUI <M wA* 
iiiiUi’iulkt woik, 
Strpugtlirii You* 
ni<r<ihi>; fn>m any India 
f w<(, MIM otU‘U Uu> caaii, 
Ut'iirve You* 

iihiin nn thi. fnnn. at Ihs 

J. .tlOKAA!, 

r JLin, o :r , 

tIVfU ClUUl.El tTlANi:’" MOHC. 

iiii«*oc‘k Ml., • dU’INCY. 

*-< rsTOM MADE I AN l>. i 

. iiii'l'- 11III ill •■oul.iuv wifit 

tiiiii'*. iiool. Iiiuii Ml V. m'l I 1‘ttli* mol w, 4 r* 
(mI to til l*l<- 4*i- ir.'o III" u ‘•hU •t ly 

.ItlEIA liRil.I.V 

I' pn I'.oi •! t" -i' l for 


>.*t> .li'M-nptioiMi. MAUlil E nioX.RANIlE. 
III. • I. ••'oloti' •!. I. *• *. Hill I' . I iji* -I.- I .1 
■u I i.oii.'. . Ill » • ti'»i icloi \ III.till! rT \ .iui.i 
•I,.' pii'.J..- |..|....l.. . I.••»...-tlul.- otui.d. 

. I Wi.A M-*l 111 1 AM»IN«*. ■ , i ••ill- d. 

.0.1 H >ll I. ,->'1.1.•- 

(;, F. i)A V.MON, 

y \ ; I i:' u • t.i M ■ N 

\l,I. KIM >>1 < 'K 



eiiiei. ‘I 4 ft «»itn 6 :ic. 



jOUNUKS. SUKA;--. chairs. 


II VIIU'M.H I . I lilUK' 

It','-' ' : V l K ' 

>l< >n 3 I >1 il-i 

I*.. . 

^ijnNirnHi*. hoi.ihH. 

.liuiiiiiul Nl.. KiiNl Wniiioulli. 

fit ftpiill ^allt. 


V, U. K/VHTKItlillOOK. 



While, »flcr UkinR lare of the fntorable reply, he will feel »11 the much plciiMtl to (ccepthla intrllnllon, bleon to the ilreet, ind walk ilnwiy; A week ut Hlo Jenelm a«To n* *n acknowledulilg the receipt ef Jliij 

homo*, ho wa* emlcaTorlng to Invent w«r«e when he leama Insfore he «o<'» and m|uc»teil I’hilip to deliver It at nn one will rcconnire yon with youi opportuiilly to ece most lhal was In- money sent h<^ from thii thlp Arj 

Iiunos, no was Iiiia . _i 1 „ „„ . 1 » . voll dowii and I wilT loin von In n tercsting In the city and vicinity, and the small children of the tale Mlk , 

some excuio for ohlHlning an Inter- yon again that you have married your the Claremont Hmi.e. minulo/’ ' ^ we Umk our leave of that clniinlng (lllver, and describing the dl«»dlloa : 

view with Isabel, her fiilher came Into father’s coachman in preference to As I hilip was handing Ilia nolc lo oheyeil his inilmetions and es|iBrlous harlmr. We often made of it, was in the highest deglM 

the slahle, and siiid; accepting him.” the clerk of the hold—he had very even while they were in sight o’f her paced the deck together; and one day, sallsfactory to the donora. Whenl^ 

Tt. WAimEM. Proprlolor, 

i Two DoIImw • V*«f. in tdiranct. 

Twimt: I 

Ortl«r« fur all kintU uf Printing will receive prompt 
Attentum, *ml W neatly and cutrectly eiecutetl. 

Hns tlio Ayfoncy for the 

the Rtnbli*, ftml xiiiil: 

**Ymi need n«>t bring Ilie lionicfi 
from Folftoni’p tomorrow.” 

”I (lid not intend to, nir.” 

Hut If he corner ttic next dayKO<xl rcMoiiK for not delivering it him* 
j “He will not And you here uiilcsa aolf to the one lo whom it wm ad* 
you wiah to Btay. Shall you be ready drcMcd—his hand was grM|>ed by $ 

cry even while they were in sight of her pared the deck logellicr; and one day, saUsfatdory lo tiie (l< 
Im- fnlher’a house he joined her. 8 hc "topping sliori, he called out angrily had your communlcai 
.ji. irenildwj some im »Iie laid her hand “Come hore, you sir.” ship^s company, the 

onhisarm, hut that simple act gave The man anproaclicd respectfully, »n«l « I had 

her strength and coiirago. Hut few taking off his tmt,*>aml the first 1 that the noor little d 

Troy Laundry! 

“Why? IHd n»»l iiiy diiugiderwiah to leave this homo for another—our middic-agod man, dressed In a suit of words were spoken M* either, for they knew, down he came ondeek, like 

ttusintss Curbs. 

FRAM ^LE^ ' 

ittorney aDUCoDDselloratLaf, 

WF.YMOUTIl, Muhh. 


Civil Enpeer and Surveyof, 

Orrics AT W. K. Ilcseusrr’..' 
Commercial St., • North Weymouth. 

' 3U M 


Bundle Hay and Straw 


JOH. IaOITR * C(».. 


. C. M. R’IE.E.IAMM, 

Stock BrokcFa 


B Ht'fiirr HImI wolii ulM’ullltlil.oioll, III ll(i«ton, 
Npw Y’ork mill F‘rmii’i«pf>. Moni’y ucl* 
TMiic «l nil Stoukx mill IIoihIm piirrltiwril liy in*. 

Baaement Old State House, 
llOM'rOM. 14 If. 



Send every Wednesde^. 

R.V. Merchant 

BfgM icsre lo Infonn ihe riU«en# of WVymouth 
Mill vicinity tlmt lie i« now ptepsreil to miikc up 

Pan & Winter 


IK Tin; 


“1 iliil nut nsk her, sir. Yon said . ...........™ w-. »«... -.._ __ 

two weeks.” his, she answered unhesitatingly: who cxclalmc. 1 ; lhoy'reacht"n"*ahB'wI«sCTtcdturns In silence, ’riicn, looking at ton JonmnI, heiUod, 

"Ah,so Idid;liutif I nmiembcr “If youwlsh It, yes." “Phil, my boy, I am glad to ace you! Immediately following her, und with- his hand, as if it |ialncd him, he said. Fund,” writUn 1 presni 

right, I added, i>erlm|is longer. You “I do wish It. Y'on cannot remain I was Just going In enquire my way out one woni spoken to I ho driver “I hwl no Idea that I gavcihat fellow and valued friend, Canl 

would have done right, and I wish bore one day .tfl«^orrow wlthonl to find yon. C-nTe up to my room. mj hJud liidW ri.XU I’^om” ill? 

every one would he u careful to being subjected UwVjielty anil Imult Clerk, let mo ImYo that kc) ng»in. m he drew her lo him and laid her “I'Jo," I »Aifl.—“Why. ho took that States, under the comiw 

rugani iny ordcra. Misa Davenport which I caniict,'Vill not |icrmit you And licforo riiilip i<>uld fnily com- |„g,| y.,QQ ho^Hni “safe now dog by the Mra, and pitched him into raodore Downes, on a Ti 

will ride tomorrow afternoon, aud tosiilfor. Had Walsingham remained prrlicnd who it waa tluu was so gla<l and it shall he the study of iny life to the Ice scupiicra. If his head had' cuinnavigalion, in 1831, 

with Ihc gentleman whom you left at away, I would mjt have asked you to to sec him, he was hni*icd tip stairs make yonrs so happy llial you aholl ll?’'®, N.‘^K*0*'oHvcr wii‘’lB 

liomc—tomorrow night?” 

coarse gray cloth, and liavitig the lind nut pr.wcwlcd far before Isabid Intt' Fleking himacif np, he was dls- 
... I . .......I oltscrvcd a enrrinue staiiilinir at the mlsswl wllli aomc threatening wonis. 

liaising iter dark, truthful eyes lo apiicaranco of a good, solid fanner, oltscrvcd a carriage stauiling at the 

liail your enmmiinicatioii reiri to tb. 
ship's company, the effect wa* an* 
Vrising; and if I bad atoted lo IhNI 
that the poor little children raqabni ■ 
ainitber donation of the aanie anwonl, 

I Iteliove it would moat cbmrfnnr 
have been mmle.” Strvgnl yHM 

hia, she anawered uniiesitatingly; 
“If you-wish It, yes.” 

coot a gooti, sonii innner, smuhuik .nu .-.---v,-vi”. .— , . —I.,, 

•* comer of two slictla in which, when We rnaumol our walk, and took nfew later, an article appeared In 

, ■ . , , , they reachwl lt,aho was seated, I’hilip turns in silence. Then, looking at ton Jmirnal, headed, “An WIplW 

my boy, I am glad lo ace you! Immediately foilowing tier, und with- ''I” *“*'■')’ ** imincd him, he aaid. Fund,” written 1 presume by on W 

It going lo enquire my way out one won! apolicn to’the driver “I had no idea thnl I gave Hint fellow and valued friend. Captain John V. 

ni. Conic up to mv room, they were whirled very rapidly away. J'!® ’I,!;"* “ 

■ . 1 „ “ 8 afeiiow dear Isabel’’said Philiii niy hand. Dhl you tee what he did?” tliu frigate Potomac left the UnltM 

t me have that key again. ^ drew her lo him, and Inid her i''** States, u^er the command .of Cy 

eforo Philip amid fill ly com- |„ g,| ],l, hoMiml “safe now dog by the eara, atid pitched him into raodore Downes, on a Toyog. M eto 

— k._ i. At--.. _ _ ..t — .1 ... I t. I . as . -a - s' M .•« ( tism lawn ms*«a.«e.m«aB ft Itla limtnel IxAwl' r*iitneiaw1aM((nti IVi fftlll'. 

11(1 it with tlie flAi of »l«e)icr. It WM m rollowi:^“WM| ^' 
m tee what he did?” tliu frigate Potomac left the UnltM 
Why, he took that States, under the command pt CMi*.! 
Mm) pitched him into raodore Downes, on a rojmgt at dr* ' 

I. If hia head had' cuinnavigalion. In 1831j a weHkMWfe 
it might liavc killed nnd eatcemed citizen of Boatoo, Mr.' 

the Claremont.” 

“Mr. Wnlaingham.” 

leave your father’s house an soun; and 
now I linvc no ohoicc, but must act lor. 


.V'” a.i'”#.•”!' .. nuTor rt>ffr(kL (liA HUn vnit inkAn A mnti ciiti Ukf cAfe of him’* X. K. O. Oliver, WM indiiced by‘W » 

nniniilo n linmisoniely furiiiKlicd par- f? nelf, but 1 vunnut bear to mo a brute health to cmtRrk in Uie frigate, fiulMf ■ 

lor. She did not allonipllo answer lilm; He hn.1 two pets, a hcaiul- the olllce of Secretary to the Coming 

Hut though he was hurried into lhal she naked no qucslnins ns to where ful spitz, nnd n pretty Porlugiieacpar- dora. Ills heidlh, however, coalimMi 
room, rtiilin AniuM fnum! the con* lie WIW taking ller: hut slie rested in r?’ j*"** •*“» I® 'IftHue, and he died in the East 1 

* ■ k.t- __ . » .1.. I _ a frtmtMM. 111(1 na. Hv hia AmiMhla <*liaMd(ta» 

“So you know him. Ah, yes; he at once.” 

*i Fort icn ttml lLiiii'-xtic(i<MMlx. 

lli« li>ii|f <’\|M>nt'U>'<’ ill ciiltiiii: 


BAT, STBAW, 8 co. 

C ONSTANTLY on liainl. nml Foil SALE 
wliolt'uiilr tiMil n-t;iil. at Lowest I ‘>ixli I'ricc’*. 
Aixo. MINERAL SALT ior llor-ff. 


Wi’jiuoitili Luiitliiitf. 

T. J. FlaOOn, 


Comer of Cuiiiiiiuu a WoahliiBtoii Htn?clSi 

Weymuulh LiindinK- 

RIAOB WORK of all kinds, 


/ie//o' 'Ihayer, 





<’iuil>l«‘« liitn tu wiurHUt li 


lu mII raxf’H. 

Prices as Low as the Lowest. 

B(fr If/ I^xtr If/ 

And you will never be withont it! 




Invisible hanch from summer bmli 

Have plucked the icicin une by one; 

And shy little lifters, away from the tun, 
I. 3 in hold on the rouU of the grass in the ?tands; 
Anti O, and O, 

Where is the snow I 
For the crow is calling, 

And showers are falling. 

Mo, willow and weed! Kach secret seed 
Is up, and out of its garments gray ; 

The music of waters Is heard in the mead ; 

And limping old winter is whither away? 
And O, and O, 

Where is the snow I 
For the snake is crawling, 

And showers are falling. 

—y. I'riit'c V.heney^in .-f/nVWiDB Aw'akk. 

OniQim TALE* 


driven from Folsoin’t*.’* '•iviuti tioyou w»m m« lo iiur luum, 1 ^iiuoiu lumiu mv vtiif V. 4 WV iivi. uuv niiv icFiitTRi III 1 - -w- 

“I am rather aorty, ilr, that I hnd “Tonight or tomorrow gel ready veranliou of hia farnier-likc appearing [li' "ITIL w i ii . i io le.ii »•«! pie 

not known that she was to ride with wimtever yon wiah lo take with you, m qnnlnlance so very inletealing Hint i.erf iniating him without n donl.l^ aflTr® p^age*o?^ 

him, fori have liad reganl only for na little more than you uhaolutoly lie remained in Ihc room conaldcnihly nithout a care, because alie loved seven dnya. Captain Downca was 

her health nnd Hufety, niitl hnveirt ««(!(! n?» possible. Some lime during more than an hour; niitl when he ilid him. innrHcd In October of that year, at 

naid mmdi attc^nlion tohuw fihe rIdcH. the day, when you find a chance, tell take his (!e))artuio the last wortlit he Although Isabel did not iiotke it, Upper Hed Hook. K. Y., to Mias .jL ‘ 

.Mr. Walsingham is dreadful particu- your girl Katy that yon wish me to do • lhe^,;i!;i!e”. were fu"Xer™te.u^^^ jX-f” 

hir, and there are two or three thinf^s errand for you and deliver mo the I>cpend upon It 1 will not fiiiljou. fro^h, and the driver more impatient Hrigliton, Mnss., where ho resided six 
I ought to speak to her nhoiit or he tilings. Katy will not tliiiik anything Y'our success tonight is of a thmisaml than those who were sealed in the years, liciiig ordered lu the Meditcr- 

will not think I ummneli of a groom.” strange of it, or if sho alioukl she will times more consequence lo mo than „ ,, , raiienn, he removed his family lo 

ve n 11 T / M .nnnlr it -W’linn V ..11 retiini it is to voii ” Aflerriding something over an hour Ch.•slmlt street, Hiislon. He sailed 

“M ell. really, I cannot allow you not speak of it. lion y on return a slate of drenniv happiness. Isalicl from AniiaiKilis in Feliniarv. IX2fl. in '''"’.‘T 

“TVliat do you want me lo do?” 
“Toniglit or toniurrow gel ready- 

paid mueli alteiilion toliow slic rides. H'o day, when you find a cliancc, tell 
.Mr. TValsiiiglinm is dreadful particu- j our girl Kaly that you wislimc lodo 
lar, and llierc are two or tlirec tilings an errand for you and deliver mo llic 

s nrms jiCTfceliy linppy because ft^®"*’ ®V hia amiable chum^ 

ey were his arms llml were iiroiiiid Wo reached Hoaton .Tunc 1!*, 1821, . ®. 8 ”*!*” *-5 

r; inisting liini without n .loulil, after a pleasant passage of thirtyl X-• 

riiout a care, because .he loved riTrew’^at C^uLSdorrilmt Mr Id? 

Although Isabel did not notice it, UpIJ^r llcl lloljk. N Y., to Mia, 

they rode Bln tremciidoiia pneo, for Maria Gertrude Hoifniaii. Ho had ",® V®?"’* 
the horses were not only spirited luit purchased a licauliful aituallon In "'Vi'V'®, 
fresli, and tlic driver more iiii|ialient llrlglilon, klass., where lie resided six ™ '®L,, T,,v'® 
than those who were sealed in the years. Being orriererl lo the Medller- * i.t 
rarriago. f„„e„n, he removed Id. family lo 

AflerriiUtiffHOiucthliiji over an hour (’hcMmit alrcct, Bo^lon. He willed 

lo Miffvr in your profenslniinl reputn- from your ritle with Wal 8 in;;hain, way Aud Philip left tliu Claremont woh anuiscd h 
tioii. Anyouwiy, WalNlnf»hamlBver>' ><hi arc lirtMl—Which will be true Uourc not quite convinced that IiIh earriaf^c, and I 
particular, and if any thiiif; you can enough without doubt, ami retire to uncle .loc wuh not craxy, but feeling . 

Icll Isabel will lead her to correct any y“»r n«)m early; you will find no oh- that if he were crazy there wan mucli mjphil 

rcamy happilicHH. Isalicl from Anna|Kdis in Fcitniary, in 1“"’ 

Ibv the stopping of the ninimatid of tlic Delaware 74, taking ihi> 

fiV Philipsiiyiiig,**IIvre Cliarlua Ibmaparte nnd familv, who Oliver 1 
... __ were landed at I.oghorrn Leaving 'i 

iliat if lie were ernxy tliere was mueli 

relief by the generoua-hearted ton 
was 82,211! Tills amount woi n- 
inittcd by Commodore Downet to a 
friend in tliis city, to be ezpunded by 
liini os Ids Judgment raiglit dictate, 
for the cducalton and towards the 
siqqiort of tlie younger children of 
Mr. Oliver. The money was duly 
received, and tlie trust was arcepled. 


errors ill her riding, I shall eonsider jeetion made; and ns soon after it is of mclhorl in his madness. .She giized aniuiid her and the plnce 

it a favor. Come into the house nnd dark ns you can, come to the renrdoor IVhcn Elmer IVnlsiiiglmm culled in seemed strangely faniiliur; hut before 
I will speak to lier. You need not of the house. I shall join you llierc tlie aftemuen at tile residence of tlie "j'” <'011111 tliink where she was, liefore 

say any tiling lo licr nliont Walsing- iinniedialcly, nnd tlieii-from llint governor, Isaliel was in lier room pro- *iXsed in"wdi»c“Xghrii^^^ 

liam. I wisli lo snn>rise lier.” time, Isnliel, you must trust yourself paring lierself for lier drive, nnd slic „,„i ,.x,-lniiiicd;^ 

"1 i-nn say lo lier nil that is ucces- w itli me. t'un you do soV” did not leave it, nithongli slie knew- “IVcIeoiiie, weli-ome, dear Hel! I 

sary ill a very few niimites.” “Yes, I’hilip, witliout a doubt, tlmt IVulsiiigliam was willi licr fallier Ihoughl we should have you here.” 

Andl’liilip walked with the gov- williont one fear. If I emild net I and mollier, until she saw llic homes X thanTdSier ^ 
ernor towards tlie liouse, hoping tlmt should linvc no hope of linppiness.” at Hie door. Tlien she descended to ,||,1 f„iiy rcBlixe tlmt she «-as iil 

The diMir of tlie carriage was ilirown ihe 74, lie tiMik command of the frig- flinhfm v 
(ipen.andl’lillipnssisleilhcrtoulighl. ale .lava, and visited quite a number “ ‘ „ ("■ * hr ^..nawh.lX’ u?ruiT“*f ^ 
.She lier and the pTace nf lie was at 8 . l... after the ^ 

seemed strangely familiar; hut before Turks hnd raB«le sneli lerrilile havoc y ,. mi.'® n .^{17 n!X »j 4 lii 

slic .-ouhl tliink where she was, liefore (here, and wril.-s of tlic llglilings U- i w’.X "mftXhT 

slie could nsk <ine i|ueslioii. uinie one Iwei-n Ihe Hiissiana ami Greeks, anil X, 7Is d emi ll inX 

dresseil in wliilc eaiighl lier in licr the OH.mmiis. He mmle an cxenr- If ',1 

arms, and cxelaiincd; lo Home ami Fl.irenec, and would V. 

t'un you do so?*' 

“Welcome, welcome, dear He!! 

“ Ych, Philip, without a Joubl, that WtdHingham wnt? with her fallier thought we miouhl have you hero.” for "criotiM dUturbunceH with French 

without one fear. If I could not I and mother, until Mie saw the hontes ?i**,'*!'*i**'*I*i* wiUow iii Tmiloii. He hnti a iwt of 

, ,,, , r I • ?> ». aig X- qn.... I. i . . I I . rather tlmu Ictl her Into the Iiouhu, ScolpHlhhle; nnd ho nnd hm fnimlv, 



he might have the good fortune to 
Hpeak with Dahel nione. 

Poor Isabel trciiihlcd adlli nppre> 

“JMchs you for thoae worth,” he 
Maid, kiiiHing the dear lips that had 

Ihe di*nAving>room to meet him, greet* 
ing him ns Hhe tvoiild aiiv friend wli.i 

ultercd them; “and a« I hope for had been iihHeiit fora while. And 

hension of a storm when she was Imppiness liero and liercnfler, yon W alsinglmm, wliii was anxious to |,|,v,, ..(ruck lii-r as'a strange coim-i- ilay nf .lanunry-, 1 linve conliiined lo 
inforineii tlmt tier father desired to simii never Imvo reason to cense to iiave tier lo liimseif, very soon pro- deuce if slie liad oliserveo it, was, read ilaily one cliapler, witli liie uot< s 

see lier in the lilimrv hut shcolicycd trust me. Now 1 must leave yon, posed tlml llicy should “inoiini nnd tlmt tlie ilriver of the carriage, who and iirai-tii-al olnH-rvulioiis; and willi 

llic sumnuins Slic Iri'mliled still tint only for a few short luiurs. nw-ay.” was ilresscd in a suit of coarse gray Gml s peraiissioii, I shall i-onliniie lo 

im, BUOIIIIOIIS. .-sue Iieooiieu swii j , „ , , , . 1 1 ,1 , ( lollies, followed herself ami I’liilip do so to the end of the lasik. No one 

more when slie saw I’liilip; lint lier When those simll have passed, we As llicj approiu-lied Hie liorses, ||,t„ Mr. Lewis’lioiise,nnd was wuriii- can reiul Hie Hilile witlionl feeling 

fears w-ere eulined at once wiieii lier slrail meet again aud to part no more 1\ iilsingliani oiisurved tlmt tlio man ly wel(-oiiied liy. that gentlenmn and Hull lie is tlic iit-tter foril. Youwisli 

fattier said: wliile life simll last.” wlio lield the one Isnliel »-ns to ride Ids w ife; hut lie had first given Hie me lo lie spirilually-miniled. I have 

l ie uiionmiis. „e ni me 1 .a ^et.r- ,i,„, g,contrihutori to thi 
sl. 1111.1 Ihm e and b hire leiN and would f,,,,.! k„„,v that the money wo. 

have tnivelled a wlnle in 1 n.iiee, hiil jmii..i.m,|y applied to tlie puqi^ for 
for with Ireiicl, jiVii. intended; the whole 

Hailont in Toiiluti. lie linil a act «>f 
rnllicr Hmii led her into Hie house, Seoll's Hildc; and lie nnd his familv, 
did slie fully reali/e tlmt she win. in „nd my family, eomnieneed at ifiJ 

lie.aHilield nnd at the lioiiac of lier same time, anil rend a elin|iler even- , nimli oiiarteVli- Idrinir » neriial 
frieii.i Fanny I.ewis. ,|„y, i„ ...’.ursc This little eoneort 'IV,"'« * 

One singular elrc-iimslanee Hint Isa- luiiuglil oiir tliouglils togellier dav by u }. 

!iel..i.,no.olisen-e..intw,iieh would .h.y.X.l he wr.if “S^ee the ■.lra\ [ Ih 

‘ "7•".• 80 -r.msgiftof tb. 

luixioos ,0 I,„ve struck lor a* a slrange coim-i. day of .lanuarj, 1 l.ave conliiined to -""7 '.T ^ 

, soon pris (ieiice if slie liad oliserveir it, was, rend daily one cliapler, with the noti s . 1 , 

‘inoiini nnd tlmt tlio ilriver of Ihe carriage, who and iinii-tii-al olm-nulioiis; and willi , . 1 i,a. |„.pn fulU-n.jiliM.iI It 

wus Ilresscl in n suit of coarse gray GislX.-miissimi, I shall eonlinne lo u ^ 

,_ i-loHies, f.illow’ed herself and I’l.ilip do so to the end of the lasik. No one 

Philip Arnultl had nu duuht from father .Haiti; 
the inomciit he wuh told by (ioveriior “Mr. Arnold” (Mr. Fttl-som hud 
Davenport that he was to accompany inlrtMluccd him by lhal name nnd title 
Dabcl ns u groom Avhat the result :ind the governor continued to use 
would he; and finding that his uncle them,) “mentioned to me that there 
.loe was verj* imudi interested in the are some ftiultj* in youi* style (d rid- 
iimtter, he kept his uncle udviHcd of iiig, and as ho will not accompany 
, the progrettK lie mtule. In the reply you again vep* soon, I a-jked liiiii ti> 

while life shall lost.” 

She knew that it was Ir'bI that he I wus, us IicHUppiiHcd, iMd-Muirs hostler, 1 horBCs into the charge of a man who I ||ii> wbh, and the pliynU*:!) iKm'cr, but 

inlrmluc-Jd him liy Hmt nanie and H.Ie sho.ild leave her then, nnd yet slie hack-driver and elerk, Im. he made I” ^iu'llj^er up- 

and the governor continued to use clung to him; hw gently releiwiiig no remark until Philip, ntill holding ®*See Mint they are widl eared for; which I can feel, hut not renson.” 
them,) “mentioned to me Mint there himself from IierV^oB, he Haul; tlio bridle, moved towards her with I shiMl he round to hwik after them Ills term of service in Ihc Me " 

liimseif from hcrVV'B, he said; the bridle, moved towards her with 

**I must he pr^ *^.^vfor your Hukc. tiu* evident Intention of placing her 
Keep up go(Mlco« >^0 have been in the budille; and then he said, with 
v..rv r<xf(tiiinl(* 1(4 * (<t tinvn n vnr\' litii.liltil. niti t(» 

The itent' in the Market 

fHt th(> ri’livf uuit cure of 

WaslilnB“o‘ Ntiimrc, 

‘J7 Oin 




^ 3 to one of his later letters was n pam- tell you of them hoav.” 

'* 3iHVket puzzled and somewhat Tlien mldresHing Philip, he addc 

alarmed him; it was as follows; “You need ho in no hurry; only 

“Do not, if you love mv, Phil, dis- “lire lo remember all you wish lo t 
appoint me in this. You cannot con- her, and make her understand it.” 
a ceive, for words cannot express lu>w “I will endeavor to forget nothing.” 

_ much I desire tiint Isabel Davenport Tlie governor left the room; they 

tlic bridle, moved towards her with I shiMl he round t<» hN)k after them Ills term of (>ervice In the Meditcr- 
the evident Intention of placing her myself, for tlmt pair of horses eould rancau having expiritl, he sailed for 
iu the sa.!,ll..; ami then he sai,i. with ''"I 

:pi:?r„Zr r ! “Xsra"7ex“ri.c^^^^^^^ IuM,ay.l«31,hcwa,npp«in.ea,a, 

-losoio im eno o.iiie.Hs.s. -so .me „f ,|,e investment has Im.cii dU 

,ni. rerni he Hi de without feeling „oy „,.i every , 

HuilInjlsHie hel er fori , k.m wish uiiexpeadS 

iiie lo 1,« spirilually-iniiidt-,1. I Imv.- , ^ ^ 

111 .- wisIi, an.1 Hio pl.ysi.-al iK.wcr. hii , „ ,n i ,,revlou.Iy^lated 

U"l 11... iiioral pj.wer In lie extent 

Hint . ..sire. This is a subject up.. i„ acconiaace with 

whu-I.I can f.-e , l.iil not r'-ns;;;!-” j„,l;^,m.'iit an.l wislies of Mr. Cor- 

llistermof service in the Me.llt. r- .,i, ■> i T,„vc exhibited to you 
ran.-na Imviiig, he suited f..r v„„tl,ers for the p.ayiiioiil of a 

part .d Hie an...,lilt; and •) „..w sub- 
• wom' in ■ foryimr luspecUoo, the® vnueben 

atioii wiMt f In May, Ift,*!!, he was appointed,as . for the oaUiice, with Mm l>aek fon- 
coiiiiiMstorc, lu the command of the laining (he acconiits.** 

frigate Potonmc, nnd of our naval 
I ftirccH in ih(‘ Psu'ific. He was first to 

After Mr. Oliver's decease, the 
Polomuc visited Macao, Lintiii, and 

hrtK'ced to Kngland with Mr Van | various places in the China Sea, and 

Pliilip to the sluhl-e, of wltich he 1 of the remark, hut Nahc) could witli Ut<un them married.” 

llnrcii, trur Minister, ami his suite. 

dllO. W. IIEKSFA. 

Painter and Glazier, 

It is highly reoommended by 
all -who have used it. 

sl.all niiii i-y fiillier’s coneliiiinn cuuld Iiis footsteps in tl.e imenr- 

ir, &r,o CTS. PER BHTTLE. 

* l«t bi’ u<Mri’*«i-(l t«> till 


Faints. Oil,Glass, Varnish- Putty. Qluc. 

8luip ill (o’G. S. llakt-r’A biiiMiiiK. tit’ur tliv ooriici 
i>f RH-limnuil .Stri'i-t, 

Weymouth Lnndtny, 

For First-class Caliiiiet Portraits, 

-JiO TO- 

Bl'SSELL'S, Quint’), .Muss. 


mmendedby dandchtinely. I shall find it very 
i used it. lull’d to forgive you if you fail; I can- 

IMITTLEt do enough for you if you suc¬ 

iiothf rroiiriftor, “My rcspcclcd nncic must be los- 
>DWIN, lug Ids mind,” h(^ thought, “for 1 can 
Wrymuutii, Mass think of tio rciUHoii wliy he is so deeply 
.____anxious about this alTalr of mine. 

peted liall, then the closing of the 

always carried Ihc key, ns lie hud his 
evenings entirely lo himself, unless 
lie received notice that the carriage 
would lie wanted. He remained ont- 

dilllciilty rest min herself from resent¬ 
ing what seemed toiler an insult, for¬ 
getting a.H she did that to WalHtiigliaiii, 

lie Hcemcd to carrv 
Hm Philip approiicli 
aid to her: 
•■Kverylliing is pn 

..rrv his for '‘T'v''''Tlr 'T 

,.u-I.e.l lsal.. l, ami )'a-*l»n 2 t“» to New I ..rk, ii .Iuly. 

’ Hill. ju«t then, iiewHeanieof Mieseir- 

Ml........ k.r ‘•Kverylliiiig is prepared f(?r our 

Pliilip wa.H only an hosMer. She did nmrriage. Dur frieuus think if is 

front door of tlic house a.n he went '^idc till lie saw the governor return make all the amends in her power by best iu»l to delay it till tomorrow 

out, and Philip cxeliiiined: 

“Thank heaven for Ihisl” 

Isabel, springing to Ids emhmce, 
asked anxiously: 

“Philip, what does this mean?” 

He kissed her piissionately ou fore- 

aiid enter his liouse, then, after going 
tolds nHitiiand making a slight change 
in his ilress, he went to see his old I 

i.-eei.liiig the liimd tlial l’l.ili|i..lTere’.l )>“ you 

. / , . ' , , Ainl her aiisAver Avas: 

1.. assist ... i...iii..lii.g, ni..i her „„|v, wl.olly voiirs. 

r .1 .1 t _ I . .1. _i 14' .1 !_ .. . . • . r 

employer, Mr. Folsom, tuinform him hanrs words nnd been doubly annoyed 
that lie should not Avaiit tlic hornes by them, said to Idni: 

fallier, avIio hnd overheard WaUing- Do with me what yoii think m best.” 
hanrs word.H and been doubly annoyed A elergymaii Avas present in the 
l.v the.... said to hi...:, a ii.arriage w.e, pro- 

lire ot (he ship Frieiidsliip, of Salem, 
and of a wanton outnigc on the live** 
ami pnqierty of Ameru an cit¬ 
izens, ill Ou.Mhdi Hattmi, on the 
islaml ol MiriiAtni, IVhruar}* Tlh. 
Fit “li iiislruclioiis AAcre tlH ii givi ii. 
The visit to Kiigluml wus ubamlont-d. 

[e. was at Honolulu in .luly ami Aiiguat. 
>111 The ComtiXMloru wnt(rs.—“I ro 
ly. maiiied at D.ihu tvAciity-fonr days, 
i'z- ;in«i attended (. hun h every .Sahhath. 
Ill, It MU’* idglily grutifyiiig to sec an at* 
e* tetitive and onleriy eongregutioii of 
-it' aUml three thousuiid la rsonii, com* 
he |H .«4 ti of those wito .w few yeats since 
til. ’r-hippiil idoU. 1 a as much pleased 
111 - I .*itli the hulies und geiitleinuii of the 
>*(1, I ltd—ion; and the inlercourHe lurtweeii 

and the Potomac sailed fnmi New i them nml the officers of iny shiii was 
York August 24111, uiul arrived ui I un»-l friendly.” lie wu.»t at Tahiti 

New Photograph Studio, 


A. FRANK RlSSFLIii Artist, 

lx iiiiikiiiK fiiM’ wtH k Ilf EVER i' DKSt'Rll*! ION. 

I He certainly caiinul Avi^h to injure head, cyc.H, and lips, before lu; an- 

Dubel, and lie ban too goiwl an opin¬ 
ion of me to tliink it would injure lier 

swered her; (hen he said hnighiiigly; 
“It means, I.sabel, that yo;ir fatlier 

to inarrv me. Fitlier he is crazy—I I is a very siin)>le-miniled old genile- 

llu* next day. “That is Mi 

After talking willi Mr. Folsom a He lias hccii 
few mimtlcs, asking ami telling the groom and Ih 
news, lie said, as if it were a sudden riglil thing.” 
i thought: , Though vi 

That is Mr. Arnold, niv eoaehiiiaii. 

diiced by the one Avhu drove the ear- 
I ri.’ige, and avIio could hav** tohl how 

vfivi at Tahiti 

have seen him sometiines when he 
was tf> say the least not lik«; l.iiuself— 
or there is something in Mie jiast of 

man, very easily deceived, and it Is 
rortnnate for us tliat he is.” 

He lias heeii riding Avilli her sts lier mueb more Miaii the Usual fe(! it hml 
gro«>m and Ihoughl he Avus doing the eo*t him to procure it; ami AA’hiie 
rbrlii thiinf ” Antlioiiv DaveiijH>rt avuh talking pol- 

, ’11 itb’** over a bottle of that line old 

11.,...xl. very ......-1, s.,rp.,s.-.I l.y will. El„.,-r 

w l...t l.i- lii-...(l, U’i.lsi.iclmi.. .... ii.war.'lly (■(ii.);r.itulaliiiK l.iiiis(-If oi. 

reply, aud Isabel, siitldenly recollect- the prospect of Idudilig his guest 

THE YAK HE WATER which I liave never been told. There about my riding?” 

‘Hut wlial have you got to tell me than wiieii I am in the suldle; hut 

,light: , Though very inueh Hiirprined by 

'How I slionid enjoy a eaiil^r to- Avliat he heard, Walsingham made no | 
;hl. 1 never feel more at lioine reply, aud Isabel, sinldenly rceollect- 
III wiieii I am in the suddh-; hut iiig the part slic was to play, siiioth- 

tjualluh HalbMi I’Vliriiaiy o. I>d2. Of in St pleinlM-r, and wrote from V'al- 
Iht tnuisaetions there.the(..'oiiiiiKMlore paniiso in OetoUr, thut since leaving 
gave a verv full aceouiil t*> llie Seen— iiome, lu* luid lueii at sea ‘Mtl days, 
tary t>f the Navy, ami he ad«lH,**I felt ami ha«l sailed upAvards of If7,y00 
l)ie full Avcight t>f my responsibility, miles. He was for woiiie months af- 
ami even a painful anxlity to merit lerwards oii the coasts of C’liilt and 
Mie approbutioii aud iiicet the reo-^on- Peru, ami in August wrote thus from 
al>le cxpectalioiis i»f iiiju:oiiutr 5 '. 'I'lie (*allo,—•*lcaiim>l hut feel Mud this 
ta-»k was neither light, nor easy of ship ami her crew have exjicrienced 

AvsTiNDBARE. (||Q|hgs \||fasher. 

is soi,ictl,iii« al.-ul it I iloi.'t ui.dcr- “Thai il is very faulty and must like "ivii.;,',.diop of w-;iU-r toa tl.i.sty 

a«'ting as gnaiin to a young h'.ly in I ereil her reseiitim iit, for her grofiiii 




. .... . loKt'ntify tl.i'in.” 

it! Try it! auU bo ll.ppy ^ 

• miiiilit'ilf** uiO’JHDt- lo H mmli , ^ ^ , 

aihl Liifor M.tfiiihi’. at itiiif umi that intense lunglll; 

Ul I'tl* <1 iHht liilfor M.ii’liliii*. xt'ifiiff ami 

.kill til.’ lit ia-l TRIirMI’llANT’ 

Waahiug Day No Longer Dreaded! 

I \V,> woiilit f.ill till .Uti titmii Ilf till- UiUt'o ti> ihi' 

Stand, luit ns iii.s wishes eoiiieide ex- be eorrci'led before you take your 
actly Avilli iny own, I shall endeavor ride with Mr. Walsingham.” 
lo gratify them.” “You only say tlmt to tease me; 

No, Philip could not understand but I knoAv belter.” 
that intense longing for revenge “No, Isabel, I am in cariie.^t. Now 

hm) foniifl an opportunity to tay to 
her, “Heiiieinher all 1 said lo you last ' 

mull.*’ her, ‘•UeiiieintK'r all 1 saiu lo you last l he eereuioiiy "as einle«l; .Mr. ami 

“Why don't vou go out awhile if niglit aud everything will go Avell.” .Mrs. Lewis Imd kissed und eongmiu- 

V(.,. f.-.d like if-” Kln.e.- WalsiaKl,,.,.. I.a.l ..ever sc. l, »!"'''"‘V 

you iM.i iiKc II. s* clothes wii-H seemingly alMUit lo pro- 

‘*1 haven gi>od miml to. Is the If»ahel at her hest, and yet he lia<l nounee u blessing u|>on tlie newly 

(«rav Kagle in?'' admired her. t’onlldeiit that lie married pair, when suddenly he lifteil 

.vl.icl., reawakemsi l.y H.e pro-sp.-et ,|„ ,;„i’l,e .,h.r’.„.-d; \V..lsi,„.|...„. l,..s ''Yes......1 P. Kive you all you »„uld .,o louder have H.o pow, r lo U| 

HAY &C. Van de Water Clothes Washer almost evi'ry thought and deed wa.- 

Kiklllll H'oVllllllltll DPIlIlt* 111! R' O '>•>' one of kindness. Knowing, however, 

BUIIlll Xll jimnioli IM.|Mri8 ,utt tif.ioiiahU '»ml lirtti.f- .. . whatever lui'dil he hi> mu le'? 

that it was about lo he gratified, laid letunied; he; rode from Mie dejiol lo 
gained entire eotilrtd of him Avhose the liotcl Avitli vonr parents this even- himt' 

Do you want to take 

annoy her Avilli his ulteiitioiis, slie did 
not feel the llcce^sily of repelling him, 

ing. I am surprised that you Imve 

I rather think I will. Yes, have I and he heeaiuc* mure faseinaled Mian L.ijiffrcd all ifietie years in vain! You 




0HILDBEN3' PI0TDRE3 a Specialty. 

Six IliiiHlriMi t'orilN or 

«ill tlioiGiiahU W;fli«’l"tlitnu 1411*1 .1 

iKiiil lint’ll <*1 • '••r» *l«'»«' 0 |ili*»ii wllliuiM lilt- ti-f t)f 

Itiiv t.ilitT i hi’ ‘H*’'' U«'*H ••tmimi'U 

ill 'l;iik:‘'i' 'I'miiiiii* -• ''i *'in ili>’ tiiiu'. w itii 

1. -« tulxii. .uxl willi I*’** wt-ar tn llu’ t-htllii’' tli.4ii was 

iiitv wu»lii’f Xft wliili* 

TIIK rilicK l.s ItKI.OYV .\NV (»TilEU. ’ 

It >. <liii,»l*l.'. If imr Hi.**l'’«»l till *ir t’*.piH r. m>t aft' 
li.ltil'- f** « *>Hl “I I l“ i'i fi4.*n I* 

Wiitl.'lM’iiitf ilif »c*“d- •>■■ •** *•*'■ * 

... till’M u’lim‘ *»«Hl •‘al’*- »"•* c.iii Itv m* 

ntll -Ml''ho luivf H«t'U 

u iiiif't lo it- •iipfiHT I’M I iirtiff. th;i 

T. B. VI^TO^, wr 

im.MNTREE. M.Vss. 
tirilcr’* tliit'i’lt'il u« It 1*04f niU m*i-l with , 
liroiiiiit rtJI<’iili"ii- As it 

lluil wimtever luiglil i>e hi> miele's his regards to yon, though it may lie 
motive ill urging liim lo do what he th,y intend tlie ncAvs t>f his arrival to 
was hiiimelf determined to tIo, Philip, |,(. u pleasant surprise. Your fatlier 
as M>oii as he returneil to bi> room came to the stable after supper and 
after taking tin* horses back t»» .Mr. told me I nuetl not get the Intrses 
Folstim's slalde. wrote a letter which from Mr. Folsom's toiimrrow moru- 

not lieaiil *>f it, fur 1 heard liini send s.ithlled. n-Kunls to vou, tl.ou^'l. it .....V l.c 

11 ,;. ..f l,Namv-..llo was oiveu, .....I tl.e l,o.-,c was so.... 

brought to the iloor. 

ever. Hut although her niamiergave 
liiiii great eiieolirageliieiit to hope that 
kis suit AAouId teniiiiiate favorably, 
bu was too wliu lu ri* 4 k surpriniug licr 

it* wav to Merrivale in less 

. you are to ride in the afternoon 

Pine, Oak and Maple. , 

— Al.i** — 

One Hundred and Fifty Cords of 




Al l. sl/K- AMI I.KMilll'. 

Whitij CciJar Posts and Rails; 

Trellis Posts, Bean Poles, &c 

\V(((m 1 «(“l »l*lll .(• ((rtter. 


II,; I , Wimie .so t .-t 

E.iST W El .TIOI Til. 

KK(H A rioNs. ! 

nr*. 11. E.4 1 SliiK- I 

.»* »1 l.K 

I < IM li I . . t ' ‘ ^ ■ 

Piograno'o-s ol Rociljtioiis 


and QL.A.ZIER. 

t*. 4 iiit». ‘ III**. \ .niiisli’”*. ni*»* ►**ilty. lil«i*’. A*'. 

■ <>iist.iitll>' oil'l 
.sIl*»U NK.AU UE'wIl>ENi E ON 

Broad St.. 'Weymouth Land’R. 

O' n 



.r XV .l I*. I'uiu.r* « ill. ‘ 

Un.u.l Hlroft. EASf WEY.MOUTII 

Mian an lioiir from the time it was with the geiitletnaii wlio slopped at 
written, ami w*)uhi, lie knew, reaeii the Claremont. I let him km)AA- Mint 
^le.^tinaliou Muil evening. I knew the gentleman, and then, with 

The letter AVi** very luief: a forlorn hope that il might li-af! lo 

heor I'm'U .hn: T!ii‘ die is east, mv getting a eliaiiee to s|>eak with' 
The lady love*4 the groom and Avill I said that U aNingham is flread- 

'x Mrtrlis" *“•'1 ."\ "t" ■ fiill.v parliculnr. .itid Hull if I liml 

Aml'.-m,M I.e have se.-n'IH.'.-Ie Wn-’Wii ,V“ii w<t- U-ii...- 1“ ri.le will, 
wliot, ll.o-e lilies w.-n- .-c.-eive.l l.y I'"''- ' 

I,-,,.,. Philip would have had..o.loul.1 .... 

. He is Mil verv jiiixu>U'* that you fiitall 

‘ Verv hiu- ril.e' aflemoo,, I’l.ilip ■"■' “'T'-'”' “f 

was hifonued Ih.., M.-S. Laveuporl ,..yl..r.lWalsil..'l.',y r.-p- 
de,h-edll.eea,-riace.assl.ewis|,.-.l,o alaHon a-“ 2.'oou. sl.all ..ol sutler, 
OO to H.e depot to ...eel I.. r l.usl.a..d. """ "■ '1'";'^ 

Isahel. with tl.e k..o»ledue of wl...t l.""<'l' > “f 

Sl.e p.o...ise,l to -lo. eoul.l lake uo 'I'- If*'"' f'"- 

|,|e..-u.e i« H.e s.K ietv ,.f .,f 'OU lo.,„.n-ow after,...o.., 
pareuts. aud sl.e |,l.-..ded fati-u.- as an Is d.el, I.ehl v.-ry close ... ti..- e.u- 

ex.-u-e for re,,L' at l.oi...-, l-raee of I’liilip. Iislei,.-d auxioiisly to 

I kuew tl.c-Kei,,,a..,l •'‘■'''I’ """ , 

a forlorn hope that it to the eloek slruek ouu l.efore he aroused | 

,„v p-tti„o a el.auee to speak witi, 

--1 will lake some of tl.e spirit out tiy iiiakiii),' a proposal of ii.arrii.Ke to 
of liiiii,” said I'hilii. iis ill-SW.IIII; into Ho-first lime- Hull sl.e faileil lo 
till'saildle. '-Tell .loin, lo look for repel liiiii; mid liut for Hie kiiowh-il^'e 
me iiIm.uI Iwo o'l hs-k." Hial sl.e pos.e.sed of (lesi;;i|s and 

-•Take your own tiiiie," said Mr. of own iiileiilioiis. I-ahel would 
p’olsoiii, .is lie i-mle away. l.ave fell lliat Iheir lide was a very 

I’liilip did take mu. lime, for delij^lilfiil one. 

lo Imil l.eei, li.w liilliei- s eoiieiimiiii , l,a,tiseiiii-iil iiillietid ou Qualhili and otiier liiddeii (laugers, the porU 
1 l.e . ereuiouv y. . ; Mr. and uuav.dd..- we have Is-e.. i„.-t«oof then., Bau- 

rs. Lewis h.ul kissi d anil loiignitu- „„j ju.i. „|„i that u will lit- tli<- tain aud Batavia, among the most 
e.l till- hride, the iii.iii 111 an.) j,ivi„o security to our eom- sickly,-thnt we l.aveein-umnavigated w,es seemingly aiM. t to pr.s laTnaa,,..,./, at least for Hu ghda-. and l.ave Iwen iu eveiy 

i.oum-e a hless.iig u|m.ii Hu '“ « ■> a Imig time to eoiiu-.” I.eaviiig So- elime fn>iii 41 = North latitude t..42® 
iiu.rrii-il pair, wlu-i. smldeiily lie lifted ,l„. p„|„„iac i,a-sed the. Strait South, that ite l.ave cross,.! thec.|ua- 

up Ills haiuls, while a strange, uii- ,<a,„ia, and ou tin- way from Ha- tor live time-s. ex|wrii-iiiing every 
earllily expri-ss.on was seen ii|Hin Ills Miieao, Mr. Olin-r, lln- <'oni- vii-issilude of wcallier and wind, from 

file.-, anil (-xchu.m-.l: , , iii.,.lore's private seerelarv. di.d May ...hi lo h.-al, and from .-.aims lo heavy 

••I’an I’aiihne. Ihave n..l l.ved. , ,,, .-onneelion,’ it ...ay li gale..-a...l yet, that with all the« 

(T.-ri-.i all Ihi-si-)e..n> in vain, i ou ,|,a( j,, Dmoher the t.oiiiiii.slore . xisisurt-s tl.e-hip has not sulTrred 

t will he reveiigi-.l, m i.I to me from Vidparai-o tr-J-'ts T*;. tl.e-lightest injury. nii.l not a man 

ri.eii he fell appureiillv lifeless uis b.H.ks, .Va-., lo he (.aid to l.a- hf« n hs'l s,-ri.,usly injured,— 

1 I hi. IliHjr. Ml, Oliver's sister; anil lie wrote,— land that we have Iiad upwanls of 

i hilii. spiling lo liiiii. u.i.l raising ,L„ured any ineas- -. venlvi-asesof-iuall-|s>xginduutona 

■s lieiiil. sliiiiu.ig lln- whole fail- l.s ^ Im^inj, eliarily for il« ol.jnt, fal.d; 1-ay, wli.n I ri.l1ccl (mail this, 

ilorless as Hml of .1 i-orpse, he said: yi,ur cheerful aid, I and lliiit mv dear son was restored 

••I)ear,ileiir iiiieli-.liH-. Oil, spi ak 1 ,,^,. („i^,.„ (In- liherty to send you from a |H-siilential and deadly fever, 
, , , , Sg.-JU. a donalion fruin tin- oUiiVrs n.v heart overlluws with gratitude I i 

.Mr. I.ewis, iilwavs calm aiid .-lear. j poloniiw, for tl.e e.l- (ii'NlfiirliisgrealgiMsliiessiiDdiufrcv.” 

Vfl will he reveligetl!” 

uu the lluur. 

i'liilip >*pi:(iig to liitii, ami ruining 
hi** head. Hliuuing (lie wbole face a<t 
eolurle:*?* a*< lliiil uf a eurp**«’, he naifl: 

••I)erir,«li‘ar mule .bH*. Oh, fpeak 
lo me!” 

Mr. Lewiri, ulwitVH calm aial clear* 
headeil. ^uiit at oiiee fur a phyMieiaii. 

(*f her own illtenli«)n^. Label would vx lio. after an exuiiiinatioti of .loi 4 epli 

fell that Micir rule aau?' 

governor Ava.*> AAatcliing f*»r 

,\rtiold. *aiH. llnil. thoitgli fife wa>* 
iKit extimt, tlieri'Wsu* very little hope 
that he VAituttlever «peak again; ami 
Fbilip pie*)*!'*! the niifht of hi* Wed' 

klien riiilip -law the g.iveinor wluU he ?*aid. feeling Miankful. how- | 

! « nier the l urriage. lie Ava** glml that 
N.ibtol (li«l remain at Imme. for the 
i :: 4 )V 4 rm'r wa** a> e‘»mi>anied by hi-' 
■ friend Klim r WaNingliam. 

eN« r tliat **he lii'ani lir-l from bi** lip** 
))f ll»e danger tliat llinaleneil her. 
Wiien he panned, slieelmig to him a- 
if **lu' Were »*nre he e 4 )uld ami wouhl 

'I'mIrIo 4 ipm., . mid IMiilipheard Wal'inghain 

w ki.t i.*' ,i„. nn-ringe; 

: •* N**. not ttniiglit. tiovernor. 1 

i,m-t w rile-'*n.t‘letter** ami attend to 

» ,l - J-L-l-Sl several otlier inaller** thi» evening; 

.MAI *l‘! .\N 1) K I'ri'AI U I'.I) HY Mtiit tomorrow you xvill ““e m*. I h.ill 
^ lili \ I V» ‘ m»”***age to you. ami. nn- 

' Vv * . .X ^ * 1’ I b> ar fr..m \ou to tie eontnirv. 

J . •». ij S \ IU. . ... . 

„ 1:4 *l*»l I'll Mill 1 11 : 1.1 live II 1 -ei . I .IS. pn- 

;-=>'111 inv regariU to \our daUgbtiT. 

Fggs Itir llaltiiiiig. '’!A!.dmuIi;d," 

T. . iv* tlo m, ’Mionghl FL; ip ' 

L'' “ \ I . ii,. ha- .1 bftii. I -le^k* imm too 

\ . uss .4 ’“in. ;iU'l m'‘'*t be t'» a'I -R 

ifiiH%i:i4 A. 

I ij N \iu: 

\% t.\ VMM I II I. %Mkl\C;. 

Fggs fiir llattiiiiig. 

-lopped at tlie 

,4lit I pr»>teet her. amt -aid: 

OllOVI* '111** «»*»*<»l*" 

1 U VM 


m>m tiHi, 

I to ai t .It I i“A\ 

•Mu**t I go Avitli him. IMdIip?” ’ 
“I am -orrv to'•av that 1 think il 1 
mav la* be-t. Vi>n euimot refu*‘e 
witinmt making your fatln r I* riibly 
aiigrv; and iilllmiiL'Ii w e Imvi- m> rea- 
<«on tt> reganl bi« xAi-lM'-*. I -Imiilil 
the (dTeet up>m >ou, lltough >**11 have 
got good * onr»'ge I think \*>n • an 
heller hear th»* «’oiiipany *>f M’.dsing- f*»r ail hour »>r ixxo ” 

‘ Itiil if. em «*nrag''‘i 1>V mv a‘‘ «’i*t* 
.inee. h*‘ -iM'tihl in.ike lhal |.rop**-.ii 
that I mu-l «t 4 '« !vm 

Fill liim >ff; tel) Itini Aim mu**! 
)ta\* tini’ "IO’ ii.ix. !*' iom 'h r h:» 

I olfe: Lit him hop*-, it he will, for a 

hoi-'ie he rod*’ fliowe*! very pliiilily 
that he Innl iieeii driven far and fani. 

tioVi-rnor Davenport waH In a giMwl iium to 
di’ul of fiouhl l.ow hin ineH^age to Na- YVaNingh 
lie] from Klmer WaUiiighain xvamltl 'd»j* el to 
be reeeived, I berefon* he did not allow 
hi?* wife to pr«’-i nt ^Val^•lnghaln’^ re- over; 

gan)’*. as ^h<‘ liml lo’cn re<pies|i<d to. tonight.'' 
nt>r liiinsi’lf ib’livei liix im’?*'*ag*'. I’‘ahelf 
w hull Avas a reiple-*! tliat >*lie wouhi 
lioiior him by allowing lilin to li*!** you lliaF 
with her. until the next morning. Mo- a 
Ami very forlunat** avuh it bir N ibel t ight i»’i l 
that she hml l>e*n fttrewarned. -latidahi 

‘1 xlioiihl not have uteeplitl .Ml. I .Yiii<»)d 1 
Walsiiigliam'- invitation a month ' .ery tire* 
I igo,” slu‘ "ai*!. ’'ftir I p*lioiilil not liav*- | mother 1' 
. wiwheil to tlirsplay my aAvkAxanlm Vu 

))efore him. My reta-nt praetin lia- ' Seilh* 
giAfii me more eoiiiitleiue. ami axIiIi hir Axife 
what .Ml .\iii*>lti Axuh kimi enough h* I'*ib*’l aai 
, impart to me hi't e\eiiing. I think I *I|.,oIiii'd 

inay m et pi it *' 0 , 0111*1 1 

Ib-i tatlier AAU’w ilelightei) xAilli lu r iii>bii iiig 
unltHikitl'for et>mpliam'e AAith hr I that ihe 
wi-iits. and tlatt*’ieil himoell that h*- '\yi***,* 

had direttxei* *1 in lii** plan ol alm**-l p 
-ttiitaiy «••iiliiiemeiit ami .1 dot ol an 

hnatlaml water, u Hine tni* f«*r .t '. ipaixl 

refrm l«'rv ’piiil III a tl.mght* r Ibi* •‘"•“‘•'i' 
. I I . .1 1 b-rtV*- 

th*' govermu *1111 n**t iIh-ii km*w aiiA- yy,.||| no 
iliXig a)M>ut :b« infill* ii< « th.ii iingiit , u* 
'•*■ * xeit*tl )•> a A**uiig, giMHl !* ■ ill-/ *«tiom'l 

gi'Kiiii. '! ■ “f 

‘I'o aAoi ‘1 any p**‘ ildlnv of a ii - - ‘j!i| 
und* i<*t.iii‘iiitg. If wna. M m*«*' l«> u, u Uh 
I \Val«m,;liam, latiug MuU l»a)«el wu~ ' loii 

their return, ami was miteh gratified iling in aiixioii'* wateliing )H*-ide Mm 
to ob->*‘rve that both s«’emet) to he in RimIv of tlie one wlioiii. next to hi 

giMHl spirit*. Fhilin wunoii haml to m w Iv iiiiuh-l*rifle, he lovatl more tlmii 
tukt* charge of tlie iit>r?*e« and return ;u)v .tiie t*n the eartli. 
till III to Mr. I’oUom'?* slalile, ami If .lo-eph .\riioM *'ould tiave heani 
YVaNinghaui fell too well salisiietl to Mo-opinion expr* s*.» d in regard |f» 
ohjecl to Jsahe)** grtM*m's taking her inifiM If hy tin' ib-athfi* !•! dm-torf he 
from lier Imfse. Hill a* lie did ^o she v\ ould haA e thought; "lie e*»uld m>t 
toiiml time to say t«> Inm: " i am glad know that ih-ath wmild not toiieli me 
It if* over; I Avill tell you ail a)M»ul it until my vengeance wju* tumpletid.” 

[ I ‘ • i.jttmucd.] 

ami crew of ibe IbfioliitW, for ibe ed- 
I* ueatioti uiul, as far a* may he al*s(o 
"J!.* luleU m ce.wHary. lor ll»»' xupport <»f 
I "'“•Micr cbildr* n of Mi. Oliver. 1 

' J ji Imve to reipiesl that you anti Mr. 
AA‘»-d Fordia will make siuli *lis|Hw»iii«»n of 
,Y ’ it us ill your jiulgim iii Audi iiio«i i-un* 
I triliute to the giaal *»f Mm' children il i* 
',1 *, mtend«'d l*» ai*l.’* 1 wr*jle !«» him. 

.Marcl* iKgt, lhal 1 lia.l paid .Mi** 
.1 Oliver,and i4<Uled." You jmlg* *l rigbi 

1- tMNiforhisgreut g«HMli»^ssaod tufrev.” 
o The Foloiiiue Kiihil from Vafiia- 
>f lai-M in Fei»niary, lKt4. and arrived 
1 ill Ihrotoii May ami ipiite a Urge 
r. vohitne wa>* puhb-hed. giving the |*ar- 
*f lienUrs of her cruiv. 

4* ( I imiuNior*' llowiie** had charge of 

1* the Navv Vanl at Flmrlistown. from 
I. !*<>> to ami ugaiii fr*>iu 1*4^ to 

•s D.'d. Il<-then purfh.4-*li a in 

1 Mount Veni*>!i -u* et. < harle -iwu, 

ly ill r« gurl to my williliglM = - l*» aul. wia re h** fe-ded until hia d* • eaiw, 

»•*» fai a* may Im-III my |H»w* r. Ill I ar- .\ngn-i 11, 1'^^- .V few da\” pre* 

ryiiig iiit*» * If* » l the pr.iiseworlliy cf AM*m»lo ihi^ eA* iil, I failc*i at hi* 

Puts ol yiairsclf .m*) yitiir olli* *-r?t an*l: rt-nlem> . ami nn ^-liiig iLshop 

Daliei oil returning toberr<Mitii wa* 
met b\ Kaly. avIm* said: 

‘Mr. Arnohl wisbe*! in*’ to suv to 

, t of Uir 044* U* 

crew, for the hem-lit of Air. t diver = 
family; and the gratilieutioli ihui* at- 
folded III* is- nim h im r> a**»l. lo eauo- 
what 1 may do in tin- matti-r i* in ai- 
! itmluiM e with vour wish* *, and m 

•'.All. .ArilOMl wisiieii me 10 sax o* i , , • r\ t i c bt 

ymi that th** man will be nioly' f‘>r 1 Commodore John Donnes. U S. Navy. 

iiie r*-sl *>f tliosi-tiling" any lime after ' 

I igbt o’l loek. 1 supp**"e yon nmh r- I 
wlaml ahout it.” | 

•Y*-s. Kaly; i*. i" all right. .M. , In .> 
Arnold !•* very Mionghlfiit. I r*-«-l av.*- l** 

,erv tire'l after my rid*-. .\-k iiia ; I Wi 
ilM'lher to sfiid me a eiip of 1* a. aiitl , i.itil D' 
hi have me exi Usei! from eolllilig . lalioli 
{tiAAii again llii- * v* ning ” , 'I'li.nik 

Neilla-r .Viitlnniy D.iveiip)»rt imr ^ sr.iinl 
hir wifi- MioUglit il at all sliaiig* tliat .ix.iil 11 

|tc«-<*llr«ll«ilia of «l* (let*iKeiu«rl«li. 

i-tmluiM-e with vour wish*-*, ami m nMnl'*r* . I riius 
eoniieelioii willi your hem-A>»l« lit d* • I w•.iild to miia 
sign- I liave coiiveriied Very fulA ir*- ‘U m 
'rhoiims 4 ooli-. H* III) K tfiiveri 111 ami ihroiii 
.*1 '*.»)• III. -the uiM !e ami giiar* ..ili o| »iir -b = * 4 \ 

hum in the jar!” . we nt nj» into 
• -i’ I liuMilM-r t(*g« th/r. ^tiling down 
•> ihe ito-dsid*-. and iMRing th* Imml 
: oiir fnvii»l. tin- lbsh**j* • >. ■ 4 'fiii- 

tiMMior* . I riiusi -;’«fk i*» you, )ii'' 

1 «•itild to utiA iiiti-rpf-j r ifi'.«/. Wi- 

.1).- .'.1 (.CM. nil..: III-! iiirf 

- Ill ami ihroiigh •or 1<4 *mI and Niv- 

In, l^gl. tin* .M.K-edomaiiM 
Av.k- -ail for till- Fml*'d .^l.ites. *11111 I " 
IwikAiiaib lorelmii holm-. 4 .t|4- ’ 
i.ktii D**wm gav*’ im a «-oi*lial invl* ' *' 
lalioli to tak*' )».is-.ig«- with him j ' 
'!*)).inking him foi hi*- kind <*fb r. 1 
• r. 411.1 that, with hi h.iv* I w.aild * 
.iV.ill lllAst II of it. • oiiiiiieiM-ing at IL ! - 

the ■’hii*b<-ii. 
alia r jmii* ioii* fio ml .M; 4»l 

I,. * h.og* -‘f till- ' i'lr* 11. iiml ' 
lllAf tlliellt ihd ml* • ' '• '» a b-" 

.Ih .iiiiimd ap|<:**p*i.ii'"H "f • >». 

I ighi o mil* A*.ti ‘ ri*' 

.<1 4 ' d will b’ * n *■ IW. 
.,.,1 -• . 1 . W* .:i I. ' ol lit 

p. . se*ii ff ’III F**m*Iii 

• ii,j, -; >111 of I'.*- • n 

.il) '- It wII • aiima • - 

. I. Il* II *' *1 i b.i ' . 

, . al l- • 'h i»ri* 

with .Mos4-s firani. itiid .lOihfu iml aff* 

I-.i(m- 1 AAiis faiigm d ami <1* -*11* *1 '• ,4 m .l.iiM-ii 
hti'i**oni. III fuel IhiIIi W4-ie so mm II I .(4 ai 
grulilixl aaIiIi Mm- he)ii f tliai lla-V 
’•Iioiihl liaAe m* iiioii •liilhiiltv 111 II*. .\ 
iiidm-hig )e I to .0 4 4 (.1 \\ ,il*mgb.mi. . 2.4..iid 
t lhal lln A l)ai| m> :«h t*» ini* rf* r» 10 I 
illi la I 111 HiiA AvaA ■ I ; ■ = : 

\V la II the lb.“I; trm k « ighl. I'ill-* I. . b< t»* 

; li.iA ing pri-A i»»li»ly mil a ah- la-l *^i*lmg ; ! al 1**it iimi *lo Mil III IS* If toi la ■ .m- m * » f 
•. i|.al*il *lep4irim>-. . a\* oiM glim* i; 

.4t<4iiml th*' o*om Avha-h sla- w.; .ibimi , .1 . 

111 have iiiai p«'‘'haj* f*»HfA-:- aial !»i-* 
w*-nl no'-'b dM.‘.n ih* ■laii gin* t f 

I'saliA us«-il I'A lh»* •:'*.:i|il* n"ia of ' 

ahoiilshe met. howeve r 'ri*' >* i**' ; ‘ 

<! - of th* la»u •- was not ?ii«i*n*«l 
ji>:’l wla n stie oj d it *be aw :| <F 

Pb:’ , •! .iialilig h*- tal *'* hv . t >it ih 

iti 1 % b>w toll* Wial t 

(••I luuild l«> ''*•* rigU‘ of thd I uuin: 

III*, a- I wi-lad t*i 
ill*) tlios* mmi* n 

• II .M>-iol**/<i ami Hu< 

iiii* **1 

• Hr.- «. 


‘i-*“ li.lA) I * 
III* Ml I -O' 
ii: ;!it p • ‘ 

Ha* l.m 
Mat 1 iit'glii 

! m! \|. ,1 

M .1 

:i .1,:., N..| 

•mp; -V il - 
huh'.kd mo 


■ . FRIDAY APRIL 2 1880. Ihc mnj'iri'y i'n I'rj>- f• "win lUlley" »ii<l »»rnr plooufnt >lli- wont, iliey provliln* iitngrnniin* replpts 

PNIUAT.«rMIU lPrllonlIo, ^ ^ U Will imi ley ry , *,„h’l„t/rr,l. Wl.lln riirnl.I.InK Ih.t 

licnns nti.l Ihr IVmisylvnnm .Ifiii.)- At h «|h*cI»I inostln* of r.«t W, A. c«uf*«'>y *>•« K«*- “f- ^ wliich It mitcHhI l.y lli* l.•hlm« of Iho 

Ma .1 II lUTr... ’ri,,, SlK-nkcr ft n ltl|r'> K., Inti HnunlAy p»pnln*, It w«t ?oIihI whnncciipinl IhcpnlpIltbrniiKhniit i|,i,y , iiotn wIili l«- 

.Ipnim riil. iiikI Init mnclfini llio Wiiyt |„ Hpproprltfistlif iiwittry *111011111 of rt,y_ X »ery Iwaiillfiil batkel of himl In tlie w*y of novrlilM. fl’'o>«- 

i.i!''ii.'iii 111 " WtvHiii Tii iiAK.TTt. »■ siir I...! ,.|,nii|i||trr |o kill nil li'U- ,„„„ey from ilio cliarlty fniid to rn«l>|p fl„*er* «»» pltftd In front of llm »ll»r, c«rt will he folio*nl by « llrtml 11*11. 

I'HToisPtrrtitsvlH f.v,.„lo,. nb .1 liro I’ itlnlloii lookinR lownnl ff''®*'™'';' *•' r;omr*<le II. II. Ill»iicli*r.l, *n lnv*ll>l Umgifiof Mr*. K. Flthw. ’^tV^IHTri,ili*tMotir* fIromr»ii.l Noali 

! ?* .nrmlKTof * loomry * , Th^r'r'r^T... 


_^..uujui.iio amm WISTHOITTII. of Ihe concert, »nil the SiMsIety htte 

rrroril-. nnil the oilier, In «rlli.w .hr "r"’','.';; WHWOUTH. _ j.„on 

‘•’^hrr^loronbi.'lnle;: : r,h;'i‘.l:.‘;o:'‘;!:“in, .,rc..e..r* for Try the new .-rent Cl«*r •* Town- Tj^^JjlTFrld., e':; ... * PI^nonn^Hl o» Mr- o'r.r.Mrirvlr^^- 

.•Inhnt the tvl.ole nlfnlr lo linvi- .j., yr.rt, I. to plrr . tolo .t !»*te Whee- wn.l'* ri'.T’loir;!:;;; tid"iltjnl.r UroJ.' ft .reyldei.rjlf hi. I.rgc-hey.ednrt. 

hocn Mnrhml:» nbmit X»lj>in«' >' ier*» iinl concwl. Mr. Wlirvl^r will hI-. fHi»4»F KlVo^ wer« lhi> nnler of ^lle CTenuig. 

has deeldeil « few ''''"Jf'j-"*:'’'"';; Imr.-liic* * new Rea.ler to hi. andl- Wa. obw-rred In the Con,^l Chi.rch-hh ^ I r,.!:': :^l'ki:L"t^e*"lmuE!Til TuJ.T.y 


Mm .1. II. lUTr.A. Nrtf«j*ii|>rr 4*lTrri|.ini 

Wntl. 4t I'Arlt IlnU'IHiH.) N*** 

hnn ilcrMnlii fow liowcver* 

tbnt nru imnortanl nn rrvrnlinji ln«* 

ibe AIiIioiik" 

Ihr mnjHri'y l«diHn<HTn!iP*it n 
Ipctlon lIouHC, mn<Ir up n pHlH f*- '' 

licnn^ niMl Ibn IVnnvvlvntim ib-mtv Al 
Tbo S|»**nkrr \n n bi^b InrifT 1 

HO liiiriHluce • npw Rpailnr to hla atidl- 

.. ^ tra fimliilain IHPir noni oii|w»j»ni»r iBTor. "r. . -..nrprlatn ind 

^^ridr^^e^rinlherwichiirch-llh "■* ..* 

tome fine tliiRliiK by Ihe choir, iolM be- gre lo alee their annual coiiwrt In Mii- e7enin“t'h?n‘the fommllir^^^ 
lug nicely auti* by Mr*, n. 8. Ie.»ell and aic 11*11 on Fait eTcnliig. A* I* Iholr 1,0 preienleil; 

/ItiiI. PAPra losv In f.vt.l.l OH tllo Ol 
ifolPRLf. a ' o'. Ni'W.|.«j*pr A.liortl'lna llii..M'i 

(10*J™.p !*t.) ...o'ilrH"- 

ho mmlo for 11 I'l Naw Vohk. 

jt,.llj!lit.'tt Hviii|.lomt. h wm n^ilemj ,„,„,„.r „f ,im r„,i. to make a j.mrney Tb.yer hare Jiiil purclia.e.1 a T.liiabb. 

'I' fo .i • fio rrem'lhllcnii view n ile- I" I" '‘"P* efferllng ^„py o,epi,Ip|t farm of Improreil laml In lll.rr»lde,(;*l. 

!.i,'l(.il vic tory. Tiie Towntliend bill J'''of the f.'ong'l church neat Sabimih. ;V.rim7c*t7i?i.hlp* ^ii.d h«™o"m ^ 

will be Plmnizlecl in rnliinillli e, iincl ha* made arrangcimeiil* with the rallroau Hey. ||. W. F.ldredge and family left jig p*r cent and It coiiitaiilly riaiiig. 

Alin Ur ICUIVTIPAV IFTTI'II win be .Imnizlccl In enliinilllee, nnd ba* made arrangcimeiil* witli me raiir a ||ey. ||. W. F.ldredge and family left 
III 11 WllMlIltwIvll libllullt beyond the lott of llireeiliiyt vnliinlile rompaiiy whereby the Invalid comrade „„ yvodii**d*y,f»r their new home 

” * . f. . » _1 I.A InietPJtIV a _ _i -* _ •p.ol.a.iAAl f A *>A 


tiino, llJ» funeml will not be InrKoly ^ni Im* eorurryed nl a rHuced fare. 

jUlciided by cillier friunda nr fewH. . . . -- 

( AltL. iMa SFawmIa 

lie Hall on Fait eTenliijc. At la ineir Ik. presenleil: 

wont* they provide a progranime replntf* | Oraan .Holo,f)TerUiratoMaMaiil«llo, 
with liilaml. While liirnlahing that 

which It eiftecteil by llie hahllim nf the i ijnrui, “Slrcperi, Awake! a vnlce 
roiicerl r»Hfin, they tMifii not a wbU Im*- ^lining,” Hl.l’aiil; MendeltiNihi*, C’liolr 

hind In the way of norclili'i. The con* .j **There it a gn*»»ii bill far 

cert will be folloae*! by a tiraiid Ball. »way,” Uoiiiiod, Mr. *1. Frank Torifr. 
Parc l i a ae. ., 4. fb?fna and Prayer from **l>er Frelt- 

W'c learn that Mettrt. fJeorgeand Noab clniU,” Von Welwr, .MittV. .Mainard. 
Thayer have inti piircliated a faliiabh* .. Keadlng, “King Uoliert of Sicily,” 
farm of Improvetl land In lllver*lde,(!al. |,o!iBfellow,(wltlirlioralniiitlccomi)o«cil 
Atpreteiitreal estate It “Ixfomlng” In |,y || f>„w.) 3lr. Heo. B. Ford, 

that little townthip. leand hat gotio up |>etcrlpUve Sons, **<!harlie Mtrb- 

Jk3 per cent and it conttaiilly rltlng. com|M>sed by H. M. Dow, .Mrt. I/.ng. 

Mew Tack Mill. 7. Hiipt, “tpilt eat Homo/' Subat 

.. ‘tt M ».aai... hu rMMwikll ttrlng niaimfacliirert,are now occupying 
Bar. Mr. Hall preachea hit f Kiifut (fiblit't thop and projHfte 

termon at the M. K. church neatSunUay ^ (Ack mill April Itl. 

How Hie Monte of Beprettolallvet wran- rp^.ariT 
giMl for three ilayt over m rorrerlltiii of I M 

Ihe Jffitraal.—llow teveMl menihFrt 1 U U 11 

liMt Ihelr temiieni aoU other* ffMiotl 
tlteM.-~Tariir anti free-lraile. eerswe jHnMinf., 

ttnaeombe and HIneler. 

lVAaHrNf»Ti>.s, Mnrcb ‘ilt, 

The livelieal debaWt timl Ims y<d oc- 

_ \ .VOO. The Vnw«» people 

- - Qf Pir#i Unlvertalitt Society have 

Town and ficiNity. zr.:r.r"?,.rt.”; 

* _ colli 11*11 next wi'ck, and wc are Indrbt- 

al <N*M|nF. •“ 

The eighth annual m.Kinermle h«ll mltlce, for »ii InylwUon lo he pre*en'.— 
.en by fbdidil l.o.lge. Kniglil* of fy- The b.ll will no doubt lie crowded next 

afleriiimn, and * lure feaat will iHiciir in If u„e thing fall*, attack mmetliing yn, |>eaae. 

the eyeiiing. ^ .Sereiiade. 

Key. Mr. Ilracey, a former pMlor at Moiid.xy iiiorniiig, after'i o'cbwk, some 
Ihit place, hat receivwl an app<nnlineni pg;rj,,|, or perttms tlole $47.00 from the 

Meur*. Tlrrell A Merrill, the whilom Mater, Mlaaea Maynaril and IVase. 
ring maiiiifacliirer*, are now occupying g. (,'ornct Solo, Faiitaale on Ku.tlan 
r. llnfiis (flbbs's aliop and proiHi»e llymii, Arban, Mr. Walter F.ineraon. 
arling a tack mill April lat. p, H„ng, "My Ixjye and I," l.'lay. 

The Cheapest] 


keeps the 



Quality Superior 1 


to Faat lloston. 

el»e. Id. .Serenade, "The .Star nf I.nve," 

•Then. Wallace, Mr. Alfrril Wilkie. 

Mond.yy niornitig, after'i o'clwk, soiiie |f_ iteaillng., "That Lillie I’leee" and 
perooi nr persons stole A4T.U0 from the "'pbe Adrertlsemeiit Answered," Mr. (>. 
iHickel. of Ihe teamiler* einployeil in 11. ], purj, 

C'nsliliig'a .Wide. A* llietc I* a big dog Vj, ||a|la,|i " Whal will yon do, Leve,” 

gi.eii by Helplil r,o.lge, Knlglil* of l*y- The ball will no ilou 
Iblas, at the Town Hall, pnoeil In liaone Wcloeailay eyening. 
of Ihe moat aiicces.ftil eyer bebi by Ibem. 

furml 111 the prcHeiit ..'."Ion of Loll- Tbe party waa lelccl, orderly and 'inlet, Retwraed. . 10 , 

grc.«, waa iiiuugtinil.'il on iii'i" uy ,|ch, elegant ami rare, Ibe Mea.r.. Kben Mbeppard and .^lle W hile 

laat ami only ubwaij on lliiir.'l;i) , imineroin, Intere.led and returned home Wednewlay lait, from 

cvcfljlig after nil cxeililig elriiggli. of »P*v Iheir recent trip lo Cuba, having hail a 

three day,. The affair wn.''an inter- haPI’y- » of last week very enjoyable visit lo the tropic*. 

eating conical between tlii»lariff mill The evening of Friday of last week y ^ p y _ 

free tr,lie iiicn, rcaiilling in inleciileil mi. one of the moat dellglilfnl of the 

victory for the former, aii'l I'lncing ,b„ elemenl. .ecinlngly having beaiillfnlly deco, 

the imaaihility of nny rcviai'.n of llm lea'I- > f 

.. There- ™ 

. .. 1 1 —t-nahlng'a .Wide. Aa there la a big dog fg. ||a|la<|s "What will yon do, Lere, ’ 

Mr. A'liiingcoiiyeyed c|Ulle adelegalloii giiaril, thli bHika a llulc strange, bin '.imwii by the Oale,’’ .Mm. Long, 

of the Kaat Weymouth Iteform Cliih to t.'apt. Tliomaa it trying to iiiiratel the jg "i■aalm nf Life," I-ongfel- 

Illiiuham Wednesday evening, to attend tiling. low, .Mm. Ung. Mis.e.Mayii.irdAreaS'-.«. owi-rob. „ , , 14. Song. “Kmbarr...menl, Abl, ,1. 

Hit ■IIIIIYOI m J .Iiilgciicralliig the proplieti. .Some Frank !'»rtcr. , ,, • 

Mr Dunn, an empl<»yce In the curry* inior tlelinted wal«r fowl ilropixMl into ir». Christmas Jiong, written hy Ih*v..l. 
ii,<r liiatiartinenl ut (Canterbury A Has- Great Poiiil while on tliHr secondeiciir- M. Savage, music bv IJ-M. I)ow; Sliss 
ing di'iisrlinei l at t auter y ,b,n lo the 80111 I 1 . This farewell bii.l- Miynanl ."praiio solo, Mr. hincra.mcor- 

kell'a, wa. biirlen from hi.liome In Illng Carrieil loo far. net, i|narl.Ut by Ml..e» MayiiarilA Pea..', 

ham WciliicKlay afternoon. About 411 . , , . Mr. Wilkie ami .Mr. Purler. 





and CORN, 

r\ -TY 'T' T' Tt O LTMA BEANS, 

0 Y ST F n S STRING do., 

VI 1 -I -La Vkl blueberries, 

.1 e SALMON,_ 

3 lb. cans, 
3 “ 

12 cts. can. 
18 '* 

that can be found this 

1 .-.. Clirl.lmnsSong, wrllten by Ili'V..I. aiHo of 'Rntxf.rin 

Savage, mimic by II. M. Ib.w; Mi.. SMie iiOSLOn. 

ham WciliicKlay afternoon. About 411 „,|i„ ..... ... 

of Ilia ihopmate. from tlilt place atleiid- t’liloii Hall ThiiiwlBy evening, under p.lir"' Pr»u"'of*\ortli Weylmall'b’ Si"n ' vv"tH^"Tli7‘.vl7Ky.V'i"lm^ "'"I 
ed hit funeral. the au.picea of llie LmlleiSewliig Cln le. Mf- ^ e,.i,)r.ho. . . , „ 

eu uia luocrai. ivnii.. .a will their debut aiel W. K. Ilaker * .Son, "f me bniiil- k»,t ... 

Ur Ao.tln Pratt liaa muveil Into hi. Vi *■ 1 ii^l^iam ^ Ing, will run from llielr ii'S- n.,iimi \ 11 ."" i" tn. 11 ... 011 -. 

Mr. Aifitin 1 rail lias mov«i inm („ t|,„ ball ... 1^1. occMion. m-cilve vlllagi'., starting at a ipiarfr Im- lin.i>iTi.r.r,. Ti.u,..!.,,. ..n.| s.m„i,>.. 

iw bontc on tiraiit .Ireel, and 111. hoIIIs fore seven ami returning after Hie con- Tli.e-who il.-ln-He- 1 . iw lo i iM till i.Ua.e 

other, Mr. Lbarle. Pratt, I. about lo 1. ^.Iru Fare each way, t?n cent.. —' l""'''' "■ «'y" ""!'.'" "-I 

b.„,b Trinity charcli waa beautifully deco- ed hit funeral. 

,,re- rated f'lr the Kasler Mirvice laat .Sunday, Mr. Agitin Pratt haa movi 

lie-yoiiil niicsiionr ' ..".77 "I...f rotinie. »'"• Hev. Mr. Jerome, „„„ honsc 011 <Irani stree., 

'ifie eligagcineiit eomnielice'I 'hiring »" » '«S" ,! I ""‘I,! pieachcl an .ble'll.c"iirte from I. Peter, ,„„iber, Mr. Lharlea Pratt, is about lo la al'Khlng In. ire 

lhe ren.lliig«>r Ih. J'nirnal on Tues- parilclpaK'd in ib. exercl..'. an arr. »d The Oniimiinloii watcele- „ecl one on the same tlreel. a .. 

Iliv, whei.’iMr. (.'.niier of Michigan „f .,-ctator. I" on ;;y; ;,;.L:;Vi. the ... ami In the after- Twv.; “I 

eaflo'liiUenlion l'.t ic fact tlml alnll ,„enl. It Is Mllraate. Hial more than u.e Sabbalh SeIio.d held their 7.*'f'Tjj wu), the M E church held April 7lli, Tl.vU 

liitrojliuvil on Moinlav hy sMr. Towns- .v)()siH*ctalor»t)CCUpleil the ffallcrles stid , # i ,i « «.,».»# Mr (’ A Connected wilii their new itnirorms. 

L...I «r Illi.mU for'till, revision of . .. ...a..KmV..w«r fl.w.r f***llval, the Sup l, Mr. C. A. annual ineeiiiig hi iheir room on 'V‘" " 

iicss is being carried loo far. 

AfM-lal Daare 

I At Union lUii Thitrsilay cvetdng, 

I the auspices of the LodlesHewiiig ( 

Tritm< «irivi,'ii tlirtiMirh 

tiorliierii (Now llamiuihire) waters. 

The Holbrook liras* llMd 

Have |M)8ters out for a Concert and Bali 

April Till. TIiT Baud will appear in 

IicikI, of Illinois, for the revision of |„„rpr fl 

tlif* inrilT law liml been nt tlinl ;!eiitlc- 
matrs Instance rcfcrrtMl to the c<un- 
iiiitlce on the revision of tlin Laus, 
instead of the Wsiyaaiul Means. Mr. 
Conner would not ’•ny that n trick liml 

Music was furnished l»y the .Vmericaii 
Fifth Itegimeiit Band. From 7..ti> to 
H.;B> a concert was given, w lilch aas at- 
lenllvidy listened to l»y the crowd in at* 

iiiiiiual festival, the »up i, wr. l. a. nntiual ineeiliig in their room on 

CIn'ssiiiati, presenting his re|K>rl and Wednesday aftermH»n and elected the 

Ing, will run ofiinibuses fnmi their fes- N.iuni Wr-vMinxu. u.m*in, \n.nM«'ii-. 
|M*cllve villages, starling at a quarter Ih*- IiiuisTMr.r. Thui-.l.e- ..nd s 

Orders may be left at the Gro- 

A<tJoumcMl MeotlBir- 

hast Tuesilay evening the Tliird Uhl- eery Store of F. M- DROWN, 
versalisl .Society of Norlli Wcjnmuiii Wftvmonth Liandintr 
1 . 0 . 1 .! ... fk.iimirioad insHiliis in tlicdr ves- ^ esmaoutn uanuiLiK._ 



Horse Radish, Ketchup, 

Pepper Sauce, Capers 

Pepper Relish, Mi 



Mixed Pickles, 

HOIY walI-.'T’. 

Aibirc.w. were mode by the Kectiir anil 

been plnycl tlpuii Ihe Iiuiirc, hut an tenilanre ami pruvcil to lie a vry allrac- 
lliailverleiiee hail iiinlutlhli'ill.V "o live feature of the ••veiling. It rinui.te'l 
eurreil, mnl the journal ehoiilil be „f tbe following telcclliint: 
eorreetcil. The apeaker ileebli'il that , overture “Parllani,'’ llelllnl. 
na the joimial tiieonle'l what had a.'- "(IbdK-," (JiMlfn-y. 

timllv occurred, it was correct aitil * u it. „» ♦» 

need not he ehaiige.1. Mr. Town.- J. Clarinet .Solo, "Air et \ ar e, 

hoiid iiisisliiij{ that the bill Imd been , riioniloii. 

iiropcriv n^ferred, lirouglil up Mr. 4, Xylophone Solo, “Cordelia, 

U'*ed of Staiiie, wlio woiibl not for .Muller, 

narlinincntarv reu-^oiis *‘nv Hiat llte - i»,doiiais<*, “.rubil.iiim,” Berger, 
lull Imd iieen sniugi;Icd into the At llic clom* of the concert ilie grand 
Il.mae. hill left a deei'le.l'.ii ro,„i„enced, wbleli waaliea.l- 

iHi.'Ui the minds of bis bearer*, llial if ' . ^ ,.-,. 1 , 

following officers for the ensuing year: 
I’resident, Mrs. Josepii Sherniaii. 

Vice rresldent, Mrs. Cyrus Washburn. 
Sec'yATreasurer, Mri. Daniel Lincoln. 
Managers—Mrs. John Burrell, Mrs. 
.loseph Stevens, Mrs. Klcliard Sinltli, 
Mrs. Jusuph Cusliinga 

leir new iinirortiis. a,|j(Hiriied iiifeling in tlielr ves- 

Tiiesday last witne8S«sl the advent of a try, to hear tlie report of a coinuiitlee In 
couple of Kxodiisers who suid that they relation to supplying the ptilpit for tiie 
were sent to South Weymouth, to wall coming year. The meeting was ur- 
! on a grand spre.'id lo be given by the (L willi VI. V. l*ratt os Mmlerator, 

lift!) ^iibfrtiscmcnts. 

%***try MeetlnK. Managers—Mrs. John Burrell, Mrs. 

The aiimul iiiH'tliigof Trinity Cbiircii steveiis, Mrs. Kkbard Sinltb, 

p.*irish was held on Monday evening IasI, )]r8. Jusuph Cushing, 
when Him following officers were elected: Nitrous Oxide (ias for extracting 

Kdward Avery, W. S. Wallace, War- ^niioiil pain, preparwl and suc- 

ceisfully administered l»y J. Towiiaend. 

Goorgelt. Statsoii, C. .V Wallace, II. Kiireka IliM.k 4 Laililcr Co. v» 111 

P. Vallnuet, C. A. Chcmaii, .S. „ive a social daiicn lii the Eiiglim Hall 

_ _ __ .. .. ... . wa . _ 1 _ F't.aa-L-’a 

A. li. As no one knew of any Bucii treat Ami gXiigusliis Beals, (;ierk. There was 
except, iierliaps, llie su{qier provided ut very iiarinonioiis feeling niaidfestejl in 
llie Beform (Juh IbMUiis (liiclildiiig an the addresses made, and K. 8. Beals, 
eiilertuiiitiiefil Consisting of select read- Fltq. presented a motion in writing whicli 
ings hy Prof. Vose, and singing by Miss covered the whole siihjeet, his motion 
Annie Deane. N. F. Vininx and a very iHdni; passed unanimously. The last 

Heed, Ia. M. Pratt, F. K. .Slack, Vestry 

C. A. (diessiiian, Sup’t 8. Sclimd. 

S. W. Heed, AssistalilaSiip’t.S.School 

iihcrly .o'c"pr'7‘ hi7",:ri- "> >'■“ Kaigl'.., I" f'l chan,... 

v.itc oiiiijioH it H'ouidauioiHil luHouic- acctfriipanled by a lady in m.isk. ltd Miss S. A. White lias taken llie store 
thing kind. .Mr. Town.shcml presiudeil a pleasant feature atid made ,H:cupied by Mrs. K. Ambler, and 

roi*poii IimI in IIk* niiidc**! of parliu- :ii» iniiHi.sing apfH-rtrance. Much nierri- i||c millinery business, 

iiicnlury Icrni'*. by oxprr>iiiiir bii* ment was c.-ntsed as one after aiioilier nati,,^ Iweii connected with Hie nroins 

lie wen* nt liiierty to expre^w lii>* pri- 
v.itc opiijion it woiildamoiintloHouic- 
thing df«iluit kind. .Mr. Town.shcnd 

give a social dance in the Englno Hail muod. 
this (Frid.-ty) evening. Music, Clarks nook* 

Orchestra Can he conveniently prm'iired from tlic 

The public schools have been closed Tufts llbiary by leaving carils at W. 11. 
for L.n’^weeks Nosli's Store, aii'l they will lie carneil 

■ ii.v lioio nnd Iliir llie Laniliiig etery Tuesilay. 

Huy your Cidogne, Hay Klim anil liair » Merbydes. 

Oil at Townseml's Pbarinacy. IH-aih 

A minibcr of tbe eiiiploys in tbe cut- Has again visib'il us aniltak.'ii krederii 

:vs aiieliuiieer. 

CirrenlMirkM lit iin Oven. 

Uailier an iiii("rtiinateiK'curroiu'eba|i- 

Nanb's store, ami they will l«! carried to I'ciied one nigbl last week, wlier.liy Mr. 
ibe [.ambiia eterv Tuesilav. E'lward Sutton lost liis pocket book con- 

.Mi,,S.A.Wldlebasl,j^ken the sl.iri' ‘;;\,,i:;Vti/,ent in M. C 

SO long occupied by Mrs. F. Ambler, ami factory were discharged 


lias again visited iis and taken Frederick 

laining forty dollars in greenluicks ami 
some siM'cic. Mr. Siilloii amivvifewerc 
going away lo spend tiie iluy, and after 

Iiicnlury term'*, by bis w’us c.'iitsefi as oiio after aiioilier I 

pleasure tliiil Mr. Uccd liud becii kind appeared in their f.'iiil.istic unite, ami' 

«*in»ngli to ipiiilify Iiis oiiinion. in..-*- „r,.at curiosity was an»us»Ml and nnu lt 
nm.-li a-a iieilei t lo .1" ,1.,,,^ a, one after anoib.'r tri.d 

have c'unipclltMi liiin to di'iionin-i il»c ^ , , , 

asserli".. ae a .vilfiil fa!.cl.o"'l, ami I" pierce tbe disguise ami endeavor lo 
for feuf lluil be iiiiglil l»e !ni«*.»ppr.‘- place them its tiiis, lliaf or tbe otlier 
liembd. be availed liini-i lf of the op- fiieml, but to very little purpose, as was 
|H>rtunity to add ilial be wa** pernoti- f,Mind v.lten nature once more resumed 
ally rc-pon''iide for .any ci*n.-tnn tion j.^.j-sway. 

of'lii-ianguaire that liiigltt oc iii to ^ ii, Weymouib more 

theoeatlema.i fr.ea M.m.i'. rim it p. ... nfinaie- 

froin.M. rem,.rkcilinp,.:;c; uhe..s ri „'dook,m lom. 

llie i.-p.i.i-iliilllt of lb' , |,|,,nc,..l, when for llo- tirsl lime in tin- 

... "f '1'-' all ui-ame certain of llmir 

HefpieiM-u to biui. or l<» unyleMly i l-e. 

Fnuii ibi-* nl•»^l(•lll thing** !*e:;;tn to F.,i!f.wlt,g in.iy l.o bmmi s*»m*' -rMlie 
^row lively. Mr. Blurkliurn of Kni- represeiitali(»ii9.wiili llie vve.uei»'naim-s: 
lucky nime to the n li* f *)f Itin friend prj|,oe*i, Mrs. G. A. limit, 

from* Illimd-, »liiriiig wliicdi bu iti- (mke of (Hosier, C. K. Wliltien. 

for several years. Miss White will l>e ^ 

liappy to greet all former patrons and as jo^s In 
many new ones as tlirsire liur services, wlierc 
Site Is an accomplislied tnilliiiur, ami Imr 
elegant Slock slnmld lie examined by all 1’**^*^“*' 
ladies in want of lirst class goods. ^ 


31. E. C*dllcr opens Iter iiillllnory par- 
l(*rs in Merihaiil’s blfkck next .Monday, 

Vining, ilie son «>f Josepii Vining, IS taking wliat money iiu (lioiiglit lie niiulit 
year.sof age, wiio ilied lust Saturday, af- want lo nse, pul the pocket book willi 
ter a lingering illm^ss, of cmisiimplioii. the amount nl»ovt> stated into the stove 
Alnnit in years ag«» be received a kli-k „ven f*>r s.ife keeping. Tin* p**cki't bf»ok 
from a horse, striking liiiii in tiie face, was not tlioiiglit of that night, and In 
and for many days it was tlioiiglil Dial the morning u tire was kindliul hi tin* 
be coiilil not live; Imt lie recfiveriMl only ^love. Soon a peculiar smell was noted, 
to fall a victim to tlial feaifii), but the cause was not di'tcovcreil until 

&xid BALZ*. 


WeyiiKiiitli band 

V.ill uivi* till ir'lliirtv.aUtli .\ioiiiiil ( i.itM-tt nn«l 
li.iil. lit :^|ii*ir lltill, Sotilti Wi'k iiiiiiilli• 


.% 1 'rtii, will, 1 S 8 II. 

Till' II Old n Ui la* a>«i'trii to tl.f Snilnu ii>e iiitl*(«: 

HUNT «& CO.. 

Front St., Woyiiioutli Landing. 


.>l»ve<l. I 

Mr. JoliM Salisbury lias located in ids 
I new dwelling oil Walnut .Vveiiue, uud i 

lifts In Merihaiil’s blfkck next .Monday, be coithl not live; Iml lie reiMvered only ^ifive. »Sooii a peculiar smell was mded. 
where sbe will cxlilblt a new ami elegniit lo fall a victim l*» tlial fearful «li8*M»e, but the cause was not di'*eovcrei| until 
sUK'k of fasblonalfle goods, wlitcli her cunsiiiiiptioti, resulting fnuii a severe minike was seen eoiidng fnuii tiie oven, 
patrons arc invited lo call and cxuiiiiiic. mid tlial lie lo<»k one year ago. He was when lliey iboiiglit of llie money, but it 
A otieof tliose quiet, iiiiassiimiug young was too late: tlie pocket book and immc) 

C'.T.A-AL.A. a , ,, , I men wlmse loss all iinuini, and was be- were burned to a crisp, save llie specie. 

Tim ciiUTltiaineal am ball giyeiiln ,„a„j friemia. 

llm Town Hall last MoiiOay evciiiiiB bj .Mrs Fnbr liiii 

Urn C. T. A. *L. A. .Siaiicly. was in Messrs, (icorge Hnrgcss ami 

,-v.;ry ri'simcl a granil aucress, ami tbe I - • _ .. . J y Liz/ie coin liave pincliaseil suine fniir acres ol 

|K.enniary eiiiolninent retlizej ainoiinle.l caf, Ho. Mr. Ilewiil ^ 1.1 z/m ^ I Sanipsoii's 

Miss Fannie Sprague 

Tli« (ofi« d >..jiruii'i. 

Miss Lillian Shattuck Pai*"'- iii"'f; in;i'; 

Wo have just roct-ived a large line of 

l5iiiii*ini*’s of tbo laitont Styles, 

Til" I’lirirulli'd Vni:m s.dn 

EliRklil SmiKItt' IIITISTS. 8, 10, 12 1 . 2 , 15 10 up to so ots. per roll. 

7 1>. ,..e littli- Sir no udVHIlCc' nil fnrilHT |>rn*i 

l.'«>UI|ioFt'd ol Twrlvi- til >t t'l.lww l‘« I fol'IIHT'* 

ill I ovtHllln. 

Thi* ('"IH’*Tt kviU utid'T tin- di.fitiuu of f. 
I. Slit’oiii, l.nioti r. Vt’. I', ttiiiri ti. Iiiiri'tor. 

to ah.Mit $bJ<L The euturtainmenl con 

wived liiuHclf ill :i rontrovt.-r**) wiili i Duke of Biickinglum. Fred. Hall, 

tile “pc.ikiT, •lerbiring :it tbe doto Brigand <'liief, Wm. F. Thompson. 
Ill U In- w.dibl ulli-ml to certain r*;- I .Vineriean Clown, Warren B. Nyblie. 

preach tbe disn-ourse. An iiivitution is 
extended to the various churches, to ut- 
lend tiie service. 

mark of site I.-ilter at :i nnire ruling .siar of the Night, Mrs.t.bas. jV (.liilds. — 

op|>orlunity..iinii»bMiil again appeareil Tini..tliv VimV.aok’ K. II. Uyinxfon 

on llie face of the ni'i'iti. K'lr any Arllmr lloalamb i> expretcl tn supply llm pii 

language be b;nl 3Ir. Hhn kbiim Boy, W. F Haaeock. l.Tii*ui Cliiircb next Sabieiih. 

atinouin-ed bi!n-*elfpcr>unany rcepoii- .. .. James Ferry, Boston. ] __ 

Hiblc. After:ili:ile'*j.;irringi.eywecn ciurles II., Henry A. Burrell. * hU*d*om« ».lr 

Hie light Woi-glitH. Mr. (iartiebi Mung ciurles I., Eugene Crocker. ' i..hi, Ford has reoeiitl 

liiH CsL^tor into the ring by cnargiiig (Jentof Arons. Fred. I.oring, Mr. .Mm Ford has receuti 

lli.'it tin-rc WM-* n direct d*'ceplio:i tui Jockev, (*. W. Joy. Idslivery stab.o stwk a hue p 

Mr. Ttiw’u-'lieinl*-pan wlh-n lie intro-I Frem-ii riinress. Miss Kmiua Tirrell. nut liorses, B and 7 year oh 
.hi'i>.l tbe l.ill. II. re .Mr. T. pnl ..:i ! ."‘"'','.’'=''.'*’.1?,", tbe rol.l breezy weatber of la: 

hi. war paint an.l in ihninler tom . •*-“ * •>- 

iii<|Uircd win-i.ier Mr. (f.irlk-hl d.i.i «l | Fred, ('haitdh-r. ami being ex)Hfsed to the seal 

to a*<»*ri that he pMi-in-od d*-to p- j i^aily. Miss (.'ora CluiitlhT. f,,r some hours, one of them 

lionwIienheimriMluc dlliciilll. Mf- Bomin.H.s. A. F. Cushing. D. L. Sier ii.reami.ed with lun 

(r.irtlt‘ld repliul In tin* face ot t!u-j hug. N. C. Wheeler. Frank Clark, (tuo. , * * .v 

whole world am! it- outlying depend- Clark, .Vrtimr Alger. pnimpi and vigortms etT 

ciit’ifs, till* gfutli-mau wIm» iutri>- Count Fi-scara, Frank W. Inglum. *»wner, llie uniiiiui was relicv 

aptwared in Sf>me of bis specialties as lalliiz** wiin uit o.-rca\tu lamii}. l.o*t uml Found. 

chig dancer and violin player. His In- Tliere seems t«» he somelxnly Iioyerlng Mr. Tlmnuis Bickiicll, w hile doing bu- 
irmluclory remarks were witty ami Ini- arotim) (Uis Ciisliiug^s slxlilc wln> is well ^iiiess in Boston last 3ionda>. but a *lla- 
morous, and he was obliged to respond acquainted with llie place and more cs- ry containing s*>m»Hlfiy dfillars In iinmey, 
to tlie encores several times. Iinmedl- |»eciaBy with he big d*»g, as someone |„.j,j,ie8 notes l»» the amount of four bun- 
atcly after I ho einsertaliiinent !lietl»M>r went Into t!%|^»lecplng-rooiii In the stable jre«| Utvlars. He dhl not discover tlie 
was cleared, and in a c*»mparallvely aud riHetl fl|i»menls of $6n, the thief until he arrived home in Hie evening 
Rti.iri iiniH .a eav and hannv voutig crowd leaving the ,jiy pocket books outsltle Hildas Dunklee’s store, on Blucksloiie 

(ieiit of Arons, 

Itrv. K. II. Uyilixfon was cleared, and !n a c*uiiparaiiveiy ami niir*i 

|j.exp.n:tcd to supply the pulpit at the short lime a gay and happy young crowd leaving llie 
f f , “s bjii ! of lads and la.sses were li.iating around the stable.,- 

1. ni'pi Church next 8abbiih. eiillveiilng strains of Hyan’* Qua. who lus g*- 

\ Bund «d Boston. Vlie Uoor was under The eiitei 

.% hM«l*om« |Hilr. the inaiiageineiit of Mr. .1. H. Whelan, 'Pt>ii)peraiic 

Mr. .lobii Fortl has recently added to .lr., with 3Ir. (». A. 3Ic(»uw«ii as assts- i,>itded us 
bisl.vcry.table slm-ka film ptir'.f clmsl- b'»l ll.».r -lirecior. About I".', c.mpl.!. re.i.lii'gby 
, . , - .. IS • were <Mi the Moor at the grand mareh.— by N. Iran 

mu liorscs, 0 .iml . year obis. During ,,,.. jir. |,. m. f 

itl*om« |Milr. the inanageineiil of Mr. .1. H. Whelan, 'Pt>ii)peraiicu Union was lud so well at- naiisfaclioii lio f«mml llu^ diary, with Us 

J*dili Ford has recently addeil to .|r., with 3Ir. (». A. 3Ic(»uw«ii as assts- i,.|„led us 4t should have been. The I'tiiUeiils, safe in Hie piwseshioii i-f an 

..rv-Rt aU*.. •tofL' i Hios I.alrnf idiHil- luiit IbMir director. .Vboul couplet rea*ling by rn»f. (f. B. VuM*, ami singing hi.. Irishman wiio worked in thesiore 

^ ‘ ‘ I, , . were on the Moor at the grand mareh.— by N. Frang Vliiing, were most excelh-iil iimi wIm* w:is as happy t*» return It to its 

»rsrs, u and 4 year olds. During -pi,,. 5 ,„pp,.r u gotten up by Mr. I>. M. and a nice mipper was fiiriiishcil for u ow ner as Mr. B. was to receive it. Mr. 
hi lire**/)'wealhi-rof last wt-ek, llie Byaii, and at about two o’chu-k ovt-r lUU juiail sum. which slnmld have been an Bicknell Itaiidsoiiicly remtiiieralc*! the 

Firm. Snt'‘'m. I.«';iibr. \V. f. ll'iin ti. limrlor. 

Mossrs. ("".rge H]mg''»s ai.'l Kr'''l.I.iu- Aj,n,jsion to Conner!. 25 Cents; with 
colli have purchaseil some four acies **! , c * o- * 

laud from Davhl Bales, near Saiiipsoii’i* Heserved beat, iO Cents 

Cove, l*eh»w Hingham Brnige, ami are I w- m,...,, .un no. ‘ 
making preparathma for embarking In s..uih UVull'riull; 

Ihe poultry business on a large scale.— K.ih Wi-ymouili;/. M. .ml n. U’l mu imii 

We uiulerslaiid that they will pul up a l>.ii,.hig •>. .umuii h.• ti.h mcr lUr 

..Ililabl'' Imililim: in wbicb to livu, wliiT.- < •■■"•'"""• """1 > ••■'■I'" L 

'.Imv will kivp baobel'ir’s li.ill. 5IUM' li'l! H.i.Ni IN':. 

KiKist I'irrs-H I'rui.i Iho lliiiid. 

I.iisl anO Founil. Ti>k. l- f.r Iliiii.-iiiK. 7.1 C'cin.. 

Mr. 'Iboiiius Hickiit'II) uliib* d'liiig bn- .sii|>|..rwUl b.- furui-li.-.i b> u iio.iiiL.. ''.ti.T.‘r. 
sillirSS 111 llosloll lust Moml'iy. IliSl :t tlill- ('oat-li.-. wtlbniii Inun »lt p.i:'-ul iIm- iohii .itiil 
ry containing soiim fifty ilnllars in iiioimy, lli"-l':',i". A r.«poi,.iU.. p. r-..ii olili k.. Ii;.rg.. 
iM-si.lfS notes to the aiiionnt of four I.iin- '"-I- - i-Ttlcl.'.... .ia.ll 

iire«I ilivUrx. He dhl not discover the - - - - 

hiss until he arrived home In Hie evening 

uml as Dunklee’s store, on BluckaUme Ii' 4 ^ IIJqI'I' 

street, was tin- only place where be iiseti 1. *.% 4^ I i.« l.xR 1ft A • 

ihu diary, Tuesilay morning .Mi. Bicknell - 

hastened l«i the sl«ue, whore lo ids great rp 11 j.- 

c;o“'s:rie“7'S HlNGHAIVi BRASS BAND 

hoiieHt Irishman wlio worked in the store M ill il»'ir Aituii.»l 

ami win* w:is as happy to return It lo its : i-i—> nn 

owio'rasMr. B. was to receive it. Mr. C—»/ —i—J. 


wj: H.WT, in : 


in *i-* imil-s-t tMtllh-*. V.'i Imv*- tliiiT L'owh *. i*»»'l *1'-iraUh- Mvh-*. AlfO u gootl 

Ulridi-w. I4ljil 
•iMtini'iit of 

leaving the Ay pocket books outside Uuuklee’s store, on Bluckaloiie 

the slable.i-x* l»eing spotted l>yaiiiaii street, was tin- only place where he used 
wholnuigi' . sha."}) eyp. ilii> diary, Tuesilay murniiig.Mi. Bickiu‘il 

The eutct(Uiiinictit given by tin-Lailies hastened l«i the store, whore lo ids great 
Temneraiicu L’liloii was m»t so well at- nalisfaclioii ho f«mnd the diary, with Us 


From 15 to 42 Cents per Yard. 

wooiaKX .s.xii iti'jxip c;arpetixohi. 

New Styles in Prints and Dress Goods, 
Woolen (lOiiils for Mrii’s anil Itoya’ wear. 

A .\SH»UTM!:NT * 

pair w as taken out for a burial seivice, couples nipaireil ti4 Hie (iraml .Armv hall, inducement to lili the hull, 
ami bring exjHised to the searching wiml "here an hour ..r more ;j'*: The I'ariy 

^ * "I iMissiiic (he vlamD. after which dancing Wodims.lav 

(Lrrticld repliul In tin* f:ice ot the | hng. N*. C. Wl 
whole worbl uinl it.'* outlying depend- Clark, .Vrtimr 
cucK-s, tlml tbe i;entleman wIm» intri>- Count IVscara, 
ihicrd the bill di4l dcc4-ive llie IIotDe, ! Princess Laurel 
ainliutiniated that lie Ii;nl li«*l ll.i* King a Daughtr 
>lighlc**t objeciiiui to till- g*-ulleui;urs L=i rompa«!our, 
pmtiii-g thU a'*‘cvcniti4)n in ids pipe *7m.i*ii*^L***’’ 
a,.'I -niukiin; it. Mr. T"»„d...U'l “7';r,ill;‘,'r:rl, M 
now ro-*!* l*» lilt* lieiglit «»f ‘'War im ar- Brj.sand 
nule.” lie a-'erleil, vviib br*4vv liypsy, * 
clotlicd in tiiiiiider, that anv man. Fairy, 3Iar 

ft>r some hours, one of tliem t4iok cohl, 
and HUH ilireateiied with lung fever, but 
!•> prompt and vigorous etTorts of tbe 

was r**suim'tl until tlie grey sli**aks of 
early dawn l*egaii to lint the easlein ho¬ 
rizon ami warn the gay company Hiat 

rompi and vigortms elTtirls of the rlz*in ami warn the gay ctunpany lliat 

T. tb.' anlinul «a. relieve.1 fruiii lb.- “:i."itb. i 'luy" »:.;• *} I.aml, 1 

, , .utr was lime t4> prepare ftir the duties and 

.1 , . t .1 ....... . '1*1... laa-ti. aimiuaj,«niic .m.uaiHix». 

4 *vening was tbo best 4 if the sea.soii. Ih- i .« vi-m -..iiin 

ball wa, er"«ib"l. l'») cuuplu b-ing prre- « - ^ ,bu b.lH Daub'!^' 

eiit. Tho ladies were wide awake, and ‘‘ n ... i.iii .i.... 

nun for Ids honesty. 

I tiitl Bti4l Found. Momiay, w l*ile Mrs. (Jeo. Manuel, 
j who resides on 8ea street, was going 


New Styles in Ladies’ and Children’s Hose. 

1 We have the Best line of CORSETS ever shown. 

Princess I.aureltH, Laura M. Ingham, threatened danger, and Hie prtqnielor „f yyerv day life. 

King s Daughter, Nellie Pray. ,ielivcitil fr«>!U a serious loss. 

La I'ompa.Iour, Mrs. (.eo. K. Il.iyden. _j.*„r a spring imMllciiie 

.Sir Henry Hotspur, !*eit. K. Haydi'n. 
Blue Beiis. .Mrs. Vidiiey Viuiiig. 

Npaiddi (tirl, Mrs. (ieorgie M>ers, I.ynit. 
Brigand, iieo. 31. Whitten. 

Gypsy, Mary Cushing. 

Fairy, 3Iar>’ S. Howland. Brockton. 


Our readers w ill lind in the chapter of 
.South Weymouth items, the familiar 

F*)r a spring me4llcine use T*iwii84»iid’s 
Beef, Iron and Wine, now sold ai rc- 
iluced price. 

ent. The ladies were wide awake, ami 
Inol ample pnivisioii for all, the bamptet 
room, we think, sh«)wing the best spread 
we have ever wiinessetl in quantity, 
quality and variety, comprising inrkies. 
bams, longues, cldckeiis, salads, oysters 
in every style, wllb fruit, pastry in pr**- 
fnsi«>n, tea, coiTee and lemonade, and List 

Th* K. \V. K. C. 

Ilehl a very interesting 

meeting last 

woiuati or cbihl, wliu tl.ircd lu ituinu- 1 Fairy. Carrit- llaneock. 

ate tlial be had iho civc*! aiivluMlv 4»r I l.itHe IBitterctip. .Mrs.U m. K. Cushtng. 
uiivlliiiig. toM si vile, willftif ami' de- IVasanl Girl, li.illie Isaiie, F!oe L**e. 
liWnite falsclnHMi. uini «le.'*ire<l it toL«* i , ,» 

.IMiii' lIy iiiiJ.-r-t.-Kl tl,:,t lu- «■;>- ,,ur- , [i];];;; "T,,;,';" Lu''‘1, 

,..imlly re-iiuiiMl.lf. H.-re ihi- Huu--- 1 Mi,mle M:ii., Mr. Arlliur 

luljourticd. leaving the tm'Kiii actually | ^ 

ilnppin:; with BIcmmI, ami the cch-.Htial i sailor .Suit, 
system 4}uakin;' with fear. | <»|.lFajditiin 

U'Xttigtoii Minute 3lan, 31r. .Vriliur 
I Cottrell. Lexitigtoii. 

] Sailor .Suit, W. M. ILmIv. 

I <»|ilFaiditiined(*lergvman. Kmer)C(i&hing 

signature of ••MKiiiUfc.s,” (wiihalriliing Monday evening. A deiegali.m of the 
alteration, hut tlie same lively writer,) C. of H. A T. were present and appro- 
wI m» it is boiH'd, ill coiineclioii with our priale adilresses wtwe iinnle. .Vii niius- 
... BuuUl frie.ul, ••I'K..'.," .."lly i..ler'-..lli.B I" 

. lH;heldiiexl.M*didaveveiiing,al4.4om- 

willconunue m enliven the ctdiimns of „f 7 .;{u. u* formerly. There will 

the liA/kiri'i;: willi their weekly letters. i,,. mi enteruinmetil, ctinsisliiig of read¬ 
ing!*, ,( e. The public arc invitcil, 

i ‘Four lmndre«i seals were reserved * . .. f i it . 

I»(it not least, were all flavors of 31rs. B. 
Wliiimaii’s ice cream, immlde<l In every 
ccmcelvahle form. The music wa.s fur- 
nishe<l by Stetson A Cushiiig’s Band and 
as usual tirsl class. These putties 

Hiiiel '**•* “•‘•■‘•‘^‘^’biiig 

! I the iiotel her l*)s.s was made known, on 
iitilv ''bieh the sympathy of the men at w ok 
rkles* H“Te was arousA*tl, aud lieaile*! by the 
steis gentlemanly pi**priel(*r of the Imtel, .las. 
' , Dnnliar, Ks«|., ibey contributed tlu* sum 
I i .Ri lost aud presented it to the la«lv. Tues- 

'* ' *"1 1. . II L* ..-1... tt... 

day noon, H. F. Gu.shiiig. who has the 
I contract for painting the liolcl, was on 
I his way I** wiirk. and passing a spring *>f 
I water besitle the nud, near where the 
nioney was hist, liappeiu'd locasl his 

b^'Bing u,B"ii,«, a Buu'i ciu"» "f..1" 

’ \V''.Im'«I:«v'» .■‘i—iuii'H.eiU'.I nilli :i' K-iiicy Sun, Am.ieSlua.l:ir.l. < arri.-U mm. 
lively lilllc Luiil |iarticiiiiiu-'l in |,v i J-'l'’'*''''Mi.s M. ( 
Hla'^burn Uy.ri. liarl^.l | 

.ui> I iL- >|..'aker, au.l th.: fuurcoiiliii- .p,,, ,.f (irau.1 Vi. e Cbaurel- 

for the Did NorlhCunciTl Aprilo. Near¬ 
ly two hundred leiiiaiii for g«‘iieral ad- 

sst^ . |si satavs, sassi. ss... . fliepresence of (traiul \ ice ( 101114 * 1 * 1 - 

u«‘«l througii llm day. tiU IiamD pre- |,ir smith, of N.ilein, was a f4*ature wor- 
serving tlieir tciiiiicr. in amicip.ilbm i ii,y note. After tininosklng Htq.per 

of the momciiL wiieii the warrioi'^ 
would iiinlertuke the iinal tU'—Ic. 

Tbe pri*sence of (trand Vi4*e fbaiwel- The .Viinlversary 
lor Smilb, of Nalem. was a f4*ature wor- Dt the Baptist .Nabbatli Sclond was ob- 
thy *>1 note. After tintnosking Hn|>per ser\4Ml last Sumlay altcrnoon, the pro- 
was si*rved ill (•rami .\rm> Hail, theca- gramme c«>inprising a ct>iiceit exercise. 

terer Iteing Geo. B. Jl.ivis, of We>nioulh, | 

an acrostic e.\4T- 

Koii calls, culls of the lIoU'C, ilit;v-|who provided a lM)iiiile4iui ami varieti cise, etc. The inlaiil class \*f .Mr. S. W 

torv tnolioii'* lilleil up Hic iiitcrvuN 
until iiiidnight, during which 31 r. 
.8le4'lc *»f N»»rth ('.ir»»Iiiia p4*rchi*«l 
iiini't'lf 4»ii the clerk*'tlc^kaiid rei'il« »l (>'.''^luiiit«'r .ituhi the laugiitk-r 
ail'!'c iif Hu* gallcrli aiut Mt. 
KltDleill. of New Votk. qiuHing fpuu 
id.ickiiurn*'celebrated 'p*-ccli of th>- 

stipply, ibdng himself justice, miding to 
Ills reputation as a caler«‘r, ami leaving 
no r«> 4 Mii for f.iuitiiinling. even had such 
a «li 9 |>osition io-i'ii manirest. 
i Much creillt is dm* Hu* 4 ‘otiiniillee, .1, 

: K. lluiit. K. E. Bii'hartis, 11. I.. Whiii*, 
' Henry !tarilii«>r. F. .M. 1 )i<»wm. H. L. 
Bowen, 1). J. S.uiipsoii an«i KSbiidL**, f«»r Ih'* .ib|«-. faithful aiul 

(fuiters«»n snst.iined their parts adinir- 
a'.dy, and Hie exercises were very inter- 

The \V. C. T. U. will liohl a fair Hie 
llthaml loth of the present moiiHi.— 
'I'lie public are invited lo ctuiliibiile. 


aVs 3Ir. S. Cain was driving along 
Broai! St. last Friday iumui, the learn tan 
over a little s»)ii of Mr. L. Joy. Fortu¬ 
nately no huiies were broki'ii, ihiaigli 
tbe boy picke*l tip for ileatl. The 
wheels passed over the cliiltl's slioiilih'r 
I and iMuly. 

j '•uri>rl»e. 

from all parts of this and the neighbor- 
ing l4»wiis. ami much crmlil is tine to the 
conunlllee, 3Ietsis. E. Nash and B. F. conlrihtil 
I'ool, b»r Hielr Wci ess. The party Imike The nev 
up at an early hour, with a merry lianil- jpj.r.uchin 
shaking all rotiml. Ur tinidicd 

Mr. Edw.vrd Nolan has lost another boarderv 

wab'r. It was si'Ctired ami retiuned to 
.Mrs. .Manuel, wlm at once refunded the 
conlrihutioii to the generous ilon« rs. 

The new ImtH i)f Mr. |. \V. DunlAari' rapi-lly 
appriuching eoniph't'nm. and will iiiulocbtolly 
U (iiiishcd in time tor tiie intiii.x ut summer 

valiiatde cow. FJcno. j 

Fuiieiul Hersic^s 

A v<‘ry appioprialT* and touching fu¬ 
neral ser\ ic«* w as hehl Iasi Kiida> afliT- 
iiooii at tin* ri'sidence «if Mr. L. Biatiford 
I of this place, the occ:isioii being tin* ob- 

.'\ new 8C<'W built by M:. Keene wa> lanncLed 
fiom the sh*(*-yard sesteid.o, in th .' i'ri*'*cn(.e •'! 
.1 lacge numlMr cii sj'etUli is. 1 lie tug-b .it. 
\'iiii. caiUk^ .l.twii h■>tll Ui'st 'n,.tnd t«j.k'>n biuiu 
.1 iii|K.* loiiii the '-v>w, .ill 1 '.shell the nui'l was 
Cison, the riuehiiujk "l tlu t.i*.; luvjii;; be'cn set 
,;-ing, the I.Uest pOMlnut <1 the s]ii{>->Aitl glideil 

On Thiiriidiiy l.veuliig. .\|»ril 8, 



be .4-»i«n <1 liV 7 

, Mr. Waldo P. Bates, independence Square, - South Weymouth. 
Mr. Prank Clayton, 

]|u(iiuri'>l. ol' llo-lun. M ill it iiih-r lii'* |•••pn|.«l Inu- 

U-'**|U<-. "Xllrth himI Mii'U'," .it'll r wlui'h the Bfl I I I I ^ I 

Willinery Opening! 

. Will 1 ) 1 - |iti-en!' d >vit h .ini»'*|'H-U< •* • ii< r>. | 

• Ii K.oit - .Old .1 i'l illiaiil >'«'(. 

KKIU.4V t:vi:sis(4. April U. , , . c. . r 

■n„ ... "■II, "I.. ..I.h'iou A LarBo and blegant Stock of 

joli'x.SPRING and SUMMER 

Atlino'.oii.'J'i .•.•I '- 1 ;.-.'1 M il >•! .iia. .Hi •' nil*. _ 

I iSi'" hats, BONNETS, 

The Latest anti Most Desirable Styles, 

a a I 4 -I — ( .-'/T '/i'.'i'/' I'.'t IT PIUCKS*,.. k ai.i.M.. Ladies of East Weyinoutli and Vicinity, 


Y..» l M. E. toilk'i’.s Millinoiy Parlor, 

I'KK li's. :tSe, .‘site, ’ 
iiiiiii- i>ur -ii-.'k. w • li.o 

. HHe, •D.'b'l. 

i.nyNKVV A.ND I>K>li:.\lH.K tUiODS. 

servance 4il the last >ad riles over all Hiat j "r 4 ,.riun) .mt iq»».u the waters ot the .Mi/tutiquot. 

''“V.""'... .. u ■ , 1 X"»li .liiy, K"vu liim .imiri>rln'biit W.'.l 

Mr. M. I), harr,'!', »h'> bus u<'cii|"".l A l.lre.'>:.l:l .'V.'liillS «•" 

ilu- M.uiiy y.'.irs, I.:.'. b.'. ii ,..i a,,,I a liu.- c.ll.uiuii .liwiissrU. 

i,.,..«,..tx s>M.|*-ole<l .Mip4*riii!end4*nt. * 

iicels passed over the Cliini S suouni. r uv»rUi\ o( Mrv Bradford— | ,1 ,n doubt wheth. r but t, the cmrccl name. 

Ill iMjily. f()iid4*st of liiolherir—ami ■ t whetbet it sln uhl nt lx* 1''te Ki\er, but as a 

iri>rl»e. j|„, iii„8l I'.Hti'i'inetl ami rt'»pecl«*4l 4jf l^ .mtlhi-^h t Mte.l th.m the otlur. TVITSS ^ 

AImjuI 411 frlcinls ami relatives of 3lr, friemls ami iicigltliors. 'I’lie services | l 1'iti ‘t •‘taml.i i.'i-iiur h.iv.i*g M'Iiu* 

oult ,lo), gave him asiirprine lust Wed- HinipU*. inipie»slvc, and ! may ev4*n j I’-obt' .is t; tbv rdulultty «•! tin* u j«'rt tlut a „ jj, 

•jilay uiglil. .\ plcaj»ai:l evening w.ts lM*aniitul, for I think we inav tiuh | lamKlnm; was t.. uU pl..c«, it Ikioi; .Nj.iil 1 t , >,[;•* l . • 

,i 4 )V 4 '.l and a line cdl.Uioli iliscusscd. t|,;u Iheu* is .1 divine lu-auly in cl»a8- w.‘> utuUvnKd whetlur t.. v*. hiully jrs..h. ; 

i..n.Ml gii.'t ..".I li..l> .... 1 "I'„ "birb reii- ' ‘""i": i ^ A Oiull 

Last Ki"U> muniiiig. a'. Mr. iVmalass ii,.t I..-lu.'ia'il}'.'Xi.i. sk.'l by any ulhi i | '‘V f,liut la- ! i- 

'•i«ui, -aiti Hint "lie who manner in whieh they |M-ifotnieil ll:«ir 

Iis- nfla-tarsl: is. who doubl- d 
ilatiuieil.” eih itiiig the remark from 
ILackburn that in* paw iH-btro btni 
••oa*' wlio 4b*-erv4'4l t]atiitiali<>ii b*i4g 
ngo.” Till* evening w.i- inerrv with 

j duties and Hit* success- w his'h atli'iiib'd it. ' 
M’aiiciiig was kept up until morning;'^ 
) Cslled to olbs*r av<K'a(i"ns. 

I Thus«| on«‘ <>f the most ijiiiet, ^ 

. orderly and sticeessfulutl.iirsof tiiiskiiisl 
• ver hehl in (tiwn. whieh aibh'd much ^ 

*_ ^ Ais'hleiit. lene«l 

Last Fii«la> mornitig. as .NIr. iVnigl.iss ii'»i In 
K.isiei w as ob^ervetl at the Did Nuilh pl.iHlniaii was I'mh'avoiing to pull lr»uii word. 
( hiireli by a (K*autitul ariangeinrnl i>f the ground a Intchiiii; post, the post gave But 
fhsvvcrs .iini .v V4*iy intcrc siino, instruct- he was thrown li.ickw.irsl isi ihs* tl 

IVe a:..| 4 ointiiitiiig »«-i 1114411 by the pastor, t*. 4 rtb, »n»taiuing a severe injury lu oin* lorins 
tb V. F. 1*. ('hapiti, lioin the le\t, *Tt ,,| 1 , 1,4 wrists. He is shtwly improving lust ] 
( hnsi I 40 m>i risen, then is 4Uir preach- h(»iH* 8 '> 4 )ou U* Im: about. 

in*g vain, and yuiir faith iis also vain.” ^« - - 


• wli4> hsul bn*n , „i,iy to ths* linam es 

But what 1 wish paitiv'ularly to alluih* . thv; w idcdep.vrture front the coininisit | 
l•>rnls usual on sucii ocv.isions. In Hie > 

bull," in ib" .....rnini «lib 

• liraz. n l.ingii.' llnil il. :ii n n i'.l „iiii .■. l.n n I.., by Mi. l.nit. 

amKhiiii; wa> t.» t.ik.' placr, it iK'itij; .\|)iil 1 -t. , 
i\,t- uiuIcvkKvI whetlur Im tiiully trviK- ' 
iii.^ (.1 I 01 :he i.-k ot u.'iti.; ’aiiuhcd a*. t'>r the 
•ai,.' ol •,;i'niilg Item, liv btaitid. aii'l jii-t 
u tiiik’ t'l meet llu- co.wsl Lunen^ lukia. But he 
i-l/uiiu'sl the Uw'W> )u»t tli' 'same. 

l'.e.t night will wi;iits-.m 4 -ntett.iiMiietit and 
iUdsa* .4*. the I'.ngmc Mi. j. It. lower 1 - 
t<i ^14 e some nl lii-| pular-• n^'*. -vissi l<u.hiiii>iid. 
Uii.wn .itul I.UU. 0 I 11 will a|>{K.'.4t t.i a iiuinlx-r i 

then'|>cviaiti 4 ~s,'.iiigmg, battjii iig, Cs,-., to- 

ueliur with V a l.ii > 4 1•4» bv .Mr. .Mr. 


4t «|nielly away to llu* higher J \Micrhi will alv> a('|H-ai an<l give thune 


M.'.. I-..II.. :|> 

.\M..:.l.i;. .V.;. 

.XBoiKi:! A . ^V|>i'il 

(ira.^esl from tin* pursuit of varion-^ imt .iUn to ilieir reputation as pri>vi.:4*r |-s|ms4!hI N<»t! 4 'e. 
|il4'as'.ll.--to tllC bar >f tii*‘ iint ; 4)| U m»t cloM alliUaenieiit. 
till' ik aliin-Kig it( which W.,- the ! mnlh anmial Ih* more siicci-i 
= .X 4 ii“ -f .Mi'. .M.; : I'*A *.*. wlio. I.I ■l>'y eiiahlesl im.if .md m**i 

Liunlre :niil.i(...Ji Dm- wl.o dincl ‘“b) 1“ any on then imbU 

with 'll ..n-..i..| .ini.. ■ l.«.ll.-.-n •"■•tb.r, uni.l 

; I , , .t I ■ . i'. 4 -s to a hlcliei life wh«'re tie 

n.-.-i ..<1 .III' ilin.iiL' ..'ll' .1 i'|ul..... , 1 .. 1 , ,r .bill 1." HnUrre.l in.l 

ni iim: a -min i ..\Ii U'dn ’**•)‘Unl . ... jl„. supreme H« 

• .el' .ivo: ::ig • ••' »I|V .' . till fiolti ilie I t,,.|verse much gr*-aler goiN) sh 

ern». of hi- ..*y-. r!c;- ing pnl , . ..uiphnlies). 

hts*. Then Hie friends pleseiit weie 
iuritol ,—not tiiat any s> mpalliisiiig 

ho wetc unable lo heal him when he wai heie : 
-.'toie, ail .’iqNiituti.l) tu learn !.■<%* he beat I'ltz 

llo c:>« - l»iiiii"r. 

cm <1 .1 • nl' alt • 

i!.*4oii - .a:.It <i ; 

oil /. 0 iiMiiif it ri i 

ThUf-ila;. ■ 4 .‘111 

• •■£, * fi sitii .M,. 1 

. •! Hi' : il !t; Wat 
. loll III.ill.; d lo • 

;.:!)' -mi. fit: 

, III- Vv 
lid . I • : = a 

K*i -.iml'» W 
. ii'i' iig in = 

lb. ;:.l| II. 

; apOl *jh| . 

■ >11 

.O' h d > II 

- 1 ii!.ot-d 'i, •, 
W • . - . 4 I 

lloll* o 

Hicni. piir' - <1 

I . ! I 

Vi • d b . 

(ft,. - ei *! . 
im lli b il ti. 

‘ he 1 lotl-s? .4*1- ! 
iiiiilliiolil, ,ii«l 
114ft iiiai -^-tid'- 
< I. 

•pi 10 I w:(h all * 

iislM iid. wd.ii ; 
•anil ami fi'ulli- I 
• I .annul nj< i 

, ol um»t cloM aiiiusenien*. 

I iiiiilh annual Ih* more siict 

toll) to -any on Hm*ii noble a<iik "t 
helping •Ills' .IIioHisT, until Htev sb.iil 
. ji.4-- to a hlcliei life whi're Hn-ir sphete 
• t labor sh.dl )m* enlargi*d .not iimb*r Hie 

; uiii«lam.. Hie .Supreme Heaij of the 

} iit.iver«e miii'h greater goiN) shall l>e .ic- 

, >',lliphf>lies). .V. 

ay Uu'ir Attenii«>ii i» c illeil to the chaugu of 
fill, ami Dim? amt plac*' "I meeting of Hie \\’ey. 
84l4*4'e*s- ijioiiih Histoiical .Si.cieiy. i'hi* .\piil 
»! •ues*lii»*g will Ih* lield on Weilne^il.iy 
lev sball ,. 1 , 11,0 lu-xt, the 7lh, iii*l 4 *a«l of Satin- 
r splieie ,j ws-ek as heretofore; 

iiider iIm* t,y i^nirlesy of tlie Trustee* of ihi' 

I'l of the 'p„n, Lilfrary, in their lo. 4 tling lt*Mun, 
il l)e .ic- -J i.'ch'i'k. 'rin* iiieinlissi - jreeariiehl- 
‘^* ly liesin.l to hi* ,ire-ei,i. .i* paps'rn of iiit- 
usual ililete-t ale evpc te t. 

fl lend Wiiiihl not bi* welcome, but 4 *xcUl- tw .uty lap'«. .\ate Ra >8 that I 'aisy Lii>hin, 

11 Kichards. ageil H 4 yr.^. and nnig a largt'nitniorer who utually gailn 

g till* p.*: • s I,. 

d .M> III' - ••■iniiil 

■ iiieli r llo !’•- 

illd I’lg-i 'III Ke 
• = ; lllon Holt 111 I 
•D* iidi-i) all'. "U 
•ti-;*' ,.d p ..ii 
r K' . llo II 10 - 
viH : in'- -tin .» • 
- igiit* -i, an ' 
! ' at w h- n . I 

^ WeyiiMMith SliiKiiig SiM-letj. 

riiu aii'l I'lst leliears.vl t f Hiis So- 
. letr was given at Clapp s flail last Sim- 

III • 

• ‘Veiling, ami was atlemled bv a very 
I,. I ifZe .nnlieiiee. 

tji ■ The xiiniial iiieellng of the .wiH'iety, for 
it* ile«'Jioiee of otfu'ern, hehi at the 

' ... Kli.u Itiebards, last ' 

“f j Wedhe-d.iv i-veiniig, add Hie (ollowtug 
' : were ini.niitiioiisly cIiom-ii as oDii-ert for 
I, !. ye.If ei.^onitf: 

l‘i- lent. Kli.iM Bicliaids 

til I V 'e I'residejil, Iiavid J, isterliiig. 

Tie.i-nrer, iVno* Smith. 

* .*seere’.»r. aimn'l \V 
'' Kv'.niive < rnnilttee lii.-liar'l \ 

.'1 immHin. diiul Frnbiy inoriiing, at 
the r 4 *»nh*n 4 ’ 4 * »d Mrs. Miiiol Kiclianis, 
wliere lie luis U'snled f-»r several years.— 
.Mr. i(icliar-ls was a l 4 ;vchc|or, ami had 
llie reputation 4 »f lM*iiig 4 •ccl*nlll 4 •. At 
all s 4 *aM»ns»»l the year when the weather 
was suitabte ,vtid he vias abU* to g4*t out, 
he daily resorletl to a l ertain plai e in li.e 
wihkIs, known a» “rnch* Sam’s praying- 
groiimi,” and the writer has olien lound 
him at tin* »ih' 1 , eiigageii in player, and 

on Midi occasii'iiA vud) to gruliiy a tm>r- 
bid eniio.Miy. j 

Then ,igain (In* family Itaii been so | 

b;nln*lor, ami had happily trained into Hie trm* spirit of tl..* 1 «.n‘i^.'lnoidi 
ii.e eeeei.liie. At .HV.iSion that Hieie all entile al.seine _ . 

•HV.iSion that tlieie an eiitiie alisence 
> f that <■•4{d ami iie.iitless formality (hat ' 
IS sometimes so repuNive to the teelin^s 
•t those most di*4‘ply niteiested. These, 
.md many other tilings which caiimil be : 
detailed. ma«le Ho* oi.mmoii .•ne 4*1 .loi p . 

I interest lo everv lo'urt. 1 

ll.ivi* iH'eii pt.u‘4*-l at (io* ('••iiiineteial 
street crossing of the iaili<a<l, at tin* 
L.iloliiig, a measure of safety wlil. h Hie 
pilblu* w ill applet late. f l.e vigil “L'H>k 
out f'>r III** •'iigim*,'’ tias lieeii m nmved. 

, li. l.ltcliliettl. Maim*, Man li gl. 1 ^.'^*, 

' .Mr. tiianville \V. Baker, ig* •!-M )>'.iis 
t iiioiiHit .Mr. Baker wms ^ick only v 
few weeki«:w.i*a innidi ie»|K‘rte<l 
by his nelglibtiM, ami was .a brotlivr 4>f 
i»iir 4'itUeii8, Ashf-*rd. (leorge, and NViti. 
K. B'«k**r. 

•Itentnues, oil hearing hi> vice, (as lie Now I would .isk why may not many »";*• 
.I.H...1 al"U.I) luw I.II1"'.1 :ililll.'uul 'I Hi'' ,li..iKire.ibb. .iu.l r.i»il'.u.'nl,l..iu, : - 

1 ;. . ...I 1.: ... .. 1. I. . 1 .. Ii.'i «a>i'ltll it lit i•<•ll .11 ' .* 

of our way so as lint 1*4 distiirli iliiii. , , , 1 

In his younger .lavs his viHalion ..f ne.vssiiy t*. lum ral sei vmes. aln. • I 
that *.1 a clarinet player, and in thisjole islied.* Many have alr.-wlv be.'ii .'iscar.i- , s,, i 
he has often plav'.l wiHi tin* cel. brated ed: llo-“striking * ..f the Ih II vv 1.||..* going .n,.* 
Ni d Kendall. Being a man *•( Irngal to Hm grave—the imiH-iaiive dem.iml for h Mi 
iiai'lts in* am issi'.l *iiiile a little fortiim*. the de**pi st blaek lo be worn i.y all the uam 
tin inteiesl of which supp.4rled him in meinbeisof ih*'family ol lln-d*— 4|-it 
his *ild a -e We understand lliat he had llm black colUn ami tin* imgainly simnid . \ 

made no will, and we Ihinkthat the la.1) —tin se have all been I .nl aside and -i \ 

w 1.14 has car.* 4 l f«*r him In his inlirmllv, m.4ie rut i-nal and Christian view has b4*4 ii 1 j* ^ ^ 
slouild be lilmrall) tciucinbeicd by tlie a b.pb d in tin ir pla. *. U by m iy mU 
» many . liicu which hav** alwtvs J.e**ndel. ! 

••gat.’d to 4»thers be niiit'h ni >i** littingly ’ 

P«'I(oriiied i»y tin* b4ving h.ii.ds o| rela- . , . 
■Ibui.'bv.'i.'liilig'.I 1.1"’ 'V'l.. .It' tiv, uM .1' " fri.MiJ.. 1..': ... b..| -I 

'. Il.ill. tb.-.Ir.iiii.i 111 t»".*' l''"li- tb--111"--"III ... "I'.-i. "- .b ill 1 ." 

-Ani'.'ig II..- Hr. ik'-t.. " ".i.l-. '- .1.. "II I" •b-*>b lb- i" 

.-.1 l..»rt..».l>-'l b-.u-.--. .""I ti'l"'""- i -r. "I.i.b li.ii.- I--".! 1" ; il.i.-'.i. 

,,..l.,lb.-r "".",l.-.-M.-.Uu. •>r.-'ii"l f - >"'l -''I ‘t “b-'Ot r. ilH - 

II,.- .-l-r.'-l ""I. .b.l. l 'i-l-irrl...'. lr.-.n .. b..l-| , ..'..I 

It-rk -t l.iU-rll," by Ml- ' inrl",U.ig 

■ ntuirn'a-, ami Dl*i 8(iaui au4b*rii4:rt liraitily echo 
iluit leuuik. licnv It .1 CAi't^.Utl tlut -he will 
alv> add to tin* .ittractu tn uii that <■•.1 

l U. .-t- V4h"h.|VV IICVCI 'C4U the ‘'I’ll-t-lli Htj.” 
Will tilul It t'l tllk-ir .xdkali'.agv ti>lK.'})t,->iiil,wtuit 
tlvcy will be atiuiilcd a .itiui..- . Not tlic danke 
"I that name, whnh v.a- v) i/i puUr a lea ycai- 
Muce, but 4 •-oigc M. iGi . |4>|'idai f.U'.* «n- 

'.itlnt a> jls.'xe, WiiU'riil -‘ li-Kting Itom 'li. 
ILtikOi 1 • tiu-r pEvv-, It tail -alcly l<e -aul 

tn all —^,<,1 wilh tli. 

.- :r-*'lll1g alukll it W*ll llolU 'll' .1 

uUnt will be-viic lo UK-l a hcaitv n-vi- 
.Miller, cu-hu-e, l-'iifV auti ;lln'r able 
...t'll-, not l> tgvtiing die la-Ue-. I i i.i>e. w.ll 
ta'<bi'iiirt m tbe pirve, aii-i aii>'tlivr geiitUnuii 


I . AI.L TI'K 

Xiesv sipriifis' 

8»*.MI •inh I- lly aii'l >i4ti«I.:eniiii> ■ \- 

« HI il. ' I' -*l 



XX'e.v iiMviitli. 

lAKJb qjjEAPBR than ever. 

FRESH FISH A Full Sized Eange for $20.00. 

I \\MINl. A1 

*, , , , ”, . * I . 1 t . . I ta-ki' I-Ol m me iseve, au-i aie-oivr geu 

which l.ave h-*ie|* s.'. ni.d b. bel. ng . „..l j,.,^Aicii up-n l!i. stage I 

of ne.vssiiv tolum ral sei vu*es. m* aU.I .„,*i n. m ihr .i.jfA, 

Vi'diar'l \ 
Hunt. Gi -!g*' t. I’liii.V i ,|n .. . I.ani-. 

.1 F I* i . 

\ •(••I, I li-it Hie Hi inks of the • i4‘ty 
I.l- pri s*xnit i| t<i (In* 4'ditio - 'f th - G.i/etN', 
V'l. 4itie ipiMiev Batruti uimI Bi,init|,-4- 
!ii 'tvi'. n - u «• fling ffiiiii \\- ' to 

'»•■*■ '.f Ih' • il ly • M'lo af alt 

III t!.J , ' a; ’i , ,, 

I h ■ '41 an«l ■ -t ■ : .!• vi ih. 1 . 4s h 
• •. *1 'll -•|||•l.^4 e. • • •, Vi :' 

. O 

•*»ii. *s • 

Hi tbst 

'•II'. Ill 

tv o/ ih% 

r t i 14- 

“ * II : 

'• 9* • ► . 

•: ram 

r u 

i»rl« f >»4le«. 

'Tin* I tin'll National Bank of VV'ev 
month orill p.av a tlivnlen'l of Hue.* ■ ■•> 
per ' ‘III Vpii' Dc 

I.ioh.iid W Clin .«ml N‘ah 'I*. .lov 
h-«\e n : ii tipp::inii*d Ks jurois for 

llo* lo-v* l4'riii «>f i'oiirt .(I in dliani. 

.1. F M i alv -I Kilo! pall **>'• last 
I'-- ••Uv. Ml the di«lin* t iiirt, 4« liur 
u d I'.r li‘|in ; Wash 

Fi'-n II. •■( ipitnev. w asHn •'iiiipl.tin ml 

I tl* 1 ." Im* iio «4'tvl in Trinity 

hill* • “Xt S'liid.av 4 f»*>!H: m 

llo'Hi - ham B«nd ii«ve niange*! a 
«fi‘‘ 'il I'll f' f 4S| S gl I, liir !• I the 

t‘ ! ,,f . I . • !• lit ( •'ii'lm ‘ r, 

M> I .1 Ran 

B I - =.— ■ *a d I. 

; 4 : n. !• N iiHi W*'. 

in ■ *’ ’I ' '-.n . !i o-n C i!:- I, V iud 

to jvi liMii scat. 4' • IS i4va •piaitcrt. 


Dn'Thiirsilav ev**iiing of |as» vv 

'**iiing of |as» vv*'*'l.. at 
Irania in two acts enti- 

i l*j all's 11 ill. li»‘* •Irania in two ..cIs enti- Di*’ tune w ii 
• il**.l • Among the Br*akers. “ was ih»aU w* ca 

(••im.d toaciowd4*d hoiis.*, ami inlinan- > "r» vvhich 
I i.kl ami •dl»*'r r*‘s|H* l8 wa» aih'ciih'd sm -iroiiii*! H. v 
- - The ehlerlaininent o|H'n*'.l with vl*it* t 

I lb" •■•"Z. ■ K"'k "1 l.iU-rly," by Mi. ; iurlMll.iX 

l.iuiii'lr I'lzll. Ml. V. rul .,1 Viuii'H. 1- 

, lb :■ lii-t "i.-t K".!. I.."i.l. W" li.n. 

I. -il lliti" 1" "f'-'k "1 HiM-..rl llt'-l.l*. I. j 

II. "''' >''l tb.'.ir.lli'J l.illb , . 

lull, ..■i,.t.'> I,. W lb-t,b"r. I'.,-., ; lb" >.bl 
Bi|ii* r. W. T ^piUte*!. Fled Loii*l. t.i... : N* vi l-o 

II udw'iilii. Win. I'iwns4nd. Veion.v wiilbe vs*' 

V •uiiig. Jem b llersA-y. .M.ugarel Mone "fannmnl 

tnd l.min*!* Bi »C tliedaikv andiush As previoui 

>i* ir»» atl‘-o-••! Will T*iw i»*4‘od aii*i I'al- . M liiiw hai 
sv Bntl p' Vo ' iin'-';ii!Ud iiiiilli ami f»rovidedtb 

entlc- -I . .14 Tic 4 i.*erlaii.m *nl a*s |;. =*. • 

*. a« I n.*iigni I'• b, MI'v iilim HerS4'y - v• i.liig pi = 
. 11 . 1 Ml " I • I » lb iD. the n ' pf 'f II iisr. v 

.,,1. ; = . If iv»-n ‘o l.tdnsi .i.'le. : o|i :s. ..i 

I ..-IS* VV • dl • ' ’ ' ' e: mg t lie • » Il • * 'III- III 'f th** * 

iiHitv gave Hie diaiiia lo a %■ h 1 an : c« m “an 

: II. LlLsfH) Hall. Hingbaui. b. = sulh.ienl gi 

• at-'will nuke h: - IC i iitiv m the (.l.araxtcf «'l 
Mr. luvclider Kni>. He hait lia.l Ukliait iiia.le 
.( Ii.b luaJ bv a phrriiul'';;i>l. aiul can tell bv 
I' 'sing upon the khaC ju-t wliat |'art it Im 
Liaiii *1 allcct«nl aheueo • an idea p'l*- iriu h.%. 
Aj 'it. AMai the eiitkiiamiwi lit the ft i ' .11 
kleareU I'll 'UiKiiig, *»d = it> -.1 uu^ r ■•t 
j.‘..-aMiii; and giaevlul ul tlie tine all-* w... 

.11 pfvui.t»: di'i'iay ' ; ds^hij tl. 

I 1 .1 »iiull vun-Kleiati' n. 

VltMlurii llyilr.*, «"-om. 

. y .... . ... b. it " '1 .*>.d (S 
. . Ill, ../.«! <«•«. 4 • ith II ■ 


... ■ ■■ ■■iii'i!'i. 


l.uw. Will *U> W* It li- • .4.1 .1! •1..' M • 

llroaG .SI., \V(‘)ini)iilli l.aiiiliii;: 

• ^'iii'i':- I- I'j ■ ' 

a. l.v.o I to '• ' • I - 






iiiiirvxxia M 

4>i i..s.s!sva A iKi':. 

East Weymouth, 

'» .ii «’.•*, 

I.l-:VIS rii>i':. 
gSHll.% 1*1 PK. 


III*' 01*1 NiifD* (om« rl. 

\i Tm>- day 4'V4*iiin- w-- antii.pati- 
will tic V si'vsi.n Ilf nios! ph-isnral'l** eii 
'•*f'aniim III at Hie ui.i Norths hiiteh 
Vs pr*‘Viously ainiouio •••I. Mr. H-’Ward 
M tiiiw lu* iteiier'ustv and V'dnnlaiil) 
pfov nied t b*'•• *' i'-• "f -.ii'tps 'f lirst * 
I;..;!..!' art. r.b*i w... *'n tlul 

V. I.liig pi=-*111 all « V hn pi laiinne 
if II iiSM vi .-viol in->lIiiim-nial, with 

oil :«. *• » _ V: ! 7 • • 11 foi ll»e U*n- 

III f ibeH-i N'-rtli ■ ‘v. Ibe fa 

II- .1 namr* asin -un- ■! ar« 8 

«uMiii*-iil guaroiiky «d Ih'.- ii>|(!i cboittCUf | 




l!i'|iuir'> til iiil kiiiii>. 1 iii'niiiliii- 'iiiil Juliliiii!:, aiumi.. ..> 



V\ A.SM* . i ' 1. .V ii C, 

First-Class Cry Goods and Groceries, 

U ‘ ■ J-' U ir^Lij, &/G.. 

U*>vo.lo L).'*- 

• 1 -. i l’:'*iiiUly I' 1**0 '*1 k'hui’iio aud 8utw- 
t.ii tU'U Ouut autfvjd. 


ith Landing 


large line of 

0 I Styles, 


) 50 cts. per roll, 

iiniii-r prii’i *. 


lill CLOTHS, 

ml »iiy tU'iralili’ AUo a 


I per Yard. 

> «;A^nPETi:»oiii. 

tnd Dress Goods, 
s and Hoys' wear. 


id Children’s Hose, 

3 RSETS ever shown. 




South Weymouth. 


,nt Stock of 




Desirable Styles, 

n riuci'S, 

Dutli and Vicinity, 

t.i. f ai 

liiioiy Parlor, 

iSl.tK K. 



East Weymouth, 

yi PM, 



■ } SI 

. I 1 .• ;Mllt ... 


[1 liilil JobbiiiM* At 11 MAh [i> 



\ 1; A lii'-, 

' U 1 

is and Groceries, 

JTKvfiJ, 6c<0.- 


POTATOES! Read’s Clothing Store, 

JU8T ARRIVED, a lot of choice Eastern 



TlirMi /iriapp’Q trunks, bags, valises, umbrellas, 

Ot. vL/diiA & Of And eveiything belonging to our line of business. 


Goods delivered free in any part of the town. Bought cheap and will be sold Oill.i^^V.1 * for 

- - - ■■ ■ ---- CASH AND CASH ONLY. 

5000 I^OLLS SgT" New Goods constantly coming in. 

T3-ni'T>'~ ^‘STSiSi'T 

Jr Jr Hj oftheseason will be secured as soon as in the 

, >. Market. 

pT I f| We shall be glad to see OLD Friends and thank them for 

their patronage for SICVICNTKHN YliARS. 

r-or liMjao. >viili Js/L. H. K.EA.3D. 

IIORDEUS, UAUOS ■ iilliil 

J ^ ^9 ■ AMA ~ Hruiiitipi'.ooii)|ioscil of Mt'ssrs. Mumis 

^3 gljy^ QL a Za ST 19 ■ llmtntrep Trmppninrw I'nlon. IVrklns, N. lilpaAoii Torrey, John K. 

The niccUiiK of i'>c Ilraintrcc Teinpcnintt- Aniolil :iih 1 AllH'i't Niilu, who satif* Iht* 

-Itf 1 .11 ...n ...... #r.. n»,i»u frU,, L’nion.hcMat l.vdcum Hall last Siimbyi-Nrt. ‘ hiunpiinnc Roiij; In a pliMisiiiif limniiiT. 

’ ‘ " * * * ii»K, was «»nc nf tlio l)cst atui liveliest vvb:ch luh Mo aniHiUlirnl llu* follow iiiK'SflitililPlits 

M jB » I \T**a’T71^r “T Ijcen In-UI fnr some lime; tme c.iIci.Uttil to do whh'h wore ri'S|oitoh‘(l to l>y tho |icrKons 

IV/I #V p^ * I * I Ixl rn I I 11 ■ Is t H I I I I I giHRl and ariiiisv alt iiilcrcst no the laitiif all win ii.iiiifd below: 

V ^ w LJaAi^i .tttetiileil. Tbe meeting was calletl to order b) |gt. The Ktiighl.s of Honor. Ih'Spolise 

Oor. Wninltliiii^tou Ac t^''nont Hltm. 

WEYMOUTH, March 1,1880. 
We are now ready to show a ftill stock of 


Springieid F. M. DHOWITJ 


WATCHESI ‘ nnAfiw iWAfiiaiirafl 

Groceries & 

m aisKFir waotf* 

Call and see them at 


1_.<iiicolii Nr|tin,t*o. 

New Goods constantly coming in. 

of the season will be secured as soon as in the 
x Market. 

We shall be glad to sec OLD Friends and thank them for 
their patronage for SICVICNTKHN YliARS. 

IvC. EC. K.EA.3D. 

Cl.tbr* SrtlA. 
Stiver !*ptw>o«, 
TsWe *• 

r>e**ert ** 

Sojfsr *• 

Mnslsnl " 

Sail •* 

Rerry “ 

Jelly “ 

Bnliev Knlve* 

Knill “ 



Nnt Pick*. 



I H|»eet«'lee. 

' MiCft»«rope.. 

drirf ltn». 




Cske Rstikrt*, 
Batter Dt*lie., 
Plehle •• 



f iidh.«, 

Pir Kntvea, 
VM Bells 

GHOIOI 6R0€flSni8. IiOWEST Market FBICIE| 

aiiimom Wii..r 

“Little Store on the Comer.” J.G.Wop^ra:Oo.ti 



'• Ve«t Chain*. 
DAUllJ!l| KjetilMT., 

t |lK'k«. 


^ K*r Uiiig*. 

GentV l*lna. 

MEPAIIIN« Hlwwl Pina, 


Polhh. A 8PB01ALTT. 

C. R. KathlHtrn and F. W. Adams,\Vntcfsler, 
sand‘|>Aprr roll lor l.mts and shoei. 

A. A. Kheiitan, ass'or to \V. II. Hill, Worces* 
ter. envcloi-M* machine. 

li. W, Kiisocll, l.awrcnce,lMick (nr evai'otallng. 

). F.. Wakeficbl, Worcester, folding rocking- 

J. K. Wakeficbl, ass'or to E. W. Vall,Worc«- 
tor. folding chair and settee. 

II. Wexel, AttleUuough, iMitttm. 

Med lotfdeMiiil For Sale. 

AtiMoml Hneting. KAMV HTKWMMiTvn 

At thfi nnniihl nt<»elliiK of tli« FIrit * T. *. •• 

ll.inl.t SoclBly of tVryinmilli, l■•lll iHt pi,i„„ (“fUlili 





ALho A(*r.NT Ftlit 

Braihtree DEPAI|TMENT. S 

llmtntre*'Tempe'ninm I'nion. 

The meeting of the Braintree Teinpeninte ..i*"***. 

ho dnulitfii) If ho cimlil hit ovoii no largo 
a target an the infant trio, lie thoii 
oallotl upon the Perkins Quartette Cluh 
of llruiiitiee.eoin|msed of .Messrs. Mureiis 
A. IVrkins, N. Irh'oson Torrey, John II. 
Arnohl »ih 1 Alhert Niilu, who sang the 

Vkeeler & Wilioi Hei A. ( 

Sewing Machines. 

citrti'd ihiring the puNt oeavon. ll in certainly a 

Monday nveiting. Mr. JosIniA llltiiiey ing the 
mas chosen Mmlernior: W. 1*. Saiilwrn, 
f'ifr%;«Mf 8 ars. **i W. Gullfrson, M. H. 

Illser, Francis L*nrh, rrmlentlal Com- .i,“ 
tiiiltoe; *1. I). Uiitterion, Treasinrr. ^ 

The nnaneial reiKirt sb'^ved a b,dance 
of Inilehiidiicas of ^IIB. nod a f’oininlt* ml) 

rill nittalii n ftRI.IAIll.R. RttINOM- 
l(’.\l. aiiil every «r«r 

The nnaneial reiKirt siatweti a u,nance csitbdbiab mm antaavn 

of linlehfidncas of ^tlB. nod a f'oinnilt* mDrlknllfR MaviII^E 

lee was rnlsiMl *o sollcll subaerlplhnis for all n'<|<drril. win iti. r To Family 

wliiiiiR out til.'rciimiiiiiiR iiiTi'anip'.. 

Il »ii. ilmt, i!,.. poiiT- .oi'. '' 

osily of Mr. M. C. HUer the liiletit>r of 
Ihe church cdilice w ill s« on he improved 
in Its tlotaila of froscoing, etc. 

The subject i»f reiitltig Ihe news was 
hdil on the talde, niitl the suhse’rlntlon 


wrlll lie mvtimtni •bill d tot MppIkMliMii «« nlNtva. 
fnlii r pi'ixtiinlli or by iumII 

\VV Wi«ii i.M'rilltlie I*!.. .imtiibm ofllio*r 

who Hir till'old ■lib> IImw,-. to iIm* n rent 

moat cverlirnt iilca for young muaicianv to be sysictn will prohahly bn cntitlliueil nn- hmiMovi im iua on thU Muelilui 

tiiii^ obliged to “face the miivc." Other year, 

Amom; newly piibliaheil Ixoka U a story for — - 

tx)yn from Slir|varil’<t, by that bright anil 
jsipnlar miter ymilh, \V. Si. 1’. Uttond. It l*a*‘** 

IS tailed "n.d ; the Stnrv of a t.liHlhopper," .ami Mr. JoshiiA Wilkins has st*l«l >no «»( 
i, Mirc t., uVo well. I'tom ilie ..wr li.,<,« i],,. l„i „f Cuim.U whii'li lio re- 

comes the "Prue Spoakcr." a companion to the , , . ... 

“Handy Sjw-aker,*' nia<io up of selections humor- CCIitly hrought to this place, to Mr. ChiAS. 

I ne nicciiiiK oi loi: ijraiiiircc *i:ioiH:i.«o».r —; • •• . r> . .............—, ,......- -7 

L’liion, held at l.vcriim Hall last Sunday even * hitinpagne Song In a piciisiliif tnnniier. Iwys from Shcivard’s, by that bright ami 
ihg, was «mc ..f tlio Iwst ami liveliest which \vm aimouiircil llte follow lug sentiments p'pnlar miter f..r ymiih, \V. M. 1’. Hoond. It 
Ijcen hfUI for some lime; one c.dci.Uttil to do which were n spunded to by the persons *» ^•‘Ued “ll.vl; the Story of a t.I.Hlhopper," ami 
gcHrfl and arouse an on the laitiif all whi ii.uiii'd below : •’* sme to take well. From the s,*qir house 

.ittemleil. The meeting was calletl to order bj |g|. The Ktd':hi.H of Hiiiior. Itesnoiiao comes the “Priae Speaker." a ctmipanion hi the 

giH><l and arouse an on the pit of all wht ii.Uiii'd below: 

.ittemleil. The meeting was called to order b) lg|. The Ktilghl.s of Ho 

Commercial Street, 


.... .. Ilespoiise 

the President, tJ. i:. Pratt, wbo called msm Mr. hy (Iran.l Dlclalt.r Hopkilis, (iratid He- 
A. B.Kcithtoo|K-n the meetmg by .'^cripturc porter Katon, and Grand tlilhle Hiake. 
rr..l,nB .i..l MnKm« pmcdin# .lulf.ilk-w „ n,,. 

mg this cst-rcisc, .vfter which the subject was an 1 

n.mnccd, "Thedutyof Iheciliaensof nrainlr.-r prat h'.il W.iiklngs of Ihe ttrder. 

in view ..f the illcv;.i! silc of intoxicating lupior.s ciilltled I oust, hy the cinh. 

within the Ijonit-is of the town." :ftl, Our visiting biethici-. Hcs|M>nse 


*y§i$HmfMriurrrt mtnl 0 rtft/rr« in 


ifieator.Iural.llily. «mipll. iit. *,.,rd. llffhin.M hi 
rmiiuiiK atoi iH'Huty ortluiali. 


l« i-oiin<b>ti(l> msuiinirmiril It* P,«tiliUrs h* Im Inir 
of tilt fn tht 

•p. f I NN’INtfH.\M !• wIhi .\urut fiir the 

„ '.UTIOITAL TTA?. ".n-H..D "ACIU.-I 

I.' |•‘>u M.\NPF.\t rniKns. 

o«s,i>aihrtic, mtriotic, dramatic,etc. To aay w. Elevens, ivyslcr ninl llsh dealer, who 
, ,h., (ic. M. I>.knr i. tl,. corapil,.r i, ...y | 

WMbiBOton Squor*. • WITIIOUTH IJUIDlliaw | 


Brockton Steam ICaible WnkSw 

Parties in want of nice ornamental work to order, are reapaet-'i^ 
fully informed that during the winter months is the best time to ' 
place their orders, and the BROCKTON STEAM MARBUt i 
W'ORKS the BEST PLACE, and avoid the hurry oi spring tnd* ■ 
Ht“ Send me a postal card, and I will call on you. ' ' 






■AmIsm fSs rtMi,* “OMIi DavlaBatM,* •QsMDmVoM 


enough to accure it success. 

Lothrop A: C<». 


ISxpra-HH uiid .^ilk TThwoiim, ll<»iil»le und 
Niiiicle niiiaiK-r E;xpi*e.sw Mleiu'liM, Ac. 


/JO.VA' .rr SHOU T .VO T/C/-: a t Kh.ASOSAhl.K KA TI-.S. 


aIio oil liHUii a fine assortiiK'Hl of IIOIIKH, Itl.ANKKTS, \V II ll'W, und otlii-r gou«|s lit In- louiul 
ill a w<-ll ri-Riiluti-d IIumu'X uml I'ui ri.igf 


... .if BBKWHTKK. r.LMItlN.VImS. IH’tnJV PlIAK- 

TO.NS.’ KMKN.'^biS MU’ mol ST.XNDINti HU’ < A i;UV.\I.I..S K.M’UKnw W At.ii.NS. Ae. 

within the Uirdi'is of the town." 

Mr. Jo<vt'j‘Iiu» ^•li.TW waN the first sjteakt-r, wiitt 
in C'linm.-nciiig the istiuilatiunof tliciuWn 
tu Ix-alMiut 40 S 0 , and divided them according to 
their vui ied viewv u|>Ln the temperance (jiicsUon. 
into iliu thorough, encigetic tem|vr.iuce men and 
woiiii n, thein'Mlciate, !iikewaim it iti|)etam;enicn, 
moderate drink>rs and drinkers—the widi.-a\v.vke 
tcni|H:rincr class l)cing in .t Large minority; lienre 
the necessity ot ethicating the |teuple, as they 
were trying to do through thin Union, no 
they may feel it is wrong to countcii.inco the 
traffic in or use of intoxicating licpmrs in any w ay 

Ifii. iiiir visiMtijr bitdliiei'. 
by f'hsirlns .A, KostiT, Kaij., of Qtiincy. 
tnd UtiluMf K. Kidloy, of Utickhuid. 

did, (iratid Aiiiiy <»f ihn Hepuhlir. 
Heapoiiju* by (ii'o. I).’Willis uiitl Huiiry 
.\. Monk, 1‘iist ('•iiiiin.iiii!i>raof Post h 7 . 

i*suc the aecond • ( ibc “.'-'pare Minute .'series" has oW’lit'il u( tlilTiTtMlt (ititPS, thisaiilniii) 
nliicli bit. tren, I .",UTilc)'.w..rk, ll,c |, „ t,,,,.,,. 

of which bit* from .Stanley'sworks w-as the 
first. The jticsrnt vtihiinc is "Cheerful Worils," 
OI letted frtun ('tco. MacdonaM’s wtitings, ami a 
volume from (Hadslttne is to follow- xiKm. 


•tliUos timl out of t)i«f (H liorBt>a vvliich ho 1)111 I TUflO) 
has uw’hfd u( dilTertMittlntPS, thi»aiilmiil 11 111 I plN|V — 

\n iU*'. hi-ttf 0 /oil. Thu horsn in a buck- lAlliUlVIy 

ftkhi, abmii Id hands high, welghi lf*W> *’PBK DF IXV.ll.iiis) ut .%r- 

.wch pnhUa law os th* tmdoeUona of Cnms Datis A Od., 
Suf Sri*c«1Ur tnontm Imito atUloM UMt nnlTtml m 
•*} •swnrtTo demand whorvw known. ' 


r-r.,*.!!!?! r””i i 4 > iiititcaio eonsiimeni ptsxwnli* that anperlorPy and raoellnir* Iq Ooml 

rh 5 [l?Lo?‘i? P 7 ’**‘*”*'"»*’^t**'^ *“ *** ®* ilicir flundard Ilninda. which U do* perhapa toTSd 

—*■ *.».. .. .u'MiK, rust V iiiniu.iiiiii'ra 01 rosi 

,n, tlicm..leiat<', uk..«ai,n I.n.iK-i.iK.-racn, s,,,,,.. 'n,,' 'I'ho Itloll„.r.., I.v Ihf i-llll,. 
crate tirmkirs and vlrmkers—the WKK-a\v.iKe ,, 1 , «• 

Hirincr class Ix-ing in .t Luge minority ; lienre ‘ ‘ 

..Iwatinu ll,. a. tl„.y 'P'.’ liy Null .«l A Ikit,'». 

>*ith, Till* liidi-poiiihMit Order (if (hid 

l-VIlDwa. IkC’ipitiisi' hy P. ({., Willimu 
\. Kane, of Ihiritun Lidge. 

Glh, The IVehs. Hespotige liy VVilliatii 

He was ftllowed hy Mr. Klias Ilolbrosk, wlo Mep^van, «f the Hraintree Observer niid 

;y« He- mill have your PICTURES liikt'ii Hi the 

cf (hitl I’lioTiMmani asi> FtimKOTTPR Sai.(mix. 

Williiini jaenson Square, - East Weymouth, 

Four Fi-rreoty |o-«. fa* (’in. l'lioiogr*idi>. #*J dor. 

VVilliatii ii&Utlo£. 4112 t 

’ . ... B'lMietii iioiwiiu, civlii itiiiHB rf»at> iTwi !**-** *’*’*‘h hut to new autfer eompBUttoo or flurtaoUwi k| 

Il«,nn.ll 8 u llr.t bu.liu.s.«.. 

Mr. Wilkins U disposing of . ihe lot rail- li«|ip.v iniaplet-* Nrml mil ilnnlor to iiwir i*/. **■’’(* * f'**- •ahmUU»at'*aalii ottwr Roeda of thdr moks* 

.Hlioul.l .-all .... 1 . 1 ... ,.t ....c, 

“Tiik B».«r Ctu i.ii Mi.nii-iNi: hi Ihe W'oiM. 
rio-(V</ tV*vAi.V/ i'mlmoMry (’ulti r 
Itroo. d. ( o., |ii»ti>n. Siiitiil rt-du>'i-tl to 3.*> el«: 
i.iirgf. rl. ('* 


ijuAMiy. siiu n» IHH-SW amrilintf iti ineir aeiiiai value. 

Ii«.irP'. " “if *’!'■ '*‘’*'* ****^** **“* In ®f *he(p mate* 

'*!*”••»»' orary Inuretilent «t>il ruImwtvo evfir tMtipoM amt olijcrt of 
*2-* I't**’ a ®f lha moil powerful iletetcmt aamctM known to 4*heiul«tn<-or 

jrei hanntait) aa to mtke it tl»« Itrti and. In fact, chaapaal waoblns eumpooiMt 
**^**rV*Vi**I*W^j^* oitend the naraa and prolong Ur reputaUun of iha ManufOMrert. 

m ^A VTItSRIr—Vk« ro^MtAtlwn wff tlilw haa Bool ta aaaay mwI VMtad tailSaasaM 

•I »* Paolo,** aa Mar #r wrapyor reprwaaat tkrir KWwd*. 

tiu.le one of his cluract. ristic and earnest .vl- Arthur K., t,f the reporlorial stall i .*2l^<H2aa42a*«H. 
.Ires.^-S arguitig that suaMt.n, vvithoui a „f Heruhl. I ill I lAffA I |ll||I||lff 

7ll,, Tl... I.i-k'al frafrully. ... S-*'* * 1.111111111}^, 

formed the Work, unit If \v.i» the tluly of tile i (’,,nrLM» VV' Ktdiv Ir l.*'^ f It b — 

citizens It. so.-that theLiw was propi-rly enlortcd; j j j „n|jve of Hr-diilreA'^Vf ' vvhiuiru-e *«bserlher taki-s ihUtnnlKMl of informing 

Dial theofhu-isol the town, those having charge nraliilru. ol wiioiu we J |,„ ,h. mU ami the j.ul.Ue ilmi he has 

tif it.^ affairs, were in .1 iiiL.ismc ics| onMbIe for •iiwaj» n»i I'roiin, X.' x t a \ xr "L,' T \ 

the !i)osene>s with which the law was inatetl ill Ihetciwiiof Hraliilree, Hesponse Xv iVL V Jli 1 I 

ilii. to»ii, I'Y T. II.IVC. D.'iirl.ig, SI. IJ., 01 ..! ot tlio lliH I'arrinRe l-aiDt NUon to 

\V. Miutli was the next »|H.ikcr, anti ScIiodI Cnnitliitteo. ■■--■w nw »■■ 

he fact h«i had st. .xl iijKsn the tHli, The rterj^y of Ih-niiilree. Hev. ITOSTB W STjCOuTSa 

riancf fr.iin h.s b .yliuod, and had Kdvviii Smllli liaviiis retired Hie earlier wlii-re Im «-lll Im i»Uii*e.l to wait on *11 who tuuv 

C'aiTia«[c raiiitins:. 

ItbeumntUm, Nonralgin, Malaria, 

Diphtheria. Pnounionia, Sore Throat, 
Inflammation of the liunffk, 

I —(I'ltKii at— I 

Ml. Clias \V. Smith was the next »{H.iker,and ScIiodI Coinniitteo. 

Sih, Tlietiiwiiof Hraintree, Hesponse 
by T. Haven Hearing, M. H., one of iJie 

referred tt» llie lad h«i hml st. (xl mton the 

side of tcmiK-iancc from II 
.dways taken a iNisitivi- st.ii 

The eiergy of Hrninlree. 

b.yhuod, and had |/,|vviii .Smilli having retireil He 

57 ■liiiic-oi’k 


Iways tak,. a il.lut p.arl .,f tl... .■v<'..h.g ll..> l.lace was fllleil 

1 fad-..I all tills .111,1 111, K^rtlco . 1 . li..lin!! ,, ....a,. 11 “,™.,,, * ,,r ||,„ 

ic iraHic, tliL-.c- Mc.ctl.osc all.. »wc r,a,l> 1,. SO. ..I 

L’ct.s,. hill. ..f .Icaliiig ill the artitle. He tiaik "tlllllltltt. . ...Ig, 1 l.u Chaffers, I.} the 

4s a 

.iccusc'him of dealing ill the article. He ttsok 
sltoiig ground in favor of enforcing law in reganl 
to this nutter and vvarnetl the citi/eiis that un¬ 
less slrcnuoiis measures were nsctl, tiul this ele¬ 
ment \vi>idd finally liccoine the ruling element in 


lotli, Tlie hnliislrie.s of Hraintree. 
Hesponse hy .AHdon (>. Hriiikwuler. 
llth, Oiir Ptthlie Sehools. Hesponse 

f.ivor him willi H riill. Ilt-iiig Ihunkriil rov tlii-fr 
l>.i<t favor* wild patrouaKc. h'* wi*hi-s In inrrit Ihe 
• ame hi Ihe future. 

•ffl n*»r* lINfrrMHfri# mr Mm rkmrgu 

Priires ** low u* can he liiuml eliewhbre. 


in a 

fiiKuitMT^pmiwt jfgygr Assessed More light I 


- •lotkiinry lMt« 1 NN 0 « 


r 52d annual statement Best Aesortmunt 


ugaii(*t thlxln-ail tli<eii4c. 

Curi a mild IK Well a* severe nlbeiion* of the 
'lliritat —lloitrxeiie**. Tiekllng oflheTIuoal, I.n«K 
of Volw, 4e. 

Kpizoot and infiiieiiza. now *0 itrevulcnl. vlehl 
nadil* In I'dT.VSKA. 

.See «-|ieulai for CiUiie reinnikalile t-iKenof l»i|)||. 
tlieria wlileli 

I lia* eurrd. ; 
uiildei- .'iwe 

One of the Best Aesortments 
this side of Boston of 

• hIao ihi* following liM'al notice* of 


Miitnal Fire Insnrance Company, ^ 


4'orurr Kriilgp anti .Vtheu* Nlrrel*. 


liivili-* the •|Kci.d utleiition of ihc jiuhlii* lo hi* 



Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, 

Hay, Grain, Crockery Ware, Hardware, 



our community. He xjx.kc of the eliilkuliy of by Wellington iHrconl, of the Union 
iluing anytiiiiig towards piiriishing tlie pirtic'* (trniiiniar Sehoid. 

.JLlTSO^rsn, A£»«a. 


engaged in thix illegal tr.illic, on aiLoiint of the 
dexire of thnv; knowing the fact\ to Iw unknown 
.i> having aiiytlung tu do with tl. ThepicMdt-nt 
here mentiiinrd the fact in C(>rrol>iratiun of the 
la>t mentioned speaker, that ofiicets were not 
sufficiently Ivvckod up; that in i!i;S the town 

l2Lh, Our Hailroads, in tvlilrli ho pro- 
J posed SUV I'l-ul diniciilt proldiMim and (-ailed 
upon H. A. lirookH for a solution, who 
\ promised to solvo iIk-iii nt iv spoeiul 
;) UH-elini^or K. of H. w-hon all pri-m^nt 

eite or Keepers of 

voted to ihsuuct the ofticers tu punish all infiin* bail hucoiiie members (»f the ortjniiiza- 
gers of the law ; that ut that time, in the Hast lion. 

jMrt (if the t'lwn there were said to Ik- thirteen Tlie cluh then 


pUccs where liipior was sold contniry to law.— aft(>r vvhh-h tin; t'oiiipany ht-par.itiMi at 
I he oftic-rv siiccecdcil ihe )ear in rcduc- \ |..p) p.M., liavlny had a very viijoyahle 

.ng them to two, anti those two were convicted 
.Old paid the {'cnalty, one uf wiittin s|H:nt some 
lime in conlinement. 'I'iie encuuragement given 
those instrumental in doing this good work 
tliat enough of the teniix-rance element c<jnibiiied 
with tlii» disturbing cli-nient at the next 


1 must not omit to Htatn tliat the fes- 
liviti<-8 were hi (-liargc of n couuiiittcc 
conslhtliig of (*. L. IN'i-j-y, W. O. I-'a.xon, 
H. Porti-r, S. A. Willis, W. Kam*.K. W. 

wliii-li give* imim-Jiiin- relief, uini I* u rndiral 
OWneite or KGBporS of eure. I.ume lluek. lullaiumatlou ol the Khtn<-v«. 

J IliirkMclie. Pile*. Itilliiiui* or S(>ri |ie«« of lltr Ferl 

from whatever cHioi-. llniii* or Sculil". hiuI all 

I 1 1 2 ll■Daolu»utiM> ))i*euM-k, ii»liiullv reh-iveil mid 

mAma^ i iin'd. '^Rirjmuide’'will •ttve life. Ilo tiol licit- 

T N Iht* town. J(.C herchv reinhidi-d that mill h el I.* buy «houh*. hi- » household lureN.iiy. 

Il.ig* must In ilK(.I?'TKUKI) in the Town Fnll parlicular*. iii oiir llluiiilhuled ( ard* and 
( h ik’* ofil.-e duriiiTlIic pii-«iit moiilh. Cin-ulur*. •i-iit free, upon apidicatmn by mail. A 

IImU- ttlil.-h were legi-lernl ill ISIU cull ret.iiij UUl will hciielit you. We KiiaiHlitee «»|l«factlou. 
the same iiiuiibeni. if ilii-ir owiu i* inuki* eariv moin-y refumleil. /"J* nud #1 mi^UoMle. 

•iliidlcatiou. 1 lial Iloiile*.-g.Vc. Sold hv all |)nigifi*f*,. 

,?(iIIN A. U.WMo.SH.Tows Cliuik. Samcki. (Jriiiiv .t ( oxcaxv. 

Wiymoiiih. April. Isni. (i ly I'ropih iors.-^h Uro.idway. N. w >otk. 

KXT.t,v.Ts nDpccuAi/mr J^p 

11 ...... AN.. UII 1.00 IVl H 1% I 11 U I WU ■ 

Tios OF Sin.i:i- AXn OTIIIill hoMK-TIl Amsiai.*. - * 

j„<, .... 

Se*'- 1 - Ki cry ow oer oi kcep«'i ol a dug sliiill m a**.* *■ ■ sx ■ ik ikM 

atiiiuailv. oil or hi lore ihi-tliirtieih dav Ilf tkr Ai 4 i 4 lalfaitni, 

il’.., I... dressmaking and CHILDRENS' 

hieifcil. lor UIH-veui fioin the tii-t llay ul the « u- ast-i im/- r* ■ i. 

suing .^bi) • in lilt* otlici-o| (lie (‘ierk ol the city or CLOTHINL, S opCCidIty. 

iiu-i-tiiig, as to defeat the gkKKl wutk which bad 'rhoilipsull aiid (.'. < 1 . Hicllltrils, vvliopur- 
i)ct.n ihii.s aii-ipiciously iK-gun ; the result ot thus foi'iin'd tli(*ir dulius in a very a(‘(!('plaldo 
ileleat having been that n>iw tlicre arc said tu be matiiK-r. H. A. S. 

eight places in the same |xirt of the town selling __ 

m oiKti violation of the law. 

Nfr. lohii K 'lly ne.xt siHike of the need of IC.irn •|*oiidciiee of the (i«cih-.| 

vv;.lc a»akc a .,.1 car,.pt work ... llii. dircctio.., 0 |||. ){o.S|Oli LetICr. 

lefcrriiig to what he had seen during the day as __ ^ 

nr<K»( of vvlial he and others had said. ,, , 

.Mr. II. 'strong Thayer being tailed u|>on, -i i . » ^Hrch 2 'j, i.Sjjo. 

seemed to have Ix-come waked up to the inip..r- J'^"Vnets m 
tance of the subjetl atvl pronounced himjelt ;is ^'“'(ch . Aiul if jtis, h..w /x ime to lielp it. 
ready for acliun,.uid by an anetdule very jioint- *.i ** V’ 

Mil. F. M. Prapk: 

MkAit liuii tl severe nitiick of Hoarse- 

lie** aud Hore rhroat the fir*! of the iimutli. hir 
w flieli I nmid gel no relief until I tried voiir l*t»- 
I.\SKA. Oiie-iialf a Imttle cined lue. mid I 
wimhi recoiiimcnd it to the niililic' a* * sjieedy 
eiire for lloaririu--* uuU HiirX Throat Uestwri- 
j tidlv yours. V. SA.SlUillN. 

Weyiuoulh.Feh. IT, IR7t*. 

IHOOEPORATED 1828. Charter Ferpetnal. 

I'Mdli AdtirtN, • 


HALL and 


•cut frei’. iijMtu iipidlcation l»V mail. A lhcUi.v. I'. A. Nordell. pa*lor of the First irupuid l.os*rs. 
leiielit you. We gumaiitee «»|l«f,tctliU». Uai'llsl Soelety, einlorsei* pi»1-,\J*K A : i:iiti.dd Uivldeiids. 

refuiiiled. raM iiil-mtd #lp«i;UoMle. Wrvmoiith Juu 4 l*7li •* ».♦ \ 

le*.-4.^e. Sold hv all UniggiV: M It. F. M. I'KASF.: ”'’iU.-iiisuruun- I und. 

Samcf.i. (iFHIIv ( oxi-axv. (*KAit Sik Having uiH'd viuir Diidillierut iiiitl 

I'ropiielors.-J:h llro.idvviiy. Niw votk. Thnmi S|Mcille l••^*evi■ral ye'ai-s, heltire ami tiller 

-it W«* issued as u propfieiary Iiii dieiiie, it give* 

■ a itflAIja 4 * im-greiil |>leii*ure lo speak of it holli from jM-r- 

il If I Hi I" W§ t% *'UI4i olisetvullen Hll'l IIOIII koowledge of its ef- 
AA|V|JI|\I|rI1 . Afflji feet u-a iuo<i valnahh- prep4i.tiiuii in nil eases 
^1 wwrWi |ti| Hhieh it is teeomnielided. 

... ... .... A. NDllI.EI.I.. 


T HK limb r*igtied re*|i(etfuUy nif.irms ilie'iuilr 
lie lliiit *be i* |iii pate*! io do 



liiwii wlieieiii «atd ibig i* ki |U. and -hull a-uit-e il 
to wearnrouiid lit. neck n eii)l.irdi«liii<ilv iiiurki d 
nilli it* owner's luiim- and il* regt*tered nnitil>er. 
and *li;di pay for •.iieh iiei n-.-. for 11 dog 
luo ih>nitr-. and lor 11 fi mule dog llv ■■*. 

Skition". .\iiv per*on hieoninig the owner 
ni keeper of a dog noi tliily lieeii-i d. oii and ah> 1 

CLOTHING, a Specialty. 

i* i>repiired only l>y 

A “hare of publie iialioniige i* r'-*|M-etfiilly so- K» W« PEA 8 E| PhAriHSCiSti 
in-iled. Mils. A. W. YAVldMt. 1,1:K. .MASS 

.tt the re«idence of Mi*- .Vugii-tii* 

o '• Sold by Drugerista Everywhere. 

-- Al#' diri'Cliou* with r» 4 -h Imitle. Frier, 

xXy tl! VRgQ TJ .'•deeni*. 



(t to the teriiis utiildulie- pri--euLM i| in 

.\ny iier-uii ke< [ling a dog eonlrarv to 
ion* of lid-nei. viiail lorfi It tlheiii dd- 
he recoVaiid h) eoinplaini or indiel- 

4141 aLklo.j, too, Moa. vvAioi; , ,, ..... mi. 

■dlvuiicl i.x|.o.i.d tl,.- .iltitudc i,f .'n;! Ihal- di'd yf.lmUy. Such di. n.,,.r.\l..v -li»l!.'«.i".'-.|i.l.l..K...|..t.B. 
,u.,i.ys„ called tc.ui> ccl.u cvc.c c-ver .< hlnicl of an hacter .'.imUy .as came id. ..d, i..i...l..a. d. . 1 . ..-ril.. .1 mi.l l.,|. ..-. .l .,„iil 

..I?...tli.-.s on hut hi..,, lock t!, ... 111 , ni.t.-a.i of the bright Kloriou. day ..f a jear tl,.'tir-t da. of III.'(■ii.tiiiia tl... iii.njii.r. 

ready to uitc utllc.s on, but liai.s them- „uke n.Te .hink the ..."I subj,.. b. th.-t. ri... ..i.ldu.i,-. b. ,! m 

‘”■■1 he closi,... sicker of the,li..K tvas Mr. was jus. bcxinni.,g,.f jus. |s,s,i.,K ",J-_,.;.;t. oersou k.-. ,.U,u-.. .h.u- ... to 

Alverdu Ma.s'jii, who was lislciie'.l l<j vvilli llm , . . i ■ .... llieptovl*ion*ortld-nei.»liHlll.»rfnttifle«iidi'!- 

ciosot atlenlK-n .vs he iK'rtiavrd the iluty of ev- . 1 had got.eont yes{or'lay, 1 siipjxise I shmiUI i.„., to be recov« i.d by eomplaud or imln-i- 

ervCti/. n „f Lhaiulrce ta ..c.lo.ra his dulic-s as cctleu yolu.l the new mil .l.e.>--.,c rather, i,.,.ut.; au.l ot -ai.l Hue ..r l.uf.-ilur.. tUe .h.llar. 

• .'..o-dk hcu-.-rc a eiti«n of luavt-n- lliat i- fiir '* *1 '•-‘J * bright day, I hlluilid have done shall be panl lollie ('ompl.iiliutil. ami l. n dollur* 

. lough hCWcre a viUACl ul liLUVtn , Uul l>, lor I i.hUv to the vvlndcsale hou .* »b;ill lo- |.anl to the TrVaoiter of the eoiinfv in 

: le iK-xt gi-thl ul the individual and commnnily , . jj jj, j, 5 ,kilJin-»H it Vo which wis-K- in.-t "h'"h *L'' d'dit- hi-pl. A lieen*e fi.itn ihe ( hik 

.aviUB na naht to cunleuauce auythius hat m ';,n ,i;,V ,. . . 1 , ." 1 at he be .ull.l... any par. „f 

my way tended to injure .a neigidx.r, dasMtig l*'*i{vd it* ‘ ‘‘d. ‘'ii» wuK.w) itut the t|„. c'omm'UiweuUli uml uiay he iransierred wiili 

ibis evil .is aiU'ing the greatest of evib tu indi tj Ally |)opular sit>les might be sbovvn. of ,j„. ,|„j» ij, i nae.l: /rao/.fx./ san! liei n*.- be re- 
k .diuils and coiiiimm'-ies, reconiiiivniling that the Jb«? ^■‘''liMkhes winch do not all corihd nv ilo-( Irik of tin- ritv or town where 

Litiae-ns e,. tu llieit town mewtiuK with a .leter lu-ome n-ahne. hy any means .ami seale.lon a .....h k.-pt, . 

. .. . ...1 .. 111 . ..... -.. w., .. :» ...<a I'.ickiiig box ;ii the tn:d •; ol eiihcnieral vanities. I tion •» I he n*'e*»ot* of ihi- i-ities und 



t ,'rm-d» he were a eitixeii of liLJven- that is *• ** d-»y. 1 Hhuiild have done shall he paM to the (>oinpl.umim. ami i.-n dollar* 

this evil .is aiming the greatest of evib tu indi tj-tH) I’opidarstvlis might be s nivvn. of ,j„. ,|„j» li.inmtl: /rao/.fx./ sanl liein*.- be re- 
rtnnaea tsf Itr rtTi IvD wr1 -I'* ** V .du.ds and coimnim'‘Ks, reconiiuvmling tlut the |lm winch do not all ,-orihdTiv tin-( I' lk of tin- ritv or t..wn where 

constantly on liana. _ti.iacns e„ Iheit l..wn mewtluK ».lh a .h-tcr- lu-omc n-ahne. hy any means .iml sealedon a .u.h k.-pt . 

, .k.. 111 . O..V -.. 1,1 1 . 0 * i* lacking-box ;ii the m:d.; «ti rplienieral vanitu-s. 1 micti'ino Ihe u*»*-**«its of tite ••itie* uml 

-- -- -- --- the hands of men whoVvilI xce liui it is iudi- t-Hik yards of notes ■ n tiblx.n |.ap* r. Irom which town* shall umiuallv lak*-a liM of all .J..g* owm-.l 

the hands ol men wno win see mat u m juiu now t-v to eb-an the U-t l..r von "f k* j't in lln ir i--p. elive eiln - m town*.the 

ciouslv exiicmbd >0 as u, cn.ible llic olhceLs to * ‘ '' nv t > ‘ khan itu u 11 r )oii. j ,.«i„ i*' „r k-. pei*’ 

Ullow up Ihcsr vi.ilat rs of l.ivv witlmut iKCuiii- , I- iai(! si-.wi.i, vu l tin- ;« fiun i,.nt,,) *..{*1111 the •aim-lo tin <-llv or town 

ary loss, lolheuiscbe-, .Tiid push to the wall the '-h" petMudjng t.ic miuU ntm-. .-I I leiuli ' ci ,k. on or h* |..ic tli- lli-l dav ol.fub. Any 

Fire Insurance. 

'I'ln'nmler*igi)< d. A gent fiir llie folbiw ing In- 
surain-r ( o*.. with A*** Isof more llinn (l'4:i,(NN>.- 
(NHf, I* pr<'|>Hriil to Insure to any attnainl.on 
Ukai. nr rgiiNONAi. Flittl'KUTv. ill WliYMtfH I'll 
01 vicinity. H.iving ii:i*i Miat.y )eur>'e.X|>erieiie«- 


ami thankful for pa*! fav<jrs, •oUoit* a roiilinuatirc 
of the >.iitie. 

irniiaid - • Irt-gnao 

Unpaid Uivldemls, • • , • 'JOO uu 

Ui-iii*urunr<* Fund. • iuo.77! 4:i 


An iurrrnHr of o%'4*r 8*i»000.00 

ill their Siirphi* ilurilig 1H7'J. 


Fire or Lightning. 

Dlvnletids, &0 |M-r end. mi E rr*r policies, Atnl 4U 
|>er eeiit. mi all Olliers. 

H. .KIKIIilV & CO., 

ahknts fdh. 

WejTiioulli, |{rirmlri’C& Virinily 


21*1 WA*IUN»iT**N ST.. ItosT«»!(. 


Nickel Plated Leader 

Student Lamps 

&c.. now on exhibition at 
the Store of 


HAST wf:y-motjtii. 



WASHINGTON St., opposite Prospect. 4|iiiiivy .MiitunI, 

\V KYM< Ill'l l 1. ... 


R esiH-cifidly inroriM* the |>ubhc tiiul he bus c-i 
tahli*b*'a himself oii 

P. li. Itlaiu'iiard 



1 KNOWN; _ 



»imnime«-« to tin- [H-opU- of W 
Uy that he ha- a ( ai of F.' 

<ipU- of NVi-yintinlb mol Viciii- | 
( III of FAN( Y I’ \ I r.ST 

Hercules Flour, ‘ 

(an »-ntiiely in-w hraml Al-o a • ' 

Clear Quill. 

I'.Ua-'n>* Umin-liitl*. Ilo.u'-) in *•. 

r>>la*k.i ••nr* * >.i.hl>'n I ohi*. 

I‘.>la*ka <’<ir* < < .itan h. 

i’.•l.k•k.k eiii'i * I o'khog in th>‘ T'hioat. 

I’..| t*k.« i* rtadilv lttk<n b-. ( ini.lreii 
i'i*l.»-k.» i* on .d'* »'•!*'I-- I’.*'lii .S'l cakn* u 
sjo, ;. I- SoM b> ill Dniggist*. 'J 

Ulurriancs unD Oeaths. 


In llo-ton, M in’.'.'4. h_v lii-v •• II Wnikh-v. 
: V I'.n n. . ..I llostou. !•> KiiiinA K. U».*gl«* 

.| W I V inoti.h 


In lit lii ii. . . M.*‘.N. .Maiy F . w.f* »f Wil- 
. .. r l..«-k. . 

Ill W i'viiiouth. .M .11 h •(}. >.kni.o-l l(i. Ii.iiil*. 

ary |os*> to theuiscU*--, aiKl ptisit to the wall tin* 
caetim-s uf tli>- n.-JCi- ^ 1 the ctciini. iiwe.dtli. I b- 
sLathiiigl) tebuked'.i.i'se wh** v.iaiM all'.v. this 
ini.inn>iis tralUL tu g<i nil jini nut even Vote to 
give protection liyill its visi.Ii- ell ets. 

Mis- I.cia A. llaglev ic.i i tlm n.; the exerti- 
sts t.Vii pieC.-v, mu- i-n‘iili<l •‘\'i>iv> ol the 
Nigtit," tlu-*»lh-.r “Doan willi tlie ii.iIlK." It 

wa- a iT -asute and a luh treat tu listen, a- in 
nati'ial .iiiil li.h l-'t.iwith tile h.-st .1 -xin-s 
sr-ti.. till stutilil.'lit t tin-wi.;ei vv •* p-I .i.i>> >1. 
Man. ihit I .ut *1 th ■ '.i .-.n 

I ;ng i.i.i'v I .ml to-m I'I th.-li * i|..ik- t* : : . 

i -.10 . 0 -. 0 .,- ntti'i .-r*-i h-re .tl': t‘,; J t'.i.- 

I b . . .iiion, -.'.If l> »ng .tppi' 11 • I |. s'. 11 : *li--it >1 tlml luv tn i:.X' •- th 
I 111 .fii iin'l b: t. d. Kki t'l .Mr- I- ■. at. 

kii.dl> temUted L>» as ist.n.<*-III lit s.l....ii.*. 
ainl loi hvt seiviki-s (Il l-t.ol ng .-ft .11 .-h'siianvii 
. I the excr>avs. atel li* .Nliss J'>'ie Deatiny. who 
prcsidetl at the ■'(gait. .V. 

,< .ii-n ts and bats t sh w ..|i in |> st adv.ini.vge. 
-t Inp is g'Mal, and t.tncv Lr.tids .lu- le tter, liiit 

FUKkll SH»( K (»F 

“t Inp Is g'Mal, and t.incv Lr.iiils .lu- letter, liiit . L'lve jti«i am I ti ne au*w* i*. or •hull .»n-\v« 1 Jal**-- ^ in I n t • I ■ II*** X « 

;. 1 . . .lu- cb.... .•, .Mill ..II l.r ...I.u.l ; I. I'. II... I.l.i.'.- ... II.. .... I,. I ...i|, r.-Qn* l|rMn.n onfl ||hQm|nn n CcriiiHll.VlIir 

.nllcSi UlUp allQ UlieilllCaiS ,..».ro.«i-s« 

ami loi Jut seivici-s tn l.»,t.l ng .-It .11 .-h-s 1 lanvlt 
. I the excr>avs. atel li* Miss J'>'ie Deating. who 
preside*! at the ■'(gan. A. 

K. of II. AiiitU>-r>»ury. 

On tin--JSth d.iy ‘-I Miorli, I'^TU, w an Id- 
m„l xiiluiud Hiiihi'in-f No. UM. 

■£ Knigliix (.1 ll**iH.r, ainl du Tin uday cvt-it- 
mg .Mait-ii il'Jlii lln-\ t-elcbraU-vl tln-ii litut 

HerculoB. Fancy HaxnU, $0.00 ' “ ' ’ ' 

, „ . ItiM-i. M.i.'lig* U -v. I Iwui.l II .mph- 

‘‘Directora Hraiiu, bancy ] re*, i-. u. iii . my wm- i-tt ig .1 sa j.a.* 
Haxall. made form the 

Best Minnesota Wheat. a.50 HaVIieS & 

Clear Quill. Fancy Haxall. 8.50 ^ 

Perfection, Winter Wheat 33 COURT STsj BOSl 
Patent. 8-00 

, ^ « cf-k Boxes m Gloat Variety 

Bakers Proiuiuin. 7.50 c » * 

Brass bamJ In>tiuni(,*nt5. 

While Roho. 7.50 

Excelsior, 7.00 Quitgis Watiantod. 

John C. Haynes & Co., 


graham FLOUR 

lii.ul. fi..m Ml. I..U 
evpn **!.* t.n ni- 

Ah. Ill* %X. ! 

.11 \. . i « I.. . 1 . .....I u. 

80 Ct3. per Ua^. 

.. . .1 II- 


m, - « - - ' 

k.ili. ^ ' ' 

7'ltKfr- (>*• * U %IU*I 


, , H ,.y M..I III I \ : 

,.l |-.>'l>> 111 * PI I-"! 


si.rioD '"' r- 

Brass Band Ini>tiuni(,*nts. 

Vtjlins. I 

American Guitats Wanantod. ! 

Impoited Guitars. 

Banjos from $J.OO upAdrJs. 
Violin. Violoncello, Double Bass Banjo, j 
Z'thci and harp Slrm^sand Trim- i 
ii-.injjs I 

A*- ■ iv-)tt and Coil ert: . - v-t dll de 

I aiiiiivcis.iiy. A!*'.«'inblliig at od*I K*-l- suad o huggi 

I li>ws H.ill m l).i- H.iiidali lUiK'k, tiit-ii* itas 1 hav*.- m 
usual plan- cf iiu‘>'iiitg. w Ijurn lln-v i»-- Tuilxi 
t-fivi-«l iln-ir in\ii*'d gm-S'ii*. llii-v ji-ihm>iI n th;* hat is 
, i bri.-f pi-ricd m gi*'.-tlii.''ii. At .**i unilyl-rmn 

c'vbxck tin-) l'*(nn*'il .1 pri-ccs.sicU utul* r " 
till- itui-ciii'U nf (iiiid*- Vv iliiam I.. flag*- w 

and t|ui(-il> r. paii.-.l tc tin-fit.iud Army ,,being 
il.tli in ili-ll'i>“>k 111 '** k, vvlicli* vv.i.H straw jet, and 
l**Ulul a b.vtiijiu-l wlil«-l( \v«iiil*l wjih straw, 
tl.t/./li-Hit-i-Ti - ati«! nialo-gl.kd Hu* hi-art .Vnungtlir 
«>t ;ii;y in.m.'alllicu-gh 1 .*- lod juxl styles; •< tin 

frcni ill*-f,m-tl> l.iO;.-, (rvHicis on llu* ti.nnng slurpi 
hIji-II. ovkU'i X ^t••w ''‘1. •') M*-rx*-xi-.(ll»*pp«-*l, 

»nfcli-r»’frinl ill cruinl**. pn-lduig, pics, h*vetv wiUTn 
.■;.k.- i«i.i.-i.i.roi«i "li,* Hraiulit-r- is f.imcn* lur g«n»l i-*H»ks.> .,.^.,,, 1 ^ 0 ,.. 

• •rang*-!*. .ip|'h-s. nut**, li(*l cctlc*' ami ' v,.,ynun> 
*>t|i*T «li*li*-aci* !t git‘clc*l the vi*ih*r. l-»n *i 4 .n- • 1 them 
phili-s had h*‘cn spread and iht* sp.c-c mdlmerv. .'I 
was Hilly **i'»-upicd. l■*triLh. and tl 

UTicUn-r h> a«-*‘i*lt-iil or design. *l**p*t- ••"i* and Ui. 

And such l..velyhlllcbl..-.*-.TW.iy bits-I head- iMTI«*s7. .Muv,.ia ..frith * ami iho chaiim.m 
; .11 were Ihi n* *ttv the n k* tc .ittest th*- | li i-tni* n ••iinw n. •Itall ai.niiMitv. within 

liuthdf the .i-.-a-iliiU». M .-ti'f llie U'sf *tyh-s ' ti-n «li>> * limn ih*-tu*i "r.Iiih . i-*ii< a v* .in iii.t (« 
I.I.- s:,U cTiiwiis. ;,nd tbev at*- littb-*. .tm-i*r iinnv j**.lic. ..fih-.-r*. nr *-m**tabl. *. *111*. t 
\»,d .(•. f.'f l-'iin;-, -wliv, luvi-m. Iiiinis at m , th* n* c* erm-* i-*! |...ihafih «ii|ici i«. kill •■- 
,k !, lint md\ .i d.vinty l.dl cl lace "f Is a I Inrge I’"'" ki'.. *l all .1 >,.• Hitliin th.-ti- i. . 

. , ,, ,, , 1 ... J ^ i»* *'»ii*s*n I'.'vii'. mil II.'* n-.-«l ».il isilJur*-1 .n- 

' ' " I’ ■!.. ■ J ' , , I I . , • *hl.g* l'» 111 • I'l i*> i-i xi- ’ ' '. Micl !•» • l.i* I 

I . I me tell >im ol t»m‘Lively hl.nk Lire cap.— ,,,1 .i,;,, ,j„ , ,i gi , j„ ... 

. ,-...lkd a Ic.iiiiet; tljctc wa> pile .t, ..I'.mv p..-.>ii *v*i> i i.hc.- .Hi.-.-- 

1.1 diiisnl t.> the lj.a,k v-iy a!.ri:ptl>. aHil .li-di. l.iR*-i>i*'- i<i b> kill.- 1.'.*11 .. .-h 
; *vn -iu»i jet *mci‘ .d'-iy in strii>c*. ,\ i wl" n- v. t ami v* l.i-r* v« i fmiml 
I. w <•{ wib'diu - n s.itin liblaui *.11 t**p, . — . ■. ■ 

->ith .1 wreath .ir >nn<i the Irutit and suiu*, of 

kiiiusni iis'.cTs, with fine white bl.i** -'n*, and A WOHI.l) OF (ilfOlr 

:lnhnVnnbI.'n.^"’” ''**"■ M 

lurlians.ire very much the fa»hicii. U th in H*-*" ln‘t*d(- llii* Allli-liiMli p 
U>*s anti hats, ntuch t>* the ih-liglit cl ipunti- ll‘*p IHUci's. ^ nilsci' il cVi- 
tii * ut vvtunen 1 -. wlmni thev ate s' tiiiich nuHe ih-ople take il with cl 

U .u. i.iing than anything ilsc. I “tr.e-J n * .1 |mild> tlu-in up. Il is iml as 

tinban hat cf lun* Uatk .Milan s’imw, tlic Liiin , , 1 .., ..* . ,1 . ii 

.t wh-LhsbHxl ..nta httle fn-m f <- vc.wn ,n- l:»'*l(- Is snmu ull el IJ 

stead *'t hugging tb>se tl* It, aini l*-!t at htniie in ) H N a W ItisKcy (Il illk. I 

itaslliave nut in any hat I liave ha<l oti let . like llu* o]ii fasliiclieii hone 

V..US. Tuilulis were w.,in last it is Uue ihal lui.s doMc a VVolhl of « 

A UOUl.l) (»F <0»0|». 

Om- of till- most jiopiihii' nii'du'iiM-s 
now hefoi't- till- Anu-rii-aii piiMic, is 
ll»*p HiUci's. VoiiMi'ii i-vi-i\wla-n* 
Ih-iiple take il with goo«l cflVi-l. 1( 
iMirlds tlu-tii (ip. Il is imt as piea.sanl 
to ilu- lasit* a-* soiiiL- uther lliili-rs as 
it is iioi a ulilskcy diiiik. It is inure 
like the olti fashiulieii hone set l(‘ii 
lhal has ()«*Me a welhl of If 

..m.. U.,,.r. | f | | ,„ , ,|, uj,. 

tl inly hT gia* . D..!-., ..lid Will be a la -1 • .. , * * 

VI lilt*. i-'or*'ihcr i'>un>i I..*t«, r 1 ..'t'* ate vaitali'-ns I'd'**- ■ A u/((o| .» »t<‘a. 

.ip. n tile Li'-a I Li i.,;,. d 8i\l *, ,.n.l .4 n.-w 
walk.iig-hal w:th bniu uii*. *l.g’il! f liof... pictty 
pattern being shown Ir nmn-d Llj< k jit and ' 
sttaw ict, and w.iii a ' I •- -- • ck''* plti-n.- tii<|>eii ' 

hi-.ii'l .\mjng till- t.itUin L n-ul'W.o .vu -.i-.eral 
ris*-l‘ styles; «t the t-.-.^. 5;. *l *va» • •. w-.|ht!c- btiiii 
I tiu- ti.nnng slurpo up ir. m tin-lav .-.'.1 -.IK- Mduf 
ppetl, wtlh the Ixin. t-.'Ip. in tl. Imn. 'i ^•;.lea 
pies* b*v etv |i.(lti rn in lawn . '• p. tmnm-il with the 
ruvcii .mK* color w«s shown, a w . 4tli • 1 la'autitul v«l- 
. V( t nasturtiums ami line :| - '.tlmg it ‘)it to 
! .i.^valiUge. 

' \'ery nunv lu-w and lovely flowers are sliowir, 

b»d them U-mg largi-r than i> i.sual in siniug 

S'P'C'c millmerv. .'lafiv t*-atlieis are ' to**, clc.-rlv 

I'striLh. ami the s. iLuntu-st new silks ainl 

«|«‘po- >* 01 * and bt><adi'> ;ii •.lu'i-n* ch.inge.iLli. '’(*, 


'.••/I'./ f'Y I'll./, i S/ii/n I'attHt (’ 

/'Vo Shite, ft-r //- 1 

M n.h to. I'ss !. 

.l/lWIlt • /'/'• hht/e, /i-r f/- tir.r- VHillMj^ 

•"uml i .'/"■'I 

• r |m K.M-'Mi i> > oit WL> Moi Til (. \ /i rn-:, 

1 I i;oM I ID- I. VW .VXD I'.VI KNI «»n l« K op 

ul v«L SD-C. Kiia 

,,lt .yi4>/ .Vu'X/'; I'ltttHt 

('i*rre«|Hin«lfnui- ■ .li.-iidl. 

Mri>*«*f .s.ruth Hiaiiiliee Wi-Ighiiig uinnit 
I T'lilbs vvi r*- fcuiid ccvupyiiig **nei*.-ti*-**, 

' .itnl it w .is./.'H* 

I 'I’h*- r<*inp>iay **11 l.tkiiig lh«-ir ^*-. 41 * 

' vv-u- pM'tni»«l. *‘.»!le*l Ic ..rderl'V rinrh-x 
1.. iVrry, I>i*lat..i **1 ih«* I. nig*-, who 
I i*atl<*it ujHUi ( haphdu l.>*ai» K. li**iu*-g l*i 
1 ihvok*- tin- Divme blessing. .kU pr*-'t-ul 

iulwiit winch turn m.-ch prettn r tha 

ulnuit l*iai*> strings ar* ••! *ai:-K.. mv. I.unv 
M-tl*-*' clb'*' d-»ubi-::«l silk %-;.n mnsheil 
'*l a few with iiUaUI string* 
l,.\»r i.o xttin>;* 

S *'.4 * lu- :e-.X'pnsJt* I'lench b’lilo-t I 1 . 

s. .%!. Allrn, D*.\bury. Wood-grinder hr 
nuking p.ii>ci-|adp. 

11. IL*.. r., .■ *''•{ of half int. t'* (*. A 
r. n. si 'll. W il« r ineter. 

( . ltair**tt, s.'iii* ivilte. Kadu.iv car 
1 il. Idait l~Ta'k'.t,, ph-t'lgtaphu apparatus. 
I- llogharn ami W. F. Ilrigha*i'. s \\ He'* 
itt. iluilviii, and \V,|'. I'rusha, Mar'* 1 .agh, 
W.iteipr>'»l fa' : 

I *( .. II ... 

( ONsl .VNTIA' ON M .\NI>. 

I.NUoi; AssoUlMF.Nr 

Fancy Goods. 

Shears anjd Scissors. 

I’l’l-la I-I IS I-: OK 

Patent Medicines, 


Bouquet Soap, 25c. 

Fine Sponges 


M.\( 110 m ill. - I.K.M I.M. 

LaNormandi Cigars. 

«rTni«T 1‘KlfcSAI ATTXMTI«>X l-AII* TO Al.l 
HKAV* lir:* or l>HI*l HlsIXf.s 

p4rtiCBl&r atUatioQ to prrpario^ FHYdlfMANS' 
PRE8C&1PTIUN8 frotu the Ua mxUrUli. 

.tLKKKII WV.M.t.N, .Uiollu'car). 

w.' j: "‘""EN ■>’ HIGGINS. 


Adams St.. North Braintree, n„,I flnSlalAn 

NK.Ol M.>miis.iN-.s F.v.-imiv. (Illll IflllKICr. 

when- he i« prepartnl lu UU ull unln* for _ 


. .. . XVt.4i,ii.h..,ri,ini..-lf ..u 

*J«I.K-y .(lutu.l, . .,f 5 , . Braintree, 


. .‘TV t«riiiorH. \N,„..!..rr. , ,,, 

4biAKl4»ii, «'f AlMiigton. 

IllN. 4'o., . of New V-rk. gTA CKSMITH 

4*«*riiiMia .4lll4'rirn||« • of New York. 

liiM. <'o. of K4»rtli .%Biii*rlFM» I’luia. HORSE BHOBIN^ 
lllM. ('U.« of 1'hil.idelpliia. CAHRIAGH 

Nh4M' A l.l'llllier IUN. V(*«* H'lstm. «*-TAKK N4>TIi;i-:. that 

... M m M- 1 . tl ( aniag*-.Vxh-s hv (.lunsinl ml* 

I*lt4*iiu IfiM. i O., hr.x.khn. ,,j„iij{ia«„.i,. 4 .>.umUI. . 

fal<ail<'4*Mll'r lllM. ( '4ft., ('douci-stei. *.111 mil** •-< «‘iuy «li*hing nl (In- 
•* *• I l.illfiiril. 1 .I,,*f puhlli- p tlnnian* 1 

l«UII<'l|ftllliro •• •• .M.inchcstcr, Fng. j lu-U* <1 ami-.rlisf t'ti*»li icouiwul' 


Wiymouib. Autf U. T P TnWf 

t, i hiia HORSE SHOEING, and 
i..deipi..a. CARRIAGE WORK. 

IhMm «*-TAKK Nr^TIUI-:. that I will •* t ynnr 
,, ,, ( aniage Axh-* hv (. om-*icl ml*-. »•* lh»l lln-y will 

l*ri>*ikl>n. X 4 „„r 'l-in-* wiih- 

h>uci'>tei. *'iil min* *-* s'ttiy dl*huig ni (he w In *1* nr spiilig- 

ilailfi.rd. .|,,,i V*f p*»hll(* p ttnuiag* i* r«'*P' *-lf*ill/ *n*- 

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

NOlli'Ol.K SS. I'UUIUTK I'ol'IlT. 

ri^i t t]i>- h< l.iov. Next nf Km. uimI allnihi-r 
A |**’i-*>n* iliU-ri >1* *1 III (Ik- K*t<U* nf IS- 
It.VKI. 1-K..\UIN<). hit*- nf Wt-yimnilii. in suid 
( nnnt). d( I'i .(cii. (ir*'«'ling t 

\Sdni*as A ('«-rt.«iii i•l■llltill•'ll( picpoOilig 
n* In- tin la*l will ai.<l testaittmt ctf •l«(-*as*-d 
iiii.*lH>'n pie«<Ut**l to stinl ( nutt. tnl Pi«*hat)-, 

10 ( Urilnla i'l adl-g. who 1 * 1 -a** lltal h-llel*ti -ta* 

■ in i.( 4iy inav l*< issii*'! to he*, th*- exet-tilrix 
tin-fi III n.uiir >1, uml lhal sli* inav In- i'\**d 
tioiii giving •iict.ii on lii-r lH*n*l. 

Y>rri In 14-1.> «-U*'*l l«> al 4 I'rnlmle 

I 'l.iiii.toln li'iM* n at (r'liii.-v. in ■md ( onniv ol 
N 'o i-.ik. i*u tin •* eninl tV* Uu* >*hk) **1 .\|*i d n* XI. 
at «»\‘l«r*-k in the Itoi inMUi. to «iti<W eatis* . 

11 inv vox hav* . Mg.unst lln- sain* <anl |r* till*>iH-r l> In-r* hv *tiri<''i*i lo t(iv** 
l>nbl.i iiotn i-lln-i*ol. h) pnhri-hltig till' ( itatn>ii 
.im-* a wiik. 1*11 till* <-so* V •••!*« wi ( k*. Ml tlm 
In w 8|’ i|n r ih* M • * *11011111 (lal* II*'. p* lilt* *1 ' 

.tt \V • \ iiioiUli. tin- lica( poliln'aln*ii to be twi> ■!«) ». 
a( 1* 4*1. lu in. ■ •>'! ( 

Wiim**. (•iirig' M hit* . K'winiM-. .Iinlu*’ofcai*! 

( nni*. Ibi* iwiiiiictb >l.ty nl Macli. in the 
V<ai nin tli*><l'*m<i • ighl fiUlnln-*! aini'itflitv. 

4<> ai .iuNAdllA.S ( <>1111. IPkuuV. 

, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | 

I N'OKFOLK. >-*■ PuoHATK ( ot 1 (T. I 

T ‘I III* N* xi nf Kill, itml hII p* r*«in* itiU'r*-»it *1 
i;i II; K*tat* f MlNoT TIKUl.I.I.. *>l 
I vv* viuouth. in •4t<l ( oiiniv. an lll•anl' |M-r*«iii. | 

I iiuitmir I 

Win <* .*• J-'Ini <^ A. h'n-llj. Ill*- gll4l*ll4ll o| I 
lid W.vrrl h.i* pH *<'111* *1 lot allow4li'*' tin Hr*! ' 
.*< * •rii.ii* of li(< guauhaU'Lip I 

^ oil 4ir hr-rr-.V *'l(t<l U» 4pp< 4r ftl 4 I'iubat*- , 
( -•<••■ lob- ]i-rl*l> 11 at (^.nin V. ni «anl ( . •itiil V of- 

J. E. JOHNSON, a... 


I>«'uU-r In 


and i^rovisioiis, — 

Of lln^ 


Ami ttl the 1 

ZiODirest Cash. Frioes 

. in* V ' 

44mnIi1mkI<»u N4|.« 44 4‘yBUOutli. p. .\i. 

GOODS DELlvbiED ProDiptlf. 

Ordi-i* *-alle*l f**r. if n-«|ii*-*le*l. 


IF03E?^ ipi; 

Aihlic**. Itox 3u.». 

(.IITINC’V. Miisn. 

41 l 

O. .AULF, 


IlKi-aiuiso doue lu tli« bcn uiouutr, and At 

94 ' I tUHke a SYnKKI..whieh I will w»rnuit ro 

Ultt- I'erlVrt NatiMnicUaii. 

Mai Ul.HB WuCKLA funiDlli-il «• (l*-atied. 




Sriffluit’ii k l)vfrsl*fl^ of iVor. 

'I'llF. Srh’«-Uu«-ti ufWeyuinutb will be in »e-tn>n 
* ai dll- rowii lloUM-. I vi-iy Mnu*l>y (*-Ai-*'pi (!«** 
lliiiil; ilariiig the muiii>-ipal vear. ftoiu iwn toBve 
I .. 'K-x 1'. al.; outiK* tiin«l Slnuday **f eui'h MiXitb 
tli*v will un*l at ti.*- .Mui»-Uu<t*e at g u'elnck. 
P. .M. 

IIIOMAS H. lirMPllUKY, I s*i.i:«-r«KM 
Wll.l.l AM N \SU. 1 AMUOVKU- 

AI (•1'* 11> -I Itu 11 Vltlh-*. > wKrtu nr 
.1 \( '>li UAKIdt. F*k>u nr 

.1 lUM.A.SIt olU FIT. iVVACJiniTH 

\V. vimn.ih. M.iivl, 4ib. l-v-iO. 

rt :F .A. TCH M 

W r rr III* ndmg ‘fin. lit.***. I **i>p*«. I-* a*I or 
Irou. withoiii iii-nf *‘r *>>l<lt‘ring ii<<n Aoy 
I* lady nr «'liihl can ut’U*i with it. Wiliniil 
^ II • uiiph*-by luoil(willi dir«e(i«in») ^ 

o. ’ •*1 will •■ut I'Ji *»u’*- fuurth lu |*ttt-li«-*. 1.1 r 

_ ^ " -nufl •*- hv luolKwilli dir«e(i«in») 1^ 

I r* ^ I , M \ o. ' '*dl • lit fJi *»u*-f«*urth tu |*ttt-li«-*. r. t “ 

-I? t^JCO l-CU im .c«.pt..ri'.«.- Hii.r 7 l; luoi..r$ly. F*.**!- ^ 

uv rilV’ 1 ^ age'tmiipH r«*-*'ivn*l A* <-a*li- .V‘.FN' i'S 

_ ^ I® NNANll'.ll (■au«artv »*n*- *l*>’* •r*>rk 


Tl U 1 UAV/X/ A U WAAIAAVVIW A* ..J I f,ro|,|0- ./. »c If V . Nu V * Ith-. XUll.M.- fV . * fcllK. 

**'* vcribc t" v<*i.. '1 In 

h'* La ici n*l.u . tin? iu 
lu . -Jgvd all at—Jlld 4 
Ut ' iu v..->t fane*'** 4 

( C. C'.lli:; 


{! l.'.;nVCltiM«* i 

( amUuigt|*nlt, .Via. 

TTy -h'k. di. *...U.1 Wr.liM'da) *.f Apiil I FW A Oft 

11 () KShS! 12 acres of und I 2 

I Mtui. 'U tbi* papei 

( ITT N*lvrLTA * *1 . 

Nu. 1**A ". xihM Fbiladi-tplii.*. Fa 

■ papei. -(• Ka 

1 wi-f*- ihcii luvit'-rl t*» i*irl;*k<- 

n .ti*J Coil ert; . . ct all Jti 

' Aiiic(i*:au aiij Fu.fiL'n 

bii'.-ut M*:' Mu;' Becks. 

At WhoL. ^ Fvota.l 


'I'm** llilll«. 

! I.;.-.. M-t bnlxic tln-iu, .m*l I thilik lh*‘l<- j 
W>-||* l»Ut b'W will* *l*-*hli<«l b* *‘lul*l .V*«-j 
Ilu- upportuiiity. .Vflv-r -j‘nii*luig abi.ut i 
'-ail h‘.i,i ill I* fi-^hii.g tin-pbyluait. j 
. tin; IXi’t.itof -.'g-Ci i'alb «l lln-ili !*> ‘»l*h'l j 
• >.i*>l III .( bri*‘I up* *-*'h .)ltiMl«‘*i l*» ih** l.vcl , liidwilhwLiudmg thi-y h.ill bnnii <* 1 - 
;..iuia*-d but “'K-, ili**y air«-.iily iiutu ■ 
,{ rn-tc-*! .VI |linuib* ix Itnl ha*l *»lh«T llrFllC A' ■ 
tiiii,« to b*- i*-U'‘l "U. Il*- i-b*'‘*'l by itf j 
ll-Miu*-llig H-'I*. ft” llub.U'l Aft ! 

iiii'*>'-i "f liu* t-vviulig. .\(Ut a 1* •» 
M-itnik-* L*- •*• »l*-tl ti*at llie, 
(‘\{M-i-ln«l ftp*-ak>-. * W>iuld limit lh*‘Uifr4'li' 
t*i 1 j iiuuut*'*. lL‘- ; - |. th*- ■ d.i j 

liull **f wlil. ll tub- W‘ Ul*l I'*-, that lin'V , 
xhuuid In- lUftl.illtU ■ , 1 . Illll t'l* ij- -iV.. 
•A, ii-'i f*'.ii Li'ii. for kti* •. b 
Hai»op *=ra tuarkiiiuftu Huftt it would 

li- n::::g!>.-'l witli tuft- 

• ; l•.atb;•:-•. ami 

‘d v.ith g il-l'*!^'*-. 

r-. W-?--' 

I- *t<;r, a**'<>i 1 

. 't 

• - - . X. -.1 

, - -Un.-V. 

('iintoti. K -x. 

r • U ' 

*lrt, grid'll* 


fk *t*-f. , -.'• 

Mn,- N 

.11. .- \ 

rth \iii‘i< r-vl 

*!. lu 

. \.-u M !• .,. 


1 * • vU| Ir* 

, •..'-•4 in IUJ-. 

I'. I K'. : 

r-. l-r.ttel, N. 

1 1. I*tH ia*v. Wa 

' I M .Lav. a. •• 

.V \V li M ; S.f r 

Atn-g;:;-',. I 

•r *•• 'thtiir li'f Ik. 

fttwioi ol thc»c ' lUcriTatil*^ kAcaftAailft lU-* 

N' -.L'laJn. ••'.d jJale S f p 

\ M F ■ - - Ih I n a 
’l l A. l> Furter A ^ 

i-'on I 

( *(N*>l.s| l\'. i*F i 

II14; II Hliro 

Kentucky Troners 


Canada Work Horses. 


IlMIld Iloi-Mna 

(hat 1 h* U*'l«--1 - 


1 i7 V EA*iT Ufti.klNTUfti:ft!:. I 

I to •• IVI- tin* ( datiou by p*iiin»huig tin ■aun-nm • 
k w> > k. tor till**' ■u.-'-«-«aiv*- w«'i-lc*. In tbi- Wv> 
u...uth i.a/'it*. a mW'|i.*|Mr pinihJ al \V>-v 
I •...lOlli. lln- l.c*l pubUcatiou U* (w twu •la,**, at 
i 1* a*(. I*- l••l« *411 ( oiitt 

VVilIn ". fntrig* V\ i«i|. . ftl«pni«- -ludgi- of 
_.d>->Uil. till* iw> iit> thiol ilat of*'h. iu 
, II. ... tbi.ii«a(t>i igli* lii»o>lii'*l ainl*ight>. 

*•* '** .Jr *N \1 li .V S < ' >hH. U*-g(»l4-i- 


lAi lln.. * b*. l-iu-lm. api-i 

^I^MAi lln 

Im I U -luit «p|M'llil« *l 

1.1 ( \ 111 .M. lau 

- X --. . w nlinv. 

k. •! -- T, }..*!...-tl Ih,.. 
. .t... t'. All p. * 

' • •tot*- ol - --ki ti> 

'll Iht- aatu* . '••i oil 

a: . •-alli'il up>*U to 

( l> UL.Sl ft.v* 

. Slaicb In l***o. (7 Aw 

luiUn-Lk^ jv.aUw k •■on^ M* n .uni • 

• . 11 . lrU- -t • ^ -al - ' ‘Oln'li* gnaial.'. 

a*l<lr> •• will* •louip, UuatUlH iULftwaafUi* 

, Obaiou. iduo, ' . (7 M 

, l; - l»«-m 

‘ d* ‘ *i iklier*. 
.L. • I'-.klurgv *1 


i !»;• ’■ ., pr**ni» 

- ' I* cut A 1 o . ipMiu 

I Wftoluu^UM), U. i . 

House I'o Lef, 

- ftsr#^ 

House Lots For Sale. 

** Hi>>.mI M . !•* I.rt; al*** a f*« g-*.*! linu*# 
p •>. t..i Hah-. UH'aU *1. 4 part uf lUiu; **(• lti<>.,4 
•it . sud i l>ait uu NViliiUI Avi-ini.-. 4pi>iv to 
40 ft AlHiUA.Vl 


6 DTSTelling-Hovises,; 

■itualc'il iu \Vi-y luoiitb ainl Uraiutice- | 

ftor full paiu*'ulikt*in>iu«rr of | 

CHAB. T. CRANE. Tre«». 


rpHH DWftd.MNi. Mill-'ft: <11* i'- k-nHMroi 
A \V’.4.[iitia<".i . 1 * 1*1 Un'hui*>(**l r>;ik * I*. t'>ru.:*-ib 
■H-n i hv W i*ii>ugti.u M ritt: 

Applv w Daa a. •• N^K. 

. tu VVeyuniUlh. 


I or .(Ut <*4hrr kiutl. v<>u nau ftl« v<."> - mth nur 
SVA«cve« i>ti>«-urvd h'l p*cd Nww .Mwa-binw. *** Ih a it <*il! . < h.*: U 

>1U ‘ kl It* I 4V4I Th- UeU; will oil I* m...’ . al-> und 

, . I . ■ 1 . .4 •b» 4 **-- k-viUlu* 04* iicAiit nl *•< kW. to -i » 

iief«. .V'- 1- ‘ ■* t*-* ' ftn-. (iU4m 1 SK**ut* SV wult-d • ... *» 

’ ,T. ..I II.*'.1. ..ih ui Ih- Audi- I-: K(»lll A ltK(».. N.W 

ii.a** in***a»*ti. Ihiini* au-l ' - j ‘ .vv^ T . » i • ■ 

..-uMd Add**** with-l »UJir'*i'*0 •** ", L *! . ' 

Ibx.iu No. 1 .M I loiwl bull luig. I “ • U*a*l»iui. who wi tin) . • (-ft* 


■ luo* hiui. who w) tin ) 

CL0THINGi:^,68O & 684 


"wiiliin sOf 

(Corner of Bench,; 


^ II .. .i.r. UI.. 11 i !• lhii« far rxivnii .1 iiiu Mit*"'"* 

Most Central, Convenient and Well Lighted 
*• Clothing Houses in Boston. 

C. iiirr- VnV Ki km"{;i.vks >i(i lii'Vr*. 

risIllplll'Cf"' - Kfl 



to be shown in this vicinity is at 



A S5I»K<!IAIj link of 

CHAMBER SETS with Dressing Case 

I delivered at your house for $24.00. 

nil ATfl nD A DIIO ^ 

PHOTDGRAPHb organs and mblodbons. 



'STYLISH And well made garment chairs, bureaus, sinks, &<=. 

..a oood set of Bed spring, for $ 2 . 00 . 

Black Walnut Extension Tables, SI.05 a ft. 

Chertwrt Table.. 9 B« a foot. 


^"rwviss^K.tvK ni>.iT<>N fkh 

«,w Vorli. . 1 . »'»nltl»*'rl.l»o.«.'»’r«. «»• —AT AN 

lurw, >i..K«ll lll.rrl.liie. .>«. r«, , 

rail Mirer ti*+n«nton.^»^». nw am; /*4/ W /> |w “• 

4.4.^.•^o<lr■: *l« BrMBewnler,e.l.Wa. *.l« 

rw Refnna TlaTnn«»tAn,,/S*VS>.T^ m 

$1.00 per Dozen 

""'.'S on the price after this date. 

rn' Kelnriti Horfh fn»lon,6Al. 

. 1 UI..Y imu i»y». 

RMID5 rnUIU. nilUlllo 

WEiraOI-TM I,A!IOi!««. 

n,U^.V.T..i»A.,.n....n.t,...n:i».sr«;.u NATE C. WHEELER. ■ Manager 

l».l»l..lry.7 M HI". r« - 

ALInaJoi., »».'•. Ii*»i » 4i.r»; .i.I»a«- 

custom clothing. 

Mr. John Tigne 

fi no. I M. Uelisrn.e «»T»api»H,e 4-T. 7^ 

t.^ 7 .tt 4 TAti; ri*V »»A.. .4irJt Kriiiiw. ^AC.IJItlM-mtemlon of 1 . 1 . m my hi 

||ln«ham,6Vt,7.ii, h .w. lo'W a«; la.ST. w.yinniiih «imI tUliiilv. to lit* I INK SK- 

4 till. AT rw. . ,n. mm KRcTION of 

n _n_ 

Among whteo may hr 

. 1 UI.^Y ImU l»y». ll RiS 

— lisp 




S is 

' ^ tn 

i 2 ^ 

9 ;s 
£ o S 

* * « q 5 ttl 

E K 51 3 ^ 

3 • I a •?. g 

•n is 

“ custom CLOTHING. 

«iilhl»it*l»tsry.?-VAti;3.J"*»i Krtiim, T Y ewi* _ .n, - 

Mr. John Tighe 

fia.1. l»e!isrn,<*«»U»aR»H,e 4-T. 7J0 ^ 

t.g 7 .tt 4 TAti; ri4V »»H.. .4irJt Kriiiiw. ^^KIJItlM-mtemlon of H* »> Hiy iMiroii. hi 
||ln«ham,6Vt,7.ii, h .w. Iu'pp am; la.ST. w.yinniiih «imI tUliiilv. to lit* I INK SK- 

4 till. AT rw. . ,n. mm KRcTION of 

Ka«t WeyimMSils wihI ^rytnmiHi.T W, inm 


1 .) H A»; I l.'.< •".»!'■ >■« J 



I win ehow the Oooda aid yir# th« M««»i wills plewure. 

.l,lrl. I.ri. ,.r.,'M. .ll.. m.l., l..t.. <ii.r.... i.t. of 

The Most Fashonable Styles, 

t •• -1’"- .... .... ■ 


,r .. 


- ■ ".. . I frciir.inil ilnitikaril liilil a ..i'l"! 

i. Inimlli fetif. i 

r'AXVv HBB. 

(i,ioi> irirjirANV. ni miikb hk.vbn. 

II.,, inaccuntbyChirlc. Hudlcy Warnrr of a 
l»cnt> (....r l.....r rxl«.litH.n ..VC ,n Ail.r.'nilaili 
,„.,un!aln l.wr Kc-nc .•■U;,, intludinR a MU.l 
*KM;rip:i:^n cf et|H:fiences during a >tc.rmjr mgtil. 

If YOn ARE ni WART Of 

rynu,..,.. !!»«»» r«.DAV. AT WAVllbVTII. MA,,. I i|,,(;,„l (hc IluHft 1111111' 

C. O. EA8TBBBKOOK. Publl.her. | 


“IK- has left n coupU' of millions,” 
siiici omi lilizf'»” 

111 - ilii'il in want.” “In "ant. In 
want nf "Tail y” “I" "f 

m»n»»*y.”^ 1 

_Japanese student ftf Kniiiisi* i’^‘* j 

iii^ rcquiri'il to write a t ivnti.AC tipoii 
tliu iloineatic animal, liainl.'il m I '*-•' 
followin,:: “Tlie fat i’' « ‘"“‘'r-! 

lliarCL- fail.'ll to fXl.lolU', nn.l tlu- man .l.Miril'dvn t( r,lAiiirnc» d..r,n|ta ,lorn y mk,,.. 

lliarKL I.nno I I i ’ , I,,, intludr a lair .,f thr tl. I'aohc by 

|„.t.ri'.l.'UrioUAly into tilt A a Santucket l.lyl ; , 

tlnit instant tlic I.nlli't niini' out nn.l j ^ NeclU', KaU.etinc Carrini; 

killl'll llini. I, ,,^ J„d |l,t skeUbca ale An Idyl n( Se« Mrx | ., 

_TI,.' liov a\. T. l-l'an-onof l.utroit .c; lla,b«.y Maml, a S.„mne, inciarnt in a , j 

— 111. IlLV. a». i. • ,„uin, Man.lill the New l.n-kland t.ast, M.x,-| .bj 

pri'iU'lii'.l vioU-ntly iik' tliu nta^ . luiy; a..a Father uninna. 

anil .smart Ii(.l),iHl,tllP arli.r, imlillrll- ^ c.,nvr,t by IKtu.c Tbamt. It.I.n 

...I tlie f.illotying rcplv : “I ■•liallen^.i |.j,)„, ,„d winter E..'. 

Mr I’llTMill to nanm a ninulc Stall' , 1 ,|U,,, writer ..t Acer, will be lur- 

,,riA,.n wliii'l. nnn. 1 . 0 .. an.. i.x in- '''jrmtabt i and 

inali'A an ar lor. ’ A t l.n .i',,'.. nmn ri ^v..s.', Fi,licr tell, ..I,t Kenan. The 

xpi.lllls "l.lia llet III I'lL'Mill miorn ^ article, inctuile Wante.l, by Mr.. E.tward 1 
non'in Stall. pl'i'iillA. A-Wey Walker l The llefenw t riniin..I, ; 

-- “ ' ~ ■ eo„„, K,.,ntier Art; be.nle, iHAiri., cl 

THE l•IIV.‘<IC•AI. f AltAI>l>X. |,J', lienk, Tekens, an.l j 

It lia, li.'.'n ,ai.l llial ...1 i- | Al.l.-r l:l"„"n.'. The c.lilcr l.a, «..n.".bing t.,, 

li,.' .,mr.'f i.r 'if.'." It i' a' tmlv Hi.' ‘ -ayMr “I' ,, 

‘ , , ,, V.'. life ■ l-l.all . f a lillle ebiW, |."<r"r 'w I ei.nyv.n, ..n.l '. 

.Siilim'of .llxi'a'wan.i (It'all.. N. | , 1 ,,., ^uUle, an.l al.., l.-k,. 'll..,' 

Iliat i, lonay. no lli'alll.y ImMU' i ^ n,. .einn.eot 

New B»".>i. 11.*'A» - r r' E>A'.i._t“' TUp Mnst | 

I,free l<> T^UIll'UII rui iLliirii, >1-. I lie IflUol I 

ftiiA.k j>. -1 ti ' w Prices that 

6 5.^ rt 44. T l». : at. 7 « ' •* ifc.O i4. I<» U 

am:* ri.4.i, 1 il.^ H. 4 4^. fr.J*. i.*.t4,7;U.4..H». I*, rftrl flt* ifiidr 

M*Jln?tJ^* 6 4*. 7 36. H.Mli. 9 30, It «H> AW; ■ShMV 

I? £o -i*). aatf/aw. 41:..».*3<>. ***. of iPt* 

Miif. li ji 7ir; 7 50.W.JU. Il l* r«. B^Miroi. 

S;!i:>Vi'«.,iV'*“'4W.1 aHJ 

A«; I'ii:. r-':. 3.*7. «4I, a-.f. «.»•. .au. 

H ni. lu *,w4 m. . • III" 

(kMinrv 6 46 7 3*. ’•I*- 9»». 4*1 |■•l ■ . __ 

9») lllftrw lUInm.Hc*. W M. 7.»i.7.^. . _ 

7W ii M.IT. 9 06.9 31. 10 M * 6 . H *3, TAAVI 
134 aS 4 &7. *3.1.«.3*.7.;W » 10 .9) VM, W WKM&^ 

?;S?:;ro: i't'jfroii. aU:‘. 7 's:'!..'w.i:»;Vi: Caipentf 

MeDo^nw-M wTt!**.* »•»». > 01 *, n*"' ** EAST 

6i).T.y‘i.7.f«.9.3i).n.l.*rw. «**«»*”••'' HIWlWhNCK, 

7 4S H f0.M..91. 9.1H.0.41. ID 4l. 11 *>l; U *4. 

1 4 * 4 07. 6-IA4. * 44. « 44. 7.4k. 1 .’J). 10..T9 rw. 

I nV fi ig. 6 3i 7 a«.7 *»* 0.34. ID. IM* riO. I 1 hig. I ini |i 

Prices that defy Competition. 

r« rfu'i fife ifii4rmnl*'r*l. tVuM* git«* iiif 



C 3 -EO. S. 

WaMngton Square, yVeymouth. 


isTin 11 




I €4RAIX1X4>> 






I*, w. n«»x 3111. " 

9r. B. F. WSlTXAlf, 

culi si 

\ Trvmont Plwe. corner Beacon Slrtil, 
Il<>P«6'l'< »f. 

I n}»-friufi":ic«>ftS'‘ I«‘np rMiMivnl 

bt '« lu-fli-l. ... D -iirtri.-il-lKfrtU'’'*- 

• K..«l»Mit..t \%tfbt>m \ <m»- _ » »/ 


H'l.i'i ii-ie-ry* IX 

I tllK<i;bl(: l>l!4C.4NE». 

lron»i»l.t t. w. ir.iBAitT 4 ...n.l 


.Mri-e |<> rtill •JH-fIhI tu fill- 


in tlic P<Hl of 

mwwmmuKim.9 mcFI i T ' 


josatr* tnw*!., pLODRANDFEED. pfiMOS 

farnontor and RililriPf At,... au. kiki.. ..r A Aiiiiv^Kej 

l#al|)6inci ailU UUIIUCI, .pp-l, ■pz-j-rT-r qro v .„„| m....ire tin-i.nbiir iUai 1... 1, «i.l" n. •um'iy 

mAorr wwivMnTTTH FEEDFOBFUULitti, ..... 



7 Jr:»:io:».«. iom a* , i-iia. I..w. 3 . 4 *.».» UUI|icnici «IIU wuhmw. , -cirkW "priTYT.TR Y 

B .. 1 U 14 lien A« li IfABT WKVMOnTH FEED P UK IT U U JJ A * t ... at 

.but win.a..oHf... .l.elo«..Tn.ark... AT LOWEST PRICES. 

^in7.iei.7.l«.83...11.1.Arw ^lnn.,r.l7...»^ MCSIHESCE. - MIUU1.E STKEET. - 

1 IJ- 3 i? ’‘ 4 *i.V:i%‘«! 7.t. V;'*. f;.a.'re“- - ■ ah- ....ter. ,.n,.,.,'.ly a .^1..' ra.ann. an.l l,.ng .'..,1.11,1...I 

Mins ‘‘l*^"** Braintree. snS-dZI'TS: 

Wtiirn.fO.’di.7S'i.H.W.’W.».^.3^^^^ IVe-l "in'e a.Mie... "'ey i.i"i.lli .n 1>| „ flpfVQn Pfl 

3 S;.s’ 3 ;:V.‘ 3 i» ^i-.7."^^,.nbi.e,.a,...»• _ -r... {Amoriran MfffQn J,0, 

1.:^ ■‘’‘id- f.-> '"'b- Addre.., K.,T W.TMOL'TH. pgtJDNoV. 1. over $376,000. I,.,,. ,„.» and ..tlra.'iiv.. „.le.,l,i.......... «.....'l. 

6,»15l-n. . „ , V _ _— OAOlt tUHUPO*. 4| lO.n.e.w lliat .... I,..nie .biilll.l I..'»illli.lil i|. nill.l.'. 

Mllt 4 .li I..>w»rSiniB.*.4.y.. 34 Wludivla Xe- .4> >> 4 laf 1 I A I lu.iriiiii.nt, lit. i.r-.ill.... l.i.|al.niiil.. ..r ly 

'=ni:S ».tiEv pArEB.. QUINCY MUTUAJ.'.S--... ... 

,1,1,1 will la- .oM f..r fa.l. nt the LOWll.T n.arkel 
^'aII t.nitre i.nimftly nlU iMUd to. 

Mills at East Braintree. 

; IVh.! um.-c or »f>dn- 

FM. Itetiim. 

&.6.1* P9. 

Follouing am a f. «• of ih” I' ttw* nc ived iIhI- 
1). I itiiT'* ofliHiahv itiiiy If ioMn-'til to the 
writi r>«. 

No. 28 High 81., (iH \ RbESTOWK, Ea»3. 

I wa. ct.r.d of CANCER, which, * 

owe to Dr* Qreooo. Mrs. 0HA8» I»uTl**«ll. 


AUhcueh I hft*e never leen Dr. Greener*** 
cn* d u..^of an OVARI^AN TIUloA 1?. 

tho proper rtmedlef. ItrB. dOHND. FRIKITOR. 

bakersfTeld, VT, 

My child waacortill'y Dr. Oreete of » tentM* 
acKOFULOUH HUBtfK after h'lf8 
other phyiiciani. “' BAltHEd. 


I was almoil rntlroly hellilcajwllh RHEDEA- 
TISM, and b.,. been 

Til*'D'M’liir* may Ik* f*»ii'UltP«t np-'U nil !>!?♦• 
KA.'^K*'. ir«*f "frlHirm*. ]KT«*nially «*r l»y li*tter. 
11. tiUKKNK, -M.P. F. K, CillICKSK, M.D. 
:t4 'li-mibU* I'liu-*'. Ma-s. 

6 t ly 

Wlmn liv ice, a rat Im laininat.', I'in l!i.' of 'if..." H i- "■• J'"' 

..f diai-aai'ami rlt-atii. N.. lift, 
Ihut i, liinay. Ill' la-allliy lia-im ran 
—Tito anlla.r nf “Si'ycn . ‘n.* • i^...i.iieriitnl I' inipnri' in. 

non“li" I'ral'al.'y I>a<> euv.'ii oirm-n i „f (!,„ |„„ly .-an ni.inially prr- 

lii.a fert. f.n'tn it, I'mirtii.ii'* tvlirii enpplit'.l will. 

—I.oinlotmi'a "lio si.x years at:<> l.a'k-: Tlie llni.l sln.nli! 

i'll iipr.n ier water as tin iinliraltl.y ' (.aii-v life ami la-tillli t." i v. ry |ail, 
bt'Vera'de. ami siared wlieii .tineri- ..aniesi.nly Hi'al,ni'„ ami .li-. a,..— 
i"ins nrilefi'il it, m.'V liml it imlirpen- iji,,,,,! j, the M.nir.' nf life, niilt «l.i n 

il iaIf il lia, l.e.'' ili„'a,iil. 

, ■ ,1 ,l,e aireel a, . il iiiii,t I.'.'l.'an-e.l l.y linii'i i'mt'.lii a- 

_lf a ntaa wlnstles i Hie ^ 

if eallinn atlniJ, I maa In-ait semis a wave i.f ilisea-i 

iiUl stnp , „.r„n,l, the sy,tent. T,. el. ans.-tin 

nboul llu in- 1'^ I'*" <- I (■^,,,,1 all iiiiiiuiiiit.*>. t^i* I»f. 

— rite Cliim'J'U (iovcrimitnt Imvi* du-1 .Mi iliriiil r\ 

ciilcil nil »--ilaUlWt>i'^'» lompkte ^.vs-j ,,„ii I'lfiiMinl I'lir-ativi- IVili ls, lia 
iL-iii of lL-U«raitirni^' llirou^boul Mil- ,„„wt vlTi ctu;il aUcrativo. tfui*'- an- 

liek'elieraleil I' inipnre hli.inl. in. |, ,,,.iHi,i,.,sl .it 5 ;.“. a ye-" ". Si iiiittncl.l. 

t.rtfan nf tlie *'aii iinrinally per* 

fiii'tn its fnnetiiins when snpplieil«illi " ' ~ 

i,n|.nre t.l.,..,l. Tlie llni.l sln.nli! Ill MiirtmKl' AiiAIN. 

eai'i'V life ami la-tillli tn ev.-ry |ail,j I saw ,.. mni'li .saiil aln.nt the nicrit* | 

eani.'s niily weal.n.',s ami .li-. ase.- i H,,,, Hillers, ami my wife win, was | 

Ithiinl i-tlie si.m.'i'nf life.It wl.i ii always tlnel..till'd, ami ni'Ver wi'll,| 

il is ^mr.. Il'il has l.c.'nim'.li-.a-iil..! me-n nrn.nlly ti>k’.'l I.ers.imi'I 
il Iiiiist I.' i lean-eil hy pnipei'im'ilii'a- | ninelmli i! to In' lminhii;;neil attain; 
linii..ise I'V.'iy pnlsalhin I.l tin-hit- ;,|„1 1 am dhnl I .li>i, f"r in L'.-s tliim 
man Inait semis a wave i.f ilisea-e nv,. ni.intlin Use nf llie Hillers iny I 
lliriinnli llie sy-li in. Tn eh ans,- 11..' I ivife was eiired ami site lias lemain.'il j 
lihio.l'^ all iml.nrilies. tise Hr. i f,,,'linhleeii mnnllis sinee. ’ 
I’h'i'ce's ('ii .Mi'ilieial Hisi-nveiy !’tfin;;. — ll.T.,St. I’aul. | 

ami I'leasanl I'nrnative IVlIets. tin- : „:,:,nr^«7 i 

m.i-t elT. elual alteraliM'. mim . .n ■ ,m„,.,,l liver nivini; you a | 

lalliarlie leme.liis yet .lisenv.-r,.1. I „r ,..,„,ivi. l„„vels. t.lrieh 


Milton |A«wrrMIIUA4.V7,30.H.t».(li»J6 vbi Nc- 
tM.ii<Kt)AN: 5.ui.;*.»>vwN* ld»n;‘i».) 
Krin.fM».l 6 ^ •'«. UHturi.. 6 .Hl .6 U2.5u. 

(H ao viti NTti'ii'H t*) ii-***^. h* I** * 6 » 

Ni |M.ii.. tK 1.4*,3.66, (4.66 vu Ni ihhimG.) &.M. 

Mmrtliin’i Vlnrynril ninl N*»nttiol*«*t, » 1.'* DEP* 

* AM (»U V.’t.ML ll'.ll. Tih-. lhiii«.i»i‘«lMt*».) 


'J.44 TM ild>M i . , . •9'^' 

lIvntttilii.N I*! i wtw.ik .Uy.) Il«- imi-.r.. 

tIIni, am; 1***’*I’9 (««- W -I*.''* ) 

rrov hnwtown, b.l4*«; 4.lo vm. lU tum, 6 05. 

Wno«t'* *Hnll. Fiiliiioiitit iiittl FMltmiiitli Co 

||«*lehtN. H.l.', am: IM. («»»k il.iy*..) 

K**turii( b iiM* kiMMl" lli.ll, 7.‘i!»Aii: •1*9 



Fwll K1V.T, %i* u>gnH. 

\i.i T.Aiinluii *.»>i am; liu lirnlmwAtt*r. ..b. If iiovr 

buiittl llnilnlwe mid Wuy 3»» am ; 

l’J4.'i 6 , U» I'M. Ileturn (soillli llraliitr«*»*). 
t jim: 1 13. t“4» I'M. . , n 

/•.iMib. uiilv lo U»v«- iiivwM iim r-: (-Ton nrnv ul I 'nnn 
ot h.Jl fp.iil N-w Y..rk;.i 'lbiir-..U)^ «*xo lUt.); OUlU 
^ 'l iiurwd.A>« «iil> ; </M«'iid.*}i' Vi i l't- 'l- 
*-iiiurwu.A> 11^. J It. kk.NDRH K. iiiu*t. 


r«AU MAf.K AT Tlie I 


1;Y «». K. ril.4TT» 

OrtliTi* rfOviv**d for any <*f iIm* Itosloii Diiily 
IHAIU n. or for Wi-vkiy ruiiT*. ilagueiiiM*. Ac. 

Cooked Provisions. 

'I ltf «iib*«TibA*r would iiifolUi tin* liidilii* that 
tilli lli< long «'\|MTtPlU'I' hi CHKtkhlg Ml Ul'A. (lliiv* 

II,itIu.-HutP7. *m. Ili-turn, u.g nH.k«*.l m-wur.U of li»* i‘Hi-» «»»• l•>«“ ‘‘e bl’ll'iGd-ui.lf* to r-'lmy l-‘3d' 

am: G4 Lridm WAltr. .:U. If HOW rimly to ■.npiily . _ 1 w, Mtniroo. 1 ',.-itl.iil mid lo; 

0 U I If C y IVj U T U j* 'Iwiigi d. or tiiiH .1 uiid r* i-in '!■ fchn-l f-r I'-l* 

^ ^ ^ * p “I «" oFfirK, 

Fire Insurance lo. ! Middli! Street, East Weynioulh. 

SiirpluB over Ito-luourooe. ovor $176,O«»0 .1 —^ 

Cif izeihs' 3l(irkeL 

,, ,.y ^ji_ q. thaYER. Proprietor. 1 

IdKlitolOM* 1 TlK’«iiI**i*rll»' r I* lio'V n a.Iy to 

isjfply piws & farties 

.ear*. „.,.l ba* ini'.' VJ' I,'.',l i7 '‘’ ‘ UullXKI) IIKEK. . 

_mm ill IIAI.IIHS to r'-hf) K. 

x»l,l.l't IIOIISK. 


Willglio |..irli.iit;it fill. .Ill-ti l.illo* Siih’ «>l ll-'dl 
K«t,Ut‘. iikI l’« r*oniil I’o'i'rriy. 
rn-l Gtlui* A'l'livs*. NtOiTM \Vl \Mot TII. MaR9. 

1>. B. Stetson 

Il ill n (M-iif-l 111* 

1 Fall and Winter 

Pic-nics and Parties 

Gf every de«'ri|itUi». wiili 

ELIAS BICHAEDS, Agent tot Weymouth. g'ookrd nnil Hently lurllie iHblo, I <i II 1 I 

_ . _ __ tl,e l..w. st iii .iki l I'ti,'. *. rarlle, .. ill plea*.' J-F V_yr - J 


— If vonr snii lias no i.rains. 1 77,../ o,; i.,p..'m»;/..(Innnf 

aeii.riiim to eolliife. Yoit refuse to perform j 

niaku a palaee out of a slianly l.y pm-! ^ il,,.,',. funilh.n.s '! if s" ynnr system 

tin" a I'-reiieh root on it. V‘'T ?7 .','f while Imtler I «iH >"• •'•’Fn*'' "*"■ 

-The mysterious hox of jeweH.wldehi year, worke.l over i IZ Uke a'’'imw"Zi!-!mlun' 

i.a.H heel, in the t",.; i'.'- ;‘j"L,’',',’;;!rs^!^ i «m "'"'w -"f i>»ia >ii»»"‘ 

mini du.slini: ami examinatn n. .•> ,,„l tlieir ..n ii Imli. r ; ..a/# ' knows liowileamelher.'. | ahape for mark, t ami -- Olf/j/ liro DoUtU » XOi* ' 

-It .'ikes a wlinle I. ".'islatnro to i realize all tln-v ean from il. il naisl n,,,, ^,,.1 ....I* ao l li.el. F.i.iah w.ll tb..'b.. 

elian-e a inan's name. A w.'inan . ,, m.l.len eol... nl .Imn'. ; » AT I 1 v lY 4 \\/- A 1.’’ 1 

I'ui .diaii'.e hei-s l.v Iheavl nf a-in-, iinthiiii; l.iil M .'11-. HlU-liai.l'.m 1 [j A M AlVl^ i 

, " ; .1 r.,-., I'erl.'.'led Hull. I- t ..Ini' .an 1 » ' » | 

^Vi"" nrlsnflife in-unineo e.,in-| viv.'. I'-e this .'..h.r. park your I,nl-| ....“7 ..a tb. m w.ll I-j 

—Tlie re.'Oiils nf 111. r |.,., I „.r in the l.i'-t manner ; ami ynii «111 | Ta.. .'.|.,t..i s. sn.,.,-. | 

,r..i,r,s as presenlod ... '^i'-'; j;'J;,; , ' l.m priee. fi'M Ve B-iU l«* PeiHien | 

year «l»o\v tlu‘t lb« \ _L- ■ i ■— i .\N1» ii'iw ruKV i.ui:w Ki'ealer lliun in p.evinUs ^ Te....i.l.'......e n. M s..|.,. .. lll..-,n...'.,.-'..> 

I that aie always w. liii.u ll'eir fHO loilllg lI^MlU'SU“lMlt•^^ ] 

sniiielliiii" for a rainy; „„,hi m.l lo l.e •-eo’.ii.'.l ami piini-ln.l | n, ... .1,..,.,.-. I 1 .... 1 . .ml b. 11 | 

rr in"a”friemi-s «...-; f„rwha. Ih. v eann, I ta'lp. Tin y I . 1 ,....It aU, b-K...n T«.. .. 

.er n'.mni''F "• i 'a-l a me.ii. ine havia, a mnie . .Veel j Bill/s Honnd^ Our Store. 

' 1 IV , 111.11 of 70' '"I llie ki.lni'Vs an.l urinary 01 dans.- Tl,e Boy That Was Too Buauti u . 

.narrieii a,,,. is Ki.lniy-Worl. It j At Plymouth Oak Fa.m, 

‘‘JiXly" hasspeeilh avlio... Ho .ml fail to t:t : AlllPriCUII AtIIsIS. 

‘ ■ .Il.t-iiii it for them.__ ; j,, s \v 11 .i.j....... ... tl.e-.' i'-. 

1.. ......... .e.......* .• : I,.Ih.w skiA or . ..Stive bowels. ..loeo 

77.. ./ or. ..fl"-'.../ i,,^,,,r..M.ll,.l iu .lislressiud IMles or 

Funeral Undenaker, '"IS/S- 

I'lAWr Wli-V'MAHI'A'II. 

W'i,;::;: cHARi.g 

..:;rmir^;-rr,.,N« 0 K Ulonicyail. 

^ 1 A. * C oirioBaooGUi 

Caskets'Ooflins a,, 

oil ItAiid ot fimiidud L. oid**r: al' i, lUHU-kS wild >f i, ,r.»l bii«iiM M*. 
uU i*rlH l« •* f'limri ti d w.lh tin- Ln'in' 5‘‘ ““f 

NEW WAEEUOOMS, East Weymouth. ^00 ;;;vr;'h ' 

Tub I’atbnt FnKa./.Bu I’liErtuviNO I'oiii.Ati.l. M.4iitc. 

UUluuU Duui, iuuguu UUU UUIUU) 

ff.tJjtpr titlif. 

at tub lowest CA8U FKICEB. 
r.titU i* will ide.iNt* give fiom llir* a: ti» ft*ur dnya 

All Meats Warranted, or No Pay. 

.\n biiwiiH I'lniiii'tlv attnitl' il lo. tiiid dt- 

h\»*n tl iiAi* nl ihargr. AtUhiNF, 




Ulunicy and Counsellor ul Law. 

OriTOCaO 04»URT8T., room 14 , BOSTON. 

I'lomi-l Aiitl ran-ful alli iiliim jiaitl U» miy l*lud 



this fine NEW HALL, 

iH'iiig iHiiv Hbiui'lfli'd, will W Ifl f‘»r 

General Public Gatherings, 

at the iti.dki't iTift**. 1 iirlU’s will iilea*>e 

, itive II* lr«»»ii two thrii- day* imtie'C. 

Ciiatomt r- will iilw.iyN lhi«l our luttiki-l wlU kuii* 

I (ilitil with 

i Meats, Vegetables, Oysters, Pastry and 
I Confectionery, Fruit, &.C. 

All onion l•arl•f^lllv lUid |)roiii|illy alt* nd« d to. 
ami gootl* tlflivrn*«l frrt* of rbargo.. 

69 'liaviiig "olil out tin* llilliai'l lloll. I lia'f 
lllif.l Mil a ro..m btl«iiT. wlit n- MKAl..** tan br 
ol'laliiid at all lime*: al>«» oYSTKUS vmikvl iii 
I'Vrry *1)10. IraandCoHff, | 

Wahiiinutom St., hkaii tub con .ok Buoad St. . 


. a ,ve,.k 1„ -.air a.vii t.iwii. 'r.-rii,* an.l 
( ..iillit fn-'.■ A.l'lr.'--II U.>l.l.llT.v m.. 

WIlieli has every faeility for 

I'OSTKl!.-;, II.\NH-i!ll,I,S, 

I llil l l.AliS, Pl.YKU.'t. 

.W1!.\1'1M;I!S, TAHS, 

, TK KKT.'^, &e., 


_I.iivinunp sonieioms " • : 

.lay means l.ormwin;.' a friemi s nm-, 
brella ami never relni'nin^: it- j 

— \ bov of 17 married a woman of .0 
alJa.sper. Ala., hut parents cai- 

,lin'd l.imi.»mediat.'lyartertl,e e.'r. -| 

uiouv, ami l,aui.-hed l.i.u to a ihsta.i , 
ai lmol. Tim l.ri.le was wealll.t, ami, 



Jr la U J«L .D £i4«, boabding and baiting 

9 H HaiK'OoU IX* '• ' I ' I—t ~T~ H i J 

i commercial ST..op. SutioD St.. 

town* will vifiii' [Toiiiiil utl*o*t..ii. Atidry-*all EAST "WEYMOUTH. 

*.idi i* I.' I*. “ ll.'\ 76.‘.{UHa-y. •••*»> _ 

^ IM.K.VSrUK FAUTlEScouwvtdloai.yidacc 

New Stove Store. ■' Tfirst cl. 4 ss hack 

- will b«- at tlu Ib'l'ot i'll aiiivnl iif all t..4.ii* t<» ami 

i^niniF*^ \N!> M.MlKKr ll.VSKETS for ... Tlo*llAlKwdlb.-*tatiomdAin*u* 

O ^ til-fill no at iliv .Niw Moif bluri*. Svi* tlu* ^ Skih* bviwri-li all tnon**. t" v* •••t''* 

iitit>rov*d d'l i*. Ah »ii«1«t Im»\ will .iNo bo foun<lal tlu* *aim* 

Good NBWS KiRII^G, l„ |.U'.' .l.-ire.l. m ri'.-.>„able |..i" 4S,I 



SOPffDfBKS. ! 

BAIRS. dfC.. ‘fps 

Fiii-tfrm*. iii'i'ly ill l" i’-‘"» **;*’ *■• 

ILVUU’S sMini. dsUiilur. 

lU*«blmuM-. Rr‘'“* » 

I'aiic) liiainlier Sets. 

9 d\ riF.i Kf*. -id «**iiin*b if. ui*l'ii‘»i. Him. 

) ... l-,"k. “ Ibsk a 1 '".Si'.i” '^ 

..t HIS.-IO. at _"' ‘ a-' * ‘ 

For Good Job Printing, 

•fl* £.019* 


. 1 I Will I'u nt lu* ■•**>••••. KaV^ I KN • 

M«>i ni. oil rtit'Ki' 

liAA 1 iuulS.4Tflit*A\**ide!ifli W" k. 
f.iiHi I* A. 4 1'. M.; Ill lii'ullu'f 
ill IIt.lbi.NiWi lUock.SOUIH HU.M.NTKLK, uii 
iiiht r iliiVH. 

All w lio ut<‘ iu want of 

FIR8T-0LAS8 WORK and Quality of Material, 
, lUc furdUlly liivilfd M giv him a .-.dl 

/•A-/C A A- TO SUIT ////i TIMES. 


COMMERCIAL ST.* op. Station St., 

I’l.KASrUK FAUTlESculiVfVfd loai.y I'lacc 
at -bort ll•>iicc. 


will bf at tlu Ib'l'ot *•!! aiiiVHl ‘.f .*11 t....u* h* •‘•‘d 

gazette office. 


COFflB IlilH REHOUSE,; $5 or $10 down! 

Balance in 

small Monthly Instalments. ^ vai,i:aui.k tkiitihl ww 

1 If jmjan-s'iir'rlnif from iwnp br*lUi. 09 Un*MJ^ 
- I Inif unaUd of M'-Wu'-srt, Ukuclwcr.for 

I Hop llUirm will Cure* Vo«« 

„ • .1 -mr I 1 I ' If yoo arc a nili i-. 1 rr, and ha»o orertaard 

oir fhnice ofaiif iii (lie Maitel!; 

I koovtog why, 

- Hop nUirrM will lleNiorr Yo« 

If you are 0 man wf bo*- ln”*», wt»keniil tW ^ 

iill'V/'n Y n "u'"x“r I tliKiS^.T* “* ^ 


....i.i..,.Nii«.|Kiu.s„i.i.u..n..-j, I 

le|»lkll*4*4l ItllU • If «,Hi an'Iu tbL w<irk-l*li"l>, on tbe farm, ftt tiM 

d 3 iik. ■Nywbrrr.aiul ff.lBlluil yw. *»••« 

<*-T.*ruiv It. Miit tlu- c»rvm«*taiu .-*..f all cua- | touliMf or 8 .Uu.-|.iUtllM( IM** 

i 'ilop lllitfii kilu'Uat Y’att Kecd» 

- If you ar« olil,»n*l yi»urMl«ili* I* ftuldij, yoof 

Drrrniucwtcady.atulyoarBfaculUm waulXMr. 

spKiNG's NEE.Di3Es, 

Aibk A'liil-lnm. ■ 

... I- \1 ii.KLifvi <..111 1 II I--. r.ulJltlNJ* ! OoollorPAfiforSUuiL-wh.I.wrraodKkln^iUjiMJ*! 

UK I ,'»?*. Vmvl-L rt^toaUollarv Curtwby •Uajri'twn. It U |wrtwu| 

^ , '.,'VvV', L “ n“ c.“u..l.«.l'.rsu»llrr,-WlHrearsf..rdnlAk.| 

Oil.,0(1.i AN.i.X UI'.AS DUIV KIL A . uiu *<l oiumu* t«/Uuvo aiul iiAixoticfc I 

Eviry kind .>f S wing .M.*- l.iiu- lb |iaii*.l b) I tt,pb;tunMfg.C“.llt»k»«tof, W.Y.| 


,11,.. —AXI,_ 

Rubber Goods, 

vd in , ,, 

iiiitl I* pi* I'urrtl t'l »i-ll 

;i^r JjoyrEK ‘PttroMS 

- timii IMU I'u LuUkilil iu <^niiH*y "r »ii*iiill)'. 

W.'ke.l, a “ItK.Vr V.MllH^ Y ,.f 
"'X' Ladies'. Misses' and Children's 


Uriah , 

Men’s Thick Boots, 

Brogans and Bals., 


( A Id'and THK K HOOTS, 

HUlXil.N’OS fur l.u-llf*’ lltMil". uiid 

Lailit's’ iiiid lii'iil’s IKISILUY, 

ttii.l jH.iiiv i.llu r uOH'li " I'M uiiiiu i'‘Hi i«» iiu-ii- 
li.m. 'I' .im- at..I -i- .Hirguu lH uimI yt.u 
will I.f '.urpri*. il at * ur I.ut p: U'.-*. 

a». KB. s'ri.;'i'.i«x, 

Washiiiglon St, - OUINCY. 


‘»‘UJ.. .. „ If.l 11*. . P.i* 

till, imahiiml i'l„.me.ll.,kuuw what , 

wm, idiout. I iiij J 

-Kourseieiilirta nre etiettue.l m m'I- , jjj jj j * 
liutrupll.e l..,!"", t.fa .N.'« • wmvy ,|j 

^^.^tniutheStuithanniauiu-ti.-. --3 

Th.^■ the ri«hl 1 ".' »»‘l 

yard ..f tl.e li.wer jau. 

— A.i in-lunee (if live eldhlreu at a 

l.iill. l.a- ju-l l.e.'n .I hy 1"- ; . , , 

W illiam Friv-er nf I' ew •. la-',;.iw ' 

va Senlia. F>mr died immediately. ^ 

iiml llie liiflli lived nuly a tew d.,y». 

Three were «irla ami Iwn w. re Imya. 

Thev weittliv.l b.m-lecu 1 numH iii Hu t'lie 
•in^resale. ramjed fi»m thirleiii ^ 
t.i .ixleeii iueliea iu leu,;tli. ^ ^ 

-('alsl.avem>tix.'d pumival belief. ^ 

Tliey are usually nu ll,e feuee. 

—Tile leii';tli i.f llie actual M. tbali- 

nnl luimdis iiiue mues ami luie.'; , i::!"' 

bumlred ami »eveuly-seven 

while that ..f M-iut tvis t- ralher- 

more titan a mile ami a I'alf less. M 

—.V.lvUe to dii'ssm.ikeis-li,' -ure , 
vmt're ria'I.l H'en U'We ali.'.id. 

A5 Tie oah ^ | 

'f I ' 

XwA Aut'iiiiiiiii Lvik 

.si t II A> 

Piles, Headache, Liver 
Complaint, &c. | 

\ »il..tlli.l.' for (bo 1 . 0 I...OIIS 'll•'.U• , 

.lor.. ,.m-. i,'.. SI...1.1'-' I.'"I"; 

„.,■ M.l I .0.1 r.. loo. ...o'. suilsh',. I... -1. 

.4/r ' I,'. -J iiO./-.. 

... .11 ll."-•s.•.• 1' ■ ■ ■* 

.. .,1. .. li -iJ- a 'S ', ... 

IL....... M ... '* 

Tlie Boy That Was Too Beaut.lul. I 
At Plymouth Oak Faim. j 

Out' Aiiicricuii Ai'llsls. 

M. > I. w 11.iij.1.-111 willi*;*’*‘- };•* 
ubi.b li.iv ... w. lc-ut.'l h> Iu 

Ml > Il W II-»ij lit.ill will.•i-mi.m.-th«'«*- p* 

hi. 1.1...V h- * •• "v'vr ■’ 

i„ .it'lf .*t laig* • li‘"k llw . 

’ 1 !.•» h(-u.ig f i-l' i • i“"‘' ■*’“ ilw'iii- 

tii.'!''\i'|il I'*’ ill'i’i'aN.I l-i II-*' 

H.I.I . 111(1 H'.w* I l*..ii.t.i*. H**'k wild M..g 4 /Iiu 

Hl.i«‘i*. 4ii*l r.iigt.ii« 1 * 

fOMOlU) ITf .\U l)A^S. 

'o''.:. --b" 

ri'.:.:r n.'-.'..o..-...';;;j 

t (» I'.iiil .« li(M.*‘• IW'* hi'**-!** 

u'.i.a '(i'".-'•■.. 00 ..' 1 'I" 

. i.iii . .I'd ail "I iw '••■.‘■.I.' Ill* _ 

. ..M. P\t t. ,i..| I.l* Hi*, -v 

Il -»■ .tiv M( !«• *•' ‘ I.. ■' 

■i.'.i,.. -t ■ iii'i'"'.i"'■' 

I III , I ill •• • - ■ ■ IH'II W III -•« 4,1 -II-. •! *l.‘* I '• 

...iMii 'i'.i. i:.-....-i'i- ....» il.. I. 

: .-I...I M'-* M * .* A I I'.lib'i.'. 

IMl.iU.illH** dl» TI AillEH^. 

V. ,.*..f l».l».- “iiLiiial Lx'i*-' 

I. r UM li. L -H. ‘1* »“• »■-“« * V," 

Wins .\-i .kii. It., Vi' 

t ,..n. r. Kl- 'i. s e* otl.iiis .'«.*1 t'."".' *" “' 
......rsl i.i.bli.'..i li ...'"0 4 i>.l X' - i".e. 

Illl.l. ilK.VH.'i, 



totorv joii bii> ..or ol'.-'r. Al-o. It.-' 

DARLING RANGE | i,tliliriiiH'r..v-'MH'in.ofo t.iwii I'lii'-a Ituusc, 

tor 01 . 1 ) 'e. 

m.l iii.'Mi' .i.'o'i 'b'si 

... lo li- i.i'.i.ii'i. s.i't .'o'*- 

.tiisia'ii 1 . 1 '.v l r~x 

i!i;( i';ii‘T><. 

ndtk iik.vhs. 

i'1!1ntI';h knvi'.i.oi'Fs. 

i.irn'Ki; iii;.u>>. 

r.r.siNKsis I'.vnHs. 

! lti:i Kll'TS. KTC. 

■ ki uxitire I’UK^lSlllXG UXIlKIlTAfcFdLl - 

I to Uiiy |.u-*-.h-irfi, at rt'-vuMiiibK* Pill. *. 4Sll^ 

$ 5.0 $ 20 c«=i.s^ '-"Ss. atMte if iij ill Hs Mirlel! 

PuitUiid. M-um-. ovorj doscriptioQi I —— 

riHMiNUti* AT Tilt •.IIOIITKIIT NOficK. Un >Kl»((i ! I INST Rl't'1(1 *N.s LIV KN. wnil 

the sun FOR 1880. rttK f.vrExr K.tKt;/.Kii UMU. i-n fui^' •"”* 

_ ^EUVlNU UdDILs. 

. , V. .r __ .WkcI*Iii«*w *^*‘'**<'d* 

,si.''i“a:i".‘'fnw‘'.s^ , . Ke,..,lr«.U ...tU ! 

.t.HHi l.y . vvoiu.dy- Fi-m. .i.»i.u.iiy I iiiiiiMK- AnotioD Salos atltiodoJ to as na uAl- 

TTli: SfN will .l.-al ‘Will Ibf i v. nt* vt tlu- yi'ur 
mb w <M TM ▼ iHMi in it» ww II fa*li".u. ii.'W I'l. lly w.'U 

irWOW THYSELF. Ii.hhI uy l•vvr>lu.dy. Fin... .lauu.iiy I iii.iil IK- 

JVnvW j, ...In. till a*, w in 

^rnilK iiiil.'l'l ii.Li-il*-* di.U ,11 lb. Ki.i;h'*li liUiMUig.-. uud pniiU'd bir 

“♦ \ X ii-.iih Irmu iiidi'***'. ii"*i 1 “ til'', ,, 

s- -, 4 ,L I.:.- U 1 »* b*' all.viAtid ^ ,n'wpa|tvi. Til). SfS lu-li.'V."* iii getlhig 

ill,I .•III* .1 T'l. wl.ii diuilit ,^j| nt tlu- Will Id pinlii|.tlv. ai"l I'M '*, “t* 

lbi* 4 ‘-» »h'iii*linuldl.iit»ba*» ir ,.i lb,- lun-t luti llitfil'l*' fliwi.v—Hu* wlwiu* 

il.i* iti'ih W'.ik l*uU. .J,", „iij,.uabh itw r.' 4 d.i* tn k.-. |i well :il.r.-a»t 
|i*li. .l by III. rK.vil.H’V .Mkii- Vhitbll.r Kwt uiipriuluLim- i Alulidl- 

. ii All I* • R"'t**'»* luunliiiiu- Tlu-Ki.-4t. *1 n.un"*t t.. ib> j'l.-.ii- 

> t.iilTlIK Sill'.NfK fll* ,„ualK-»-Hut i». Ilu-law .•iUiH.dUng il-doilv 

.»r, M:I-F - uiiU-H|* Il I...W II... a viu-ul.ui.iii i.iy iiHU'ti 

Kxi.i"*'*‘I'h-ibt.'•'I* Jam*'! tl..*n H.-.t of any I'llur ^\iiu-ii«'au 

.. 7 brr'..kj i—""" 

1 IVL.I bni.<lr..hl. *'lii.'ii.**d .M.d . iil.»» M* d. *» ..t thi king I'UV and !.■ *.l illESl'N. aiid 

1 in.I i.lli.ll*!.. d. It 1 - • »l.iiul.u.l IU.'h. af wnik. all d.'HV *• ““ Q- 0 . 

b.M.l . 1 . Ill*- Ki.gli*’. Ui.giug'* W *4 fur the) k.M*-»bi..Mi.t**a"d »;•“ “• 

.-l.i.u i iii.-t i:m ‘t i \i'* ii.'iu‘' *t‘'*‘Li'iii W,.* .hw.iMl- i,w i-nmmft.t* nil lurii and .irt.iu-, |“t‘ ; ‘7* 

‘ ...I.l a,;.M.'W. lull i.u dal l.vtU*N.Uii*»»»lM‘ d* that tin* nllH g'luK'of |***li. >' •iM.uld 1 “* Hi 

w.mialum. Il cMilaUi* l..'.»tilll'*l .*i.d\*iV ....luiuon •vim, ln*l.u.'d h> g. uuinv Aiuvlivau 

i*,\f viigiuviiitf**-*»l p'.g. uunviph "* and back.d b> luM.v»ty ..f iniipi.M-. L.>r ^.^jj 

Him 40 v.liiahh' I'l. •.•Midi-"* ‘"f “*• ‘"'“‘t tl.i* i.aF.Mi It »*. autl »iff .-nUlHiu.* lu W. al.M.InU- .H.rfv«*l -4ll*f. 

\ iilii'i:‘h** a*., tiK'iv-i.H lit tii.iuv ji.ii* «•! J, inibii* u.h'iil ul I'aiiy. clw**. **h<iiu*. nigai.U i* aUip and prit 

*.1111 I'.-.ii.*-. ‘db. r ..iieul t',..,. Ul iiiUi»*t. nu I'T all, but .d Uniu'. Il 

Il i„i«v 11,.* it viu'ul.itiuii h«'ty iiHU'fi 
li of any I'tlu-r Ninviu'aii u«w«' 

14.U* . IUi«*i •••••• so, ••••/ . . . .1- 

b'"* ull.l rojo)- . 1 . ..Ir"l.-r '-b..'l. " 

"'S-' I,I.l.'. l.n t'S'.'l I" -t’""' I.l" I..") 

Dehahtful Suiptises Every Month' 

S.o- I, tlo- t'l... I" ♦'ll** " 

.1 Vt-I.l- •.'111. I I.iLh IS. . ... 

A ljir..-It .'"I"-sO'l ."1“'"' ''■ 

U. LOTUKOr & to., rublisber.,. 

..J f, ,i,i.iiii s ."1. n '1 "•'■ 

(ioutl IT'ixm's. ilooil T'y|i(' iiiid 
I (iooil Work lilt'll. 

FLOWERSsSMILAX gp^jjj^g needjsEs, 

** I’l'l K MAUKFRS. Sill 1 ILK" RnUIU..S 

X v: .» ir .-iiirol -I III' sMm.Vmu lid an.l ILi.lal j m MlK.lLs FoR A I.L MAiUlNKS. 

W lb,..,... 1*. Ill F.-.m -.1 •olI..oll.tA.S.i.M'lU';vVHUl\Kll.v.A. 

uW^ Aii) uni-Laving !■ l-wv.* m an> 1“ Kvory kind of S-wtiig M.u* U.|';....'d by 

pVi'aiTVf IU.*> h'k'*' iLfui ,l-.u. b) uLIm '•-“‘r* I viHUj nouct-d w ..rkiii. ii. 


Hotlll- lll'«>ll>U'*'*-‘* I 

. t. u.---'* IIISI ...I'O"'.* re.."'.* O' I-—-- ..- 

.-.i 1. .■o..l»b'- ..I.-., i..•l..l.■.l b, K. I.U....' Al...ll|-Si. 

\i.,'ii-.-.' IIIS-.U-II.U-. 'III.'. I.'ii>.lr.'.l aii.lb4.'l-i,ll'- l„.i„-.|- ,.f,,.ii|o™'. tor 

'* 'll .1 40 \ il.i *bh'I'l* “•Ill'll"'*'* I'**’ wll ***'‘“* ,,-,i»un It »*. auil wihcuniMiO'’‘“bt'.altM.hiU'* 

!!i 'io.-olri'V .if-f-. d»'"! 1. 10.1. l" l>.l. i.l"t l'S.l,' .'b'eir' ..IKS.'.' .' 

Jlf ..•i-l'li"; •o.'.s--l..l I.. ... nu l-'r oU. bo-. ..I ...'I..'. It 

ol I.l, " "III. I... no.'• "'' !'■“■'■ .'I '""'h' „ia . 0111 . 0 . to tos.-.lU;ll i. B.««l ".■'I (■'.l"- 

... •"'.. ... ... '■’ I'.'Vi.:;.';;:,:^:,'.‘l'i.!:!;:.'THSo;.;'•.•i^‘'i"l:;.^ 

'“•‘n,.'“r.i..'Mi I-o.i'l •S-- -X'" 1 '. rn.i.-I.I'O'.' 1. o,,, i....oi..lrr«..-l II i. 01 . 10 II .0 i.i. J b) mi" 

I.,'i...| .".I 111.--'.I '-■ 'l' "" |a..llist aoli..t uliis'sri.l. lb.'-.I.r,.' . .1 l.s-"> 

,7“ I II,. , lo- 11 . Ilio-.'--bo ll 1 . 1.11 1" U-l by 

,\u I. * “•*_' * uu-.v lU.iu II b.*t. » *» .rv 

‘■'iio'f .m.i-.b-.■......•■.■'..•I'''''.- ' 1"''; ......1- It ibbo.. i.«.i.i.. I'll" - loou 

■ tu-iiUiit- W I L'a" '*♦■■^'’*••'1* *** • m', 1 iniu'umiuu'l'*‘d. I* I.' ” 1 " * It *‘11 •'‘•in 

•1“". i. l'.llAl.l.KXUK.ilV. 

resrea,. *>.. 


SCRIBNER’S WONTHLY. Fi"* Card Photographs, pf g 

I, „7'".'v ..... ! S:'='Sw 

Ouincv Dve-House,;^-^" 

4 . d luM .liny »vvii uu-.v lU.iu II »umuv.*».rv ’**''! J i 

It« f.a.i.U, piln * fiKiU 4U.I dv* . RC ^ ™ ^ 

.■'U'. t iniu'uHiluu'l'* uf. I“y ”l'* ‘ I*'*- It Will ••‘•II- __ P 

Liauntiry. . 

ni.’i.d* .vul lilt. MM.-kt*. nu bun. ^ ..f t.U- 1 1 1 iH.Hmvv.l ‘*7 'VhM,n . lul-u-v In I n. tlu- i . 

oo',.. .I su .,11 , 1 - 1 ...I.. 1 -, w.,..i-oi 1 ... 1 I.- J-'.; .,, 0 ,„t. ... 

all. II. V. t I* • I'um 411*' • ’ur puin *p*4..ii,g. j U fI lannivi . • •• nth m* *1 , wi,,.,. 4 i.* d. ' 

1,!.... a,.th. i,n,.i,.U It Ilia .**tN , -lyvd. KidLlovv*. Iha.i^ and shH- 1 * * ■* a. Wharf EaS 

"'l',,'r-r;‘..o;'i',r.r.,‘.l”;-r..‘‘b.:b-r I the quinoy laundhy KEortscp; • _ 

\u..ii'*an*'m alL'idluvli'u* hi* *•>. • t" |.'.l'hf | ' 

luaii* It*. «MU.i»‘' Hu luiiM.ii- AM>UF.A!»Y F'»K HI >1*^ Kkv Y K KN> VaI.LKV Fl 

iK’P :"■ r'‘ 

t-iiir, . 1 -to. ilr-ii.-to U..'iio. ■ I I , UU tlU'l I'llKUr-, I*.-e. »• ilti.l.lrA 

....lo.iil ll.ol tlo l''..."l.i»e>-. ..-■ 1 lo"li'«. ,j„ ; Niililll t'l! VXKl.IX I 

o,.,U.'l-"ll.'i.a..' • 01 lU I'..—. -II-Ml IK 

ll..-.\. il.i.u">'i.l">-"'l'‘' lt''|' 1" ... .V.'IKUI'.K . IIV-I 'K 

out..' eoilK-- looll. .'I'lsl .11 -ir-iiw.b 1 WllllK A.sll tt ItXAl 

e. c. btjmpus k-.. 

! iiiru'e, iioxtou i'dsi uuiIiIhib:. 

h.i.i'itb' will * 1 ! H.p .. a* • V, If**'! at tiu' 1 .liffk, ttmr UfM.fcMigf**** 

w-L. t»iwaiti.i ti. auaUuui.t.sbtt tons'll.*->. HOHTgN- ..I *l 

ULKL.s I.KA\ in 

9 #*i >idi‘r* rail .ilu 

r;.s>i W'v) lllullth. 

—'I’he lirst li'iiiperam e I.hI;;.' lia-ju-l 
been fi.rme.l aiimu'g the Imliaiis -m 
llie Dmmda'ger reservali-m. 

—'I'lio Imlel eluuuberiuai.l ibrive- i.y 
hi*r iuu-iluslry. 

— l*r. K‘ultAr*l-»on, iLc* cfleUMUH 
l.i.uil.iti pbysi- iaii. will, ba-s l.eeii 1-- - 

luring m> 'I''"-- H'*' 

piiiiil stay - m.l .m'.y iujiir.- ImoI.- 

permanently cores 

H. Kigeba-jusi , hidmeY DISEASES, 

,be Imi.aus.m f COMPLAINTS, 

Constipation and Piles, 
iiaitl thrive- i.y 1 uu u.U, rLAUio.(-,-iaii«r,.vt.,M-x% 

: , KIDXEV TU«,lUllJ* Wl— 

; J-cua l«..»rko—• It koamr-st 
, ' ; S^..,»r,,rl'Il.l>. t»UI..,~»,rf.luai, 

llie v-'lebralt'tl 

I. .. h LsI.eelllt . xEi..uxrMKruiI.u.«f't.\ik...^vu. 

ho Ii.i-s mint i A -a U .a,ri. u» .oi-r. *a«' 

ma.le lire m«.c. no* fr—i'iu..»J* — 

i'4‘>'"*~“'**“'* “‘'. I 

J, .. , - i: (•. 14. llU4J.Ki:<lV-*^f*<r«'l«ktPc.Mt>..*'*a*L 

Iv iieallli. hut •■tlvadvii ui. iilal vapa- ( j -o-J.i-. r ri. ■ 

.J r irkva*'^ FuriBg ••*»«»»; .J*vr ••*! Kui*M.-f ■■ 

Liliiy, L 4 < MipKalat.** 

—-'Wliv. Hall-, you Imve llie mo-t | . |T HAS TITIIVQ B 

feimiiiiie east of eouuliuame 1 hav. lIwON^PFOL ff fli | Ft 

.verseem” wastherv-^l POWER. . \ "1 know de reason for ; mm. t1 HEt *r->': IT '< Tt t'X ’’'“'it 

l">' “>UO«,letv I'OMUl--* A'" ‘‘“'-C" 

iu.>il.lor w.u> a tvoiiiaii. '.aMiV-AT run -»iii: ti uia f" 

. , V- - I,',,#. , I u-cauoo It oloanae* tho 6ro***r*of ^ 

I he \ trgmia fNeV.) - i 1 tho nolaonou* h-tnior* that dwoloDO jB 

'.'he Viigiiiia fXev.) fcol." 
vs lliat Hie majoriiy of mvu"lilh'' 
l',.eiliv coast are [K-.r, ami suelt will 
be tlie eiui; .until prospveliie,; eea- 
ami men are laUK'lil the rt,u,;li le-|.t.u 
tliat 111 iwo-s, a eomiKleiiee tiny 
m,i-l tie he a Ifft'-work to il.-.a. tiuire- 

lUk ;it- 

.\ Iiiui oil iL Lciui i" worth lu^rf 
tliaii Uo*>cu iu the liooU, 

I tho pol9onou9 hwmorp that a*.KClono . 
InKUlfvngaoU Urinurg d AOU»«f.B'‘* 
lou^nea-;* Jaunolco. C-3h9k'P*''*0n» j 
PIIma, or In Rhoumutipnv, N9urttln*tt| 

and r«in4l«Blaoraor9. ' 

klUN l'V-\*'0« r fo Mirr vrcTtaU* *«•* 

pMtMda>U tthMlMMiiabj —I .tr. PMlL 
0 «*> p** ka<«* •llliuak*'-'V ',!» “f lavdlrlo*. 

•rxfYr XT s 

Uwj It ml lk» OrMMxUtB. l»rU*, 61.M9. 

* wlUA 6rrsputKi, 


; • , , , .. . • ail.nil 

,... v,.., ..1 

t’ VF4I. Hll'i 'U t i, 1 • . - ' At . 

U *.. Vb* ft' .1 wii; . . ‘ ‘ 

• i:.ii;l .b..l.'‘ a 1 ... ■- ; - ' 

ij */-llv b 4 * • 7 • ‘ a 

s' l..Ut.l*t r 1. - . .!"l I" : ' 1 " 

l.h.U'.l n. Hi. I i - ■■ I"' . I 

• "s r »'int nl*. I'" I' ’ • ■ ' • at .1 t 

^ul. II. *11 imIJi-"*-' *, 

tugrutb'g*' 1 bi , It'tt*li* »• 14-. .*•.•* - 

%.%MH ^ FOIt |SH«. , 


■ l.t K i',-".'' ■ • '. w,; t. . . • • 

■ (hF, .**,<* *"4*«!IUU lit, •’ 

,... 1 ,.. 4 ...ld. 4 iuat.*"'"i •' hi* ..^1 d.i , 

t.atV.ul.aVi 1 . n * *' ' ‘ ! * J** ' 

rti.itl'Ufg 1 . - - J"' 

t..i,»i ,.4it'.t H.i.'nf M 

....:4 a.'4'. - ' . t‘ ■ 1 “' > “K'l.- 

■iiiii*;^:TiK»irAi.» n. bcuiux.kii s 

UONTlIl.'lf UVAMLllIVAN lt“ 
t’lld. lot.*-o.'-i-* -s ■' 

.....a,, ... I. W > - 

■ , 1.1 - ,. ■■ I..,-- ■ 1 ■" I'l.'- . ■ - 

....-■■ ..a. I.r ... 1 . -- u b- 

.... -u.l, ■. .1 ■ ll.-l I 1 •■ ‘ 

MO - I') ll ■ '"■■ 

'"t'AN AUA 1‘lt. . uiinsviut. V ■■ 

• , .... .. f ....... . I '!■ '*.‘1 I 

■ •!. k. . 1 ... tt 1 . 1 '. ■ . t - ■■ I o" 

. . ■ . VI ■ ■ • ■ ■ 

PUACl'lCAl, I'Al'KltS ON llOMi. 
bUUJKOTH 1. ■ ■ . 


SCUlbMLU « CO . 7.8 U'Jway. N Y. 

; i' A lb—.1. M I’ ■ 1 '.-." 

lESl PIPER! TR'llI!|ii3p7il^F 

'.. ...... beautifully illustrated. 1.. I niotLr 

itl.t fj lUv Nanunal ^^ 1 ,, 

I.l ^ •Alii alt'l • 'I" 


Ufklli Y'fiir. 

I .LGravfis’ Faleol Loaune Bel 

Siieulilic Aiiioiicau. 

liu S« irxTirn Amk*iIia> i» 4 laig* 

I W.. klh N' Wl'4,1 r • t . Iir4n* .. i-tii.l- 


It. tt. m'ft ».• 1 d 

J .. ,1. .J.l, 

-t I.uhI : 
... iff .\:*- 4 I • 

' I. k •** '• "• 'g' • • 

1|. Ill,. It' -'.ll- M f' '• ■ 
.Sa|..i u IU.i 

» , 4 I4.ll. .1 . . 

PATENTS vtillli* \iiiflWau. M -->■ 

t« I4l tiU' ki't 


50 BrouilielU Ntf., j T A. I L O , 

jTON. . OVRIl ( llA';i.LM f HANK'* 

J M llliVN! ' ■*““*'•**’** ^*** " 4|l 

I ( •'lOM M.XllH I’AMn. 76. I no. 4 w. 

b.' Ifli w.Jh 1. M I'r-u.t, I 5 * 1 . 1 . 411.1 .H'warlw. M U-'^ .u **.■.•‘lr.l..l.••.; wnU 
4 J I Hi. tlim'vin.i'U fi.n,. \1. W*..,! (l-Hli- *ii*'I woi* 

-- ; .ant'd It. III. IM. a*, u.I. Ill" a-I.L ■’I) 

l*'t <b« IV 4 .' V • . 


ll. • • 

:, i: lATk & 3 W. i.ew Twk. 
i • W .. : I* A 

W tti 

■salDuoq pe sejs 

.ii-.t.ll.* twv'.ty-i 'inin 4 1. ..I I 

U luld 111 Nuvviul.. r l■<‘*u >• n» ».* U .>*>• ; 
h.i.i'.itb' will id ll.P .. a* . VI If •••‘I at Hi*' i 

i«.lu. w .*• tbwait. .i til 4.1 •Uuum.dn, ‘y**^!'*;*' \ \ i 
-*nd U-'u ll*'- ...» t'l w III* ll *llH b"l*i 
|i!i i.| 1 l * t' * > * 1 '''* W ;tt ll**- vl.u**' "f I'.'i lu- 

it\-« .,(• *1 in i ''"' lb. I'l^l .b vaiU' nl y'4.» 

.i* it a t'li * • "n ni'«. • v:i IV 4g m'. ni 1 lll••♦^• i.t 
‘ *; i • \V Kdl.ii,.' . lllh 

' ; , t'l '• ti-.-: ::: l ‘-"-II H'' w-'-' 

.. it* I""*' ■ I! - n,- ta.n ..> .. • » 

1 , . . .. -l. • .. h “Ki an.l ll.* * 

1 . ■ . •! . W. .tl. - I* il" 

... 4 i vk III il.‘ •■ - 4. I • to tl- -v Oi ' 

. fill ■“I S Will 1 .U ■ 

1 ,-ll.. I.'.- ""■' " I ''' "''' ' . 

. r..'.ii iJ.t V s I* all, .li ! : M ••1) Hi tb* ir I*-a- 

■; ; ll- '--bi- 
; - .-I.. ''■ ■e 'r ‘I ■ ■■ ' . 

' ttf -H • • -"1- i »»K "I X ,* I’f i **-•• 

*.7* I.;.t5:*-Il . • rt. . *• .1 *t '■ - 

.... t : . - f l-KX., 

..I ; V-. ^ * 'i 

I Tl. *«.m''.v .i.'t. Iwfc M " -u**' ■ '1 

at «l.iU . *■ .i. k-uM-NC* t- ' 

Ilf I-;’*- T H*. WkLikCV '•lx. "•*•' 

. . n . • 4 .. k»u-t4*;. - ‘ 

• r. . • ■ • . •IH •--• *• ;. - - . 

I vt.a I * • A*‘ -- I ^ KM.I AND 

1 k'uUidul *il luA av >. >VM Aoik Cit>, 

WOOD AND ll.\^, 

Wharf, East Braiutree. 

I.VKKN.s V.VI.I.KV fUAXKl.lX t "Al.. 

Xiiltlll fllVXKl.IX UKli AMI 
( A.Mf.lliiN .'lU'loblN 
ttllllK Asll n UXAt K ttiAl.. 

•• *■ Ki.t* 

.. .. >,1 r 

•* *• .xl.iVK 

Nt.lTM AYTItU i ‘ 

lt0' * •' *1 > 1 * 1 ." I'd *1 fa.r ! 
a A t;l» \.M> ITNK \'»n »l* 
IH'M'I.K llA'V. 


-- If' I'Ui'd In I t'llll-ut fur 


,, .V .. M MllHiK-.n I'.i;\NnK. 

I. J .-.-Jit .1 I. I. nt'l L .'ii.*t-» .'lit 

,t ttl.t'O ii-'ii'' >" * • *1 .<•■ < nni Ml■«ai'l \ tt|i-.iv 

! ,t • •,.,1,1. I-... i* i-Mni'llTHlv •li'intl. 

I SI. .1 U KT M* »l I ll I AM'IN*.. .'i . -iH* J. 

Ilia'. •» .‘it ' 

C. l'\ DAY.MON, 

vvxi • It 1 AMI bi Vl-Ml t', 

M.l- Is'lNDS t)F 

n ft n i 7“ T 


A--1 1-. '1 

V W I.LK gl'J 4 lUi 4. It" 

I ... . .?m l -k- A 'd.' 



v:r . ■’XABINEr, , 

For Sale at Lowe St Cash Rut 18 F 0 H 1 TUBE 

>'•' ro .ticuv.ii. 

BHEPPARD. 1 f{.t;j;r-HOiSTERiNa 

r..*":--"'"’’ DtNTAL NOTICE. ' 

O- isr YE, DSk. T. J. BOlTNE'Sr, 

LOl'T-.l'-h t-Oi AS. CIIAIUS. 



\* I.V 'l*>l 1 il li VMH Nti 

Dill..lid Oil'"' 

tia l’,..iiimm. H .mtiimou- 


Uuxilv.r i'"" 

(111 l h. .‘iiiaslit - Miialle : lui»' 

(III < .'lluloi.l 

Uu Kuhber Id.Uy 

ifi’t.vt'y. .q.iss. 

441 lltMtKK JK t.ItVMII- *xl-. 

I.l VV -.V M ' IU .ill' • 

*r»|. • r l»s t • I ' 

Xl< >1 I ,1 >1 X iS 

fi'hn 1 I r 111- 1 'i iL isH. 

\ Yh 

.NltuMiUUl xt.. i.axl W*•)uioulli. 





“Ynu are right, nnd yet I cannot 
toll ynu anything in rrgani to myacif 
llial ynuduiiot alreaily know. What¬ 
ever I may lie other tlian 1 oecm, I 
•■mil marry laaliel Davenport a* her 
father’* cnachroao: and I romc to 
you a* a fnend of hen, not to eanc- 
tion her marriage, hut to ilfonl licra 
home for a few hoar*.” 

“Tliat I will do with pleaaiirc; I 
have already told laaliel ahe will be 
welcome to a lionie* with me aa long 
a* *he may dealre one. Hut I cannot 

ntrange that, falling to hire one, he 
nhould bny it and a pair of home*, 
lint .ln*e|ili Arnold waa not arena- 
tamed to liealtation, and he aoon 
cloacd hi* bargain and paid the 
money. Rnt after he wa* gone, Mr. 
Folaom regretted that he matio the 
aale, for he felt almoat *urc that the 
team waa to be made uae of for the 
perpetration of anme crime, 

Philip ant iH'aidc Ida niiric nntif day 
dawiual, and then lie iran rcwanleil 
for Ilia fnitlifiil walcli by noting a 
aliglit iiiution of tile lipa wliiuli be liml 
fcareil were forever ae.'ilcd; and aoon 
after, llie while lida, uimiii wliich ho 
liail lieon *o anxioiialy for 
hour*, were alowly raiacil." lie Imme¬ 
diately anmmnncd Mr. Lewia, who 

—The laddeat word* of toagMOT 
pen—“llete’* that coKeetar «f MB* 

-rC. Baaaine, nephew ti the ftaMk 
Marihal, is keeplngn llqnot fbogln 

B. r. WBITKUUf, 



aant PlAfe, corner Beacon Strtet, 
tnifiii.Jtai'niri I .-nr IVi.«di£f rfiiiovp 

ii*'IIi.h|. wllli'iiu ti ■tir>;i*’ il 

I I',., a llDillrtl « . .I I».tlt1. Bly 

l>tAB Av%r\ : 

t promiMv! to write here 

1 with lo itif'irm fou oi K'ifnf(» tin queer. 

We’re all xonc quite crazy. The I'uzile jrea've 


K* WAliRC^f* Pro|irlotori 

Has the Agency for tho 

have liecn atrange. You thought, i 
too, I would die; but that could not I 
be. .loT never killa, thnugli men . 
Iiave gone mad at the very moment 
they acciimpllahed the pnrpoae of a | 
lifetime. You mnat Imvo patience 
for a aliort time; and, Phil, whatever < 
1 may do, bear lliia in mind, I love 
you mill your young bride and nhall i 
prove to you llint I do." 

For more limn an hour they con¬ 
tinued locoiirorso, for Juacpli Arnold 
lind many nrrangnmonta to make for 
bis noplicw, the maaoii for some of 
wbicli Philip could not comprehend; 
but hia uncle, who seonicd lo liavo 
regained all of hi* Htrength nnd 
energy, would listen to no oppusilion 
to hi* plans. And when brcnkfiMt 
was announced be walked to it willi 
a* lirm a stop and aa clenr nii eye as 
if ho linil never known a mumciit'a 
illiicsa in Ids life. 

At tile breakfast Inble he was lively 
and cntcrUiiiiliig, displaying such a 
wide knowledge on alniimt every sub¬ 
ject that Isabel, who had of courac 
learned that ho waa Pliilip’a uiirle, 
no longer wondered wlieiico Philip 
derived Ida faculty fur liciiig fascinat¬ 
ingly entertaining, tliuugli she waa os 
niiieli ill the dark na ever lu to who 
tier husband really was. 8lic wna 
only loo happy, tliougli, in the 
kiiuwleilgu tiint he loved lier and 
tlint lie WHS her liiisliaiid. 

Wlieii lireakfasl was over, .losepli 
Arnold exeiited litiiisulf for leaving 
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis so early, prom¬ 
ising to see them again in n few days, 
mid then started for tlie hotel. On 
arriving lit tlie stable lliorc he found 
tlinl Ids horses hail been well cured 
for, .'iiiil ns soon ns they were linr- 
iiessod he started to return them to 
.Mr. Folsom's stable. 

M r. Folsom was iiuicli surpriseif to 
sec Ills stningc customer come hack 
so soon; in fact he had not expected 
to see liini hack nl nil; hut Joseph 
•Vniold, who Inid his plana r.ll made, 
said ••(Hilly: 

“Y'oii told me yesterday you would 
he nliliged to purchase a carriage nnd 
pair of liorses. I have no further use 
fur these, ns 1 own uliuut twenty of 
tlie best liorscs in the state now. 
Wlint will you offer for Oic tcnni n.s 
^ it stands? ft’s wurtli ns niueli ns it 
was yesterday.” 

, ^fr. Folsom hesitated; lie did not 
know just whiil to do; it was clenr to 
ids niind tliu trmisaetion lictiveen 
liiniself and Joseph Arnold amoiinted 
only to this; he had let tlic earriiigu 

Bvxav rniDAT, at wavaomi, mas*. 


—Highwaymen: eletaUZ nttmgf 

—M. Danbonig, a Freneh angiMor. 
clalni to have deviled a meon a of 
traneporting large vewieli over Mi. 
muaea, however steep, and M otpart* 
ment is Rhortly lo be mode oil 'AlfOB* 
tenil liy lifting a 2,000 ton ship ItoMi 
the river and taking it on toil* to aa* 
other place. 

—Tho report 1* wlthont fonodnlirm 
that tho limberger cheeie foetoriaa in 
this country are not maUng a orat. 

—Dr. Andrews heard a burglar la hia 
liouse, in Philadelphia, and had no 
pistol to shoot him with, so he Inflated 
a paper bag which happened to be at 
hand, daahcd upon the thief with • 
shout, nnd exploded the bag, which 
made a noise like n pistol shot. The 
man sank to the floor in abject terror 
and begged fur mercy. 

—Trowacrs obtained on credit are 
hrcocliea of trust. 

—All Europe, llio only civilixod por¬ 
tion of the Old World, is arming for 
war in auch fiisldnn that, five years 
licneo, the young man who saya bo 
has not been a soldier will, in saying 
it, confess that lie is cither n cripple 
or a priest. 

—“Will you Imvo some more beans, 
Joliiitiy ?” “No.” “No wimt f”— 
“No beans,’’ says .loliuny, solemnly. 

—A little Milwaukee boy, Imving 
lieeii ex|wllod from school, returned 
in girl’s clothes, nnd tho im|K>sture 
wua not discovered for several months. 

—“There arc rumors that Keely, the 
nnitor man, has turned his attention 
to n machine for aticking pins through 
a starched collar. 

— Tho Union Pacific Railroad Ingo¬ 
ing to provide emigrant sleeping cars, 

. without increase of rates. 

—Human nature is qiicerly constitnt. 
ed. Tito average man doesn’t feel as 
had wlien ho receives (10 too much 
change ns lie does when he gets 10 
cents too little. 

— Tho Denver .Vtics says there are 
men in that city to-duy who are una- 
I>lc to |>uy tlieir hoard hills wlio will 
[ by and by he bonanza kings. 

— A young Indy wlio didn’t admire 
, the custom in vogue among her sis¬ 
ters of writing a letter, nnd tlien 
. crews-writing it lo illcgihilily, said 
I alie would prefer lier epistles “wilh- 
j out nn overskirt.” 

1 — .V French veterinary surgeon has 

- discovered that vaccination may 1)0 
s iiscfnily a|ii)Ucd to dogs. It appar- 
e cn'.ly prevents the development of 
. those diseases timt in many eases 
s prove fut:d to pups. 

prominent Congressnmti took 
’ Ills (iangliter to tusk tlie oilier eve- 
ning beeuusu she permitted her lover 
^ to slay n while after 10 o’clock. “I.n, 

" I'll,” she said, “we were only hold¬ 
ing a little extra session. 

is — In ills report for the lost quarter 
a of IHTO, tlie Registrar of tlie Scotch 
y piirisli of Gleiiely says: “No outry 
,1 inis lieen nnule in file marriage regis- 
il ter for the year now ended.” 

" —“Hull, wliut’s steam?’’ “Boiling 

’■ water.” “Tliul'sriglit—compare it.” 
“I’osiffve lioil, eoiupanitive boiler, 
superlative hurst.” 

— A few weeks ago two French 
ladies applied lo tlio Mayor of their 
district in Paris to he placed on tho 
Voting list. After consideration ho 
declined lo comply with llic request. 

. Tliey liiive now formed u society of 
1 ^, wonien’s riglits, uud put furtli u pro- 

lu —The center of gravity: tlie low- 
111 esl hutlim oil u tjuuker’s vest. 

—New York may be looked uimii 
from this time forward os tho homo 
■'* of the t'liinese. 

* i Two Do<l»r« « Voflf. Ifi fldvoftct. 

loiffli . I 5 ,^,^ 

Order* fur all kind* of Printing *ill receive prinni’t 
•ttCDiion, and be oeatJjr and correctly eaccuteU. 

We’re trying to ii, 15 * 14 ! 

Here’* Fa )u«t c.>me h<ene from Uk office,and tie 
i«hoold 04,w Ue cn|vj)ing h.> * 11 }per* and tea; 

Hut in a very Lruton *t«tJy lie ki«<k» very green. 
He nercr cua du^aj, I), 14 I 
'rberFa Ma. 6hc i« if>(ktf^ the cradle, and 

TltSl baby b taking hi* »ec ferty winks; 

Hut Ihcre, on her Up, b the fatal machine. 
Shehaait! No! Fahawl 14 ! 

Then mter. 1 joat heard the ting of the bell, 
And tome one ha* called; that’* quite ca*y to 

tlusincs* Cnrbs. 

pUlc u|)on tho door. When ho or¬ 
dered the plate and the man of whtrni 
ho ordered it asked “What name?” 
he hesitated a moment before giving 
the name of Arnold; and he said to 
himself 0 * ho fastened the pinto to tlie 
door, “It was his own idea and I will 
not interfere with him.” 

The ncigitbots wondered nt the ce¬ 
lerity with which tho small and pre¬ 
viously not very attrgelivc appearing 
liouse ill (tcorgc street had lieon trans¬ 
formed into n iicaf, cozy dwelling, the 
grounds cleared nnd beautified with 
mounds nnd bordora filled with plants 
In bloom; but nn energetic man with 
plenty of money can accomplish a 
great deal in n short lime; nnd .losoph 
Arnold knew well linw to make oth¬ 
ers work for liini. Those neighbors 
littlo dreamed that in a few hours 
tIint modest dwelling would he nn 
object of greater interest than any 
other in the city. 

TIinngli lie Inid worked rapidly, .To- 
srph Arnold found that tlio summer 
afternoon wna drawing to a close 
before his work wa* eomplofcd. On 
Ids way to the liotol ho met tJovernor' 
Iliivonport, wliom lio rnrnguizcd 
from pictures he had seen of him, and 
who was looking ns dlsturlied in mind 
ns a man eonld look; and Joseph Ar¬ 
nold thought: “You liavo discovered 
something nnd arc feeling pretty 
liiidly; lint you’ll feel nnicli worse 
licfore yen’ll feel better. ’ 

[To be cnntinucd.j 


Send every Wednesday. 


M.i>rs IN 


Ine an a f. » ef 111 - !■ lo r- n n bcl ‘l“l- 
(Td tiniHJ'lil y •*•«> ***■ iDldrt d'Vfl t«* tlx 


Attonief anil Connsellor at Law, 


neither «Iio nor know nny* 

thing exetipt tlifttyke appcAm like n 

U one/’ M»id Pliilip {imiully. 

Mm. Lewif*, I can ice that 1 
wan wrong to cxi>ect you to oMumc n 
rcAponniifility for which you might 
Ik; very much tilamed. I niUNt make 
Monic otlivr arratigementH. Ttie next 
titnc I tUU -you, liowercr, I Nhall 
tiring my bride; and then, perlinpii, I 
may convince yon that Imbcl made 
no placing implieit eontl* 
dt;iicc in unc of whom nhe knew hut 
little more than that nhe loved hirne** 

Wticn he had left her, Mn. lacwm 
regretted that I'iie had refuned to allow 
him to bring hahel directly to tier 
liouae; forntic knew they would be 
ms'irried, and the ttaorciihe thought of 
tiim the more ifcn^uaded ahe wan tliat 
Iniibel liad not c’tioncn unwisely; nnd 
nhe feared Hint Iimhel wouid tliink 
her n fiisnl tinkind. Hut IMiilip had ^ 
mounted Ills home and was a mile 
away tH;forc Mr*. Lewis tind decided 
that it might \h* t>etter after all t(» 
have IsnlM.'! married from her hoii-se. 

When I’liilip the next morning met 
Ills uiu'le sToseph, he liad not dec’ided 
what eourse he should take; hut * 10 - 
M*j*h Arnold,much more deeply inter- 
e^teil in the marriage thsin wa-* either 
iff the i»nrlie>* to it, told IMiiiip that 
he would mnkr all arrangements, and 
that all that IMiiiip need do wom to 
liave iMaiiel reiuly to go witli tliem in 
the evening. 

Hut Joseph A mold saw at once the 
propriety of having IssilHii tmvc the 
countenance and support of a lady 
friend; and therefore soon after 
ip left him, W went lo Mr. FoIhajiu’s 
* talde and cngage«l a horse that wa-« 
fa^t aii*l of great endurance—he knew 

0A8H FUND Not. 1,70. om $375,000. 

28 High St.pCHARl.ESTOWKr Easi. 

leb I hft»e never leen Dr. Oresuei b# 

illd viflctireill'y Dr. Oreoce of * terrlMs 

almoit rntlrely helyloafl with RHEUICA* 
and bare been caredbyDnOwnet treat* 

I’ve peepol in the fodor. The omu! scene; 
Their chaits »re hitched c!r«e->ij, 15 , 14 1 
I've been to the kitchm. The Are b dead oat 
1 tlM«ght Hr»d|cl *tep(; there was Karccljr a 

No ; there bf the otovr, percherl the kettle* be* 

AfMlwhat do joa think! IJ, 1 $, * 4 ! 

So, Anntjr, ITl close. There b fK» new* to tell: 
I hope fon juhX Uncle and Coimnw are well. 
Hefieve ate jotu vmo lovmf aiece, 


F. S .—Ml %epd love^r j, 15 , 14 1 


Civil [npeer and. Surveyor, 

IkK* lean* to Infi.nn ibr riUtf Uf* of Wrjniuutli rue iiisuiaiiiic tsu. 

«,.l vlHsliy tUsi l« I. IS* i.r.isus-,1 to niJis «p 8 “VP>“ "ver H«-tn.u««., ovor *176,000. 

r>iri<i 4 ‘tM |6 ,'ai.i on rtrrf rx|>irir*a VtAlcy : liO per 
__ ^ ■ I Rvr )Mr«.-"W |ser ee*,l. and 

FslU & int^r ' *'“* 

_ Tilt* r'«*ai|rui) Wfiie* vuly uo the **frr eU*«e« of 

CLOTHING ~.,:vt:«vu)a- rA.ntxrf,.,.. 

Tfii* fV>nip4iir h»v bfetsiaotieratioa Morrikea tS 
>e»r«. Mild ^6 i«i<i siver in to—ew, m »1 

over l)ivi<le«iil* to Foltr; lM4sJrr*. 

I larmel YV. Munror, I'lV'v&.t.ut ate] Trvxnarrr, 
Cha*. A. IfowloiMi* ^««retaf 7 . 
ELIAS S1CHARD8. Agest for Weyamk. 

• yiif 

firricK AT W. E. lliMrimr.v'o, 

Commercial St, - North Weymouth. 

3U M 


Bundle Hay and Straw 
Foil SAI.K Ilf 

JflIM. C'fl*.. 

tvi;v»i«)i rii i.ANDiNu 



TKHti. wtktiDod*. 

(wcurraii roa the oacctte.J 



OtKI C'MAlUJtfl f 'lUlfa't .‘>TOKK. 

llawMek <|I'IXCV. 

l>>T0>f I*ANT>*. 14Tl. I r<». 4 V*. 

&<*>. Mtel .'vI'llS in *i-rot.lM»n- wUi, 

liar tuwie fissm .%li W'lwl atod waz* 

to Cl. 1‘lt-nM rite- usa a caII. 9 ly 



^ DA.UGH'rEa. 




B OUtiirr iiud *ol<i I'll in 

N'*w York Mini Sun Ffmikim’... aiJ- 

Yttiici’il OH SitHfk* uttil Its'ioN |•llr<’llA*« <1 l*> u*. 

Basement Old State House, 


B. Stetson 

^ h.. '.ibrr. KA}*I W KIT- 

M'U III. <s*< lte*D«>*. TRt'flr*. 

DA* a MtMi **A1t'ttD*)* to.rk. 
* **'ff.sUi V A . M . t" 4 I*. >1 . Ml Li* laOcr 
in UK.ilMUEK. ow 


Ail WlLl »fr in «MOl (af 

ri&HT-CLABB WGRA ozi QtMliXj d Moteml, 

axt* Qur4xJi> t • tfivi Luis 

rKJL'kS TO At'JT 7//A tl.^tES. 


Fall and Winter 

CHArrtft XIV. 

Wlu n Philip Anmld pro|i4F*r;fI to 
l•allel l>a%*eo|xrrt tu marry him in Ar* 
rierto prrHcei liLTAclf fnrm tin? Iyr« 
aiiny of her father and the altcntiona 
of Elmer H'aNingtiam, he li.vl not 
l alculated on Wal^ingtiaixi'a returning 
*oMrofi, anrl tlierefore lia«l fonm;d no 
plan ao lo when; he nliould take Ha-* 
1^1 liefore or after he .whouhl Iiave 
luarle her hU bride. He kuew that at 
i the hou.*4.' of hia uncle, in Merrivale, 

I they wrmi«l 1 m: wanniy welcomerl, hut 
I it did ool acxmd with certain views of 
I hb> lo take her there. 

I tVal>ifxgtiam*a retnm coni|>eiie«l 
I Fbilip lo think aAii art at rmre. He 
knew tliat fattier would rath' 

‘ er Mre her dear] than marrie«l to hia 
^ niochmaa, ami tliat he mu-*! take her 
- ilaorJe^tlnely from her father';* hoa-^e; 

! hat he wa4 determined tl*at with the 
‘ exre|ftiou of marry ing heragaimt the 
' will of her |iarenU,he would do noth' 

, ,ag at which they or the worifl could | 

I cavil. 

I I«abel toil toid him of the gool 
4^nuum Mr*. J.eiiL« formed of him, 
j 41kI tlie offer marie to her of a home 
ji at Heath^Ui: and it waa to Heath' 

I field he went rni the evening that be 
;i rode Grey Ea_'Ic; fr/r he felt tlat d<H 
• «e vr>rri cooLl be -rairi agaiiu; the 
pnijiriety of l*atier« iiein;g in the i* 

' ety and under the protection of a 
. taarried fritDr] of unr^ucrationaiile re' 

'■ •jiectahiHty and chancter. 

Mr<. Lew:-* wa* not greatly ^ur* 
j |^*«d to see b;m. nr/T it* le^Mm tliat 
] l•ahel had er»n*rntrfl to marry him; 

!| aiirj altIwAigb the hzHir wa* late when 
I he arriTed, ahe nrH r^lv willingly 
jcrorJcd faim an interview. Lut lU- j 
tened with great intere^vt to hU ac'1 
ount 4 all that harl o*:rnrreTi to firing | 
him and l^afiel Urgetker he . 
i tidied licallificUI. \tu/l it appeared I 
i V* her a-* if fate.or what ’•nme wiiuld 
j have cwsicd provaJenre, in placing ' 
i Anw/d in the pvF*iturn of I 

H cowchnkan to J*arierv fatlier, and of 
;i 'fttAn U* arr.rUspuny h«r in her ri*lc;*, I 
:[ bad dc^vieiwvl that they •hould learn to ' 

i ..s- eacti otber; ano Mm. I>;w> wa'« 
•aiprwd that it**%tromt I>avKDport 

ii .toi thrx^'utrd the p«.~*.^iility.O*>t 

j to way prohaWity of *tacb a rc^tult of 
j t..* ewsrutung hk* riaaghter to the care 
v>jf a very LkOilojme. genclcmaolv. 
;r«6aed young man. even if be were 
•j^} a j r'O oc. . 

ikst altlMrUgh Ur*, l^wu* ;>trQed 
: •ttentivcly avl with ’•iweeve interest 
Ph..;p T'-oi her: allbiiugh 
‘ W£a« evew Bairv *cr»- ^!j eooviaceii 
c{< n b. * pr-o.. :.' that ht 

r » ^ 4 * rir.’j-ifb—- ■ c':' '•i t*ra vcH mucU 



'Constantly od iiMiij. »d>i koii s.\le 

^ aii'l rc-tuil. »l I..nn’at« u-Ii Price*. 



WVjiuiinlh l.iiu<iiiiK. 


AJ-.L KlXOfcj OF 

will never le witbont it! 

T. J. Fl.flM»l>. 


Comer orCotiititona VVoMhinirtoti HtrrwiA, 

Wonioulli Landint;- 
BIAQE WOBK of all kinds, 





•ail l*c L.iu;zht in r^iiiiioy 

W.’kt.pu l.UKAU VAUir'Y of 

ladies’. Misses' and OhiWren’a 


The Iteet in the Slurket 

Ilemy L. 'Ihuyer, 



hut not dre»**ed likea well-lo-tlofarm¬ 
er, for he knew how far appearaiico;* 
iufVuenre women. 

Fortun.'itely.he wo-h well m iiiiainted 
with a very prominent citizen of 
llcathtluld, upon whom he (ailed,and 
liy whom he w.'V'» introduced to Mr-^. 
facwii. What he nsvid to her it i.** not 
fie:<'«'^i*ary lo relate; hut in le;*;* than 
fialf an hour after he entered her 
h«iavr. idle woa not only willing fuit 
anxiiiu.-* that I:*afK;l should he taken 
ihcTii that evening. 

On hii return lo the ;«nihle, he 
.k-keil for the U'*** of a «arriage ami a 
{4urof hofMi * from early in the even¬ 
ing until the next morning, >*fiyiiig 
that h** wbheil to drive; hut to thm. 
Mr. KoNom ofyccteil. 

— Have you got a pairnf horses that 
* • an travel twelve milcM in .an hour?'* 
he a.-*ketl. 

•'Ves, and more. t«>o. Why?*' 
**What will you sell them for?” 
•'I>oyou want to buy?*’ 

•'.'•iince you won't let me what I 
! want. I niu^t Imy a carriage and 

I liof’sr:’*. Give me your price fur the 
I-**! turnout you've got in your 

(' 4 *t'<.illH, 4'OI.DH, 
«'H4>I F. 


It ia highly reoommendod by 
all who have used it. 

’*r, k.iU CTS. PER BUTTLE. 

en’s Tliick Boots, 
Brogaus and Bals., 


\ 1 , 1 'anil TIIK k ItUOTS, 


wall the nA{:w'*M>r> cane «r tukle 

I'l.V VE::.KtJtti:ATJNo.»».J.*a»s4. 

l««r I'K.Tl'UE riL^ME-*-; siev » ttry mv mm- 
UKite m « 


Aii \\'*tk u* gitt 

sbawinut .M.. EmfI Womunlb. 

WMlzillxtuii tM|«iMre, 


Painter and Qlazier, 


Faints. Oil,Glass, Varnish- PuUj- Gltie. 

t»bo|> ill (icu. S. Ilukt-r’* buil’tinc. ni-mr tlic curDt-i 
(■I Kirlitiuttid Mn-ct, 

Weymouth LuntHuy. 

.\U i.ldiT* to bf tolJii’***’*! to tb' I'rujdi.-D'f. 


Weymouth. IIma 




?*: - i.i*'. r- .iul lifwv^t.aui.-* ■ 

l sLurt Ij"*-' - ■ H -Val.k- 

'■ Mm tsaLljr t.sdxouMjr* ** —w’.*’ 

I 'tsAi ULYMorill I ANl/iNO. 444a*s*«M 4. 
ruin '* 

C^VIXCV’, >Xu—. 


l« tUkLiDC ti**" **'’ituf EVKll I iill'TIoN 

Bl’SSKLL'li, (liilncy, Mass 






HAY, &c 

SDUlh Weymoiitli 

he jireKeut at that wedding tiian 1 

lie woM }*till half reclining upon tho 
eoucii u.n he spoke, hut rising to htH 
feet, he moved somewliat feehly 
towanU her an«l plaeed his right hand 
upon her head, saying, ••Goil hlesH 
yi»u. UalR'l, ami may you never know 
wliat it in i4* he unhappy." Tlieii he 
heiil his head and pienHed liis lips 
upon her forehead, saying gaily* 
“That is iny kis.s for the hride that 
fhe failed to receive l;t«t night." Hut 
;di he turned from her, tottering 
toward-* the couch, IMalip noted a 
'•iniiige cxpre'>’'ion upon his wlnte 
f.*t e, and caught the words he iiuit* 
lered, *1 may loVf her, ev* n lliough 
I 1 do hate him." 

1 lie reiuaineil upon the e<nich a few 
I tiu)t|n-n(’s •silent, then Haid: 

I “I woiihl like to he alone with iny ' 
' nephew a while. Jes 1 have a great 
I deal to attend to ami must consult 
I aiili him uIh>uI sevend tlnngs before 
i 1 leave hire." 

When uU liiit Id's um le ami himself 
hail left the riHiin. IMiilip said; 

“Vou certainly 4’unm»t h ave here 
ivslav If there i-* any hii^lne.*.* of 
;tupt>rtance tleiiiamling attention, h t 
1 uie attend h* it for y«>u." 

*• y.iu couldn't do it. IMiil, any im»re 
j ih:in vou eould breatiie for me. .Vnd 
' don't fret about me; I am a ell 
i 4 iiougii, or *14411 be after 1 liava* had 
I **>iiie bis ;ikfa*t. Ih’-itlr*. I waiitvou 
: to remain heri- and take i .*r4 of vour 
i'iide. t am afraid, le.ty. >4X1 4lon'l 
kii'ca what a lrea*Ui»* v-iibave won 


A. Fh.m.-v k III 



OHHiDBENS* PI 0 TUHE 8 » Specialty. 


Ima. i‘*TAfrT k a^AUA.u fki, t% 

When all was 4't>iiipletc4l he went 
4 >vcr tlie liouse fr4)m attic to cellar to 
?*ee that nothing had lieeii lunilled; 
then, -tumling in tlie parlor uml 
glancing arouml, he sahl: “There, 
.Master IMiil. 1 think this will 4 I 0 f4>r 
the presi’iil; in fact it is g4KHl emuigh 
lor any one, ami 1 4l4)ubt if you could 
«b» any h4'lter y4)urself. Kveii a g«»v- 
4'riioi need lake no 4>lTence at h4‘ing 
iuvite4l into sueli a pr4tty r4M>m. 
And he aiiiled hillerly and with a 
muttered 4 mth: “If it ha«l mil been 
f 4 >r him. I might have hail such u 
home, with a sweet young wife to 
make it brighter still." 

Having seen to everything in the 
vv.*y of furiii-liing the house, hi?* next 
care was to prmlile a full sJiK'k 4»l 
priivisions, for he iuleiideil to liavi 
1 \4 r)lhmg in ri’ailinesh for l*hil anil 
hishritle; and then he reim inbcrtil 
that a* Gabel bail not bail any expe- 
rii-m ein keeping bou»e, it wimhl be 
m 4 4 s*ary to obtain at leu*! one oimmI 
i servant- a llting be wiis aware that it 
! wouM be m«ue ihllieult to timl on 
; short tiotiie than aiiyiUit^g la* biui 
I attempt! il. Hut be was a man ot 
I xiKMlieuti*. and callin-g a l arruigi-. be 




rNAni.E:Tn nuKATtiE: Tillin’ nosk. 
/•OA'Tl.iyor/llJi. /,/mt, Mar.A 11 , 1879 . 
Dr. H. V. 1 *u;u(.k; 

Ihur iSiV—Some time agu 1 iMUight 
a Douclie, some of your Dr. Suge’n 
i 'aUirrb Kciiieily ami Giddeu Medieul 
l)isea>very undcuimuenced lu use them 
The aciicH ami jiains as well tis sure 
throat ami eatarrh from which 1 have 
been so long time a sufferer, Uaveeu* 
tirely left me with their 1 feed 
like a new man as well us IiMtk like 
one. For four yeais 1 was unable lu 
hieathc through my nose. From the 
ii»4' of tbe Catarrh Heinedy 1 euu now 
<lo so fividy. Vuiir ^K'dieines 1 know 
to he all that they are represented.— 
Dong live Dr. Fierce auil the geiitlO' 
men c<muected w ith him. 
tiralefullv vtmrs. Watson Smith. 

New Stove Store 

Pine, Oak and Maple. 

One Hundred and Fifty Cords of 

‘.uiau. uQiii 
that FLiip 
; vurthy t 
v?*Q ke ha<l 

■•VVe have ■-■arried this ji»ke far 
-;;>»ugb. Vou tioii't lo buy any 
I aiTUAgf or hor»* •" 

I want you undenitaml, ••ir. 
j--eph Am**.*! of M^rrivaU —V!»u 
!j..4y Lav^ hevinl of him -<bH’s ii«»t 
on nuiivr- of bu-in*-"* You 

L.iv.' named youi let m** *i 1* ct 

T !.• g mmI* .u •••rr»hng tougrei-mt'Ut. .*nd 
*'’Ur uiMUey rr-iily for you mm. ' 

■ Arno'd* 1 bail a y«Mmg f» liow nu i'\ tbwit naiui-. but 1 alw.iy-- 
liv vA.L* ssiriiettiing diller* 
r-iti from «rh.^: be wouUl b.ive me 
’ a V. lom Fhilip .\rn‘= d. 

ai l .\M> I KM*ru> 

White Cedar Posts and Rails, 

Trellis Pusts, Bean Poles. &.c 

M'ihhI M«**ed toitil M|>lll to order. 

Out* Kt|H>rlruuM from Miiuy. 

“1 liiul been sick ami misemble so 
long ami biul caused my husband so 
iiiui'li liiiuble and exiieiise, no one 
Mt’iiied to know what uileil tiie, ibal 
1 was ciuiipletely disbearteiieil uml 
disiouiugeil. lu this fiuiue of mind 
I got a bottle ol Hop HiUeis and Useil 
tbem unknown to my laiiiily. I soon 
U gun lo improv e anil gamed so la>l 
that my husbaittl and lumiiy iboiight 
it strange ami uimalurul, but when 1 
lidil tbem wbal bud belpeil me, they 
suiil ’ lluriublor Hop Hitters! long 
may they pris-per, for they bave maile 
motber well uiul Us bappy."—The 

c "it i*i*ijiaf<* 


Carpenter and Builder, 



freebie l.nilie*. 

Those languid, tiresome sensations, 
l atisingyou lu feel scarcely able lo 
he on your feet; that constant iliuiu 
ti.ut is taking from your system all its 
elsDilU'ity ; driviug the bloom from 
Vour cheeks; that ciuilimiul strain ujx 
on voiir vital foix es, rendering vouir’* 
rilalde and fretful, euu easily be re* 
inoveil by tbe u?»e of tbal inurvelous 
leiuedy, Hop Hitlers. IrreguLiiitier, 
ami obistnutioiis of vour sysU-m uro veil at oUc*. while tlie sp«.chi\ 
laUM’ of perioilicul paiii is pi riiuiueut* 
ly icuioved. NVUl you heed thi’* ? 


nies ot Recitations 

\ lIsrusiMTtot Cured. 

.V leailiiig deniiH’ial of llurliiigloii, 
Mr. K. M Sutton. *’i*eaks in the iiigli' 
e:st li rius of the euralive power of the 
celebrateii Kidney* Wort, ft lif»i cui- 
Lilliitiiid ailisiU'. sing Kuluey ihseasi*. 
and he now use# it whelievei' he ha» 
any s\ uipi««iim •>! bili«>UsneM or im'> ih 
Ibtniig up. llm l« elhcieiilly onlhe 
boweU, and cures the woi»l ol 



.sliawmul M.. l.a.>l Wt-jtiioulh 

llAA.b !• hkil 

. IpP f tpntli 

[- „ .1/ <■! Vow Mr. Font (iirno.1 from lh« P*H<*tIc to 

with the Mm,,.If iho hnmormt*. In ht. liooon.t »pp«»». 

rtrlenti' Ailc'r nnUuncii.K hi.n«elf Iho humorm.V In hi. .ooon.I np^nmneo. 
ibcV’Htilior .lornmnil. ho vc.Inn- »i,o,, ho ■loploto.l tho .con" will, »ho H- 
loricit oomo polltlrnl viowo .nninlhmn |,|oo.lihlr»iy Tl.llor, »lioh».l collr. 

likrthio: “I nin onli.lh 'l." '"''I he. j„„rTloi» the toon tint wroto._jTli«t 
"llint the South moon, f'.mnt. I IMoce". Tlio Timor come in with 

Mr. liorbort Mellon, of Weymouth. 

while ol work 111 the Whichor lioot foc- 

PATPrn WmiOtlTH. *0'' Inofeoil of okimmint? the hino woter. 


notoT of n*MMi CPO.O. .loop, her keel gmllni! iit>on Itie rtoiio,. 

Orion fyOmmtn«I<»ry of Mmitli W^t* i^y jiniiKly .*»'»J?8***!*'**• ^ ^*‘* ^P**" 


inowlllitn^w- .- , 1... T«^^Uw rAtttfht onr Orton i;omm»n'irry my Himniy .nMitHu.M ••••» ... 

.wl.oh..l..lIe.l „,...,t.. of ,he rmte.l Onter of the .. s.,.,r.l.Ty. when It w», m.notte.l to 

- - . ••Hint the soiitn moon- -n,.... • ,,„ilc IMoce". Tlio Tl.llor c»mn in w..., 

o. O. BA-STBHBBOOk, BDITOK. hy thni. thnt the fi«'il|h eon"'''* , |„„.„„g,iioii |i,.lnt,lii hi. oye amt « 

.or. Tihiii ineviUhlc. «n.l hetwenn ""J;,,. .^mi'lrlng for iho m»n 

■ - j lit** •• ..MTfg.r. nick In hl« M»nOf inquiring I'M HI" • 

FRIDAY. APRIL 9. 1830. lh\?‘ex-i’re^ 'l who ,loe, ino., of iho writing with hi. 

^;;rololltcW.T..>.T.lli^ ... eer ..... 

cine for Iho ex-rrc.idenl. i 
.iiiiienhnt nlnrmeil to hear n prmtii- 
neiil .lennH-nil at Ne'v ‘’'• 7 ", 
other liny. M.k me what * 

Im.l MUiiiiiH tJrniil. \' hy. «il'l I. 

I, a repiil.liean ninl n lynint. >on- 

i,„r-.hloo,lihlniiyTl.ltor.wl.ol.».i«iie.. . f .eourtnf machine, jam- moniii, oi me ..o.. .. ... .. . 

tn intorvli»iv tliA tn:^n tli»t wrot<». ^ . a la. iiw •nil It is fcarfd CrnM, wliloli wn^ In Hont InT. 

utile Piece". Tl.o Tl.llor came in with ' re.,.lire Fel.n.ary la.l, ha. e„rolle.l In It. Il.t of ,he account of the laiinehli.a la.t 

an liilerrogatlon Ih^nt 111 hi. oye ami a *' • meniher. .a immlwr of the Iw.t citlaen. there I. an amhlgnlty of laiigoage 

.lick 111 hi. haiiH, Inquiring for tho man »'i'P«'*t‘""- - of the place. The charter niemlwr. are ,|„i „,j. ml.M Kime. anil miller 

wlio.hH..ino.t of the writing wllh hli Kacciilive Commute, of C. C. Tower, (MikIImI Examiner for the con.iriictlon teii.l. to Impeach Mr. 

.hear.-lhe roan who wrote ah ,.111 poor- .Soelcly pub- Coinniamlerj,) «. Ak. Bate", [*• W-f « Keene', alilllly a. a .hip biilhler. Uwa. 

an inierroKaum. ,en.o,.- — aiiinutallon. 

.lick 111 hi. hainl. Inquiring for the man ■ 

TBtr*a , > I „ itu (t i.Fo. I* N ii rt'imiMirsin nii'i «• n*** • 

in!."lTr*f“rSl;n.; “r 1 ""— ,etire: eiihl he. we prefer ii living lion 

n>"ra..e,m..l m.'r.. nJrern-lilK .v.nlr...l« eiav j,,on| ,11 long 11 , Hit 

l» in.ule It ill Ne* Com-_norllleril ilelinK’mey 111,1,1, Upon 

—-- * ■ hiiriiiiig imtii,e before the Iiiller, in III iciniVflfnnl! I l?iPTIi’'n other Wiml,. Til.len, they mny e.mril 

UUHM'iiiui.. ..,„pn.o.h,«.ii 

the coming man. m,> 

— inilieiilioii of Ihe silimtioli. he eaii 

'ostlll tiarrinaon •"» c arry nenrlv fill of them. I'm‘i< »hii'7 

!!.,,mtmlie''r.,'iiu'e!’‘m‘^ 'l 

,he rural _ „(her fiile for tile pnrlV, tUm I iM n. 

» M r vii Ilniii'ork wtnilO, I tliniK. '^w tin 

WAsiiiNtiTox, Apnl r., HI. i„ tiie imriy; would Ikiymil, 

thP ruml 

WAai.lMiTOM, April n, VO. 

With 11 view of nrri- iiig at nomy n,„l p(,„ 
(lellnite opinion rogiinliiig Hie point- 
enl Kilimlum in re,poet to tin; eonnot, |„, 
iioiniiinlion., I ,wimg n.qiiinl the • i- ^^j,| 
eleoit SnUinliiy evening. Imomg Hie ■pi,,, f, 
niajortlvof iriucient \\ a-liingloiiinii* ,1 

lU.dinauii; Hie v.Vxiilioini pi"''- 

lo hear H prnmi- .hear.—the roan who wrote alimil poor- 
lew Drlnnn., Hie )„qcohl water Aowu a ilniiikeii man', 
wlial nlijeclion I p, niake hirfi'iolier. Ife hail acleil 

Wliy, ,!ilil I. he Iiii, ailvlee, ami hail walke.l .even 

n lynint. Aon- Biaii who wrote that 

'''.w he pleee-w»..le.l to m-e him hailly. IIcM 
il'v iii,i,M ni"’'i trieil the experlnicnt on John Snillli, 

fore Ihe IiiHiT, in wh.i ac> impaiile. hi. gnu when he rail. 

l. Hiey mny eoillil „„ pt. m-Ighlior,, amt follow, hi. wife 
aroumi with a carving knife, cnnver.l'ig | 
,ni,l I.“l1iiilfirnnl per liver. The visitor hail (onreil 

iHieril .lilleV’ ,vai,.rih.wii .1. .S'» “.pilie <>f hi. haek," 

‘:^lSm"lmenh ru L:! make I !.u .olcr; It ni».le 

them, pniliettlurly hlfflin.ail, ami he wa. ilreaHfii! hamlj 
|,„|,peii to Hie „ithhi.ll.ia. lie no gru.lge, Imw- 
, e, mill I ,>;e no ngainrt .loliii Smith, a. he wonlil 

ifirtv tliun 'rlMi ii. 1 ^,. |„ati to ludd a grutl?'' 

I think, -ave Hie i.,,, |,n wonl.l like to .ee the 

■' T';?ori',I'; anlhor of ‘'Tliat Ultle Piece,” ami ile- 

InlhelUlol r.xecmive ... ■ , ,, -v fi W. C’o- 

,he Weyinmith -Singing n „ehln.‘, IC. .1. ’pilcher. O. 

Mr., u a. cook. n. 

Viiiiiig wa. acchlentally iiiiilll eil. 

<1. A. It 

The ladle, conneclml with Ihe vyey- 
ino.itl, «. A. It. f^irvle are preparing for 
a fair In aid of Poat .yS. .a. I.Incolii Hall. 

naiil, .1. *1. Ilniehin., IC. .1. Pilcher, O. |„tc„,i,Hl p, lay that the aervice. of 

II. Ilalea, Mra. le A. fook, Mra, .1, Cl. jpe mg were required in nnlerloalart the 

Hniclilna. Mia. E. .1., .1. V. ,,|cp glpUng gracefully 

(.hrl.ile, I,. A. Cook, T. .M, firavea. 1). way. a rope wn. ai'aelied, 

S. Parker, A. <»- Oawford, Alvin Ilolli., u,c mg .teamed away, ami 

C. S. Uoy.l, K. W. tValll., J. ». CTirH- 
lie, <■. II. Ilnoild,-. 11 . Mathin, H. B. 

wllh Hie .cow fiiM iwIna In her wake. 
...OI. .ll»api>eare.I from Tiew amumi the 

H.e la.l of ihia motuh. All Itilere.led Vote. The ohjvcls of Ihe Order are m „,a,„i j„„ off Meara'. f)f coiirte. every- 

me last ni iiiie i • , ... ..ii .««) „r A-a.i.m . . ...... .i.i.,i...ii.ii..,, lomw, * 

are re.|iie.ud t.) ■ne.-t at the le.n.e of ...ciin- an 
.\lia. I.a P'orn-Bt neat Tuesday, .ypcll U. at a li.w rale; 
j| filemlly relation 

ulth hi. il.ia. lie held no grudge, liow- y|r,. Marela Ilnnt IiaV relumed homi- (,„iillv receives i*l,i)'.) or y.V"“> aeroid- ,p,, meiilioned llieri. e.Tlnliily 

ever agali.rt dolin Smith, a. he would fpm,, pc .s<iiuhi-rii lour, In goo.l hcallh, |„g a, he In.tire, at full or half rate,, ,,11 .u-eaalon M .leparl fniui Ihe gen- 

„.,t 'l,e :1 good man to hold a grudge p„,p,g p,.,.„ al.out four iiionlha. ip,,p la.Il... and geiillemei, are mlniill.,l r„p,. 

agalnat; hut he would like to .ee the — -- a. memlmrs. <>nly lem|H>« p.-r.,.n. ^ ^ ^ 

anlhor of‘'Tliat I.iltle Piece,” amide- jn,, Nolan, oiir leipular ciiilralto, I. are a.imilted, H.erehy ll,■l•rea,n.g im, |.,r.,,.|y atleiid.ul nm! ciithii.Inatle 

p-arledimly when he learned that Hie ,p,g Mr. Wheeler . Concert, April .Malli rah *. (>miiiaiid. rie 9 can not 1... iPe Active Kiigiiie Co. w-ii, 

.a.lvi'calc of the hydn'palhic cure for ,,„p^ al,,, Mr. Kr.-.l K.iirl>anka, i.f llo.- ,.,i,,„ii.h,.,l li. Yellow fever di.ltlct., and p,.p| p^,^ ,.,,.nl„g. when the ofli- 

.Irmikeimr,. hail "gone lo Al.i.k.i ami ..(r.,.,.nily of Ihel'liureliot Hie Kiuan- ,p|.. to .heroine Ihe .leaih ,.p„„.„ f„r iPn ,.,.,„ing year.—1 

e lioii.e of aecnri-an lii.nranee of hl.ia.) or ^ with .lilpl'iiHdiug know, 

y, April HI. at a low rale; t" furin a a.e liil and mat a g.«.l hiiild. Ida vi aacla 
friendly relalloti aiming ita ineniln?ra; to ^ ,p,,^ block, are 

- ,a.iai, meiiihera during alekiieaa or ilia- pn„fp,,,| away, the ve.ael. from n-itiiral 

ir.-sr. ' In the d'-alli of any iiieiiihi-r, hi. jH,,... gei.llv into Hie water, ami 

The Cheapest 


keeps the 



Quality Superior I 


l imllv receives i.l,i,.) or y.V"“' ace,id- 

.’'iium t'*'- I. . - ^ ii,..- Auttlur OI i niii I .. 

,iii,l po,,ihlyMcyiii,.nr, i^ p.arled only when he learned that Hie 

v m^ nlNmnl advecatc of the hyilnqiaHiic euro for 

llliljontv 01 irao,ii ov>i,uig the xinno vi 
loni, nnil every one not 
nil- their own opinion, 

iinniiniiUoiio|,po*eil hi liriinl wonlil 
he faliil. I aineerely irn,l tliiil Hriinl 
will not reiujive Hie noininiition. 

The face of llie gi iiHeinitn whom 1 
uecorhil wa, nnknown lo me. iiml al- 

fmiii her .S<iiUlii-rn tour, In goo.l hcallli, |„g a, he liianres at full or half ratea. 

having been ali.eiiiahout four iiionlha. ippp |a.I|i-a and g. iillemeii arc ndmilt.,l 

- —- inemlier.. only lem|ier.ate pi-raoii. 

.yiia, Nolan, oiir [Hipiilar coritraitri, I. ^re admitted, thereby il.-er.-aahig the 
to aliigat Mr. Wlieeler'a Concert, April ,i„ati, ml... Coimiiainlerma can not lie 

w.iiildii'l return for a year. 

Mr. Kurd gave aiinlheraclecti.iii, “Tl"' | 
V.lieriiseiiieiit Atiawereil,” reeimnlliig 

, Newbury .St., we uiiderslaiid,) win 

No iiipudier loses Id. in.uiaiiei- 

linmi pioh- |p,„|^,|, (...III t, i.u, and iigreeiiMe. up- y.iyeriiseuieut Ati.wereil 

';''!rri 'i I-™''"' f IP„ applieutlon hy the hue 

1 "!^'."’*’'' Imporliint M-eiel*. He li.ul no ohp-c- o' 

imho iii^liesi lorms h> thrmmh ulckuu* *>r ii»i*f»rluno, a» Un¬ 

as fi I'arltuiu*.' 

ill the msUonly to ih'iM»- e wuu. in 

mcrev of Wui opinion, td lin tr neigh- were demliiy impn'v- ...e ...oj -.. 

bora.' iii'MinilH.ill liny were in ilmly n - full of''conteni. 

At Hie Illaiiio lieniiiinnrler, on i - ..gYpt of ieller. from Hie iiio.-l prom- |,.,nd, and lie wa.. 
Hu I rouinl i\ lui’s^e LTo'Vticu b ith hn^inc^:* nn'ii :uul <:» of ,jj,; iM»ys wi 

Intinoer.. di,eti„ing Hie proapi-ci,. highe,t prole,,iiinul noik^ in m. .fip.g Neddy nev 

liijority to di,po-ie with. Ill I |jy„| i„a;.ving. liowcver. tliiil Hie Slier- 

deiiilily impn'V- 

ihe iipplieiitioii hy the fond mother iif a ,|,„|„tcui. iila l>y poster, next week, 
••.prig of a lad” hd Hie va. ant sltualion. — 

the lady .laiiiig Ih.rt the lioy's head wn, ^ 1 ,, I-iilidt. 

full of “cotitenl,” 11 . lively ns Iroiit In a ip-c. Thaddeu. A. Sidvely, of (iuluey. 
omil. ainl lie that though will ollleiale In Trinity Church iiexiSnii- 

eomiiiiin.lory provide, fur Hie as.i js- 

iiieeis of memliera llin. .itnaleil. Riek 

The best of feeling iiinl imaidnilly of ,eii- 
lliiieiit prevailed, aii.l marly .all ibe idli- 
rera eh cte.I rereived a practically nnani- 
iiioiia vote. Mr. Fred. .1. ttarne. Iiavhig 




that can be found this 
side of Boston. 

tomatoes, 3 lb. cans, 



PEAS, 2 

CORN, 2 


STRING do., 2 “ 

blueberries, 2 “ 

SALMON, 1 “ 


12 cts. can. 
18 ” 

member, lire ■•i.tiil.-.l to ilniw week y ^ ^ .....ilnm of Foreman for lln 

bein-ll!, from the Sirk fluid, and wiileb- ,l,.rlliie.l are-el. eiinii, anil 

erv are lurnl.lie.1 If ne„hd. (.'ollyiT, win, has b.-.!u l.l A«»l., 

Ann. 1,1 Meeting. .lood in lliu ilir. el line III promotion, 

hngi’’,lnck, of, r.ainpnigti iloeutnent, 
nilcU in every c'niiur, n Imll dozen 
{m,y flerlt, effM'K!''' 
rom*'4po!miMic«, •lim-liiii; i-iiylmoim**, 

jviliu up iiiU'kaip--*, 8 n»! on iho wall-* 
Oli.erveil n line'eruyon portriiil of Hie 
.li,Hitglt!,heil Suimlor from .Vfaiiic, 

nbove n huinl.omely engio,,ed i x- 

tmet from one of lii, luh' notiilde 
Hpceche,. I Imd n monunf, eonver- 
milion with -Mr. I'lye.wlio. i>y the 
wiiv, i, menrnpli.liin'g prodigif, ol 
hilior In lothnll t'l Iricii'l ninl ol* 
leiigue. Iminiring u, to llie pi.i,- 

,ei lioiMof the eounliy, nju rm iiig mid 

III'ilig l!ie canvii,,. ami pfogiio,|ini- 

. _ . It'I.Mn l«i> tfjMlIll tint 

wiialied every week, lier ,|;,y morning, Aiiril IHli: the Ili-i-lnr in aumiiit meeting of Hie ginl |,„i i,,.^ „lj„. f,.|.|iug that tins fact of his 

ever waalieil liim.elf nl the aflerinnui. (ioug'l church M' lday evnnhig, Ah-.i-rs. |,.,vii,g i,..i,| [Hisitloii ahico the org.aidza- 

giieof ihevicliiii.virtiiea ip-v. (i. N. .Man!.of .Sotilli \Vey- I^„i,, C. 'I'.irrey, Henry „f it,ccuniiaiiy might loheaulllcient 

; lad would lie too leiiglliy moult,, made a il ’cply Inter,•aling ml- n,.p, cl.oaeii farl.h commit- f,,r hi. r.'fu.ul to seneluiiger, ,|e 

'PI.. of llievi,' 1011 .virtues 

.Manteii, of .Soiilli \Vey- 

m-gilig Ibe caiivii,,, aud pnign^ ..p,I,o promising lad would Iw loo lengthy m.mll,, made a d-eply tnler. aling od- 

lmMlmUhM.rie.pi'Vi, of ,cetiritng I for n'petlti.m, but we tidn'a his pun nt .In-sa at the mdoii |..min'r..Me., meeting .. _ .. 

ooridinlioii at i:liieago were punitive ,m„t !,• a twin sister lo Ned Hlmsl.-inl s |„ Itocklaiid Sunday week, ''inn'hik f p„„e,i, that the elmreti edi- n, ,v. Miller, the 

mill l e’rtuin, yet hehelieveil the} weru ,,„.,„i,ger, whose loa. nf her'J4 year old the terrilde death of yiiiing IVIIha, and 

Coirg'l church M' lday evnnhig, M.-.i-rs. p, 
Eilwaril latwis, f^vo. C. 'lorrey, Henry 
llo.-kwooil, wiue chosen I’ commit- 
lee for the eii.uing year. Also It was ,,, 

T. am. ilriv ti ili-eiurli 

WevviiCTii I.iisiilS'. Till-I !>■ .01*1 ril'I'i.vs. 
Sfti'tH NVi\MmTM. Mi'iJiIt*''*. Ilti»r»iuj- rtUii I 

Ka«T WfcT^iU'TII.T ib riWUya.SHturibu •. 

Nf.iiTH Wrvm.ini’, Mi« •Ur«»B*. 

IhlAISTltl I’. 'I lltt»«i|.i' • >.ltBt.J.» •. 

H.fw w!jf» il.*«i»i‘ 111 ' !• lUH ifi .‘Jill will pl^ i*** 

.1 n«l In nr mil nt n-ulMicH*. 

Orders may be left at the Gro¬ 
cery Store of F. M. OBCWN, 


Horse Radish, 

Pepper Sauce, 

Pepper Relish, 



Mb:ed Pickles, 

I hv a r.imliilHto for any oJMrf.— Weymouth I.iandinff. 

mill 4 rliaiil, yel •*« hi JH*Vo«l llu*} "cru 'Mmae loss nci 

'*7 i‘iinaimj»iii;: ami nhwlily iiii in miothrr roiurnii. 

1 mnl Ii:»‘l no (lonJ»l of iiltininh- .Min i >s. nnuN-rt closnl uith tl 

‘.’J l-'mlln r Ilian Hii“. he >l' < "n( ‘l lo he,.,,, |,. |i,.v. M. .1. 

I load 11 monienf, eonver- -„|„,rvi,.weil for Ihe lu.-t lit. 

with .Mr. rtye.wlio. Iiy the _\f|,.r „ earT ful review of Hie ,ilnn 

is mill'd in another coiuinn. I'.irnesily a|i|>i'.ilitig to lie* yotiiig men lo 

The eoiii'. rt elosi'il with theClirislnias .avoid the direful patb of liiteiuperaiiee. 
s.iiig written by llev. M. .1. .Ravage, Hie - 

lion. I '-ee no ri'r-Hon lo mo.lifv tin' 
oi-inion bi'i'i'lofore e'lpri--I (I in H'.i, 
eorrcl'omli'm'e. Ihi.l liruni i, fm m 

it... i.-io! i.iol ilint niilt!-. Ill" nnex- 

iieel,. he ri'ldied that tlie Mliiiilion ii,,, i,.,„i^ .„i,| ilmt itiiln-, lli" niiex- 

was never “o fiivorihle iisjii't lit pro,- .,.,,.,1 oi-eur lliroiigli -ome 

cut. Advices were ill ing eomlaniiy |.,|,ii(..,i in puldie seiiliment, 

reeeiveit flout nil riniirtcr, oi till-mo-I niuninatirin r.n the Ilrst Imllot nl 

lliittcriuu ii.iiiirt*. aHi^iiriiii< no* (•'o I-bO f'»r<‘i»oiH‘ ooncluj'ion. I 

nulical ill public fn-pliimuil, 

IHi-ilive noiniinilioii of .Mr- liliiine nl 
Chinigoon Hie lirst Imlhu, nml eer- 
tiiiiily on ihe secotnl, _ _ 

■‘Would yon iihjei'l to giving join 
lignres'r" 1 a-keil. , , , 

"Hv no menu,, suul lie, u, he tiit- 
tleil iiir frem Hie iiio-i •■nipri.'iing 
inetniiry auil tieiroiigh aeiiii-iiii'Ui'i'c 
wiHl the 'flrole eolimi-v.lll" l.llioW'Ilg 
stnleiii'ml, wliicii J eungiil ■ n ilie 1;;,. 
••Til lii'oiii wiili "e I'onnl on .'‘'W 
|■;nglam'l solid exeept \ i'imoiit on Hu 
lir-T hiillol. ami ,lie "ill fall .'"to inu' 
ilirei'tly after rom|ilimealiiig 
mninl,'. l''rom-Neiv 4 ork. we ex] e. l 
;10 voles; front I'ciinsyiviiniii -.i; 
New .lersev. Imlinna. Mieliigaii, Wi- 
eonsia. MiiiiifMila, solid; we -.liall di¬ 
vide lliC- iiliiioi, lielegalioa and i.ike 
one-lliird of t thio'-, o;ie-lialf of Not III 
Ciirohna; we are eertmn of from lifty- 

.hoiild not 111 ' ,in'|iii,eil if (iriint wi nl 
intol■on^l•ntion with niore lonr 

limidii'd vole-; nor in ,te ll <'V, til. il 

niii-.le eiimi«iE,'.l liy llowiinl M. Dow. fa.t Hay. 

'I’lie solo wa,sustained Iiy Mis, .Mityiuiid, Accord 
till'i|iMrleltn iiy JIls.i'S I'l' and May- was held 
loiril, .Messrs. Wilkie and forli r. with ebun li, 1 
cornet sohi ami obligato by Air. h-nier- abhr ttisei 

..the full clioir corning in on the eho- icii four 

ru. with fine elTeel, ance was 

Uef.ire closing till, report wo desire *.o - 

uii'iitiun lire imperlant service teielereil 
■ly Mr. II. it. How at the concert. In 
addition to bis iH'iforiiianee of the organ _ ladles 

lice iniglit l e oie-n to the use of He- 
Hiiiilh High Sebool, if lliey desired il, 
for Ho ir aimual exhibition. 

Tht» OriffinnI 

f'lltbfnl clerk, during the departing year, 
f.iih'd of a re-i'leetioii, ibroiigb Hie mer.ns 
of a little j'lke eombineil wllh a small a- 
neuint of lu'lly spite. Tills Is a di-eided 

ileVo Ivtibfrlisfincnfs. 




lounremeiit a service Norfolk diihilee Singers (cldored) give lo.. to Ihe foil,puny. a. Mi. .Miller was 

* ’ ...t__ \r.. .. _f..l -.,.1, ..ttli'.tV tvllfl a. 

According to amiounremeiit, a service .aoriom ... i- - ■ - 

wasle'ldon Fast Dayal H.e Clio,.fong. an entcrlalmaeat Friday ev.'mng at Mn- a care ,d and .a d. 

clmri l, Ih'v. Mr. Nonlell preaetrlag an sic Hail. Th.'se waiblerseome well rer- pride In perform n| 

ai,|,..|,;... Crm.cionce. from tl.. pad having ii very extoaslve and systematical y. 

ifXi f.miHi In ^ n'pertolio, c.'imiol fall to1»* well palruii- riu* f..llow iip la 

.. St bee small. Hod. I-oreman, hrm.k 

:i enrefiil fiihl able •'lib'"!*, wiio took a 
priile in performinff bi.H fnltbfiilly 

iFairbairn Family, I'ront St., Weymouth Landing. 

Irxl f.miHl in n, L'<>. The attenil- 

ance was rather small. 

be imie d up in NeVenilu r willi Hihly 1 ,.. oDkiaied a. piano aeeomp.i- a^anoem.'iils tor a fair ae.xt Wed 

...i. ' TIM til IV Of l.U* . . _I / III.MI* 

-tall , hcliiiel liim. 'I lii, ni.iy I'e l-ie 
wil lest kiml of im cpinicn, Imi I p"ie 
nose t'l stand by it for tlio presi iil. 

• ■ ( Altl.. 

;V Mr. Terkiiis of Tafts Cellege 
rAST WEYMOUTH. preaclicd nttbo fiilversallat Hiurcli Siin- 

— day last, and 111 Hie ovciiliig ilelivereil a 

of the W. C. T. Union have h'etnre •‘Tl.e nilstake. of Itoher. I.i- 
.. a fair next Wed- ger..,.ll.” We think he mast have recti- 

Town and 

■rlie riM Nona Knlerrnlimo'nt 
l.a.t Tiiesdav evi'iiiiig fulfill, d Hie |iioni 
ise and eS|M'Clalion with nbb b il liad 
I.een lii'raldi'il. lie' iirogramiii" lieingoni 
i.f a bull'iider of musical and literaiv 
0.1 ril. Tile four liiiielri-.I ii'servi-.l 

live to ciglily from Hio .'SoiiHi; loiv.i -v.-r.'nil taki'ii. aii'l tlie crond in alt, i.d 
is II'.II',, Kansu,, Xelnaskn. foloiiolo. ;p,| n,,.oilier i«,w.-.e!..iii'' -iie 

Nevii'lii. tfregon and t idilorma. la-ing plaei'd in Ibe mab-s to --nv. 

'Tlial brings tH up to IkW yolc-. iiia ..mneHl..ii"ii. Tie 

yveure notluilyn.lvis.'d a.s ‘ provi.J.-.l f-r tl,.. wa: 

.evcral impoitimi poinl-. "ii "inch lii.i-ior.ii |u‘'w ^ 

biiioc our pri>s|ic,'ls for a majoiiiy on l eiutifiilly lelorie-d uilb a cdl,' .e n 
tlie'lirst bi'.ll'it. As to Hie si I'onil p..t pi,in;., ami tie- app.-iran. - ol tie 
liiiUot. wo are most sanguine of 'U. - l.riiliantly liglited interior, pie-ked will 

nisi iliiring the evening, and furi.i.lie.l J,,,'punra,, 

aaiill.'I eviil.'iice of bis r.'gaid for Hie 
iiMNoiiii .‘ee-iuly wl.i. b n-.t only r- ,',T,,,",,,.„ii'g.'.fr.' 
"I'hiaisell. bat lebb'd to 

the pn'.iiic enjoy a.'-nl of tins arli.ue and _ n-a.ling 

reahy .-nmUaiMmeiit. nit.g Umitlev, of li 

llev. Mr. ame nne,..! that I'e- 
f„<bne-nl. bad lie,'., prepared la !..■ ^..., 1 , 

, l.ap, I. ami many of lie' an,lienee in,- evening, 

gered to dimus. Hie oyster, proem nl 

ol Mr. C'liarle, W. Stevens, and the re- _ _ ^ 

n-eei.iiig ie.i eieani from tlio establisli- 

nieiitof -Mr. f. K. Vaiigban. urimuii'. ami llltl 

At tlio .ani, pins,, on Motebiy eve- j.„„n 4 r, 

Iiilig, a vole w.i, passed, wliieli is embod- 

ed'iii 111 " following lelfi-r. Tlie lu'lt re- will I, 

, l ipls of Hie eoneort were abmit l-T.'-i. ., , , ,, ,,,, 

T,„. tailte, o. tne we think he mast have reeti- 

made nrraiigeineat, for II fair iiextivi-d- - 

ne-diiy and Tliiirail ly allcrii.. in the Hemi, eveiy one. 

•M. E. vx-niry, wilbaiiiee |■n!e.taltl^e nt .\nyoiiein wiinl of agniul-wiile.gidd. 

i-yeniiig.'.f n'liiliiig,, masle, eic.— i,.,i„l.n.c .irn; ring bad lie,! eiill at Wal- 
A jiopiiliii' feature of tlie lir.-t i-vi-ning laee's. ami examine aorie* of bis of borne 
will lie til" n adiag by .Mrs. fimmii Man- maimfaelare. 
nit.g U.mtley, of Donor,, »;bo is allndnl ^ 1 ^., t, 

Tlie following is tlielistofnewofre ers; 
Foreman, Frank H. Tiarrey. 

Isl Asst., .lolm W. tliirr. 

•Jiel Asst., .lolm W. Ciisliing. 

Clerk, I.aforcst fdneoln. 

SI,'Wai t, D.ivel M. Kill,h r. 
Stiiielingl'ommiltee.S. Aa'gnsInsClev- 
.•rly, II.Tliirt A. Newloii, Il.rlj.-rt .V. 

Il. le-iir.'nl ami Mil'lwr. 

Tile North Weymontli I'ilgrim Clioir 
gave an enleriainmeni in the vesiry Ia.«t 
Friday eveiilag. of vocal ami instrumeii- 
ti,| mn,ic. Tie- liradimry Singing Cltil, 


MiisU- Hall. SB WcyniBiiUi. 


Monday Even'g, Api:in9,’80. 

i. r.Btv U il. Si .If. :»■» rt!». 

I) HI.MI .f. T.TO. '••■Il'MTl H« 1 .t 


hlR TWO lows. 

i: ( IIIPMAS*. 

\V<'• hKiutli. 

, . .. I.. .\I l liv ..- ■ Tl* lllU'ir. I llf I It .miMH T .-•MI(W"».'W ‘ 

to by press ill terms of w ar II CO , , i, . - r-iable , , w.-vinoiiil. Orebestra 

tl.T.T nit. i1m‘ V4‘Ftrv wiM. of cours** be * ' . . _... ... .♦ . . 

- ■ -Il f ..wa a lata Oll’M'l IIH' *. ,1 - llllO .Y' M It I «? 1'> f»H HI 11» ' '. x-aa. . .a 

tlon, am. Hie vestry w i ,o v" ' ,,.n, a limllisome looking |iie. (.„r,|ially invil.'d to be (iresent, aiel 

filled tliat cviiiiiiig. le "s'’'*'"''" was llakey as c.ub! be, and tinted ju.l rfnHv rispoiide,! with llie fill! mim- 

Tbutiilay evening is .1 so om o i. p,, i|,.liriiuis brown so ime'li to lie i,,,,. „f ,1,,.;^ organi/alions. There were 

p-ipnlar loeal Uleiil laviiig lieea .., yviil, a graceful preliml- .. a, .gm-si, for tl.. 

..ngage.l to presi'at voeaUmd n.arv llenrisli, proceed, d lo carve Hie p-,,i;|..,„-aamiwif.'.AIpl.e.lsllate.s,H.e 

Ul 11111 . 11 '. and lilt e ■'"'J ' , ' delieaev. Tlie lira*, .weep of the knife |,„,,„i.,r organist ami wife, of EastWey. 

allniclve yoiiiur,'ad,-r. will .alsof, 1 - ,„.r ,but it "wiis too licli." I,,,,,,,!,, nn l Hr. Diak'', who lias r.'eently 


,.,ee li'.le.l all Hie Ollier l-w.-.e!...:,'- aiel e-.l ill lie' loiiowmg leve-r. . lie .. 

.etn.'s b,.lng placed in tlie i.isb s to To.' 1 ,'ill’s of the eoneort wero alioat I'T.'.i. 

.ol.liiiona: “eating III.. 'I lie “ . . , -- 

l.l.ltfora, provbj.'d f-r tl,.. w as U-T.i.'...ll,, .'.pril itb. iSao. 

I'ff mtiftiFlv a'loriH’fl ultli a “f • ' ■ t • i ,• 

I • .itiuiiiiiy .* I . ^ aniiiMTl 1 ’ari‘Ii mrrUn^t 

P'lt ptiHi!'. :itKl III'* apiB'.UMti. ■ ol Ihf •, i,| j},,. -1 the ohl N .‘ith C!tnrvh latt 

hrtlli.uitly hitorior, jho*Uib| whh ,.vfniiv.^. th.-f> M'lwin-' rom'ilimcnt.iry 

ceSH.” .Ul sipprociuth'* atHlh'iO's*, was jilf.i'iij;:!)’ 

\ few doors !»flow are the room? i,'*I^hl»*n''lhvHiota?lyll"rala'lonmoM»t.“. 
of Uu National Siirnmm J lul'. ''h« j» oiitvrtahiin-.-nl w;i* oiuiiiut'iicetl willi 

1 fomid a few heavy » etgl.t, and pei- Mavaei- 

::e;lnig^::-rLXm,^ ... ..i. ,f,.wind m. d-w wit,. 

ri«U*nli:il ol' 'lUinllon- t.hi* lininh ;u.-l'IflnM'-y winch-.V'-’ii' ml- 

TJic namo slack-* of dt’ciimYiit- tinilly Ik* * x|BTln! fnon so tlaT'oi^h a 

in yoUow cavvlopvH, a ihiplii ale* Jottf unstt-r of that imhlf Tav 

of 4 *h?rks, fjinplovril in tlw >ajuc inno* ni.lch had U*«*:i hitvly.iitj:'noi»n*.: 

cent pnaa:*.' of nU' . iiunatm.' po.uivo voliiiuarv sorvlco M' the nm 

p.iluilnm ton fii'.ni'lnng eoimtry; l..e : , ; , j f i„,en, tb.n saieg the 

'.,me_no. not tile-iimi'.luit a •.imtiar -“ ma in oi ui , 
lithognipli of Hie great I'inanci. r ..nn ehenis fr..m .‘-l. I -in , ' Rb ep, rs. aw.n.,' 
a, eiiuallv iirofmind and irreiiiiiai h- a volee is caMiag. lie' I' lloii o. I'omlie' 
■ l,,r Wi!'!' , l"liig >vl-l'b'-l wi;li .a-i .'-eeu 

if T'l :i lieenliar f.-atiire of liie lu'i— y ,.f b-a' wbieli lide.l in po dm'.'il .: 
cut I'linvas that tiier,' i- no orgaiii/.i.'l e,rellenl rendiHof. of this llii" eli" 

timnt movemi nl. Iliaine iiiel R'e'i-I^^|- 

"r; t" rY". ■" 

lll-Hne aii'l SiicMiian doi-'ine.rn- iit" ! e..iiinieml.'.'i..a .1. I'raak I". a. 

lloodiifg till' laiel. lie- pn-" i- mi'- | ,ae"mi.i.-Iied l.aritoii- sneger. .m -1 . 

ijMikciran.l Ihi* polilirisin' iioi^y ami j wj-j.-riji” il*.* onthii«»:i'm which ur**-!,-. 
Vi'lu'tuiTit. \N hat thfi** i** oi tlii-j l,»rv«‘n hill far •i*'.vy, 

lininl inovi.'im‘iil i> ‘‘** 10111 ; tlm p ••KtaharrasHmi-M,” ih- c-.l’ 

uW, likf a vast lui h-iTow that 1 .* fiiirn *b*mi}J e-m*ral. lla? f.i'-’t o 

il.t.. (...« 4 isiiiiiir ■III.I ittililiilll.-. (■! 

ihlo. but ihruatouiiiir au.l 'imiuou.- o 
,uppre.<sed and irresistible puiM'i' 

.amT'.lmt a •similar I'"'. ' 

rent i-'inmaier .nel ehoni, from .M. I'.inl, "s-b'i-pi rs. aw.n.,'. 
1,1 and irrepi-iiai h- a v,'!,-,' is ea'liag." lie' b iloe of ■•"mlie'- 

mr Wi!'!' , l"liig'vl"l'l''-l w'i;!i a-i .'.''' U- 
■a;m''iof the lu'i'- v ,.f b-a'. wbieli li-lei! in I'l.'I'le.',! ., 
i-r,' i- n.i orgiini/.'.-'l e,r,.iienl remliH.U'. of this ilii- ele.- 

JJIaiae aii'l | ^' 

U .ohl,awn: I have in tin," ,",“1 expo -.I on, 

»n thuBirn'. ?;l- a;,. 1 of . 1 . hi-.uik 1 j.s ,i., 

till* i- MU'-i at.v"nij*ii-hvd haril.fii** siip.;*'r. .ui-l «•■!! 

Moi^y ami I wj-j.-riji”; ih.‘ «‘nthii«»:i'm which ur«*'i,'.| 
thflf i-* oi llif jjj “riHTi* l.s a ;;rv«*n hill far .i.v.vy.” 

is aiiioiu; the p •'*- ••KtaharrasHmi'M,” ih- c..!’-* 

1 ,'flow that isiin;--- (,,r bis reiani be'i.g e"ie'ral. the be-t ot 
IbT au«l oliliUoU.-- o! , . I. 

,r,'es;stible n„i'.,'r. b -popu'anly as a ve" l.iii- i 

due to till' micer- .•siai.lisbe.louTn.'.diiywiiii.:. Mi.s, - 

eiiniiiiliifv, and !•' j .Maynar,! ai; I l’''as'',p'li'ils"f -'lr“. !-"iig. 
ipe.i sii- iigHi ilia; : .id'l",l ebarm t'l Hi" .".'.eert in '!i"ii 
1 llie iie iii' Ulaii.''. | - .graceful n'lel'-rii.g of tli" 

.ng luoi'i; tlnui iiii- i „„,„t.,.,a a"si'tii"d tiiem. a'el II '• trio, 
oil Hull i.s positive. I |,y Ih. se 

Till, in doulules, due to llie micer- 1 
laiiily ef i.ranl'-s eiindidie and I', 
tlie ,i!<'iil ninlevelopcd sii' iigHi ilia; 
I'.'vvil'.'S I’ttllcl:-:- to llu' iieili' lllaii.'-. 
if Hiere i“ one tiling more. Hi.iii aii- 
otlicr in the .“iinalion Hiai i.s positive, 
it is. that .sleiiiiti liriiiil smiie li.' 
uomiiiali":i it "lii I'O d' eliit lIu; l"i!- 
ilieian.s, Hi" iire.s, and llie pliaii-ee-. 
to ,ay notliing of the pbant'im of a 
'‘tliii'l term." 

Tlie ni'ist sanguine fiiaiii in ii ari- 
claiming nil the w;iv from tlir,.' 

live timiilrci voles for tie-ir lav'iriu-, 
ami from one of tin le-; informed ■ i 
tlii'si I leatn Ilia; Hie fiili',.v...g 
nl'iint tlm scliednl.-. The solbl vti-s 
Ilf I'eun-vlviinin, N'l w V irk. Ne v 
.leisey, Virginia, T, i , l.' Uisiniiii, 
Alississilipi, .-Yrkaa'; . iu'-liUiei.y, 
' 1 * 011111 '—to, lllitt'iis. Coi'ir.e! *. Nev.i- 
da, N'eliviV'Uii, Ciilif'irma. ti.egiii. 
From .Ma-'iis'liusetls tliey r!aim 'd'd 
viiU", S or 10 fr.iiii M.irviand. - from 

III \ou and Ihf’sc CNftni'ClcNl w.tli yiai in iIib Cfiti- 
,.it ;■» U K-'cn :L.j tjcntri^, was unaniniv'»sl_. 

* *Thr fmt in \V‘?ynnin*!» wonM hcrelty 

ffss «*.'r li'-arlv ami thanks tf; 

M'. M •'* .1 I M. UiAv {it the Ci.ri.,;rt wh.t-h !.■ 
iw .U..JB i-nc Iit ti i:i irr<iw vvt inn*,', the while 
I'li-.i. .tl vkhiiih aic to Ik U»r llu* bciicht nl the 
' li I .Nffth SiKjrty. 

U\ UtI lir.’ler sr-.n - iJicati'n t-i M.'. I' •' 

tir III- ^cnc'iHtw .iii ‘1 interest la* ihws .:t 

)»ie w's m sTur N-ui-ty; .»!•»> in Mt^s. J- II. I,*-?*;;, 
M; . Viur.l? M..> Yti-s .\{‘-\ IVa*.'. Mf. 
i Ult"l \ViIki.‘. .NJr. W ilttr hj.irr>'.ri. M*.'*. IL I 
IviiaiitlMr. ). Frank P-Tier. who luvo -. 

\ ’ -!c'l t" T" 't .Mr. l*iJW t!lt!t.Sk 'tj 

t;*-! •!) miiwical and m.itrrial t»ri*c‘nt. We 
d; ilt.'ws* eminent .wti'ts «‘f a prcctini: an-l n- 
:t,'' ’ ; .. ;ii kiv'.inii with tin* \cr> ^tiwruii- 
' ,1., .1 t.ij'icil sind jil.inne'l tL.i i'JB 

.ift. N’.e. i’-- :r .nifi rc .rn "'i 

,. 1 .; tHiintM t. r the .iind.M kindnes, t tiu- lIidu 

• M f t’ ... ;“x‘v!,-i'i.i.v'h.Mcn**! ? • • • :* 

Mr. in . i. t' '-'t. W* t'l.nsC t!'- M't 

rt,'; f th'* rt''*T's'i -tuts :•* ' IF 
•■•'T.ii.'f' t’u*v \v T** lirwr ih I'- 
. nt in.»! <.'11 ni» t* t’u* pTf-n* •ibi • y i 
lit, 1 . a*-iLiin w.* Ujw .natil' t" .?• 

• iwlii I lOY'* th-L t-d'-n* .TH’' k ndl'i'sN *'l .i ' 

.iri-L> in 11 * wtH n. t fnd 

a ;;ci.'.rviu» an l api'ikwatm- 

* I a I .4ti.h v. iwl il‘al.i 4 rj'V Jivfurni'hed t* % 

. 1 .. .1 c'ji> U; puLl.dud in the Wi.T^naii: 

I t.T • tit. 

Tiiomvso.s, Clctk. 

VIk* I.o»l CiiUd. 

alli .ic'lve young reader, will alsofinnisi. ,,„r ,i,at‘it "was too lieli." 

“i-eeral new seleele,as of reading, le'- .„„,^.„„|,,„-twitt. impunity tie e.aien at 
fr''Sbn’.('nta will lo; iirovidi'd anil it I.*- t|,at !e,ur. Fiv,: or six dessieated lira*, 
lio,.,'.! tliut tie- imlilie will pat- ,.„tten batting, and eaeli eotnitenanei' 
roi!l/.e Hie ‘'Temperuie,' Fair.” 'grew visildy more forlern. Itatlier a 

.f„./.ful affair on ties wieile. 

For a -tiring ue dkine use Tow,.id's ' bonsehold lie- 

lle.'f Iron aiel \V iie, now sold at re- Aii aucieui i ... 

in. l.rrm.iii Pomin.o, „f Mr. Dwight It. t!o'g<T“oeen:s 

ilui't'd I'riee. Saturday. As Mr. Dogers'furniture anil 

I’ersnniil- meesil-are verv llie,', w,'Iiope they will 

Mr. .M. C. Dlzrr aiet wife Iiave .arrive,1 ,.,„„'„ia„,i a really sale, aiel good prices, 

borne from V.',a l,i, beul.I, Using . . ... 

miicli improv.'dl.yllietilp. . .. U...,,,.-. ..i,„rei. Soiiil, W.'VTiemlb 

were cordially iiivil.'d to lie liresent, iitel . ,.;e 

|•h*•**^full\’ri'Pp'm'h'd with thn full iiiitit* i lH'•lttit. n ••itBdi t*"i trlii'h* 
berof He-ir orgiini/ations. Tliere were 

., 1,0 loesent, a, giie.i, lor tl.. ....... 

K II iJati '8 and wil'**, Alphnus halo.*, Ihr t*. «inn:it'. am* "l li" I* 

poimlar organist ami wife, of EastWey. '-e-r '■• "■<•,.* ci-.c. 
tiiniith, atol l)f. Diukn. wh'» ha.s nvonlly Noriti M-m d. I-* 

T ItK ►id-oid..T l':i' I"*' «•••■ Hi N"V«*i W.'T- 
iH'Bftl*. a -m:d» t*"l trlmiff .t-'t'itnmm «»f 

tiUNFi: Vl.NM>. 

.•\t |»n*T)» Tii'iin*! f»t1 t** “Utt. 

Tl*» ’>• Vim- .... n " -di *;'« 'bhI f f- 

•ri'fii'f tss mmlitx. Ati'l W'd I"' I-itiiDl 

E. r. iMt.vf'r. 


Wo have just received n large line of 

Ptipt'r ol'tho Latest Styles, 

u'lilrh •Jiiill •i'll at 

8, 10, 12 1-2, 15, 18, up to 50 cts. per roU, 

HIT hltlc nr 111 * a»l\ hhct hb f"nni'r pni'*' 

I niniith, atol l>f. DiuIto, 

Nitrlli nVjjiiBiilli. s\l‘rii k\. I"* 

in.leoiildn't witli inipmiily lie e-aien al ,.,ken uii Id. residenee liere, loeeiipyirig leiur. Five or six il,'S 5 li'al,'d Hrat ,1 j ( ,i„. .lames Tliolnas, on 

•grew visildy more foriern. Itatlier a .Se.i street.) llie cledr Iiave rereiilly 
."f..i/-fid affair on tlei wlede. pnreiiased a new set of nine liooks. I'lt- 

. . . 4 11 I,, “'riio Amnilcan,” and till* ^jalh' i- 

All 'inclioti sah* lh(* iiimsi'hohl ho- 

All aucieill ,.ie 1 o. _' of ri'lieaiMllg 

longiit". of Mr. Dwiglit It. iio'gersoeem. n-- "-i, eir , i i . 

Salnrilav. A, Mr. lingers'fiiriiitnre and ne-miisie. Nearly a liuadi. d ", r,. i r, • 

utt'n*iU*an* vi*ry ul*’*’, w«* h»*p** th**y will | stint, and h'jfor** uoiimi<Mi*,*i*il an | 

eommaml a .s.ale, aiel good prices. iiisenHsiag Hie litmnli- 

C LVH I>. 

ms.s itiT.s'K A. Minrr.. 


h I* iiikcn itt ViL- * • 'WIN** .**. S.irnijr- 

it.iBk lU ihliii:;. 

WBYMOTTH landing, 


WF, IIAVl-'. IN .-.I'lil.K A 


lat-l, .'i-t-n.l .oel- I ,Ti,ilb“. "'e liare !lio'• erel. >. lei'l vi ry st.vie*. Also a good 

H-.tTltHU'llt «lf 


^ if^ 4rv A.O r*«»Tifa Ttat* "Vn-rH. 

Mrs. M. K. Ilaw-o? atid Mrs. .fat'ol» F. 
!)i/.fr Ii‘ft h-mii* last week f.-r a trip i* 

Ihi> yi-ar U.iy linm and Hair 

Oil III T*»wiis*’ii'r.*« I'liftfinacy. 

\V *jU at ih*} fai’tory*'>f L. II. Fnitl A- 
S'lii lias hovii susiM**itU‘tl fur a f*’U* days, 
ill *jiih*i' t‘J tak*.’ ac»’uuut of ahJck. 

\V.€. T. I'. 

Th** n-vnlar u;»‘*‘thic '*f lio* U’. f. T. 
Fiji*.ii will !)•’ h**M u>‘Sl 'r'lv^.liiyafU’r- 
n.nni, and a lull alti'iahme*’ in d-sirod, 

: a^ linal atrami'‘tii**nl.‘* ari* t*j !••* nia*h* in 
[ ifvard I'* tit** animal fair. 

Trv tin* n**v.- <'i^ar al Town- 

iS4»t lal'I''. 

Oil Wo«liM*?day *'\''*niir.; Mtiliial f.od^'c 
\’t>. 1 llL I. o. T.. u:iv*‘ a -sociald*’ in 
T"nip!*’'*f Iion<»r hal). Tin* in- 

wM'ro Mtintl I.ii;'*. "f (adias.'»t‘t. 
iMd (ttk ‘11 linck.t t.f N*.*ri!» Sfitua***. 
SiX'ial irartn*»iy <if lhu*klat.'i. \V**'*sai;iis- 

Till* long lu**h*d Fair of lh*v. Mr. 
Smith’s L’huri’h, in Sonlh W**ynnmth. 
i.imiiS m xt W***!iio 5 day ovohing. Many 
\ alnahl.' arllolos hav*; Iwon ountriliulnl. 
Tho Dr.imatlc pr.»mls«’s sonn’thlng 

v*‘ry lin*», and a mlnstrid trnii|K* of hK’al 

l•l•pnl«» 3r4»in»akl«i:^trwimoii^ ami ai:»»nir- 

ihg .'iTort^ t‘» tako ^fh*’ mmiimnliy Lv 
*»f y*mr ‘.y“.akly onrrrspimd- 
fn{si‘il**n*t kin»w anytWng ahntil, ol? 

ful refreslanent of elan, ebow.l.'r. pas- li; I. 

try. frail, ciilfee ate! ti'ii, ttliieli liad lieea J ' ^ 

.V small lint select romiiany mot to 
imlul'ge in sneial,i:itii.s at He' vestry of 
j Mr. Siantim's etinrcii Wi.'dues,lay even¬ 
ing. An eiiterlaimiieiit ".as in order. 

pT'ik ith**l for th** <s*'ca.*ii*»n. T in* r*dn*ar- j 
sal of til*’ now mii^ic was th**n In nr.]*'r, 
L‘. II. Nt?wt*»»i !M*ing dla*ol**r, nml tin* 
Ihadbuiy Club and Orchestra -;roally 
iid*:il in rondojiiig tho iiuirI*; with otT»*ci. 

I ll*’Oi'ch' fcna alio gave si*v*;rul s»*h*i'- 
liofi^ 4 »f pitpnlar nui.slc, . 1 . M. Uartlott 
l‘ 4 -itig »h-’c.*inlnct**r. T*i.s w:ut on** *•( 
tin* nn.Nt «*nj«*yahlc «*Jit*TlainimMils ov*t 

I l»y th*‘ **hoir. 

Stylish Wade Garment. 

T*urtio«'vidt'BiMrt Mi**^ aVitirr 

ulh.-rtU .MGNinW^ tktnl I’nilY-VY*^. 

UBsi; winTK. 

From 15 to 42 CentH per Ynrd. 


New Styles in Prints and Dress G-oods, 

Woolen (ioiiiis for Men’s atitl Boys’ war. 

A iirejl) ASSiil'.TMKN f oF T.AliIKS' 

AXI> ClIlI.nilKN'.H 

.iiel eonsist'-,! of singing liy a maie 
,elf,', verv tme-li r,ut of .".no; (forgi’.'l „ 

nn-' a Iniinnrouf* fioh'Ction nidsah**’t r* a*!- .• 

Ijit; hy Mr. tJi**'. T<*rr«*y: c!ar5oni*t *‘ml-avorni!, 

Htdn p rforim 't !*y Mr. T'»rn*v: inu i»:iaft it 

a !in*’ih'c-imallfiji l»y .\rtlntrt .^lI‘?jil*L ;; 4 -ariii*^. and 

••Onrfow must tioI ring t*»ni' 4 tjt.” **.xci'l- . .. 

h-nllv n'n.h’n’.l t.y MifS >!ary nat(*^.•tc ^ " ; 

♦•t«’. ' .\ft*Ttln* »*jit«*rlainii!‘*nr tin* a^^mi- n.Kir an*)t«*, ni 
I hiv iiruk'* up. an*! I'nji'yd tin* r**At «»f th*' Oho «»! nnisc! 

I ••v»'nij>g in pl* a 5 a!ilctnivi*r>‘ati**n. camo^. otl 

1 ■ 

'* Mr. < Inith*? II. ltr*jwn had a nari*»w ' •pktvi'.l i.fN'- bb-I o’l*** | 

.-Mcai.*’ last Tu.-s.;.iy, v.hih’ at work in i'-’ b!''.- ! ^ 

l'‘ tin* fai’lory t-f .I-din K. Stmhlanl. In f-. • .’n:' n‘u-| 

,.t I'lnh-avoriiig li» mil :i h*-U fnitn a r*’\t>lv- .. ' 

r; iri" i»haft it iB’Cann* *‘nlangle*l in th** *- 

. m.. . ..a»v • V . ..1 ..f U A aiN'U.K 11 '-r?!. "hh 

, :;'*.irin*^. and t’.iti’lnii;; his slcov** aiHiin jtW ^ •■ini»n r-*'! <.t' l h*' 1 . '*i»{ a ILibI*!* 

the ellmw l,"gan puilieg toward tl.e '-.m 

It-Kir ai*ov*', hnl M r. llrown, t»y an j-qUanj; ht ti-** -jUiu-' n-t. -.vii 


',S.—\»fi t". t’*'II • 

C-n-im’l'»r Kd. Olmstcud’s sympath:*’--* s.nifli Wi*vnn>ti!ti. Tin* rir.‘'t p.irl 

l it *if O.atn'r, Illgittanil l.'ld*! Conni'Ctod wiiti th*’ Oathnlir rhurchwill 

t\v«» yoiim; l'.*lt‘‘? an*! tli* ir iii^trucl'T. 
rcc*’iv 4 *d a new baptism **f hi auty by th»* 
••.M’oli* ncB witlj which It wa= pri'‘-nli’d. 

rin* ••hor.d r"i*lc r-.'f v-*! hy Mr. 
l)t>w, which .u’»'««ini»'iMi* d Mt. It. 

I’or*!'** r*‘a*lti'-• f “King K jli'-r' 't .''ici¬ 
ly,” imp.nt*-! a lim* l’ tl’*’ l‘‘cm. 

iinl tin* r'M'li^r aiitl ch'‘ir -i' *' a v- iv 

W 4 ‘ri* at'-n*-'«! ■'»' tin*ain fron; IL'S- 
t«*n las' imiilay**\*‘nih';. by tin- !ain**td** 
Ilf a lady wbese darling son h.-iil left l.or 
in Mn* run of th** c.irs t » IJralntrcc, uint 
to a rc;*r car, w!jic!i ^. v* swltciii’*! 

• jT at lb • /ini’tl**n "f th’ trai'k t*> W*'*** 
‘^nincy. Tb** lady L-jitI v l.itncntini' 
tin* m:«b.ip. .t*:-! lid! «*f anxi«*Jy t» to 
fstibM f tin? s.».l v.i.i n 

the c'Mjr**c;H c<»ti*|tn*t*‘r snppo''if'_' tl.** 

S«nifli Wi*ynj*>ti!li. Tl»*-lir.^t p.irl **f on tin* **v.*nliig'’f "'“dn«*Ml:iy i**>.\f. 

' iwviiin*: w-v* ''iw'td In lii*t*»nini; t** an Arr;iir;*'in«*»>ts Itavc l'•B•n iinn!** t*> niak** 

■eilem poigramm.' prepar,--! I'V some ea.ii evening very entertaining, llie 
. X. . I T 1 . T iu".v mln.'«trcl tr-’tip'* wjII tu* 4*ii*‘ spmi 

tl,,' memliers Miilnal t-eiLe. and , ,ir. and no doulu will fill 

Ir*’?***''* i»v vKiliii;.; tirotbcr^. lln* *'n« to ov**rlh»wlng. 

pje.isnrabif 5«Tis.iti»m i*» the .. t‘y oldhi was in his **.irlv 

»ti** C‘‘m 1 .ii.atlrm of miislc.d an.l lit**r.tTv 
- *ic*-l!*‘nc*‘with which th** king’* pridi-| 
tad pcnit*’nc*? wn r.* tb*pit'ti d. 

p.itlii/.itinly bnpilro*!. “Ib*w nhi Is >'*tir 
*on, inatlam?” With ti ll■•'sh h'*wl <'f ] 
mg*dsb, sti'* P'pli' d, "‘i ii'inty/nury | 

tho w t** Hpont lti list**tiini; t** ttj 

excellent pro,;r.itnin»* pr'’p.»r»‘*l by s*»mc 
**f tin* nh'tnbors of .'Initial Loihi**, atnl 
a.Idn-^M'S l»y vl'-iliii:.: t'rutbcr^. The t-n- 
♦•‘rMiniJfftl •••*n**l»tel ‘d M-adiif^-’*. 'le«*lH- 
mali**ti'. vor.i! a:i-l ins’itimi-idal miisie 
hv th*' i*rolh**rs atnl .•i.‘ 4 ters, Mr, .\riliur 
.N|. !i.’ytn>)n«l pi«*si'!ini;a{ ^he piano, willi 
e irn* *.’'•d** by Mr. Khu**r Ibait, whh h 
was *‘xeflh*iitly play***! an*! r»*e*dv**d ilk** 
waim applati'** **f tin* ati<li**nc»*. riie 
i**afling« ami deq-Lmiations w*‘r** wcW th*- 

ttj** holts** t<» overlh»wlng. 

r.l«* 4 'tinii. 

At tlje in*'etiii4 *'f tltc f’oti- 
fpieror Kn 2 »tn* fb». tliej*hl l)o:vr*l of *> 01 - 
••**rs WfTc ntianittiou'ly ••!* '*»***l f*>r lh»* 
••nMiiin^ y*‘ar. Tlx* **ompativ .trein go»»l 
!«plrH 8 and out of ticbl. wlllt over 
I in their tn^asiiry. 

1 th** re«t «.f th*' cinr *»f nniscl*’. wreiu'tiod Litnself free. 
rsati**!!, cames. „th«’r ftiau a bnd;eii licit. ir-ti.. r 

TYu* Kiit«Tlalnm*'nl .nt Tti«' 

■lie I •'b "ill " ''■"'e''"" 

■...Ine“i!..v next, fnl pl"iu*unl- "*nal Hie I'.ail was 
make "■"nidefly Idl-d ‘Inri"? 

Tt.ainini. Tl*e hours, by nti appreeiatlv** audicnc*- wlm 
1 !u* 4*!o‘ 2 r**;ii ||su*m*d to ih** p*‘if ’rmane**s ct* *** Iv and 

n .hiuhl will ii!l m,pi.j,„ied lilKTally. pL h'h 

Miss Daisy t'n-'him; C-tvc tlm initial 

numb*r. aft* ran c.v.'ilnro l.y thcor.dios- 

tia .aii«l. being **ne.»ic*!. rc.ipon*ie«l wIth 

"f" anotle.ri.f l..'rcl.arm..,gseleel'..,,.. Mr. 
mnvareingood -I- It. Tower Hem foil',w.J witl^onm ef e..mj.. 
wllli over Ids popular songs; after which hd. Mar* 

tin tn*ated llie au'!i:«*rs to a few of his 
laugbahlc iepresf‘ni;»lii*ns. .'Irs. Cush- - 

kvi'*ti' 1-4 th*'' n S. I .iVf tT«»i'"rfv, .itmtcl [ 
iifiu' {it* i.'l ■‘tr***!. U’- vHioijili. Ill*** l“i*. o*' ^ 
t well «**i»’ 'B ih. ii-in«* ■*. >1 iB»t I'O'; I 

\ iini-,lv •ol'l. will h*' "ir<'r» *J f *!' -a-i' it xVL't I I* *N 
lilt Ttii.Vprit'.’'Uli. plnti'*l*B’-»h-k' thr 1.*- 

l.l »l/f Ifi tU" l**«' 

WKJ.MN*. l!*»t *'I' '«B'l **«>•■ 
li.tlf 'll «<**'-' I'l' North 

*1. \Vi>H''*Btli. I.*t*'ly 

is.'in>\ ‘."I. K. i;**.bI. lb'll'**' i* 

r-'if •'.itiil Uid tiniu'.l. 7 

,i4r. piitr.'i. in j:«>'Hpair. uml 

a Pri i.t h I'B'f 
rO'Bi.'. t*****I *'* •'-*>'• l’’Bi 
|il.*:i«-a!itik l*ir'!««l. 

u .t "O \ i; ri. Y ill 'V' THHBith hui ni'"l- 

-U 1" HI |ltf.;l;.,l». 'I,* l -t;«1«* t|.*'V 

twTHi'i'*1 h. t> I* -T ly'iMi'-l. oil 

i'.,n Hill ..I . f.. -.Fi.B.;“ranH.*t.' 

ul Ibb<), a titri'lliii;; l.ouxi*. tifiul. li»‘W ; i 
h'iMiiiif a.litit*'*! f'»r m*nnf.*'i»riii« jmii 
rotiii. 1 t*'d Hitli which iw a wal- r iitndcK*-' l» 1 kOii* 
•liter i)*!** potTFr. 

For furtlirr partii'* aj*|ily at ih* 

Weymouth Savintra Bank. 


Ne-w Styles in Ladies’ and Children’s Hose. 

We have the Best line ot CORSETS ever shown. 

• IM’M i *<, :»*'«’• **100. 7r»e. HSe, 

I'; .,.,.....:! .. .l.-k. AM. I.i;-IUAI'.I,E .iiH.Dk. 


Independence Square, - South Weymoutli. 

j ---— ^ —r— 

Millinery Opening! 

A Liargo and Elegant Stock of 




Wdba f...,b'le'"i . f After The priee ,..'r ton f-r f-igliting ir.' ing also ren.l,.re,I Mmuy Mnsln by r.- 

... . ... uvir i • ~ . Il . .V It ti* i*.,ii*i*ti lo.s lYti.i.r iiittiitu-r^ fill ilio t'r*>* 

, .L It. t.'*iig I' *' ••’•'*r lieenaf.ivtjr- S*,.,|, wdli hin li.mdk« ichief pr*'^***'.! 

iie U-.-il'iU aili^t, and her pr^'-t 'tue Ih.U 
evening wa.i a wele*itii** a«hlilion l*> the 

lilt** ld> muu'.h liisb'ait - f ! 
out of that interview f*'e 

tin* »*nt**rl.dntn**nt an **>Kler stipp**r wa« 
•ierveil. ami tlie pa-*lry fund**!!***! l>y th*' 

kin*l-hearte«l i 

1 *leclared to h** 

fr*»m \V*dfboro, N. !l . {“ b’S 

mil**s hy ears, is ct*.. with per ear 
I t*> oil It acros-* tlie city, ami ih** <).(’. 

jm .Ht. Ollier nuuiht'r.'i *m ll>o pr *»-1 
gramim* were given t*y the same artists, 
ami Mr. Tower performed a solo ou tin* 

will take these frelglds t*» S.\ Weymouth guUar, which was very fine. 

uiimVc l.slaml, LJ from’Norlli Caro-| e«derialinm*nt. ^bt* gave increa.sed in- om* wa-i In tm i:nm.‘*llale danger, 
liim, 10 from MinueHnia, 18 from In- i tenst to the familiar “i’harlie M.icbicu” --- 

dinua, 4 from Gcoi^ui. ♦—4- —........ , l 

Wisconsiu and Michigan. Cobctrii- j, 
iug the Illinois delcj^uliou, iherc i*>! j 
noildug more certain iban thni il \Yi;i ; 
be solid fur Gninl, as llie popular ^ ^ 
foeliiiL' oui''l‘le of Cbicavot i-* over- j ' 
wli'lmui^lv iu hi' l.i\i»r. Jl U in-t , 
beiit ve*! tb.d llie lllaiuc iuitu* lu t in ; 
(’iiit’a;;o will li:tv«' any p* rt * i*li'»'.e | • 
eifevl, :»•* the unit rule tvlll b. urgc*l j , 
nu*l umluubletlly :i»b>pt‘’<l. In ti pi:- j 
vule IcUor iit»iaa .MiUitesiim I' 
i»*>\v Iviiu; befort^ tin . lU** autlmril;. ' 
iH'ing’oue that unipi»'»li*»iial»Iy r* It- I 
ubioUije wrtlirr iHiliu; » *»Uf*iaml\ ou | 
the move Ibrouudi tin* .Vtniliw* -t. ‘h- 
fiirs lln* bdhovili’.; !ati;:iiaj**, witiel' I ' 
lrjm*"sib*! a'' *' 11 '! ot lln* -tr;'.*.*-- I'- 
hliow ll*e ti‘‘ ol 111 '- wiii*:. ! 

•'ll l> R:noli>r the lao-t ur^’ii-inj 
iiiehleulH of llii- -urprl'ing eainp:*i.i:. | 
Ibal ill luy eoiivei''Ht'.oii- with tei «f« j 
Ir.ivclIcrK no U limn wiiii lh'*'« eiti- 
jsou'^ with wli'un I eoine iu buMini 
i**mlaei daily, but one name i*» nnn- 
liotK'il. It i** tir.ud on itn- iraiii'*. I 
Giant at the lioleU. (.ininl at the e-i:- 
i»t*r gHK-eric-, G'-ant cverywb. r. ! 
You can have no omi eption «>f tin* 1 
Ktrength of thi? popular iiupuNc, nor ; 
il** dilTu>*ivi*nc«-'*- M n \v!n*m I xio-'-v ; 
tf> lie detnm'iatH of I'nn: "lan'l.n;:. , 
men winnn 1 iemtmt»*’r were -boet- ! 
ill;; the h>u«k'**t ibi’t e -■ ai> a'.:**. ab*'Ut 
‘•fr.imF* aii*l ••<ippri "hm.* a *• n -v>, 
lhron;h ''*>me proi’i— tit tran’-iim^r!- 
lleatitni l*»laliy im .'Npdeahl*' t«i I'e . , 
Hhoutiii ‘4 Ibi’ haidi it f»»r C*'.ini. | 
IhinTa-k me I* aettiunt for ii. I ! 
mmhl.l l>r* •tunn*, enter Ul*oii a .e -pi:* i 
P»ilio:; *- pro'iV iind pbih***‘i'ln' -i'* 
fine \ bavt jiiKl r»r.ul iii tin h'xt ** .1 • 
/ff-.'i. ” ami ijiv; you a bnmlr *! i*’a- 
F->n-*» e b iiK e« ! »ln*r.i' ’ .t': ! i!*\ lb '.tlier, .»i' Y; ; w:*ul.l -..-.A 
I. .:- l»eff>r* ll im 'ii: -!.it*> fa*: 1 ? 
till N’**rlli‘rV:'t^l waiilr tn .ir.,- 
4, Cr.iul. ami ' hi*; -- «*. .tsi’ . 
Y**u hiu'w I ain a i5..une in-'U ■■ - -iiL** 
liut 1 am fort -‘I iti eon- *- Ml 
III... all*”* . ul'M* -l A -:: M 

wauk*'** .nel '*i .Ihuil.! -1ml tn\ ' •'* 
n If** U’*' iniu'-:‘i' * 

L,^« ■ •-* uiU'j I b; II* ‘1 ■ • • 

gfiKh iii.iti li.‘!'in;; fi ’= I.\. •. 

h.f* ju^' '■•in O' ‘ ' 

tb*’ N*>Ull. kill/ T :nl’* a 

wmdn »4 oioo^ ll*t (tull, .iu»l eh-i-tm^ 

from ] by her splrlle*! rendering of the poem 

the best ever .'.vicn by tl.e uwembly.- Ibu.-'i .I'e wb 

.Vftcr SUPIK.T they leturned to the hall ip^.y shouldn’t charge more. a.s long m 
and Indulged In games and amusements we are obliged lo have It come that way 

I't sec why The closing piece was a capitally roit- 

ihey shouldn’t charge more. a.s long as . the Koslon Dio, In Iru D'p*rtmc»t. wuieh Imvx Uen uiBa*; wUh the 

«-A ..frt fihli(Ti>fl tn liAvi* it c*)tnu that wav. dered fartc, t P tfroit.-*! ri>r« hv cxFurlcnff J luu.N in onr o*n 

, of which .Mr. Dow has ina.le an a*!- ^ ti^jui'd F.dw.inl M. Gnmey. «>f 

; mirat*!*' d*-scriplive s*>ug, cuiupos*.**! e.x- s' .ti-Uum, came lo Vaughan’ti iKianlins 
; prefcsly f*>r her. “LParlle M : ’hi' ‘ aouseto procure accmiumHliiion l.vat 5 .it- 
j .■eri d’dy been clothe*! with adtiill'iiud ,,rd >y iiiirht, .ami .Siu-*! iv inoriitii 
I'.ti.ieti' ii by Mr I)'wN imibtcal c..iie.-p- ^ u.,,r.ler iiam* 1 Wm. Lane 
; i..:\'f lit*’ indden’s rail I** L-r l.n.'i. proakfaul, tiuim’v «lt»h* I'”* e*i; 

I-C. |.i.- -v. i llu* rAci !»*•:”. Tl.e ii,,; hall .in-l v.iiii-*MiL Ti.e lo.-.** 

I mn^:.* ir f th*- p*‘cn.iat Nei»lli!*li Cijara**- ...,^1 w.i** ijulcklv tliso*>veretl and I 
i fr.-iml th** hfVei'K \eiilurmis *le»c.nt ti< the wli.irf, wb 

I ihti) the ilark w.ileri, th** slru^gh*. tl**- j,jiii 4 *iil w.ii procnr*-*!. 4 idn'*‘ 

I tla'iL'-r, th** evaiK*. ami :li** agony ai.'l iiifmno**! **f his uhen a'wi 

. ■> of '.he (air one, were vi\i'!Iy andin.i- i ^i„iii.'*l;.U*'!y -.i-ive eh.oi.-. <.\i'itak 
.i' .Jly .lepicled b. Mi-. I.oiig, wlio va* I x,,rUi W. vnioulh, wl -i to* \ 

• '\arm!) api‘' au*l ei.e 'n.k, ami in j j pi 'I:- ! . i’p 

; -p -as.' - ^ " ■‘•.x h b.dlaih 1 i.aidii.g. 

■ -Mr. W.d'er Kim-riioii. lornet il,-w '.t ■ ' i-D'H 

g.i\e .» “Fani isie 'm ll>»nn'’ j, ,.y i-. n. ,n.,: .t 

.\ilh skill and \lgor—a liltl** U* i vigo | ii.*/;,,,.! .■ sm ami loh red : - 
r« ns in'‘'Hie pa?''*.ig*' 8 , f-’C the ar*-.i *'1 | ,.j ixdiave*! 

I ih** ho’.oe, ll we may \eatur*} a eiit.cNm 1 

•ill Ids pel f'lrinanc*-, aii'l like an organ I ’ - - - 

I pU>*-d with an i>verdrawing of slop». at j \ inaUr ll>*r«e 

•ilim-» ratli*'!’ “Mf«*Itli>h”: liUl Ihi- .dr lM'l''tiiing to a c ■'»ph* of y‘‘Uiig 

I until a late hour. 

I The Millinery Opening 
; Iiy M. F. (.‘•ilUer, at her rooms in Mer- 

The hcottUli Troubadours. 

Tlio Kalrbalrn Family, wlmso unique 
mnslca! entertainments have Wn •') 
well r*‘C*'ived In ll**slon. will appear at 

which the followliif; ladles and gentle- 

SPRING OVERCOATS The Latest and Most Desirable Styles, 


\Voa»k •tMHiBi»t04 Urtf. ft'.oruucntofTIIlN ** - __ 

M'OtU.LEN OVERC'J.VTS in our It* tall Cloth- . ^ 

b,«D'l'srtui,.,..■vuiei,imv,!«av»uhihc Ladles of East Weymouth and vicinity. 

groate*! cars by cx;’eri«*nf*r J luji-N in otir ow n 
workdiopi. Tiry are l'*.'ivl‘'l for g*:nUt*tt'*B 

men look part, to the satisfaction and who-lviic aila'rBUii!i:\ k . "ti':*nB'a’. f-ir imro*** 
ilelighl of all: .ran-B'p At *f4:r r-. c-th-*- .‘»..Ml''irth'--l'l»y 

Mr. Muses MulHgtuh, once pi-pru-lor - i.t bi*<‘Ii ci.h-rma u-m.-’*’t--... - 

chants* Ul*.»ck. rc\e iN an elecanl stuck «*f ,, 1 , Monday, the Il'lh insL i i,i j. Fi.*li ( art, now a rieii '-eidat^'r. IL j 

hreakfuNt, tiuim'v «loh' !• ’* coat fr«»iii 
ih*: h.dl .iiol vam-*o'fL Ti.elo.-*.'* ''f the | 
■••lal n.i'q fjuli'kly tliso*>vei'etl .ind lh»t liiief , 
wa.-* f«.ll'»w.‘.l to the wli.irf, wi.en* tlir 
.-iiiimnt w.i*i procur*-*!. 4 »;lirer l.*'U»l 
wMk infoiim-'l of his uhen-aliontr- ami 
Lnini*'*l;.*t*‘lv -gave eh.iA*-. <*\irtakiiig him 

..... IMil ...... 

; .uid sninnier g*K)«H whleh •'h*' 'l*|,.,«4» i f finr oili/eif* who ••nj«iy an 

l.:e....'.l U. .1..... all',' aii.l ..I H.e H'"'' a I’""' 

' , , • „ 4 .. I en!ertainiM**nt. will ilo woli lo mak* a 

10 may Sff***l bt-r >«-i'\n.*s in • ^ ,»e of this 

:h*-it ouilii I' .- tin* !* I ' ' * l’i:uo. 

■ n t! n'’W spring .unS summer go«)«M wnien 
fr*»iii '»''uhl b*' ph'.i»*'fl lo sli‘»w ail her hulv 
f the I bi*-ml> wlo» may Sff***l her x-iwices in 
liiiif pU’i^'Uing limit oullit I- .' tin* )■ "*** 11 . 
I* ’i>h»h h«‘t'» aU'l bui.t'»*l>, 

1 mill bidd.*nt llvwu^ .uo! ribh.»n*, with all 
* iiol "d»»'r .e e* ul !.*-ail *irn.iUioulaU«*n, 

.*‘ to L: f*>um' .it her r hmiI'*. 

in X'lrth W' Viii'mlh, wl **1 h** w.i*ic.*p- 
*tiii-l and 1 I in M;'' 1 " • •{* -'t tl’*' 
I. *n*lii.g. 

Ih-w . 4 M ■ ■ '’It “•rK*.c--n:t 

,»! t^'nii.'-y M-ndf. «!.‘H..:".' .'i'l tim'.l 

aj.’i and ** 'IS ami -n.l.'red '■ * Inrni'h 
Hin.-ly in ^g‘>i {-‘r -g-* ‘-I * v-havi-*! I'U • n- 

\ i'Uf ll4»U»r 

lM'l''ii^ing to a c ■ »ph' 

of >*'l*ltg g*' 

i^wvei liy-.Uid Uy) which he *gav** in I tli** I.aixltng fell de.i.l wb..** de-y w» re 

to an encore, w-i** an ex*puslte ' dtivln.! thtmi'gh 1 
'I« eitim!» *'( hi» skill in more *l« iif.ih-^ W*'■ Ins !•• 
hr. .ilbiiig*. .iii'l gave -gM ai tlelighi loth* : -lrf>p)K‘tl a'»ini'l* r. . 
auilo-o. V-. j >•tl•lU*gb on the a'ii 

Ml. .Mficd Wilko**^ ’’tell .1 r':‘t»nad**, j irnii*' *4.f*.;eili»'r. 4 
••'Iif. >L*r-if Iji*.'-,” w.i* a tine e>>iiti i^*. ■ tl.<-m to r* iu«*ve i! 
■o lb*-I'.fUir •!' > .nr of Mi P* . 1 — wb:rh n.-fl tiiu-. ami th 
iiix*ce*]e«l It. •' lli'ir *iili*-i ;il iinirical V ' —an .4*|\.i»"'*- **1 * 
teet'. ' th "I the ^'og* bfing re‘'ei»« >1 h^;--=• ■-.• le-*! 
with miu'h I..V -• iiol i' till* *>* • o; for v 

.Itivlii.t tlitmi'gh lliugh nil ■ >*' ‘'''•>'L*4'. 
\V*'‘ Ins l*''*ny'i iioiHt 
dropjK'fl a'»ini'l*'r. th*-r** '*:»• ? •'• ••• -n 
'•ii'iU'gh on the a'ini-A’*-- 1 d> ti> le ■ In* 
Ir nil*'i**-'eili»r. iid-''-*- >*;.ri; ; direeie.! 
to r* iu«*ve iJje ll -Iv wid.i;: a {mu 

lO'fl tiiu-. ami th hr a 1 «■ tb*m - 
—an . 4*1 \.i*"'*''*1 **1 ■■ n ll: * nu*- "I tl" to 

-ilh*'l e.X*-,-;; 


N;4rr*»w I •* 411*-. 

\ le ; - • m- 

'i’l.v' t ;; •v\:i,_; «*i'.i«*.-» of ton. Da*.*--- . 

K. -.n*-i '*. vit a* .'hit* *1 a» the annual *^' 
!ii***-!ii;.'. h :.l la-l M 'e'l.iy ••vt-H:ir.': | 

Foi'-man. Stcp!‘-ti (’.iin. .Ir. 

Uf .\*‘> \V. Fr.iiiK it.iith'U. P 

jd •• T. L-l'v.ud Ihiirel!. \- 

rierk. WiUaid.L 

Tr*aHiir*-r. K\erell K- U.ite^. 

.'•ti'W.Lnl, Win. r. Ihcc. » M 

I-Mrew 4 II 

Kev. K. D. li.r.l elo.fe l LI* ihn** year** 
4 -onneetlon with th** M. K. chinch I.i»t I* 
-i.d-ii.ith, whe:: lie «leli\ere*! an hj:er**»l 
ii.g d;'H;*'ur%e fr»'m J**hn lii.. :in: ”II«- 
•iiu't mer** 4 v'. but I must deerfa’**'.” " 
rti" a- pi:eati4.n *•/ l!'** ;**pic wa" th** i*’> *' 

.it joiiii at the iiK-n’.i'o- i.f luiii wh*> V 4 u- t 
• »C' 4 itm 4 tt«'r hiin, :in*l the j**y whi*'h 1 
.■ 4 --*'* ehr.^tiaii'to'uM I***'! in the I'l'tg- j t 
14 4.1 t kin '-I 'III Hi lli-* ■ irth. I • 

111 .ioinbii-: I'l th t4'nii.n.4ii'*u **f !>:• I t- . * 

‘ li.*r 4 “, :!i 4 ‘ p.uetor BjNik** of the btfiie- | • 

.ll t,-. i'- . . ill- **Vr.elli, .4ud li . ’ 


I'arUti I 

Th*' Lari'*!! egTln-e; *’ with the tlM 
N'.'ilh Giurcli Iie!*l tlmir animal nieeung | 
at 'hc\t 'l 4 » of th** church 1.1-41 M-*; ' iv 1 
••veiling, wheti *he I'lih-'a ::i'g l•l1i«•*•t'‘ 
w •■r*' t*li'**‘**i 11 ”-.!"^u ■ :.4 \ i 11 . 4 I, M«''h*! .vl *m . 
Farid* L"n»ml!t4 e. W in. W'hit-', .b-hii.i 
Vhi:d. Klnalhan ll.ite^. .M’isie < •<*nimit- 
le«', Samuel N.ish, JaiiieH L. W ilih'S. A. 
M N'4*v»e*>tiib. A’.^•llloI^. .1. \ inah L D. 

p. wa* unanimously \'*ted that t'Ao 
pre.-vching —ivu'e^l**- Uv'A *• leh Nd-’-iili 
h4r '.!*•■ »•l•’'•nng year. 

! Av-."U it. reg.irtl lo the pa-Yt'ii’^ sal »ry 
I w nl jH'i**le -n«‘*l t'* tin* a'ij*»ui n*'d m«'»'lin'g, 

1 vl. v-h la-.*"* iihice luAt w* 4 h. Twi. 

.vlnch la*^*'^ p’..vee lu \t wi'4',x. 


1M.’. 'f barreU, l!*e pr- p 
4 !e*' up—*> '*n tin- I* 

tlnriiig ill*' M »•* •• g *!*•. 
,'! —' ami 4*\4’it,ng go - 

si.'hi. F *i L .* = 

. n. • _ ‘ e hi 

. -M 'll ; 

; •*1,. fh’ - -V : 

» c«*rth ill) 1 ' 

■I'.i.l th* il 

. ,r-ii> * 1 . !ii= 

■ Ihe fu- 

j lew t.- 

• if Hi* • 

i ,n’'- -f 

. Mr. 4^ ru • 

• \ ' <*t 

f.i • .41 d 1. -'t 

It 4-le. --'I* th 

. :*y .'f Mi 
,.! ■.* Ib.vl 
.\f!i r >< 111 * 


I .'.tllilti 

I A. Mdli’r: Monsieur .\'h*i.:>, a Dancing! ,, 
M ■•lei, Frank Lushm*.': .Mr, Uichanl j 
D.i-hir.a F.*si Man. IL Toirey;: tU* 
Ml. I..ivemhr KoD. an ex-piisit*'. Win. i 
W. Dark, : Mr,. .M M'.lli;;n.b, Mi,. I 
.Miiry A. liirk.'r: .Mi<, I't-i .'IaMi!;nil'. ' M I "i;. i b'.erly; M.,, K'.. .M.illi',;ral'. "i 
I All,. Kli/.i Di.i j 

; .Mr. .Miller ei'-.i'i'.l a >l,'al \ 

I aii.i.M'ii.rt.; i'l I.:-' eb..."'" : "I .. * 

I'lii -•." 1 '. j j 

1 .Ml'. I ...Iiiiia’' )►*"“.'ii.iit":. "I I'll.' I'i''i.''i' I 
! .I....ei.i;; in..ner " V' ti*'' i*!.""' ,, 

a.iJ aereiit very S"."! .ii.'l I.i' li"''' j,. 

well r''.vl. Frank T'.irrey, in il.u I'.iil "t - 

a (aslila.iable an,I iiiHier I.. yiiims 

111 . 111 , vrry .."laitli-taiiilitia 

Dial lie "as laburii,.; ...luer a se.rre 
Ml, liiirke. . 1 . a f"l>. slaii>I:ii'.; I'll 
tl.e "bliilik "f a ll.'iviil l.weeil'i,".'' 
liK,'.eil aii'l aet>-,l tl.e part in in. a..,-).:- 
■itiie iiiainier. Tl.e la,li,-,. eael. amt all. 

‘ a.ive their p.irta "f Hie fa.rer icrli.,.. "I 
III'- M illi.;riibf iii.llv.mall.eraii.l<h- 
! i,-r“, a till'* ri'iiili'.ll*.;; il'-. i. j 
■ j- eta.iy. h;. lier''> I «r.iiiiii'..r aiel j 
I . .1 "til'l'. e.e.i'ill-irnieli I I'.kfi'*'''' ! 

'I 'I'"!,.. .U',...... .,"1 (ally aiiei.'leil j 

,, iisiiat. m.ii.y "( Hi- yni.a .ii''ii h;n m.! | 

i .■iinaueili.'lll' . 1 . "•l.rr plai . • "h- 

' p.,.'.l.';pa,>'.l ill Hie fe.'i.r'l' *. I.".l''.''r. ! 

N . 1 -iilnii: .ii 'l *1. "• 

;>t*-ut iijK'ii cniiTiua .iiU> *»'• iii.:-i" t-' 111 • '■ 

I ■! .•«l'|44 rpt' arc wf I .4 la 'B ' 1'' F'.' .. - • ■ ■ 

liir ar.o!. all •* *r n.a . ii.iH ut tl.i- •*'.i*"u 'v*. .of 

r l; ;«..l r . ;a l' . .‘'..'i' ll • .' • ! *'■ 

>. .It 1.0 j:u 4'1- •*! . ig *ui-''Uk'U 

tU*' « "I W -i;:. L g 'tfi* tiw till ri-4%4ll HlB.-ulfl- 

ti*:\' H ttliiii llir l. 4 xt 4 v tr 

M. E. Collier’s Millinery Parlor, 

.Ml'.U(.i:AMa llI.'ikK. 

,lHeU'*«»«» i-ifinoi-e. I'lO!** Wej 

too Wasliiiisluii sU'ecI 

t tf r< )N. 

l>\V.VItl> I* 


' A Tull Sized Einga for $20.00. 

Al 1,1 BA4I - . 4 <:tI'-i • : •.^- »*'U 

rittVAl i •.K‘‘ ' ’ '.I'v. l-l. *«"*•> 'V >•" w 1 llA'ik 

. 4 I;M I L ■ ' • ‘ “ •- - aal.FK' n • M*lt 

H'g l>4'4i»iifcblre Ht , IWibIuii. > 

i \\ \. .\N!' KWMiNL .\l 

! A. F. LOVELL’S, - - East Weymouth, 

W'li f- •' Ul »**• {-• 111 . I * fBlI a*-'»»ue Ul uf 

;'I’lX. < oi*riiH. 1.1.' 

I “"Vi:iw.iWAHi:. 1*1 i*i:. 

! . .1 4 f.l't t ‘ ' F'l-B -lii' g'*l'-" 

I . F-bu-u .' ‘ b‘**l'Bi; 



l!(‘liuirs Ilf iill kiiiiis. 'riii-i'iiiifiii!; ainl Juliliiiii!. muxi.l,. m 

I. MlIL\ 

V i I ! \IO-U I U 

PiUDttd Feb. a4s * 


MIM.VTl lu; 

yit’fliful GdUimir £dtt(r}. 

. I. -d th.- 

4*1 111 il'l*'*! 

ivr - .!!li-U 

pl'4ii!i»4' iitd aUiiitv. .|i>il 

- .alll, - .ll,T ll '•III 1 i;5' I •i, 

. . If . s.f Mr. J.iiu*.-' 11. Ciajp, of Ih 

W 4.')iU4aulli. 

mpply fol Ibeir mi’! 

l4jm*.t» tiii» 'auiiiii't. 

ziUI) odiuiUiSUtcd by 

4icd »Uv • , I 

... i 1 UktJl* It' 

I 4- loWUKUil. ' * 

,,, • - , ’ - :"I. W-.r ; 

,.4l. ’ . ' "'I H ""- 

- ,11 Ill ll- ; ’ * 

b* i iii4M>tii>«. 4 .d I' ltl her 
ibe - ivli. Ihi* wa* W‘4lU4*4*a.. j 

1 1.1 the * 




\\Tv.srIIxcrI'oN -s q i.aX k i-:, 

First-Class Dry Goods and Groceries, 


X, . . , ..." 1 ,- 1 . 

Uoo.l- Dvrlivn-i-a Hmun.tly Fi"- uud Sutm- 

laoliou Guai kiUlvod. 



Vt«l (1i *Ui«. 
I I rtrkrl*. 
f K)-* *il 

Not r^-k*. 
N«fk ( liiUit*. 

n,„ r,kCiJii'«.« 


'i. mf llu*. 

Ltiiicolii t^fiiinro 

nhDnniAtUfn, N^nmlnlk* MfcJftrIn, 

Diphlh^rlft. Pnotimonlii, Born ThrcA* 
I'^num’MMion '’f thf I.unK*. %o. 

-rtriiAP »v— 


Bought cheap and will be sold €711 for 


New Goods cODStantly coming in. 

of the season will be secured as soon as in the 

Wc shall be glad to sec OLD I'ricnds .and thank them for 
their patroii.agc for SKVIiNTLKN VICARS. 

3^. H. 

Goods delivered free in any part of the town 

P.lii r I'fHfil*. iilttk**. 
({(•tit** r>M«« 
Mint*! ril)«. 



*0 iiimii itb.iitiRk' « iMrr all oilirr Ma- 
(ItiiH a iliiM lilt- iiiKV a*«iiT> il In |Hirf-Ii:u- 

T IIK( KI.KIIU.\Tr.Pul.Ti;i;i;iNK l.*>TlnN 
n HH. iiihI 1« <i rmlk'nl 
rut*-.'«* |l»rk. i'ii*.inimi»hnn rMht KWln**')*. 
ila< liarli*. IM« •. Iliimeii* or •• of till- IV* t 

fr«-«u wlMU-t» r«-»iia*. Hunt* 'tr mimI nI| 

UHlmilJt iTl«hid aud 
••rml ‘'hiiUHoU** will lift-. T’n M*i hrg- 

Uct t»i 'hj alH.tilr. Ir i« m h-i.-thold '•...•••ity 
V’liJl Ui *Ktr «l fjuU »*mI 

ClirtiUr*.‘i-Mt frir. hi'oi* *ti* o tn iittU. A 

fer uH * n* |i*lr'•!. wl*-tkn hM Kiuiiily or 

Maunfa -tniliia ti»r. 

.\n kiiHl* ot >1 1 < Ukrii In * ai luiit’o. |Vr 

«0|l« I > !' <1 t|;i* 

If'oi* -avitli 



CnnorH by the Weymouth llantl. 


A chutch, c« j'ieJ Id m il»< djitv l-hlrt 
VVm. I'ratt. .\ct i4 crum;* C.c»tl. 

1*!tih 1 « > ill.? SUlc^. i: *' A ch-ai* U5' 

111 healili ln'tn a l*,ii, rum lo Capi. 

1->r|>h Ttrtell, iV». Warraiit Irwiu C4{>t. Fbeit 

30 DS. 



12 cts. can. 

18 •• 



Mixed Pickles* 


Ii Landing. 

NGS 11 

•ge line of 

Liitost Styles, 

30 cts. per roll, 

■r prii-i **. 



Vrry ilc'imlilp «tyli AUo u good 


er Yard. 


d Dress Goods, 

and Hoys’mar. 



Children’s Hose. 

{SETS ever shown. 

* 1 . 00 , 

:\v' AM» i)U>rit.\r«T.K uoon.'^. 


South Weymouth. 


stock of 



Desirable Styles, 


ath and ’Vicinity, 

ubovu at 

ineiy Parlor, 


i<«t ATc.riiioutli. 


e for $20.00. 

1 \ i: .\ i 

East Weymouth, 

ill lif 

S*i .T3 *»«, 

B.ncvu i>ii*e:. 

. »■' I . r’s.n 'l.r n 

r.-u..'ii> 1 li.-'.w; 


; itiiil Jolibilii;. I'.o 



. SQl AKK, 

s and Groceries, 


I* i - of t'hur^u uud Bttliii- 
I AUl^od. 




mctallic •is&lEhjSM 




POTATOES! Read’s Clothing Store, 

JUST ARRIVED, a lot of choice Eastern 



~ Call and see them at 

liCFLL & niPFS. 

CIToi*, 'Wfi.MliInflftoBi l*''ronf- Mtiu. 

WEYMOUTH, March 1,1880. 
We are now ready to show a fUll stock of 

WaMua, ___ 

Spri ejitM F. M. DHOWir, 

Wilerbiry , 

WATCHES! fiRAifii! finAf!ii!»ffi!s LOWEST Market FRK!l& 

Groceries &Pro¥isifN 

iDir antsv <cnraMW. 



Tklilc •• t^nit.ii*. 

Amrl AWAwrrf.Vifnrv Knl/wirnTYiT fr\ Ifna/^^V^ 11 a{naaA Wrka. t_vp 

Cbu® s 

^ Uecei’ 

««n it.n« 

f \i N«r^i(in 

At th« dd Huad Af 

“little Store on the Comer.” J*CF*Worstor&Oo., 


Wnshington Bqnftro, - WIBTMOtTTn LANDIKO. 

_____ __ 1 __ 

Orders Mrend in nay pari of the 'i'om. 

Picture Mouldings, 

wlilrh T khnlUrU VrH gtrr rrnt, #«rta fk 0 m W*>‘iret. « 


itn Utmost capncity, tin* occnsiim ln'iiig Ji Ip I U i\lL/l li puLlL 1 l. 
tlip Ihirlv-sixlh sniiunl coiioTt .imnall . , 7” .... 

avjillabi#' pfal In tin* liirse nmllloriiini Library on Wodiiosasy 
was lillt'd and tlio cUlc of tlic town was tbroit^li tliu conrl**sy of t 
w«ll n*|*rt’S«nU‘d. Tin* concert was iiii that hisLiintion, was esci 

AOAt* Qt r.STION. 

Il WitiiM •Hriu lu b** th«’ I'muiliiig imn»n titat 
r)tf4|) oi i-oinio«>ii wa« atnpU niitlirirni fm 

the first titiu* in the rf>oms of the Tltfti* I all Unmlry miuI liau*>4iolii wirk. L; thi 

ti'u) will Ih .11 Pt \ I >V r UH.U.II*!* •• 

At i.Kiiey u-fiiii'l'*!. fco I• ;'*i«l !•! iHrlhm’r 
I'rlal ^ . Slid li.t Ail 

Samoki. orimn A r<*«i-Asr. 

4 »1v !’nH**l«*!«ir-». li'T llrin.lw4>. New V<uk. 

iliat itisLiintion, 

Commercial Street, 



•Vf«fMN/Wr#nj-m nffNil M9rt$lrr» in 



Kxprt'NN tniiil JIflli Qkoiilrle tiintl 

(•iina’gt* HniiiiJ*!* !!;:«:ntiria-liM, «%<*. 


der direction of C. L. fitelson, U^adcr, tbe amoiinurf contribiillons of original 
and W. K. IJurrcll director and acctmip- material iirosenud. In ibe •bsence of 
anist, and muler the supei'vipioii of tliese *'•'* presnlent, .1. *1. I^nid, Ksq., tin* vice 
two Dlliclent and i»n»verl.ial leaders ov- pipsident oceupied llie chair. The Cor- 
crytblMi; imsscd off in a most sallsfacloiy rt spondlng.«*.*cretary re|M>rtedcorrespoiid- 
inaniier. The Ilaml w;i.s assisted l»y llu- •'iicewilh the Keytiolds IN^si, No. .»S, 
folb*winK renowned aiiists: Miss Fannie **• »»•» ffoin whieh It «jijH*ars tliat the 

W. Spragoe the gitted sopiatio, Miss I,il* Miggestnni made b) this JH»c»ely in rela- 
lian Miafinck. tin? unrivalled violin sulo- P«J*pnt'‘l{'»«i ami i»iblicarioii 

iVdllOSdav rvening last, V’ »vw pd.;-.l w».lims,!. I.DW m A ■•■nsja m 

ur.«> ofii.c.T.u.i«. nRFSSMAKING. AiC. 

I, was esccediiigl) rich in fi-rinr so***!* of tkl^ nutan.—glvlui: Hu- (titirri w wpI wmfVI 

coiiLriiitiliitiiit Ilf oriLfliokl i-vcrv LDiHit iutitlv tu ihI lhal uliL L ' 

be ntiioiitit of contributions of original i-vcrv tu ihI ihai uiiL L c*!* 

iiatcriul presented. In Ibe •bsence trf »» •••«•‘»»H-i|. r |.i..i:t thm. ul I reil.l.U- .uo.lml 
be preshlcnt, *1. *1. lamd. Ksq., the vice Ui llttl*- of tl*. *|iuli!> oi 

tiesident ocetipled llic chair* *l'b«j Cor' Soipiliry *rii: •!» iMrfTtlv rmi purr vihmI* I** 
espondln"!n*cretary refMirtedcorrespolol- b«ii.'iP«l m npt>r«r..iM-c. uikI wIj« u i-aiu|K>»* il .if a 

lice with iIh* Hevti.ilils Pi.wt \t\ '..S i n •'btniiird fi.iiH •Ii«« -m.I dji»a it..u» 

lit*, will! iiiL i,e>iioii 8 1 osi, yo, .».N. ^ ^ ^ 

t. .\. I*., frotn wiiieli It apiH'ars that the -iH iin- tnini (onl iHibm* i-f , wiiUli 

nggestioii made b> this sociely in rcia- tutoi a*iui'-it r!i» •tin .-.i..! .1 it!..-., ui«*l 

ist, and tin* Kmeka .Sliadoa Arllsi?.— 
The programme was e.xceedlngly varied 
and intioestlng, and was as follows: 

1. .Selection from lb>iii/.e(ti’!»Opera. La 
Favorite, Full IJaiid. 

'1. IniiMottelien Waltzes, Jos. (htlig'l. 

I Full Itaiul. 

I f some suUaliic ineinorlstl volume cover- j„ 
iiig the record of Weyiiioulli in tbe iu.'ltm iLr 
ol ibc Ih.-tHdllon, lias been cotdially en* '«)ii>hr<u.| 
teitained. and tbal 1 be I’nvl bad taken 
iiiitiatoiy ueiioii It the matter. No don lit , , 11,1 •!**"' 
tbe work will be piisbed with vigor, and Ii o loi u 
iliat m»l long bence this town will Ik; in V'*’V 

T UK iumI' r-ltfiud 0 •|w«*ifully lnl.*im* Ihc |*ul>- 
tic Cut •It* i* |in |•«^-<l tu «li> 

HKVftr^U or AM. KIXflN. 

CLOTHING, a Specialty. 

A *h*j( ni I nJoimg*-!• n’«i crifiilly •<>• 
lir.o.l Mil-*. A. W. T.%VI.OII, 

.il ilip rre|«lrnpr »>l Mr». Lo«»i*i*. 

44 )0 From Micii. >Vf)tmiu!ti 

M'lie iin-ti*inK iLc «*l>1-It I*' II“T*-. |o tlir 
Itoprin* tn* Pt* (HI till* MmIhpc. wliicliktvi {t 
in eat • r ibintMlilv. . iiH-t «l, IIkIiiii<’«*i hi 

ruttiiitia lOiil Ix-Htily nf llio^li. 


U rmifkhuti) nroiiimciiilcti tn VuinllKe n* iM-ing 
tltc ^it /If tit mtttnf. 

MU UJNM.NHIIAM in nit/ Axciii f.>r itic 

i:a7i:>:,'.l was uinEAS uacsi e 

Full >l.\.M-F.M-n-|lBll., 

To l,KT. 

rpill-', IiWKI.blNii-imi'Sl-* on itie> LoiiMrnt 

Brockton Stectni MarhJe TFbfA», 

rUKT). ll.VNSON, Pi-opi-lctor. 

Wr cl«iiii tu do tlir l>c*t Wi>rk st llir luMrnl 


Wr Ol liriniitr utir us 11 ilp*lirn*. 

VV<* f tin- l4igi'*t to •« iret fruni. 

Wo l.ifVr nil tip' in.ii-liairtv fur «it«liia :int| ftn- 
1 * 11111 ^. 

A liirgp n^fx-k of msntel*' ond hrseket •lielTfo 
diP iiv« »ii (mud. 

11 MVf > im •••en t lip < tn> % ? 

T lie lx-«i ■ittek uf ilnlf limrkrti* In tlio City, 
he IHC H iHMtHi cant uml I Will mil mi VOB. 

hiii-rtal drmgiio fiiiiii*lir*l fur »lt kin*l* of i’etn- Let *]•> out tr*>l*- wiili inc iinl)-** \ mi are •atioflrd 
<-li r\ work. i with die MvL« mill erlPTi. 

I w ith die MvL « oiiit prim. 

pUoo from Weymouth and vi- 

y. JStarcato Pi.lka (by re.|nest) Mulder, |»«»sses8itiii of a lee.ird of her Minseluritig 

Miss Fannie \V. Spr.igne. 

4. ^'iolill Sojo, i'oni*4tit<i, ^lihs Liiliat' 

o. Coneerl Polka. Parlow, C. I*. Stel 
son .and W. While. 

ibai tiienioiable penod. uiiieb sliali lie 
Liiliati woitb) of Ibelt looole devotion. 

A vote of ibaiiks Ii> Mr. Kielmrds for 
Ia. Stel- il*e kindly tisi* t*fliiH «'llb*e, uber«* .-vll 
ibe j«revjotis meelirigp of the society have 

d. I'iccolo .Solo. ii.ins.jnut,(’. W. nnnt. 1 'h-i Ii held free from all lionble and 

n,»k •• uch i.r.Kttirtlt. i. .JiUircru ,. t,.«*-. „ rr*l.lrnrr ui Mr*.*Auvu.iu* Limo.i.. 

( uiiiiuoti ho 4 |* Im* ho 1m...* |.)r mrrh—U.*klnf From Sticil. Wrytmtulh 

lit I*-*)), lit* 4 l|llk-kl/ Wa.l*' Putlf 

hi-.; t)iit thr *tiotig nlkalii* Old tniact^l .ulediic* • 

Carriago I’ainling. 

t iliii -. 

It i. uii uctual f4< I i'mI III) oolitMiy t«Mil> will ... 

H»c ii»..i< limn tell «luluf»' n u.lli ».f fe *l-' l4*i .* .n* fT»llFi .id..*- ih* • lwke» il.U pii ••f iiiturmiiig 

ill 4 jcai; aiitl. niuli dir ililt. ti IM-. *44. *11«. lli»ii» ^ Li* fo* imU .«h 4 tin h OilM- tli-t .14* 

le. iiii4iiilt 4 i*i>iuiii<>i< ■e n* uM 1. edh 1-* t!inc t* 1 ,* \I / * V' ]«* I > 

t’-< j hot-ill « 1 41It 4r of 'll' >•'»•*;• ^ J « 4 l * 

tiif.c tiiJiit irii till.*, du tiiiictt to■. 'ii..i.k.i>i; M* ||i<« €'ni*rliiK€* KItop fo 

.1 It. j.iniy *1 ». : i‘.fic% t4M- K*’lint ui.n*- .ituI ; 

iiiMrc ilifi ii«»r . 4 * to •|i;4ill\ «*f iiinliuf4. lu'c. th* v i n* ft B W! O TT T 

*• ill ft...! lit-* the. I.4rr .Ic.ri4 4.| tli. U. - l.y 1 V ik * ** W * SW. W W m f 

: .•rtliii-i/y ."o r* •..•.•4n'-<l \Va.;.,i:g | u|i*-it iu n ill In- l*‘ nui* 0*1 nil win» iiioj 

p'.w .II I •, tN’t 411*1* of lie II t’ «« Ini’ i 1 ! o.'f liiHi *4 itli 4 ’ 4 II. n* me lli4t.k*iil tor tin o 

miiF. itwEi.biNt.-iioi’si: on dir Lutii.rut ! F" Fftrties cominff to my pUoo from Weymouth and vi- 
Mn.f. oinity and tradiuff with me, will receive railroad ticketa ft-ee of 

uH-nf-tl II) W.I* I iicluti .Mcrr It. _ 

I A|.i)b to Dn A. n. NYK. ChftTge. 6022 

6’t W«-\iin.i|ili. 


m W k i>N FI IIST VoKI t i.V t iK. .01 

I — O X ^* )* /**• •Otic * 1 : uali •! In NVt > i..t*nlli. 

T IIF* .III..*- IIm . tMke* d.i* Piiliit4| uf iiiluriiiiilg 'I'nv i.4>il*li<>M. A|>|'l> wl titl* Dlilci*. 

I.l* fill ImI* .«II>1 till t]l»l Il4' !|4* .1* tt 

I J{ K M ( > V K ! > ' 

I Hi. t'urrliiRo ri»lul Slio,» to VS.— ‘ 





/H)X/: AT SHOh'T XOT/Cfi AXD AT A'A bS*() V.-//V f- AM yVA' 

.Miciiaeliw, P*uil 

HAinJNES.SHS made: 


...nuHPtuf isnitl-'.s, III..\NKI-T.*i, WII ITS, il.t-rg' 
ill u well it-i'iiiut' 1 ! li.eit* aii'l •.'iOri:i,:«: hliui*. 

\v \%n siii'ifsn ii.iM) cMtu3Ai;i:s 

[lense, was nti.Tiiinunisiy .ad'ipu’d. 

Lev. Mr. Titus n*ad the hist of a very 
in1**n'Sting senes of papers npou the 
"lauil owticis of Weytitoaiii prior («> 
PMI, wiili brief sketebes.'* 
'I'liis uiil Ik; a very valuable aiidtlioii to 

, 7. 'rmki-.h Pairole, .Mic’iaelis, Full [lense, waMiii.Tiiluunisly .vlopu-d. 

^ ^• Ibinil. tlie hist of a very 

Tliebrstiu part s.*con.l was a gnnd iiden sting senes of papers upon the 
:>T?oi7:n, si’l.’Cii'iii ficiiii II. M. S. l*iii;ifoii’. Full '-iKii'l «( jirlt.r l.i 

' ■ ’ llaiiil. .Mis- I..lli.ili .Mii'.l'.ni’l. ll.i’ii ap- IWI. willi hrlcf lii'i!;r»iiliii’,*l skL-U’li.-.." 

ilirr,j" 0 .l‘ 1,1 1 h foiiiiil t(e;ir..‘il anil ^a..’a .si*li’t*iiiiin’niitlial “l.'a* 1 liis aill Ik; a Ti’ry valuanla atiilUinii in 

vatiiia,-anil in n-sia-nsf I.) a y'Hncrali’ii- niir Intal lii.«tnry, and tin; to«n will hr 

c.jli; sin; jiavr 11.. Tin’ next •^li’ally indi liltcl 1 .. tin; p-ntlrnia]i for it. 

l.'l'.S a s.’ii;; I’’. Miss Kannh; .Si.raitiif, I’li- Tin’It.-iairdin): .s.’cri‘'ary mad a iia[H’r 

1 I” I I Y I’ll\F lillutl ”1, Inwinlrn," n liirli was n'lidi ti’d n|i"n‘-\Vi’y im.nlliI,andingtiviiandtliH’K 

f". WVin’iXK i,' In a iL’inarlia'ily ailisti.’inanin r anti was '.■i;n<-ratlon» ajtn.'’ Thi. was llninytlit i.f 

ri’Cd’.fil ivitli ruunils aii|ilansi‘. Miss sallnifnl i.ical inii-resl In warrant its 
, WAKN. .S|iraj;n,; ..Is n > l•n^■..nmttn frnin Hi,, itnlilicaliim in tin i:.\zkttk. .ainl in; was 

our local lii.«tnry, and tli«; town will be | tut.-I>4<t 

. Mr4 <t If tit. til. %v)il<-(i lilt 4 d«N «ifir w 4*li- 

iii t; •|(tlck< r kiitl 4 *4*.. I. lit) 4|.|>,i-ticii*lisiic tin- fjef 
ilu .1 till-iiriifr.-* til- >• 4|' d-f Tc.ot- «ci»* 
mI 4it>| l>t(tl I (..-liiiiL't> f.'i iTJc- 

:i. 4 I c•l)l.••U;\ ili t III Ilf • .vitli lh*‘ s‘ii4r 

14,-t* HI- H ..ulil r il; ittrlilifU to .-tiiadtt it.*« m< >it 
in klHithf'l ('••Iiiliiti of •‘lie of Ktir bf*t soil 
ll..|•tl Sf>n|. >l4kt I*. (CISTI* lUvi* A (o. Hi..I 

nn*lnpllV uii h uni. rt>H«i.iiiit; of RRI'.IVSTKR. i '1 t.'I RI N.\ 1 b*N. 11 lit I' tX siii*l IS* • ft,y I*11 .\ K- 
TttXS.'FS I K.NSPIN T* d* :iii.l S l’AM)l.\<i I**!' l A U ItY A bbh. r.XI*UKh> WA‘0 »X?*. A,i*. 

Aio. !i7 IB«iie«el4 hf., 4STia€'V, WAKS. 

le.’itly indeliled to tlo; g«Mit]riiiaii for it. ! 
Tite Recording .St-cre'ary lead .i p:ijM*r 

Millteieitl local interest to warrant Its 
publication in the (Lvzkttk, .aisd he wav 

.it I \|’< I .< lit C ’>1 It* . 

r “R. ORGUTT, 

C'oriirr ISrltlKC itiid .\flu‘iiN Nlrcotsi, 

isTOp^th: we’Y’imiotjth:, 

lire**!*, as the people o| Weyiiioiitb know | ie«|nesied to preji.are jl fm lint pnrp<.8e. 
tbiK »lic Is one *>f our best v'M-alisis. An . it probably appear in an early i«»tie 

tckr. N* liiaiiuf4Cttio r« •>! •tit In *1 iihI it> **1 r* gTHMlk whirh dit-) »;r> r at u< arty ll.i fain 
• f'l ilitcfiui cihnI*. « irtal «*r hIiicIi Hill Ih- 
wiiiricittil i> t ll•l4lH<tl uf tlitir ivciUtit'' 

■>4cr uur rt tninuu irt4«l> * <0 .''*t>4|«. 

Hliuriancs uii) Utatiis. 

:•=**> I-** 'O* •>»■( idtixiMfft. lit- M Ulii » ti> itif-rK lilt 

I *ali. iU I'-* flltio* . 

,9it f%* 0 rk ll’4Vi-r«fMfr«l mr mo rkmrgr. 

Price* n* ItHT «• rvH 1 m 1 1 c I.i.ic- 


I.’ a _ 

4 OB K, Oil €'OBI-}, 

4iul IllTC >ulir PICTURED .ik.ii m till 

Pii.fTof.r.Arii AMI Fr.nueoTVei: Saloux. 

I Jacason Sooarc. - Weymouth. 

Fuiir ft t.t »»ti r* *• ”'*• ‘ Pli--o»-»i4|'i.*. |i ili»* 



**>■»!)■■ PeerlM*,” “Curtla Davh Extra,” "Gold Doit,” aad 


Invite* die H|K;ci;d jitlrulinn of llic i-tjhlic In hi* 

original song by Mi. fh*orge II. Ui<*k!»i*H 
of ICasl W'ij tnouth, entitled ••.'hIi 
W eyinotitli Itaud,’* Ming to tin* time of 
•‘Hallies on our block,’’ brought in Ho* 
names of all Hie membeI^ ot the P»uiid. 
and they were nmuipniati'd in lUicUa hu¬ 
morous poetical stylt! us to fairly bring 
down the house. 

Tbe ne.vt w.os a wdection by llie Hand, 
•'Hoccacio Marcb,” after wbich the Ku- 

• if this paper. lie al»o read a ropy of 
the “Private Joural tif fieiii;ral .*so)omoii 
laivelt,” kept during the tiuforttinate 
IViiob^cot eapetlilioii: be also gave prom¬ 
ise <tf ib.e copy of a narrative, c..verinc 
ibc ^atne ground, uriit«m the following 
vear, by M.ijor William Todd. TIicm 
dociiineiits he was kindly iHTiiiiltcil to 
ropy by .Mrs*. Maty Ir*)vcll. agraml-daugb* 
ter of the figtieral, in whose enstiMh 

T TID-lip Tfl i-r!<=2 

ri'U.x Shadow .Artists apjK’arcd in the ihi-y now ar.’. Thcsi’arKoiijtinal iwiwrs 
oiH’idns chorus. "Whoa. 1 tell yon," and -f very ’.treat Itiatoiical value, eoxcriii': 
Sitveraf other iK>|nihir ehanieter siinjts, as they do the evenU of that ini|K)rUnt. ' 
nroininent anionp whieh wen; "Some, alihongli futile e.v|Kdltii>n. .and written 
body’sfomin!.'.’- "The .Moekini: Hird." iy two partieipatora. who were in fwisi- 
with whisllinit variations Itv Mr. loiser tion In know fully the f.aets eone. ruins 
niekhell ot No. Weyiooiilli, aiol-’Cairv it. and who write in an honest and 3,0 
me haek'to oltl Virsiitny.” 'I'lie .\rtisis fttr 'iitly spirit. It has been 
were exeei dinslv "ittv and kept the an- 'nv’:i steil that lie se .ate of sutteb-nt im 
dleiiee ill an itiiroar for a h.ilf hour or pott.mee to justify their pnhlicaiton in 
more. 'I'liis eloseil the entei'ainmenl. pimphlet lotni ter ^l iteral eirenlaiion, 
whieh fidlowe.l w ith daneini;, imisie a't'l if ari.nieements can be made il will 
beliiK' fill nlslied bv the liaiol. pnilialdy Ik- done. 

Itreiit eiedit is'dile the mante'emelit • The donations, for which thanks were 

__ I , \M;II UlMMiKI}; V,4U.4i*-r|IM -rai. *v-*-si 

Dry (iooas, uxocenes, Provisions, 

» ^ dlenee in an i;|iroar for a li.ilf hour or 

Hay, Grain, Crockery "Ware, Hard'ware, 1 which w.i.A fnllowcd with ilanciiig, iiiiisic 



4\.S»-t‘lll I'Ol* lll«* 

Best Drugs &Patcut Medicines 

•conflti.ntly on hand. 42 2 

M.\UU!Kt). I 

li; Duxbuf). Mcm I. 1:4. >.4 prx. \V. W. 1 yJr I 
KiU F. ;*ii<-ki:i’T. 41 DuAliaij. lu V»*. 1. K«tU*, o( i 
VV'f 4tn»udi. I 

DiKIi. 1 

In Ki-t W4jiu*» .V;*iit 4. Mt*. (‘4iillii* j 

|l’,ini44 *. ■*;• •! S'-V •. T 1 

P. II. lUaiidianl 

4 ll.f i-r««-!” uf \Vi’) in'Mitlt ATul Vkln- I 



....... «n... 

KPnT|l|.llV I I ni I C r.MkU which luvff «Trr met wtih nneb tmtiUo fAvnr M (he prodnetUms of rrsttn DaTU k Cd., mnR «C 

I I UllWl oeer«<ltf pnaw-mBumonaperk/rortaeutUrtnerlliii WfiAhlnjiiii.’iUljr.tu haro RtUlaeil tliat unIverMi iv’piibritjr* 

J aa«l v<*cur(-.l nitch an etlcnslvodemiinil wlieraTcr known. ^ ...... 

IIiU AkAio woliUl Ki'm to Indk'ata that rnttAtmten rmifnlte that Anpert.)nlr Riul excellent In Hoa|i. 
_ ^ J Tx r\ A T^C!rfl*CT^ C? pem-'.uUle amt ina«h* i*iirtitn.*iit hj llila Finn tn all of Ihclr Nlnnilanl Braii't*, wlikh la duo y.jhatw to U.« 

Kik J J\ lJ r> X wt Uiat tbclr atm Iw* Icen mil only to nruinro ihn tieal, hiil to narer puffer fwmpellUon or ftiirtiiuthm l:i 

* ciMt of material tu nffn't Uieir eompunltlun—Ixit alwn)* keep UieU* H4jiip« np tu every oriflital tlaodanl of 
- . .... .. iicatUy, amt flx |irirci aceor.tin^ tu Uielr orltul value. . .... 

I'/v tv r\rlri U !'• *•*« |>n«liKiU)ii of tVau-nwa Hoar. CiirtU lU4la A Co. aubnilt that "aa In olhar cooda of tMr maka 

I ,H flrtllH iMfll II II nrSRS. tl»elr aim lu« been b» Jet lu^'rU i.lune n’i»rw«nl rvery khyfp«lte(ii nm| autiaerre ereiy ptirpoaa and uhto-t of 
WmI 114 WI4 VB VI 11 I I Wl WVJ| i-i.»ijiii«du.iii aid n*.’. It U onifaiMeil of Iho miMt pi.w.’rfiil HrU/rynut aifejin.** known tn f hemulr)—)f 

(;r>vit iMirlty—a.) effecUva (ami yet harmleM) na !*) in iV« H »la* la-al ami. In fact, cheape at w namntf C4)aijA»un4l 
—aNl*— ritant, ami ran tut cstomi tlw noma am! iirulun,; Utr rrinitalkin 4)f the Mannfocturvni. 

a .. . f.'AV'nOM,—Thr rwBWtatlan wf Ihia arm tina lo«l t* muwy mm4 wmrfk 

N4»C*01ia IlAIIIU ll€ll*M<*M of llialr brwiMla, nnil wnly oim'Ii mb Bcww tha nanM* of **Cttr|la" prcicortlHg Iko 

•C **lS»vla»'* M bwr »r wrwBBcr rayraaawt tkeir cMAla. 

t!i4t I h;4»r tr.ulr<l f»»r. _ . _ 


47 M K%hT llllAINTKSlIt. ( WflTrfir Aceoggon _' 

»- 001 • ipm I WA:>n’re*j I i-.-N OI.. opposite rrospcLi. 

” Hercules nour, > kv:v^. n.. 

,, _ Ifijjsi 0,up and Chsmicals 

<OS>TANTbY *>N IlA.N'Ib 

KHm K of 

b«‘iug fii! ul.Ahfd bv the iJauil. l.rubably Ik* done. 

Great cicdit is diu* tic; luaiirtgcmcut • The tb-natioiiS, for which thanks tvcr« 
for llu* Muift Jiud hm iul manii»*r liMvbicb volt*(l, wt re many :»iid valuable, as tin 
(•vervf bing was carried <»ul, and niHking following list ubundantly 

sivroauix VYXJUlkALYOf \mm A 1 

_ ..’“-^jNever Assssssaj jjore Light! 

ivinoixn, .,a..u...^K... — 

niF CKKIT SPM II’II' 52J ANNUAL STATEMENT 0““ the Best AsBortnienta 

tin* eiit» rt'ulnmciit a grand ru«*cc»s. IidIIi 
tiiiuneialiy and otherwise. 1>. J. M. 

FtTiti !_ Keel, Kvj.,»tAi*l4iu!orT' 
note*.;—i-‘>i>t4 'I-MUr, C'Kit i:r-n:4l cur¬ 

rency, IJT'*. iVcil ffcin )oM;}'b .\n«4l!, cl 
Ikainlrei, to bJin Ibdijf'X'k and Jfiin Vining, 
I.l Wtvni •u:(i.i*.; 4 . V«.)age ui ac'-tiijany iroi.. 

wrong doing, as be left bis b«>me iiiblaii- ju the ad iwevmct t 4 Wevou-utU, for the 

ter but returned afterward, and was French war, i 75 > 

From S. A. lUlcs, H»rj.—llraictree T'wn Re- 
I >*70. 

Ffi»m (ioKfic 1 ■- '!u, F-4J. L4t4li'guc of 

Quincy Marble and Granite Works, 

r*:i-i'X'AJ»X4iKiii*;i> i>' in.i-i. 

We rc*i» 4 -i*inilly call llu* uinmiuu of the t.ubUc to the number ol Nc»r D.rigii* of 

Monuments, Tablets, and Cemetery Work, 

l-lxcc'iiteil l» yiiirldc nn<l <i>riiiiltv. 

During the pa*l uiul whU'lmrr now oi.oi. for iu*i» .-li.iu in our New Wiiuroom* and Yard 

Mt Work*, iK’ar 


No|wlth*tambnktlic general adtanco In pm c*. wc i-ri to *p 11 any of ihi* woik th.u may be 

sslcctcd before July l«i, at our foruirr lowi*4t rate*. 

McGrath brothers, Quincy, M-iss. 

I (If th»* I'nivcrsalist f’Iitireb gavt* a in‘'».t jnb/^ue art.clc* in lii..j;haiii I’ 

jil»*a»>ing entml.'iininciji \VcdtH-Mla> cvc-| 
niiig at isiiicoln Hall, the attendance 
being large, Tbe prograniiue eoiuvisicd 
of vocal aiid in'ttriiinei (at ninsie. recita¬ 
tions, and a drama entitled “A Thorn 
among llu* Uoses,” which was very en- 
joy-able. During the evenliip ibe tables 
I were well patronized. 

I r m an cnl.n'jwn * i.r-^ b> n a I -Hi*t.jncal 

Aetitl I’HTAliW.njd .l.t.lLi*. 

F*ic,m Di. I.ben .Md-n.—H'* t^iv r4 thr Med¬ 
ical l*r..fc<*H'n of N<vl</1kC<-. Hrit'OTcal Aeuh 
•f .Vla»v. McUkoI NK'ety. bl-^T^^ nutc-> 
of tite f'/unJerv of Maw Med. ^;<<cty. C<-p> 
of Eait Noifilk Hegivta. N*.*. )fcB.c.! 

gf Llartholrmew Ilr»«n. Meltca) L>e> of olcc 
hoi. Manual U ivt Cong'i church. Kandglph 
.\lden Metn'tUI, (br.Lnd vclun,. 

Fron: F. T. Wilv-ii.—Natal Ki-.:*'ti'r, iV:. 

Fr<*m K. A. llr'ick, c nr-p.-n ! og »«Trtarr 

fJrsp** Vines. Fron: F. T. Wilv-ii.—Natal Ki-.:*'ti'r, iV* 

Mr. K. F. Frail has made the growing Fr-m K. A. llr'ick. c nc'p^n 1 og »«tcI 
of grape viiies a speci.iUv for several \-ru-ma Hivloric^ j’gcsct).—Kicf.ator.j a 
year,, an.l all in want „f e'lniee vine, at W.t Tc.- 

in..ileiate inn es i.hmtb examii..’ i e =«non, E -S H. 

•t.iek at In. place in UM biain. III. -- 

Hercules, Fancy- Haxall, $9.00 

-Directors Brand,” Fancy 
Haxall, made form the i 

Best Minnesota Wheat, 8.50 i 

Cleat Quill, Fancy Haxall, 8.50 

Perfection, Winter Wheat I 

Patent, 8.00' 

Baker’s Prenjiuui. 7.50 

White Bose. 7.60 

Excelsior. 7.00 


iiiA*b Uutu Mu44igar. V. -• VW»t. »mico>«mi 

<ii.r4**l> Pt* UK , S3 Cts. per Bag. 

.\l»o KK.4X, for ll'a>cs,Ca-.lJ. an<! llo*». 


^ Wl. l,.4c .t; U .Or:.n lUio« 

•Aim-rAta*. Hv . •’ Uh 1C44>. 

j l’l(fc.t:OF CilAIUsK. 


Fancy_Goods- ■ ^ 

Shears and Scissors.;. 




BgltUI*: till' ’ill4ll .Il*l4<t’. 

I iirt* tiiild 4* .vltii; alT’.‘(ioti* r>f lli. 

Tlin»Ji—!!'• .i*<*ni •».'Iirkliiitf «»fll*«- lUi »4t. I..i*» 

.,f Vr.PV. .G’. 

l.|M.’r'r>t 411>I ItXri. IluVr -•> |ir.-\4U’III. M.|l| 

l.|M.’r'r>t 411>I ItXri. IluVr -•> |1 

4.1;.,. c. 

^. r’firrulBl Ini rrniittkalili 

>. IU kIu i. 

CJulnry. aVpril3. 

. Wl' i.ri-iio^c to *p 11 any of thi* woik th.ii nuy bv experience enables biin to linpart all 

iii'ccssary inforuialion for successful cul* 

^ . MB 1 UtC tud'Ut gC >’icld. 

)THERb, Quincy, Mnss. - 

M- 11. Head has issued Ids S| tiog call 
to bi^ fiieii'l* aii-l ciist.iniris. invitin" 

iliflr .iiU'iiiioti -’ 111 * O' ’v K*. ■ k ■ l »«'iit* 

wt .uin- A] p:u»d uiid fiin»i’*!ii*'-.* 

' .it' 1*.->!; .o: ! tit*".. l)-*:.*l ! -t';*’! bijii II 

j m ilxii.c voiji I'Uit-li.*. s l.'i »!«• *•*-i-* »ii 

lit- li.i** .1 ’.tte st»K!.. ti'd *1 •*• • 



John C. Haynos & Co., 


Musical Boxes in Great Vanety 
Brass Instiuinenis. 


Atnetican Guitars WarranteJ. 

Iriipofted Guitvrs fit-in $.'.00 upv’.nds 
Violin,'.'” ' D.k.'”oB.isx, Banjo 

z ;ht'r anc Ha;p Sb' i^s .-id Turn- 


Accedeons ami C-.” c'.nas d a .U- 
■ [)ti 11 > A't> ’ ‘ . 

Sheet M. W'-‘ Bu. -- 
. VVht iPe-,. 

-till |t!.-T • '>1 >.ll Vieuu; Ih" W’.r.ld 
1 . (V7 /■»•*•• .'i.V*" /'it.'ititM-irj fotitr 

II* .’i « «).. ll’'«r •> Mi.ull («•*•. ‘i tn or il»i 

]|or) »‘a»ve\s Sale. 

i nt-i 

I .\ |..ei 

S.. ’ \ : 

' .V'iJrO I 

T’i»-l.’ub* ** *'; ii'jt iicli* wjfb r ll.**ii 
^itlC*'l4- tb’iiiL* t' ;!)•• .»iid geiitb- 

m«*n vvbot<Mik pait in tbe it-cefit tlramat 
ic enl 4 *rt.vlum**tit. tin* pj<r«'«t**!** of wbitb 
well- g**h*’ii*ii*'ly ymii tf the Cucle. 
Chur«h Nolr*. 

Town MtwUDff. I 

The adjotirm •! tnwn rm-etiug w.)s lu-Id 
list M 'uday. Tb'ii F. .\. ii«>b..rt pr»*»it' 

I g. l*b«* biiv:n*'*« !r.»i**M: -•! wa* a* 

f..I|itw^: V'ftfil, t.. ■'.ji*** 

t«.i »bt- J U?( hl*n* "f .4 -wJ.*:;. ctii«bi*r. tL** I 

atiii'UT.t 14 /Im* taken from ib- bigbzi, ; 

.ippritpri itMUt: ba'4‘ Ok- M-b-i-itiit i a<'i 

i*»uiV) yi»*4<<fb.jV .»>•:*• api'r*-: ' %’* 
'*.4ri ftir -avitig "Ut .b-tw \ «i-.if. ms Ui.! 

• 1(1 bv th** f**;»i*Hnri»; ‘ \ »rv f • »y | 

*.*r tb*- i»»%i II jit 4 ii . - •>17-"i a !' •* 

tiHifia’t" tb»* I -1 * fb. b!.«* 

:i\«* ♦be 5j:it* f r tb*- •;;*uru) • ♦«.-ai 

• ti‘ fl u:.*. !«• am* • ♦ .) .h « * • f •!•**. 

: I.«' 11. I. I < V ■ • IH .t , 

. .1 1« 1 l: ■ 1 A. !: . r I •**• at 

: :L.* . < T - - I - ■- = • ’ ' 

l|i 'll.I i i F X. • • V.r--ii. .1 .! 

1 F. I;. A* .. . '-.Irl.'lM... ... • .* = . 

■.i i: !i-,:i.*r lb ■ *. an.! ..j ; • 'ii; a** *wii ^ 
fi.r tbi-ir i(w;*.i a|.;ti it** ti e *s’.rinse;:- 
■ mid !!*•; 4«-» \ ‘ •-trr* inb'. .« •! f* 

Dr.nkmatrr • ^ •uini'*. nite**..-.’- 
tbe c.^iiu f'bai'i- M**Hen '-oilivt 
ibe »4.wi) f(<riii,iur:i - - ,«•.:s*.l t»»hsv* l-evn 


C-MiuDvrcial Mitti. ^ l.V)J'>UTII LANDING- 




Patent ^dicines, ! 

iiint.ii.iM’' I 

Aromatic Camphor, 

T ’|< br*t 4 tid rl*e a|t.-t ,)rt VMil'V 

For .notbM. ’a.'V (*«‘iitM. 

Fine Sponges 


LaNormandi Cigars. 

StaiiT rSA-**SAL ATTBSTtok ralPTU AU.I 
BOANtML-br nm o si vijii** ! 

Psygcsloy stustioa to propshaf PHYblCTAHS' | 

P&£fiCftIPTlU9S from Ut bsst msurixis. 

ALFRED WYMAN, Apolherar). 


Owners or Keepers of ' 



. tl* 4l*<t tit*' IiK-nl liotkt-l 

! 1,4* riirrit. 4* jI**) tit*' I»«-nl iiotkt-i * of 

' uiildt*; ra** • : 

Mb. F. M. l’tA*c: 

I l/raK Mk-—1 1 ) 0.1 « •«*rrre Httark nf Itiur** - 
' iw** 41x1 Sori- llu'>4t tli«‘ Gr*t lit tl(* i*ii 

1 -bIim'I) t r.>ul*l imi it tiif until I ttinl > •iiii l’< *■ 
LA'*K.V. Ol.. luit .1 iH.ttI* ,•111,1 III,-. .in*i I 
«• )lii r****«‘iiinifii'l It I" di« |)«)»li** i* 4 

•’*itr lor 1I'*4I-* l>«'H> 4iid IlfMl. It- i' 

' ruitv imii-. \V P ’■.V.SDOUN. 

j VVi )U)UUili. k'« b. 17. Inr/, 


Mitral Fi! loraate Ciipani, 

iliii, laSaas. 

INCORPilBITnD 1828. Cliarl.r Ptrietnal. 

t’asli Assets - Sllt2'52.).l.» 

this side of Boston of 


HALL and 

t Til** ll-v r. A. II. i)»*t«if of tlir ript 

' U«pti«t docKty. codo.-^r** l’(JV.\.**h-\: 

{ Wfimmilb. J«u. ft. Iv79. 

' Mw F. M PkA.ti 

I/taa ^iUvlns d»* *1 your Du'liiltrn* and 
' Thri-a "i- -it'* f"! •*'*$r4i y«**t*, iKtiirt aixl 4U»’i 
i .( -.i4« 7 »U' >1 «« 4 pr .|in*-Ury luolf’*. it * 
j tM* icffot pi- v-UK t«i vp* 4k •>! it both Irtiiii ik-i 
I *.4iul i>b«. .t«(i»«i ai))i liDiu*- of it* I'f* 

! Il it 4* 4 m<>*t «Bta4blr pi«’p4t«tlUtl III tlli C4** • 

• lui wblcb It i* rrcuuiiu* u*lrU- 


.Vt tlf ul.iie j>ra>**r m)‘* tjiig hi s ••'I’• 

the clmtcb iii lbi*8 j iiu’**. I **’ '•.4*iir»l.t> j une. 

iiitig. -t iiD'i'tii,;; of lie* > ■ i«*ty '*■** I 
heel atikl 111)- Ti« v>.irer l.'J-un d lla . . , . , , 

anpeiht sul''H i. rtl !'*r ?he >*--ir jI . ' * \ 

would Ii. »l. *rt VII.*;-‘>' d ' 

ing tlu*»-\jM*i.v,-s il iritl. I ■ ‘ ■ II 

d**ti» i.*iicv tb“ Lonli.-* aiiig * . ,• -4V- • 

aii*l a p4iM*r u . 41 . j)a****''= -li iu.*l f- J j ''7y‘ 
.i,ibi.t iii.t...ii'* the n-ai.iii.:’.: 


> ■ h*tv W 4» I 


I Tl- > . 

• v^rv f*’V* w**fe |ij* **’L’ 
ijiit a •- . lai*** • 

4i..*e i fi lit the treasurv. 
lb- • •’ 1 htil the • 

j .\ iiiAti iivrii- Kkt.i . 

i I.It.*-. Ubi’** !•' *• »*i 

dirwn IU the r* . 
. II irt’* I. .i.v. 

1 ■*. dvMli- vt*'rTii*)f ; 

■n** ilir»*w * 1 ) oM p 

I b -- a p' fr 

\ Sur.«l*l«- Trmle. 

aVpi'il Tim 

FI M. ..^w/UrslLM *•; j 


r. iw* 

ai4*4« »i>rii:a KI.41<*«. 

WANTED. . j 

•*in AlI*/> I .1 

.V W lAbWiU. 

4a 5 V 



.Mutual riiT Ins. Co. 


.• prepared ooly by 

F. Nl. PEASE, Pharmacist, 

I.FK. M-V.'.". 

Sold by Druggists Everywhere 

JTA* ^ ' Til <li '. .ri« ■•i.’li'4)|ilr. 

J. ...I. 

Fire Insurance. 

'll, *1 .Ak.iI ‘ '■ ■?. '■ ' . 1 ■ 

.<,l4t4r I . . . «lli. ..I IU<rrtl)ll. 

IHM/, « P , •! t-. 1 . I" .«!•’ ’ -A - ’ 

i; 4. f . TA. .,\VK\ M •! fit 


I'ltp/idb*.***.. • 

t.’llpBIll I»l»ll'M'b. ‘OOtlO'l 

il. ,n.U..4.H. FUil'i. 


All lurrcnm" of over S'-t.OOO.OO 

in llitii hufplu* during IN?.!. 


Fire or Lightning. 

I>i>id(*lid*. M pi I criit. Oil t V»ar pollclc*. and 4u 
tK-r vi'iit. lUi ail utliii*. 

A. N. JbltllAA 4^ CO., 

AOK.NTii you 

\Vp)iiimilli, BrainlrrciV Vifinit) 

utttluo *iiilu«ol, -) 

|»«*r«*li«*%f«*r« ot itjytiiL 

MerrIiMiilv A l'«riiser«i, w »ri %t>r 
%UiAiclou. vibi'kU.ii. 

Iic*iiir Ilia, i o., -« N‘** 

laeriMisu .iiuerienA. ( N«'* V'-ik. 

low. 4 u. of \orlli %iiierl«‘M, DiiU. 
AinrrIeiSii low. < «., ‘d I'luUtUIphia 
^lioe «1 I.eisllier Iuh. V**’* '' 

l*lieiili liiw. i o., lb 'k))»- 

film. < «.. ■ >tvi. 

l*liu*i»U •• *• l!4itt.mL 

l.Ulirm^lsire •• •• Mandictrf. l-.ii.:. 


-. ... .v„a I” f’ i 

Ceimii’.-'Acalth oi Vayiachuselts | 

•Jl*. Wi-IIIM.T^^.S *. . Ih.pI'IN. 

*M. \V 4*11. Nu VIS Alii.. Wj.Y UmI Til. 


R . , .r.oiit* til* t>ablictb4l III* b.k* o* 

’ .1, 1-1. ‘ lUl.l-il ‘Ml 

Adams St.. - North BtamUae, 

.N K Vll •N’'^ I -I' n>hY. 

• * |. . - prt p 4»t •! Ii» 6i' 4.1 iu't» I* f“T 



T\KI' NOTH I!. ll-)t I "'di •• t » cjh* 

lu.i ' V\K*I'‘''- tlmlili*) 

r.iM 41 ..I I.l... Tl >uur'liiv* willi- 

.«ii -..M. ,...*14 iii.lintf Kill)* Of -pun,:- 

,i:'* !i: 

.\ -luTl- *.f P‘»T'‘U «(C*’ I* ••■•|)* t*ll«»UV *0* 

*i4l *411-11.i.BU i:u4i..m.*.'i ’•’■* 




Nickel Plated Leader 

Student Lamps 

&c.. now on exhibition at 
the Store of 


I-’. .\ S'l’ W 1 ’’, V M OV'IT 1 . 


TAKE N(yriCE. 

- oil* «'f.« 1»«>«)*1 .irtiri)- iDtIiO 


i Moiir, (irocerics 
I and i’rovisiiins, 



■ '■ I 

lao-arost Cash. Prices; 

W tftwliiuKloii H<|., bb iiioiiili. ' 





l.iu<‘. Will «t<> MTt 11 to I'lUl ut tbe M«iki t of 


liniad St., iVe)iiiuulli Ik-iiuIIiik 

Stf (l|*l•-|• pIKlIlplIl 4' .U'lill til. and gl4«Kl- 
.|.li4«-t.*i >• i>t>ii4rL'f 

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

\‘lUFl»I.K. >- PUUSITK t ■il’HT. 

a l > t!.: N.\t Ilf Kid. 41I<I Itll |)* iMkU* ilti* It <*1* ii 

■ a ila K*t4U I MI.S«>1 lllillfri.l.. i.l 

W'l’•• 4* Ji.Lii .V Fti'lil. *' iiii.i.*li4u tif 
VY 4r*i. l).-i- *• "—.!l*'*t f»il 4.C' lli - 

i: .*- lit ;u.4l<ii Ul-- - ;i 

I ‘ M-l..* -D.*! • .p 4i 4 I*...! 

*> trlt >b**l‘ iiUli 4l (ji>i|. I. <■ *.*>414 'U(> iii 

• I, :L, •HI til* ***••• ..1 Will:; -I > ul .V|M(1 
a; • : V ... tt l-rll tUNIII. to 

il .UI4 . iim* . 44 to 1' *111. 4t4.>nKi 

.illil'*! .Vd*I-- '.rtl* * I4il 


S lit’ 

41 iUi.; 

50 V 0 E 13 isLiLBY OIVL.S 


I 4«i; I lit 4 I Ul «Il I M \i I II- 

(t,.|gla>i> U*lKi>>*’ >l>4»*.. rlictil liiU*.* 

I,....,.. I Ilia I ilolit Ullitit ••Ii.*': 

U 4i*4)4 4tlepl4*0 *>«-Uil liir lull • l< 

ami I NOTICi: Id GIVlN, 

ir -Nl* I fpii.vTf . > ’’m I ' . p; . 

I 1. Ad... ; I.: ' • -Ml ; 

kli.w .il, 14IUUFY . V\ . . 

lit;. iljO i I tv In 



680 &684 



iCrnmmr of IMirfc*) 

B0ST035T, M-A.SS., 

Most Central, Convenient and Well Lighted 
.. Olothing Houses in Boston. 

-f--" .. 

OprGoods ar« all of our ownManuiaciure, 

Cut »ml SlMlr ;n » .Ijlc ..pfrlrlly -iilu.l I" Ik' "•"I* "'"i"" * 



to be shown in this vicinity is at 




CHAMBER SETS with Dressing Case 

delivered at your house for $24.00. I 

Graves’ Bed Lounges 


■ew YnvR.tUFell fUvevtlee.S.oorw. Ils> 
Itira. vuFWlI HIver Mnr.iwr r*. 

Rewpwrtt tw *■ t» 4 4*. a n. Rs- 


s h-w Yosef Ren snd 

Icem Irlfsnil'hy. irf^l ’ 

•ildrrM witsMsinr. e>*tstis T«i.eee»W t 

I OlMrUu. Obh). 

|>rwuml for Hot* 

li4.K:i3iK: m. mAmUJkUMAf 


b St received bia 


U. «. leertkv from any r*n*r5 al*o. f»*f wir* •» 

nmtis eldrb may W fMwl 

im 1I.»> .I'C K-"! "I'll'r.. All p*n*.n. d.w b.-k t" 

4.44.S oors: tU t»rM*ewster, W-ia *■; l.w day ordlMharWp. ami lodstrnf thr death of the 

4 44S00fs; tU t*rlol*ewsler, t.lS a«; UO day of dlKhorgr. ami lodsirM u»r* «ie«n oi 

r«. Il«wn» »« f Ml.ll.r, I'.p.lon. Inrr.PWili Booni, •"•I "f* 

IlMiaiMI rmt ,l.lltM« l iW«»T, „„ rnn-.l A.Urt** Wbh •i«l,'l',?T"2' 

I>»MT * I.. R~.m No. » «• tlo'l*! I'jik'"*• 

- ^ 


n ' or i>nr <Kh« kind, rnn nn •!< 

t 54 am; I1I7> 4-M re Rrlwm, fWaefh- Hew Meehiaoe. ao that It »ltt bftirr tlinn 

t«Ma. ess. SWT. #.06 am; I*»- a oars- rver. Thr tretli will all rrmaln of«N|ii^ rUr atwl 
HatainitllewRwtioli, am ; H.34 .hai>e. Hftit free on rrrelM, of 
518 r». - partefihrl’slled Hurf*. Ill^rmted 

■Mallah«re,S tSJ1,a>Aii: I.»l.4.t0.e 05pa. Re- f^r. Ooed AgraM WnsJeR In 

tmnT’^rfn, aw; Ills. 4 lo. s nyM, andniT. Addre«*. K. ROTH A BRO., Nrw 

MrMflvwaler.S.t 18. 11 ..ii}am; 8-’U. oafnnl. Pa 

■trvOTs« • leei. - — * » « «. g.^,. gg. 

5 IS PM. parteflhf i;nileu ma^*. mwraw 

MlehereA tSJIAOAM: I.»14.t0.e 05pa. Re- f^r. Ooed Agwrt# WnnJeR In 

taini,7.91.f.o?. am; lilS. 4 lo. 8.18 pM. ami nty. Addrea*. R. ROTH R BROh New 

ktavwaler.s.t 18. II .WamiS-’U. onfnni. Pa 

PM* ReInrM*, 6.41 f R> V.teaMj IIW. fi^Wf Iisve hitmlredo ofHlem from mm na 
4 38 4 SI PM. iiiM onr mvhine, who oay they would ^ t»*« 

iiritium.t.u.n.aoAH: 1.(0.3113.4 io. 8 .«.o 6 PM. f5r«r it. R ^ 

|^MPii,4.M.».«0.t.4a AM, I2»n.a.»i,4 |fc||||i|| Marphlne h»Mt enre^iioio I 

T 07 ea MfllllU MWP^nine n»wi« amrv'a I'l iv «•> 

nyiK»atli.1* Ahlnytmi,* no.■; J *>.» r»I»j« |]P|UHI in d>,•. NoPay "VT^ J’,"; 

'f>n«l,ury.7 88 am; 4J0. ra R«'lani. vis ■ VIM j I^babim. O. wiy 

Ablnclon, 4 »o. • 15 am; * 4o i *; «ia Dni- —.. —- 

>3o.b.»o.r.. b. PSXTSZOSTS. 

• npn4.S\ #38 am; 3 00PM. 

llonlll olblSfloWy 8.00, n A8;3 30. 5, 4 9) pm. Thoii«.itMl«nfHoldU M«ii.llir»r-rn- 

1S5 si? 2 2 

s r. a * “ 

=§“ ^2 22 
*t * 5 af V, 

fi H 


^ 5 *1 k* a u ^ 

a4 ® ^ 2 ss ^ 

rf -. if < S'!? 

M 2 as 

Fall and Winter 



C ® I a —AND— 

j 11 H BiUb1)Br Goo4r» 

I Q ’X ^ and la preimred to wll 

« 31 S iir A9WEm taicat 

!• S b* ihu no IM booRkt la Qalorr ” TieUilly. 

Wrkrrpo (IRKAT VARIKTT nf 

UdiM*. MImm’ Md OhildrtB’i 


Ketnrn,4l5. 7 ISoOMah; 13.15. 4 18 PM. 
Montli |»nalM«py.7.S8AJi: l.a).8.3oeii. Return, 
8.45. 745 am: 3^ P«. . „ . 

tlt!«-il «lan- ‘jail, to litM-liKrMfonlcNth. 

Tiim* lin.ll* J. .\i»r .ll*«bllUy now r*j*liiig cm- | 
trm ltd In line ot duty, wlifti proved. »!?• • P'-u- 


ISK AND sTAiikKj!i.MM!siA..„M.tiET I-KAD. Men’s Thick Boots, 

"" ’ ->w»yB in .tock; leo 

STYLISH AND WELL MADE GARMENT chairs, bureaus, sinks, &o. 

rH. A Good 8.1 Of Bed spring 

Black Walnut Enension Tablw, SI.05 a ft. 

CheRtxitit TiAleR, 9oo R xoor. 

_ cAni. A^rn SEI.. _ _ 

Cohaeaet, Mlii*Raia», 7M. II a «; 3 . 30 llKmAaud^ are nUU entitled to bounty. 

5.6i> s wrM. •tetMm,Cohase*il,4.43,7.40 xhoiiaaiid* wlm are dratrlntr |M ti«Umt nremtitli u 
837 94 Tam; ri 48, 4nil. M3 rit. Return* to incrpa»c. HemI two AUmiMi for AiimmiirT of 
lilnklinm,4.88,7.61. 1.34. lO.uo am; TIM. ivhaIora aihI Houuty act*. By_ perralolan we 
4 »). 5.47 PM. refer to tlirfollowlouiartK'n in ImllBtiB|>ollS s» 

let Weyine«i4*a MaMl Way»^tlB,7.a5.n » to our •tAiHlIiiir : w o n i 

AM’ 3 30.3 30,4.TO, 4’A) PM. Kmtani* Knat n p KeniH-dy. Prra. feitiml Bk.: W.B.IIol* 
WevmeniBi* 77 A®->'’®W am; 104. 4.», loway. P<e(ma«ter: Hon J B. dolUfj. K»-.luilMf! 
404 PM. RetarM, WeymaMtlB, 7.14,4.08, t^r. ri ; Fred. Ila*r»r*.<’«ii-I»>t • K<-T.n«n. J.f • 

nniVivir WBI.IA AN!) A I.AUHB VARIKTY or Auiu 


Obll, Ml W* »U1 >k* !*’• 

. pri,. fmr ».f» rt«» •r e«»«. lewrt. «,.I rn».iiy - k"™'- 

THR roMMONWEAiATH ;j.'ir;:n;r,"irii:ii':ii‘'‘; 


10 14 am: I 14.4.40. 4 19 PM. 

Kant Rmintree, 7 35. ll.ou am ; 9 no. 3 .TO. 5 ». 

4 9 ) PM. Retmrn.Tl*. ill, 10.21 am:19), I 
4 44 .433 PM. 

Naw llrdinnl., OO. 11.* 

I'* T*imloii) j*m; llelMPn, 5.16, i.30, 
(K»)ll Oi*w; 3 40.4,48 PM. _ 

Rontli HralnlrwM* 4 44, 4, S.15. #.30, 11.00. 
nV am: 12 ■; IT 4.18.8, 8.ri, 

4 08,4 91.7 0’!. 7 J.15 rM Kelum. 

T in 9 #»r> 14 • -Ml a KK O -M <1’ll 

I>fnnv.’Et-Am. t»ei».; Imllmna llAnklnMf-o. 
irenny.M p. ||.>i r/.fiElt.\ I.I) A TO.. 

Kiiher Ih'i Wa^l.lngtvn, U. C.. or fndianapo- 
||«. Ind. ^ 50 54 ^ 

rt fXtOII m 

H r«TmeiidiiiM Tin. * «*pi*^v. I cni or 

Iron, wlilioot acid iirMi|«li ilii« Iron. Any 
Ind) nr child ran lueinl with if. \Vlll»end 

60&,4.W.IV». i-a. ^ ihOJ nr riimi cmniirii.i --- ^___ I 

5 54 . 6 W. 7.10. 7 ar,.* I3.a H*. 4 55.# !'*• l'> 22 IH,.Mm|.l-t»Ute li) mAii (a llli dtieilHtn*} ^ «. i ,t.... t’,U.ii,!a will find III ' 

AM- 114.1, 1.21, 3.41, 4.45, 8.20, 5.’14,7.3I.8.:P», wUI r«it 1H2 niir-loiirtti 111 «. nil Tin-Iloj » and l»lrl« and tin ir 1 iltiid . 

' ' Be .kl.laM, ¥..» a III I'nsl. __ 

Brogans and Bala., 



s~ M "1 DRKHSimiS for Ladle*' Boota, and 

OIEjO- S- Lijies* „d Gtnl’u HOSIERY, 

Wiishinf/ton Square, Weymouth. 

... ..-= -- - W. 9. STBTIMPIf, 

ont» TteniMiarnit Veari\^^ « Washington St, - QUINCY. 

.. . .I. will find til I ■ HVR 

aiIk.sts ►! 

I Hralntree. 4 44. 7Ji. I.LU. • 30, ll.m am; ^ M in.h« rcc. jT. .1 »• ca-h. AitK.SIs 

12 M’ 180. ’«.3y.333. W w’AN'IT'U. fan cATry one ila.Y’a »l*»rk 

I so.') 49).T.O’l, 7..'iO.».;». 11.15 I’M. Ilelnrn, hi lonr poclcct. Saleiwill ylehl #:itofi5 

4'006 4».,T.46,7.47. 8.18, t*. 1“’17 W |„.r, Oiir 84pBU* Hh'^trutcil raUl"ir»e 

AMBLER & HOBART, |||| |{|iiuiitl forik 

l,o»»inLT t.W. Hoa.UTi.TO.l I . Tl ■" k 

{poMMKnLT t. wr. RonAiiT 

D L A L K It s 



,U.LI.||«B arr.r r.iDAV. at wivunL-rii. ua.a 

a. O. BASTIBBROOK. Publiahar. 


,^„„,„vi„„ri„rcncl».lt 1 .c Ihrono 

Aun. AI.I. Kipn. or —odornlile, Crow mil nl 

rnrim TPOlt POULTRY, We»tniin»ur wlicn just 111, Alie Iii«r- 

am; 13.17. 1.27, 8.47, 4.81, 5.27, tt.W, iM* 
8.34, 10.34 PM. 

UMlnrV.4.45,7.85. 8,18. GW. 11-00 am; 13 M; 
1 SJ 4.15, 8.8J’1.«.05. 8’10.7.03, 7.80, 
# 30,11.15 PM- Kelum,4.08, 47.»).7.37. 
7 53 133. 837. V.M.t34, 10.33 aM; 13.51, 
1 .Tl! 154. 4.57. 5.83,5.88. 7.20. 8.40. 10JO PH. 
WolloKun HwlgbtB.4 48, 7.35. 0.30. II.0»AM ; 
1*1 m; 1.60. ’2.5), 3J2. 4.15. 5.32. 4.10. *.o-^ 
7 5u 5 30. Il.tSpM. RctarM»4.lo.5.85,7.41, 
7 57,9.10. 9.4*2, 10.34 am; 12.55. 1.38,8.69.634 
4 34.5 43. 10.33 PM. 

iujo'ir pocltct. Pali'iwill yield #:!lofiS M 
^ lurtl-ty. Oiir 44im«« in>i«trutcil raUli'iroe 
oft lirntoo!*. Jewelry, N«>Yrlil«*». Stuiinm rr, pbkis. 
\,hlri-«, (Ttt N.ivkltt 

No. 108 4. kill St. rhiladcl^'lii.t, fn. 

Mention till-. iKiiH’r. ___ 

IMdRVWc hATClIie ben vrUmtfToi Cent » 
nr if I articlr In die world. I Mi.-agriil or- 
KpA I il. redlWStpl. IStli. .V)Me|*t.*ll«l, 
UL|R I 51*0 Se)8.34lli.40U1>rt.4tli.''0UO<n. 
J!lli. W)0 l»ct. 14! ll. aw Ot-t. *25th. 5wi C)fl. 'iKlIi. 5U0 
I \oY l*r. 500 N»*v. 5tli. fou Nov. 14tli. 5uo Nor. 

1 ITMi’lp'W Nov. 2».lh. awpee. '»tli. *00 Uec. 15tll. 

5UO I’kt. !8th. hot) Drc. uih. Total. U.4|K) m VJ 

..^ __ . VYT A T.^ ' dralre* to mil •perinl nft* ntlon to the 


III the coat of 

FOlt tMHtt 


Five ■Alltle reppora __am>— 

‘ AND IlnW 'r!IK\ <»KhW. -w-vT A TKT 

ByMar»:ureif*i«liir). lUu-tratioiH hyl. C«irtN. I A ^ | KW 

Two Ynniif llomesteiiders. •* 

i» it. ii. i-rai.. 

wliici will In: ‘cM for Cadi nt the i. 0 WKi*T roarkil 

r.ite«. . , 

*d» ntthei.owEPT roarkit jijojic Cobuigs, tvlio wero lilt* 

Allorder-i prouil'dr attrmb’il t*». 1111^11 of llltif UuiC. 

lllllu “in l\i«t Itrnilltrep. .'Y <'i'V "Iifii lUnlU lalle'! t'ii» 
Mills Ja fcasi lirniinrec. ,.,v...i„„.i o..timi 

I'ml OIH... A.Mn.>. W. ym iutlior K.^^t nr»k|. „|^0 |.;„j,|alltl'A(itlri’U. Till' 

-liiai-t l.ii.l K..IIU .ml ..f tlu! l-mlv "f 

A PP^Sl H A I ll I .v.mmn.iimini.lliiiiKWiisli'fl. 
L/IJAI. 1 LJ AlXl-XJAJ s^.pinta to hiive belli l.niMiuiOy 

WPVMnUTH LANDING. tom mvay. mul »<> Kriiilwim lierili- 

THIS FINE MEW HALL, iifterwaril, tlicy discusstil ii 

l»eiuKU*jV* coUlldelrd, will he l*-t f'lr rei;eiifV in I’lirliiimunl. Tlie niotiim 

General Public Gatherings, ,v«.s .iifcnici; imi after uku ti.e liv- 

,„ci, iiig torinc of her wlio bail l>eeii \ n- 

C0y€'SSTSi toria, came, from time lolimu to niien 

MiKCTVSSS, I'arliaiiienl. The KnKli-li, 'via, n- 

SOrtltanKS, ,l,ecl the y. loweml tlieiiiselv.'- 

fell as. >»c.. *C. |,ef.,re ibe eternal Kriif of llim okl 

«i.,.ii<ir 111 Mar. to woiiiiiii, for llicv anw atilt Ihe rroivn 

Aliir.s aMiril, JA'do.r. guceii aliovo tlio willow's eali. 

IKAr til. hdi. Hut siic never smiled save wlien, |ier- 

rluiiiec, tlie name of I'riace Albert 

OflKiiim lia.l nil only 

Koii. Iiistenycarssiiii’cllielteli'iaii 

I’D'H-e is dead, ami no oilier cl.ild lias 

Y MEOICINE ll come lollie.iueeit. Al Hrii-s. Is lliey 

“. 1 1 selilom seo tier, ^be is always ivilli 
thehamoTlmoon U Kl.e laam 

5 ',— , e B ''otliin,;, sit-s iiotldiitf. Her l'»ir is 

r.r^t.T«LiE"V« n ''•l‘il«-- Ocr dress is always blaeli. 

M .M.,i U llerladi.'snf lioiiorarcol.i and nely. 

i,'Cr'. 7 il;:.f,n 7 ri.V;;"d,Pj amt madesliH more H-ly l.y ti.e Uiily 
e..ure..,wMs »ai. U ,,f (hi, ia lelliar^'V. X" 

E SUfFERlfJQ. n „uo dares smile l.i-fore die (loeea, all.. 

FS27SX02TSI Organ U( 

.and* ciitiilrd Krerr «el- ntt»|»lc nt larjfc. liiing the *»nl> .\rl ^ f^ Q 

•Sid hv wotintU dn^cw*^^ U MU.I loi )oaiiK»vml.-r«; Hti.l. ii* duitti,: In.U. fl.,n„.ilvc t.tvh-«thH«‘ tte«ii. at.i 

: M ..K?n .Vito Mek^ k.-J '*01 I.' Iswb lllK-OKOak, iIk- KrO » ,|i..t lie. I.kiik .liiiill.l l.c ttlllinnt iu inn. 

" Kf TsnKK? J tl.. n.-.l.-..:.iKl».n-l-oi..l;; .le i:V''‘C'k'-• ‘ |„«r„.„,.„i. M, .T ...M ml iK-.wlia.i.l-. or 

For U-rui*. ai>iil) l«i i»t I't'U or I'.v I'-itrr. to 

DAUirS ^MlrII, Juiidttr. 
nrFiJvurc. Uron.l St., near tin- Indl. •'»> 21 

*^IW*AM:rl m; 1*140, 1.1.3 W, 4.15, tVkoforthc ubnv«> hAibccii »liowu to the uu- 
5M8S*i.4.05. 6.’15.7.«’I.7.N*. V.:I*>, lu. 11.16PM. ,|,„rixi--I agent of till* iJAper. 4rt .'•*) 

■t«iurn.4.‘23. 7- 14. H;*o.9t8.9.22, -- - - _ — 


■Miitnii lowprUllllA.'l w." .'Wb.H.d.flo.Dvi.i Nc* urcitlent. t-utitJetl to in-u-iun. dAting hick to 
1.01 Evrnllic los. of a finger or 

k-X 8 10,1 ll.lfir PM. Kalttrn. rt.!!*!. *3 7.50. i.M-eiitlllc to iwnsmu. AI*o. all w il**vs iiutl 

fH 30 »U N«’|M.ii-et.) 5.51. lo 14 AM ; (12 .17 via deiH-iHleUt |iarei»t« ami niiuois enlilled. lliiir 

\ci-.if. t>. l*45.3.M.(4.W! vUNeh'm-il.) 5.54. limited. Apply at olitv. Many pendom-m now 
i J ■ ' ( itlitlril to incrraAe. Iluuuty > ct due l«tli<>u«imt|w, 

ei.rtliau' Vlnr>»nl mill Nanliickrt, 11 »• |. 4 i,.lea-c- wcttU-il. l*Mteiita proeun.l for invent. 

3li*rtlia« .i.;,.. ..- l-.. a r.«. .i i.,-taw Sen. t wo •lamn* for in-w 

’ Theic will al-obt- F*»ur T«-.>-j.Ari Stt.ih-*: 

Billy’s Hound. Our Store. 

The Boy That Was Too Beautiful 
At Plymouth Oak Farm. 

flur American Arllsts. 




(he fiiiPAt In«triiinriil« at 


The F.UIJUI 1 !* and long C"lAbllFhi’»l 


lAmerican Organ Co. 

•elwx. mid will Hi’O “I Pfutpon"- 1. 1 . or *old cm lifUlim-iito, or cx- 

Aiitl How. r I’ltiot'-iP. Hook Nlttg izmc tmiiil and repuind. hcinl for rat- 

iiAttir*. mid Kn;;iavei •*. ^ ulo,<ui-». 

i'0.\t0KD Pii-MC i).4\s, 

Middle Stieet, East Weymoufh. 

Br. ■- F. VBXnUn, 



I 1 TrrooBt PUc4, cornir Beteoa Stmt, 


*»*Ohiitntrllon»»»f the Tear PaMage rrinofcd 
by a new iiirtlnid. wUhoiil a •iirghtU operation. 
ArtiilrUI Kye** Ins erted wiihmit pnlti. 5 ly 




Fullowli* •*. .few of 111* Ictlcn; rrcolTwl dfl- 
ly. Letter* of iutpiiry way Imj addrenard lo tli« 

Ho, JB High 8t., OHBBLE8TOWH, Hsu. 

I w». oorid of OAHO^ * 

owe to Dr. Orotuo. Mri. CB&e* bUTLBK* 


Although I have nevir *?•» Ss* P^****!,*^* 

tK’pm" ^'romoSIat^M*? ?oA pWffifeSf 


Mt child WM enmd b, I)r. Qroona of a UnibI* 
Bmfel'Ui^UB HUMIftt after i”jE|ijJ^^°F 


rrtBvIiicpIown, 8.15 am; »•!'» pvt York. N. V- _ * 

Womi'a lioll. Fttliimiil l* mnd FnlmmitU ai a |i*| mid Fiiriii* r% ■ |||| 

lIHgliU. H.lo am: lllRMfcK«s.M..w..ntc.l. 9»WT»1UU 

Kriurn. h.ikc \\o.k|w Moll. ,. 2 Jam,aiii Wim, t aii.l Sprlnjr- F‘>r fnll 

(Hi-ekiU>»‘.) I,irtii-iiUr* uthlrc*", J. L- Mtl'LllllY A CO., 

SUNDAY TKAIN«. Kili.l.lidii.u I’.i. 



That Acts ut the Same Time on' 



and tho KtaNEYS. 

'n:e«{‘(Treat nrcan* .irntl.' !'.:itur-*lc’.-*n«. 
rr t c.f tl;o ■ *!' .*• If t • ■“/ w .rx we.i. l.*'tltti 
vIM prrfi-' t! If ti;-y l'l•■'^i^L•d. 

JrLsdPiluiMi* Air*! »un}t.T;«i.i>w wtiu 


BlKonMir**, llradAcIi**, 
dlrr, <’*in*ll|»«Un« »»•' »P KM- 

ury CumrUlnU, Urm I, Id 
Srillurnl In Ih** IVIim, Alilky 
or Ilftl’T I'rlnr; or liti-’U- 
mat!'* PaliiM and .Irhe*, 

P^lloil natuiii:/. 


rn^ V.‘Vp:iv: !'..awriiu.ri’rl.t-Meriy .nr heart 
Wh/ -spffof Ioniser from the torment 
cll*tr*»9 from Con- 

“MTSJ'So’ ifrearfu* b«:au.o ordtr 

ordered urifl* t _ w 

Li.-NMY V,‘i>nT w'.ll rnrr JOT. Try a pack 

R aje attaneeaTil , 

J Iti - I ifry r. rt’-- ‘If n lit 

m Onp l*arka?ruakcaa 1 \tiM.;ft»'if'Irtllflef. 

1 I ,,/ir Dro'rH't *-»* j V, 

H * '-•* 

3 I .»•> lUrllawtea, VI. 

South lirnliitrre and 'Vuy SiailoiH.*.^** am ; j 
pj4.S 8. 1‘) PM. Ileliirii (StHith llraintrcc), 

4 31 am; 1.43. 0, IU41PM. . 

/.r,.ii."iilv ,» | iron •**'*“' 

1 . . ... • ■'j'''1',’.’'‘kendku;k, 

^ ^ n. « Ill’ll hv .Itihii lliowiijtthn. a*id tin- diawiiig< re- rl| 

I’ARMEBSj;':»;"::;.:;.:830t’.ioo .. 

IriT,'‘o'uVl'r’f..'!’ j!‘ i"ol!l .v .irt.. T..!*.- .TiKiKKl .Kur.t«- LOIINKI) IIBKF, 

> g'’.. . i 

ir&\'VI?lh for Life end Uul*i\ KN.m.amntlfitimi knowii to tlie 

ll Aim I IaI^**AUIjLv 1 Of Tl me e of public of U«>*toii utHl Nnv tt>rk. I’OOlc^ll lind 

DeHehlful surprises Every Month ! u.e m-o.^r 

Slatery. Uv Oliver J«»hiiaoii. liilrndiicinui I, the lime to-nli««-iiU*. ^ (;u«t<>mer* will i 


I visalmott entirelv heiPloM with RHEDIIA- 
TlSIi, and hav. k«.s our.Ajgn Or..,, j^at- 

The Diiflor* may be ctiiikuUod iiptiii all DIS¬ 
EASES. free of charge, pcrFoiially or by Icllor. 


34 Ti-uiplo Place, Uoaton, Blaa*. 

81 ly 


a milK tliittkhl mUerle* lliat 

Y A ipsiilt frtbui in-Uw-retitui in 
^ eJily life •»»-»▼ be alleviated 
if itiltlViireil. I'lH.-e who .h.iibl 
■V tlii»a*-erti«ni Finitil'lp'irehu-e 

ill .hiUN G. WlllTTICM. One ugeiit took wixtv A;;‘’iitJ» wuiitetl. |.ilMriiirt'nimj’‘-.oU'«. 

oltlT* ill I’Uir «Uy». The work i« mnv it a*ly mid \,idri”.' all nnlt-M and iii'piiiie* to 

n. LOTUROP t UO., Publishers, I 

4 «v &n _ _ 3-i rraiikliii Sirnt. llo-ton. .Ma**. | 

I Fine Card Photographs 

.i.-Ki |iiibiK'«ru.»iKii uiKi .-* 1 ** IK*.- CookeA and Rnadir lor the table, wjkWR V IMrAlURkK 

eliohlful Surprises Every Month! », ti.c i...,...! uurk. t i.rjn.. f.rtiu. will _ _ _ , _ ‘ , t-. 

:,|W i.- ll..- liiiK to -nil-. idK. "id; ij-loo. iu'wio» Bnd''ntui”k'’t «*>> "up- A TTC ) ' | 

r. Ai;‘ iil»«‘>u'‘''. l.ilK rnll'.'Uimi—"U-. ,,|i,.j ^ ^ 

n 'VoTHROP ■& UO “publishers Meats, Vegetables, Oysters, Pastry and 

“• Confectionery, Fruit. &c. ■•....oui,. Ad.,*....- NmivuWavaov.u,tta..- 

^A & W JJ U A • p,,H-iired fur .Sdilii '* *li*ubled in llit* U. S. ter- 
illE iinttkhl mUerle* lliat ^ n e friuii anv euii«e. uNo lor lleir* of tleceaitrd 

ipoiilt frtkui in-U»ereti«*ii in ...l.lii’i**. All ik-ii«1<)Ii" dale hai-k to ijay' of ill*- 

ilv life iii.iT lie alleviated .•li.oite. ainl ItnUteoflhe il"atli of tlie •‘«>liUL-r. 

ileiiretl. 'riio*e who'hiiibl p.-ntioiiH inerea*e«l. .\*Mi-e<*. with Maiiip. 


Bt'NNiai.. Unlurj, Maao. 

Conlectionery, rruii, oac. 

All onl.r, rwi fully and |inmi|illy atu-luli'd tt>, aa.a.o—naail AVF 


iditaiiied at all time-*; *l*o UY'STEltS eotiked In 

LVL-ry fityle. Tea anti CotTcc, etc. V£ll 


“WEYMOUTH LANDING. TN tbelr natural Hlate. AImi. Fuller^ imd Dridal 

__ -- M Wrealli*. Urot^e* anil I!tiiH|U«-t*. in hraiiiraot 

(■iubi:*. Any one having Floa;tTa In any form to 

SEWlllfiHiCHlIllS,all kinds,'“" hIITe^^^ch. 

/■* (l' ' fetoutli llrulntree. 

I 1 wIk. will i-all fur tlieui .nJ rrluni tlic .anK, with 

’ wCJr ' o/S ■ ■a.a.i I iK-rfect Futlaftu tlou to the parlieb, both lu workmen- 

""SS-JcKiamSfSSi^- <*’ <•’ IIALLENUKCK, 

y r JT Y^BKi^yJL*1- . Fpmxiui. and FtiKNiaiiiwu Undbktakmr, 



$5«,»l(!d.*m! Biduiwln ««.Si.!k«'PSf“',y“'S^^^ 

small Monthly Instalments! boston. 

•.tOtlKKAVAUD-C’.YT.lKIlll Cl’HK. | 

Simif pfoivlt* would nit her be liuiii- j 



tlii»a*-ertnni ahtitil'lp'ireiiu-e 
tliF iii-w iiii'tlieal wi»ik pul*. I hv the I’KAMtioT MkU- 

M AI. iNwTlTl TA, |lo*|i»n. eli- 

hitlrilTIlK SCIF.Nf’K 4>5' 

IFF or n7x .YOKNTS WANTED ll. I.. llAstlNua. 47 

|!jJv!^?^.^"K\Uii*'' d»'nous and t »rt'hill. Ilom oii. - ' 

agents, male 4a female. 

lK.,r.l..rr.laiidtiiauli...lrrK.aiii... . .. .. .. 

„ rup apt; pippm TOV Tl-— 

bLiuIllv .LL.»iuiTED $EWIHII MiCllllllS,all kMs. 

ll5tU Vt-Mir. 

be rr»l"n’tl a»id inauli'H»l rvgaiiutj. 

TW'» bandredih editioB. n-vi-setl ami enlarged. 


vu’si r«. al it pile 
realize front 

idles* vaiiety of arllele* t 
L’c tliNl Avid ciiubl" any 

Sciciilittc Ainci-icatt. 

. wl»i» wpt'iw nlw5t\>. and Uiaii lo i;pI •‘value ren 

.-^till wcppf*. wl»i» \vpt*i!7 niwsty>, auo bti<:;*i-(l Uia 
wliiM-rii's. "For me llivrc i-d mitbiuj! f,,,- iluir i 
imiru ill ibf worlii:'' i-in ti |u■l■.■>ol 

- “ piretumicii 

TIIK IS.T OF (ll,,, 1,1- S; 

Tlio tul Ilf M:>y. wbiiii ims livi'li I'l'uili^v i“ 
known from lime' immvim.riai ii- llu' I'roi'ruU'r 
ibiv vviieii Kimil l imiiniu mu inaili' in tliruujilum 

fur iluir inoni’V. Ilciire it is Ihiit 
kih Ii |ll■l■.ulllA rim iifler tliiu lUiil llml 
Ivri'tuiiiKil onre fur i ntiirrli, foroittiiiu ; 
tliat Hr. Sum-'s t'lillirrii Kfini’ily is »" | _ 
lioKilivv ill it- olTirlu, limt its fiirim-r | ' 
jiroiirifliir mivurti-i’il it fur yvam 1 v 
lliii.uKliiml till) riiitvil .-dtJilus uiiiler a 

liiiuilivi'uiiaiaiilue, ullui iiiif S'llK) ru- 

laanv liU family ilumiiil. s, in iK,Kilivi.KUa.a..tue i.lIu.iui.' K..s. .i- 

l inio-Kliiu-*. It^iimiu;.' i,-al«„jK wanl fur an i.icuri.ble .auu .•imt w-i-^ 

'lioku.'l f to with ililfurunl fn l- nvvur iiilliul uiiim to I'uy tim. roi a .1 
ovrlain cla>.u«f tl.. -‘•l ’''^1 

" ■ „ . a i. l,.-,riilv Kvl- dUL-li 11 bum- lliat a bniiicli ullii u lia-a 

„.,y. lly Ku.m- .1 IS lu.irtih 1 in I-umlim. 

emud, wliilu otli.n. lir..y tin f„r,,K.|„aml 

liours may be tuiiinl mlo iiiimiUu -in,l.u , H ■> . UIk n VIeviits. 

until il liau bueuine one of tlie lliiiii;.' fur U. - " ‘ '} ^ _ 

uflUciiaut. AmoiiRlhe j"ymi <|»^;» ^ Skas.,n.-X..w Ibebumai. 

aru the truckmea wbu >-‘U> 1' ' .-ve, ilispouvil t 

uolileii liiirveKt al llioi 'i'a.-*"ii, aliilllie -.M'nmi , , 



! a*VK"ltl aiitl jewellnl Hi' '1*1 h> Nallnlial Med- 
ieul .\-«K’iai»m. It oHilain- beaiitlfiil .tml ver> 
»-X(*en*ite eiigi vviiiM*. lliree Utnidretl pa*,t». Ilian 50 % alimlil'’ t»r all |..rin» 
o| prevailing di-M U*,-, llii- rt-ult nl iiuio .u-itr- of 
rxlVi.-iveuU.l -U. .-.-f"l pr-ietiee. Hllier one nl 
whi.-li H wntih it n time" ll"’ pm e nf the Inw/k. 
Ihitimliii Fr.-m!i clfUi; pMtx- oiil> #1. '•eiit by 

"‘TL*7.niiVbMl* I.aii" I 

be willin'il thi* valuable Umk. Die uiulmr it a 
” An lUu'trutI tf aaiHi'U’ 't nt to nil nii ret eipt nf 6 | 
''■rW^'aiilhor TW' r»-'» Pt ruii-'-inn. U*-''' 

t r.lTe.i.lriit: W I l^^ngrullunl, vi.e.|M.-ul.ji . 
vv’ 'paiiii- \1 I) ; t -S-ttauiilt. M l>.. II J- l^nU’ 
•ft M-l).'; K. D Kbm . M-D . ’L ib J|'df“«nb. 
M.i) ; S. 11 I.vimIi.M D*. .tiid M. K*,*! onm H- 
Sl. l,.. Uriill* >d 111 * Fliil;*d. Iidii.t 1 iiivi 
M..,U. U1- :.ik 1 MIIOI".' u'-u > ".'.'k; 

,\„i, ,i,-.iii i:,d..r-ily ..f l'lill...l. lplii.i. alu. lion, 
i*. III—'ll. M U* I're-i’leilt nf (lie NalliUial 
Mtilieal AtkF'H’iatinil. ■— 111,'y. HE&L 

TO lilO I'KU O.LY. Till. S(TKNTirn- AmkuI' AN i' a lan-'e Fii« ■ 

U'e w.irr>int nut i{inmI* a- rei»re‘*'tiled oi iiMiiej j- i,,,* \V, Nctv-pitper nt .‘•ixU-’ ii I Jtg'’*- punt- 
nlinitli'il l»lii«tiait-ilf:ttitlngu«-*«’nt free. |lO»- . ■ |„.n„„|ii| «tv|,-. fre/M(tljf tUuttr.v 

H»N' NoVKI.TY LG. a-;3 Wadiiiiginii St, »'•*’ .../with -pl.iitli'1 in«i.iviiitf>. leprt-Mi.ting the 

hill, Ma--. lli-tve-t tut eiilimi* and Ihe III •*! reeelit .yl% anei* 


4<j .'rO 


•ililAiMe*! ini-di«al)l<-d-nltlinr*. fiiim ilutc nt di- 

.Tllfft, Mr«i* Mf,| 



: YonrCMceofaiijiiitlieMaricl! 


I.iirhtniiig. Wil'd and Uiin. jmi will uevpr 

=i — 

, KKU. Nn. 4 lli.lfim-UM»'' t. [ICHL 

I llinluH. .'Ta--. Ibe auiln»r 
tii.u bvenuwulied-nJI'b'ta-^yy^pi p 

r-n*imiiiig -Will aiid^'-M'etA- | 

.1 .Graves’ Patent Lobdib Bel 

h.;:. uu.!.’I. .■I.....-.- ..Kui..; .iiu,-- ,'k. i-iuv, ..k kmiia-siii-n.., if nut 

iH.l l.iru.-MI.-, iii,|....v.'.l 11,11 noil,,. H.v ll,,' Fl:l.l,V,S.VIl»FIKI)l 

,oi',“'.’'’''i "!,!i'‘t,,rK'ul-v''uKTa^ 'Kv’.'rJi,.'*i,v !'ui“'.tiwdiinrH iit>naiit, s<,ia, itemed, 

-“i-«e..uire.i ».»• ii.ei.H..«ed! 

a; .'■<). t iieuLirt aii’l full p-ulienlar* liee. .\g*iii» . ,m« itain Z/rF w hi tln-r a 

oilliiiK to liv ,„|,*I|KV,1, a,l,lr,'-. I'AliAoi); V,.', I,, Ki il.uO to «-T„nn, lo «uil lUo l•m■um^t»lu:l•• ol .11 tu.- 

Wi;iNu»:n fti-. Niw llLtlfunl. Ma*-- 4. s Mmuii't •». NV.-al-«» *'ud/rr/n'lr ll.unl ll‘>i>k P-mL-tikt 

-’tlM.ui (III Ualfiil*. I’aliiiiv ‘ ' _ 

• THE IIAllPETTL ' ' ’‘.mS , 

mill-a wanl IniiK felt hy tin- |iiii»lie. 1 lit- ,1,-1.- VTf>T»J t CO . 3 
iim-i,- „l 111 ,' llii'l’ •- k-r,' l"",lui 'J,l k; ■lu;; tinic-.i-or. F J 

one. luati. wi'iiiiiiior ehtld. evt-ii tnnu«lt tiilirtl) 

it^immiit tif iini-ie. The -trui;:« ai» uuniln nd ^ _ 

f.niii nur In n ll. *iitl ill” iii'i-i*’ hI'"'Ii •"■♦’••tupwi'l'’^- 

til* in<.tniinrt<t i«iiuiiih--t< d ill liW*- niiiinn-r. in- WV^^H 

•It a.I *>1 b« nu; prill* *l ui nme- K«e,,l.ii-L, sp.- 
|irt ei.ite^ the lumie t*t the ii-tri*: it i-the Wing of 

loii-ietl m*iriuii*iit-. tml tlii* i» t pt-rlecl liarpin - 

ni.niature—till- s.ilii«’ tleln-ioa- tone—“.lU'l -Imultl I ■ I 7 I 

lieiii«\eit tunili ill tin l.iinl. .Miv niit-tvitneaii ■ 

read’.lii-utlveiiiMiti.til e.ei |.|ty t at a« IIIJIJIJ ^1 
well t- ti.e tiiost .leeniiipU*! nl iuti*i*-i.iii. hie- MMWW^ 

A*n(i> liiii«l>*it. villi ail •trnaioi'iit In .viiv i«h>iii. s 

v\ * .u-.» •« nd willi It -4'r I..I nf um-kie num- t I p 

^ b<red e»|»bllin *l .tlmVe. I he li*t llielilde* ■ I i 

• lltime. -wtet Home." ”l..t«l ltn*<- nl r-*umiiier;" 

’ llveandlUe." ‘«H.l K* Ik-* tt ll.uile;” |nriV(t|i’' ' 

•Tlnl I Ihe E’i>rti".unl all tin- fatorile iu« li»tie«of 1111 4,11 IL 
lUeday. I*. 1 li.-i •,ili*l.** ik'Ii ifuaraiilee I E!ver) lllF • .MAtvaA 
.ii»e vth** I'lin'lisni*. einlniw** llieiii ainl leet'Ui- #*#>»• w/illf// j 
in. ihU ilii-iu t <4 lilt ir ll* igliU.*i •, I'hink t»f it —110 * ' ^ ^ 

h' laiirt It <into> iiioiithw «■(' >. 111 . ly li» ni.i-ter uiii*ii'. //iff L’ttiti 

lit re !• a wUl>eili ii.iiwn-.vl lU'lniiin nl. all reatly 
c4 loi u»* .tn-l letjimiiu* ii*> piaciite tn (day perlVilly / 

I*! >. lid at nine, .iml III tin UauPLIVA you w ill lute •— 

I tiling III Ihmuh atiii .t jt*y loti-v.r. Seut |ne- Dy Laclieft 

d i..inl 111 a reuuti n-d jiaek.ttfv (whit’ll eitwiirew ab- 

pj ...- 111 . •.tl*- ileliwrt nil it-eelj'l «'f j.-n-”. SlA-". l.ate'ilU'liaiil-i • 

h* lb luU b\ pi‘»t urtie.’ nrder ni rt uuleit-tl It tier. Aiiiiy, pullnhe'i l'*» 

-J A.ldi.—. KKNUAI.I. ti to . Kiwiikliii M.. TT J fl « 

« '‘'"r-,,m"»i,i,.i..,i.-o.,.r.u.i.o..- r,iu.i.uu, TneHooiUrD 

l» uu'iue-liuiiej.'’—N. Y Worlil. 47 81 

uolileii ImrvfKt ill Ibiu ami llif 

(■ Uimilorilu wli" liavf succuuilmi in ue- 

B j[lj curiii),'giwil tuiuiiil.. for tlie i-ii.-uiii;; 

yuuratailvimcea roulu. Tim imial- 
Cjlkll furireiitiTK iiiiilutbor tiailrsiKoiile 

u, 3 , iil.u welvmnu il iiocaibf liifir iiiiKiii,'-- 
IK im rvimil by llm many .niic-rs lla y 
ri-i'i-ivo from liuu.nliolJers lu niuiir 
i!!'** lliu I'aniam: raUKi',1 1 y lb" wear ami 
lour of llie [aul iwelvu iiioalli.. 

All)(Xa3lil3al^„rff‘Ti;?*>^Tlie Oil? ' 

Sj.'* ^ 

Ami AUemlanl Evil!*, 

hl*( II AH 

Piles, Headache, Liver 
Complaint, &c. 

A kttballlulP for I hr iiiedl- 

riorw. plllii, A;*’., wliieh lute la-. It It-I U'Urf n. 
U%.-. Mii-UiKle.-iU»uui aiii-’ii. >.»tiahU !oi all 
kgf*. y»,t*i/s*.*V A'r U'jmtH .tk./ <.AuJf*H 
S/utuiJ 5r i/// fH rt-rry Jl /4r A :.imXtr4 (. a- 
tAartic. For -ale by all Giauu'i-t- I’n-e. A) 
L’eiit* < h.t Haiti) A Lo . rw.le Pit.prai’.i-, 
li«.*inn. Ma*t. *14 ly 


o’,-t out of ur.I. r l,y llie iii.uliii'ieiit 
elT»rl»of lliu l.ivcr lo ,li-.;oii;o tl"' 

, x, i'>K of l>ilo. If it iu out a.>i'l, tl i" 

its work, liiliuu-* alt,uks iiiukI —s- 

ariiy follutv. .<l.M.\ll>XS' I.lVKl! 
liKlIl'l-V'roit, iiri'iiiriKl by .1. H- 
ZKii-lX I'u-, I’liilail, ll'liia, sot.K 
I’Uui’iilh'mtis. liau |iri,VLii il.i lf I" !»' 
lilt* l.rvat lt,*j;itiali>r ol lla* livor, ami 
ill ( 111 , Stil'iliL. e.lK'i'ialiV kIoiuM llli- ' 


■a. u i„ ll,,. oSpiii.u .-iK-ialiy kIo.uM the' 

,> iiun»i; lliwe W HO di‘U■^l tlit. d.i) l> i l . i „ i, ....n i 

... Kiubbon, rualvulale uwmr, wiiu | valm.blo i.UKlKMa'bo laUn. t cal,. 



1 ... Klubiu,,,. real vulale uwa.r, who vmuaoa: ... .m.,. “ :rp||IW | 

l.a, r.fu..'.l a sub.laulml ull.r tor i.i- 1 I- >’> il IIII1 I IllVi 

l>r.>i.irty from a w.ll ivuoiiim.mi. >i j l'iua;;"i». , 

tciiAiiil; who ha.H loHt ihc lallcr i*N — 1 

hultlin^iiul l*>o loii(i i'*r a iiullry sum ' 'Prvf YTinrif 

aliti wliu liuds l»Mj lulc llial llitTi* is .W. YOUNG, ijSiaDiisameuL, 

t^vfi'y |tiiwj»ihilily uf llit* .slarcs dial ^ -i ^ ' 

tlwgllinj'h upon wliivh he di’iKiulo for ^ j 

ihf im rtTisc of Ids Imiik ai'cuuiil rt*- ^ k- i 

„.a..,ia«u.. his bamu fur .vverui BOARDING AND BAITING A//gYjaQy-j-}J 

iiiuiilhii. To ho cluwtit'ii uUu ill this ST -AkB X. E , ; 

caU’Uory are ihe futliers, uoiih uiiil ^ „ 

! bruU.vr,, who f.,r u week al lea.!, are COMllEEClAL 8T.. op. SUtlon St., | 

i ..iv..„luuiuler.tau.l ll.ut tbev have EAST WEYMOUTH. WT.ieh l.a, every faeilily for 

i: Taoo 

3^ e» 3 C*a 

R J S n <e ' 

11 ^ts 

8 a. w H w 
3 5 yl. ’^5* 

hu ^ 

a Jw ^ ^ 

<< n H QD 

-s I — ? r 

TLnL-*. iheiretnt’*. ainl Imw iirtM-uu-tl. with hiiiW 

1 ... pi.h-iiriiaisdkaiieem on iiut-iaiou-. .\tltlii-« 

for .Uo eoi,". V..V 

IIL'II:! ii CO., 37 Park Eovv, i’evv Ycrk. 

llnuehtMlict-.ctT- y •iTlU a-Uii.4ltui. I>A . 

rT'-nu- to «iuit the ein umutaiu’c* nf »U cuf- 


Tirt K MAKKKItS. Mti ril.KS. IloUlllNS 

on., ml.I ANS, sciiKw i»ui\ rdL-i.Ac. 
Kvi-ry kind *>f Sn-wiiig Maelime llcjiaiifl by 
evpe rjeilfvd wi.rktueil. 

•VVVCSIW Kvery’ kind *»f >*«-wiiig Maelime Hrjiaiit-'l by 

4 # US^ JL A ■ evpe rjeiltfd wi.rktueil. 

Hood'sGTeaiBooklLEAVin & brant, 

OF THE WAR. 1 so Mrouiaieiu Wl., 


1 "For tlnblnfr mfif. 

fltF.lUflll r . |k.!l'll«.- 
tlonsnd ii.t* *|.«iita» 
tvlyna ilup imUirk." 

“r.piul ef, pinnirc 

SDil ufd I'.fp i.nit 1*. 

ui.tly !ir.i;i**ilit,nM 
biWiihy anil tiMH'J*” 

do yon 
Wf t I'l le ftr-t. -I*. 

h Jlkyantilat-c. t.inl 

*Xlaau«o Llep AUlUrs. 

•eibo arratwt anpr- 
tls r. kluinach, itIthHl 
w:vl liver rrgulAtnr— 

••CkrTryTnen, I<aw» 


r.'* t.rtl iK«u 
liup Biltcr* Uady.*' 

“Hop rn b;ia r*. 

ft l)r^.l lon-biaiyiut! 


ttoa tisUmpLmutLv. | 

*'9our stomacb, «lck 
hMitr.cbtf rc-.a tlutb 
ntrillepP; tcrseuitti 
wUlialcw itusLJ.’* 

r ntovEUBs. 

"tCOOwl!! bAMkl for 
& CiL n tbitl lit'l* IU4* 
tern v.riu uul cun or 

"H.'p Blttm bclMa 
up, MnTIJfP*'"** *'•'* 
rurm oobtin'ialiy 
Uv:.i UioOntikM." 

‘■Kltlrer am! Uri¬ 
nary* tCijUii.tFofrU 
kill.*..I I. rL.Bnrntiy 
eurtiHl by ilup Kittem'* 

Hof Covon CTMMlf 
th«* rvettr-l. s.iitaA 
uod bfcat. A«k Lulkimi. 

Tilt) nop Pan for 
RtoUkShcb, Liver anti 
Kielit'-ys. Is suparlur 
to wiri't!.«-«. Cures 
y hy ai-snrt-litau Ask 
I DrcgKuAs. 

■ D. I. C. L*ana!uu>34u 
I Slid IritfUiili" i'Lit) 
H f.>r (ImnLi nnrji., c.e 
I of opintn.tohaAuatrtA 

■ nsivotlMA 

■ ATI abors soVI by 

H Na 'kr uL, 
M iLtcksstwr, 5. T. 

iUI.liUL .tlTU ULllUill, 

Perttoiifil J-:j-]it’firinvs in 
the L'niteil Slutes and 
Confedenite SIiiIch Aeinifs 
By General J. B. HOOD, 

late I.ifill.'liaUl-» •'lit l.d ( t.iuedt-rale St.iU’- 


? I Ul'i-T S I.KAVl ri. J. M. IIUANT. 

^ J ^^tiidi-r- I’.iii al»o be It ft with J. M. Uralit, 
• K.k->i VVeVliH'Uth 43 



Geneial G. T. BEAUREGARD, 

NKW "Itl.V.A.SS. 1—'. 

i Wharf, East Braintree. 

/Kt.,/.,-*. A- fi jw.K ,.«*/ I ii.t.iiibo, lobe elauue.i uluu m lliiK 

lAariic. For -al.- I.; oil Ui,.uu,-t- _ 1 M eali-ourj' are tlie falben., uuiis uml 
U.‘.‘-ioi..'m’«..'' ^ ''a. ij'"'” ■ ! broU.en, whu u week at leiist, are 

I Kve rei|;a supreme. t'ur|ii isare tom 
! u|), curtuiuK uiid iiiduieM taken down; 

I Uic paiiiUT ami kulHHiiiiuT uie tullt’tl 
{ 111 tu ply their art, uutl frutii lop lu 
jW. ' Uuttuii) the liuuwe nreiveh a thoruu^h 

^^ig||k j t’luuiiiiii;. while llie iHmr son of Ailuin 

\J ” y I UH»k» in vain fur liw favorite ilmir tir 

f. litb eolufortahle hlippi TM, uinl lia.s D» 

^ vresA * I euliU’lil hilil'kelf ill soiiu* mx>k or euf- 

‘**^'“*^'*^^* " hieli lie w:i* 

the lU’kiiowletlKed lord and umsler a 



VEGETASLB COUPOm HuuJrT, rn iT.: ... 

The PvMiitivet’aru , , - i i .. >i .. 

For All Feiuule Complaints. ' U-vuim* fo, in;nnl> heeaute llu 
Tuts FiuiAKA'nuat kxsTnuu vujc mlcodto rr« - makerM liave keld up a uiiifuilil eol«*r 
BATekAi. LoNurriuic. DiiuiTA TiiM vital pow..i* * *. . , 

PI.KA^l UK I’AKl lK.^ lit* t.d t-.Ai'V pUtt 

.a •holt IHtIU-e 


wUlbrkIth*' D'lktUi'U aiiiv.*! tif all liaiii-t** *u*l 
fruiullttslfu 11 m- ll Al K Will b -t.if I .O lit n 
It l.yuil'* ?-t..if iM'lwieuall It.411.* 1,1 n*-* »»»• nr 
drr*. Au orjer U.A will al*n b. I..UII.I U th -amt 

ri KM'ri UK M«ti;i> 

to Alt) plate 4i**ut-d. Al rt-Ast.uabli piti* 4 m| 

AiUkUT.wTiuxoTitAMMTusM’-cLMOFTUMUTkMi'A through the yvuf, Utinic artilicial eul- 

ur wlaa ,..e.-,ary. Uairym.ll »1." 
wi,b lube the fa-biui. mu.l use the 
TSMt IT luuTouw DUFLALt'i ouuAjiA TO TMBik l^offeeU'd HutlerCulur tiiade by \V ell^. 

MA*rvBAL mtinoM. That rzcLiwa of ■■abwo . . i» i- . 

iMiWM, cAi‘ii!(a r.vrv, wriour AS^inACaaiaiji,u Un-hurdtuti tV ( u , iiuriin^tidi. > 1 

vui^ssTeroeasuBviT. wm. Masou, IT. ^ Dairv.V- 

It will* M< iiU ttanwwMtl uutl.-r uJlvIrcttMA* . , . . 

■t»iicoi*( Mcllu biAr«Mib> vrlik iko iaw* ikut "It ;;iv fn llie l)ri;'ht«Ulttl niu"*l 

ut*v«ratiM)fniiMle* . . > ^ . .1 

>-'orik«rNroafK.lda>->('uuipUAi6tw«reltk«r pwlfeel t'ulur to butter u{ uii) sU-!- 

•r v» tkliA 1 •mpoumd UMMarpavaod. . 1 i....... .,,^^..1 I in^.w .t 

Aw/tU» K. l'UkbMm*M VfMFUtbtnfuMimMMa >»UlM *• I liavc tVtr U*** tl. I klM>W it 

l•yIvpgta^lUl«k40lauWMiaM*• .-y. 1 ,^. hallilUfi iu» -all. 

Xt. . !il3 TYctt^ra AtrRMe, l.ys.t, Mmi. , . * , . 

Wci,41. Six BottiiUo ore iidrass. «. ai.,i,i a.i.u •. ve.ui.e..i.-i, ri,uuu.i l. 

Air«.riukhAm(r«M 4 yAU 8 Ttr«AiiU'Utt..utiui 4 Ulrj. Ihe value ul hulU-r. 

Srud fur pwahUkU. A'ldn w m u !>uv*‘. 

NofuuU/«bottl(ib«wl(biUttydUK PLoklmm** Kiduev worl litu 

LIYXUFILLS. Tfewytutg, LtUou*. . \ . , 

IU..WM*, a>*j'4-/rpldttF of tb«Uvvr. t5cu. p«.rbux. t lu-etive curv fur l‘il 

«i.a. a cwBPui 4 eo..B<>iM. «sMra*»MU. .i„. ,ure lu itv i 

IkMd 5/ hru^ifkl^ ^ 

Kidiiey worl liiu pn»vtdlljt' im i 
t iTcelive cur« fur 1‘ilen and Cun-lipa* 
tiuu -be >urtt lu Uy il. 


-Al AS 

j^OVfiltCE OT ; 

$1.00 per Dozen 

Ou the price afUir tbiu date, 

,ii:isV I'-Ti). 


WhiiTi Im, every faeilily for 


' t Iltt I l..\ltS, FI.YKK.>t, , 

I WU.Vl’l’KliS.'I’.MiS. 

j Tlt'KKT.'t, . 


kUeh IM 

;llll.l. IlKAD'. 

* f-sstin PE sijs ‘OSH 

® , Uiw .it Ihi- Ma/KUM- iliat O.t uitiiillil) t-in-nU- 

w-. —t..411 h »* lilt-.I ii.t.f-lh,tii-8'.i''»»t-k4'i*-‘ wiO'iii 


- h.i-< tfi \ w ll. if laVtli ll» (da,” .*» the 

_ . I,....t ll *imI- iiidt Illu-’.iaud |«.|.uUr pt ritHhcal | 

^/r.M T/^Vin M'lrrHO i.uUli*l.*dmli.' K»mi-h lanuu,4»:f K\4rv Iiutu- 

IVl I w tj UXiU. XlfciXXC U-I t't.iitaiu* In'p.t*:. w nl ominbutit.ii- inmi Utf 

wt AuM-rit-un antlitii «. a'.tl tii'iii t" l'“) wimil 

/ 1\l.I.StU4 AtlriilittAi nf hi-ii.aii) l'kt'‘*»i" 'Uii’ ( i»bli-Lri* rail 4lt4ytttii'i» ItiUu- 

^ W ‘4 MUituth oAmI vuiutiv. l'ihi»rlNK >r. H'lC 

IT.I il« 0 N t.f A VV48I xrK’HUXT.'i FOK IHhO. 


Th. 4 ..i,i,.’ rr-f. .1. at.-ini: f'-.n tin- -al*. » l.YKKNS VALl.KY Kl 
lh»V w..A ap ‘d. vt.dinihf n..*. l ‘•u lMii Mt- (1)IA.M0M> KED AMI Knml. Hl.i4-li I* li4tt-*(t'l III I iiil**l ^Ul'^ - ia>ui)A 

ert At ha* Ik. It liic ‘h iiuiid f..i n-.-. ut iiniii- ll.i- wyA -p d. v-t* •! V’* .1 1 • sui.-w 

Ut* .if Ihi- Ma/KiiM- that ll.f uifullii) t'ir4-'iU- ,1,^. .•»„ .uHiI.rt •.. 

I !.’K"i,'.m l,;.-’;.';;:’.-;:.",,,:','....! a. ;.’.;,'u„'u, K[-u.NA.k coAt..^i.A.I III ll.. E.Uitli>.li laiiiiutKf Kvt rv num- p i.:*-*. with flu*- plt«n‘'t£t*l h lik • 

1 \l.I>tUl AtlrlllinAI '‘f Ul» llt-*li> P til.. 11 - III 
_ W '4 MUttudi outl vuiu.iv. l'ihi*6lNK >K 

iiKiIbr I ubIi-Lri* rail tlttytttii-u ItiUu- 


Fall Al Winter Goods, ”-SSSS'=''¥;s 

J ^ rt . , K •'! iCi» al = i-tn) “ •‘I •‘KUifi-aii.lotiaic 

11.1 with Hut- plttni KIAI-M llk'H’— .-k t 

1,,.1.,.K,.. I.,.,,!,- ,'■,1 1 „• “•"4 .. .. srOVK 

f..urU.e,'.„Ki~ ‘■all. li.l'i. l'..,ii»,i . 11 ,1'";;*: ' 

L.i.F, ...*4) K.ik1,-1i* Ik.I,- a llllthl'. !>' 'l.l. Uu. .f . ,„1 ,Irll.,,r<'.l a 
,„..«t?r-l.^,, 1,-Kh M.,l.k . IIAUl.AM.l-lNKW. 

I llllKl, l"ll.l.yu' AMI HF14 Ul SUl.K lUV. 

1.1 t..ll U,Ui,J Mki.k.. - 1 , 1 .. lot ll at 

('tul ilvliv iTfil at loir rati-* (( < oil agt-. 
ll.Vill) A.N D I'lSK WUOD. wUnlt.- .11 ■awt-il. outl 

, , , e-irtui.iv *i..i diautallf Uiti-ii-l lluiraii* <•! lllu** h-cu i ni ht * t" 

whi.l. In-»• t’Pl'W'il" tiall.»Ai li. 4 t‘' Utu «*>taUU»htd ui Tan* aiul M. * .•..(.) willhrii 

I*, ti-t-.l.tirM. -iw. .oJIt l‘'i (lit 1 M'i-iilu*u uf tht- l.J* ' 14 ii'l .t« •» ■ 

The Most Fashonable Styles, ViSr:,: 

— iEHlaLB Vn SCKIUNEH'S ' "l1,1,Ll'.'ri 

Pricuu that defy Compotition. monthly uy amkuican wtur .....ur..-..ui, 

r'ricee iuob ^ fcJUtt.—lu» 0.ltAM»l*«lllt*. •* -tAir) I'l Nrw ».\.i) .h»k—.'r 

. . , I !• .». .,v.- 1 . 4 . A 4 -all . m* t »rti'li- ni‘-. h\ IM VV * al.i* . aUlh'ir ^ th» • •••.‘i(r> - 

l*,i?,- tfii-iiuaiaiiur.i I u. .iv, m. a4all. ^ • ■ |..,a .-las t, a u* w AUUMS I 

_ _. rmvag'Mam.* Ui-i*l .\iufinan Vr u;.-« ll M'lt- iii lit-- I 

B ■fail ■’a* uii.-. ... lliat 1. k.* l.uwn* • l "W- laiUS- i.i.iit*: 

ripast 1.1.) ll'i.'V -laiu.*, .ll . U-:;’iii m ibi- fn.iu the an..) - 

4’!;» yi AI -V p*T’ K K K’l', ’ A „»a,i-. .. 

iiiu>«'i<.'i-oN. ITliA: i;:, 

wt. •• '*• lllWNiH - ' wt 4ilt - i‘ id In • 

Cooked Provisions. 1 ,■ ■.: 

The Most Fashonable Styles, 

l*t t"-t fit * iiuaioiilt ril I*, u* rIVv III* ai-oll. 

4*!;» yiAlAi Pi’I HKH'l', 

into* -li'l-UN. 

!,“iIuaT'iu!-G.\Vi'’K.m.'.'.Vi'v K.'ix'i.i.ui- ForSaleatLowestCoshRates. 

wiliu* ill! Ilirtiftii'i tr**iu •*»> n iiiiUiiitf b) 

utiaiv Iiiaii I.r I l|>p-*• di*’ *Ui"tl»l Ii» •' l»'Ci*lt'‘**1 I .\ll oldi-l- l'l*»l«M'tly allilltlfd t.i. l‘.t). Aildrfa* 

f ,iiu.. I..,,.,.,,..-..,ai■•■.i...i,..;;k ; ; K..., i,„u^.r..,. 

tiitl M. * .-..t.) mil hr iiiui»"i'-**'I) "" **' I”''-'J** ’ > )*“ 

iht- l.J* ' I« iiil .t« -4 «'«iid-' la** uiaiii J. F. SHEPPARD. 



A- XANt'FAiTeUk.l> UY 



l)n Iltdd 840.00 

Ou IMutiauin, (Continuous (ium 

Work) 30.00 

On Silver 15.00 

(hi (TieuplaHtic (Metullk*) 10.00 
Ont'tlUiIoid 10.00 

Oil Uuhhor lO.(M) 

Quincy Dye-House, 


Steam laaundrya 

H AVINC* Cttvd ui> a Dy i-II*i'i*r III Ibr luotl 
iiuiiru\t'«l -Itlc, we art* (ur(i*ifJ tn J** *ll 

ll,. t.„uiu. l* ^••lhl.•hrd U! til b'*l ‘I'l'- ••• 
t. |...Ki 4 |.h>. ni» ‘ b gwul '• *“D> iUiJ*li »ii -- 
, .»l.'irl"'»•I*'*’)*"*"’* ., 

1 ;.. ,iiilh..i. tin- “'dijtvl. Ih • • -“I 

rtiidiril wnilli) ■» I'l-n' ’'’.'V 
f\ * I) d' nr ui**>u lilt- Ix-'k 'M* it it f >4t) »'• '-•■ 
lu tin . ....nlrv - , 

AUUM'S JlMA/'A/) in fiwn ai44j 

.-•-.uiit) III tin- l aiiil a j'Pl-i‘ • 

d 4. U 1-4 

I - tin hnli* *. w U'i ' . * -b ’• 

%mi. -'.twiti. -/'’'Air** f* 

vi'tt •* III. ir 

>'l til< u*l . 

Cooked Provisions. 

UK. KllTS. 


• .i.rta.d- ..I II : ; ‘ " I "' • • 
' • ..I'l’' 

Picnics and Parties 


1**4 SUBJECTS l...*:t-*', - A-i-n- 

' . iV; 1. I* U • '■- 




I'UlNT'Kll KNV Kl.l )l-K>, 

msi N K^> 1 Al!l». 
UK. KU-T>. KTt 

iComel Beef. Toupeaed HM, 

A. J JwJ • *■ 



.00 •** A-Uu*w ll. lUUfcIf A 

ttUoud; Motuv. 

Iiuod I’pSM'S, (iooil lyih' autl 

liutHl Wurkmeu. I 

All li«aU WarrauuJ or No Pay. -ii-uniNBK or 

" ■ ' ", . '*■ . 

ALVAU ItAYMONU. Jr.. i;^5tO$20» 
-OklU W4.Y>4e.liU,l ‘ ' -■ 


••' * ' K. \\ »,in« ll' 

J l a .1: ’’ U.l . ' nf 

CUlUNklH Ot CO 743 U’Uwfu 

Wt.l III. -1.4. \ • 

i.| In ••• d* •• i»—- 

l"»U IKUM** lU’.' 

Gon- G.T. BEAUREGARD. Publisher. 

..- 111 d.M y .:• 

,,j, M.w I .lil t;\S'. I . 



A, I ... = W ID .1 " ** w 4 

i»i\v IVrlerl frul 

M*. Ulha Wii . » "L 


I'uiii’) C'liuiiilH’r S(‘(.s. I 

wav I'lh' K>. all «-t.iu|drl4*. iii Imiii, lllun. 
ll FMain-'p .<>'1 I'mk.-tliii'g »( tl» Inw itru-v 
•t G'TpVI. at > 'Y I'U VTI't* 


SB. 7. J. BOlTITirr. 

IHlX’l'l*— 1'. 


bvStAI. II 'W* IN lin.ii i; ; -'.v * I 1 • K 

iOll. «I5 11 YMtKK A i.llY-MIT. ?-l>. 

\\ tl *.... 1II W kVH-'l t II • I) lUl UaUAY 

- . Y 1'^ t . ‘ I’*** L‘. 

H AVINc* Cttvd ui> a Dy i-III ibv luotl 
iiuiirnw*! -Hit, we am J tn J** all 

kiidai'f l»)*ii»,C wt ihf n-'ii a'ldiiitlu 

l,«'4l moiiiivt. ti4-uih'iu«-u'» t •aiiuvitU cU aitM-d or 
• 1 ) 1 . 1 . Kidt*luv4'a, U'M.u* ouU Slii’i'vr* cUaii*rd. 



|g> Ml Oitler*. hn willi C. b. WlLUAMt* Will bw 
I'piUil'll) atliinlv'l t-< 

t.K"lU.K ItKOllDdiS. l*rn|.i*w. 


I .VuiJii'la. M 

A VV KKK 5l!-i<i.4V .itlniiJ 
1 It .idltit lu* . *» 

For Good Job Printing, 

.8 «’ 8.4#I5* 8*8284 A«. 




i lTU\lsni\G IMUlllTVkEK, 

U K \ TIDI 'l’>* I- 

OOliiSiS, K0Bh8 nd UAbll’i)-of 
vvi-ry d« 8 cripticb, 

itWHi.HFi' *i r.i* -in.ui»-T S..U. *. 

' lllh I’.vtKNl nc.l .K.v I-KU IN PK6. 

GA 2 .ETT£ OFYIGE* \ AuuUuu laiklci AtUiuddd tu lu ubuaI- 


and Winter 




mr GoedSf 

I U pifpnrrd to •rll 


bodRlit la golwr or Ttctallf. 


MImw' Md OhUdim*! 



?hick Boots, 
ogans and Bale., 

”S and YOUTH'S 


N(IS for Lvlkr' HooM, and 

id Gcnt’o HOSIERY, 

))f r artiolr* loo nnmemuA to mvo* 

Pie anti Are oar ffoodA aimI yot 

I piirprieeil at oor lew prtcra. 


-ton St., - QUINCY. 

. r. vfiXTXAir. 




k PUoe* comer Bcacoa Strectf 

lions of ilie Tfpr Prtsfage rMnoTcd 

hhJ. withoni a Rtirttlt'al oin'ratlofii 

•es hisertetl wiU»mt pain. i ly 




C are A few of the Icliera rt'CclTed del* 

I of iii<{iiiry may be atldrcipcd to tlie 

High 8t.»OHARIiE8TOWV. Van. 

II hare noTer en®-®!* J^^®***!,*** 


cared bj Dr. Greene 

of a terrible 
f given «> by 


noit entirely belpleii vitb RHEUHA* 

1 beenoQredb|Dr. Oreenej^at* 

■tor* may b<' coiiaiilted tip«m all DIS* 
ret* of ehai'go. piTPonally or by Icllor. 

M .D. V.K, OKEKNEa M.D. 

4 TfUiplo riace. Uopton, Blaai. 

ai ly 

>Be,K ifOBaE. 


iii*rtlc;i»lKr attfUlioii to iliu Sale of Real 
kitatc and I’craoiial l*ri>|»eriy. 

« Addrcaa. NoiiTU WkymoctiI, ilABi, 


r natural niate. A)po. Funeral and Bridal 
ilia, t'ro«.»o!« anti Btiu-iiu-tP. in Frainea or 
Any uuo bavins Flowi ra lu any fnria to 
may liave them doiii! by »uldrc«s«iK 


^outU llralntrevi 

pall for tbfiu anJ return the lame. with 
4 tiafiu-tlou to the partlcp, both lu workman* 


;iui. AND Fiikniaiiinu Unukhtakbii, 


t, lloston Pest Building, 

ilkf mrmr Nl*» 




nr plnklnir mITf, 

u;iil li.w 

un Uup lUtUTk." 

icail of, pi wire 
urj I'.'p 

y ■.iv.r>lM*tliorg 

itij and 

Edlra, do you 

t l'» !t‘ sire, . 1 *. 
i{hyaniiU t. 

Tie greattMft appe* I 

r. tiunau-'h. liltMi- 

llvor rr^pilator 

t, rlliltuta, Itaiik- 
uril lAi.iea invu I 
^ ItilUira OMr." 

Ub, Ml L'tv k« 

B, liaUmporaiaf.'* 

tour Btomarh, rirk L 

jlr.rhO lif *l tlUlP ■ 

*ll«'pPi-tcnii*ura» j 

li a tew duaca’* 


1 •‘tSOOwnibnpaUfor 
a ca; •' tkiit IUI>* 
torn wUt nut ouie oP 


“Hi>T» Wttm bulWIa 

I up, arti 

1 purrs cuntin'iall/ 

I Ciu-i tlioantiluae." 

‘ Klilrey and Url- 
Tirry. .;:, 
kill.’.* rr..«iwntl» 

I uurt-Hltfjrtiuplutten.'* 

nor rovon cnui la 
I tbr 

and bt»s. Aik kuQdran. 

Tho nop Pad fur 
F'...uisrh, LIrrr and 
KiiJi.'vs. U •uferlsp 
to all i>tl.i*«. Curoa 
)>y af’pnntkoi. Aak 

I>. I. C. ta \n atiiuTute 
aiitl JrtdUliltti 1 ‘i.iu 
I f.<r ilninkinra-jw, u-e 
I of OB'fim.tot^xoand 
I uaivutka. 

ATI nlMTa auVt by 
dr;;****-.:*. I^''lll^ftr^a 
Ha :.ij, Un, 

kuctatmtur, b. T, 



An HANt'k’AtTt'Uk.U UV 

A.. (3-. 



1‘lutiauiu, (Conliuuous Uum 
Work) 30.00 

Silvir 15.00 

('lii.|i|iliu<tiu (Metullic) 10.00 

Cilluloul 10.00 

UubbtT lO.(H) 

uincy Dye-House, 


team Liaundry. 

[AVlNti filtftl up a !»> e lloiwr la tlie luoai 

L iiiM-roYtil it^lr. wear** i.irpai. il Itulo all 

U t.f I>\«iitg at lilt- n»tii .lud in tlu 

maitiiei. ii«-uilt iu«-u'b < •aiutt iiU ib au'ed or 
il. Kidtilovt*. and Slipper* cUau«rd. 

:e qdinuy uundry reopened 

.\M> UE.M»Y Fill; lU’SlNK^S. 

^ VII oi.l.*r« It (T wiUi t '■ b. WiLLUHa will bs 

liipU) altcii.lvii 1-- 

t.K«'tU.K UltwlUKliS. rntpi’a. 

70 \ 'V I'.KK alh-.ujt ta*ii> lu.ub*. 

I ti> ...utti ti.i. liiiaAti*.. 

yii>u. M till.'. 


OFFIH lllilFIlOySF, 


llt\isni\b IVUIlItTVkEK, 

MK Tn.u rtl I.UMtIXl. 

JOl'liSii, KOBl'.B uii UAbirS-of 

ictj de.uiipliou, 

VOL. i3. 



fb |(!iiill 

puBuoiian fiv 



i Ttwo Dollar a YMr, in advanct. 
Singla Copy, Tiva Cant*. 

Orderit for all kimi* of Printing will receive prompi 
aiicniKm, and be neatly and correctly ciecuieiL 

Knstnrss Carbs. 


NotwhbtUndiDg Uw largelj increnRed cost of every gnde of 






Civil Engineer and Surveyor 

w u 


OrricK AT E. llbHPiinBTV. 

St. - North Weymouth. 


Bundle Hay and Straw 
FOK SAi.K nr 

J4M. E.OlJie * CD., 


r. M. 

Stools Bvolcev. 


B fit'rill'i' Hllil nobl till i‘iiiuiui**iti>l, lit Ib>«tntl. 

Ni'W York lui'l S.UI Fntiiriai’i,. .Mnticy utJ 
vtinrrt] nil Slofk’* lUitl llfiiiil’* pilii-liiiwtl iiy ll*. 

Basemeut Old State Houae, 



^DKAi.aiin iN» 


BAT, 8TBAV, fte 

( ^ONSTANTI.Y nil htuitl. uinl P'OR S.VLK 
y trbnlrpjilr hiuI retail, nt Lnwratt'anli Pricea. 
Al>o, MINKK.Vl. SAI.'J'for llumi**. 


W'eymontli I#aiiditig. 

T. J. 


Corner of Couimmi A Wanhlngtoii Htreels, 

Weymoulh Landinn;- 

RIAGE WORK of all kinds, 


Henry L. 'I/uiyer, 


Wsalilngton Ni|itsre, 



Painter and Glazier 


Painta. Oil.OIasB, Varuish- Putty. Glue 

Sbiip in <•<•»*. ri. Ilalct r’* biiil-Uiig. mar ilir iitmei 
of Uifbuiuntl Stri’ft. 

Weymouth Lamllnih _ 

For First-class CaMna’^orlraits, 

BUSSELL'S, .Mass. 




HAY, &c. 

bwuth Weyninutli Deiiut. 

A. Fn.*NK 


tiUIISfV, HTunh. 


Six lluiiilrt'd CuriLs of 




As we purclinscl very largely early in tlie aeason, at at least 



116 Tiwnt Stmt, Men. 

R.V. Merchant 

Dog* irnvt* tn iitfont) ilu' 
Hiitl Yiriniix that lit- i< im> 

i-itlAfii* »f Wi-yuioiitli 
\ l•l t'|..kl<-■| hi niiikc lip 



IN Tlir, 


And from tbo be*! Forelffii ninl Potnettlc ftitod*. 

Hi* long «’Xto*rii-ut*c ill rutting 



enable* him to wurraiit a 

ill all rtiti <«. 

Prices as Low as the Lowest. 


T JL I X.O R/, 

(ivr.n ('iiAiii.Ra l'iiANr.V Stork, 

llRurMk M.. QinxrV. 

M^'CUHTOM MATIK PANTH. #3 7A. 4.00. 4.M). 
fiUO, ttnil itpwiiril*. bl’lTS in aefurtliinri' with 
ilir linir*. timih* fmin All Wuol f'l.itiiii ami wur> 
ranteil tu lit. I’li-ii*e gix'e me ix rail. 9 ly 


Wilt lie at hi* ftlhce. EAST WEY¬ 
MOUTH. oil Tl-RNOAVa. Tiil'Rii. 
IIAYh ami SATl'HliAYAofeiirli week, 
friilii 11 A. M iM 4 I*. M.: at hi* oltlRt' 
ill llnlbrtM.k'f liloi-k. SollTll HU.VINTIIEK. on 
other day*. . 

All whi> nre in wiiiil of 

FIS8T*0LA88 WO&K and Qnalitj of Material, 

are tfonlitilly iiiviled to cive him a e-tll 

TO sir/T run times. 









ili4he bei>t uiaiim-r. 


Bi?r It/ Tsr Irt 

And you will never lie without it! 

Ds. oooDwnrs 


[For tlir <}«Kette.l 


My mother tits in the tirewidr gbirr, 

And knita end weave* a tale for me. 

The firelight play* thnmgh her silvery hair; 
Her head is bowed as thotigh in prayer, 

And eyes fast eluted in reverie. 

Good tales she tells of olden time, 

More sweet than I can put in rhyme. 

The knitter weaves the tale in woof. 

And spins the yarn in web. 

What though the rain is on the roof, 

What though my friend* may keep aloof, 
Prosperity be at an ebl)! 

And the lovers vuw may be unsaid, 

For I to roy mother will be wed. 

She draws her yam sUtt farther out, 

—And 1 hear the spinner’s dror.e. 

She turns the soft wool sock about; 

—I hear afar the washer's shout, 

And the little lambkin's moan. 

Ah yes, she tells me it was so 
That they spun yams of years ago. 

I strive to sing the tale she says, 

Did it seems all gone, all gone; 

I only recall her quaint old ways, 

And tearfully pray her length of days: 

The stories cannot grace my song, 

Although she spun them time and again, 
Cast them over, and knitted them in. 
Detter ttun revelltngs in wine 
Are these evening hours to me. 

Better than soaring heights sublime, 

Than statue, beautiful design, 

Music, or rambling rhapsody,— 

Are the stories Iwought from olden lore. 
The visions of fifty years and more. 


South «*f/r//8, iSNo. 

with thf HARWOOD CANK 

1 dfsiml. 

Fine, Oak and Maple. 

- AI.SI^- 

One Hundied and Fifty Cords of 


• AL*i» - 


Al l. f*lZK> -VND>. 

White Ceddf Posts and Rails; 

Trellis Posts, Bean Poles. &.c. 

Wood Mkwvil and aplll lu ortler. 


orru r. WiiAur*>i» Ka-t 


J{K( ri'A'l IONS. 



W. K 

.• m ik> Art tiit:- 
MITTLI.*. I.X' - 

«'| Nlll.Sibi 

ttiil, n UK 


The Jtent In the Slurket 

fnv the relief ami curt* of 

UAIUCiHH, C'Oa.l>M, 
ll«»aitMKX ENH, ETC. 

It is highly reoommended by 
all who have used it. 

'45 &50 CTS. PER BOTTLE. 

All tirilfr* ti> be iMidr«-*««*il t«i llu* I'niprietor. 


\V«>>'uioulh. Maa» 

New Photograph Studio, 

c^uiis'evw fsiiiHH. 


i« making Dm-ui>rknf EVER Y I>KsrRll*Tli iN. 


Clothes Washer. 

llu. It! Tr, II! wild be IlMpp,! 

Alti-r iiiimlH'ib** utu-mut* l-i K.tlii m tiiiirli 
lit I lit li i»mi Uln>r oaviiik; M.ti-hint'. scii-m'i- uiul 
.Will 4tt .ti UvlTRII MrilANT' 

Washing Day Ko Longer Dreaded! 

\V>'u (titkl r»Il tbe ull< iitiitii Ilf tilt' lu<iu** |t> lb<- 

Van de Water Clothes Washer 

tbrt <tiii\ \N’d*liiiiK Mdi'liiiM' that i)<m * with 

till-Hd'lriMi.aitl It I* 4 !d<‘l lli.U lUi* MdfLiu- 
M ill |lior«>u):lil\ H4<li soiU >i 4utl b■■lm ' 

ll■•|tl lim It <'tt rt H ll built lii< U'l’ of 

uiit otli<-r I'll! uiii'dt «iib''taiir,- tb.iu i‘uiiiim,u auaii. 
liiTaiixt-r iiiiiiiiiiin-*. in tli llu* tiiii,. Hith 

ll'*« IuIhu'. dllti Mllll M rar lO lllt- •-lull,, • tll4U 

Ull> H t'llt-l >vl |•>lMiur«‘ll. nbiM- 


1( I* •liiriilili*.I m im* iii.uli-ut till (H mu 

li.lllif tu ,-1 I nut <■( mill I. dll*i < .t*il e ki'l't >'k4 4ll 
W'liili >•« imr M 4'hi ■!. till' t*”**’!* 1“' in tlx' 

4l-tl‘>n t:! till- M U bmv 4ll.t .lid*. 4ll’i I'dlt iiv no 
|>i>e*ibiiiO rull u|> or t4iigl>‘. All wbu u•l'«J 

II dtli'ot tn It* .iitH-iinr f\i i-IUtii'i. 

V. U. VI^TO.W 

ur<l> r* ilin l'l•'<l »* ulmxi* will im i t mhIi 
|> iiiiii|>t .itliMitmii. 4' 5) 



and GLAZIER. i 


for I'lCTURE FRAMES; aI*o u very nice ur- 


All Work wiuruutfd to givv NutiwfiM'tiuii. 

SJfawmul St.. East Weymouth. 


id |iri'p:tri'il to rtiiitriirl fur 


of every lieH-rintiuu.iii M ARRl.R iimKiU.VNTTE. 

Stone* ie-|>oIi«lied. re-*et. iiml lii*ernitioii* eiil 
ut bliurt noliee, in u •>iiti*TMCtoi'y ludiim-r. A .Imre 
of tlir lotblie uitiruiiuue i* re*i>i rt tuily m-lU-iini. 
Sboput VVEV^IOiriil IANDI.N«i, o|.|iorite J. 
I'rane’sShoe Store. 



9H Hmocoek Nt.,m:iNC*Y. 

Every variety uf I'liiiiibiiig work iloiie at liiwi bl 
price*. Ail uriler* from Weymuutli ami lotjoiiiiuc 
(own* will receive prompt ntti iiiioii. Atlilre** nil 
onler* to 1*. O. iJox 75. C^uiney. .Ma**. 3'J ly 

WIIU 6 . RKK & m, 

Funeral Undertaker, 

Ill to »1) oitli r* coll' 
■ bu*ine«» of I'mleilnWilig, 

with one or two bor*e*. 

AI.U DF.S« UirnoNS OF 

Caskets or Coffins 

un bund oi lnini*be«i t<» order; 4l*u. ltolM;>4uil 
oil iiltil'le* iHilUlVi-teil with tbe tlll*nie<t*. ul oiir 

NSW WABEROOMS, Bast Weymuuth. 

Thk 1'atknt FKKKxen i * 


New Stove Store. 

*aie ctieup »t ibe N- W htoie 

I* tlie 

Good News Range, 

(M'lure y on buy 411) uiiur. A^*u, llo 


with ull tlie iiupiok, iu> rl* of u linrli pi iced Runue, 
lor only |'4.> uo. 

But pit-4.1 liun’i Mub > 1 * uiib «* you ex^o-rl 
II* to U* liroiiil'l. Mini do 4* ne iiii>ini*e everv ttuie. 

St* .itisVi'ii I iiaIks 


Carpenter and Builder, 




. .MIUlil.K ftTKEET. 

■ii'li. *. t, 
>n*l4nllv • 

It h.lKd 

-- I'.NKAU UK>lDK.\l F. '•% 

PrOgranimt’S of Rccitdtions Broad St., Woymouth Laud'it- 

\l)tjmaU.. linuijnu-. iJikiU-t and . ‘ 

«,,.r »*\ouAULf rtuu* 


n «* iiitf 
lUk. I 

t|o|, .•! 
p4«t l4V>>r* 

mu' !’• 

Ii4<i tliiiiy >«4i 

.till t>i« p.tit d l.t 
1 .dj.l 

on*, t. 

*nd *L 

\ lldbt .\>tdl 

xi't I il 
i All I. 

> - III I I vtt-nd IU 1 

It 4 bliurr ul piiUi 


1 ,1* lilttltT 
I' *411*14, ■ 

ibuuk* for 

iltc p4iiu:. 

E.4*r Wki Mok TU 
Vt D 

. r 


i F 

- u III (Im N< 4 

{.|>>,II 4IUU1>* wliK'b 
.i ret,d< led witti tbi>' 
iiuoiou* •<lr<‘l■'v - ur, 

. ,t. --g XVn. irx.r 

. »L~ '•4« 1*«* u 

) • HHi<»ii»i> «i rtib 

lib V\ t k.M I l: I 

i.i **r Hoi 11 u 
r*v l''kD IN FUF 

it Dlh.-- 

P K Kti 

Kuil40d < . 

ni*rI.. Ml* t -■ "• ‘ 

»ln gUf ? b'U' ,, ■ 
tuUifii 4rti*ii •ptt** I'll 
• uiireit m w 
klr* t *»*hiii*; b »■ *i'D ‘ 

»udul;t " 

I » • • '*• • 

.. .’ll. 


Ml. I ‘d ' I 

btr r - - 

liK041> .TKttr. »..,.r WtVUOlTU. 1 



S'kw am> 

.. M a. 

4 I 



. A- . ■ M 

•I- I' 


*t Wal-l.. Imu. - • . ^ 



tK.d «AI K AT VUIl 


a\ a E. I’K.tTT, 

4#* < tiller* I,.. .led tor anx ib Dully 

- . - • . \V- • ki, I’.w M*,; • Ar 

tltoriie) iiiid Counsellor at Law 


1* «ud • ItU utUuUuu puid lu uuy kiod 

mami iMt. 

[wuiTTc.s run tiik uakrttl.I 




itV liKLLE llKEi’lIWODD. 


Thu liiftl intliimtiun Anthony Duv* 
unport had that nnything uiuihuhIIukI 
iH;eurrud in IiIh houNuliuid wuh after 
lie ami hin wife had eaten their break 
fust. iKabel liad not made liur appear¬ 
ance, l)ut that circumstance excited 
nu other remark than that slie was 
tlouhtless greatly fatigued by her ride 
the afternoon before. 

When AVHHnm nnnoxmctid that Phil¬ 
ip ho«i not been seen that inonun; 
ind that the stable <iuou wjm cdused 
tlie governor did nut think it stninge 
but asked iiidifTereiitly whether uiiy 
one luul called him. Being answered 
ill the negative, he said it would be u 
oo<l plan to see if he were not siek 
or hud not overslept himself, and 
coolly unfolded the morning paper. 

But when his wife, xvith hlauelted 
cheeks and trembliiig limbs,staggered 
into the library and, as well us her 
quivering lips would permit, informed 
him that Isabel was not in the lumse 
and that her bed had not been oeeii 
l>icd, Anthony Davenport's fate alM 
grew xvliile. and though he did not | 
then think to eoniieet the departure 
of his daughter with wliat he had 
heard in regard to his eoaeliiimn, a 
worse fear presented itself to his mind 
for he remeiuherefl Isabel’s words: 

Death, even tlie lingering one you 
threatened would lie preferable totlie 
other alternative.” 

Death! The thouglit was too hor¬ 
rible; and he suflered for u few 
moments some of that agony wdiieli 
.losepli Arnold intended tlial he 
slkould suffer. Still il might not he 
so had as that, and wiieu he could con¬ 
trol his voice to speak, he said: 

*\she was determined tlial she would 
not marry Walhiughaiii, and she has 
gone to vi.sit some friend.” 

That remark gave Mrs. Davenport 
some liope and an idea, and she said: 

"1 guess yon are right, and 1 think 
I know where she has gone.” 

Site then told her liushaud of Isu- 
hel’s visit to Ml'S. Lewis at ileathlield 
and added: 

“Vuu may de|iend upon il she is 
there. She knew you would try to 
force Iter to mairy Walsingitam, and 
1 have im doulit tliat when she went 
to see .Mrs. l.,exvis kIu* arranged il ull 
with her.” 

.\t another time .Mrs. Davenport 
wouhl not have dared to speak that 
Word trx. and her Itusliaiid would not 
have submilteil to it: but then she 
Wits too mtleli excileil to >te careful 
what *lie said, ami he wa- too anxious 
to oliserve it. 

‘•I an \ou give me the athiiesH of 
those she visileil at lleathlieldy" he 

Mr*. Davenport rctuemliered hav¬ 
ing Keen the wedding cards of Mr. 
ami .Mrs. Lew is in Isabel's room, and 
thither she and her hnshami went.; 
They futiml tlie card, and they found | 
also lliat Isabel eouid have taken but | 
little clothing with her: and that con- 
\ inced them that she had goinr to visit | 
s,»me friend: though her father felt i 
that his daughter's ilight from home 
might liuve been (he result of u much 
mure sertuus dcu rminatiun. ' 

As s(M»n Us jiossible. however, he 
i Went to the telegruph otltce, und tlie ’ 
! Ltllowiiig im Huge wa* dashed over 
the wires to tlie ojierutor at ilealh- 

••Ascertain if Mi*s Isaliel Daveu- ; 
port i* at the hou-c of Mr. liarrx 
I Lewi*, and rejily at once.” 

' lu about twenty minute- tbe un- 

"Miss Isabel Davenport i.- not 

there. ' 


And M Philip Arnold wrote thni 
nnawf r, which wm afterwiirdi «igned 
by the opemtor to whom the enquiry 
WM eddrewied, he Mid to iMbel, who 
9too<l l>cflide him: 

Tliat in strictly true, 1 should like 
to add, ’^ut Ooremnr DaYcnpori's 
daughter It.* But 1 am acting under 
uucle Joe> dlractions, and for some 
reason he wanU to tell your father of 
our nmrriago.*’ 

Anthony l>aTen|)ort, his worst fears 
returned to him, staggered home after 
reading that reply. Hut to hts wife, 
who met him at the door, he Raid: 

is not there; hut do not let 
auy of the lenrauts know hut she 
went away with our knowledge and 

Mrs. IHvcnport, however, could 
not be satisfied till she had made cn- 
qtiirics of Isabers maid, from whom 
she learned that Isabel sent a bundle 
by the coachman the day before. 
Thai information she liaatencd to 
impart to her husband, and he. still 
not suspecting any connection be¬ 
tween the dc|>arture of Ids daughter 
and the absence of his coaclimati, 
started for the stable, the door of 
which he found unlocked witli tlie 
key on the inside. 

llastening up the stairs, he entered 
the r(M)m that Pliiiip had occupied, 
which he found in a state of confu¬ 
sion that led him to think that Pliilip 
slept there the night before; for Phil- 
Iji, who had from preference taken 
care of his room, knowing he should 
not ocenpv it tliat night, had not 
wasted time in arranging it; thotigli 
he did not nntici])atc what a relief the 
disonler of tlie nami would he for a 
wliile to Anthony Davenport, who 
said to hiniRelf: 

lie linsnM anything to do with it 
He knew he would not l>e wanted 
early, and has gone on some business 
of his own.” 

Laboring under the diKadvantngc 
if having to move very guardedly in 
onler to avoid publicity, Anthony 
Davenport knew not what course to 
take. Ho could not, he dared not be¬ 
lieve that his daughter had really 
chosen death by her own act: and yet 
after wlial she said to 1ii!ii,he could 
nut explain her nhseticu from home 
un anv other theor)’. 

Public duties deinaiided his atteii- 
tiuti, but for those he had uo heart; 
and yet he uUeniided to attend to 
tliein; and meeting Elmer Walsing- 
liuin, wliu empiirod about Isaliel, he 

Itmi jli*- -wnfi 

jiffvr her ride, but would probably ho 
{.|.^*ted and liappy to see liini the next 
n..y. And M^dsingham. xvhobelieved 
ilml his suit was progressing favor- 
ably, was willing to wait. 

When Anthony Daveiiporl returned 
late ill the afternoon to hi.s dinner he 
found Ills wife alniosl eruzy because 
she had heard nolhiiig ot her daugh¬ 
ter; and he had no iufonnatioii to 
give her, and could offer only the 
doubtful eonsolutiou tliat by night 
they might hear from l.-^abcl herself. 

On learning tiiat his coaclmmn Imd 
not lieeu seen und that the horses ha<l 
reeeived no care, lie tlccidetl to see 
.Mr. Eolsoni at once, who, when he 
was told of JMiili)rs strange absence, 

I can't understand i*.. Wliile lie 
worked for me he was never away ten 
minutes witliout asking my permis¬ 
sion. I cannot doubt he will turn up 
all right, hut 1 will send a man to 
alteinl to your horses.” 

Bad the governor told Mr. Folsom 
of tliat other inyslcrious disappeur- 
aiice, Mr. Folsom would have sur¬ 
mised at once that tlie two iiad a very' 
m ar coiineclton witli each other. Ah 
it was, altliongh he spoke so conli- 
ilcnlly in regani to Pliilip's reiiirn,ho 
sus))ectcd that Piiiliji’s leaving must 
lie in some way connected with hi** 
own singular sale of a earriage. and 
pair of Imrscs. lint he made nomen- 
lUm of liis suspicion to tlic governor. 

In the mcuiiwliile .)o.<*eph Arnold, 
having completed ail of his arninge- 
luciits for tlie reception of Philip and 
Isaliel in a house of their own, was 
seated in his room at the Claremont 
House; and, having vvitnoM’d the 
marriage of the governor’s daughter 
to luTfather’s coachman, lie fell (hut 
il woultl be well to write to hoiiic < 011 ' 
who vvoiibl. he kliew. be iiiucli inli-r- 
CNlcd ill (lie affair while nio*l proh- 
alily !*criiius|y di'*ap)iroving of it; and 
ihc following is what he wrote, tiiiiit- 
ting till’ addiv*>: 

When, si vi ra! moiitlis ago, you in- 
fiirim**! me that Phil had left you ami 
• if his reason f»ir so doing. 1 rcplird 
(hut I wa- gla*l of it. You suppo-* *! 
he W'ouUl collie tome: 1 knew thalh*’ 
would not. Tiiroiighoui the whohi 
affair I wa** right and you Mere wrong. 
In the tii'Mt place i gloried in hi!* pluck 
ill refii>ing to he dictated to in such a ! 
matter. 1 knew he liud too much <>f j 
tlie old. obstinate. indcpciHleiit IiIimhI ' 
ill his vein- which he derived from! 
one parent, to yield iirlOHcek a-si-t- 
aiicc fmiii any on*’. I was cert.dii he ' 
would come out all right, ami Im- has. | 
I owe him a debt of gratitmle which ! 
1 -hull only [>ai'lially repay hy giving 
I him at once half of mv hutuiie. and 
I by w iliiiig to him the oiiior ti.ilf. Itui 
I iiow for Ills story. Me e.mi*' here p* n- • 
nile-s. .mil ohtamed a situation a- an > 
h«>s(lcr and a buck-driver. A few 
' weeks ago he became ucijuaiiit*d. a«- 
1 cldetilully and in latlieru lom.mtic 
; mumier. with the ilaughterof (lov- 
eiiioi DaveiiiMirl. Shortly after that, 
he w.I-offered, ;itid aci'epteiL the pik-i* ' 
lion of cuaclim.m by the goVeilioi. 
.md w.c^ V‘cy *iH>n sent, day aft* i 
day, to acc« Ids duughli r as 
her groom. Me learned that hei 
I t;ither llitetided to lolc«- her iutt> a 
. marii^.^* with a man whom she de¬ 
listed The loiisei^uence wa- p«i- 
feetly lialuia! the two fell in loVe 
with each othei. Phil wr*»teU> in* . 

. not heggiu^ a-:!5iaiice >he no 

idda that I am immeuaely wealthy — 

but to let mo know what ho won about; 
and, for roaaoim of my own which you 
wilt learn In duo time. 1 not only en- 
omiritfed him, I urged him to elopo 
with her. I.nfit night I aaw them 
married; and for ten foriniien like 
mine 1 would not have mlMcd that 
siffht. You may fume—I expect you 
ul; but tho boy haa done me a tor- 
vice I cannot rejNiy; and with what 
Joaeph Arnold knows, and with Jo¬ 
seph Aioold^s money behind him, no 
ouo, not even hifl own father, will 
deny his right to marry as be pleasea. 
I shall tcl«gra|>h for you to enmo, 

both of you, when he is received with 
high honors by the governor—and you 
will come, for what Phil has done 
you are to blame more than he In, 
and I more tlian any one. 

Having algiied, sealed and directed 
that letter, Joseph Arnold was ready 
to call upon Anthony ^Davenport. 
On enquiring for him at his house, he 
WHS told hy fils wife that he was not 
at home. 

^^Thon I will walk in and wait for 
for him.” 

And, not stopping for an Invitation, 
he entered the house and, going di¬ 
rectly to the library, took a seat. 

AVhen Anthony Davenport re¬ 
turned, ho was In no very pleasant 
nioiMl,and having lieanl his wife's 
story* of the person who Imd actually 
fon'cd himself uninvited into his 
house, he exclaimed angrily: 

”P11 settle his business pretty 

As he entered tho library, he saw a 
man in coarse, gray dollies seated in 
Ids own especial chair, who, without 
offering to rise, said: 

“Anthony Davenport, I presume.” 

“1 will soon let you know who 1 
am! What—” 

“TliaPs just what I wanted to 
know,” coolly iiitemipted Joseph Ar¬ 
nold. “I'resnming that you arc An¬ 
thony Dnvenporl, 1 will inform you 
that iiiy name is Arnold.” 

So engaged had the thoiiglit.s of the 
governor been with the unaceonut- 
ah)c disappeaniiice of his daughter, 
his mind did not iinnieiUntdy gnisp 
the idea that the name had any par¬ 
ticular interest for him. 

“I don’t care wliat your imiiic is 
nor who you are,” he said. 

“(Hi,you don’t! Perimpsyou may 
be more interested when I remindyoii 
that a young man of the same name— 
Pliilip Arnold—was recenlly your 

“1 do not want to hear anything 
ahoiit liim, nor will 1 listen to any¬ 
thing more from you. He has seen 
fit to leave me, iiiid 1 don’t want his 
services any longer.” 

Aiilliotiy Davenport spoke very 

**Ift Do you doubt my word? 
But what should 1 care If you do? 
Don’t be rash, though, Anthony Dav¬ 
enport. I have a good deal to tell 
you yet; and 1 will bet you Uie 
amount of your salary that when I 
s|>eak the word, you will Mnd for or 
go to the yonng couple—just as I may 
dictate. Do you lake the bet?” 

“Leave this houset leave It or 1 
will call those who who will make you 

“No you won’t. At any rate don’t 
call many; you'll wish you hadn’t. 

I didn't give you my full name nm* 
my address. I hail fnitn Merrivale; 
you’ve been there. Haven’t you any 
curiosity to hear what I have learned 
about you and some oUters In Morri- 

Anthonv Davenport’s face was 
white with horror as ho sank into n 
chair, and he could not reply. 

“I guess ho felt that,” thought Jo- 
aeph Arnold. And then he said: 

“You don’t answer my (picstlon, 
hut 'silence gives consent,’ atiil there¬ 
fore 1 will commence niy interesting 
little story.” 

“HevertU years ago I inlierUeti, very 
unexpectedly, the entire property of 
n French getitlemati who died in Mcr- 
rivale, one Paul De <'astro. Mis 
house and lands, liooks, letters, docu¬ 
ments of every kind came into my 
possession. Some trunks und dmwers 
which my old friend hml himself nev¬ 
er cxamiiietl It became luy privilege 
to examine; in fncl 1 eotisiderLMl It to 
he. my duty. In those trunks and 
dmwers I found some papers that 
were of more value to me thiiti all of 
the rest of the property put together; 
txvo <»f them were especially iiiti'rust- 
iug and valuable; one was a certitlcale 
of marriage; the other cortllled to a 
birth. 1 succeeded in proving that 
they were genuine beyond a doubt: 
hut until rceeiitly 1 was not in u posi¬ 
tion to make sucli use of tliem as I 
desired. 1 may show tlieiii to you 
soiiic. day.” 

He paused, for Anthony Daven¬ 
port, wlio liad been greatly excited 
during tlie day, who Imd searcely 
tasteil food since the morning, und 
who knew something of the power 
overliim those papers found nt Mer- 
rivalu gave to tlie one wlio found 
them, fell forward heavily upon tlie 

Joseph Arnold hciit clown and sal- 
islied himself (hat the man Imu ofily 
swooned; then rising, he said: 

. “That hloxr struck lioiiie, hut It 
. I linnii’t killtMl him; that xvould have 

He hmr not 

llrnily, very bravely, 
thought, lie could nut have brought 
himself to think tlmt his daughter 
under any eircuuislaiices could have 
eloped will) liis couchmaii; and yet 
he knew instinctively tliat the man 
before him was there not only deter¬ 
mined but able to injure him in some 

“You need not speak in Ilml way 
ubniit tlie young man until you leurn 
the cause of his absence,” replied ids 
visitor. “1 have heunlyou xvere per¬ 
fectly satistied with him as a coach- 
uiaii, and particularly as a groom to 
accompany your daughter. Piiil’s a 
good boy and wottiiy of u liigher po¬ 
sition. lie’s as well connected, loo, 
as Home folks who Imve rather looked 
down on him. Peddling tin ware 
and such tliingH isn't imn-li more to 
bnigof than driving a carriage. Why, 
wliat is the mntleTr 

Antiiony Davenport was actually 
purple witli nigc. and for a few min 
utes endeavored in vain to speak 
When lie could eoiiiinand his voice, 
he exclaimed: 

^'You dare to sit (here und iiisiilt 
me liius! Leave tiiis house instantly! 

1 will not hear another wor<l from 

“t))i, yes you will; and leuna.ssurc 
you that be/t>re 1 shall have spoken 
the last word you will not talk of my 
iluring to say anything 1 clioose to 
you. 1 cannot see, however, in what 
wiiy what I said uhont peddling was 
an insult to you. It is a rcspectnid' 
busiuesH; hut if my father hud driven 
a peddler’s cart, J should not consider 
the position of coaclinmn beneath im 
Don’t you sceV” 

No, Anthony Duvcnport did not 
for lie could not sec. But he felt his 
ctiur.ige, his streiiglli leaving him 
and trembling, shaking like a man 
with tlu* palsy, he grasped at a ehair 
for support, while his tornienlor eon 

“You d«i lint apptar to he either 
veivk sharp o.' very eiirious about 
matter xvhich **0 nearly coiicet iis your 
-elf. But you have lii-eii prett> au.\ 
ion- toilay, I know, about something 
nearer home than the io** of xmi 
4-oachiiian. Philip .\rnoId. Voti can* 
imagine the [deie-urc it gives lut- (« 
relieve \our anxiety 1 have Du many 
long, vM’ary years hoped for soiii 
-uch •qqMirinnity—ami (<> inf«>rin \on 
tlmt in losing your etmchmaii >ou 
have gailieil a -on 

“It i-a lie. un itifamou* lie! .My 
daughter could never so di-griu*- liei- 
stlf!” exclaimed the governor. 

••Disgrace*! hel-eif! Well, that 1 - 
tmt licit! Your daughter disgrac*' 
herself by m.trrvnig vour! 
llowcv*'i, I will not bandy aortis xvith 
\mu; and since tbey are married, tbe 
lust way i.s to be rcconeiled to it. a- I 
:mi. TIm-v (hd n't either of them 
elMH>se tlo'ir father, hut they di«l 
eliooM* eui'll titlier.” 

• Never! If what you tell me i* 
true; if (hut ftHilish. wicked girl ha* 
•Itiiic vvbal von say -b*‘ h;o*, all 1 h.iv«* 
t«i -av Is. ihul she bus made her lied 
, ami nm> n'st in it. 1 will never s 
I to her ugaiu.” 

heated me of my n^veiige. It liiirt, 
hut it's iiotiiing to what he mudr lier 
suffer; nothing to what I will make 
him suffer yet. I could liriiig litm to, 
hut I think I’ll let him alone; he'll 
come to his senses as soon a.s he will 
want to. In (lie ineanwhile, as I 
have other matters to attend to, I'll 
leave a line for him so tliat he can 
send for me. lie won't sleoji any 
until he hns listened to the remainder 
of my story.” ’ 

And seating him.self deliberately at 
the governor’s desk he wioto: 

If you de.sire to hear more of what 

.lo.HcpIi Arnold discovered ul Merri¬ 
vale call on me at the ('lareiiionl 
il<aise. If you prefer not to listen to 
it, the story, fully suhstaiitiatcd. will 
appear injiriiit in coiiiicclioii with the | 
accouiil of the other affair. j 

Me walked out of the house with-1 
out meeting any one and went ilireclly 
to the hotel, where he wrote a full 
aeeouiil of the elopement, in vvhicli he 
spoke of Phil as having been in the 
mploy of Mr. Folsom, and therefore. 
well known to many people in the 
city, and com'luded as follows: 

Tim governor says he will never 
reeogni/.e his daugliter or her hus¬ 
band, Imt us the young munis <|ui(i> 
lespeelaiily conncctcil, it i.s to he 
hoped that a reeonciliutiun may soon 
he effected. The young couple iiuve 
taken (he Iioiine No. iHMeorge street 
—a relire*l hut highly re.**{K ctaMe lo- 

“Tiii're, I think that will ilo,” lie 
said. Possibly Phil may not like it, 
and in fact the whole affair might be 
kept quiet; hut that would not suit 

Me curried the account to a i-heap 
daily paper, the editor of wide)) wa* 
opposctl to the governor politically 
and Wits, also, imu'li grutiiied to he 
the tirst to publish tiie story, and on 
his return to the hotel he fiaiiidumes 
s;)ge from Anthony i)avenp«irl re¬ 
questing his presence at once. 

“1 ought to make him come to me.” 
he thought, “hut I liouhl some if he 
and 1 don't want to kill him. I 
will not hurry, Imwever. 

.Vml Jose|ih Arnold eat his mipjier 
deliberately, and enjoyed it as iimeli 
as if the ehief magistrate of the Slate 
w«-rc not suffering tortures on his ae- 
eoimt. When he rtnally arrive*! at 
the resuleme of the governor, he was 
met at the d«H)r hy William, who evi¬ 
dently km w what kind of an appear¬ 
ing man to he on th«' l(M>k out f**!'. un«l 
eondu**le«l him at otu'c to the library. 
Me \v 4s pi't‘pare<l to liud .Xntitony D.e 
veliport u goisi deal s)iuk«‘n. but be 
was surprised to note ti>e ebange 
which l);id taken [>la«-c in iiiiu within 
lw*> liours. 

.\* M'ilUigo left the loom, eiiising 
the *hK>r liehind liiin, Jo*e]>li Arn«»id 
sahl : 

“1 ouglil to have inaiie y<m eoine to 
die. after wItul you -aiil. !>*• y«ai 
wish l«i liear tiie rcm.iiuder of uiy s(<e 

retnrninjIoTa. I WMoepanitedfrofn 
her more ihati two yean, and when I 
wont to her home lioping to win her 
for my wife, 1 found that she was 
dead; that she IimI been worse than 
munlered. Before the died she gnve 
birth to a son, but she would not tell 
the name of the child's father, and her 
|)Oor old father died broken-hearted, 
believing that the daughter whom be 
idolisetl hod been betrayed, deserted, 
murdcredl You shudder st those 
words, and they do sound ugly when 
they come straight home. 

“A low honi thing, who hod been 
A peddler of tin ware and other arti¬ 
cles, had by a strange, unexplainable 
jmwor galne<l the confidence, tho love 
of her who was as for nliovo him ns 
the stars In heaven. But she was too 
pure for even him to lietray, and 
lliniik God! thank Uoill I found the 
ovidonco thni she was a wife, even 
though the wife of a black-hearted vil¬ 
lain, more than a year before she be¬ 
came a mntlier. Have you no curios¬ 
ity to know his name ? 1 know it.” 

Joseph Arnold did not ex{>ect a re¬ 
ply, and he got uotio except a low 
iiionti, and ho continued : 

“The fellow was smart and amhi- 
tious, and oven before Ids marriage 
w ith her he hud left tho peddler’s cart 
und was studying law, with every 
proHpeul of being very stifi’essful.— 
And yet he ohtuinetl from her a prom- 
Ihc to kei'p their marriage a secret hy 
telling her a piau^ilde story about rcl- 
utiv4's wlioMt' wealth there, was every 
prospect he would inherit, hut who 
would not recognize him if they should 
lu'iii'of Ills having married without 
consulting tlieui. The last time she 
saw him he promised to return toiler 
soon and make their maiiiage known 
to her father. He did not keep that 
pioinise; he never intended to keep 
it ; hut she faithfully kept his sceret 
till slie died. What his motive for se- 
erecy was, I <lid not learn from ids 
letter^, hut I have learned il since. 

“Aiitluuiy Davenport, I swore that 
I would revenge i’liiilinu De Castro’s 
death, hut for twenty years I did not 
lliid an opportunity. I could have 
killed tlie seouiulrcl; hut pah! to kill 
one’s enemy is no revenge. 

“To clieei me In my loneliness, I 
liad nt times (he eompaidoiishi{i of a- 
yoiitli vvlioin 1 loved for his own sake 
and for the sake of Ills luuthur; hut 
he never knew why I lived alone. 
For some reason 1 need nut explain 
he left his home; fate brought him 
here, and he heeame your coaehnian. 
Me wrote me that he hived your 
daughter and that she returned ids 
love. I Itad taken a solemn oath to 
revenge Pauline De ('astro’s death, 
and I saw my opportunity. 1 oiicuur 
aged (he boy to run away with Isabel 
Davenport; 1 saw them married 
Anthony Ilaveiiport, liuve I fullilicd 
mv'promise totlie dead'? Do you not 
wish 1 had killed you instead'?” 

Such a look of horror wa.s never be¬ 
fore depicted upon a human ciniute 
miiice as Joseph .‘\riioM saw upon tin 
face of Anthony Davenport, who, 
after many violent efforts to speak, 

“Fi* inJ imarnalc! And l*> be re- 
vengi'd on iiiu you liave [irrmittc* 
(Ids crime! (Hi, it is too loirriblel 

“Not half so bad as iiiaciLcr. You 
speak to me of crime! M'liy. what 1 
liave done is Idglily meiitorious eom- 
pareil xvith your villainy.” 

“Had you uo pity for tliem'? They 
at least were innocent. They hud not 
injured you. (Ill, my (io*l! My 
*laughter ami—uinl—iiiy son!” 

And Aullioiiy Davenpoii fell likeu 
tliud mail t«i the Hour. 

(To be coiiUnuetl.) 

r wM Tom Ban.) Than WM If. ‘ 
•un MMM laUM with faMta ft 
both tndt, private property, bM tiMtf 
prevloualy mentioned wen all of Ih* 
roncte of that day. 

Then wae then but a iliigla wharf, 
Imnlly worthy of tho name, n iwda 
landlngplace, bnt anflkient for thr 
wante tif the few aettlen atwwt tba 
head of tho river, tho ilte of whidt 
l« now covered bv the lumber wharf 
of Meeen. Loan A Pntt. In Ihw* 
(lays the good peophi of the nlaoa 
wen oblised to go to metrtlM M thf ; 
old meetlog-houao at irotti|i<.-Wff« 
mouth,ortho almoet eqnaDy am*, 
niont one at North BnlntiM. Tbia 
latter waa for thoee “over the liaa.** 
Then every one wae obliged to go to 
moetlng in hli own pniUhvWhkhhat 
nitrtctly dellned gteihtlwM lolM. 
lOry th,t mnit not oe encrooelMd 
upon under any clnomitancca k ' 
neighboring paator, however atllHCt- 
Ivo. Each minlttor wai lord of Ul 
‘own manor, and wo be to the nnfttv 
I unnic who attempted to trifle with 
Ilia authority. Bev. Jacob Norton, B 
name not without honor even beyoM 
the limita of hla ownparlih, occupied 
the pulpit with credit and dignity. 

Nor were the wanta of the phyaical 
man provided for unleas by ifmilar 
liu-nnvcnicncc tliero jielug no aiora 
nearer than that of Dr. Cotton Tufhl, 
at North Weymouth, near where the 
preoent railway etatlon of that name, 
on the South Shore railroail, now 
•tmida; and for many yean after the 
only Imrying-pinco for tho greater 
pari of the people waa that of the old 
I'cmetery iicnr the aamo ajwt. The 
mention of the name of Dr. Tufla 
n^veala the fact that the Doctor, alao, 
eonlil only ho found nt Ida hon.e In* 
e.oted upon thu apot where tho reai- 
denco of TIon. .Tiimea tTiimphrey now 
atmida. Krom thia, it iiiipcnra that 
“wo,” llint ia Weymmitli I.oiniting, 
inalomi of being the centre of a flour- 
ialiing eoinmiinitv, were hut the atrag- 
gling oiitakirts of, anil cquiiUy atrog- 
gling villiige. 

lint to retnni. Whnt waa tVey- 
mmith T.imding nt the dote before 
mentiimeciy Standing where tho ling 
loir in Washington Square ia now 
Inented, lint two liouaoa eouid he acen, 
that of Mra. Deborah Weatou, whoae 
hnshami, ('apt. Eliphaz Weaton, hail 
only reeeatly been given up for Inat, 
having never been heanl from aineo 
sailing un his last voyage aoinu few 
yenra previous, and tho Arnold tavern, 
wliere F. W. i.ewia, Esq., now livca. 
Mrs. Arnold wnsnsiaterot Mra. AVea- 
anil tins, as well as nearly all of 
the liropvrty in sight from the a))at 
'lad lieeii the property of their father, 
'apt. Alexander Nnah. Hy whom 
tlo- llrat was linilt and oecuiderl, 
neitlier history nor tmdllinn tells; but, 
as it l>ulongeJ to the share of Bou- 
jamiii Nash, youngest son of Lieut, 
.laeni), ill his lather’a estate, it may 
fairly no presumed to have been thu 
homestead; and il would do nu vio- 
lenee perhapsto lnslorietnnli,tocon- 
elodi' that it waa the Inoneatend of 
Kdiinmd Hart. iKiugii thy .lames Nash, 
Senior, Maydl, ItMIt., and presented 
the next (lay, ‘'l)y turltii and tw igg," 
to his son *laroi>. in svldelrease it has 
lieen in the. liamis of tlie family ot its 
present (ovners 214 yenrs. 

The "Old .Vrindd Tavern,'' family 
raditioti says, was erected i,y C’apt. 
.Alexander Xasli; and siiiee lie was 
married In 1741, at the age of ;1T. and 
lieing a man of wealtli and position, 
its age ean undoulitedly la; ris'komul 
from that time, tlo; old Imniesttuul 
lieing too strait and toutinprelentions 
to aecioimnidale the newly married 
iiple. espeeiallv siaee the bride 
came rriini laieof arisloeratie families 
of .VIdiiglon. Tills lioase lias, hesidtts 
lliesu, other and more important us- 
soeiations. It (H'eiipied a ceiitnd po¬ 
sition Ingwt'en Boston and I’lyniottth 
and Bridgewttter, h.dngatllie fork of 
tile road whence it liranelied olt to 
eillier of the two latter places. It 
has also a Uevidniionarv history. 
Could its old walls reveal the acercts 
tliev liave lieard, inidolililedly many 
a tale of treason (lu royal authority) 
waoild come to our ears, siitee hero 
was tlie rendezvous of tiie Committee 
of Safety of this and nine of tlieiieigli- 
lioring towns,und lieruthey held llicir 
sessimis w'ltli lion. (dtt<m Tufts in 
the ehair, and ('apt. Asa While, uet- 
ing Seerelury ; Imt we must not dwell 
loo long u|>on one ptdnl, or wc shall 
not have time to tluisli. 


ry n4»hx 

“(»•) I 


1 uiUHt hear 
{M»iuf«'<l ho)i)-**ly. 

••.Molt- that) ixht uty xciir>» I l*iv- 

[wak ‘ lovely nirl, aud 1 hud 

1 reuaou to hope that iu lime vhe xvould 

A little di.ituiu’ctothe North, uion}^ 
til*' river, vv;iH the hoiMC occupied hy 
.Mr. Wliiliimrhli, houj^ht hy him 

ill of Snin'l .Vrtiold, where the 
Sotill) SItoie Hull U«)ad utAtloii tioxv 
ItH’ute*!; iiiid u f4fxv roiiii below kUnhI 
tin* rc.Hidciice of Mr. Aha I’mlt, in 
which IiIh .-oil. the late I'^j^it. Corne¬ 
lius, vxai IhiI'ii; oxvned lu itT.'l hy Mr. 
J«din Tirrcll.of lionorcd iiiciuorvt and 
earlier still iiy Mr. William Sui^'ciit; 
atnl fietxvceii that and the river, 
(-melt brook.) wu.-i another old build- 
in;;. lined partis a* a dwclllii;; and part¬ 
ly a-a ftiirchouse for freight, after- 
svanls llic “l*a*'kct Ihiu.hc,” xvidhi 
nearly oppot-ile, on the other side of 
Ihc street, wa-s (heiihl hoii-c of widow 
lltaiM Itani, occiipii d in 17J(I liy Mr. 
.bmathan NVldto, and jirohaldy )>uilt 
hy idiii uhont that time, upoii the situ 
«if which, .Mr. Nathaniel Mluiichnrd 
afiersMird.s huill jilf re<*ideiice, which 
still Maiiflin^. 

Far’Iicr down upoii the left, and 
directly upon the bank of the river, 
sva.H tlic rcAiilciicc then «))' shortly af¬ 
ter of (.’oltoii Tuft.-, Jr . built prob¬ 
ably aliont 17<Mi. by Mr. Ebt-nexer 
Wbite. Knindson of the tirst s*‘ttlcr of 
the name, und bNtkiii:; lUH year* a:;o 
v«Ty llluclla^ it ilo*'- noss, tsiid a little 
l>c\omi, upon (lie left also, was tlie 
hoiuc!*ti’ai} td .Nlsjd'* John White, a 
[>ro|>cr(y xxlach had prohably (h -c*'nd- 
cd from father to son, frtim the llrst 
of the name xxImi settled in Wey- 
iiuiulli, and xvhich is still oxxncd hy 
H :*rantli«oii of (he Major, alllMiuyii of 
uiiiilher name, Saiunel Webb, Fxp 
Iti-yond. xva* thi* rcsidcnc* of Mr. 
IcbalMHi I’mtt. urandfullMM* iif Martin 
K. I’nilt, L-'p. I»»rmcilx tx-cupied by 
.Mr. .V:ali:inicl Widle. and now hy 
.^Ir. Kivi'inaii M’hilinarsli. 

Ucturniin;. and pa**in;;alon^' I nint 
sircct toward.- (lie Soiilli, there was 
j |>riihublx no ilwclliin;, with pttasildy 
I the e.M'cptioii of tbe old Im»Us*‘ oct ii- 
. pi* .1 a :;cn«'r:*tioii later h\ Mr. Jacob 
Dyer. (undouh(**l)\ a nurt of tlie tdd 
Whit*'*.slat**. -»'’d i'V tn*' utlminis la- 
l*»ri'f the late Ib rviy Whit**, ami re- 
in«ix**l to Iti'oa*! str*ei.) until ihe 
liou-e iH*cupie*i bv xxid**w Narab Kiii^- 
iiKitt. -old in Ir’-M) to Mr. Natlianle) 
NVliit*', xxa-rea*'b*-d. Tin *dd house 
wa-( loin flown -tuoi after, -*n*l tlial 
bnill ujKiii it.-- site or very mar it, 
rha[H, h*)xvt-v*r. tli* pie*(ni j whieli i- n**w iHcupiid hy Mr LexvU 
tr***t iui;;lil he iiielmled.lead- : I’liitt. Mr Samuel Hunt's house, the 
iin; fr*oii Fnoit Kir« *’t. near llu* re-i- next alawc. wa-- -iiuateii fiitheri^ht, 
deme «>f .Mr Saiiiu*'! Hal* , fallici of diivetly op(H>siie tiie [in ‘-nt Ihou*! 
• lur v*‘ii*‘ruhi*' fellow eiii/a'U. Mr. j street, (in ih* e*>rner of F.oiu und 
Zt'cliariah llule^, nearly East. to.Mul-} Summer, (Usiu;; the luoderu uume.) 
die Btruet, at TirreU'» mill, {lunx ilo' i wu» u very old houee wbicbhad many 


[A |iit|xr prrjurrd Ly tlie Kci»riUng SetreUry, 
4n(l re4il bclurr tlie Society, at It* meeting A|*ril 
7 , iXKo.j 


It is si'urccly pos.-ihlc for the pre: 

*'i)t j;cm‘nttioi) tn rce4>)(uize *ir appr* 
eiale the ehanj;* s that have take 
[)Iae*‘ in the third ward of WeynioutI 
sine** 171KI, a pericMi but jiisl beyond 
tiie re* *>llection iif the oldi-sl of *itir 
present residents. Men uml xvomc 
arc iiow livinj; iu our initlst. Iiah* and 
m livc, wim wa re uiairied lu foie th 
tirst railroail in the riiit*-*l States was 
imilt. F*ir >curs after that tlier** wer 
no *‘Xpress(‘S, and pasna^cs were mad 
and jiucka;'*'S conveyid, « ilherby pii 
vat*- hand, stiiL;e eoiicli, *>r sailin 
packet. .NluiN xver** in u-»‘. but prol 
ably imire mailer i- delivered ilaily 
froin ibe Wt-xinoutli po-t-o)h*’e in thi- 
)ear lissn, tloinwustli*trihuie«)dnrint; 
a whole month *d' th*’v*‘ur lS.'tn; uinl 
the man xvith hardihoiKl enoti^h to 
have Ml;';:ehle*l * v«'n the lclei;niph, to 
say nothin;; of the t*-lephone and the 
niultilutle of similar inventions of 
vi'C)' iiHMleni date, would have heeti 
iidjudi;e*i insane at tlie very !ea.-(, or 
posM‘*sed hy th*‘ *iexil. and i*H>k(d 
upon a- a dan;;*'l'*>U'* person. 

I .M Ihul day, ITWi. the tody n»a«l- 
eoiinci'tili;' lilt' variou- parts ot the 
' viihme, not then capable (»f such a 
de-ii'liation. vx*‘re ( «iiuniereial -triat, 

I from llraintree, tluaMikdi North and 
; Wi’Xiimutb t«» Min;;nam. (the! 

! old IMviooutli roatl fotioxxiii;; the hax i 
shun )\ und III*- old .\hin';t*m road. | 
iKiW Front street; bothof them lue.i- 
I ted nearly as lutxv, very few inqKiitanl . 

! ( Iianu*-. iiavin;; been made iu th(in.| 
in(ers*‘*-led by Hunt'* l.ane, leadiii;; ! 
Irom D« a*'«m Muni*-, on Frojit *lre*l. ' 

■ l*» lh*‘ bom*'-tea<l *ri’ .I«i-iab M*dbro**k. i 
I at the I hd *d wbat t- iioxv kimwii a- | 
^ 'Dirrev'- l.aue. and Hack =*ireel. m»w 
'sutinner, leading tbeii a- n(»w , xxiili ' 
iritliiii; vuiialion; imly H was tloit a , 
lan*\ with a l‘ iu'*' ai ros-- thesuullu-in i 
*11(1. 1 

AutiUuu atwudttd to os ustiai* 

(i cc mi wi .t« 

.th* I'-l "«|uiilnted with the deUill* of offlcUI 
b Zacharinh Holes, »* circnmlocinjon. It i" "si'lt *'"*1 

Nr. Hslr Wa—Irr*! emmtmt. 

Mr. Wheelsr snnoiinces, by poster, 


On Tiietdsy nlRlit, In response Ip sn 

,ler snnonnces. by poster, luesu.y .nen,, ... ™ ^ ,, 

of his eopiilsr conwits lor liirluiloi. sslemleil from Minot s I.lfM lflh«hsiii rire Depsrt 

01 hu w , _■ e^ /i es«r/s>iMM«ii. tlM m#m*__ ti* fwtsui P«pkini. forfimrlr eon 

forernsn of^a. rH2:n*d"'*r SSh «' rwC':5h^"crwt^f 

; SAcnnrmn -. ■ miothrrone m nii pn-tsi»i w-rs-.- - • ■ , ^ n t* _ _ iIm mem* 

, dsto of which we write, hy „„|i„g to wseic the lime „„i Moh.Uy evenlnil. April IWh, si h.-l«e 

. ItlsIlltiM ll tllM InnffttinCC __• .. I.l^ Mlel-elsk«r InnMb. llA U ^ . ... ss __SS^ml.^s» M«n* ntK#r neri of ■UUini K _ ..MlNAel 

;hsm. Engineer P. f. I^y of <}'|ln- 

tom down completely. Still siiolhcr 
plan wss to bny s lot of lend for swnt 

old home 

ftint fsnilly, the process. 

sanon whose site stntids the nmiilence — -.. 

M Msior Ellss lliinl, one of the fsm- ,,p|„g fniRnl, without pnrsinmny 

rhllc Inst heyonil.uimii the left. --- 

In hshlts ho hss the rcimlstion 

f I. m .« e.nsble of srrsneliiR snd nisiieg- riniis kinds end ioilsl consermlloB, end nient, ^glneer Thmsi 

of Is more rspsble of singing sn ^ ^ ^ ^ O.iincy, Mr. t»e..nte Fret 

ly. Ing s flrst elsss, TOtM »"d isppiilsr ,i«t for home. As they were gathered K>remsn IVter Tf. 

no slvle or evidenco of wi'Siin, nnii IS , , , , .nnoiiiicemenl ol "iin.ii- log, Itie csrrisgo wm „f,eis oi inc ^ 

seldom the scene of soelnl festivity, pro.cbablo” Is most hspplly sppllcd, "Xmll'^bsl will mmern- ‘"rst^by'Mr?*Vork'ns,"ise:'’ "The fi'ir prims’ry echooU. mld?UonVI 

It is sold thnt he is not n millionaire, ,,i,, ,„ch .rtlsU as »lg. Keinelll. die .onie lime, hill luckily „,d Wler boys of East Vfey- ‘he gentleman ssbi. was fo^mldlHond 

,.,.tldonotheneveit. He is a large g„„wn tbis.on o'Tr,"«i"«m'?oo“pe":r:rin“l^ 

Ih; while just hevonil.uimti the left, ,, „„ „nprelcntiens "" 

llr‘^«"irnolhr.‘.k-l? w iJew twrnty-frHil fmnl ^.1 brick on K Sb, j,,. whmder hwi tried to make l«l- 

honsoTiisl creeled by Pen. Ebem ser fnein!?. h rsnklin Sriiinre, i« plsiiih visible, then the preceding one, 

Hnnt,whichls 8 Wit stamlinR. jVbove. „nd simply furnished, surrounded hy f,,, neat Moiidsy evening wo think 

jtlll npon the left, WHS the honicMcnil „„ ,|yip or evidence of wisllh, nnd Is anneiiiicomenl ol •‘aiisii- 

of Zstl^N""'''ft?!’'',,™ ,'uc seldom the scene of soelnl feslivlly. ,,roscliabl«” U most hspplly applied, 

ithe hill, 1 iv«ir,ieiit.TimolhyN l„,t I do not hellevo it. lie is a large g„„wi. ‘•‘.simi llute soloist, Mr 

whose nearest nelKliber upon the onst „„nj,r i„ Washington, and Wlil.ldoti, wlio hss estsbltslie.! lumseii 

was Mr. .loseph Nash, the Imker „ rxtensive landlords, win, .me of otir ino.tpopulyvbdln 

whose dwelling was proliahly at that am. ng me n _ Miss Ennnle Mpragae, wl.o sings 

time fifty years old bnllt to roplni'.'an hating eri,< It I • g ben. for the llrst time this winter, ami 

Old one at tip fool of the hill, (a few „i,|,in the past live years, otic bun- ..Staccato Polks" ami 

reus in the roar,) an.l Is at this .lay ,jrri) icnenient houses, that i-oidd , .y n .py ,pn,iPiiof the man- 

?l”cs of the 0 l< 7 i?«rlsh line, were the a million. At the beginning of the whiddon. Kem.lll 

nsidences of the Klchanls lirothcrs. war, when most .southern men, be- j_ yy Wheeler ns accompaiitsts 

SslUBnielsndTIiomns.whUcns niueh ijoying the Tnion to have gone irre- i„ (),„ i.imr song.) Hoih of ibese nnm- 

. .^tephSn Cain. Jr, foreinwi sleet Dim wss to miy s ^oi nsm^ ...r^mno 
ften'VBales, Engineer J. W. Hsy- IMTO snd emt s ^ « 

Oulney, Mr. George W. Prescott this would lesve but $.«» It «» «*t 
iviHrey Patrit^O. W. Bsles, dent this pisn *“2,"';'!?^,*’^™’.“ 
of tlie^Weym<>«ith Eire Depsrt- thesnm wss not sofllclent t” * 

Engineer Thomss MeDonsW of snlUhle schoollioust.. It •“ 
yVlfr. tiorge French of the (Jeii'l posed to buy '’'‘.••'J"!?'"*;* Vnu, s 
^Kwemsn IVter N. Hprsgiie ol Nl- Burrell, converting the '"yj.j 

2 of llinalism. Mr. Walter II. sebrndhonse of two rwms, 



The Cheapest 


K KBPS THE T iT^ 1 ^ C? 



Qu«Ut 7 Sup«rlerl 


E’ I 

i Lni linn the‘'Staccato Polks" and joo.1 niglil ami came borne ii safely, iUngbam: "Weymoiitli and l ing- Bridge wt 
win. will sliac Ihe niaccaio i o I enjoyed a merrv closely jolnd that when sltln-r snd urged 

“II Baorlo Wall/., Ibyreqiieilof the man ,,|,i „,hh 1 ready l<» goto vlill calla the other will readily rrspond.' nlshed tli, 

ager, who will fnriilsli her with the aa- „„| •liti-ra aa soon as The comi.any dlaimrsni at a ute hour, near their 

KMhnniel ana Thomas.whUc w nuirli 
farther bevoml, upon '‘r;!? 

Ihlnl brother, Mr. .Tames Itichnnls Jil. 

b her will, me am ,,c„(i,c„ ,, 

Whlildon, Remeltl .gsln c.»iivcnleiit. 
ler aa accompanlsta 

Iipvinp Iho Union to have gone irrc- sonR.) I*<*ih of num- Ijiillns C. T. tlnion of that with inch a hook and 

trievahlv to amsTali, aiatH^t'd of tlirir Sprs'igUM niiiRa in Amaiinrr that Wgnj ^pyinoulh openea We«!ni'»*lay af- in,ider company as the Riircka and >nch 

* _ ... .. I.. .a a . g ...a....... . .. ■ _ mi... ._l_ ...........a. ..m cttf* /lssti*l lltltgSE. 

r'V.:.M*rihsrn«v*.r p.dl’d„wr'tlM „„w'«!i7,f''.h.m coo^d up In two .mall 

Sf;.y""m:.^*wMLyd:?nK’km?y.l:^ "Tsamnet Grave. wl.h«l to Impres. 
tbet book to g.)od effecl." Tlie second upon the eomtnlUee the y’'’?.* "I 

sentiment was olTereil by Gapt. looking In the direction of Q'dnry Point 
ol llinghsm: "Weymoiitli and fling- Bridge while considering thrir plans, 
liLi-so closely jolneil tlist when sltln-r snd urged 
calls the oilier will resdily rrspoml.” nlshed the children from 
The conipsiiy diaimrseil at s late hour, near their iloors, they ™'n’. 

Slid the liirlteil giiesli left for their pelled to wslk s mile In order lo g«l •'» 

homes aatlallcd of two thing*—that the aehool. f **1 

Eiirekas know how to entertain their old hoiiae to hi" nelghliorhrajd, previded 

frieiidt. ami that with iiieli a hook and s new one wss bnllt In the village. 

ladder eotnnsny aa the Eureka and such Mr. Besla replied that the whuol 

until wUhin* a few yeiln.; the Inst rliliciiloiis rales, Mr. Slicriiinn houghi »nlsi.. Mr. Ered C. Fnlrbaiiks also 

bouse to wlilch nttention is calliil he- i„rgcly, and all of these Invcslmcnls comes highly recommended ss sbariloiie 
Ing that of Mr. Samuel Kates, on t„r„e,| out forinnalc. I hclicve the »nd will l>e sure to give the salls- 
Wlnler street, a few rmls f^“ “ charges that he ha.s made large sums facll.m here as In all other concert, 

commencement on Front rst., nno » v *• .* i i ..igha.irN Ixim whcr«*vrtr h<» appears. Ilia name is wdl 

strlctlv sncsklngin South W eyninulh, of money In Nalionnl hank slmk. hn. *'‘er ■ . ^ ^ 

rlv in Ihe Dislricl iil siiprcincly 

.i|iiatled hy the beituf sopraii 

East Weymouth opened Wedncviay ai- |,,|,icr company aa the r.iircKa anil snea Mr. nesia rruiici •..i.i. oi SMur.liiv. 



C'ODsllAnniM'K. *e., 

I tljNt can b* fGUtMl (hU •i'l* of IlmtoOs 

1 IMtET bring t»«« your tlldbf*. 

AihI buy llif*** Htlln fl«hrB. 

Tram* ilrlTcii tlmuiKb 

WKT«onTii l.A?«iii?iu. Tiifw'luy^ «ul KrhUy". 

KfH'TH WrtMofTM, MwiHUy". TIiiir»il»*yE and 

TOMATOES, 3 lb. cans, 



PEAS. 2 

CORN, 2 


STRING do., 2 


SALMON, „ i " 


IScts. can. 

Ing that of Mr. Samuel Bates, on 
Water street, a few rmls from Hi 
commencemrnt on k'fnnt, *^h, anil 
strictly speaking in South M eyninulh, 
ss were Ihe two last nicntioiieil. 
There was jirohahly in enrly liines. 
sn old house stnmlins uciirly ojipcniile 
Mr. James Ulclmnls’ before spoRen 
of, anti anolher on the slope In the 
rear, and a lltllF4o the north of Me. 
.Tscob Rlchanls’; also, a plare cnIliMl 
the “Ifnniphrcy place,” where Mr, 
David IlUdianla’ houre now slpiids. 

,.„.e. highly' recomm.‘mIed s. sbyltm^^^^ S;:,V7n.V■;t"^,i?h^e^^^^^ 

hiT WitTlitiL'TB.TiirmUy*, Kritbiy*.S»tunl*r"- 
uaTM WBT»«l!Tti. Thnr-tUy Afti-rnofinB. 
itAisTNKK. Diurfiiljy" Ai>-1 HAtiirtUy*. 

HifWF wliu ilflrr tin* tri*m lo r*ll will plfS**- 

charges that he ha.s made large sums facll.m here m. In al oilier concen. 

of money In National hank sKwks has wherever he appears. | 

. ^ I . I IF I « ,H known to fiiir inusical peopln, i»ini ft lur- 

hocn explolled. le has • I, unnecessary, lie 

rector ill the Nnliomd hank at his ,|„g ..The Day is done,” (by Balfe) 

home in Manslleld, Ohio, and is slIH ^ Yeoman's Wedding Song." 

a dircetor in at least two iiii|iorluiit n„mi iH.piilar bwe and bari- 

niilway conipaliics. Upon the whole, uino solos piibllslied. Miss Emma A. 
willintil knowing why It should he yucrell slso comes highly recoiiimcii.led 

0 give the ssine satis- ^ I umrnl and fancy 

In all other concerts .nicie,, which found resily piireliasers. 

,rs. Ills name Is well The attrsctloii of Wediiesilsy 

.leal oei.nle and a fur- hi additloii lo singing by Mrs. Sarali K. 
Ileal people, a iiir l , ,,y \s . 

I U lannssiSilAEArV. llP .1 .7 . V a mw t*..I .mmw rtsA 

^ . wni rftniiiremfnU aptnftna two priniftry 'i!„wrwliuiip-iri«tli** tf*m lo r»|l will pin 

ntrrtalnmvwt. . Rchnols Whf*n lin*rc ftr»* children Briul po*ul t« Wiynuiuili, or call ui rifi*ldpiuc, 

Tbe Infant elais wnnected with the j,r. Graves' vicinity to fill a Orders may be left at the On 

M. E. Sabbath .School will give an eiiter- 
talnineiit III Ihe vestry of the church 
negl Wediieelay evening, al 7.110 o'clock, 

enough In Mr. Graves' vicinity to mi a 
primary school, no doubt the town will 
give them one. . . 

Mr. Graves said that he hail been In- 

K IlT«’’i.ou'e nmv ripiiii;: anylhlng against Hill,, 1 think it may 

reached hv a lane leading from hi'inl he said that he is comfoilahly silii- 

* . s' .• t>t..lir>smlm . s Ot...._ I- s..vs. s. «..l i>,l 

Rimwii lo 01 . 1.1 • ' ' ,, Cushing and plat.o iliiet by Mesini. w. i„i,ig lo raise money lo re- ^ ^, , , TOseliool children 

tber. ondoriemeiil Is iinnecessyy. lie y. ,nd A. M. ... 'h« ,,,„nisli their library with liooks. The { '' 'iLfiheUniversallstehapel. 

will sing “The Day is dime," (by Balfe) leadings hy Sirs. Emma Maiming Hunt- ,invel featiirn of the affair is thst the "’JT* a Man Whiling lliniight that lids 
an.1 "The Yeom.n's Wedding Song " 1"/. 'ri!;'\l!rL*^’'«eri‘.'ed niimlmr inelinled the hahle. a. well as 

Orders may be left at the Oro- gQj,g 0 RacUsh, 
eery Store of P. M. DROWN, Pepper SaUCB, 
Weymouth Lan^nsN_ Pepper Be 

epper Relish, 



Mixed Pickles, 

foro ft Weymouth ftiidlnnw ftiiil provcil g,|n,neni. the 4 >nly ai«l to Ik? recflvpit "„l\ree. 

luirftelf to be a i!n|ia»)!e anil atlracllve tlie cUm. belnR vi>cal mu»lc T«rAmiah Sh« 

rerHallo„l.t. Her delin.allo,,. nf Uie -.Insie Cummings, ol hynn. . «/'T"® r1iM.r.mM.Tr.U 

nallielle. grotesque and hiimorn^ yfiss Daisy C. Cushing, a,iiemher of the ,he „f the children _ a | ■ m 

ln!rpr.‘s.inlali..n ..f character iket. l,Hjh wm cniilrll.iiUi some of her choice „a, opimscd to largo and rM||sl%n|rn Esillllll 

from the iiiaacnllne and feminine W „,pet|n„s which alone w II he worth the h,"„es with a miillUiide of schol- rR|r|]H|rn rQ|||llf, 

hie. reciting urny’s^ |5 cent, .-harged for n.lmlltaiice. ""*''V,rthn.rght the high com. were I IHI U«ll » lUIIIIIJf 

UdD ILtibtrtistments. 


street, near the Tlionin.s Itlclmnls jur. Shermnn is l•oIlIlcc■lell 

housed This Inne pniliahlv was nm- j , „,an-iagc princiiially, will, llio few 

^ reVingfumiliesofUiecoiinliy. ilis 
t™cn residence of Mr. .fosinh ll.d- hrolher, Gen. Win. T. Shermnn. nnir- 
hrook, nn.l since owned niid iKciipieil fje,) ihp dniightcr of Tom Kwiiig.niid 
birthelateMr. riiilipTorrey. Al.oiil pjpter of Tliomns Ewing, who 

ttnlV o^S’^o lirewas defenle.l hy Mr. Eosler in Ihe 
of the“SuiikiinIIole;"wasthelionie- Ohio elcetion and is still the 
slenil of Mr. Eplinilni I’rall. long lemler of llie .leniixirney of llinl nliile, 
nUice Tlut.^e wore all <*f ^ the daughter hh 

the hoascs it is *’’"1 i.*!"’ Imilher t'linrles, now presides ovei 

then AtAndinir ifi the liniitfi «f rori . . *. 

iiiifl will rfclto ‘•KltCarsoii’i llhio’* ami 
-Our Kolkft.” No woni of praise Is nee- 

Futi- ••ihirroiKB. anu %r. iM-.-s,- biea reciting Grav’a KM'Ry iii a uisvnci 

oiiiiprltMl tsMary from us for Miss Nellie Nolan.— gehmil, U) the qiurrelsoineScotchCfiiiple, 

Kv»*rv one In Weymouth knows tlial tliey pftt In* learcli of Ills coualii. the eijul- 
* ^ t I* aptuiliv anil well iieer’s itory of tlie ilcath of bis chlhlp 

to hear a pleasing, arlisllc ant \ *.(,ver the hill to the pt)or- 

reiiihTea solo wlienever Miss Nomii s ••Tiie Painter of Seville/* etc., 

name ll announcml; ami as she always 
gives the most perfect aullsfactloii we 
may refrain from any further praise of 
her. The same can al*o be said of Mr. 

Iicir?.' .In?r of ‘the death of h's clilM. HOETH WETMOtJTH- bnlhlhiK. forrenvenlence and i,«. ralher 

nal«w»« faith. “Over the hill to the poor- — than ornarnent. 

wc?r;ni,Z7by l‘?mmr«Ine«?»’de^^^^^^ ThciUri«ilin h.mltme s'chendhonre UkS tl.; other 

of feeling and^ appreciation »>f the llu- Three yoinig tnlssos, meintMrs of the p'*^**””* ^ 
nioioiis, JoIihmI to a remarkable facility gi-atnmnr school, gave an cntertaliitneut J*,**”^ moViirnlon 

^tdeh'X/s Mr;?’n«ntrey io*s?"n7’oi "’'‘'”',1?? ?' 

were imarkwl hy a iialiiralnesa, a depth Theairtcala. 

of feeling and appreciation of the hii- Three yfiiiiig misses, members or the 
nioioiis, Jolm.fl to a remarkable facility grnmmar school, gave an enterlalnmenl 

Ohio elcetion and in xtill the ** *'* ,,.,r g«a||>ai and pi*pular ri.i^iosl'of readers their number, and lielng deiornilned lo opinion of the meeting a new aclxMil- 


her t'lmrlcs, now presides over ,i,nply immc„.c and one would be .,.,,1"'„„,i ..olte innrnlng. O er a.itlmrs, cnneluded to give an original Mr. (’.rave, was afraid 

lioiisoofCmiicmii. lull, lu believe Ib.t Hie person who comes ,,arly." wxs nmrkcl will. liiT ciist.e .Iraiiia. t„ Si!., woilhl hi s^L there to col^l-s^ 

>lm laprmnii i» lieyoiid .iiioslion ,i„w„ m front of Ibe audience In hislirsl ‘"‘‘'■yiJ'*'''-;,*™™.■'irt^ln'niL i„ u,o Droducllon of a pnnd, In wlilcb event the parenis would 
of the few sintesmeli of llm pri'S- s,.ogs an.l tlie smooth I.Miklng, tasty ,„||a,| ..Kallileeii Mavunrnceii." . i Th,. Fairy's Gratllu.l... The prefer to send their children to t le i- 

.. »,..,ilnni,i.i who ulves "mono" .... 1 ens school. . .. 

E.l"«,^i:nr.5:’"Ti:ese w^^ialliS i"!;'"hi; d." wr HI-ch.racter aong. »•>,. o.dy present the work, of o.h- 

the hoascs it is '"*» p-J,”. lirnlher t'linrles, now presides over simply immense and one would be o j|p™lk. d.ive,” ami "One inuriiing, <) er aiillinrs, concluded to g ve an or ginn 

‘will me'cxrentoi O thns. "u, the house of Cmnemii. lull. In believe Ib.t the per,.m whoeo.u.s ,„“arly." w« .,mrke.l -;>»'■ '"'r iu;'- 'I™"**- .. ... 

Summer street, which will now he ,I„lm tacrmnii is l.eyoiid .iiieslion ,i„w„ m front of Hie audience In hisliral 

taken up. one of the few stntesiiieli of Hie pres- s.iogs an.l the siuonth I.Miklng, lasiy ballad “Knllileeii Mavonrnceii." 

( .1 nr.i week ] _ ,|uv, of estahlislied repuliiliim young gciilicnnin who gives "moUo i„ rbarmlng style. 

. 1 • .,.A A 4i NFiiiiRA far his ftecoiitl antM^arutice, art* Otic* At tlicconciusioiiof thcciitortaiiinmnt 

■ ninl re. ogtiized nhility. As a llnnn- song, nr his ^ „,,g, „„„„u„„..| that the 

JL, idk* it ib einl luiiiisler he will lie immed with • ii n nnd a.i.le ladi.'S lin.1 prepaid a supiicr. willi iiiee 

IfILa flTaasnnnill llniiiilt.iii li ill itiii •iinl rimse ns abow, his laleiil ns a eoiiiedlan. niid as .le pp.., f.,, refreslim.iiil of the 

wMIllliiDin Ihuuill.. i, I.. 11 I Hill .1111 im. , ,r„„, iiiAi there 1, a iiiagiieHsiii hi his e.iinpany, and for an hour or iinire the 

IBV WlglHBMH* tf/ ,u„„ng the greiilest in history, anil ll , |,|p|, ..eaU-bes” an wais at the refrealmieiit lubles were well 

-- is beeuiise of his wonilelfiil ui.d saga- |et him ..IT <med, Hm 

a. a. BABTBBBHOOK. EDITOR. ei.ius poliey Hint tlie iinlloii is non regiilaHon applause. „ David Tucker, who. in Hie iina- 

FRIDAY. APRIL 16. 1880. 

Mr J. II. llATls. N..«-I.S|M'r .\.lY.ili-i..g 

Ami.t. 41 I'nk Usw. (Ti.ii.-- nuil.ll..v.) Ns* 

Y'iKK. i« BMtIinrizfil tG rniiiruFt for uihirti f- 
,...m.lnilit W.T«..eTiHiAS>;rts. »i .mr Is-t 

'^^Tilis I‘Arr.n rosy 1..-f.mii'. .’"file 

Ilowti.L i r.i's N. *si»l«-i .t.h. ili-.i.M 

{lU Sprurr .**t ,/ wIhti* fantnnl'* «»*“> 

If* iDiulc* fur it ill Nkw \GnK. 



Another Richmond in Ihe tlelil.—A Ekrlch 
of the great Fluant't* Mlnlilrr.—Ill* 
mtutiier and hi* meiliod«: liU planit 
and hii po«»e««lonii. 

i-iit day, of cittablishHl rvpuinlion y«»uhg gcimc-iiiH 
iiiid rc(oj:nizi'd ability. Ana liniin- snogs far Ids nee 
eial miiiisler lie will lie mimed with ’aiiie. 

Ilamill. liiillatin ami I 'lmse, as ah-.w. .Is talent 

aiiioiig the greiilest in history, an.l .1 ^ ..„»u-lies’ 

IH lifcausf of his woiidmful and faga- maUi's lla-m hilh to 

cimis policy that tlie nntinii i.n now rcgiilatloa applaiistf. 

enjoying iu unexiiiiipled prospcrilv- Another ph 
lie is .“nfc, prudent, rcliahlo and wiieeler’s ctjiict 
perfectly hi>ncj*t, AVhether thene fancy prices for 
(luaiilies aloae*aio HufUeient to noiid** how he can do i 
nutf and to oleet tdm i.s aiiothennicki- Iwst concerts n 
lion. He H not popular, and hi?* tickets, tliai we 
iiiiinc earricH willi it nu piniuiiieiit ami forilier notice ii 
ia.' 4 U|icr.ihtu rca.'^oii wliy he hhotitd hi* kimws whiit Ids 

nrcfcrml before thouc wlui-*e po[iii- "'le limt sqi 

• . . , , , ' ' gft yoiir liekcls 

liirity IS wide spread, and niii- 

didaey involves ... ,i,„„ „f to. 

Those here, who are well iiifoniii'd. 
iiHiieli no weight to the "Sheniiaii i,i.|,Airh. 
boom," and are of opinion lliat llie One day laat 
ini'Vi iiieiit ill Ids favor lias no real Ilingliani Cord 
streuglli with Hie iiiiuises. f'lr a cable at e 

('.nil.. aiMin. They 

and Hi« same, lint tlial's where be 
Bliow, Ills lalenl ns a eoniedlan, and asi.le 

niniedlan, and asi.le f^,epitiimisd. „ ic'lenls would not lie sallslleil wllli, and 

magiietlsn. In li. ^Ji^l^^^inore ^h^ ,,,'1 a^Sf?;^!7 Si 

result of tlicir la!H>rs iMdng of suflicieiit Aldcn Whltlrtg was of the opin- 

aieril, as the following plot will sliow, tpat if the committee did huild there 

to warrant a full tleseriplioa, it is l»ere!»y ^ would be such a tadhliiig that the res- 


Musle Hall, So Weymoatb. 


Monday Even'g, April 19/80. 

Aili»i««l"n.'i'l ct'iil*. Ufkcrvfil SfiU-. ail cf». 
Duor* tipfii »t rtiiicfi't at H tn'lock. ‘il 


P oll TWO COWS. Apply \» 

W. ll. rilll'MAN. 
aO I Wfyiiiuuth. 

By Holbrook &. Fox, Auct'rs, 

GfliM, 12 Poll Gffleo Hqiiare. Iloston. 

I Y W AI^T. I_ 

HUNT & CO.. 

Front St., Weymouth Landing. 


Idents would not !m» sallslied with, and 

coiirttislfs III this Hue al llio bands <if 
Mrs. David Tucker, who. in Hie iina- 

iielied to g.i aliiinl shiiiiiiod ami tlespisi-d pjar,,. 

Another pleasing feature of Mr. voidaiilu aijseiice of Mrs, Uichard Sndth, J j*\\*^* i ' ,u,, 

Wheeler's cineerls IS.ha. there are no theami Inc’.'.m'i^.l 

fancy prices for seats. We don’t know * ^ ^ '“di*^# manage t( 

luiw lie caiidtj ll, but h«* does give the Last evening the entertaimiient com- !‘’**^j***'!’ 

i»y all. One stormy night she comes lo 
the residence of two young ladies, heg- 
glng shelUT from tlie sUirm. At iimeii 
trouble ami iiicf)uvenieiic« to themselves 

how lie can d«» ll, but in* tioes give im Lftst evening the entertainment com 
iwst concerts nl Ihe smallest price fi»r prlsetl a tine pnigramme of vocal and In 

to supply ii“r witli tainnieiit was ♦itO.40. 
I latistied her crav- 

The motion was finally carried by an 
almost unanimous vote. 

The proceeds of the Fast night enlcr- 

- We have just received a lar^e line of 

Morlgagee’s Sale Papei* Hanj^ing-S of the Latest Styles, 

—OV- will, ll W.. -bull M il « 

REAL ESTATE iD fepouft. s, lO, 12 1 - 2 , is, is, up to so cts. perroU, 

' - -■ bfing little or no mlvntii F oii ftiniier priro*. 

F 'KSI’ANT to a power of lale c(»ntainc<l in I 
a certain dvc<I of mortgage given by Marcus | 
. , 1 -wi.A..rei«re r1,a M. H.niKtn.nn and Adaliiie F Hoduman, his' 

The carpenter shop helonglnt, to the in h^r right, to tlip Dcdlum liistitullon [or 

Hekcs. mat were ever given here. l.n. --lly'{ 1 ^;; 

fiirtlier miliee Is iiiiiieecssarv , ever, om. i,„||je being crowded. Tlie feiiliires 

ing for food by a lieariy meal. In tb« 
iiiorniiig, as a reward for llielr kindness 
anil 111 token of her gralttnde, slic tells 
tliein there Is a fortune awaiting tlieni 

know, wliiit Ills colleens are, and every 

one Hiat can soiiee/.e ill usually goes. .So Ungers: reailiiigs bir Daisy, of “Billy 

ge, your Hekrl, early at the drug stores. ""Nob.My's 

a* part <»f them are taken in oilier sit- gong hy Mrs. It. S. I 40 v«*ll, 

tionsof tlie town. ••Thet'halcl Horn”; song, “The Vaga* 

- IioihI/’. 1. Frank I’orier: song hy Mrs. 

... W. F. Hurreil; duct. “TlnrTwo C«m. 

... .1. 

g fii::™ « s' ... 

estate of the late Ailkert K*>rd was moved 
lo the laud of Mr. S. ILOrciitl last Tues¬ 
day, and will be remodtdlcd into a car- 

S.avini’H. a.»t«d Sent. .|tb, 1 S 67 , recunJed with 11 vW iv sTiirK \ 

Norf«*lk tjS. Fol. 175 , and for 

I breach of the condition of Mid mortKa^c. wdl be pill I IIKICT OCT Oil Ol fjlHS 

I sold .It Ihddic Auction tirjthi* onrlKUKod prem- TULI- 1-1 IN t v" WII- \Jlm\J I 19^9 

Ucfi,on Mt rNDAV, tlie tenth day uf May, A. 11.4 ami 84 whltln*. \Vi- Imvo thri'c armh**, and vi-ry dofilrable- Fljlca. Al»o a K< 

I). i.Sl'u, at four i/chick in the afternoun, the ’* ’ R««GrtMD'nt of 

pirmiM-hin >.-(id m'rtgaKe dctM dehCriWd, to vs ssaaftft EtSf HA A WI^IAI 


iiiagie lallsimui, a powder, t>y Hie ... . .. luigriui Saldintli Sclimil held their 

wliiel, they can obtain the treasure, at 1,„„r,.rt Sunday evening, the 

tlie s.aine lime eaiiHon iig Hieiii to be crowded. An InleresHna 

very earefiil not to br, ak Ibe box. for in , presented, tlie lirsl part 

Hiat ease lliey will lie niialile to liml tlie ^ ,,narlelte liy Messrs. .Siilelliiger 

<>iiibl>alh NrhiM>l Concert. |). i.Sl<u, at four i/chick in the afternoun, the 

The 1 ‘ilgriin Said>alli School i>eld thidr in ?s.iid m'rtga^e dcfd dchfriWd, to 

inontlily eoiicert Sunday evening, the ,itAll tlrot tract oi Un.l, with ihe Iroildins' 
Ivsiry being crowd.ol. An InleresHna tlion ro., sit.raicdm Weymronli, in the Lc.untv of 
IH lOh .. v.ref.illf mil! t:nmni..n»fj th of Massacliiisctts, 

fortiitu! in store for tlicin. 

<>i»e of the sisters accldenlany lets the 
iMkX full, breaking ll and spilling the 
contents, which immetllalely dhappeurs 

Town and Vicinity. 

OIJI5 uay last wtfeK um uyeois *»* •jibi bv Miss DIzer. 

II Ingham CNrrdugc Co. recidved an order All of ttie imrformers wer»? warmly ‘n»iil«nts, which iminwllalely dhappea^^^ 
for a cable at eleven o'clock in the (ore- received and flitterliigly applauded, and » a I' ”',';' 
mK,n. Tliey telegraphed Hie order to >'■« f:;;. ll'.r^rf/rX^w [«a?.l mnuVlu'Hreln^h.:^^n' 

llingba.ii, and Hieir message was re- l.’lllj^'^.^^i’/^.r'li.elr genen.L 

ceived at llie rope walk at ipiartcr be- ai,| „f ii,c cause of temperance. ’‘"i-.iL''L. 

vtsiry oMOh I »i,., tir«f Nurfidk .'ind Comnn.nwfalth of Massachusetts, « J* o.ntaininR % acres, yh naU. iKiun.Ied easterly on 

ln'lng a «|uurtt lit ’{y ‘ib.rurd ‘uiil I**”** fom.erly of (^c^rRe tnwk'rt, and now or late I 

and Idnctdil and Mesdamts Ih.cnnl .iml Humphrey; northerly on Weymouth 

Walker; scriptural excrcls4»by six young River; westerly on said River, and a creek 

misstts, rendered In pleasing inaniier; leading into the sm»e, and then wutherly, and 
recitation liy Miss Alice Snow, a charm- then westerly again by land now or formerly of 
In" number; r.*ading by Miss Hattie Uy- james White, id, and then southerly a^ain by 

Ity Some lUfans tl.ey hail olila»in*il tne 1 ;|„d in Pis last sickness ii 

of tending faniities in town. 

, Sj.,- ilili./ |*W»***|St 

M ASlIlS’tiTo.V, Aitnlld, Mb ^ 

“If any mnu ever lUscivid tin* 

higliOHl reward ■within Ihi* gift **f his It,-cords of ilit* riymoulh and 

party,*’ sahl ('ongr. ^'inaii .Mill?* <»l jf;is 5 ;iciiusi*iis ffdonn's holonging lo the 
Texn> tltc ullier cvctiitig. to the n I it- |,nvn, romprising rlevrii hook.s, have 
cr,‘‘tli.'it iiKiti i?* slohn SliiTinini. Hi's hern rmiovnl from tin*'r'»vvn Hall to 
cainlidary would dignify the ranvn-^. tin? Tufts Library, In arr'>rdanre witli 
and Ui.s rlcflion. if it roiild hr tM*«*oin- tin* n rent vote of the Ihmrd of Si lrcl- 
pli-'licil would l»ut aa lioin-(t, uldeaiid mm. This rhangr makes tlir voiiimi .s 

Ihorimgldy roiiHcimliotiH man into the more availaidr for publir us.*. 

MT.ile Htaise.** Surh an opinion 

fn.iii a liolilical niiinmclit i- ii.i I.-> i|„.ir appro,i- 

dusi rveil. Ilian eliarin leii'lie "f Ibe j,,,.,, , 1 , 1 , s.-lling wlial wa.. 

iiniiressiiiii wliii li hi-* iimiv than „.pf,.,,.||i,.,i as a aiipi-rior‘inalily nf fnr- 
tweiily-live yeiirs of plihlie M-rvici- p,,),,),, at a very exml.iiaiil pri,-e. 

lia-s left uinni the iiiiiiils nf all i lii'-i-' |iy seme means they liad nlilaiiiid In,- 
witli w’lioiii he has In-eii hrininlit in names nf I,-nding families in Inwn, win, 

eoiitiiel. Ilis life air,mils an illustri- a,r,. represeiitiil as pnrebasiiig tin-aiti- 
inis example of the nlwavs imsitiv,- ,-le in larg,-i|naiilily. Tln-y (urllnT-lis- 
results of self-reliam e. -iierny. In-n- ariin-d siispieioii liy representing Hiai 

esly and persev.-rom e. If we are not Hn-y ..1 at Hie r.-.,ne»l nf w.-li- 

tired of Hie te.iii wl.i. h desinnales known ...whose strong isemeni 

.... I 1 1 .. was glvrii with an unldtishingcUcekwor- 

tlioso wlio rcarh tlnir aim unanU tlhy . 

-. - . li- 1 ...... •’ thy of a bellrr C.iusr. 

favor nr fttriune, an * Nrlf*iiunlt iiu n,__ 

it would he tnu* that would apply with 

morn onliuary forne to .lol.n |.,.y John Wright, of .Smith Ilosiou. 
kShnrninii. His fuiin* am! fortune are hU) preach in Trinity rliurrl. m xi Sun- 
file work of his own hands Knt. r- 

inn f.mgress at the age of lliirty-one. "jJ?'Wasl.inglni. .Merritt 
atul rearliitig the senate aftci a long ^vin* tlraw n huii Monday as juror# for iln* 
and eonlinuuus service u-* a leader in u*ini of eouil at Dediiain. 
the House, it may l»e saitl llui*. he was Itev. V. A. Nordell will pn arh a sor- 
, , a . , _ moll in till* liaptist cliurclt ii**xt Sund.iy 

never ilefenled before the jh'» plc or n,,. /.pv ,i,„I H urt u/ 

l!ie legislature of his state. He is a in conm-ctlua with tin* ri*ci*nt 

Hingham, and their message was re- 
ceivf'l at the rope walk at ipiarter he- 
fme'lKelve. The eal.le was shipped hy 
lilt? train whicli left lliiigliam at one 
ft’chak, aiul was ready for delivery in 
HoMoi) at tw.i—three limir^ after the «»i- 
tier was rt’celvefl. t^nick work. 

{.ears, and tells them that in the nccl- 
ilenUl breaking of the Ik.x site is releaseil j 
from lh«s|M!ll of the enehant.ess, wl.oRt* ' 
l>ower over her ceas«*s. am! ttml hence- 

'timprlsing eleven ho«ik.s. have W. H. h. . , , o- • 


ft» Library, In aconlaiiee wiMi jj jn ,„.xt Sunday evening, with selee- 
•nt Vide tif llie Ihtard of St led- fmm die Creation, .MeBsiah, Wal- 

Tldsehange makes die voinmt .s pur^is Night, Seasons and Slaliai .Mater, 

, :,ih,ide piildie use. “inl nnnil-ers iissigm-.l to nil s-lmsis. 

* .\tkollt»*r Kuldler Uoii**. 

.Mr. d. W. Ul.inchanl, sim of the Lite 
A^iiratire. IHaiiehaitl. died last .Moiitlay. of 

Two young men made their apj*ear- ^.„„„,„„pti,,n ,d die blood. Mr. Hlan- 
anee in town this week, selling what was cliard aerved in the relielllnii, enlisting 

..trot ns n siip.-ri-ir .imilily ,.f for- in He- Moss- ffl. -‘"'I wlieli in -Sew Ur- 

* . , * 1 -. , lt‘aiis lo* tiad die fever ami ague, since 

niinre polish, at a very esoil.iiaiil priro . ^ r-gain«l bis forim-r 

i:cv. Mr. Hall has been called to t..race 
clmrch, Taunton. 

Itev H. Kaniswftrtli has iieen ap- 

pointeil to Hie ebnreti at I.ovell'sforinw. M.ieiringeniuty was shown "K they 

.Mrs. It. .S. hovell eiilerlaineil * I'wrly i,y n,,.,,, young misjes in the ineehaiileal pmonre a good one. Tbe order 

of miisie.d evening last week, vvi-n as literary aiillliy in the contract made that the 

ami an elegant supper was furnished li> ,.,„„p„«ition of the drama, the stiirm „ow minister should ho finiftheil on the 
a Hosmn caterer. scene being aceompaiiled i»y fhumh*r. 

In the Superior Court. Tuesday. Dan- lighndng and rain. Th« performance 'ppj. ,p.m.ou, on his arrival h»niie. ttdd 
iel F. Henley was found giilUy of aaNaull to„k idace in a kitchen the roof of wliicli | „f wlnU lie had done ami dial 

on ids wife, but sentence was deferred. covered widi tin, and the girls had Sunday they would have the pleas- 

There will Ih* ail adjourned meeting of some Imijs stationed oveThead to d“’l‘Lire of llsleidiig to a mlnlsler made lo 

tlie (’ong*l soeloly Saturday evening. beans uimiu the thereby iiiaKiiig I Sunday morning came, and at 

lleef Inm ind Wine.— i sound chisely rcsembl tig rain, t'**’j die appoinicd time the chnrcli was well 

•r/ b?.it n. iem^ • h riug ... thnmler the boys rolled logs across He j .pp,, ,i,,ivly.made p;ialoi sat in tbe 

i \\ J I 1 * ^ I !lv 77 ^ er liollle— roofs, and to furnish I'ghliiiiig a Imlls- j j np congregation walled and 

b .he pi-:,.: mHi.'; ‘w^ 'y ■' 

. .n !__ 1 *. Hie outside. j,j,j jeacon eould stand it no longer, and 

a general plan of what the dialogue p.^ miniflter, ami 

sltoidd lie, leaving tbe details to be sup- 1 i),.^ tpey manufaelurcd them 

plied hy the Imagination as the play p^, would like to give uii tirder for 

.me, tliinkiiig that hy so doing tluy 
might procure a good one. The order 
was given and a contract niaile that the 
new minister shouhl ho finished on llie 
Pdlowing Saturday night. 

'Pile deacon, on his arrival home, told 

were represented as purchaning the aiti- iiionth: 
clein large (pianlity. They furlhertliH- 
arineil 8 Uh|tK'ion liy repreioiiting that p,. was 
llM*y railed at die reiiuesl of some well- 
known fiieiid.wliose strong l•ntbllsement ,linger 
was given with an unhiushing clicek wor- is v«*ry 
” a"eii g 

ihy of a better cause. ^.p,^ I, 

«»f the story was that the old tleacon nan ucorge ». u, ucr, .....v ,....... */. --. 

■ . 1 .1 «i.<. ......oov wn« u.-Stliiiiit a rccordetl with Norfolk l.ib. a«»b * t'L 

ilrelllliwl tliat Hit »oUt y Also all other tracts of Urol which tx-lori;c<l to 

iiiliiixiiT ami Hivy kept try hiK one after iliciu, at the <Ute 

itiiiiHier, blit iioiii! apiieareil 1.1 suit, lie tl.. . .,i ,r ' 

otmerveit one ' 1 -iy. as be was roihu; in a lyin,, a,lj.,criit to the ira..l above describcl. 

1 iilaue 1 , silfll on a larue factors . ■• -llnK Five hoii.lre.i dollars of lire purcl.ase ro..oey lo 
..Xl.olroors-II-I lonl'lay f'eliool leae.liers 1 ».,, at ll.e tiioe and place ol -role, and the 
...■'..le to orrier." and aa be Hloniflit Hiat lulance in ten rUyv from said srie uia.n ileliveiy 
il bit Hie ease exacllv Hie ileaeoii tiiaile of the deeil. 
ilis way into Hie factory amt i.n,,iirc,l f-r lai.iisM iNST.rut.ox h.k 

tbe pr..pri.-lor, lo wtiolll Uy Calvin Ciiilrl, Treasorer. 

bis aor-iely was out """J*‘,''lb. l Hill & M.ickintosh, Altoroeys for MortsaRee, 

sr-eiiiR Hial tliey tbei.i „a,.R iiuiUhoR. 

tlieru lie would like to give uii order for Dedium, Ajiril i.*. iSSo. 51 1 


From 16 to 42 Cents per Yard. 

WOOIaEft AftO HKSfP C*AiaPBTI*«». 

New Styles in Prints and Dress Goods, 


Woolen Gowls for Men’s and Boys’ wear. 

4 ri*ntY tkjtiniiTMKNT ttv f .»vr> f.|ix.x>«v>:s 

till* (’img*l society Suliirdsiy evening. 

Townkkm.'h lleef. Iron iiiid Wine.— 
Tlie very be*»t tonic uii.*. spring iiiedieine 

. Sunday tliey woi 
of listening M a 

minister made to 

order. Sunday niorning 

'B'O'R SJk-XjE 

AT «EY.norTII. 

H oi'sk. sT-MH.K. ocrmMi.n- 
INUS. •iJ-ii"'* F I". tiF I.ANI); 
plenty water: ‘>ii ftmer Wiffliing- 
Inii uiiil l*rf'*pi'ft Ht*. II'»ti«'* run* 

iweii confined lo die hou.He nearly il in |p,* wLrId. OiiIvToelH. |u*r iiollle.- 
Ilia. Ho w,is Inil years of aRc. Also odd tr the pi'iil, uall-di or burn-l 
icates a wife anil two cbiblroii. will, -pdiviisii.iiil-s Pharinacy. 

llio appoliiicil tiiin! Hic clnircli was well 
lillcil. The nowly-iuadc pastor sal in Ibe 
pulpit, and Hic eoliRrcRallon waited aini 

itnd at tuiu* II room-, nith I irge eiilry 

deeply tiionrii tlieir loss, rnforliuiately 
lie was not connected with I’osl .VS. 

Miss Lizzie .V. KIUn, wiio ha» been so 
daiegerously ill the past seven .Months, 
is very sbiwiy Impnn ing, iis Is also her 
agcil grundniother, Mrs. Mary •!. 'lllden, 
who is now- more than four 8 C«»re >e.irsi»f 
t*.e. F. H. T. 

The annual nieelliigof liie Last N\ey- 
nioiitli Cemetery .Vssociatloii will beheld 
next Friday evening in the vestry of the 
M. K. chureii, for the cliolce of olliceis 
and other business. 

Marine Disaster*. 

Mg a onus- i congregation walled and 

*""**1”"' waileil; but tPeiv tbe pastor sat. The 
(dd deacon eould stand it no huig'-r, and 
rising from his seat he walked up into 

well "‘•h biilli liou-i’ll-m»y III Wfviiifniili. I.e*-* ilmii 
,1 , livr niluiilF^ tit pfpo.. |’tt»t t unei', mu! tie' I'fi-b 
* iiff^ lOfl piililif plscet at Wfiuntulb Paiitlluj,'. 
and .Vpply tit F.llas llieliMnl-. tf«u. K. Portir. ur on 

Tlie lilt' prHiiii-f#. 

nod The Il«tu»c iiUfl I'i.ooti ft. of land may tic -oul 
. , -cparsle. If tli'-iie‘l. _-d tf_ 

II. vvouin oe inii* Hint m u,.,,. , . Ilrirf Note#. 

Iiinn- tliun nriliuary fon-e In .Iidiii WriRlit, of .Soulli lloalon. 

Sln-rnian. Ilis finin'innl fort in if a I'c a|II prcarli in Trinity c-nircli in-xi .Sini- 

Hieworkof his own hutuU Kittor- day, at HHJn and ;1. AH ... 

i„s foliKri-»s lit llio itocof tliirty-oiif. "jJ?'Wasl.i.iRlon .Merritt 
iiiul ri'iU'liiii,: tlifsvinilf iiftci a InH'R iiraw n lasi Monday as juror, f-ir iln- 

niitl .-ouliiiuims scrvicf us a liiuh-r in u.nii of couit at Drolliaiii. 
the House, it may he sai,l Iluf. In- was Itev. f, A. .Nordell will pr.-aeh a s-r- 
, I - ,1 iiioli ill the Itaptisl elilireli in-xl Sinnt.iy 

Iltver defeiilea before tlie pc oph- or ..|,-urf- 

tile leoislalure of Ilis state. He is a c/niiiniji.j. In conin-eilou witli Hu-ree. nt 
ciitididale for fin-pre.-hlettev; mil lie- eeiileindal celebration of bi» birilnlay. 

cause lie isawilli.,7nstru.;ie.Hi,..he JJ-L^dd More? Id 

ItaiuU of h's friend**, htil licniusc lie ;n„l live tailors will be Bent otii 

desires llie iioiiiiiialioii and lias no m naasiire Ha- iiiciahi-ni. '1 be ^ll•nl^.- 
, . . " • .1 Id tit, t*t will he math* «d .lice cloth, witli ele*gaiit 

hesUation III sii) mg Ht* is an in- a„inhe pants will have a 

n.w laure foarreore yrotr. of ' aictiiiK of llie Co.ib'I 

* * Saldiath .'’*«’ho<>l, lield Fast Day, llu* fol¬ 

lowing olllcer-* were ch**a<*ii: Sup*t, .M. 
K. Hawe#:'tdo.. H. Cushing; Li- 
Uepnidican c.iucus In the Town Prariuii. John A. lUyniond; Sec’y ami 

.1 Kridav ev.-.di.R, the f.dlowiag 'Irrot.iirer E. 

• ... ..._. .. Stenheii I am; Ass I d«*.. A. r. neaonr). 

,un, las. Friday ev..n,OR, .be hdtowii.R /L/^r A: / Sir;! 1 i - 

ilelcgAles were chosen lo the \v orceslcr • D.iip.y. ' when a speedy lowering of Indb anchor 

.Slate fonveaHoii In-l.l ycaU-rday Hon. vi- ( bai’lesHiee is liaviliR Ins barn'■ ''r'>>li:ld 'V''. f*'' 

.laiin-s ll.nnplirey, .S. I.ovcll, r,.;„„;bdled an.l renovated la sl.apc f,"':'7,?,7da? a^^^ 

Nalliaa 1). I.aidcrl.iiry, Cbaric* \V. Hast bj- our enlerpridiiReaipfiitcr,Mr. Joshua aHoHroi- seliooiier eniiic o 

ingB, I.oiiis A. Cook. Saiiiut*! W. Reeil. ^ inal. .»... .k, the river and anelioreil at the huoy, hi 

To the District (’ouventhm the ftdhiw- 

• v. -a--- . . i ne pastor wa» Riin uiioo', 

day tin* sehooner John fnmi p,„P ^^ro^, laP,.,, by ll,e deueon it 

\cw York, wall eoal for t yrus 1 auli, bad been fiir- 

came near earryiliR away a portion of ,|j^bed willi a miidsler made of patty, 
•be liriilRc. .Mie bad be.-ii iiiadi (“*> •' -pi,,. |,.|,iaindi-r of tin- proRranniieeon- 

tin- l.iioy just I ', "' b'.. siMed of leeilalions ainl siiiRiliR by lllllc 

laakii.R it iiiipostdplf ij-i-et ''1“" ^iri, a,,,) |,„y,, inakiiiR Hie eoiiecrt one of 

■vliaif, and Ibf Pipes (laitio,, lil.ik- Uev. .Mr. hlviliRStolif, 

•iiR rajpiil lieadway towards tlie draw ,bc imipll tlie last two 

I w liua a speeily loweriim •d Im.iIi -‘"elnw-s saldiallis, was present and addressed tlie 

; l.rollRtit tier lo a .. lea fee ' ‘ 

NAMl'KIi I'I'KTIN. Auclloueer. 


The pastor was slill dumb, anti wnen a -of- 

5S;:Ss!“:S'“ Horn Lois aiilDiellioiHooss, 

'I he lemaiiider <»f the programme con- lu the WKYMOUTU bAVINtiS HANK, 
sistud of I'ccilalioiis and singing hy little . p.VUT iifwliat i* known -i- ihf Sti'.»lifii S. 

girls and hoys, making the c«»ncert one of Koyi* |»r*ii*«'rty. f»n liroM,l »ire«'t. W’fymitiith. 
iiiiieii interest. Itev. Mr. Livingstone, uriii b.- otb i.-.l f.»r -aU-m An* iion. mi TCFSDAY. 
wiio bad .implied .be imltdi the last two «;■ 


A P-VUT ofwiiat i* known .1'* ilif Sti'blieii S. 

Foyi* |»rtil*«Tty. f»n lirowil »lre«'t. W’fymitinh. 
Will bf ulTf ifil f.or -alf nl Am lion. mi TCFSDA Y. 

:iU uiifi 04. ii 4 -liown n)ion a )il;iii «>!' the |irn|M‘rtv 
«lrav*ii by IJ. 1.. Rfi'iI, K»'|. AUu lot N‘»- '.I. with 
pWi-IliuK l.ou«' tiii-ri'itii. 

'I'xiimh: oil tliF I'Xn, in p«»r cYiit. r:i»!i ul the 
liiiu* oi -all*. iiMluiii’r ill I billy tlio • ; mi l1i>- Hoii-f, 
tVi iM-li. iW) pt r i-i-iil. i>r IliH |•llrt‘i, t-f infiu«-y fan 

caiididalc for the pre.Hhlcney; ixd he- ceiitennialcclebr 
cause lie i.s a willi.iR in the ,„,7;;;,:;;',*.mred 
hatnls of ins friemi'. lint lienmse In- a,,,! (in- 

desires llie iioiiiiiialinii and lias no to na-asiire Ha- 
hesilatioli ill sajiliif-so. lie is an in- Imtl'.ms! and 

tiiiiule, wai-tii and personal frieinl <d jtfjpo „„ ,(„. I,.,; 
botli firoiit anil lllaine, and in restiiiR i' .Vs has e 
his case upon ids own im-iits rattier Hand for I'l-eora 
. , , tor will in-a Ren 

thuu llieir weakiie-s, lie amnniiiees ^ 

Ids iiilelition to be 'Roverni-d soiclv lij nounee, will eb i 

. II ■ . eUM'i lUia 

delcRales were i-lio,eu:-llon. Jaiins ,, 

Mrs. I'.itrli-k Monks lost a I'ow 'ly dis 
ease, tlds week. It was a valuatile uni 

Tuesday ■aaoH.ei- sebooiier eame i.|. R„.,tlen,a.,ly and 

till-river and aiieliiireil “t Hi" bmiy, bin | .,roprielor of tlio Moiialii|uol KiMtii on luoitgutfo lit Ii ^('r f'f'itl. 

being in a hurry to get unhnided .uid jj,,*,. Hill, reopened his 

awayi *n attempt was inade to swing lier j jj,,. ;iL*eomnn»datlon of llmse I 

ere one toiler. I Tlie eiigim* at Hie ^lio seek a pleasant shore leBort. .Mr. 

coal yard was brought into use, and a y coiitemidates erecting another biiihi- 
rope run out to the venH. l, wimn, every uPout two slorit*s, and if thin 

thing hchig in readiness utesin was let ;p,u,. p„ w ill move his present huild- 

Hiimphrey, H. S. Lovell, .S. D. ( anter- ^r. Croaby, who hat lM*eii for si«*veral yard was hnnighl inie 

bury, William N’aali, I.onls A, years in the euiuh*y of .Mr-Jos. W. Log- rope run out to the vesHi-l, 

. ....r,,,. ll* While ers, has taken eharge of Mr* Uenj. Dort- iPi„jr I,eing in readiness st 

' * cn's place, on Iron Hill. on, .md the stern of lh« scl 

Exchange on Ireland 

l*f*st .*►?< has engaged tin* \\ eyiiioiilli 
DiUul for Decoration Day. aiol ihef*ia 
lur will be a gentii*man of Nfvv iledbnd- 
Mrs. F. («ai*‘.ni‘r, we regret P* aii- 
noiliice, win ch se lier pri\ale m IiooI and 

flic vuii'c of till'Cliii aR'o iiaiVi-nliiin. ri-im.M-In'V"rii-s'.i-r, wlicn- .Mr. Ii. lias 
, , , . 1 •. I..I s.Tureil a business engagement. 

wlltH*vcr hi* .sflectei! a-'^ its cainiiilate. 

Ill personal appearum-e Mr. .'■'lier- 
man is a .sliikiug contract to hi-* fom- 
polUors. Tall, slim and spare of 
fnmie, with slioiihler* linn uml * red. 
ainl a iiuiek. in rvous ^lep, be i** ‘Iig- 
uilietl nulnr than ili-tiiigtU'ln *1 “i 
curiiiigc, and rcsnuhle-. pcihapH :i 
w«ll-l‘»-du mercbatil or hanker, with 
few of ihe phvMcal |n»inl« that ina.k 

tile Jirofcstiioual idtii'i* liidderln W .i-'li- 

K. D. Metson, of l^iiincy, presents an 
array of imluceinenis to piireliasers of 
n- lioots and shoes, in his m w ad\erli*» - 
of ineul on the ne-\t page. 

.. .Mr. O. (1. Tinkiiam, father of ilodor 
Tinkh.on. ot W»-yiiioutli. ilroppe.l di uil 
at Ilis ivsldeiici* in llrockton. Usl .Moo- 
ol day ev.-ning. tit»* cans** ol death being, 
as we le.irtt, aiM»plexy. 

, Ml. .Ldin Tower, of Wevmnutb I.ainl- 
ing. Irrdlier of Mr. Win. S. lower, tin* 

uk Widely known toy manuf.idurer of .So 



Tin* facts of a most conlemptiblii and 
atrocious case of obtaining money un¬ 
der false pretences, have just come t«i 
light. These fads .is gleaued hy the 
(i.\/s:t'i'K corresjHmdenl, are a.s ftdlows. 
ill a doulde one story and a half dwell- | 
iiig Inoist' on I.aki* street liv«* Mr. tm*! j 
Ml*. Joint Moian, an aged couple, who i 

QUfer Freisk. 

A resident who was In an Inebrlateil 
condition, went to tin* rallroa«l t.ack the 
other evening, nndres*»ed himself aii'l 
went to l**'»l on the track, .kll h** ncf'il* 
etl was a loc»*inollve to tuck iiiiu in. 

Suokkhn! Do volt know Ilia! Town- 
#euil is s-de .igeiil f'*r “First N.iiimiall ’ 
iPebest cigar in l.iwii. .Vlso, the 

genuilo* Key Wesl. fof D> cents. 

on, and the slernof lh« sclnsmer hegan 
slow ly to swing inmwaid the coal sheds, 
liiebiiiiteil V‘*ur CfirrespAimlenl wa# on the 
I t.aJk the wild not liking the way H.vengtne pnifed 
iiw 4 >li' tiiil ami siiorle*! he thought perhaps It w ould 
he need, be safei a liltb further away. Accoid 
I . Inglv lie coin.neiiced to distance 

iietween him :»ml the indler. when sml- 

denly ho h.*at.l .i rep**rt as of a gun and 
S.iibmal. rolling in the sund. ' 

.Vlso, the 1 jIj,. j,,,i|,.y* W.IJ taking al 

*’*• liipoutlosea. N«> explosion, but sim- j 

lone no wm iuf»>e iu» |»o . i .mr,.,n,„.nt with iIk- MAVPrb k Nutimud 

and cfninect ll with the now tme.— o n.u.k ..f n...i..»). tbf CNPis na1H»NAI. | 

New Styles in Ladies’ and Children’s Hose. 

We have the Best line of CORSETS ever shown. 

rUICKS, 3Mc, AOc. 75o. HMc, $ Sl/gS. 

I’le.isH call iUiil exsia'iftc mir ntiK-k. a-* we have many NKW AND DESIRABLE tlGOPS. 


j Independence Square, - South Weymouth. 

Millinery Opening! 

A Large and Elegant Stock of 

SPRING and SUMMEi;? ■ 



: The Latest and Most Desirable Styles, 

I fltT EeOW'SfiT CfOfB: JPSWBS* 

Ladies of East Weymouth and Vicinity, 

Mr Ford’s l•xp^*rl^•nel♦ In catering »*na- hank ..i Wixiumitb i-!»«»« r«uil> m furm-h -x- him to satUfactorlly meet the wants Hiaimc mi In-l-oid m it- .•.i-tm,,,-,- m a wuy t.. 
ot the nubile In III** way of clam chow- " ”Vi Vr.roMN l I.* »I D. t .obu i 

eull and I 

iiifiF tli<- a>H»i«> Jt 

llingliam, died He ha«l l«*en Hingham in the name 

ble heullli for Bexeral veil*. 

Hi- hair i** plill ahumlanl. fuii. ral will bo attended by D**lphl Lodge 

hut nf an in... Rniv, bh full bi anl K. .J _i;., “I: u,"..i ..i->, u.i.t ... H. .1." 

cU.i.lyi'ri.i.pcil,iv'vl.iu-.mi>; li.alM.iit k. ,v I. SR-k-.y H,.-lr .b.-i,-Mi" u.iuHy k.-pi la-r b.uik 

tlie nhiiili- Ilf tlial Ilf In- illu-li'iims up- ,, ,,„.,„(i,,„ |i,i (a i.ui .uii|ili-iai-u.. .b" « i- Hiirpiinrol at irol llmtiii., il 

pouvat, the laaa frin., Mala.-, la All .l.oulil ciirefully i-ra." ... _ 

ill a •bmide one Story anu .» n**n u««o i morning-, 

i„R li.iii..- 1.11 1 , 4 k.. .tr,-.-l live Mr. .Iii.l j J Wi|(i.a„. vl.iii'.l «.ia." rrii-n.l. 

Ml*. Jolin Moian, an aged couple, woo ; y j weeU. and returning on 

liav«* liveflyt this town for thirt> live , p,. vvan Sfiz.-.l with dizzim*!*** 

vf.ns. and are highly reMH Ctcl in the b*- i and fell on ihe lr.wk jns. 

..:dil> w here they reside, ‘'"I** ■ pasaed a 

iUitl ee..ii..mic.d lltey Iiatl succeeded escape fr.un d. tlh. He wa- 

lajing t'> n few huinltcd *b*llar», 1 4 ,,„i,.x^hat bitiised by the fall, 
was deptiited m the .S.tvliig** Dank at Messrs, tie**. A. .M< to»waii. D. K. L‘*n- 
llin-haminthenume..flhewife.Thrc- In..) and .1. ll. WbeUn were *lelegal.*s 

#a .M..ran. One day last week Mrs. M*.- < 

ran del.*riidn«!«l to dtaw the interest «lue | I.,.well, lost Fast Day. 

ujHUt llie monc), un»l golu’g to ilte place 1 Uoston tirocery st»*re will he ' 

F. D .Violrus left lo»me for Toloraflo breaking *'f the rope. 'I'ho ctupu 

the shude of lhat of hi- illu-inoiis op¬ 
ponent, lUo man fnaa .Maim*. In 
drchH he ul\vay.‘» ulTectH a Mudiou- 
preference to hlaik. unrelieved hy 
tin* slightest blude of t uhtr. I have 
heard that lii.- habit-, at e al'stenuou-; 
that he U''f.s lobaeeo and liipn'fw in 
tiUMleratioii, partake.- sjiaiing’y of 
wine wlien in* fccU like it, liikes li" 
iulered ill horses or ainu-eiiieut- of 
any nature, and is socially hmked tip- 
on as a eoM-ldtsHleil. inelhmlical man 
of liiisiiu-s, who i.- unable P>'g 
up Ills care- with liis cual in liis i.fih t 
ut the elose of his d..y*- wink. IL* i.** 

by Kwlr. her In.ok Uan o**en nu*iH 

lave The I.adh s of the Auxiliary Aid So- lug iltal h-* pa) the iuu*r 
1 ... A. It. «HI lii.lil 4 f 4 lr . 1 . l.ia- ‘k 

^ i„ i e..lii H-ill. We.lm-sday ami llmisdav Uj,. daughter pr* i 

j.f I eveningB, April gstli aiel iinh. I lo* j ibc l*ank sh'* w .i» mf* 

‘ bUi'k vilk tires# which excited *•» mueh .Vovcpibora woman ca 

... lsr»i‘4V^.k:re 

. will bedra'.vn. and a vartet) of ustfui advent) tiv** tix'ilat* 

ami fancyarlicles will be «.fferf**lfor*ale 11 „. , .i^lner inforim d In 
Tb" p. 0 Rr 4 a.n." iiv t 4 r 4 X ... 4 , 1 .'ap. will .-..ubt 1." (rai.l ““ 
eonsiftt of K**a*ling, Singing, and an e\ p tmiietl 

’***“' hit*ili<»n "f .Ml*. darle>'» Wax W-'rks. ^ |K,ii,d to l*c an **riler ft* 

L* »•■* Nate f. Wlneler will warble in liis bei»l ; veiilying her slat* lueiii 

B.i M'»ran. tin** *lay la*l week Mrs. Mu- ' 
ran deteitidn*:*! I** thaw Iho interest tlue i 
U|sjn tin* uione). ami going to llie place j 
when* she uoully k.*pl her batik l***ok 

sh** w.ts Hurpii*e*l at not llntling it in its | 
»V.-U-t 4 . 111 rol |.l4.-.-. .Sil|.[K»lllR Hut ll 
|,.1,1 bc-vli Iiiral4i.l, »li.' «riik- 4 mill- 111 
tb" ronlii.-r lit 111" b 4 i.k tl. Ill" . Itro'l lli 4 t 
bi-r Ik-.iW ti.iil li""U iiilsblil .mil i"nii"»l- 
la - lli 4 l Im- pay Hi" itia-r.-iil mi tli" P'>“- 
ciii.H i.i Hi" b" 4 i.-r 1.1 Hi" ii"i". on;' at 

|,"r il 4 Utfbt.T«. 4 Mm. Fi4i.k ll..n.ib..". 

1 Wlii-ii 111 " il.iii-jliii'r l'r","iii".| 111 " i.iil" 

I al 111 " li 4 iik »li" 4 4 . m(..riu".| lira. l 4 »t 
N.ivciubera W‘*iuan ca*le*! .it the bank 
aiid nrcs«‘nU*tl Mis Moian’* t>ank b«K»k, 
demanding what intereU w.udue and 
al-*i seventy five doilais <d the primipal. 
i'll** easiner lnfv»rim'*l hei that no money 
cituld be paid witlemt a wiillen order 

lent gentleman gatlien-il himself up. 
muttering imprecations against a ciiiwil | 
that wmiltl itaml ari*;in*t ami laugh, .mil i 
llie r*'poi 1 ** 1 ' pr«icc'*'i''‘l 1 “ c*ime n«*.uer 
A m*w hnew.i- lh**n Itroni-hl into use 
and aitain lb** engine began to univei 
and jump. wliil*' a knight of ih** *pnll 
tliscif'tK ielir*'il to a -.lU* p**.silltin in 
tb.eleai»f the »ln*«lH. .Vimlher re|ri»il: 
ain>thi;r lirokeii rol«*: fat and le.ui gen¬ 
tlemen lying in a heap this lime; a 
sniekering cn»wtl,wilh lie* vesseldtifiiiig 
away into thestieaiii :ut«l ll was ..vei. 
’Fh**n it W.IS concUuletl i.i postpone the 
I *‘nterlaittinmit, :md your iierifspomlenl 
I went away l** inspect tlio U»al house ot 

lit the piil'Ue In III** way of clam chow- ,^ .lulls .1, t.t »f !».< .obi.i 

ib is, fish supp*‘is, etc. 

. Cask Fnud April 1.'80-over $393,000. 

Mr .lames Ktlw.mU. ..f t^ilmy. pr.t- «F •* 

pi ieiur td the phMsant tract of laml run- i M | ^ V ll/t HT I I A I 
uing from Ih-lel Dunbar, on S**.i Hir.***t. U U J II V T |VI U I U/' 

If* the northern part of U<>se hill, con- ^*1 n ' 

lemplates Ibe laving out *.f a new r.tad Tiitp InClirannB LQ. 

from Sea *ti***t. Ibe liotel, oxteml- lllC IIIOUlQIIUu WUi 

ing over tbe bill tf* .Mol»ali'pl‘*t Hmis**. Burplut OT«r lle-insuroce, over $200,0t»0 

M. E. Collier’s Millinery Parlor, 

.Ml-;lll 11 \.M'- IlI.iii K, 

iitire, Kii#t Wejiiicmtli. 

'.V** nieilici tlial il will not b** long after 
-ucli a mail is eoinpl. l**.! bef*.M* w** sball 
s* e on thos** be.mlifni bills a number ol 
fine summer mansions. 

I h* ifli hJ* "41.1 ffii fi • •) » xj'M e.g “"i' ■' I 
r.iit on tUf V. .41-. w |M ''*1 ••Itllto*',“ 
'Jil |H r t‘i ul t*n >>t 1.1 I - 

Till# Cttiiipaiiy i»M>s r«ir tl.inidK*- !•> 


For III*- -lior*-. 

1.4IR" I.Mil-Ilf (iiiniiiit" an- il4lly i- 4 r- 
Iii-il tliriiiiRli fill- (il.ii'i* f'l fill* "Ill'll", tint 

liii-n- will I'" ... pl" 4 .-iii" in M lliiiR by 

4 i-inll tin- 4 l (Ili -i'nl. llnili lilliili-R olT nf 
111. .iK-ks tiir iii-ri-li nr stnilliliR alnliR 111" 

la.-ai-li. S. M. 

, .\M) KVKllV I'l" I'VIHIS K1 1.1 

.• 1 lli-r. U»|».4IO ll-*'- 1.1 > OWl lll.f l.tlt.fll lUIfU lll.O. 

\ )f4l# .flul U4« I'll'l -o . r #1 Ul lix-i-.MlIll 

* „> YJ $1SJ||.IIUU m III* I'b U‘l* I** F‘*lie> bulflfl*. 

*’ \V. M uiirxje, 1’-1 -I'lf til 411*1 I'o w-uiiT. 

I'Uh#. .\. Ii<»wiaml. -t'i'i*-ti4r\ 

ELU8 RICHARDS, Ag«iiOor^ W.yrooolti. 

•J aUjiil Hi" k'-llli III 111" pivrenl'urv amt "X iuilnu lii" Imais In 

I, j,r.i" "r.-i-llnn iilnl iiinliTRnlnR r"- 

. Tbiis. Xi'inna Ii 4 . ( in 4 ti.ll j,..n.ler l.i» .killlal niainiR.-nn-iii. 

Ill "r.K-"ri"« in In* a"W »ior" mi 

: xtri-".. A . , 

. nf lit" i-itizmis inli-ri'iili-it in ini-.-roireil 

“."hin.rary’tb" Firema..'. Ai.l ll.rolj •‘iV;"’;""/,?,':;;’;; "..t"..!;;;'/, '.'iLnlb 

I •ni>nlh. 

" i .Mr Tims. Ni'ini in lias put in a full 
''' 1 Hl.'.vk m Rr.K-"ri"« in In, a"W siori- mi 
“ . I l.ik" str.-"i. 
n- S'lri-ii.vli'a S-|.tt. 

ol . l.asl .laiinar) tb" Fireman's .Vi.l llnok 
1". ' an.l l,.ul.l.-r ('....iif ynini-y. "iif.-rtain.'il 
it" Hi" F.ini-ka llnnk aliil I. 4 .I 1 I.T nt 
»-'t ' Fast W.-yiimulli. anil 1111 Tin-nlas "vi-n 
Ilk tiiR 111" Eurekas r.-liirni-il tin- i"in|ili- 
•k. 111, .at amt till iti'il Iml‘inly lli" nn-mbi-r. 

Ini ! ..f til"'s .Mil I'".. Hat mlii-r 
al. la.-iul'i-i. lit til" Vinii") Fin- D"|.iit 
i"> , in.-nl, amt aim ."'"lal R"nHmn"ii Ireui 
li-r ! ilinRt.ani. A liii" i-.illatimi » a. s"rv".l 


I.,isl .Siinilav "l iB'-il 111" (lasliirsliiii "I 
Ur.. 11. f. Itasl.'l 111 lliia pill'", amt at 
111" i-liisi'Ilf Ih" "Vi-liillR si'rvi"" b" salil 
b" i-milil iml l"t til" I'pimrlniiily pass l-y 
ivillmill "XtmiililiR lo 111" i-bimb ainl Hn- 
i-miiminiilv liis il""P Rlatltinl" for tin- 
mans niark"J lasmsaml li"l|is a""mili-il 
1 III liiai sini" Ills vmiiiiiR aiiimiR llu-iii. 

jii«-kNOii Niiiitire 

ri Tnr. a per THAN E VBR- 

A ruU Sized Range for $20.00. 

< \l l. \M> KXVMl.NK \T 

A. F. LOVELL’S, - - East Weymouth^ 

\V Ifo e.tu l»*> f.oiiKl .4 lull . 4 —> 1 . 111 . Ill <.r 

TlX. t’OHPKIt. ■•F.nPW, 

MHIT iV-X.'VI A Also laKAI* PIFK. 


14 I..I ail g'xxN uouii ) f.uiu.l III .1 V IIS* * U— FtkiUJ-kmic M‘*0'. 

1 .4111 titf* III f*>r Ihe i“n"Wi'nr 'n>'> • ui.»iiur‘*< tii..-l ny ihi Ili*(iaui»>l h'unuJi v » .. . uf H.*-|.m: 



I'K )l\SlloI *^•‘1'"*'^ *'""*’*’ hii'ro'ifiiia mul Jol)l»iiig. 


ArrtM'fci* ro 

ulhisde-k al the Tuasury Di*p:»rt-| style. 

irm H." a.'P"»>tm'. 'l l"' ... H.m. H," b"autif..l ball ovvr lb" rom... m 

. -la tiinixismg that everything wa» light, at thee>*tni*^. 

pifiple IS ceitandy ,,.„i monev. ami llm wi»nian Foreman tfincr llnrrel 

1. a brii-k." Illukiiiil ,.„fy,iiR bir 111" bank biH'k. - ka". I 'lunl iriii«"lf alin.i" 

, ..-nl".-. milbl. mra-a-| ■lb.■.■"r"all rIm- in. .|h.-.-I» 1 J.s.rlp- 

. , 1 I I,..,. .,1 ilii-niitv a* he lo«*k no pailn u- c-dU'*l u|***n tin following 

lor linn a larR.-r Imu." , j ^ ^„,.".l.i.iR 

at niii", anil -tii-k" aptilli-s to oiln-r jii-oiili-is ".-itainiy Irii" 
"t utilil four, aiul fn-- in tils ".is" ; '-li" is a bri.-k." Illskiinl 
Witha pi-rf".-l k.iiittl- I n*'»» la^i'imi l‘>» s<'r'i""s mi 'lil» ‘—a- 

..leat proinpHy at iiiiu-. anil -tii-k- 
Itusily at Ills pirol utilil four, aiul fn-- 
.(Ueutly luli-r. Witha pi-rft-i-l kinnvl- 
"d"" of ill.- i-ails and aim- nf tin 
l.mi-'-of r"il-Jap".llii«>URli uIik Ii tin- 
puWii "ri-t aili't almi" Ire h-yall. 
Kiouinl. In- i- ubt" In laori- 

simi itiiiul.l Rain lor liim a larRi-r Imus" , I 

.. •• •••.. . , i (or imti.-ooflior, am) 111 " a.iair na....... 

than ev*'r at hti c**ncerl, .\prn ilfih. Pusii*,-## appuaram:*. the m**»l »ur- 
Miss Jriiiii" Itoliliuon, a voung la'l) .,risin-R "lii.oilr in i-onni-"timi •Hli th" 
utmisimta prof.-ssl.mal, but alms.-, tillair is Hial-Mrs. M oan b.ia iml lire (ru- 

roailiaR., sbnuM .1." .Im.'." lo ado,.. H.i- , [“"'r' ..^'r ^I'iist’a. d d'',.-a tb" u.oa 

III" "vi-iiin.;. 

Fori-maii iiliM'r lliirri'll. "f Hi" riii" I 
ka«. ^.lUld irii.."lf allll'i.l .-n.l.irr i.""d 
hIiIi ni-ln- In lire «ay of sto-ak.-rs. and 
till".l iu>mi 111" l"ll..»inR R"iilli-iu.;n, all 
ol almin bad tmire.liiin to say * "Rlln 

Knbler. Mr. riall e.vidaine.l ^ . 4 -#uring them that these kindm- 

llu- 4 >bject ..f the m* **ling t.i be h*e get i ^ (.jr^.nu.,,. 'pi,,* past** 

ling (if the people’* Opinion in i« garti to | H 4 y R-ii li.*# been a v* r) »c-| 

the mallei, f-.r tie* purl****.- of .i lviHing ... a„d ultle-ugb hi*deimrluie 

anil assisting the biiihling c*mimlMee in reuiell 4 -*i, the mulu.d go»'d feeling l»‘ 
their Ub‘iis. lie *-d*l that ihu ineeilng i .md pt‘opli* Is u pleasant re- 

haii Uum ealU‘ 4 l .d Ibe siigg' sti*»n **f i** s- j 

eriil citlxens, aii*l that whllo It w.u inei* - #li..n 4 *\vned hy F D. Fratt, winch 

Iv informal and l‘» ilL‘‘ •toiul for a nmii'M-r *»f years noilhof 

tipiHirtunily lo bring f*irw 4 r 4 l lltidr nlea* | Cf.riMT, D'en m•*ve 4 l a litth* dn 
and plan*. >**t he fell sui** th.*t th«* cmi- ; ^..^iwar*! **m \Va'>Llngl'»ii >'l.. an.l 

miliee w**ubl icceive anything vi»mnig p.ifgui.igc. Tl ' the me-iiug with pbosur** ami give arranged an* c<*nvenhnl. 

»l dm* C 4 in*iiler.iti'»n. .Mr. r. D**als. .i , with ih** L w hieh is Iwlng atbl«**i vv III 

m.*mber of the conimltt*-**, U tiig * ,,^ 1 ,.. a c-.mim -liou* dwelling. The lo- 

11 ( 1 . 01 . said Ibal Hi".v W"I" ri-ailv 1.1 ri- i-,., a d.siiat.l" mi". 

""iV" any ailvire aliiill lb" iill/,.-n. 1 . 1,1 f i. dav UlliR tin--nlli b(llbday 
laiRlit bf to Ul'^'>'■ I ,,( 'jji, ii|j,,.| .",(,a». 111.'■ 1. Ill was 11 1 
d""ld".l upon »ni d. Uni." ('Ian. ..i.ial, d by a Ratb.-rinR nf li"r lalnily al 

ini" olan wbi.-b bad U-iii ""iisnlvn-d .f w. M... .s' ■ • 

I'-oi* siaViroii*:, 

I'i.S.-lhflM' OF 

IllCill UIIKI* 

Kentucky Trotters 


Canada Work Horses, 


-AT fllF- 



.wHH K ol 

MeeoiKl lliiiia llorwe# 

!• imt a nrofi-sslmial, but wlmro-i allair is llial-'trs. M 'laii U-ia 

^.r ‘v""*; 1 ::rktnr; r: 

'Miou. would place her in ft front . .. bank. U. J- M. 

busiucH^ witldn u given l.eri.Kl, Uiau her in ft front 

would ftut'iu poftftiblc lo ihc uiiuU uu- will rewJ ououu of 1 

44 r/ I Dicknell .*( Mevimnith. ( hief I d**cnle.l up«*n snv *l* fi«ute p an. .-l.iai.d by * gathering *.f her lainil) at 

JohnW. Uall uf iMlnc.v. Chief t.emge | * 1 . .»■ on Plca#ant M. Mi*. Muw. 

(usliing *»f IlntgUain. Mr. Ihes. IL - w.^ l*> build a » •• , Inill this at her 4 nlvani*r*d age, Is us en cl and ogifu 

;;:i;ptf;os, m-1, ."I i r:;:?t,.nmi.;v;*, •• who ba.u uu. udi h.r 

E‘"Furaald tii.l^«.t. AnoUrvr lo turn lUv buUdlim«ouud, [ )«*■•- 

.Ml*. Shaw. ^ 
t ct and ogifu I 

llniiiplirits, of H'" «"lwliii"n ol 
tVvjiuouHi, Mr. Jam- ' i'lrioll "I Ijdlll. 
vy, Mf. Thouuu t. Furuald, lir»l Mat. 


EAvr UU.tlNTRfc.E. 

First-Class Dry Gaads and G*ocerjes, 

W liF It l*A *1 c- ■ .4# LOW *. tl. % V 

'#“OoodB Dolivorod Prouil>tly atirir« Rud antia- 

,r fttoUou Uuarwil*4^ aurge uuu 




12 ct8. can. 
18 “ 


Miked Pickles, 




line of 

atest Styles, 

cts. per roll, 




.Ir.irnMc AUo it (mil 




Dress Goods. 

Hi Boys’wear. 


hildren’s Hose. 

ETS ever shown. 

O. •1.25. 



outh Weymouth. 


took of 


isirable Styles, 


1 and Vicinity, 

H>u> at 

loiy Parlor, 

ln ever. 

e for $20.00. 

East Weymouth, 

IIIK Ill of 




FlllUl'tutklC SliMV. 

I (igliitH*! Fouiiilrv ( o.. Ilf : 



iitl Johliiiig. 


; STORFj” 

SQU.A.UE:. ’ 

V •»! 

and Gf.oceries, 


aurge and Satie- 

REDlJCTIOlV! Read's Clothing Store, 

We have this day reduced the price of our 

And now offor T).** an extra Spring Wheat 

Haxall, and warranted to be equal to any on 
the knarket, 99.26 bbl. $1.16 bag- 

CROWN HAXALL, a choice Haxall Flour made 
fh>m Minnesota Spring Wheat, and war¬ 
ranted to eclipse any sold at the price,|$8.60 
bbl, $1.07 bag. 

All other brands at proportionately tow prioea. 




Goods delivered in all parts of the town fk«e. 

5000 KNOLLS 

- Ol' - 



For -fvitlt 



Picture Mouldings, 

which I nhall mII Vtm rmfe #Aiva Vsslsw ^rlrrs. 


Commercial Street, - EAST WEYMOUTH. 

Oor. tvmeliliiirton Ac Front Nts. 

WEYMOUTH, March 1,1880. 
We are now ready to show a fiall stock of 



And eveiytbing belonging to our line of business. 


Bought cheap and will be sold Oil for 


New Gk>od8 constantly coming in. 4i£ 





r. M. DSOWiT, Groceries iPi-ovi 

mlLk % 

(liikTa IMis. 
AilTer H|VMtfie, 

r»We *• 

•* . 

Sairar •• | 

Muttanl '* I 

Sail “ ' 

Bfrry - 

Jflly •• 1 

Bailer Knivri 
fmlt •* 

Table *• 

Fork*. 1 




Cske Baaketa. 
Fickle •* 
f Anblet*, 



T adlea, 
ric Knim, 
C'all BflU. 

Dealer In 

Cl 0E90IBIIS. 

a t 

“little Store on the Comer.” 


(Dir iBiss^ 



At the Old MPumI of 

Fnraa. f ^ XF NapklaRInf 

NntFlrka, I I71]yT7| D V ThImbW. 

Srfkl'halna. JElfTClLn 1 Ring*. 

Charm*. Vcat Cbalaa. 


Mn*rt>*Co;*ca, Kyc (ilaaeca. 

a irtck*. 

J. GF. WoTster AcCo.y 

'Waahinaton Square, • W^rVMOUTH LANDING. 

Ordm Velircrcd in any pari of ikc Tmra. 

N|NHiaclce. ||Vn||kEk||| l.orkrt*. 
Mn*rt>*Co;*ca, Kyc (ilaaaca. 

U|H>ral>la«a<-«. «ir>ck«. 

Broochta. WEYMOUTH •’f"’**'** 

Collar Btitinn* ^ ' K »r Iflnif*, 

HfSrf riu*. Ctritla' hoa. 


Silver . Window 

Poliah, A BfEOIALTT. |’oU*h. 

of the season will be secured as soou as in the 

Wc shall be glad to sec OLD Friends and thank them for 
their patronage for SEVENTEEN YEARS. 

^ - 

in the Medio Order, and For Sale. 

nogli I*rftw4| hatlsv. 

Dnirytnoii often wotiiler how their 
mure fiivoreil coniiictitor* la^el aiieli 
hijih price!* for theJr Imiter the )car 
roiiiiil. It iahy nhvnyv hiivin^ » iiiii* 
form fill tMlut'il .'irlicle. To put on ihe 
••gill eil*fe," wliru tlie pflHtur«>a<loiiot 
iloit,lhev MV Well*, ItIchnnNoli 
I’o's Pcr^ciinl lint ter Color. Kver.v 
hiittur iiitker rail <lo tlic siiiiie. Hold 
everywhere «nil warninteii na hnrni' 
Ivaa M %iilt, nml perfect in op<Tniiiiii. 





(n tiianr Rihaniaan • «>*rr all r M«- 
rhiiir* iliai Ui<‘ pnlilic may W naaumi m i»un'lia*- 
•ng the 


I'liia^ka. ths sn**! S|M-«-ill<' for Dii-litliftia. 

IVMaaka o.irra all ThnniO. ■LK 

|ya«k« riirriS«.l.l«‘n < ..ld«. that Ihfy will ohiHina liKT.lAHI.R. K<;<)NOU- 

ntta*ks ritiw tVarrli. It 'Al. and rTi*rT wa» 

rolAKkn riirraTlt-kliiiff ill llirTImnit. OITIkBinasitb maumbu'si 


I'ntaaka I* tiiTAliuld.- In‘ >l»*-akrr« tml fnr all n.irnnara rjinii,...! M-k..!..... r . v* <■ 
Si»,.r.. J.ol.lby.UI>r«KB,.u i.l ^ 

HI. R.E-A.ID. 



flieeler & VilaiD New k 8 

Sewing Machines. 

KheumBtiam, Nouralgla, MMarla. 

Diphtheria Pneumonia, lore Threat, 
lollamination of tho Lunicw. Ao., 

The Aaseal Parade ^'i!!!***^*!?* ''«»y '»« amiru umi me was iirirayM 

Of the Torreiil Engine Co. occurred on The Ladiei C. T. Union will hold their Fervent in spirit, trustinc the Ix>rtl. 
Fast Day. The company parailed at 1) annual nieeiing on Tuesday, April'/7th, Clear in mind to the last, an farti iia> 
o’clock with full ranks, in uiilfonn, ac* si U P. M., at the Itefnrm Cluhroom.— Hire willed, the sank calmly to rest 

conipanied kv the illngham Brass Band, All ladies iiitereateil in tlie cause arc In- trustful, and without one fear, 

and marched from the engine house vited. In the evening there will be an 

lhD)iigli North, Weil, South and Flersey mterUintAent, free to all. An oyster The Oen. Putnam Engine Co. have 

streets, to Uie residence of C'spt. A. G. supper will be served in Uic upitcr ball just had their iiiiifomis altered, sulmti- 

it may l>e added that the was (ifirupM 

Kiel), 1st Ass’t Furemai) of the Company, from OF to 8. Supper UckeU 20 cis. 

luting a red facing in place of tlio orange 

wliere they were iiiviteU to break ranks A young son of Mr. Frank Darby I 1 <^iM) have been fitted all round 



Tn A cim TTTCi-rr a a /-.TTfnrr » generou. cciIUtlon, Uiu broke lila leg lA.t week, while nl.yiiig. 

EAST WEYMOUTH, ioremaii a1«o l«iiig prewnte.l There I. q,tile an excite,iieiU In Ihl. 

--------- eleBAiit bouquet by^rs ^.onCoialicl 1. p„t of tlie low,, About piBeo,,.. There 

Mnll Jnl ***' llltlB history almul these harmless 

O U JN O , ,l',euce*ro tlirenuilT lmu“ foj 

cap of a very tasty pattern. 


bridge, tlieiice to tlie engine house, fur |g ^ sDoilcd binl ' 

l«e„‘'ir««lT.;thVb.“ll'““‘“li-^^^^ 'Ihe K„gl,.eer.or w.r.l,'.na.l ,l,ople..urc ]«= on your feel; tlml conoUint. .Iniii, 
well known steward of the Cushing <^ttetidiiig a nrai class party Tuesday tiint is taking from y’our syateiii all lU* 
House. u ?*v”^V*\**^*^given by elasticity; driving the bloom from 

This part of the programme iK'Ing du- Ijhreka Ho«»k and Ladder Lo., for , thnt pc.iitiniii\l fttrniutitt 

Iv attMiided to a "feiut of reason and which accept our thanks. >our clictks. that continual slnun Up- 

tlow of soul” was next in onler, and the Sliould lldnk it would be economy to '*'!f ^1^* ^*** rcndcriug ir- 

Chief Kiigineer, Geo. Cushing 2(1, was paint tliose feats at the Fair ttround.— ntahle and fretful, can eaniiy he re¬ 
called un and resiMiiided in ahannv man- Wliat about tin* ladies fair at Aitricultu- hu»vc(i I»y the uhc of that mnrvi’louH 


irr«. by «lH>r otfgou i BI*pwfkmHn« hm«. — 

“““ Allktiiil«>U M III rirlmitir**- IVr- 

leumatlam, Nouralula, MMarla. * 011 * to t« «i ilir 

DiphtherU Pneumonia, lore Threat, TTO^XZTP A/T A F^IJTlkT’Ci 
Inflammation of tho Lunas, flo., 

•• win Ik‘ KOrotlltlMhlillfU l>n H<* a>NM«. 

<inici« BT— .-illit-r )HT*oiiu||\ li; iimil 

X a a 'V'e •I"*, t*, ,-rtU ilv i« nttiblltiu i.fiitoH 

4 ^ ilk ^ d who arr miitfc till-oil) *ivti- iron., lo il.«- 

w ^ iininoirmrot-* nn tlih hI.icIi fflvr il 

WrvMtri liurability. Mini'lieitv, aiN-nl.UiiliiiirM In 
runiiinK niMl bc«uty of Aiiiali. 


1 ^^Kjf€ ^ 1 *T ctMifclmtlr tvcotainrnaeti t» Fnralll. * 1 ** brlnff 

a ^Itl Ari/ im the mutrktt. 

W ^ io «l«4> Aarnt foi thr 


KO« MA.NUrACTUlimui, 

Fire In^rance. 


which alvr* inimreUU' n lli-f, ami I* « rwtirwl CMW, .• im oiArt-il to Ii.uur,- t<» nu* 

p. I.atiio lim k. ItiflaiuiiiMtIoii of thr KlOnr)*. IlKAi.or rr.tU(*iKAi. PaoeKUTT. hitVKYMtil' ril 

'If:,', •”’ 

anitoatory ii)«laiitlv rrlrlvnl *it.i IN T IRE] IriSuRANCF!, 

In biiv »botllr. It I* m hoUftrliohl nrcrttilT. oftheMOir. ••»h.u»ikx 


Brockton Steam Marble IFw*A», 

FREL>, HANSON’, !Propinetor. 

I .t larRc •inckofmMitrUltnd bracket ihetws 

•Inreya eii iitlid. 

We rialm lo .In the bftt work at die lowrwt .\ larRc elnckof montrUltnd bracket ihetws 
prtevt. alnraya an iiaiid. 

W.- oritinatr onr own.|p«l(m*. ...a» .i... r\^ 

W. I,«t tlio .t.A to .rlcrt from. ""'l’ 

We havrall the tnarliliwry for »awln|t anil flu- ” 0 *^ hrat Mock of «helf brerketa in the City. 

,, , , W'’»|H'»Ul rnni an.ll w;il r*ll an TOO. 

S|>. nBlj|p«lKn" fiiniUlinl for all kind* of t pm- bill .In not tnob- with nw- unIcM yuYi are Mtiafir J 

Have you uppn the Onyx? 

The hrpt Mock of whelflrerkcta in the City. 

K. U.I mr a|H)Mal mnl an.ll w;U nUl an too. 
iHii .In not tnolv with me unlc*» y«»u are fetiafir J 
will, till- atylra ati.i iirirt-a. 

Peelale Ladlea. milK<’Rl.EIUt.tTKlXil.Yt'RKTNK I.OTION | 

Tl,o«c lnngui.l, lirc.ome scnnalionK, 
rausinsyou tof„fl scarcely to ^ 

riory work. 1 will, th.- atylra ati.i prlri *. 

'IT PartioB coming to my place from Weymouth and vi- 
ciaity and tradinir with me, ■will receive railroad tickets free of 
charge. son 

Chief Kiiginecr, Geo. Cushing 2d, was paint tliose seats at the Fair ftround.— 
B*»rea* wnd Slilk WuaOnM, llOUl»l« nnd call..a ui.,iiia rc 81 .<inaedin.l,ai,pyn.a,,. Wiiatal,.,i,l ll,,. l,ulioafali Al Agrlcullu- 

^ Daniel Perkins, Es<|., formerly of ral Hall llist was talked of .* 

Minale Stunner Exprean MleialiM. *<*• ll,e JuiinKif, fullowuil will, a neat ami Jfrt. Uenjaniin I)caii died .^fl>n>U) 

... ......... .nn.i.iii.T/. niiarmixTo c apicy pucin, in “giillp'a” inoal aiiiinaleil „|g|,t at ber resilience on .'iibiinlreet.— 


Inaaiim bu OH VOUF fccl; that COnsUltll. dnilll 1 0 ll*tmD*t.»ry l>i*ra*f*. iixUiitlY rrlrlvnl ait.l IN F XRB INSUl 
«.aBi4it. ^ . r.irril- “SapamiU- will aavr Ilf.-. I>« not IJrjr- for itaalfavuni 

uesday tlint is taking from your systoill all iu* l•■ctlnblly abotllr. it 1 * a hiiili.rli»hl nt-mtilT. <»fthe»anir 

veil by . drlviti., ll.o K1n,bt,i FMlli.artlrnUr*. in o«r ttiuininal.-il Csrtli ami _ 

'o fnr *-**^‘*^ *0 » UrtMllg lllC 1)1001)1 irotl) t'lrrular*. urt.t fn-r. iqmii a|>|.lirAUon l>r mail. A ^ I nn a ■ 

■’ voiir cliecki; Hint continual strain up- '-iltllaw*'W«»n»i, 

.. { «. , . .* ortiionry nTuitil.'tl. nU ( «-nl« aii.l #1 prr Ib>llir. IlnpeheilidkP. 

nmv til '’‘*‘** forces, rellderiui; you ir- TiwI U<»tU. a, Mo. h..M by aill)riiairi*U. ■rwrvHrnawr, 

lund — rltahle and fretful, can easily here- ^/'^******‘^\. , 

Siu- moved by the UHc of that murvelous aar Umailway. N.-wt.rk. AbIflgloM, - 

remedv. lion Hitlers. Irreiriilai-ities -- ll•Mr Inw. fi'o.. 

remedy, Hop Hitlers. Irregulnrities 
and ul>t(lrmTioiis uf vour svatem nre 


8{>icy poem, in ”<jiiilp*s” most anIiiiatfMl night at her residence on l^nion street.— relieved at once, white the spcdnl _,1_ 

style, receivliig tlie iiproariutis applause This has been u case of long snfTeriiig cause of purU)di«*a) pain is permaiieiil- 

of the assembly. Addresses were inatle lM*yoiid description, she having been an ly removed. Will you heed IIiIh? , 

by Engineers Lymau II. Whllon, J.W. Invalid for many years. I«|^^.•vI 1 

DHartiagfS iinll Eltnlbs. 

---^--- lVjiitn..s-, M..8.,8 Cr..s., lUn.ry Murrlil Tl.n linuM of-Waller Jov » a, cnicrej 


lliiiiipbrey, aaa I fiirenian of steamer n,,. . 0 ,,. " 

aUn ..a Iiw 4 . Dm-.•■‘■irtiiirm nf KOBKH. BLANKET^. WHII-S. «i,.l ..Ilirr ,mo.l. I.. Ik- fiiunj „f Newton, allil .Seliellimn Clliui. W. S. 

in 11 well reaulaicl It.riif.. aii.l‘.’arriiia*-.Seyinonr, ami tile eoinimny tiifii ret ired, lainl lying lietwepn tbe 

well salistieii will, llie exereises Aatlie Imnse of [). r. Ket-il and widow Jones , 
NEW AND MECOND HAND «’AKKIA4JEN procession passed tliroiigli West slreel, Up*. some of the cllixeiis nf 

. ... . BitlTi.X a„.l IlfimY 1-IlAK- line pl.otegra|d. of Ibe Co. ami Hand w^ia Ward .1 a. a suitable lot for an engine 

TONS. KXrESSION'lof mill »tAXI,l.NH Tol'lAltIlYAl.I.S. KXl’IlKs.-, W.M.ll.Nti. Ac taken by Air. Will. Illldsuii. noiiat. 

St Hnneork M., 


4* H _ 


Wildy Lodge are iiiakiiig preparations 
for a happy gathering uii the evening of 


Corner BridK« nnd Atlirna Ntrerla, 

IilvIU'H the* iitl«-nti.)U ufthf |>ubltr to hi.> 



Diy Ck)ods, Groceries, Provisions, 

Hay, Grain, Crockery Ware, Hardware, 


A-xx-ciit lor tlio 

Laat Sunday morning, about l-Jlo’elk, tlie oi!i|, of tlie iirc.eiit montli. It bcinc 
.Mr. I’eter McUloiie, wlio resides on Sum- a ilianksgiving »itli tliat order, 
luer Su, bad liia attention attracted to a j,-,,,,, ^.,,*5 i,ave died 01 , Xorlli Union 
bright lig I relleete .1 on bia front wi,.- s,., li,K:kland, within two week,, 
duws, and luoking out found the cause ’, ’ , . , , , 

% of the light tu be a blaze ill the shed at- ,,.^* 1 “®® have any idea of g|di)g 

taciied to the barn on Litchfield's wharf. '' would do well to 

Proceeding to the place, it was discov- ‘•••me up and see how Uea. Josiah UecU 
ered that some scoundrel had sot fire to Peko. 

* HH a bundle of pickets in the shed, which Auctioo Kale. 

^ was well under way. With assistance of * mm.^ ..iwx v.x«i 

others who had been called, after a hard * "" ^ ““ 

_ hatile iliey siieeeeded in extinguishing '•»>•. "f .l><‘ property (mi the Central St. 

ll,r Dir wflliovAt R.M«rtialui.; brt«>iigltlg (O tile lU'in <>i axi«- 

lloii il not been for this timely discovery late Geo. \\\ Wliiie hrouglil but low flg- 
a serious lire would have been inevitable, iires. The tliree-foiirth acre lots fell to 

*'*'**'• MliSII. A I 1.11 

III W.-ytn..<Ul.. April I.*). Mr.Jul.ii Ti>wi-r. aff.-tl » m * 

.Vi)PMr»3 nio«. 13 tluya. fFuiirral ul ® ■<*•!* InMaf Os« 

* i;,X-..nhWo,™,..h. *"»• «’®- 

UUiirliar*!. MK.'il ?'r». 11«. 1 tlwy. "NWBlW •• *• 

II.So.itli \Vrbii.o(iitt, Auril 14. .Vlurtl.a Atiii. IsSaueaMlalrflk *• ** i 

wifcof..‘um.ierA. DobU-. autil »yr». V w UT.I. ' 

fmmA ishkHiilfc • 



Medical OalvaRic Battery, 

Tlic im-an-at trimtifio j.f ihr »p*. iw 

till-lH‘«t kiMiwi. rut.-tt.r rarHU-i-. Ulii-umatixtu. 
St’ural^ia. Iliart. N<'rv«> hikI all iliivuavr.. 

h la-t* u lifi'iiiiH*. an.I «M»t< l.ot #1. «»i- 

i-liiMri'n'* *>iir So.'. S«-iit liy innil. ai..| a aafi* .!«■• 
liv. rv Kiiar«iii.-»«l. i’, l.niulr-iN ..f 

.iriaii.^ Iik-nI Will r('ii;il»|i- |i;.rti«-a. 

M'lio wiisit u wrll-puy i.i-4 aii.l lmwiii.-*a. 
i-dll .»r tiir u«i-iiiw' t.riii*? •). li. FI.ANI- 

P. II. Blancliaril 

iiiiiiouiicfa to IIk- pfopli' «.f Wryiii'Milh ait.l Viriii- 
iiy ilia.t Up Iia* a t av t.f FANCY IWTKNT 

Hercules Rout, 

(ail i-ntin-ly nr«r brait.l.) Al^ikurarof 

Clear Quill. 

Hercules, Fancy Haxall, $9.00 

‘'Dirootoro Drcxnd,” Fivxxoy 

Hawaii, mada form the 

Mataal, ef yuiney 

Dorrbrater, . of iiosten. 

.Olriwhaata dfc Fanurra, Worcester. 
Abllginia, ul AUngt.m. 

Haair Ina. «'o.. of .Vew Vmk. 

ajrraaa Amrririia. - i.f New Vnrk. 
■■a. *'o. of Narih Ainrrira, i-hili. 
Auirrleam Ina. C*o., of l’hiL.dcl|ihi,. 
NNor A l.«alher Ina. C'a.. hostel). 
■*hrnlx Ina. Co., lir.K>kl)n. 

UloareaCvr Ina. Co., ■ (ilouccsiet. 
Phtralx •• •• IlanfaJ. 

■jaacaablro •• •• Mmclicter, Kr*. 


W.-)lunutl), .\iiK. l.% IHTl*. 


More liglit! 

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

NDhPOl.K S?». PlumATK foi'tlT. 

^p< I ll.i- ti. lr«-itt-l.nw. N«-si ..f Kin. ni.-I all 
A. iM-r».,iin iiiti-ri<ti-.l III th.- t.f Is- 

U.VKl. FKA UIND. Iat<* ol W. kiiii»itli. iit naii] 
i 'aiiiitv. «iri-i-iiiijr: 

tM.rrriia. u .■.rtiiiil iii«litiimiit |i'ii)wiiiint; 
to Im- (Iu Inal h i|| ,u„| |,.ntui.i.-m u( kat,! ih-i-vu*. it 
liit-» Ih'i'ii III aai.l i'.iiiil, loi l‘r«»iMU. 

I. y ( U. iipla t'« ai ii-n. n h«> (.rav* ir*ta- 

i.ietilar) laav Im- .>a|ita| t«> in-r. lli.- »-si-ruiri) 
tl.a-rriii tiaiiM'il. ainl tli.-it nln* niitv Im- p\«-u;)it.j 
tr.MM KOliiK -.iff-ly lilt Ilf. .>1110141 

\.iu an- lt« r.-by to M|>|H«i'al u I'lolutr 
* (Mirt. tn Im- boltlvti at Onlii.-y. tii aaiil ( 'oiiiit) of 

N'lrfiilk. .01 iJn- a.-.-olHl W.'.Ji.raiUj of A |>> il III \i. 
Al hill.- llVI.M*k ill tin fon'll.Mill, III all, »>V COIH.'. 
iitiii)' yiMiliavr. acmiiat il..- amm-. 

AikI Mill )M-tititiiti‘i i« It.-rt-br * •. i.:,.. 

|..•i.liv l..•<l•.• iitfi.-tii. ur |>>thliwhiia; llii*< ( itati.n. 
-■M.t A w>r-k. fitr ilin <-w.ipi-cnni, I nit'U*. iaiU' 

II. I rail, il thr \V’* > It lijr. tt»-. pi iiii, ■) 

SprlDK and Nammcr Wear, Assortments 

arponhan.l ninl nfSiiprrior Cjiiiilitv, nt tHlS Sido of DOSLOU of 

D. B. 

AVearr liaTiai; a Giir uM«ortiii(nt of 

Latlies'. Misens' and Ohililren'e _ 

a . , o,. LIBRARY, 

Sandal Slippers, 

Newport Ties, HALL and 


OF TIIK l-ATKST STYI.E.S. *!•** 1 -A iJ Jj ill 


uf all ihr klii.u Ii-imlly In a Ural rU*M ■inro; ^ 

uU ».ir oan ){.»ui|« ; irr warraiiti'.l, atnl if not 

. .i«-«‘vputh.,Horii.,m. Wrk..p Nlckel Plated Leader 

SIIUi: OaL , J. 



HALL and 


These frefiiieiit incendiary fires are the N. F. Vitiiiig, John Smitli, IMit Elea- <iAN A t o .iiiv.-niora. luaiiiifa.-tiirrr* ami M>h- 

cause of much uneasiness aiiiong the ley, and one other. Tlie highest bid vji mirt St.. I».Mtoii. uv* r Urn-utul Clear Quill, Fancy Haxall, 8.60 

IVa St«»ri*. 

l-AT. TO l-AHTIR** WIKM AU. AT Of II omcK. Fr- 

resUleiils, ami il would be well lo largely was only 8175. . .n an 

increase the rewards offered or a.lopi , ,-*r.Vo PAHuVi waoViu 

some other means tu preveut further xalr Weakaems a scr. iai.ty. 

mischief. fHieof the Eureka Shadow Artists' tenhamk. (iiiiMihati..ii Fm-. 

CaucuM. * eonuiidrums—“Why are O. Cushitig's 

!. , , ,, _A., horses the best fed in town'.* liecoztliey 

1 he Itepuhlicana held a taucu. in Ag- . , I I j ^ » 

rieultiira l ull lu.t bu ird,,y etei.ii.^ Out’s hehi.ul them the ruud." 
and nuiniiiated as delegates to llic >> or- 

cester Uon\'eiitioii, Amirew U. Dunbar, Alfred, the young son of Illr. Frank 
h. \N aters Uurr, Dr. 11. E. Sjiaiding, Ar- i),.i-i,y^ Esq., fell twelve feet from .ai>«*uni 
lliur Lincoln. 'Ihe delegates were un- jn Ijyer's 8 lal>le, and broke oiii! leg just 
pledged ami uninslructed, but it IS said Saturday last. Dr. 

they favor Edmunds. Tower was suiutiiuiied. 

Best Minnesota Wheat, B.feO il[ LctdiOS* HosiGTy 

lear Quill, Fancy Haxall, 8.60 . anpi,,, 

„ ,,, , »**, v.'ur iUM-ilhniaau*! .iiflil fmit.lnil aii.l t-tuhtt CbLltX i.Vi“XA O OUOiVS. 

4'.:« .IuNaTIIA.N < oim. it. Ki-t.r. 

Nickel Plated Leader 

Student Lamps 

/*. €<y /nijn/i. P.tftr atii mrx-tr 

orses the best fed in town*.* Ikcoztliey I rtj%u ink. tmitalun it but 

... ..,. 1 , 1 ..,, ,i„. h, ...Ul,, „.i •■'••s"- 



Best I)nigs& Patent Medicines 

they favor Edmunds. Tower was 

Tile delegates nominated to the Dis- 
I irict Convention to be held at Taunton eunslancs. 
I April 22, are Joseph JacolisJr., Ebed L. We are li 

We are having burglaries tills wc*‘k. 



Francis 11. Lincoln, P'led'k M. Moseph Dyer's store was eiilerod Friday 

constantly on hand. 

>t%- a.Mk ult.'iiti<.ii tot htrtf.-a-.-ortm.-Mt ofTIllN 
WODI.I.KN OVF.Itf’OATS in our It.-tAi) CIoili- 
iiit; t)i’|.urttiiitil. wiiiili Iiax- bcoii ....till'with thf 
ci.-fitf-tt i-uia I.y t'YiHTH'iii'i-d lmi)>l-> ill tuir own 
K-.irkohor*.. Tlu‘> uiv int. f-n' i!i iiIU-.ik ii 
» lii> A lI..*roii;;li'y ('iwhI i;ai-iiii-iit for iiiiiii.-- 

(liAtc u«i- ut tfair t-riot—lliti- iivitiiUuu dii- .l. lMy 

The Hoard of ^ielecltuen liave appoint- Ian’s* liouse was visited. Tlie eailers ““'‘‘b Mi u| riinr wni. li- ii.a.if tMun.t-un-. 

ed as Fire Engineers, Geo. C'usliing 2d, talked into the front door, liH.k the lo .•oii-.t-.iui...-.-of b»»’in|{ matlt- »-urIy loima.-t 

Jason W. Wliitney, Moses tVoss, Lyiuaii eluthes from the hedrooin where Mr. fur neurly matmai-. ilii--..-A-.m. u*. un- 

U. Whiloii, Henry Merritt, lleury J. .Nolan was sleeping, and turned the .huIiUmI m mk.-our |nr.» »Im>hi ti..--.jhirn* um 

night, Imt nothing carried off except a 
few* oranges. Moiidayiiight some thieves 
s>*'iio{>ed duM'ii on Main bt. Edward No- 

T’KrTT'T'^ Ouincy MsrblB 9nd CrsnitB Works, 

4 JAl J2J Am 1^1 ^ KMT'Al»f>IMIIKI> IX 1H5^. 

U. Whiloii, Henry Merritt, lleury J. 
Manning, Josiah M. Lane. 


Kev. Edward A. L.*rlon, wlio has for 

liiul.lotl (o luikt- our |ri 

% alxuil t III- -‘Jiiir n* luHt I 

.vi-inillv call ilu* iim-iiti.m of tin i>ulilU- l«. llu- iiimilMr of N. w DfiKU* »»f 

tlie past iwo inonlhs beencoiiliiied to his furlher ilt-predalbins. We supiMise lliey 
iioiise with inllaimnulory riteiiiuaiisiu,is dien went on IMtasaiit St., as tlie ea- 
rapidly improving, and is able tu walk nines and residents were disturbed, 
out. Next Sunday he will nrobably be (jood tbing to have dogs. noluithslaiiJ 
able lo attend service, but Itev. Geo. il. i„jr hupendiiig license l.vw. 

Voung, of Woburn, will prcacli. 

pockets inside out, lull olitaintil notliing i. Ar for itiMhi* of <-<>rri’‘i>niiiiiiitr -lUHiiiy. aliKougli 
•if value, for ol.vious reasons. The iltr •-..--t of wnoil.-n ^rnol- li*. iu«-ri'j*('il ■ 

barking of dogs, and a ligliting up iu ihe ahiy m ithiu tin- iuAt frv ui.uiilo. 
j vicinity, frightened the inaraiidefs from ■ 

WacDllar, Pailer & Coipany, 

' 4(M) WtishInKloii Sired 

Porfection, Winter Wheat 
Patent, 8.00 

Baker's Premium, 7.50 

White Rose, 7.50 

Excelsior, . 7.00 


luiib-from Mii-l.iirAli Whiti-Win-at. HiidK«'>i»'l 
I i-Apri-x-iy fill mi . 80 Cts. per Bag. 

.M)o KK.%N, for llurscs,(-Attic and llog^- 


fur \Vli<i|f» 4 lt- Miitl lU'lAil. Si.mII ILir* ai 

same rat. «. Flour il<'livf-ir<l wilbti. l. ii iiiilt-.-. 
FHKK 4>F t'IIAlU;K. 


iomuii-i4-i ilNfi.i. \VF;Y.MoFTiI 


I’l'H-c rail aiul I'Xjmiiu- our uti.l wi- 

kii.iw ><>u will Iff p|i-it>ol with our i<rW.. 

&c., now on oxhibitlon at 
tho Store of 





Monutnenta, Tablets, and Cemetery Work, 

ISxeeuterl in Murlilc nnd 4iirunite. 

*’"■ (Iu* „ ,.l ...-on Iijul iTliU-b an* now .ip**l. for iilKlK i’limi in "Ur N''S‘ W Kn-nK'Ui' mi'i '.I'i 
at \Vt>rk», l.‘ 


N’»t»*iili.|«iiainir III.- i- iii'.* , .I ,u„,K,.,. i„ .,11 ail] ..nlii. u.iik il.-il iii.) b,* 

sriicliil iKfuti* Jill] I-l. m I'urf.iimrt' -";-' 

and Cemetery "^^ 7 "ork, MsmuriBi thriuon. 

Iti'V. Dr. Miles, uf the Thiiil 

lt«>tiiru fiuiipt-r* 

Mmiiurlal Sermon. tiaUirday evening .a Ketiirii nipper was i 

Lev. Dr. Miles, p.istor of the Tbiid given the (Jen. Hates Kiig ine Co., by Ihe 
I'nllarlau clitirch, w1h> was a iiersoiial l*uUiani (.’o.. No. 4, at il.e litdl of the 

owners or Keepers of VVashillgtC 


I N llite liiwii. ttfp Iw ri'ht rt iiiiiBli-il tliul eulil ^LllllllSWi 
Il..k'* niu-i Im RFiilsT'Klti:!) ill tin- T»«ii 1 ill I lil; 
< Il iL'» i>lli«-i- .iiirii.K tin- prf-ciii iiiniiili. 

1 wlii.’li win-nui-ii ml In isTli «-au t. t.un 
tla-siti.K’imiuli«'i». tf ill) ir omii'ts iiiuKc «’4ii) fTlit F'-uli-i-rib^ 

«|.|.li.-atiD.i. X lu-fniml, .*i, 

lilllN llAYMilNll. r.iHx l.i.riik. 111,11,1. Ul. 

\Vi-)niti.itii. .Vpiil, ■--SO. li 

ux iiiMTs niiiM 'rm; si'.mi'Ks nr imt, *’*" * 

«ii, ri.,. XTO&TH 

.V S .\(T roNt'KKMMi 1)«H«>. aN|. »llU i'ltoTet- 

TION or MlKR). AM. UTURII DoXKiirie .\MMAI.*. ''I*'l* In 

/;. iliiuuuJ. 

Flv. ry iiw'iit r or r of 4 .Iok shall -aiii.- iii llu-Into. 
Mitiiiuli). ott or III loo-til.-iliirliiilt ility »f A)»il. ft 

■-4UO-iHo Im’ r>i;i>l<iM|, tiouilM ml.iK .iaini 

li.'i'i.*.'<|, (.If ai.H- ).ar fiom the- ll»«l liuv of tin- .id * “* 

siiiiii; May. huh.- otili-. <i| ihi- < h'lk of'llii- «-i|) nr 
limit wit.n ill »ki<| i|i>^ i« k.’Ot. aii<l •ht«ll (-itifi- Il I'l •! 

to Wi’Mrar.Miiol il->iii<-k u .-olliirili-littrllt .ii.iil,rii 
wall Us OH lo t'- Haiti.-4iiil il» r.'sisl. r.'.f ...lUiU-i, ma ■ m ' 

tiiiil sh ill pit) for •Ill'll Iu'.'|i«i’, (iir a tii4|.' ilot; nl I ■ 

iHu tlollin.. uii.l fill a r.'iiiitlr ilnE lUi' ilolbr*. ill. I. Mi 

Nk(iios:4. .\ii) |iii»oii iM'i'oiiiiiiir tJi.* owuir 
oi ti.-|i.r of 4 tl.ti; iiitl liuly iM'i'iistii. on aiiU alln 

Ihf tlrsl <Uy .'I'M.!)-•ItHlI I'itUM,'kail) iloar to Ih' ifE' ~ 

i'll ii<l. iiutiilii H-ii. ill Miiloil iiiiii iii-i ii»i'.l uiiiil IV^JRsl J 

Washington Sti, - QUINCY, HENRY LOUD, 

('an'iiigc raiiiliiigk 

T it F siih.crihor iiit>* llii« iiiiiIi.hI of liif>>ruiluE 
hi* fnm.h .411.1 till |iublic thui hi- Iiaj. 


II In 4 nrrlMge Pitiiit Nliu|» Its 


uli'it III will lf«-plfasnl to wait «>H^1 who iii,i> 
futor Inin willi it i aII. Il-itiix tli.oiliilil'for Hi-n 
loisl t.iinis iiii-l |>4ti.)iiJi;i’. It«- H iviic* to iiti-ril tin 
-Alii.- Ill III.' lutun . 

•Sil fl*ai'Ar fl*<arrAMfr«# no ribair^fr 

I'rici ■ H> low tia rati 1 h foiiii.t ilv w hvi.-. 



K WKYM OiriTl. 



’I Ini', ih'sirou's of il -I artU-li- in ilie 



«11 tu i-aII At titi* Mark.'! of 

friend of Dr. Cbamiiiig, and hail fmeii-1 latter. .\s Captain Tiiotnas retiiarketl 

f^iilury. .\piil 3 . 

McGrath bhoiHERS, Quincy, Mass. 

■ N. w Wa.i nHmo uii.l V»r.i pulpit of Clmniilhg’s cliureh in ju |,is speech of Welfoiiie, (he right hand 

Federal street, llosluii, in past liiiH'S, uf friendship was extended to llic Hales 

ION. (also having the distinction of being the im-n, ami the fieedoin ot the plai’e jglail- 

11 ail) .'f till* woik tl>.a lUAV be uldest l.'nitariaii lididwter in charge of a |y ^rallied liiein. An 0 )Nt('r suppei, 

parish who was aelive wlien fliaiiiiiiig v\itli fiult and piislry, was hi-t bt?fore 

fK , >a was living,) recently preacliud a nieiiio- aiumt forty uf llie above Company, lo- 

vUinCVi IV!3SSi rial sermon un the great preacher and oftherwitn the ruliiaiii Imi)!, and in- 

.VI 11 WI iter, from the words in Luke 24; lb. virnl guests. s\fler the eigais were 

Houses and Land 


rpiIK Iiii.h r-udH'.l r« *-|M»'|(iilh iiiforiii* lh.h"d»' the Br«l .Iav of llic oisiiiiii; Mav. m iln- muiiiin 
^ lie that kill is |>r. pAii'.l tu.hi ui,«| ■uhjrrt to tli<'It ruiB lUi.) tlurti* |iri'-st'iilHii li. 

MIIUIKG <»!•' ALL KIKUN. hii-a.i. 

DRESSMAKING and CHILDRENS' ri.M.',;..i.i.:u"Krii:,“rt;Xui'i,;l:'i! ;;:;':i*r;i,i; 

about forty uf the above (.. umpany, lo- flfliBss 
getlierwitn the ruliiaiii Imi)!, and in- k,r. ll<> 
V ill'll guests. s\fler the eigais were o phli-. *i 

A I’rophet mighty in word before ("*d 1 on, spi-eelies and sl.uies fur- 

A *rvW'Kl. .IMi JloOK iiiil oii«- 
|aL/ t'lifliU of u.-r.- of twiid oil M.iLfi '• 
f .\ X'lioi .)u ir l.iueolii ^-i<llO‘. \V> \ 
Biiioitih, liLS'l) owu.-il by ( nhoi Itn- 
iM iHowtuDr Im* *1* r<M>iiia. II lil fittr 
>1 !• (-i-uirallyl'H-ati.l. 

CLOTHING, a Specialty, 

<V •hure of iiiihll.'loiiloiiiitii-1« r.'«|H'«-ifiillt mi- 

lifioil. silts. A. \V. TAYLOli, 

ul the ■'•'•iileiii'f III >ti- .VuvoOi* l.iiioiu, 

44 .'lU From Stii-. I . W. iiiinuiIi. 

I and .ill tlo‘ peopl 

lM*gaiib> -hlud- l•||t>-l'laill)lle||t till a late 




iiig to bis own |M'i>oiial iiiteiviewh whli I pi-ai-o iiiade sdmevrrv 

1 ).. Cli.imiing. and then i-.o-miI to e.'ii- 
-•itlei' wh o wa.-i leg.iidt-il aw liih cUi.'l di** 

! linc'ioii, ilia Hpniiu ditv ol i'ti t and f,,,. town to k 

-sibie reniarks ftdalive to lb.* liie depart- 
iiieiil, and hi.aled soiiie tLiiign Interi Hting 




known: I j, 


so ABlNtlCb -"lATlON MASS 

depth of insiglil. Few w.iw in<iii‘ elohely 
tli.iii In* the grealhi'ii> o| llie iiuiiian soul 
llol the lillieikS ol llu* itdigiott ot .l*-SU!> 
lo iin-et il» iii-eds aspiiatioiis. lie 
Otre-d bill- f-'t' tl,o M.lvuii'-e.iiwitt .<f ;i si'i'S 
liiit belonged |.> tlie>| of ir. .* 
and lolly »>iulh o| all weeth, and hi» in- 
llueiu'e liAA not e.-.)se,|; in tael <j|iI> 
I liegnn. 

I ItAII.I f'oin'elt. 

I t )iii'l.tvoi Ue and Salettleil lliU^^ oi- 
j gaiii/.ilioi., the llinuliain lli.i^s IJ.iiitl, 
aliieli bib uilaiiie -1 .siteies-* under Ibe 
' b-ad of its elben-nt eoiidiieioi, .Mr. T. J. 

I le 1-eIii‘V i-d that 

John C. Haynes & Co.,' 


lyfluslcoi Boxes in Great Variety. 

Brass Band Instruments. 


American C'uita-s WairanteJ. 

ImportnrI Guitars. 

Banjos .'torn $2.00 upwards 
Vioirn. Violoncello. Double Bass, Banjo, 
Zither and Harp Strings and Trim -1 

AciArrrJeons and Concertinas ol all de 1 
sorvho"* American and Foreign 
Ssieet Music, Music Books. 
6 lc. Wholcialc &. Rctdd 

"liu. llr-sT I el ..11 .MriiM tsr. In it." 
' 1 ' 1 e'(l/</ I'a-AV/.i^V i’k/tUu'Mttrjf Asi/mm 
llnis. i I >i.. Itt.nlii.i. Niii.kil te 

«U. ■4U W 

rivalty was t*sscutial to engine eoinpu- s:-tie 
iiies; With stfiiligly in f.ivm uf liaiidng 
ai'nl praetiee: a.IxoCAliitg tlie bolding ..i 
i tow 11 iiius(.*i, and tebtiiig nut only ihe ii.uiii 
.'•Ip.icily uf the )«'^p.'.i^\e Univlliliew, but 
ili 4 ‘ tin-iai ol tin- eoMiii.tnis* in 

lt•-e.itMl leiplirenn-nl. ... .pn-w- 

i.iit W.IS tlio).>ugbh .ILs-nii <i Iw .Mr. 1'., 

■iud il w.iHa pity Ib.ti .ill ibi- t-ngii.ei ih - t ' 

■ f Weviu'Hil b e.uiM lo'i b i\»-I m'.'I. pn-fi- 

.-nt, and b'-.itd s 1 . - Ini fi«sinii| ' ‘ 

■ •-lutlleu bi.iliil| .>. 1 . 1 . .Muib bit! I 

l>i i-e w.iH in lint. lb.' ) Siloi s al 

I lie line i-.iitdii i.>n n. w lin b ilii- No -4 w a.. Ui 
k<‘pt. skb a bt i'-ilielliM.M. i-i ibe fettiivi- »i l 4 i 

t (I'l I Ilf l.llnl, 4l|ri 4 bolilli 
IblU-.- W il. 4.i.i'.> •r|.tAI<- I- < I el l.llisl. 
.Hit ut*., li „i||, r till* ill Uiiil. 1 on- 
l.llil.l.t* 1.1 till' KUt;. I'K'A" >D)I -’11.41. Il.t. itli 

I k.i'-A n 4* till' b-t. pie il - 1 i>\> pi •>)..'i'll. •III. kt. it 
j II- .11 i(o>4il ktll.t. W'lM.t.iilli. 'I II. or tilt-, to- 



■1*1 \ -still. >k t|i Ik. Ill* n >1 fill -ikis- 4l M I I |i tN 

I g. «s|u). \piit A j.Ini. -I.i.wint; It..' to- 

ion uinlsKi- el (h< lol* .-alt In- v-.ii At tin- 

a 4 TVW i:i ll\n lb»l >K >ii.l -n: 

li.tll i|< .|.-rr -si liinl •.(. Nr-.tli 
roj^sti.'i t. till VV«\iu>iilli. tun ly 

rt. ii>-f i'.>lI. I ■■‘I * 1 .1- ‘1 iiit| III n< it * 
.l-k-lxllui ( 4'- l.|4H. oel 

> 11 ) l.-('un--l 

iMort^^a'c's Sale. 

Kvan.. i.f M ..j u„.ii 11. refrlH-.tli r.,ii,li,|; p,, 

... I'uWk- s,.|.i..'mli.,ii .1 

tl,,. ei.t,.rl>.lmii.Mit. l.j llietii ta.1 ,ival,v. .. ii|. ai„l 

fliursilay amt Oi.lsy hiiii;,, uti.l t«>k 

a Bpdl of alH.ut 412-> nett protil as the ^ 

resull of their \eiaure. “The (iuu- 
maker of M«iscow", a drama iu duels, 

.\prit 2Utli. there will be In-ld a I'ldoii 
meeting Ilf tin* eoiuiiiitteeH to “l>«-vise 

T ** V|,etlti k««-lJ4ii uit.l M4ry K.'i-U4i.. 

M-illU-lg-e*. 4».| 4)1 P< r-el.k lUll'I. -ti U ill ii.i- 
po iiit-s'- h-'i< iit.ill.'r .it m'iiIh >1. 

H) )hni>'otth< pewi-.el kuii' I'otitHiiK d ill a r'«t* 
I4..I' <1-• <1 tft) I'li I) Martini Mai) 1 K - r Il s'i-i<l« t| willt N.»lelis It.'i;- 
l-.n I.ili .’rttl, F«>l. •>.. 4U«I le. bl«-4<Tl el 
tie-s'uudiliel. 1 s',,.||4l|.< it m ,141,1 U|<i|t*;4gs, 411.1 
fe. iht- pi4<p.>->' <11 |ii|i t'lesi u tils' >4Ue . Will Ih | 
•oil ,it I'liUh,- A;-llu.., upssii ills' piiusl-. *. etJ ' 
MnMivV..M.sS s p h^se. 4t p.-i tim. i 
o'l'IrH'k 1' M . all 4U.1 •l.i^ruto* ill.' pi. nn«.'« lU- | 
•s'IiIm-sI lil |||•|.K4US . e<>n«iB.ill^ ef tW-> p*.- i 
m l* ef laiei beuinb >1 4 |m 1 tb-*, i.hs-il u* }elluw«. 
biWIt; I'bi 111'I let in Kill* e|. lliea.l >n)rt at 
till'iioith. ti) I of 1 ,{|j uf Itiuui') aiiil 

'-III* k4-nrly ul-'ii^ It.-- •liitlbs-ll) n.e uf kAHl 
Ilio.sil •in > 1 . llii.t > -11) I f.-i'i, Ut ^ p .••a^v-w*/ . 
tl>- iiC> •e.iile'i I) b) *4111 |i •)*,. t. oil, bull- 

i ■! 4I..1 . itfbl iii I . Illfli. • W- -Ir I Is . fl||> Is 4 I. tu I 

I ' ' - sill lliitiii ) . tbs IM 1 ..iiilletls >.V la.iri of ' 

• Itiiin.') . uUi'liiitsilis >1 anil (<-n lui.'to pniiil '< 
el U'KimilUK. Im'I.ix IuI UUUiUtn.l eie oil 4 iiijii 
ol Im* UI4.b b) (. ibiil. •Ur)-)ol. HI l-sT'a 
I •.ioe-1 lot «1| |i4IS‘sl 1>4^|||* 4t .k a> 

r..^ . -:t!:-ii) I.elU -4 ■! fitis.l ih,- 

\4, .<• il. . ' s •It. • t ' !. • I SI 111- w Ui-'U I lOi* 

ilb.lU ’ii>to'k4ts» -Ml s 1. 4U>1 W«»l 

i I rh tie.l. -.11'* J-oiMl iiois is ft • * . I,‘, - i* — .elb- lls 

..i.t ItUb lls •! 4ltrl IWs Ul) . ,,{1.1 fi > I . fl., • ... 

: : ! . ii.ll.-t> -IH - f. • I |e •4..1 kill r*; IU. II,'S' I,) s4l,l I 

llii.i * DUS' lon»tl.-1 4U 1 t«S'ltl)iik (. 1 • pilUl ' 

! Ill b'glUU.Uif. ‘Is b 4S,'l '^> ■: 

, ;‘a bsLu 

ii ne* mailb Wnuwi. 1*1 nils- 4 •.! p, >. -tsi;, 

F;1 IZAHKIII I...1 KK M -i'-,,.. 

, W.suieuib 

I bUAs Uxliuod*, AubUvutr. I 

•Is si ill ii.i- 

ri... . . ’ 

fMDiiU lur*->H A, 1 O • 

4,tV4(ll4.f< - • ” **’“ 

Il out til. »- •» 

ir of lie- In 4 )t-l. n .r- * "f 



aiii.erj.i. ... n^:', ... 

5 bsH My u»skUis*» ^“1 UALL. 

was pre»eijli-il 4 .‘a;:!i » veiling, and Friday nik-aiis wlsesi and bent for suppreaitiiig 
evuniiig the fare.' of JsdiuUopps was theiicuof liiii-iiijH-raitc**.” The gath- 
ailded. 'J‘l»e grand eoiici^rl by Ibe; Haiiil ,-ring will pi.ibably Ih* in ilie vesiry of 
Ihe lirst evening inelinied ibe l)i*r He»le ,j„. e^j ebureb. 

.Si-bueU Maicb, KiP Van Wiiikb* Over¬ 
ture, Walti, .No'indi from llie N.*itb, Mr. Isufus .Ss.iin-rby, with liiw fain.itu 
.MiH.iiligbl Ms-dley and Culumbia .Vii- (Jlft Knterpri»e, eiav.H publk- atleiiiion' 

b "I Ibelii. tbe dillereul DUIuIh-is being pr.-- f.»r (be ]a*t lliiee i-veiiln 
ws'tiled with line elfeet. The di.iina and We iM-li.-ve Mr. .S. is llt« 
1 . „u f.iiee eliarai'tefft were well sustained b) bi** vearl> |M*i*-grinalbMi 

i*e (-veiilii'gft • >1 this we 
. ,S. is llte felUr w ho 
grinalbuiw, i•’l• l.u.fte 

bK-al taleiil, atnl the enterlaiuiiieiil as a inany (J.ibl Waieln-a un«l eluiuber-aetts 

(S' U P .••a^r-w*/ . 
4^;. -s* . 1 ). OU. huu- 

• -II I Is . fill) Is 4 (. tu 
.eilletls >,y la.irl of 
I (.-It |. • I. to pnllll 
L t. «t eie nil 4 p: Jii 
• ur*- )••». HI l-sti 

'*' ! whole was a graiul suceeas. Ibiiijo se- all over the coitnlr). 

“■ lecl|.*u» ainl original burlesques of very 
4 t niirlb provi.kiiig ebaraeler were also gtv- »*•*•"»- 

“I i-n by Mr. F^auk Clavlon, and a coiiiel This week we record Ihe paiiing away , 
».do by Mr. Waldo F. liaUa. o) .Su»au, wife of Ib-nj. Deane. Whai ' 

- ' we pii- 4 Uiiie to write i» but tlie ecln of 

F w»i Day Servlwn tin* seiiUmenls •■xpit ssed b) tlie liitlnut-' 

Were lit-bl by th.' First and Third I'ld- (rlensUof tbU e«tt-eiuei| lady.aint by all . 
tart.iii s.K'ietieft. with a union iin-eiing In a»ft.H-iated with h.-riii a long and p.4inful 
tbe First ehureli, Ib-v. Dr. Milea ollb-ia- illnehs. Lying supinely f*.! over two 

ffTTTiTTAa Jq IU I , .yl.,nn. Ill, I .'.ill lixii 
kwwiy.Tu: 1 If 1 ’ itttsi4i-i. . I. 

^tmCSSm 1 ...t I 111! <ii -1. 10 ,.-,.I,UK.,1.. 

ul lainl. u .Uillilii; lr>«s<‘. l■<4ll) nsw, 4 lal’Uu 
liint«l...t{ 4iU|-n.t foi .laiiiilt. tiirhiir |iii.|so-s •. 
t ■■nils <ii tl Hitli hIiicIi >«-s wap r |>(t) ih S>' uf .-ou- 
-i.b-raf-l.' iNiW.-i. 

Fur turtlirr p.srlK-illaa 4|>|il> .vt the 

Weymouth SavinKa Bank. 


T u 1 : snl...r.lHr I..- I .| sab’ at Nuith W- s 
■ i.-’iitli. 4 -m.4ii bit rhui. S' A>>i»iltus le - f 

nic vi'i: MSi.^. 

Al prii*-* iaiii.ut fall tu 4u4t. 

'I 1.1 \ llHk h4) S' Im rL glow >• M Itli |jH I « > - ' 

ii.iMs li> .|i44U*T. an-l Mill (le l-.uusl j 

it* trerff ettpttl. \ 


.Ni>rtli \Vr>uioUtli. .kpril.l. i*.^, 5U I | 

•ilNN Kws*: 


Fw»i Day Servlwn 


1 . al MU'- ( 0 \v INI. s. .Ss, 
It.Oik llniM.iiX- 

3 > Uiigaiidpi.-aihlligaiiabledlss.jurftefioui y.-ar*. sbeeuilivated the Cbrhtiau vlr- WBYMOUTH LANDINO. 

Kiel. 7, lu: ••Jft.iy not tboii. What l» llie i 
eauh.- dial the former days were better n 
titan tin s**.’* ft 

At tin H.vptibt church the F.vaitgelwai n 
ft.H.teti«’^ of the town uiiltesl, Ih-v. Mr. i 
llood pD'.iLLtog Ifvriiioii. « 

(••-li. I.iithei su‘vuu*.»u Jr. .Iuli»ur« a * 
iuetnorUI addi«-»» at Dorch.-sler, Ibicnra- ^ 
tlou day. 

l» (lie toes to such an exient aft tu iiiaki* sick ' 

uitiT I..*., il... .,q-,i,.i.*.i .i.a.i. . 

ftk-eiii bu( a iue*‘t tiaiisittun. rur puiity 

r'iSc Stylish Made Garment. 

«-juai. .\lways a sy lupadiuiitg friend _ 

lihe l*eeauie the conUtlaiile of (iianv . ev k-r |*«nM • •.•hunr tn Mi** Whiti p«' 
•“C* * kwrel lo I'ouiiuUUtf With, her cb»iub«*r Mt)M).\kf* ana lFi*lls.4kAi. 

‘ecxra- alway* a calm relng.* lor all. A kIDxF 4 U IIITl.' 

cuusiiWul rvllgtuus bciict was Olid I • • • • 

WASHINGTON St , opposite Pro'pert.; 

WKV'M. )l”ri I. i 

HA -ll .-loi K '»l' 

fines] Diup and Cnemicals 

(YiNftl.VN I I.V f*.N U.\NI». 

I.Mll.i: A.'*N.tUTMFNT 

Fanc7 Goods. 

Shears and Scissors. 

i-'i’isi- i-iNi : < > 1 -' 

Patent Medicines, | 


Aromatic Camphor, 

Tfis b. *1 Kiel • it, 4|H •( pi>') , 111 ., 1 

For Ylwtliks, a.'V 4-eiitM. 

I Fine Sponges 


I --I.M Ill.l.lU Ili.'M.KM IM. 

LaNormandi Cigars. 

kTHKY riK-oftAi ATTSftT.oft RAlUta ALL. 

aiuftius- s/r nui'u at-tftSA* 
ParliLular stusUoa U pfsparisc FBYtilClANfi’ 
PXEijUiUrTIOh'* fLoi ts. Ust msUrislt. 

iiLFltLU WIMAN, ipulbn'sr). 

' till- 4.-I. 

.SKI . 5. Any iMr-oii k.-epintf 4>liig .-oiitrar) to 

II. r |ir»)i<ion-Ilf ihikA.-t. -liall lilt.'s-i. ilol- 
III!-, tu Im- r.-ee)ir..l b> .-.•iiipUiiii s>i insliii- 
IIS. i>(: Mini ol «ui<l Am-ktr fiiiis-llure. livt alulUr* 
-ball tu till-riiiiiplaiiiaiit. aihI ten dulUr* 

• ball Is.' p.,i<| tu llu 'ir. s*-i|. i r ul the CUU.ilV ill 
aliuh III- .l.»«i-IsH't. A l|.'. liu'form th.' *'hrk 
of alls i'(t) ••) (uwii »)i.sll Ih' )Nliil ill i»i.y paM.if 

III. '< ir|iilia.>iiH. 4llh 411.1 M.isy Im iralel. rr's >i Hilh 
lie- iliitf h. •-ii-u .l’ /kotos/r./ ■aiil lle.'ii-t' In i." 
i-.inlril hs tlif I li-rls Ilf tie- III) ur tu)*» Mill’ll 

• le'li .h>g 1- !•< I'l. 

M..TI»N •», llu- 4-*<--*nt« Ilf lie- I'llii- mill 
tuMii* shali HU.eiHlis ubf a li-t ul 4 II •(••*;• oumij 

ur ki I'l III lli> .1 i> siMi n).' .-.(Il 4 ur luM Is.I llu 

hs«1ii4>i'l Ml). Hill, lie- oM'iur*' ul kr>-|Ni«' 
iiiiiis.*. Kiel ii'istr.i Mil’-.suit-tu ilii-rio u. iuhh 
) eik.iiiirir II, |i>ii' ill.- hi•t 1 I 4 ) > 1 ] .fitl). Ail) 
u-.)ii i .If k-i'|M. uf l■t>l;)*||u «|i4ll nliiu III 
,.:i)i jiis| 4 .el (lie Jii*)) . I -. iir •I 14 II u.i'-)«’i I I 4 U) 
1 ) l-i llu- .s-». •■Ills i.i.slDi' It) lie .>))It. (sfiiii 
tie |. u(. shall Im- piiiiis|e sI I.y .s Li..- ■•( .ml h •. 
, ill .11 P I. .h>il.*r». t-i h> pfotl 111 ! e.initis 1114 s. 

I or) 

! Sniins 7 .Vla)ui* >if s-ihi'* 4'iil lilt- I'haiiiiuit 

, <>l lie S Is ••till-II uf luH 11 % •i,4il HMtiiali). ))itl)lii 
. 11 lU) • l.uiii I 111' U.«l III .1 III), i-k>ii 4 )t srraiil Iu 

ei.i ut iiiiM> pule-i ullii'i r-. ot i'uiikt4l.b'-. «l) 
■ 11*: UiMii Iu || l-.iUiMilli I'lile I to kill III 
i.ii.s. i.i Ih' kill->1 .ill i|’>4 - Miliiiii lien r.»|i'rl 
IS* -I' ‘-i I'lMIO. Iiet le-s lisi <1 4 |'.| ••il,4i<>I.U 

1 oo. iia I.I Ills pin).. ol till*. 11 1. 411.1 ... I 


llavii'g uks-ii till- Sluri' f.tiiiirtly (H-i’upM'il by liroiid St., VVi-yniiiiilli l,niidiiiK. 

MUS. F. AMUl.KU. aiUuixiiikii 

• #'4)iibr« iHuiopilv ailrmbsl Pi, aiii] t(vKHi« 

Aloiitliiy, ^Vpi-il ..... — 

Mill! a Fi'i.i. A^•M^ulM^:^l et Coininonwealtli of Massachusetts. 

_ . aAiMiawa N'dtl’i i|.K. .v--. I'uudatk Cui-iit. 


I W 1 -j >iii>ii(|i, ill ■.4et t otiuh, nil iii-4Us- Ik r*uii, 

41.1. THR nni-tin;;: 

..A. Fit'M. the giiwiliun .if 

WUrillflg* NlYlt^N* •“'» h4. p.. ... III.- 

• It's oiiiiIk 11 /lie lil^iisliiii 

• *r'.MIpiu 

t-)ii. .1 

aiiil •Hlef.iitos-liv 
4'» lil 



4>5 or $10 dowu ! llulauco iu 
ANTED. small Moutbly Instalments! 

A ftin V 1P*N l„4Hy |,u. 
’ Hli, k baisi 4l .1 IIKMp I - 

S bu-llMs., I kill wllllliir 

:m|, I -ttl S4l4r) . 

A. W. 1AVI.'»U. 

\V'-- - -uoiilh. 

• #'4)iil.r« iHuiopily ailrmhsl pi, am] t(vKH]« 

• li-ll\ , II (I |;i I' ut s*liaiui. 


Coininonweaith of Massachusetts. 

N*•itrul.K. .v-s. I'uudatk Cui-iit. 

rpo’lii Ni ki 111 Kill.-iie! «]| |H I •oil-ihii t> 

I i ill lie K-irti. I MI.NmF XntUKI.L. *kl 
I W i-yuiiiiKli, ill s 4 et Cotiuh. All il|• 4 Us■ |k r*uii, 


\V le ,• . 1 * Juiiii A. Fit'M. the Kuvriiiuii of 
-4,il W.siil, Ii4* p>. -i iin-.l lor allo)«uii.-i'till- 
U S omit- Ilf Ills ;;it4iillaisk|ii}>. 

^ -u. h.’O'by I'Ui li |o 4ppi at .it j |’rs>bi)l>‘ 

Com T |.i Im' luiMi I) .si iJiiHii V. Ml •.sill I iiiiiit) of 
S.irli'll,, Uti llu •• .■o||i| \S’| llie mIh) Ilf Aplll 
.UM. lit !■!!!" >><loi-L ill ill'' lol'. iM'Oil, tit -llasW 
' II lilt Sell h.s)i. vliy tie- -:nii' ••le.IsM 

) lU’l n.' aili>v)ii( .\ ll.l >Hlil L-rolltilikl.t e ii|ih-t t-ii 

Iu •• I s.' till- I il'.sltf»it hy imlilubniir Ih■-•.)ili< .I|U-I- 

sssi.l,. l-ii lliiik' Ill's', ••ivi' w.s'k*. iiillu- \Vt-y-. 
i.ioii.!i t.uiii.-, .4 iu))u.uiHr niuin.l 4 t \V.>. 

Illolltll.lle i.ot pIllilK.sIlt-U to I- - ISSDlijlH, UL 
b-a-l. I'.ii 1 t otii I 

•,;-,’ Wiiili . K-.plii<*. .]iiil{T<. uf 

•ui.l c.,mi. Ihn ( Iliitil i|uv oi Misn-li. iu 
ill-' ) • Jf sj... llii.i)- oel s'i.-lil auil i l;rhtv. 
41 (**iH'.i; i-esisi*. 


'■pHVIll- ’! il«-rlu-le - .1 

I \ bou.. : Ih. 1 ;-: ... H\,\n Kl. 

i'' is Ut .V . 1vv.. 11,0 iiij, 1 i 4 I , iij. 

I I'l.I'.I tliat liu-( l)v giviutf b 1 .(•. 

U '■ Aii|«,- {14)111)1 til III i.i, 

.(• I 1 ;.- . 1 - .loi,' iiijuj; n> 

’ '' ' ' lie ••.">' ; .Old all [11 r- 1 - .1. hiiil |.. - ,iij 

, i«! s!> .SlS I'4lll.i Iu lU.kXs (>4) till III tu 

hU.VDFnim ln{;UKV..S.Iui r. 
lii-tuii. Vlai.'h 04. iHou. 4uy| 


Mutual Tire I IIS. (0. 

T IIK asm \|. MFKlISt...flh Wdiui ih 

.■i-nii-s...:.-- M.!o,s. li,.i.i.kill, i-iii 

I I>4I>> Hlil le- hil.l 4l tU. ufkil-l (olliliM, 

■ II \\ • ) lie lU til. oil Mn.s 11A A*. 111.’ line-Is i lit I. il4} 
ot Al’iti 111 \i. 4t iHu o', li- ' in 111 , 4in riii'-,ii 1" 
lie 1 hv . •( • Mti ■ 1 . till th- - 1 .- '4 . .r. Hll'l 

■ I 41041 l.oti .,1 4111 oth.'l l,ii'r-'- <1. (k4t Utisy b ^tily 

'•Ue b, lots 41.1 ui. • liiiir 

FI.lift Ub tlAUO.ft. h- er. 1 «>. 
w. tiiiuuiii kl •1,11i-'-'i 4 ' ■' 

Youi'I'loice ofaDj in tlie Maiiet! 

FlluKol nil INr-im rib »Ns ni\FN. Ml lll 
I'UIV ll.FnK <iF FMllA.SnlM. IF' .S)U 
I ri.l V.*(Ari'-FlF!>' 

9|m< lillM*** lUniglil* Sold. Ha'SsU'iL 
•t«-i4utr4*«l and'liaiiged ! 


W IIFUF* V- lilt Mil « AHOIIVL b. Uo))LLl. 

b4s l.'tC III) Im ■! 1*0.kill. I lo l-l-. «!ll> 

u.iii kll I'l—"i-tli4l Ir du-l 4 IU r till* Uati 
1 *11111 et) ‘- i'll til*>,I Ilk’. .011114,111.1. 

•i .XMF.ft A U«»\VF.II.. 
Wi'yuiuutls. .Aplll • Iftfto 4-* ul 


' I'll A I U ' • I i'm I bu- ' I. 'luls H|'|UHIllS-l 

* v-i,.oi - ■.4io. • rn.. .-! .1. 1 ..-m»i*uu«»ma 
luUUKV, '• ol W• > Ul-*’-''-.'ll 1 > 1 ■). «ui| Ii4s 

' IS' II I,|»u, ' iU*-> II Ul *t - : - t h,> ■ -I*. 

, , < , .4 . to , s |S A 1 I — »o 11 >s . I'-I- ll,4lMi* 

ll,. . -'-.Ir 111 • ll.kS4*.‘l 4|S l•'.|^lt•ll 

■ 1 *li.!,il 111 . -am- . 41 ..1 all psisuii* tuds' '.isl lo 
>.ki<lk>l4i> ■•> .alUilispuli U'Uiiki pa)i).suM-> 

; UUAlduKl) luUUFV. A.litii. 

' lk**tvu, MftU-ii 44. IMU. M 



It.K \I VUKFUy. ftlll I'll l> IKiUlllS- 
AM> h*u All .MVMUNK-' 

|•ll,.oII 1 A.',.-.-s. UK AS DUlVFU-.a.. ftnOHO HE 

Fvi) Am-l - » 'i< .Alokbii KipaiuU i jr lt[J|J|j\ IJH 

c 4|., rUlK'Ill SftolkUliU. V*WW*4*4 



.VO IBrouilik-l.l M<., U IU lI 

BOSTON. < “F 4 1 

itotftok* lit IkU 

ULFl’ft I.F.A Al ri'. J-U. BK.ANl- '1-1,1, 

,, .,,4,.. OU, 4.V Ik Ivft •Hi J. SI. Uius,; *‘-**-l-*' 
kt*»t AVvjUiuuUi. 44 I 


Uealfr III 

Flour, (■rocti’ies 
uiid ProvHious, 

t»i -.1 1 - 


sAuil aUii- 

Ziowest Cash. Frioee 

)) HnlllllK.U.. kq., )V.-Jiuuulll. 


(iiU.ta «-tkiis ll lur. If r«*|u«*u-i|. 

010 LEWIS ’tSIm. 

n*i; I IU « I UF. UF INA AI.III**' at Ar- 
Itotftok* lltlKUtik, Alitak., ftocht lulls* frvut 
lioalou Tht« lu»lllutlou u|>*tia uuU«*r 

lu»lllutlou o|»*tiK UMu rr 
Nviulfur lull Wn'ular~U*" 
i>K. 1110 LKH 1«. 


** / 


680 & 684 

lun sn, 

(Corcwr of OMck.) 

BOSTOIiT, ^-dlASS., 

K™> ' wlo- till.'’I'l.I-' ■“ “ '• 

Most Central, Convenient and Well Lighted 
Clotbingr Houses in Boston. 

C.IilTal. I* rrurliNj M ' X 

Ihv n-TM-rnr or C.Hirli fioin iinr l»srt oMIie * l«y. ( onvfMi* w. 
li:,or (n.V.|*lM to ••limb.) Wilt UftUtnl I mi. O; 

. .IU«I •'! *iU al «'ncf derldp llwl It !• lli«“ 



FI 7 B 2 TXT'C 7 IIS 

I to bo shown in this, vicinity is at 



CHAMBER SETS with Dressing Case 

delivered at your house for $24.00. 

Never Assessed! 

.laixmrv lat, lw»»o. 

S4M1I 9k 


hi* Mock nf foM*. lUtlnir 
Monno whirl, may be rosiHi 



him m Innw Csiaq. mlill 

jLt.TserTX», >teu. 

— '^1 sa 

__ 23.. E 2 >5 2 

Cmh Aseets, • 9U 



flrdiMiimnce Fomlt 

|no.7«l 43 

Our Goods are all of our owi Maiufaciure, 

< nt null Mnilr !n n .Ijli- nnp»f i»ll) 'nl" '11" >•'» •I"’ • 

always in stock; also 

STYLISH AhP WELL MAIE GARMENT chairs, bureaus, sinks, j 

at a |)ikt Air »r/#er-» diO 

wws -JtT rriTY HAH irt*.'!. oiM-ncl willilhr lutriitioii 'if drnlliig OOOCl S©ti Of B©d SplTin^S OF ^ • 

TBHR COMMONWfilAIi ^ ii J..Mly ami uW WUI. aU. 
i^ijbVljrwiine nioimv if four,.! to .hr « 

> anil rqnally a« irnml. 

aunt told by i^wililto 

HAH •K»i ii oiM-nrd with Ihr iMtri4»l«>ii ««f tlpAlIng 
JiiMly anil fairly with all. Kem Ii ainI i vrry gar- 
i-rMnifi il if found to ihr cmiirary. 

* ••■III vlriiiitT fortlinr inM^ml pHtronRgp ami ihr rrry mnny faiori Ikrariiwnl 

npo«ll.n Jnn»K roy r^ ^ .. » to d...l.r I.. . ..r ll.» - .1 ll.o 

Black Walnut Extension Tabla, SI,05 a ft. 

Cliestnut TAbleSf 95e a foot. 


ambler ^tHOBAIIT,I |i„ |(,|g,||, fedfg 

[roiiMBBi.Th.wr. iionAUT 




ritansHKt) tvmtv minAV, at wnwinf rii. ma-.s 

I C. a. EABTSKBKOOX, Tubliaher 


whicl- will Ih* 

All'miliT. |»r»nn|'t1r aUcmli'il to. 

Mills at East liraiiitree 

l’««t Ortb'i 

Kj«i Hraiii* 

;« l\ 

' Tlir UnHiry Yacht Club 

*p A TyJT^ W pT.O ^*‘'*** iti aniiusil mi’otliitf Sntur»!»y cvi n* 
-UJJl-'* iiig, lit (Quincy. The re|>iirtoT tlit'Srrrr- Ai.L KiNiM or* tary jiimI Tr^a?llr»•rBlll>w^Ml acasli liulniiev 

“O/^TTT "** ^^***”^ Tlni r»f ffH* 

? Olb X UU AjAaV X > rr. 4 Ullei| an follawa: (■«iiiiiur»«lt»re 
, 1.1 f..ii a-hHiiliri...wKi.TumikEt .Inliii <iulney Ailuiin; Vice (’••milliMintr. 

, , A. .1. Clark: Fleet (-iii»taln. Jnsluu Hiii* 

iini.tlr altcmlidlo. . ’ , * , .. ... 

lie*; .V*frel5iry ami I r«'aaiirer, <i. W. 

I East liraiiitree. .MorlAHi; .Mea.suiir, IV II. Ti rner; lie- 

. .. .. • i;att;4 ('onitullti-e. 11. F. Haw. U'. 

fldif'. \\'«»iiiHilh or Ka«l Hraiii- 

:ri i\ .Murtoii. ■Iaiii*-s 1. iV-iiiiiinaii. h. I*. 
__ f ff i 1 Y S'ritllier (illnl the <’i»niiiniil'»re. f.X-i'lli- 

1-1 All I'io). It vnteil tliat all s 

L A. inoiify above plif must Ih' aiithtiri/.erl 

OUTH LAINJDIMG. **>' *’rmiiiHMlnre. Vil e ('•■intnoih'if 

_ ,111(1 S«»crelury InTeufl^'r: llial lire |{«‘- 

fine new hall, ualta ('niiiiiiit ter he re«iiiesli>il (ci hull) a 
|.|•■(rd. w til Ik-M for |ii*rt inh uf Ili'X I S<M»oll*S ntLM-niitT Lyiliil<‘> 

Piihlip MTMlf'r'mp-*; : Hm tl... n.liiiini.irii ii 

,ilt yiuiilST.f ;ill fert liliii ;ili.»v.* ill loll^lli 

I.L‘i'!.litiiU'«l a i|.i*i*ial L‘l.i.M all 
TE.V?A^. viieliis 1 . 1 * allo\vi‘il li» carry cal^-l..l.^ilil^ 


r«. iwVni;7M. •UK**; >H7, tlOOWOUTES ISSB. OUrUr PiT,rt«»I. 

Rrt.irB.«.M.»i)0.>« A»1 UM.aao.AW. _ . , . Aim MANS 

P„’-ir.T;.i.i*M.«.nM.oo..,Cmh Amets. • 
KiV’SSiV.^.'-.V.J; IlirrVTi.- »«■**!«••. 

MmthUnlUrr.T.Miail.SO.t.ailpa. B«t«ra, ,I0I.M5ZI 

coh«i»V''Hrn«blM. 7 M. IIA xi 7™. A. I.erek.r .f •»»» S»,.oe.M 

i Jl- S-?,’:: 1 m .UH, narpl.., dart.., 1.7.. 


»|f IlSsts; Fire or Lightning. 

Mpot DlriilMi''*. “> l-f ™ ‘ pollrle*. anil « 

til Tmioton) m; KWfMne, o.i»,, ,, 

KxHI.M Jkw : 3.40.4 44 rw. \^r «•' »•»• •" other*. 

Mouth BmlBtrwr, fl 44. ». k.l4. 

aW; I'iM: 1.40. 3.30. 8.3‘i, 4.14. At 4.33, 

6 (».fl. 3 n. • T.40.9.30. 11.14 PM. Rwturn. . „ ■ihnVhAlil Mr 

6 46.0 44. 7<I9. 7.91. T.43. 9 VI.I.4A.9 3M. 10.33 4^ ||0KII41i 4C IJPm 

ab; rjlu.*.41.a.*U4.*6. 4,».4.J4, m# CT# 

lO.aopk. . k.ik niio A(»KNTHFOn 

Weymouth, Bninlree k Virwily 

;«:* 13.47.1.-,::. 8.4T. 4.4t, 627. e.«. 7.34, omcBM* 

*.84, 10.34 PM. ,, OFri««M. 

1 aSk (li s’lkt 7 «/ T Jo’ WAmilNnTON hT.. fbiOTUN. 

I'S' 1U6 ri?' Meliipti.'oioo; mM, t'.30.t!»7| asu WAiiiiiKr*T«N SgliABr.. W htmiH-th. 

7'&.V. *33, * 37. 'J0«.l*3M. 10.33 aH; 1X63, ~__ _ ~ a ■■•M 


f !i 

P L O 
• B B 

2 s 3 

Am laerraar •f •»»» S*.***-*® 

in their Horplus daring 1*73. 


Fire or Lightning. 

|in,i».i4 Is- f Pj 1 , 1 ^ , 

hardware & CUTLERY. 

■ r^fllT^IIlitFA CAf^ UAI.VANIZKIlluoS PIfK, KirrKt>KOK 

1 W, wUl lEow tb, 0 m 4, ul |1« tt» Me, «ltb fUann. 

-cut. (in nil otJicra. 

A. H. JORDAN & C< 6 .. 

Washington Square^ Weymouth, 

ly Two Onllarit a Yearl W 

A( 6 KNTH Fon 

Weymouth, Bninlree &Vifl*ily 

• ia.*7.I.-i7. 3.,7. 4.H, «27. ».M, 7.M, 0»FICBIt ■ 

■ M, lo.M ni. .. orrreKn. 

S’'• li'i •’•MO os «’au 7 Ol 7 lo’ W»«llianTOK »T.. I1.>.T1.I<. 

1™ lUS r”' iiiltiini.'oiM! a!,,! 7'.a0.7!»7; ,su WA.lliKOTiia WolUBr- W atmiCTll. 

7 m’. all. artl. 000 .OM. io.*i *■; H.W. -- - _ , mmm„ 


:: r 

V nilrt oflhr T’nitid SlnlP*. Ul(i««r#bd < IrrtiUr* 

Mwi»^iwi.*.44.7..(6,ll, 9.311. 10.16; 11.00 AM; IJ 

« ;12 44.1-*, 4.16.4. 4.»/,5.:M.*.(tt, jV^ " Agent* W(iiit«l ill rn ry coiitity 

I A'..4 0^6.w^ u^.«. ..W.».»j^I«j.l» •^Wr liar.-bnn.ln..l. of jrltcr. tr..m mrn n.- 

"“u ”?.^ir«TiI “. l.fw^^ ,„o..,.r m.u lii,.c.wh...., .h..y „,ul,M,o^. Ukr 

6.( 6 •i4.7.03.7.fM), ».W. lO, I1.I6PB. ♦lf“lAV_ 

R«twrii. 0.£1. i w* AfhlllBI Morphlnw h*blt cureU lii 10 to 

u r.i. 1U.3S, 1113 A*i L?*-^ flPIIIM3U(lar»- No |»»jr nil cured. I)«. 

4.(10. 6.4*. 0.11. O.W. 3 JP*. 7.6*. H.44. t0.4J Pk. wl I wifl j KtkPIIBNU. la'liaboti. O. 60ly 

Weetoulncy,; 13.44. ia). 6. O.Jr_;_ 

l*M. Ketum, 0.40, 76r>, S.44, 10.63 AN; 1.3*. ■ 

MIU*«iiV(*»W«rMIIU/1.4*.7.X'>.M.{IOjlfi (in Ne- ^9 


M«rth«‘-r' ylni-yar.! aiiH NaiilllOkct. M »> »:.■ .“niw’ 


Only Two ItoUarn a Yearl | 

Tlic Boy* **>'t <»lrl« mid their Friend" will find In 


I Fon jxoMb 

|Io.l.oftliin*«Wtl.)i.y.; thrlD will lie 
Two Caidtnl Srnnl Stones. 

rive ■ilftle YPoMPer" 

ANl» limv THEY (illEW. 

By Ha.iian t «l.l...y. lll.i.tnirtoi,. br.l.Curtl.. 

Two Young llomeHteader*. 

By Tliaorlor.U..1..OKM. Illintr«l.'.l by II. I.rwl«. 

' Tl.rrn will alwi br Faur 'i*w..part Sl..ri«.: 

Billy's Hound. Our Store. 

The Boy That Was Too Beautiful. 
At Plymouth Oah Farm. 

tlur American Artists, 

Mr .-i i;. W.''ill'"'"’"""'''."T 
|.rr. »l,l,-li l...,i- Ik... 

|k.,i.i.- .1 larar. br...|{ ibr ..'.I)' An N n.» n. r 
t,».iiibrril ftir vitiimr readers, ami. i(i‘d»rlnu isio. 

desire" to call «itfcial ntteiitlon to tie* 


III the cost of 




nod to *■"( 1 ^ the puhllc that he 1* able to supply 
thv Indriiinciit* at 

at lowest prices. 

The Famous mid long rstablUhed 

Ml , R» 9* 


1 Tnmit Plan*, oatsai Bosms Stmt, 
iiMvropt. _ 

«».OI»trtirtl<m«»f«hrTMr F«.M«» 

b.Vnrw mrlb.Kl. *lih,«it • .orjIriU npriartmi. 

VniUr bil Byr. i.i wy.l wiUmaeato. »\y 

Or. a. QOaiNt. Dr. f. B. OOBaM, 

srr.ciAUsT» IN 



writers. _ 

■•. as Ufk St., tibStButowi. aiM 

ALTOI, >. 1. 


BaniSTIElD, VT. 


1 wai ulBoai taUroW 

TI84, and b»w^» 

The Doctors may be c»n"ult04l upon all DIN- 
RAHKH. free of charge, pertottally or by lettor. 
34 Temple Place, Booton, Masi. 


»•>■■.« sfoaaB, 


will uivu particular mieiiUcii to the Sale of Real 
estate and Phonal lYo^rty. 

Pont Olflce Addres*. N*BTi* WBTMotrra, 1 Ia9*. 



I N ihclr uatural aute. Al«i, Funer^ (gol Bridal 
Wreath", <'rouses and Bom|urti. In Frames w 
Itlobcs. Any one having Flowers In any fona to 
preserve may have Uien done by addresaing 


Moulli IBralntrem. 

who will call for them and return the name, with 
Ibcrfcrt "atl-facrioii to the parties, both lo workman* 
"hip mid price. 


Fu-snib ^'^i&TO’SilibTliyKiE.^ 





b'-hig ih >» ctiiili'Ieletl. w til Ik- lit f'tr 

General Public Gatherings, 

«ui‘li a* 




PiiUtlf, Jic.. iOp. 

Forliilui*. upplr III l»'*ra«oi III Ly h tti r. lo 

I».V UlfS .*.>11 HI. .Lull- r 
IU-"Ulenoti. Itnirtd S«.. lu-ur (In- ImtI. 3*» 41 

The Only Remedy 

TIliT aTts .it the S-IME TIME ON 



and the KIDNEYS. 

TIU •■"inl 'iiof ite/i 'iifji.'ft it iron- 

thrfrl j (‘•(rfa''d -v/.viji 

Why Are Wo^icl^ 

! ]Wttitv ifK.r-.*..K tft'tc cnjiiiis 

r.) and 

yl.rt'- .I 

i/ifj the bioiAi i.'.uf Ji'j'uil tc exjKilid 

New Hally. 

A |i(‘iiii)'il'til> is soon (uhi* .’"lurted ix 
r<iil(*(l the aDiiiit tin* si/c ot 

the Jli-ralii. iHSui'il iti(»riiiiit! •iikI (‘ti'iiiiit;. 
ril(* will Im* iliilf|u*li(li*lit hi jMililjc*, 
.ktul ill .'ulilitiKii to i(-leor;i}ii)k- ami Iik’uI 
new:*, till* )itihli('ii(ii»ii «>f lislacf iim-litini- 
etl U*lti-rsaiMl urrivitis at uM id tin; liolciH. 
will fi>nii !<|M‘(‘iHl fcutiiii'S. The 
miiiihur will he Issm-ii (di or ahuiil tin* 
liHli iiisi. 

aV"(U N. wTtrtltMd; .l.ulv {S.imi-.y- ex- 

tiirui,0.-‘>u an; 1 ..*h r»i ttay* ) ; Fietl. I 

Prssvlncelosrss, *.14*N; 4.10 cm. Ileturn, .4.0.6. p, „„y_ K\*.Vtti 

WsimFii^linH. raliiHsulJi and KHlinoiilIt p:,ther It*.* C, M 

Ifelghta. K.h'i aji. cu Gvetk ila(".) hid. 

Ileliirii, l*-ii(e W'-mU Hell. 7.'-** am; 3 cm 
( w«-*-W iIkc'" ) 


N'e(v %'ork...via Fill! **■• *^*^ Srw low-. ’ 

titrn,((ia Fall Ilivt-i liSf.)'V‘W i|t>-r evi-ii "liglill 

FhII ICIver, via llrulgfisaics, * ra. Kriiirii» ,,r ai’«'i<l«‘iit. < ui< 
via Tmuitoii 6SUc *M ; via HridgewuCer ..3.. .i^y of ilwcliarKt 

AN. . I (in’. Clllll U-a (It 

ft«>uth llralislitje ami War Siailoic..s.iU an , ,j,.|,..|i,i,.ut pan 

13 4.4.4. lu rn* llotmti ttiouUi BriuutrL-e), Api'ty 

9.ilA«:l43. 0,10,4* ra. •-•iiltli-tl to uk-k 

to leave jia"M-itgcr«; f or on »rii( at |,-uid <'.b*a<-" <•<'(11 
.,1 l»o«i from New Y‘>rk; a 'lliiirstla) s etc* pletl; rtx, .1 

r TUiimlay" ooly; ■/MoimU)^ i'(e»-|-|f(l. iao *. l.laiik-um 

' ’ ■’ .1 U. iJe.SDKUK. s..|.t. NKII.tlil.l.. 

»Si’"7W !<•» TI,n.,..,»l...tSol.lUr,»«.-..- 

, l?’l7lU . .1 1-. •.•i.M,. .I.II.- b.,rk II, ,li.. b«ra.' oi .l.-.lli. 

r.i,.,. .t...‘ .li-Ki.iify i.ow .ii.iiiur r..n- 

irincllii III... Kl.luty. ... iti'-" I-;'- 

b>t II -i. »• TU..ii-iin.l. KiK Mill . il I.. : 

V.ri .’. . . 1 ... irli" .‘I--- •lr.i»lKlf l" l"-l»"* “M- ••mill. . 

I.. birr...... s-.iU iw.. M«nii.> t..r ......mirv ..I 

,1 7 :bi "» ; r. |.■rl...l.••l■.lb.»l..|Il.JrtK■' 1" ••" 

.. .( It 4 . i; I*. KfiMiidv. I’n ... t (11^:11 Ilk.iW. u Hoi- 

lo«KV. l-..Kima-t, r; ll„„ .1 II .li.liu.i. Kx I.i.lfV 

turn. .4 0.6. p,„.,,- K\. Vtti. Geii : Iiidialin* Ha»KiU;;( n. 

'Nlliiotlllt p:,thi-r KoxC. W'a«liiiim'iu. D. f -.'ir Iiuh;umi»ie 
tt k ila(«.) hid. 


HirN.lle- i.jw- ThuU.aoiU entitled. F.very rol- 

N. dt.’-l even "ligluh .liod'h’d >•>- «Miin.I". dlM-ii.e, 

Hetiirnr „r ^eeldeiu.»lUiiU-.l io ii. ti"ion. dstiiig iMek to 
;ewaCer7.3.6 ,iav of ilweliarKe. PNeii the loa" of a fitigcr or 
int^eiiniU-a lo peiHloll. iV-o. idi wldo'V" mill 
iik.M.SilAN, ih'ii'-inleiit itan-nl" and luiiioi" eul.tled. lime 
Bnuntrue), i.n'iie.l. Ap|dv at oiiee. Many peioioiier" now 
. .-•iiltletl toinena-e. Hoiinty yei due lo iIiou«an.l.. 
iroiiurri(al « •..-llJi-d. l'.»liill!* I'roeiiretUtn* m(ti>l- 

I l•^e«•pletl; Kei-o* l'i\i-i| liv law. S-ml t wo aiainp" f'»r im^ 

•d. iatv*. 1.lank* and’iiioriiflioii" tti .f. W. FI KN- 

K. Mipl. NKIl »L i’G . l.tH*k llo\ 314, \\ a*liiiiKloi». 1). C. 

— — ‘ M .’k3 

At nymoutn ua* rarm. CaTV>rXn^“H“ -- 

Our Americaii Artists. a e, c. BUMPUS, 

.attSSrSSS'll American Organ Co.»««, 

itreliarnl f«»r young reader": ami. a" diirinu' l*i9. |,rvo new iiml attrartlcr "tvle" lhi**ca-o!i. at "Ueh BOBTOIV. 

ihtv will Ihj Imgidy Uln-tiaUd by die uriht" .„i,.,.h that im h-unc "houl.l be withoiii U" inii"ir. 

iheiiiM-lve". and will also take iu» onr Nidptor*. h»ktriiii»eiit-. let. or "olil oij ii>«ialiiien(". or ex- wntmocth arTBU 4 oi-t/>LK r, *> 

iheiiiM-lve". and will also take (in onr iM iupior", h»ktriili»eiit-. let. nr "ul.l on lixialiiient". or ex- 

lind and Flower I'alnters. Uoo* and Magaxtiie oliangctl. or tnneil and repaired. Send for cat* 

HtU'traioin. and Eiijriuvers. . 


H-iil a "i-rie" nfOul of dooraGame" '"''J* %',* 
mid I • irl". The-e aiun"« ment p.iper* will be ful [ 
of ( oneord n inlni-eciire" of iamoti. haui. ami, 
iiotid iH-ople wlio«e liuiue" are tannUar to tlie III- 

l-r..l...... M. M. . ... ■ ..I' M- ' 

the Slurrv Ihaven-*. rbrouieled iii 

.John Henry .laek, Hlicdated b( Abi.Uliai .Mu . 

The tiitirr eolbrllon will be arraiiyed and id- 
Jied bvdolin Hiownjolm. and (be ■liawing" re- 
tnuehed by Mi"" Mary A. l.iiiUbnr). 1 


A "erle- of Twelve Grltdlial Kvelrbe 
lor n-e ill Fuldie Sdiooh. me being jneimrcd lor | 
WMIK .VWAKK. uiid.r the -upeivi.i.m of Mr 
FI-on. a ifeiitleinan well known to tin 
iici.i.-al imidic otHokiou and New lorV. 

DeliEhtful Surprises Every Month! 

Now IH Hie time 1 .1 -nb-eilbe. (hdi a 

year. AKeiil" w.mte.l. l.lbeial t omini-ioi.". 

Atldri-HH all order- ami in-inhie" to 

D, LOTBKOP 4 CO., Publisher., 

34 Fiaiiklin Sireel. Ilokimi. Ma"-. 


Middle Street, East Weymoufh, 

bj Citizens' Market. 

WM. G. THAYEB, Proprietor. 

Tin* Hiib-fiibi-r i" now ready to 


g of, 

• Iloa^tur^ 


il, hi rI in 

n ht i r 4 rf i?ii A 


T HF. unndd inl-ein « tlmi 
ri-nli Irinii iiidlseretmii in 
eaiU life ni.iv be tillevlated 
Hlidi'iliitl. 'l1io"e wlioiliiiibt 
till* a«*eilii)ii -lionbl iiuielja-e 
tin- new iiiedieal work loib- 
li-ln-d b* till-FKAliont MkU- 
1< Al. IXMirt TK, |to«loM. ell- 
hilled Tllf: M.'IKNCKOF 

Jlii Agriit'a rrollt per AVci-k. 

f5»k*lifHlwill niove it or toifeit #4 

■Mtlit Ire.-, K,(i. UIHKiH T A(H.,3IH Fnll.iii 
Htr. et. New York. .N.’Y. W H 

3 MONTHS for* Acta. I.arge. Illu-trat«d pa- 
per. OOMMONlUPEOPhE.. A vear. 

I AtiBSTS WANTBU. H. L. IIai.tisus. 4, 
t'oridiiiU Ho"tiin. Ma-**. 4»v l« 

A .s«a|ialbte l*ro|Mi»llli>ti. | 

T*lj«* Dirocims of llii* l!iiii;h;iit» .sieaMi- j • 
ImuiI t'o. huvi* been e.-.iua-i—l i-- ♦-••» ‘b** 
liiri'S lor chi 1(1 1 ell alti-iiiliii;: scIkmiI ilnw ji 
lit !*«» low u rah* llial ihe olijcclioii which " 
liiiH been iiMih* hy nbitiy In liMviiig Ih** 
cii\ early iiitil reiiiuiiiingal ihc .Hhnichdc 
III till* season. beiMiim; of llndr chiidieii N'.* 
not bein;; able h< iitleiol scliool. .shall be 
obviated. If woiilil be money in the 
pockt'ls of the loiiipany if the) woiibl niid <’ 

be re*loretl an«l nnmloNHl O'k'iiiKd- ia W C llKUlNliKll A CG.. 

I wi* ... 1 . l ined “"ri'•'‘‘“rg*‘1. Pillkbueo »" or >Va-ldv»rtoll.,U. « ‘ 

lu-t iiiiljli"hed. Il 1 * a Htan.lard.‘ _V;‘.„”^n>Hl ‘ Hd’-l ^V.i\ni Agt iiey oi the i Miled Mate*. 

di'-. I'.'..’:''"..'I-,-.: .....r.i- <7 • 

Hmii't I lake a IHiir ITll f | 

N'm. ilnii’t hike il aiiil mil tlx* risk | 
I iitcicuruil |>s*i;*iiii. l»ul uhfii hiliuiip' > 
ml in.iiHtipaU-il U‘t a hox of llx; id- . 

1 .ike the children for iiolliinji* •*» Havel L.i, d Kidiicy-W (‘ft, 

iiinnr"»M>a. rii.Fs.fosNTii'nio . 

i hIDM.Y I HlMliY 

9 Plvi'tsps, hF'I.UF v> I lU* 

I Ni.shI *. 

I pisfti:!>ri;H. 

u//A/PVi ".'*’',7 f-*' *"*'•" ' '/ (h. tr tr •'HA 

hi:,I, -r ^■>'■• 1 ' 

3 V..;v Huffer PHbv.i" paUi a:»d arli-nf 

5 niir r* en .i!<' 1 * If ii I‘i1t''.' •' i-t •|••Hlltl ? 

on the Loafs durim; -May, .liiio* am! Sep- ^ 
lelnlnT, ami e( iMi inh ► t b-|id»er, would I e I 
eieitly increasetl therchj. Y\ c Lt lieve lil'ci 
the lai;:c hotel.s loiild vvcdlaliuid lopiy |^|,|i 
ilo* chililieji's hues for llio lV(V week* ihei'ily schools are oja'ii in tlieeai l> 1 
siiiiiiner and rhee.irly full, wh'*h in.iii\ -o i 
pur(*nls ivtmbi he out «*f tow n if il were 
m*l f‘*r llo* (•Njn'iise «>f seiiiliin: Iheirchil- 
til *‘n to Host* Ml to scliind ; lilH t hi* Sb'Alli* 
btiai Cti. will uininuhledly iii.dxi* a sali!(- 
factory arraiii’enient. Tin; chiMieii j lou; 
wtMibl not tMily enjoy He\ weeksiiOM *• i 

Hpeedilv cure Vnll. Il i?* tUllUH* ! 

ur.'iil ri’in.'.ly |■.,r^..ll^lilmli.>l. iiml I'H . 
kl.liu-y iiud liviT ilUi'Hsrt, Il ml'j 
|.r..iiilitly i.n llii-'i' urfiit ..ruiiiiA aiul 
„. i'. -l..r.- Kirftiulh aiiil vif;*.r. i 


Till, (rillEAT HPECIFIC 



1 tbi* «lrt »d di** lOe. 

I (ir. • lolLI .o well .l* ‘tot-te .tir.-eliou* «.f the 

M.n.u —Ibuivne**. Tn-klini.' ol ibe IbrtMl. I.**** 

be n-*loretl and nnoiloNHl n uninctl. 

fw.* Iiundicdlb oUmm. i.d*etl ami enlarg*-tl 
, lu-t iiHUi"hed. Ill* a ..,^VfH 

lit;; te'/wxi.-.KR »"■ 

«-d a »f«*ld ami jew (-III tl no 'lal b) I be Niilbmol Mml 
le d .V-'tK-ialoMt 11 eontuin* lM-aoiiHil and v* r> 
<-X|ieu-l(e i-ngiaviiig-. I ho e loimln tl page- 
luoie 1 I 1.01 .■>« valmibb- prc-eiiem.ii* for all form 
••( tir.-vadini! di«e«*e. tlu* ve-i.ll olmain yearn o 

O. JAULF, 3 

miheehiijhtfiCaffiapMakef. ^ 

IlKrAiHiMo dohe .III llo* Le-t inamuT, ami at 

Shout Notick. 

1 m.ike a \VllEEI..wldrh I will warrant to 

dive IVrrect NRliMfteclion. . ^ 

Maeai.sie \Vili:iei.H rtiiid-he*l a* de*ned. 




t'ooked iBiitl KeRdFiortlie lRbl«« 

ul the Inwe-t market lolce". I'lirlie" will pleanc 
give II" from two three days inttiee. 

fn-tomer- will alwayn lind oiirmarkel well siiji- 
plicd willi 

Meats, Vegetables, Oysters, Pastry and 
Confectionery, Fruit, &c. 

All order" earefullv and promptly attended lo. 
and utiod" ilelivert-d free of ebarge. 

««*Ha>ing "ol<| out the Ddliard Hall. 1 have 
rtlli-d up a loom below, where MK.VIa> cun b* 
obtaim-d ul all thiu*;al-a (lY.STKIUS eo«.ke*l hi 
every "lile. T*-a aiol L'ollee, ele. 

Wasiiinoton St., skaii tub eon. or Itnoan St, 


umat to be strong, 


o&d \lvur rffutotor- 

•ruond lAdM nsod 


ilorMto aobrlety and 
C^ .'Sirfoct wrecks 


Bend f 07^4 



klnda &r«>SMa*% 

eorod IV m BltMo." 


Tbo Bop Fa» fof 

BtomocB, Uver ond 
Kldnejra,lu oiiM^r 
to oil other*. CorM 

D. I, C. lo ■■ oBmIbIo 

nna jrroatatlble cur* 
tor dninkenm**. ui« 
of otiloin.tiihneoQonit 
aorcoUcft i 

AH obotv oqU hy 

S rugin^ IfopBMlrr* 
[onufactarliMb Co,* 






Iiioie ( 11 , 01 .-w v.ou.*ui.|..v-...'th.n* for all form" bigbtniiig. Wind and Itiuo. ym 'wUl never 

oli.revaaintf*b.e«*e. tlu-ve-i.llolniaiiv (earn of h«ve ailch » clmniw N^ «. Vn“5't‘'.i “‘ 

.•vit-ii-ive ami "nei-L—Ini prarm-c, either one of Ih-fi l.»rge "i<e. iiiipi*»ved tlnbbi-r U'dl I lotlie* 
whieli I* wtrlli t«-li linu-H tin- price of the iMMik. Wringer ill the wodd. "elliiig at lesa than half 

niM I • on .i!-l * If b rib-..( .1 iHt.i.dlotl I .f.: inn* - ...... •• .. . 

‘i X i» I ‘-'bt':t,.l»*( rdbuid-i*-! Kldiej- III the CoUIll IV, Imt lliev (ViMlhl lietielll. 

iS \ii.j .i..Air*i:.r(<‘ 0 ( nrsnk |r -ila.i.r-.l ahib; nlteiidiiij; scIhm d. hy Iln-ir liipB Ic 

^ T...} !iu.. -hvpl. « Ht-.ii" M niid fr,,||| ill** eily (Ml -heioul.**. 

V- lillKdlY V. *'I!:T <• -f r-joic <»ij 

/ua' i. It li • ■ ■ ji-ta.ufj 

O".' n-* »i*c*‘wbl p:m'. •!; ■.;• -.■* *«.. ;;< Ij»©. I 
Git :t •/ . If - ' ■ . t «■■-' r «W 
jj.- 1,0 4* .X, e-l. jf J I 

. . >4 . I flurlioirtoul Vt. I 

AR octasloBal 
ioss leecs^ 



f.M llie cNimllse (*1 SelHlIln: llieircllll- | ^ from Mai»>. MoMM-lbuiviie*-. Tiekling 

I, t., II..K1..II I.. M-li.M.I; l,ni il,.- M.'Kin- | , j ,, .,.al,k. k„ ,„ ... .t.-. 

It Cti. w iH unilnuhledly make a ".Ills- I » xa i i i . i ,, - 

lury aiT.iii::enient. Tin; ehildicii j Inu*; ;ili(l had c;iUHcd inv liUHl'Uini ^n | mtd hilbi;*ii/a. n‘>v» h.i pii v.*h *»i. >ieM 

., 1,1 i.„i K.-u.i,.i ... 1 , 11,1 .-.Ypi-iiM-. Ill, ulu' I .. i>.i.ii- 

the country, lull ihey wcdhi hcm-lii. i.. ,.o ,.-b-*i -lileil me lh;il iUuk whu-b 

,il..Min„lii,«.vl.1. iii|.s t- -•<">••<1 l-hii.m iili. u .iliil m, ui.ii a CSTT A 

il from llx* eily (Ml *he I'oui.**. I I wa-" coiniilt-'U'ly (h^l»ciUlcl»e(i hHil ! f O A 

^ ^ ‘ iliH(-()Uri''cd Ill’lhi.- I'nillX- xl mind l I,,|..-Iire.l. u«al*o in.- following I.M-d imlie.- ..l 

(INI- XX XV TO KCt) I < *‘ “'"T j" .. . 

' ‘ ■ I iheiti uiikix(\vi» lu iny family. I mxui • |- y| I'cA-r; 

Many a imhh- man. if re,idled Lx i ‘‘“V . lue'-^mll wlh 

connl fxr ihc manner in M hicli he dial my Im-himd and Uimi.n , M-iieii^^^^ 

, , 11 .■ 1 il-iraii'.f ami irtiiiiiluial, l.iit wliriil I AxK a m,, h.if k li.iiii, 

,.s 111 . iiiionii'. xM.ulil Iin.l I 

IN 111 lii.'laiiiilj iiliVKi.iaii liir • uu'ti- ..iiini;,!, ii.i- l|.,|i Ililti-r-I li.ii; ■I j inlb (oni". ^ ^ ^ 

al !-enii-i -"aiii((ni; the leadtlii' ileiii"- n,;|^ jm» (.Hpel'. I(*r llu v lm\e iiiude . W- >momb. Leb. \,. is. i. 

i x'Veii ciiHes mil of leli. aelilc di^* lUxlInT wl* 11 :inil ii" Imi'l'y ■ * 1'* i It. v, l* a. 

_... . 1 . 4 . .It ..f-ont.. ...-ole.-t...! ; .Mtrilxr. 1 lt,.,.t.*l ?Hoe»l). emlolM--l-.l 

a. 15^' 

^^SlTiyE \ 0 . ' 

And .Itb'iuliiiil Kvik 

Piles, Headache, Liver ,, 
Complaint, &c. '• 

V HiibalilUte for the iiMtxeolit. ineilb 
riue". i.Hl", .Ve.. I'X. b. • o t— l..n« ii. a 

.... Mil.I lind M iinin ni >- ii.tb1.- n.i .ill 
.LL'i* /"CkVo^.V J.W If.Fs.-.'o ‘»"-f ‘ 4/o/*x» It 
.S'Wy/v-(,//r«.f ‘ k- 

For -ib b( "Il l»..iL-U>-»* I'.'*. -"P 

,-viil* ( li.»* > H *'*l> 4 1". "*« ' I f-t-iN I't*. 

lb»|i>ii. Ma-*. h 1 


Olf^ IdVNNt iOJkMle** 


r I 

|kl Many a iixxr man. if rx(|iaied Lx i 

Vt. H lecxinil fxr ihc manner in which he 
Ixx" eNpeixled lii-iiicxmc. wxulil find | 
hill- xf Id.** laiiiily phy''i«ian !(M"im‘ti- 
Til 6 0 ical !-er\ii-i--"aiiixni; the leadtliu' ileni"- j 
iierf.c III x'Veli caM'S mil xf lell, aelilc di^• | 
Ciliir • Hte |•l'^llU xf Minx* iiei:l4*eU*d 1 

ll'tlb ''dmiiic diHcaHi’. T’Iiuh, fevei>iii\aM- | 
S; T iXi- -ddv n "ull from (li^eased ciMiililixU" ' 
* f 7 ’i' the hlxxd and liver, iiixi a liiin h j 
' u-c (if allciative, xr hliiiMi jiiii'ify ini'{ 

^ and calliaiTic reitu'dic" w xiild have i 

avciTed the iirx-lralilh' illne.'S 
^ ^ (»flen leav.-.H the Ky..U'm irrepaiahly 
^ ^ itijmcil. Ih. I'leice*" (ioUleli .Midi* lliM'xViM'y and IMcasanl i*iu';'auee 
I'ellels are ihc he.-t allenitive and ta- 
- . iharlic medieinca yet iimipmiuded. 

LilVcr j.'ijIi ilirortixix an* i;i\('n fxr adminia- 
’*> l(*riii;'tlx*m. lui’ether with an ae* n- 

u inedi * ate ilcsi riplioii xf ihc -y injildnis de- 
-> loiiu li. luaiidin;; lltcir U'o*. 'I'licy will iixL 

•ibb- lol .ill ,, , •. I / |- 

I Aiuhtn our( all liiimau lH^, (a- -.xiiic mcdi- 
**'f*!.'C.*.' ll j vine" are adverti'-ed bi dx.) Idit ihev 
will cult* tin* di!*eaHeH Im* wliicli they 
' .ii'e coinpiMindcd ;ind iccxinincuih-d. 

Mu r. M I'EA-r; . ^ i 

Ilran sne 1 hml a *e(eie attaek "f ll<*.ir»»- 

iii—aiol "Hire Ihroat Ibe lii-t til.- lUiOttb. for [ 

wliii'h 1 «-«»nlil i(et lilt leliel until I lib d .''“O 1‘n- | 
IA!*K -\ Xio h.ilf rt b.iltle eiiml (ii‘. aiol I 
n.Miltl I. ••oninie'nl it >" II"’ poblie ii* a -peidy | 
•-tot-tor H"ai*'n«-— mid >oii- Ihi'.it i 

I„m >o.»i". M- i* .-iANmAiiN. I 

W- >mou(I*. Feb. 17. isl'i. I 

lloimditi Fretoh eloth; prliv only #1. "cui by I 
innil p«i-t-piml. , ,, 

Tltt- l..m.Ion I.aiieel "tiy- : "N'* ln*r*oii "liouM 
Im- wltlotiit llx-(ttlilulde book, llo* author i*a 

*" An UU-imn'd "anipb* -enUo all on receipt «f(i WitlKUkSfo.. N. w llL-dfor«) 
C» III" loi po*lJ(ge- . , tj 1 " - 

The uiiihor lelVr*. bv permwiou. lo.fta. S. M-le 
• r. priMdent; W. 1 F.^i.graBam. vucmre.l|.nl; UgUDVTTB? 

W Vame. M 1) : t’ S i.aunll M D.; Il .1. I>ou- 
eet.'M !».; U II Klme. 41. l» : J K Ilideomb. 

M .I> : N • it- bt •‘'■•i. M H- “'ll X (itniicll. 

"m H*. I.ieoltv ol llie Hldbublplua ria(er-K> of 

.NI..1..'....' K.I.I Su.u.l.. 1 .ll-. II.,' I.I.-Ull}' ..111..' 

Ai.,.11..... I'l.i.Kr-.ty ..1 l-l,ll;«l.llil.i.>; .1.;' 11-,,. 

I'. A. lli..rll, M I' - ..1 till' Niiti".iKl 

SI.'.l.. ,.l A-..~ .Kti...... _ . . 

Or. »■ 11 l-Al. UrRI 

KFR. No 4 lllillioeli smel. nrUL 

I itsi-toii. Ma-« • Ibe a(illi*r 

iu.(V Ih-«ali. don-ll dt-.o "|.uy^|*| p 
t" rtipunitg "kill and^^« M'en- | ^ 

uilv #1. "CUI by priee (JimmI x-b-n-nee guaraiilei-d. Kvt-iyhotly 
••tctl hot" logt-l out.! No ronilM-titlim: the b.-"t 
in pi-r*on "lioul.l 011 .( 001 - of (onr lifetime to Make Money. Saicpb - 
The author I* a #•* .'uj, vir’cui-*rs and full pariieiilar" flee. Ageiil" 
wi'lioir til be t-oiK ioeed, inhh’i1 *aua(*()S 

.i|M-litiim: the h<-"t "f f\*r 
.e Money. Siocpb- I ' 

•ilhir" flee. Agelll" ^ i *• I- 
.ihh-i>", I'AUAI.OS I .. I 

Fancy Chumbor Sets. 

1 / 4 I'lKCKS. ull p..i..|.l. 1.. In lir,'.'.., Ul...-, 
Ill >lK,.K,.i .....I l-li.k, .•■lli..|! Hi til.- I",'*. I'rt..- 
..I dl.-t.nO. ,it S, W, FltAll’n. 

Fine Card Photographs 


Bl'NNKMi, Uniiicy, Muhm. 


I Hood's Great Book 



AN MAserAiTrL'HRU nv 

Q^. nST'Z'E, 


Oil (i(dd $40.00 

Oil IMuiiimm^ (I’lmtimiouK Gum 
M'mk) 30.00 

On .Silver 15.00 

On ('liexnlastle (Metallie) 10.00 

On (.'elliimid 10.fX) 

()n Uiihher 10.00 

! ElU I'.ITION aiiU mU'L()Y.HENT. 

‘ Coiner’s Comercial Colleie 

H \** bad Within tliv l .(«l f"ur on.iilh* n.•■^« , j, 
.l•(.ll<-.lll"n- tm U* ar.»»lu.4li'*, MiH.kk»«i* 

1 i-i.. ( n-tk». < i.ixi-l*. . lh..iMl e'’'‘h I 

ttd fi-»m lb* I M'x Ml NMUbM ^llxbNl-^l 
,l,„t h..v.- am o 1. d tUre .lum.g ih.a xoo^. >"'*•* , 
I..I n, MkoiaI It.gioer (.1 tl.. 

iligt.m >t,i« I. il-‘*»- ‘ 

I He II-V. r A. N-rthll p.ct"i lie- Fiet 
1 >oi-it I), en«bir»» * !’(»I : 

\Vr»in-»(Uli -J l"T’.(. j 

Mil F M I*ka-k: ... , I 

; .*"( 1 ; -ll.tMiig u*id (our Piidilbeiia iiii'l | 
' I b'o-M >peeirti' for —-vi-ral y»- •**•. In Im t- and otlrr , 
1 K w.»-i— lotl (* .1 pio|ii)<-t.(i> no .lii'ine. it gid * I 
1 no-gieiit pi. .(•lire (•* *p< .»k «if it b'lli tioiu |h-i- 
1 -Miiiil ob-ei (.(ti'in and Uoiu know ledg" ot il* if- 
I'l .(• L ni'»*t (.(In.dde luepKiatioii in .dl cum- 
1 l>.i x ho-li tl 14 r< ■■odiiiivUih-M 
‘ I* A 

u 4 =- > S 

fca. V H {■ 

ZV...I v:5* 

M-.V7.rTK:: the ihkpette ! 

e. 41. My. J- K Ihdeomb. ^ want long fell by fh** publii-. I he deli- 

,l>.. uui M. U X( oniicU. mn-ieoflbe Haip i* b.-re pi-..diiee.l by imy 

TldUdflplua liu(er-K>oI or cbil*b (((it thnugh eutinly 

1 ; id-# (he laeulty (•Mhe „f lun-tr. 'llo- -tring" are nninbeieil 

I rhil.»h-lphla ; aK' non, f,„,„ ,,„p {„ (, i,. und (he lun-le (vliieh ueeiuup.diie** 
pre-i.l-nl (d the Natioual the inaxiniirnt i*-iimiiber« d m like maimer, in* 
.... -lead tM heiiig |»iiiind in note". Kvervbndy a|*- 

I .M-- ^rBI i>ri •-i.(t4-" (he iu(("ie ul the li.irp: it i" the king of 

I Sill'd. nr 111 iiiu-it-'d In-iruineiit". mill Ihi-i-a pi i'i< i'l h.iipiii 

!(iitli»r Uiini.(tme"~tlie -nine delieion- t<ini'"“and »houl«l 

I di-i.e "|■uy^|•| p be in •■very lamilv in llo'land. An) one whoc.iii 

•■’‘I""' I M I\r I r lea.l tliii ttdceiti-eiiK-nl .-an piay t at onee a?, 
“v l( ■ ■■ ■XPMfcO well a- the iiio-l u<'Ci*n»pU-h«'il jnu-ieiim. Kle- 

- - gimllv flni»!ie.l, nnd an oriiaiinni tit any nuun. 

W e ul-i) "end with it a large lot of imxie iiuia- 

,ymts’ Fatal loaia Rei. 

^ "llohl llo* Fort .o»l all tbi- favotite mebulii * of 

tie- d.iy. i’lrleei -.(tfl.o-lioii gu.ii.(ntev.t. K(( r> 
one (V h» I'Un'Iia-e" eiulor-t- them aiiil teeoiii- 
un mi-thein to (heir III tghbio". Ihink of it —no 
mure tl diou-month -111 -tndv ti> ni.i-ter iioxie. 
lirre i«.(-uperb iii4lriiinent. all r>ioly 
i,,r u-c and ■■-•iiiiring no praeliee to pbiv pt ifeetly 
.'M-nd aloliee. .iiid in the llAUft.lTA: (uU will have 
.( lliing id U-iiui V and a )«•> luievr. Sent px-* 

p.n.l III il reui-ttn< d p.n'Wage (whii II eti-iut- .tb- 
••dot- -an* pnee. 

K.iuitbi ii""i •dlii'i’ order ngi-teiid biter. 
Adilie**. KKNHAbl. A ( x . Fxiukhn M.. 

-a II tdd e-t.iblXheil eoiu-erii wbo-e relialiditv 

'I'nlrle C'lillery. 

> T FW -liK k (d labh! t iitU-ry »t nric*-- tli,*t de- 
I fy eompetitiiiii. h( S. W. FU.VIT. 

OF TH^ WAR. - . „ „ 

ADVAMli AAD RKTREtT, Qmncy Dye-House, 



I'efHonul ExpevienceH in 
the United States and 
Confederate States Armies 

By General J. B. HOOD, 

I.nte I.ieot*-o.itil-<h-iitral riinli-iUiute .Smie- 
Aimy. pohh-hed for 




CifiO-W. YOUNG, 



ST JA E r_ E , 

COMMERCIAL ST.- oii. Station 8t., 

I 1-1 r..i'l lie I'illilF.s.,.,,.. ...1 I'l-." 


>. |,r. ....l> !■' 

F. NI. PEASE, PharmaoUt, 

T.kk. ma— 

Sold by DruKifiats Everywhere- 

for Jiatcllillg. Establishment, 

ll 0 - F vphi'tl do ' 

"I ••eitl'a 

'•■liuli* with e.i.'li botib- l*il>-t' 

on .'ll 

XX hell >(*u fed lll•*Mll 

lake Ki<liii*s-U (>rt.a(lvcrli>c(l iiixlhci 
. ((lunm. had!* iiicr;;ctii-allv xii llic 

1*1 F.-V"! Ul ^ l’ Mill r.s • i'lix d t»».oi( pia.« 

at -h'Ol It. 

.t AlltST CI.\SS II.VCK 

... 111 .. ., 11 .- "i" .-'I. 

t _n.-.t.... II..I \( Kniir -i . i ei ..-Ut It* »• 

. (•lunm. h aci^ i'm‘r;;ciii'aliv (Ml llic "‘‘“r *•“" k 

•"*t <M Ih. II \( K will 

Itxwcl" a till kkIiacvk al llx* Mum* Umc, iv Fund’* *-(,.•. i- 1 »» • 

, I ’ i- 1 I ibi- Auu.dii bi'VWlli 'tb*'" 

tml Ml cure-il hxf*l xf dl'.ca."!'" caii."t'(l 

hv the itiadioii xf llic-c xrouti". If FI ll>ll H iti"* ^ 

^xii ui'x xui ol lix buv II ill Mdir ilrti-,'* ' 

4 l^lA itml "live a (ItM'ixr*** hill. 

nu\ i:u 

■ h-tl.l I- • ' 



and ItiiiUler. 

SimUl'; llOlISliS a SiUM-ially. 

I _ 

1 Ad.Ui**. U-v a'.. 


' hglmq w sbis ‘osiv 



Mr. JohnTighe 

C ni.i... 11 ..- Kill.. 11 ".- -f '.i- 1 " 

w.viu.onb atul Vleiint.. toln-llNr- f'r- 

' I.M »li»N "f 

111 i:i( I'lXuli- in 

t.. 1 , 1 . I INK >v.- 

L H.ll l' UU.MIM.VS iruin llnj ceb-liral'd Wil- 
U.iio* >liK k ; alxipnie llrown l.egborn*. at 
6 U ei Id- per -Mliiig of Id. 


I- l». addre"" NVi yiuwnih ur K.i»t Itrainlxe 47 4t 


s»» gieai li.i« hi-eii the •!• inaud for r* I'dd nnm- 
Ih'i*. of till! M ug-t/iui'*(h.(i tlie ne.uthly <-ire(ila- 
. 1... „..-n—..I ii,.„ '.•■I.;;' 

“;•; *, “■ i 

i'.,.itii.i. >-J.i.--.. I.-.' . 1 - --"'I ' " 

. i..t. 11,-.1.11.. I'l-*-'.’ K' ii..' 

,.,„.l l,.iii.l...iu.ll ll.ii-li-.l.'l l...|.iiUr 1-rl.Kti.-Kl 

1.. . .. l.K. l.-.u-- ..1 ..Ik" . rt". 

,...1 1.i...ll."...-i. -l l.«' “-“kI 1 

.41..-k- 'll..' I"'." ' '-Il -.I""'..!.".. I" >'"■ 


FOU IH960. I 

ViSVKIQii'firJ iA?l3i?Uii 

Wlii.'li bar. .'Viry fai'ility far 

General G. T. BEAUREGARD. 

NKW XULKANS. l-i-n. 

The entire pim-eed" aii"(og fxmi the -ale «• 
till" ((ink tue d' cull'd to tin* lluuil Xiphaii Me- 
moriiil Ftmd. which i* ln(e"te.l in ITiiiied St.itc- 
lti-gl-t< red Ihoid-ful the nuluie. cum'. -nin»uit 
tiiiil etlueutiuii td the tui deprix d ol tlnir 
paretd- la-l-utioner at New ((iliaii*. ‘tin* nu-l- 
jinclody mcuJeid-of whi.' bi'ic.ix iucul uiv 

! -idt In -h in the pnhiie mmd. . 

I 'Hj.- biHik i- all « h-Kiint ociavo. i-uuliuiiuig .wn 
p igc«. wall Ibo-photiigraph bkenc-- .md a bne 
-ti i 11 ligxK log-•n-“le i-xprc—ly l'»r tin* work, 
four l.ngc mat- «d b.iille tn Id* in h.ind; 
-uincXi.iv Kngli-hi biih. ni I H UKK Hxb!..\ U.s 
..I in a liii .-hn p liniiling. wxh .'bulih' h«lg«-. 

•|'imi.l, ll.ll.l.-uts .iM> 1 IKIY > UNI-'.- 

I III half Imiuii.I M<*niK'(-.». Idmoy *iyh-. I 1)1 It 

1 in U.l.A U.s, t»r to Ik -1 bcv.ou l «nki > .Nbn i.u cu. 

1 full Xdt .-llie- aihl K'lgi FIX K I>xl.b.\ U-*. 

' I Hi the nceipl fium any pcr«un i.-miliiiig by 

... tin- nniunnl in a legiaiei.-d 

Idler ur l»> a im-lnl utilcr. iball. ur ebcck. 
aei'pv will be inmndiati'lv "eiil licc id pu-lagc. 
n gi-lered iu» ■n’40id-el.i»" matter. 

The (ulniue i-tinhlj"hcd ill (he hc-l ^k\ioii*. 

' typographv. util li'ganl pupil, w ith 11'' 

i .•.VicnlciliUhighi-l-AKdincU- i/* ^ 

I he anil.the -ulijecr, 0 ^ 

1 vv';ry‘ih'ak-'ir'^'^'“‘‘“' 

I '"non'}'}/ ir.iKrKn i.. .•...> >••»" »"•' 

ei.oidy In tio- Fnttxl htatc". amt a mi-fi r. ncc 
will he given to h.murably dtHeharged (d. lan* 

j iium the di'-ite to i-xpie"-ilieir 

I rtdimalby with /Ar //„^{ t)rtk,,H Mfmdn U f.HH.i | 

llie -ale (d tbi- •"•‘•k ain-mg(lieu i nele tin mi . 
"uiall.ndanev't ih id wav uf euumliuimg -ub 
I iiiirtl loM.ile-erviug aeici-e. 

|xU I FUMS. Uide-m Agent", dc.. aUdn-*- 

wilh toll p.iili<’ul X”. 

i Gen’IG.T. BEAUREGARD, Publisliei, 

1 (... 1.1-U.iiril..' 11'K.J M.-I 11 .. 1 ..I Kuii.1. 

I NKW ilKI.K.iSW. l.A. 

Steam laaundry. 

H AVlNt* fitiitl up a Dye lliiuae in the luoOl 
luipiovetl "Kle. wr are prepared to «lu all 
kind" of I>) eiiig at (he «hurte"t imtiee ami in the 
lK-"t unniner. tiddleim-n’" tianuem" cleansed ur 
liyed. KidttloVe*, litHit-ainl Slipper" eli-an*ed. 



^ 0 - All ortlt-r- Idt with i.'. S. Wili.iam* will he 
i>ruinpily altdoleil to. 


4.% II 

(^* 7 /*) A WKKK. *l'i H da\ 111 hoinr ctxily luodn. 
$/Fo-tly uiitfil Iree. Aiidres* ThcbiLc'u., 
.\ngu-ia. M one. 

F>ll AM Wirier Goods, 

^ .....I.j.i.-jiHldiain diemt. x-t. Kim au-uf (Un- 

©tocormao# Kiepiimth. h. 



The Poo'divtf t'uro 

For aH A'eiuaie i’otuplalnts. ib> in>p>> i..)i 

iTmf rjurounoai auTuitaji tuk»u>oi>toii4 •Iwim Uirt; ‘ 
vaTuaai. oogomow, wwit* tui vitai. rowua px.. ■•( *0 • 

Aai 0 «T,»TilM 0 TUaJt*TUBMC*m*Bi 0 »TU*«TBr i iiioi.*'). i" w.tli., 
▲HDLigTOITUITO riXCl.AXl* ttlYfiUTTOIiaikU ■ 00 x. f pr.. 
*T111«T«,*0 THAT TUB CCIUI U rBllk'lU lUld !and*. n..,( 1041 

tiM. ItoircigiheiMTUi aAca 4Jib vaLviijKo- .. 

iUOBI ITUIVBO TOBBTOTUt VTUUt* MBttTOOiiT** l.xgd pm | um • 

TBBt XT JUUTOBBO I>U 91 Jn.Bt> UHUABO TV TBXIB (• liibh = > .0 

VATCa^ TOimPN. *vuxr TBEUSO or BBAWga • bi.b.»t. . 

POVK. cAcabHO rATf, vemur^DBACKacaitiU 

Uwtll*al all daeoBiid uadiT all clrcom* 

Btii‘TTi act la haffirr vrUk iko law* ckui ^ x a s • i a 

MT0ff»ih«f(Maal«ByKietu* ^ ...... ...u.-.m* -- 

Fortfcaoaioa/MWBvrtoaipUIntaarclUer i.V.m 

tow«paxv*l»lU»06»rupiiL-U>t*4.u>u;aury. \ ' 

Vo, VSSWooUra Aitoao* tjoa, Xom. 

rreeiiilueiill) til** Am "I ■ iliiaid. «od la\. 

11 > e li.rtln- • 'll. id I 0*1 dll' •« ..lid d» tt.40i uf . 
Idt* ilOlwU'IU ••. I.K el ||>.UI.|< , A>- . i* 
pii'.i«4id to th«' t4*tr . toning up tlir •( *11 in lu-ti otl i 
I iirilaiing ami weak* niiig. dt-tine.l l.i aupii 
. I i I idb*-r ejiliaiiM • 44 It* lai'id t.«le- •tl<-t.) 
Keep It III tin- hiiii>e lor (uui«>'AI aiiU iLilUicn j 

t III I-, jV L I III-. All ill Uggi*l" k* ep It. 

L4»( Al.. 

I be imp. >.i - >lri; tb .lb iril lor "ale b) tlu llo 
• Loll I Utrt. ( <». Jet-< ( « III - N .(..It lb*- !■' 
pil<i i>l '»-* ot al.Hli “tii Ageld b."* 'k 

Iiiaix'l. I" w.lliniit doubt ll.< be-l baigaOl 01 Ir .. 
.'Ui-.v(ef pre>ll.te(l I-, t* plll-l;- I h« ( air 
'iand*<'n.. Iv iU 4 il> • and i alinol (ail to gt(r •all* 

; t ii'.ii, b‘ ing (try a< •'Uiair l«>r « ilhd ‘puiXng or 
targri pm|>u-i • .\i>( .d »in a .cb i- ir^utring 4 


— \I AN 


$1.00 per l^ozen 

Nlicrivil!* Ul-Tlll: 

.Srlerliiifu eV OviTs-ri'r" of I'uor. 

‘|•H^i Si-bduieii ofWiyinouih adl b*- in -**»x»n 
, * »l the l.ia 11 U--.*• . e(er> M.Unla) >« (. 'I'l tlie 
d.uil diixiig tlu' muiii.ipal (< II. Iiuni xc. mtld 
...I... kl’ 61 . uiitln-Ibird .MumUy ofemh lloinli 
III.. » dill Ui. d dt the AilU" Ibaxe al 3 oeleKk. 

'* M 

IHxMV- II HI MI'I1KKV.1 .Sbi.ii. Tii«K 
, M il.! 1 \M N \''H. I at*!* x«BK 

Vlidsll UU II Allb.'*. ) •x(kii*i*» 

.»\( XU U.NKKIt. ( or 

I .1 U(»l AN u xiu r n . JWavaiMlM 

W.iiu '.db Mar.l. bb. i""o 

* wbielibe i- i-n pared mmak. m(u (•.oni. id* "f 

' The Most Fashoiiablc Styles, 

i *T- 

t Prices that defy Competition. 

j p, ibi-t bt-gu.iraittidl. I’L .('• gKemeaeoll. 

I j4»ii:xi 'ri4"ii6^ 

4'4.'6 MAi-V l"'rBEi:T. 

UU» »< 

Cooked Provisions. 

rrio, il. Ill 


ii$ to oni address, S 5 . 

«unrer«aUWU ("uflmLUiry. 

■cad for poaiitakU. Addr-•• M*^ve. , 

Ko famUy iMld bo TUh<aut Lyilb K. riukkom** 
liVKSFlEUk TtMTBoro ConiUpoiAe&tllillou^ 
acoi, aad Turphil^ of tho Liver, id cU. (box. 
MO, 0 . MOOWIN k CO., Bootoa. Soiiaral AfOoU. 

■.\|.(AN|| 4>L> Kt: I Ufc«T” I- th-- nriv 'if !' 

(-- k"! X. miii.J U Ih* d. ' . 

4 ) b' V > I • ■*"' 1 1- a'lliu' •* *UU uf n Jk |j n O L 

... Wi'.e dmlug tin- lole (141 II i* 4 uarialiM nMIlUO I 

I In', u; ■ - imI • (p> X. IK ««in tb Aiiiiit" vf til*' 

I'mtid ■*( M."-Bil tb* « • i.'i h - >'i‘ -. It i» «• • • % TiJki -rBI I 

ter» b4i*«l* t:« l) P» X‘X d.'-(••. • "(r- V'Xilao.oig vl r. 1 V|tH B ■■ ■ 

..iX i.4g »it!i 4 h.4t.»i. I • 'gi 41*1. e i-'rifAd r*n 

In lu i M iiA(ar( r.*"(uu*v. "lal 4 am-In* « iigia.h g NATE C WHEELtn 

file a. .ri'ir m ••i»Aa*u'* ;!•*••" U‘*(b ■*'* 

luli -'e—*" ‘I : b".k b.*(' ioL.. 

. .il..-' II* M‘" ' f b .lt.( Ih- t- 

|. 4 .»d.-Meir I- '.Ini g».i( Fiig'xb ■* ab. 

....ubthf. .ml (li-p. Will b*- ".-111 l.( ,kiu 

ui-kI. X gl'tviiil. 1-''l*Bv h'’ ■ .'** riw rvcoijd <d ^r)H,,.,in*frvv 
tlwl *u*u ml. bj uvuvioi il 1 • IKaunfgaiu. Nxr J^jiUwl. Maine. 

OrMoAia. L*. I 


Ou tho prico Hfiur liiie duto, q. »p..-tfuii( ixiu'uxti.- i.'ibu« ib.d le- b** i* 

XV rjbXvIed bA»ll»*lf uit 

.11 laV iKl, 1^75>. Addiin!^ St.. • North Biaintret*. 

M.\U MxUlUsoS?" l At U*liY. 

I, p. . 1 . -I (■» till all ■•niei* 


11.. ».il.-.nb*i w.MiId mbwm tl.. puido tlul ! 
I..nil In- l..i.g-vp*«i. (u. Ii. ■- I'g * 

■ u.g •“•■k.iil’d'**'*"1'••* 4»t’***“•**“'L’* 

IIUW IV ol> lu •“I'l U 

Fic-nicB and Parties 

(»| . (el( d*»« .iptK'X* 

Corieil Brief. Toepe aBi Haiis, 

AU I 4 . W aUteaJy /dr tkr uS*e- 
I'i.l.* • w ill p.t ■*•• K'x liom ibii;*'I" ''Uidai* 


All Me*ti WarfdDkd- or No ray. 

.......Kl. I -.-.-KKl >1' 

IlK'* id > bolg' .Vibll*-. 


j MiL'tU WKVMOllU. 

-• . rk lUyiOaF • ^ . 

-line free A'hl»« • 

V\IM\U. HOH8E 8HOB1NO, and 


MdlLil^t-f ILKF. -St* I It x: (bat I w- « .'ou 

I , - l ..... - I - ■!. it the* wt 

' T .KKili..-. K".. --a 

, .! "• -I'..". 

• . I A Xlg tlo "Xik* • . 

I-IUI* u*-! * \ .1.*,;^,, I paliouarfe n i.M'^riU';) •• 

1 U*i.L"lf A ^ ,ud •4t.4i.a't4*u gunrauuwd- -If 

giupliK-anadiam.itiemt.i.-t, limeaK--d t.iuy | 

mien bare b* ei, .-(.M.ll.bed 01 Fa.l- and M ■ 
p. til-burg. -IKeiall( lu» the ev«euli.m ut the pi. | 
t..i d p.ul •»! lhx‘Uli il '1 i-e-aii« nlvrpx-e m( .d* 
i.ig .•gii 4 l*'i uiol.ii than au_« pie(mu*l) tnnni 
•.L.. II liv t iioiiid n III IR •/im- 

TliliEi LkH 1A1.8 IN SCHIU.NKK-H ' 
KltB. l»x- ‘•n'('X‘i*’‘*"^“' “.“**'' 1 *. I 

(Id«. 0 ."t hie. by (.e..|i:i tv ( able, auth"! 1 

.., Old ( e.iuU- Hay- ' -Ui i-ian". a mw , 
l.••viUtle•d .\iu''iii an I'.n • b( r raiiei • 11 l»ur- 
!>• tie. author ul •'llial I -i-* ••’ l.-.wiu • V ov [ 
rixLNd. >•( lb my .J.iio... Jr. biguu m the 1 
\l. I.tomuei Hoiidai Vngn*i nniuUi . FlOTUHKBUUfc:. A "!»•*>- ( | 

..( I'.io* I* l»v l' Xiaiil. el .M'lxll I ni(ei- 
• ii» Kuig-(‘»u. and **• h‘ » I" *xid 1 lia* I am- ' 

I, on .•!• x. uniM .. f.i -m uia-fca • | 

'ifi.d* wiU gi'e ll.uiuKgb .(..umil. uf tin- ln-loie , 
,j. p.,;.!..-..!. pniuiv*'rue. .tnd «Hher plia-* * ul . 

hUUJEOTa.-li.'' . 

' 1. I dliaiy Olu'Xati'l p*l'‘i» ull '-luoJl X mil* 

....I lie I (‘•lltiui ■ b» U* ( V- F H • * "IK 

' . I N \ ••I - "Mb. lin'-t -u.-i—lul id hum 

I. .. 

v»,iti. ■■Ill I duili-I b( bu*—.- 'Oul- 


i ! ...I.u iM Xa I 4 - .1" ' -al. ‘U' X 

! .. .tl 4 e .ude-t -P"-*. I •(• :' dnilUg tl 
: ..Ji uf... -d'l 1 *. i-na. >«l* U i* 

I i‘ III *. ?»! img. NV •'I'*" Hmixug. l-«*b*irf 
1 \ ..'..l-g 1 a- .U^ .u sb. iMpel. XI Xw Hud.ilU. 

.I.a •« *• ra. I'a, • 1 • M a IMJIII - (lai ai Ur. 

I SOUIUNKUA 0O .743U-<lw»y. N Y. 

l-OSTKltS, 1I.\XII-1S1I,I,>. 

I'llii rL-Mi-., IT.V Kits, 

MTt.M’l’KKS, T.\(iS, 

Tli KKTS, i'iii'., 



mSESl PAPER! mt IT! 


a.illi Vi-nf. 




Fl'U\ISI|l'*' callEllTAliEK, 

..r.Vmil’TII I.ANUINU. 

oyatj descriptiou, 

rt UMKiieii AT Ttu "iiuKixaT Norica. 


Auction Sales attended to ai aaual* 


SB.. 7 . J. BOXTBarsr^ 


QVi.yrr, Mass. 

UANrAI. HcOd" x* MOUAllTaOS’" (ILIU K. 

COIC. OF' ll.YNlUi'K X (iU.YNITK (4TH. 

Will he at '-«•( rn Wgv *.11 in . very I m «**bAT. 
at tin xim g ur 1>K. I . A . low ».iu 

N. U -r.i-un* de-ning leelli evtiaiu l by thr 
U-e ut >itiua- Xvhle tio", call l^Ve il U<biilUl"t<MV(l 
by Dr-'i'liwi-r. 

^ $5 to $20.':’.-' 

> alhuK.e S4IU|dc" wurtU I 
.V*ai«. "&r(g"va -kw-. 

lUIJ. ‘ 



llKi KlI-lS. 

NilTi; IIK.XIS, 

1*U1NT1'.1> K.N VKl.Ul'K-'i. ' 

KKri'Ell llK.Ml.'', 

111>1 N K>' i 

liKi 1:11-T ^, KTi 

(iuud l’iTssi‘.->. (luotl T)lit' aiiJ 

Ciuud Wurkiueii. 

.Sdeiilittc VnuTican. 

In*. .**, i, snrn .Vxi.nnAS 1 * a l.xge Xn-i 

( la*. VV . • k1> New-pap* I '•! ••'ivte.n l*ig- ' . .I I 

, i .11 tl.' Il•'l•l hi.lulMid -1*0. /td/utr/jr Ut'Hft.i 
/../willi 'td.nd.d .ngiaxng*- Mpit*el.tuig tie 

i,.wi-i hiveiiliun-and the ni.-.l reevut V.liami- 

m the .Vrt- 4 i.d ;-*■(• • • ■ o*' b.ding N* w .oid In. 

: I.r.-xng I Kd-m Aginnixne, HuiinimiXe. tin 

• Hixiu . lb liih. M. dii'd Fiugc **■ i-d 
. S.itiu.d lh*iui*. x..dug>. .V-tJunui.i), III. inuM 
1 ( 4<le piaell' .d | .ipt i". by * liiim pl »(jit-(- (" 
jll.hl'uunnnl. ul Mine, will b. lonnd 01 1 U 
-..eudlb- Xm-iKMi-. I'i iu»-. lf-» .*" !■ * xwi »I 0 ' 
i dl cai. whnU on i'.d.* p.-t^.e Di..'uunt b 

.vr..-.i.»i... li...... i.> i--..I Ml 

.L I X . Ful.lidu I. 17 I’.uk Uuw. N' w luik 
D AE* ai T6 111 -"OU eln.ti w til* tl" ^cb 

A A I £"4v X O ,\iiu-rliaii. .M ';•* 

Muiui dk ( o. "<■ Itui • ul .Vuu IK an amll'ui- 

i-ui.i.i-. I-K" I'.'ii''' '• ■>" M'-'i;. -k;' 

n-iw haietln i.iig* •( c-laOixl.iuenl in Ibv wuii'l 
l' 4 t«ni...ii ubi.nii.itui.theln-lt.iin- .V-pieiX 

I i. m*l- 01 th. MleuUllv .Viiierban .o 

ul. lull iiXuii' p.|l' Id* d lluu igUXr'* vg* (•*.• - WI II 

(In nann'and I*-I'b*- by it.. 

moil, o*.' . (ii'*i.4ti..ii • - it n. I.. itt- ‘*tt * • 

,. I lu th m m* ul tu- .. v* j -i!- • an.J 

. t.uO ulli'O * **.1.^ .11. .;*d 

Al.l pt !-..U wle* h ■* U !-7 n ., n, rt di- .iCi> •• • 
nit I ntiuu. i «. a-. 4 coin. Ore dJ.H.H£*. win tin 1 a 
p.a.ucai.p.ubably be ob a.iM.l. bt w.i o.g m 

Vl I.M X ( •• Mi .d*u - ■■dy»rF oai Hiiei b-k ] 
(■.I.... 1... -.-. S'; • i.i*. * ■•(• -•!• I' • " 

wool) .VNl) ll.VV, 


Wharf, East Braintree. 

I.YKFN*- \ Vl.I.KV FlbVNKl.lN 
DI.V.M‘»M> UKD A^tll 
' llxUD.V 

Nxlllll FUANKI.IN llKD Aw|| * 

1 I V.MhUx.N >U.VMxKi.N “ - 

‘j VN IHIK .V>a H UNA< K A aaAI,. 

!t " bi.(. 

h .. M i 


I. -i (I--. F..p< 


II. ‘ ’*’■ 

i J? I’iTi Lo-ir, I’c-ir Yprk. 

. L-Ji F X7Ui »(*.. \Va*hinxt->u, D V 

• M* A .• il dellt it d at («•( liife" • I • al • ige. 

U \UI) V.M» l l -N K VV l)xl». w Indtf ui «. 4 aei». ami 

m NDI.F H.W. 

For Sale at Lowest Cash Rates. 

u .. p' ’u.plll alt-mb .1 I • r.X AdUie*- 
W- tllnJillh • . ba-l ... 


INI. Dr. r. I.OMinii 


lie »I|IE48BS. 

« few of Ihe lettrf* ree*W^ ^ 
iKlulry nar be Ddtlrreeeo t« tb* 

ALTOI, >. 1. 

ij]r^ 1 tTf 

AKBlsriEip. VT. 


Mtnfftf ft NfUflft 

_ %Kaa^ 

in lATIOI, lAU. 

•atlnli bilplni «|]k UEUIA- 

tniT be ctmoulteU upon nil Dlft* 
r cnnrfte, penoiiNlly or by letter. 

r. K. OUBlIBe M.P. 

inpic Plnce, Boatonp Mnei. 

_ HJy __ 



Iriilnr ittetitlcii to the Snie of Re^ 
le Mild Peraoiiil t*roperty. 

North WftviNKrra. MaM. 



uril NtAte. AUo« Funeml Md Bridnl 
*ro«eei nutl Homiucti. In Frmnetor 
imeltNTinp Vlowen mnnyfonnlo 
bnre Uiein done by wldreteiDpt 


>utli Uralntree* 

for them »iid return the inme, with 
kctlon to the pnitlee, both In wofkmnn* 



loHtnn Post BulldlnK. 

, mrmr 


lOt'TH APTIK ♦ o’fI.OfB r. m. 




.. Q-. nST'X'E, 

nrfr:vMoeTii IjAnuino. 

ill $40.00 

iiiiiuiUf (C'oiiliiiuuUN Gum 
ork) 30.00 

vor 15.00 

»'<M>laslic (MeUillie) 10.00 

lluloid iO.OO 

liltL-r 10.00 

ncy Dye-House, 


earn l«aundr|y. 

VlNit fiui'tl up A Dye House in ihf uioAt 
jpiovftl «l>le. we are prepAnd to du aU 
f at ilu* •horti'Nl liotUH* uud in the 

inner. tianu<'iit« eli-auHcd or 

Kid t ilovv*. BtHX* and hlipiM*rN i-It-HiiM-d. 



All ordi r' U-ii witli S. Wili.iaus will be 
lly altt nd«'d to. 

• tiKolUiK tmoTIIKUS. I'roprV 

4.’. n 

I A WHKK. $ I'i rt da.i sit home easily madn. 

, t;o»tly oiiifii >r»T. Adilrepii 'I'lti’R A t^.. 

U. M dill'. 






over; doooription, 

UUM.HKl. AT Til. .IIUKIK.T K,irlL». 

•sfcUVI.Nli HdDIKM. 

otioD Sales attended to as aiual. 


R.. 7 . J. BOXTXTX 7 v 


»e*/.vrr. Mass, 


. or ll.lMUi'K A (iU.\MTK 8TH. 

111..- At >oi III Wit N>«nu . vtry I m unit at. 
t»i> It I ur Ok. t • t . I'on t.iu 

h ..If •i•■'>oMl|.' IVnh «-\ti4><"l by rfte 

1 .N III oil* (lAiib- tiae.rail it utiiiiluiitMcd 


wool) .^Nl) HAY, 

/harf, East Braintree. 


,.\loM* KEl) aV>*11 


Itlli HlANKl.l.S UKI» AhII • 

Ml.U'iN hU.VMoKLS •• *' 

111 K A^a k ( UN At K ( «>A I.. 




l ..»! .b li. It .1 »i l*>i !-•••* H • *i» Off. 

Ul* V.M» ri.N E \W»ol>, '.I«*»•». and 

la .Mli.K UAY. 

)i Sale at Lowest Cash Rates. 

I ,li I • )ll••lllplh *l|. ltd* »l H* I’** A»ldi»*« 
tUiOtllb Ka'l Iti.U'tUf*- 


fh ftpiitl ^ait 

C. «. KA.«TRnnB(MIK. 


_ . I Two DeMirs a Vmi. In advenes. 

TtrfiH. J Copy, Pi»s Cent*. 

Order* frtf all kinds of PrintiiiK will receire prompt 
anctitinn, and be neitly and correctly nccutriL I 

^nsintsa Carbt. 

'tusk w. iewisT 

Hnq iilCaiicIlwatlu, 



Civil Engineer and Surveyor, 

omcB *T W’. K. lli NPiuir.T*-. 

Commercial St, - North Weymouth. 

3D 31 


Bundle Hay and Straw 
FIIK H.M.K in 

JOM. EOtTII * C'O.. 


c. m. W11.I.1A.1IN, 

stock Broker. 



B OliallT und "Old on roiiiiiilHalen. In Bonton. 

New York and San Fraiiciaco. Moui y ad¬ 
vanced on Htorks and Bond* piirrbased hy ua. 

Basement Old State House, 


—DKALElta IN— 

OBftnr, ICBJAL, 

BAT, ST&AW, be. 

C -IONSTANTI.V .111 liaiiJ. «ii.l Foil .WALK 
J w1io1(..hJ. .nil n'Ittll. .t IrfiwmlC.ilt I rictn. 
Al.o. MlNEllAl. SAI.T It..,..'.. 


tVL'yiuuiilh Lundliie. 

T. J. FAO..B, 


Corner of Cotuuion k AVitahlniKton Street*, 

Weymouth Landing- 

RIAQE WORK of all kinds, 


Ee/iry L. lhaycr, 



HotwhlMtuidiiig tbo largely increased cost of eveij padaof 




At we purchased very largely early in the season, at at least 



116 Tremoiit Street, Mi. 

!-,ikiai'V fiedfliiiE!. 

IFor ihr riatfllr.] 


A« wtae men over c.i^tem idains 
That nAntdle^a ^tar ted on, 

And patcil whon on Uicir cyM 
The Sun of glory ahonr, 

So, I.ord, nuke me a luwty ^, 

A light to lead to thee, 

Only tn fa«le when thou art ffnincl 
That thino the glory be. 

Of all the conilelUtcd Itghtfc 
Alnve theCfvistal Spa, 

Caught up from e.)rih to licAvenly heights, 
Keep not a star for me. 

For wKile—thy gracious gift—IM wear 
Whatever crown were mine. 

Still thine, thine only would I »ee 
In starry iplendor »hinr. 

of the arllele~STAiiTi.iMn MrwsI was to Mira, and aha, nally taHhM, "1 dow'l wowdar that yoa fsel aa. lalowa. TUahatsssis w (ha 
RLorRMEMT IN Ilion LifeI Inthe honest and reliable, waamade tone gry, batlahall eomiaea jrsalhat 1 tMe of lha highwiw. } 

Inritpst of head letters, and be knew the less so by lieing told that If she aaiaatianger and a batter friend in Beyoad, and Slin la tharight,Wild, 
what that news was wilhnat readinit ehould serve them well the woald ba you than Walelnghamand all of thoae the home of Capt. llaiN XMlht 

“I do not know; I did not ask. of the arllele~8TAllTi.iMn Nkwat was to mire, and aha, 
She is sIlYe nnil she Is married. If RlofRmknt in IIioH LifeI inthe honealand reliable, w 
you li.sYC any mercy, nak me no more Inritest of head letters, and he knew the less so hy lieing tol 
now, but leave ms.” what that nswa waa wilhnnt readinR ahould serve them wel 

Mis. Davenport, knowing wliat a further; knew, too, by whom the Imndaomely rawsidad. 

fearful dlaappointment that news account waa given to the paper. 

who aympaihlae with him. Fbr ev* wheae daaghter Badml, 

Ai Philip was ttMidiag at oat«(I cry dollar that yon lota by having be* Den. John P. Naah, 

nmat he to her husband, wlioeo mind not till Walsingbam hml repeated the the parlor windowa, while hie wife friended Philip Arnold you ehall re* died upon the aame apol, alllunihTb' 

grasped at oiiro the Injuiy such a senn- questions did he amuse himself to was beroming scqnslnted with the reive ten. Ifeie ii yonrblll of sale a later bnllt dwtOing, loma faupyteg 

ilal would ho to his pnMpccts, and nqdy, in a tesrccly audible voice: woman In the kitchen. It appeared to of that carriage and thoen honaa,— aince, and wboee we mi n y laalOliwfc 

who was entirely devoted to him, did “Yea, it is true.” him that George street mnst be a great Yon have them la yowi pemaarioa. In UMbcaitaul harelilMNW,nliiipai ^ 

not take his words as spoken harshly, Elmer Wsistngham was very sngry. thoronghfare, for hoets of people and also the money yon reccivad fknm rmaalnihetw. Twen t y er t h iri f wO 

and she Instantly left the room. He had loved Isabel as much as ho passed Ihe honee, most of them pans- me for them. I will daa t iey the ra* Bbovaoalhaaamatida'Wl^Mgr^M 

And as Anthony Davenport sat was capable of loving, and nwreover log to gate np at the wladowa, and at ceipl, and yon may heap the proptrljr naoM oaa alaty dwiDhitr.WiMlft 

alone linor after hoar, he Bulfered such his attentions to hsr had been so loathe comprehended why no many andflm monaylt Ido not pmvn In by A m ln M n h Hi y da n , ri h arwawjMWpf 

intense agony of mind that, had he markeslasto linve been noticed by people were walking thteogh George yon not only that aaUhar PhiUpwelr hy UokKaAiahIa W .fthgttfth' 

dared, hr would by his own hand nil who were arqunintsd with them, street on that day. As he had nn myealf has laH yna afabehood, hat a^ now neenpM hy Ibi 

have put an end la his mtaciy. Ho and hla ptiilu wiis tuiichcd even more intention of gratifying the idle carl- that Philip was perfectly Jurilliad la 

knew tlist hk hn^ mint relenlleas tlisn hla heart. natty of the crowd, hd drew doWh the doing In hahaa daaa.** awdWti*«~Whmy 

enemy; he knew that Jnssph Aroidd “It has killed you,” he said, mean- window shades, and he then'under* And after showing the hlUto llr. stood tbo old leridewcaed Cap* Aieoh 

had ahiindaiit cause to he Ida enemy; ing politically of course. 

ach his alicntinns to hsr had been so last he comprehended whyao maay aadfha moaaylt Ido not piwva In by AmlaMah Haydaa,rihatwi 

he markcslasto Imve hssn nnliced by people were walking through George yon aotoaly that ae l tha r PhiUpwelr hyUokKaAiahls NW ■ 

ind nil who were arqunintsd with them, street on that day. As he had no myealf hna laH yon a IM aehoe d , hnt a^ now oeenpM hy Ilk 

la his nitaciy. Ho and Ida pride wiis tuiichcd even more intention of gratifying the idle carl- tlud Philip was perfectly Jnriiliad in Hiwt tKith maa,w hjj|^ 

i^ mint retenllsas ilisn hla heart. natty of the crowd, hd drew doWh the doing In hahaa dona.** ■NdNi'W~Whmp'mwnr-diwW 

itdd “It has killed you,” he said, mean- window shades, and he then'under* And after showing the hlU to llr. stood the old ieeideneoe(Ca| 

“It has killed you,” he said, mean- 

and that he was In that man’s power. “I wish It had hilled mo,”said An- soph desired ti 
The future looked to him ns black ns tliniiy Davenport In n porfcelly help take posseastc 
darkness itself, williuul ouo my of less tone, which made TVnIsiughnm night before. 







window shades, and he then'under* And after showing the hlUto llr. stood the old leeideneoefCnpliMaob 
stood why it was that his uncle Jo. Poleom that he might see It waa bis Wrrell, a long low houN whhh Wto 
soph desired to have him and Isabel bill of sale, he tote it into rmall ftog- soon after vacated for Ihe new awd 

thniiy Davenport In a porfcelly help 1 take poaseaaton of their house the I msnts, which ho scattered npon the I more pretonttona dwelling that 

light. still more angry, and he cxclidmcil; After dinner, which wtUioiit any Mr. Folsom 

After leaving the house of the gov- “Dnvenport, you are a fool 1 Jfo directions from either the husband nr puailetl by the 
eeiinr, it occurred to .Insepli Amuhl one hut nil idiot nr n madman would wife was all they could desire, Philip customer, waa 
that ns soon ns the account of the have sent that girl nut day after day took a volume from the large book* him, but aaid : 
elopement shoiihl he rend the next with that fellow riding up and down case which. Oiled with ilandanl works “He came h 
morning, (ieorge street would Ih> the country; and you must have of |)oetry and prose, occupied one side work, when h« 
Ihniiiged to see the house of the gov- known that slio eared nothing for me of a room adjoining Ihe |mrlar, and relative at leas 
emor's diuigliter, and knowing that nt Ihe lime you Were oncuumging ms entertained Isabel by reading aloud able to help h 

floor. built on the lontherty sMa of the 

Mr. Folsom, though a good deal street, nearly oppoaite. 

“Davenport, you are n fooll Jfo directions from sillier the husband or puailetl by the action of hla atninge Still wcatwaid» the atnak iunnlng 

one hut nil Idiot or n madman would wife was all they could desire, Philip customer, waa not ready to believe many rode to the north of ita preiant 

have sent that girl nut day after day took a volume from the large book- him, but aaid : location, there waa found the old 

with that fellow riding up and down case which, filled with ilandaril works “He came here saying he needed house occupied then, or soon afl«T| 

morning, (ieorge street would Ih> the country; and you must have of {loetry and proee,occupied ons tide work, when ho had, it appeara, one by Mr. Lemuel French, and which 

ihniiiged to see the house of the gov- known that slio cared notliiiig for roe of a room adjoining Ihe |mrlar, and relative at least who was abundantly was replaced not many yearn later by 

emor's diuighlcr, and knowing that nt Ihe time you Were oncuumging ms entertained Isabel by reading aloud able to help him. He told me his the house connected with the Tofts 

to 1)0 cnacil at hv such a crowd oiihcr tn believe that she would accept an to her for a couple of hours. When name wna Philip Arnold, and yon say farm, as it was called, now owned by 

arrival would lie very disagrccnhlc to offer from me. I wish you joy ill he cloierl the book ehe said: 
her, lie decided,idihougli llie evening your aon-iii-lnw.” “Oh, how I with Fanny coni 

was well nrtvmireil, to go to Heatli- At another lime Anthony Daven- our house, and how delightful 
Held that night; and to insure that he port would have felt very severely the are situated In every way. ] 
should ace Philip and his liridc, he loss of Wnisingham’s fricudihip and send for her to come, Phllipf” 
lelegrniihcd to Philip not to retire siqiport; but then ho felt too misers* “May you send? Whsl a sii 

Monumental Works. 

you have no ralalive of that name.— 

Richards, Rsq. This sUnds 

your son-iii-lnw.” “Oh, how I wish Fanny conid see He promlaed me ho would not attempt tome fltteen or twenty rods >c the 

At another lime Anthony Daven- our house, and how delightfully wo to marry Mlso Davenport, and I have south of the site of the oM hooae, 
port would have fell very severely the are situated in every way. May 1 no doubt that ho accepted the sltuatioa and upon the road which waa atraighU 

cHAi-TEK XVI. telegrnidicd to I’liilip not to retire su|iport; mu inen no leit 

Several luiiuitcs .losepli Arnold „„jji i,e l,ad seen his uncle .Toseph. hly wretched to care fo 

slooil gazing, with nn cx|)rcssion of (i,cn went to Ihe stiihle and or- and he allowed Wnlsingh 

llciidish joy iiiid cxulintioii upon Ills |,is carriiigc and horses, saying without replying to him. 

Ail 0? 

rxocHtftl lit the licht nf fllylr ilk 


^ Thr rlti/ciP*orWp)iitt*iitli will lliitl iiikt^tigiklinif. 

Jjm tliHt ilipy tniii *»Vi‘ inont'V hy |»iitrotii/lDtr lioim- iraik-. 

S plooMC) iplvo UN n ctalle 


3- Washington Square, - Weymouth Landing. 

face, on the proatmto form before |,c was going into tlic country a short .loscph Arnold made his appear-1 any one you want.” 
liim. At last he spoke: distance and might return that night nnee nt the house in George etrecl 

“His dnugliler iind his son. This ur early the next morning. Mr. Kol- very early and before Philiphad risen, 

loss of Wnlslngham’s fricudihip and send for her to come, Philip?” to which I recommended Mm intend- ened about the time of its erection. 

sup|)ort; but then ho felt too misera* “May you send? What a singular lug to many her ; and you have aid- It waa occupied by Mr. Channcey 
lily wretched to care for anything, question. You are your own mla- cd him.” Wllllamt for many years. Thlsdwell- 

niid he allowed Wnlsingham to depart tress, this is your house; 1 know of .loeeph Arnold listened patiently to ingwasoccupledinl76IbyMr.Nn- 
witiiout replying to him. no reason why you may not send for the charges against himaolf and Phil* thanlol "Vinton, of whom tradition 

any one you want.” Ip; but when Mr. Foltom paused, he saya that he loet nine children by the 

Uutushe spoke the door bell waa said; groat epidemic that raged eo falaUy 

rung, and in a‘ few roomenu Isabel “Phil wss in need of work, for I did in this town during that and the foi¬ 

ls belter, far better than I planned; sour, although still fearing that .lo- fur he wniilcd to see the woman found herself in the arms of her friend not know where ho was, snd forclr- lowing years, end that he became so 

cuts deeper Ihiiu I would liavc dared scpi,’Arnold was up to no good, could whom he engaged when she should from Ilcathflcld, and Philip was shak* tsin reasons he would not apply to mo discouraged that he loft the place, 

hopotoeut. II’r n wonder it did not got decline to let him hnvo his own arrive, and explain some mnttere lo fng hands with Mr. Lewis, while formonoy. Ho told you truly that he This was perhairs the old home of the 

kill him. Hut lie must listen to more nrooertv. and lie started for Heath- Iter before she shoiihi meet her new Joseph Arnold, looking in at the door was christened Philip Arnold, but he Greens, one of the original settleia, 

I . .s_ _a.1.1. _iii _A.. alsA MAAAwwl ttifAvwMm ti* Atitt* Vmlhton^ 

liefore I leave liiin.” 

> ride lie liad nm|ile master and mistress. He also wanted said: 

has another name which will be made as the record informs us thatNsthan- 

Having observed n decanter upon time fur rcfli clinii. :iiul lie tliought: to be tlie tlrsl to show Philip and Isa- “I thought you might be tired of 1 known to you, probably lii» fewdays. I IcI Vinton married Ann Green, 

tire sideboani, lie poured from it into 

•I have li:i,I my 

y revenge, arid willi- hel the account of llie elopomciil. each other's company by thin time, 1 have no near relatives named Ar* Inltor family dlsappcnrs from our rcc- 

a glass some of tliat old hraudy uut doing oiiylliiiig Hml 1 must here- lloih were miieli aniiovcd nt the puli- and lirouglit these friends to see you uold, iiotone named Philip Arnold; ords about that time, 

of which Elmer ■\Vnlsiiiglinro had ex- nficrregi i t. He will condense the licity given to Hie iilTnir, and Pliilip hoforo you should get tn quarreling.” and all Phil said to you in regard to Further on, and in the Imnd whore 

pressed so higli an opinion, and apply- nulTerim: of n long lifetime into a few was iiielmed lo ho very indignant; “Oh, you dear, good uncle,” said not marrying Issbol Daven|iort was tho street makes another sharp turn, 
iiig it to the lips of tlie governor, soon hours, and he riclily deserves it all. hut his uncle said lo him: Isahol, throwing her arms around his that ho would uover ask her to ho- this time to the south, standing upon 

had Ihc satisfaction of seeing him dis- I have made two people very liapi>y “You must licar in mind that the neck nud giving him a hearty kiss. come Mrs. Arnold; but let mo tell tho right of me highway, was toe 

“Oh, you dear, good uncle,” said not marrying Issbol Daven|iort was tlio street makes another slinrp turn, 

Isahol, throwing her arms around his that ho would uover ask her to ho- this time to tho south, standing upon 

neck nud giving him s hearty kiss. come Mrs. Arnold; but let mo tell tho right of tho highway, was tho 

W»*hlnKl«n Kquaret 




Painter and Glazier, 


PsinU. Oil.OlnsB, Varnish, Putty. Glue. 

Sbup IH Cieo. 8. Iltkkvr’ri biill-UiiK. iicikr tin* tniniei 
uf Uii'iiinGUil 8tri'i-tt 

Weymouth LtiiuHuy. 

For First-class CalilnetPortrails, 

-litj Hi- 

BUSSELL'S^ Uuliicy, Mas.s. 






R.V. Merchant^ 

. ... . ill IIoIbnmk'B 

Uptfi* tfikVf tf> iiifiirm thf piiizi'n’* uf W fjiJiGUili tluy«. 

, , All lilt lire 

ikiiil vifliiiiy tlf.ti liL* i« now itn intrcii Ig idhk*' up piBST-CLASI 

g itro t'onliitllv ii 




Ami frimi ilit* IipnI Forulmk ;iml lioniotic 

- MA 

Hit Iniit; i'\i)cririii'i' Iti (■■iliiiijf REDl 

Gentlemen's ‘■o™'* 


" 1 play signs of reluming conscioUHness. J,I I,jnjjiiijjr wlml I liuve lived for, nmUer 

eventually become When, leaving tho gentlemen in you that hy nutrrylng her ho saved her house of Mr. Ehenezor Colson, while 

vHiililt'tt Itiia to wurruHl a 

for rKTt’UE FU.' 

pempect fit purnitc 

ill all wan 

Prices as Low as the Lowest, siiawiiiui si 


Itf ut 111* ottipf. F..\ST WK^ • 
MOUTH. Dll TrKNDAYi*. Tiii'kk- 

DAYri aiiilSATrUDAYSltft-mlkWn'k. 

» A. M-tii 4 I*. M.; ul 

ill lloIhrDGk’B niiN'k. SIIUTII nu.MNTUKK. dd 

iilliiT titty*. 

All lilt iiri- ill tviiiit Ilf 

FIRST-CLASS WORK and Quality of Mateilal, 

itro t'onliitllv iiivitfil lojiitp liiiit ui'ttll 




.•Ylila KINUa OF 



.tlAUK T«> UKUER. 




ill lilt- l>t-*>t tiiiiiiiD-r. 


aill. 111.- llAltWiMlP C'ANK cr TllUl.K 
I’l.V VKN KKll SKA'l'lNO, m 

Hul when lie opened Iun eyes and imt ilirv'vuultl l>e none Ihc happier known, and it was neoessary for the the parlor, she wa.s showing her from cruel peraeculion by her own fa* back to Uio north, in the Ool^, a 

attempted to miso liimstdf frmii the for knowing all, ami 1 shall never tell caiTving oul plans which I have friend the other rooms in the houRc, U»or, made her Bupremely happy, ind conitideniblo dUtanco, upon the old 
lloor, he appeared like a feeble, de- them* neither will ho, unless with my fanned that it slnmld he made public Mrs. Lewis asked: gave her a name, though she does not Whitman’* place, lived his nepnow 

erepil old man. Joseph Arnold, how- consent.” al once. It can do your wife and “Have you learned anything yet yet know U, as highly respectable os Bolter; and on the west, also at §omo 

ever, had no pUy for him. He found IMiilip and Isabel expect- you no poitsiblc baim. I ask it as a about your husband, Bel? Of course that of Governor Anthony Daven- distance from uic road, was the rwl- 

“You swoon ejwily,” he said. i,i„ ],i„i when he arrived nt Mr. favor that you will lie guided by mo he W(i.Hu’tohIigcd to workinaHtable.” port. This is the truth. You can donee of Mr. James luchard8,seniw, 

“There’s nothing like a guilty con- Lewis’ and succeeded in inducing far the present; you will uol regret “Be was; nml he is going buck to caftily satisfy yourself whether Joseph Tho Colson llouso was formerly the 

..eieiice to break'a man down. But them to consent to return with it.” Mr. Folsom’s.” Ainold of Merrivale is responsible for homestead of the BoUers, an^^ 

I before I leave you to pleasant memo- that nii;ht to take possosMou of the IMiilip, although not fully satisllcd, “Well, I can’t understand It. what ho says and what ho promises ; aside from many additions ami aliera- 

I nesoftliepswtandilelighifuhiioiights house lie had prepared for them. Imd been loo much used in times past Harry has made some enquiries, and you can us easily satisfy yourself that lions, is probaiuy one of the few ro* 

inhi> iniidcd hv Ills uncle to.ntiake h« huirus that Mr. Josenh Arnold is 1 nm that person.” malulng houses erected diinug tho 

for the present; you will uol regret 

Fhillp, although uol fully Baiislled, 

of the future, lei me siiy to you tliat nml yxrs. Lewis remonstrated to I>e guided hy Ids uncle to,make he learus that Mr. .loseph Arnold ia I nm that person.” malulng housoH erected diiriug Itio 

as soon as this affair shall be made against their departure, and Isabel any ohjeelion to his request, anil ns cnurmnuHlv rich—n millionaire in fact. Mr. Folsom would not acknowledge llrst century after the scttlmcnL It 

puldic, you must acknowledge the would iiave preferred to wait till they were seated at the breakfast Of course bis nephew of whom he nt once that ho wus convinced that the is now occupied by Mr. Nelicmiah 

marriage.” morning; hut IMiilip knew his uncle talde, nt which Isabel presided forllio thinks so much need not work in a nmuspeuking to him told Uio truth; Joy. A ?i 

Those words restored to Anthony Joseph well enough to Itelievc tliat lirsl lime, Joseph Arnold said, hand- htalde. Have you no curiosity to ho asked a great many questions and this was the King 1 Ince^ 

I)aveu|Mirt some of his former power kt* would not make so singular and ing IMulip a package: know what U the mystery?” compelled Joseph Arnold to tell some house |icrlmps then standing, liUO. 

to speak audio act, and witli all of extraordinary a refiue.^t unleas he hail “I wish your wife to procure nt “Yes, I have plenty of curiosity, IhingH he would have preferred not to Both of these familieH were among 
tlie force and energy that he could ^ »o(h 1 loason for it, and Iwihel of once clothing of every descriptimi hut Fhillp has requested me to wait tell; but finally he gave Ids coiiseut to tbo curliest settlers of the town, and 

course would raise no ohjeelion lo that she ueeds adapted to her present liU ho is at liherly to tell me about hike Philip hack into the stable nud these were probably their first planta- 

aiivtliiu''of which IMiilip approved, position. You need not attempt tn himself. I married him believing office, promising nt the same time to lions. , 

Tlierefore linviug allowed the horses ol»jcct”—a« Philip endeavored to a- that ho was a conchniftu depcndunt say nothing to any one of What had Half a mile further o” w"* ™ 

commandjic said, wiiilc supporting course would raise no ohje«diuii lo that she needs adapted to her present 
hiiasclf with a chair: anything of which IMiilip approved, position. You need not attempt tr 

“Never! The thing is too moii- q'kcrefore linviug allowed the horses olijcct”—as Philip endeavored to a- 


Half a mile further on was Uio 

slrous! I w ill proclaim the whole an hour, Joseph Arnold and monstrate—“for in this I must liavo upon his wages for a living. I should been told to him. He knew he would homostend of Mr. 8ilas While, the 

Lnith, ami have them so far as lean his two passengers hade gomi night lo my way. Audi want you to accept not love him any more if i should be generally condemned for what ho ^mlfalhcr of 

fnon such a crime, even though by so Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. your old situational Mr. Folsom’s, lenni that he is the son, as 1 nm the hwl agreed to do, but he wus satisfied Treasurer, Oran «lille, hsq, wwen 

doing I ruin myself for life. Tlie Aflhough it was mucli past mid- Have you the cminige lo do so?” daughter of a governor.” that ho hwl done nothing wrong, and was mrne m .1, am I o prosen 

eonrls will ul once annul such a mar- ni„ht when they nrriveil ut the house “C)f course 1 have. 1 expect to jt was a little singular under tlie also, though he really considered that dwelling house, occupied hy tno 
..SH.rD Jnsenh Arnold uork fnru liviii.T. Blit 1 doubt if Mr. rirnimstances tliat she should Iiave of less consequence, that It would daughters of the then owner, crcctoa 

on George street, Joseph Arnold work fora living. But 1 doubt if Mr. cireumstnuces that she should have of less consequence 

rGrlTCTfUE FUAMKS; uUo a very iticc Kr- 
lii'lc in i( 


All Work w;irrtt)il«'‘l Id hivc fluttNlitetloii, 

Sliawiiiut SI., Cast Wrymuiith. 

■ “Ami ill) yo)i Ihiuk that 1, who jui,, it witli Ilium; ami as room KoUom will take mu liiick.” 

Imvu livuil for tweiily yuiirs almost .,ftur rooiii was lislitcil vili for tlmir I.uavu that formu liiarniiiao. 

1 iiiaile that rumark. uvcnlually bo greatly lo Ills nil vautage (he ycor following; while still further 

While Isiihel amt Mrs. l.ewis were having necomrooilatcd a mllUunuirc. on was the residence of Den. John 

you lo eseape iiiy veiigeame'f llow so delighleil with every arraiigemoiit to ret 
very sulf-siierilii-iiig you desire to liel |,u made, tliougli hoHi wumlernl time. 

oiliy that I might he ruveiigeil, would i„s,,uclion, he was well repaid for all „ot intend that you simll remain with H,u8 conversing together, Joseph Ar- The |.uhllc were again startled the '«iid Hien came the lenco. 

leave so simple n loophole open for ,,u i,,„i ,i„i,e fur them, both were liim u gnat while, lint I do wmit yon „oUl was telling I'liilip Hint ha bud next iiiorniug with tbo news that Hie The two Inst mciitlmici dwellings 

delighleil with every arrangement to reliirii to your old place for a short hccii M r. Folsom and bad arranged young man who eloped with Governor properly belonged to the territory of 

'“■* .... _.-1«-. .1....I.»it Sniilll WnYllumtll. llUt oll of UlC Oth* 

IIBALBli in _ _ 

”0 AL 

/-vV-r-n 4ml you will never be without it! 

^ m dr. GOODWIN S 


Kiiutli Ucyiiioiitli lleiiut. 


T I L O lE^ , 

UYKll ('IIAHi.It* I'UAM'il STtHIR. 

lluiivock Nl., - SU’RKI!!’. 

•*-IT:8T0M MAUK I'A.NTS. |a 73. 4,GO,4 fri). 

3U*L)iii«l iijiMrarii's. SI'l'lS in xi'i •ii'tlHiitf Mitli 
|Jn‘tiim-N, iiiml*-fioiu All uml 'ttii* 

rauii’tl lo lit. ru »i-« ifi*'* in-ii t'4U f 1.' 

Pity yim hud iu>t hccii so coasidcrato 
a father a short time ago when you 

when he bud found time lo do it. 

I'liilip agreed to do ns his uncle 

He told them about Hie woman requested, and .losepli Arnold left the 

I for him to return to his former situn- Davenport's daughter had rolurned South WcymoiiHi, hut all of Uic oth- 
tioii ut Hie stable Hie next morning, to Ins former siluaUon in Mr. Fol- ers elainied allegii. ucc to the Lauding. 

“ I found your friend Folsom pretty soin's stable. K“ dwellings known to the wri* 

mild with vou.” he said, “and about [To b. conUsue!.] ter were existing at that time in tho 

A, Fhan h IBi'mmi'.i.x., 


C^Ul^iC’V, Mumm. 

CHILDRENS’ PlOTUaES n Specially. 

The Best in the Funeral Undertaker, 

I • 

f«r ilif rrlii r iukI vui.‘of 

■ft 1 T K art' I'n intri'il l»» Altiml t*> all tmii r* t'oii- 
W ||.(■(••ll Willi lla- Iriiwiui-sa ..f t'litUruklDKi 
^ ’ atiL t.ittMir iwo Itorsf*. 

II6» % HNI'IIVI': ato, KVCL I Ai.i. iiKsi nii'iioxs “K 

It ia bighly recommended by : CftSketS OF CoffinB 

all who htiVO used it. ttn hiiii<li»r fuiin*lt« il lo tmlrr : *l»o, U<»1IK8 -UI(I 

.tii Hlllfll* fiiDllft lftl riltll lUl* lllDUl*' — . ttl IHU 

25 &r,« I TS. I'KK BOTTLE. NEW WARER00U8, East Weymouth 

A.... ...u..o„ I 

J. M. GOODWIN, 1- 

\Vi-ytii«iiilli. -Mix** i ^a . OX 

Ne\« Photograph Studio,! „„ 

I ,4l.-fill tl* 4l lllf Al tx •‘'‘•'If. .Hie III 

FUANK ms.SKLL. Arllsl, 

iautakmtrflut KOikofKVKIU nKM UllMTi.N. ; (j 00(1 JNGWS itaDgG, 

I I ^ I I I ItfitHf )Gii buy HD) I'tl*'I. AI»h. till- 

W.T.BURRELL, darliniq range 

Xij Ax .... 

_ 1 6i« .|t».Hhl*ll 1 ll.VlK.*' 

j and GLAZIER. ; 

j l-I.UatAllll) HI llAtl.l ' JOSHTJA VnTAli, 

I smo’M, tit K ns . , 

Broad St,. Weymouth Utnd'g. CarpStller ant) DUIIQBI 


JOltlllXti A\l> 

C H >> 1 I I ‘ »l* •“! ‘"‘'I 

^ ‘ .1 ................1...... . 1.. til. 

Sl\ lliiiiilred I'oniN of 

W K art' pri |H»ri'il l‘» Alt,ml l*> hH ghLi r* l•'*H- 
lUflvil with ibi- btiwliifa ..f I'litU tlAkiiiK, 

Httb l.ll(•llr (no liitrsc*. 

Al.I. DKSI UM’^IluSS i»F 

Gaskets or Coffins 

Gil hiitiil iir fill ihwIh'iI Id Gill' r ; *1 »g, U< ►IIK.'' -‘Htl 
.tli Hlll.'ll* C■•>^lll»•^ l^•»l riltb lUl* lllDUl*' — . Hi IHH 

Tiik I'atknt Fh«k/km IhKD in I'UfcNKtlVINM 
li>tl»ll.< 1* 1v 

Pine, Oak and Maple. 


One HitnJretJ and Fifty Cords of 

trash wood. 

bed cedar posts, 

am. blZ.> AXl) l.K.SOlim: 

White Cedar Posts and Rails; 

Tiollis Posts, Bean Poles, &c. 

^Voml ami -1*11* '«► tuiler. 


New Stove Store. 

AND .M AUKKI’ l» \SKKT-< U>r 
.al llie N' w M.itt .siiiif. .“Htf thv 


Wil.iir »Mi K»-t, 




IlMUt'ork ^il.i ^ ’ 

fKHJ.lXt’* NOTM'K. 

..,.1 ii ! ■ ... I 0.- j' ,,'.'.'m.'x.' 
„. ....r 1..' ',,,111.111 MAUn.V. 

LM sv.jowutb. AvrO t". " * 

tried to starve your daughter into whom he-biidtiigaged, Hint she would lioune, saying that they should see i,,,,,! with you,” he said, “uiid about [To b« conUnued.] 

marrying a man wliom she detested, nn-ive in aenson lo gel breakfast for |,ini again during the day. Tlieu „iueli so with me, but I satisUed “ ' “ 

Hut you talk wild; yon eamiol annul Hieiii, and also Hint not only was pidlip opened the [mekago he had |,i,„ Hml you hod done just right, and XVEVMOXJTH 

llie marriage except liy [.roving what ,.vurylhing llioy woulil need in the received from him, and fiiiind that it Hint neither you nor I liuil told him UfSiPB^IC^If pOCIElFY. 

it is beyond your power lo [.rove. |,uiim., but that the woiinui would contained money enough to furnish a imything but the truth; but Ibcii 1 _ 

Tell to the World that yoiirduugblcr’a g„„iy just wind was to he clone. Hut ilo/.eii coaclmmu's wives with nil Ihe ,lid not think it necessary to tell him [A pap« prrparecl by ihe RKonling Secretary, 

huslmml iayonrKiuid I'liuliuc Dc ('as- i.efure leaving Hieiii he said: clothes they could desire; uml Isabel Hie whole truHl. You will not And and read before the Society, al iu meeting April 

tin's son; pulilish your .iwu villainy .-’I'liuro is one tiling I liiive done of said; it very ideusiinl ut llrst to meet those 7. iSSa-l 

if you desire to do so; 1 shall not in- lyhali you will bear tomorrow. Hint I “Why did you not tell mo of this whom you have known here; hut you 

li'iTcri*; Iiut bear ill luiiul tliiit Mu)M tkink you inuy not like to hear of; rich uncle before? I tliou;;lit we ^re no nephew of mine if you caiiuot __ j 

(■very parlU Ie of written evidence in pm tlio end it will hiu in neillier of shouhl be ulimwl poor, iiinl I Hlionld |,ut on a j»ood face uud act iudepeu- ^ [Concimied] 

rciranl lo your conueclion with tliat you* I could not Imve been watlsIhHl imve been contented, bappy with you dyntly.” The firHt houNe on Summer street. 

_1- huj-baml isyourH and I’aulinc Dc (’as- |,(.f„rf lcavin;{ llu*m lie waid: 

I tro’s son; publish your own villainy (,no ibiiiK I iiave done of ^aid: 

if you desire to do so; I sliall md in- which you will bear tomorrow, that I “Why did yon not tell me of tliis whom you have known lu’re; hut you 
t(‘iTere; hut bear in niiiul tliat Muild diiuk you may not like to hear of; rich uncle lieforc? I thou;;ht we ^re no nephew of mine if you cannot 

mad with you,” he said, “and about ITo be conUaued.! ter were cxHtiiig al that time in the 

ns muel, so will) me, but I satisfied--- <li»lriet described, although to tho 

liim Hint you bad done just right, and XVEVMOOTH east, jiorbnps half way to 1- rent street. 

Hint neither you nor Miml told him HISVBRIOHIf SBCIKIFY. “Ager farm, b name now 

anything but Ibu truth; but Ibeii 1 f* ^ _ almost cxlniet in town, but 

did lint think it necessary to tell him (A pspe prrpatcJ by Ihe R«o.<ling SecreUry day Olio of UO small importaiico. The 

tlie whole (ruth You will not find and read before the Society, at lu meeting April dwelling hiu long since disappeared, 

it very ideusanl ut llrst to meet those 7, mSo.) and the once flue farai is hsit oinld 

* __ > XMtX Ik... SS# iiliil IsrtfHn tlsnf 

I every particle of wrilten evidence in pm \n end it will liarin neillier of shouhl be ulimwt |>oor, and I Hhonld 

rcganl to your conueclion with llial you; 1 couhl not liuve been satisfied Imve been contented, happy witli you dently.” aiie nmt iwu*® */*■ ■»——s t 'rf I i m i i»f*la of the 

murdered girl, of ibe birth of licr jf i inul not dmie it, and fur any Iri- if-wc hud been; hnt instead of that oyou aevd have no feant for me,” on the right, near tlie jioint whore it sp ri am lua c a 
cliild; bear in mind tlont after yon ifinjf annoyance it may cause you I we Imve tliis pretty hoiiKuall furnished replied Fhilip. “1 look all that into u.nvea Front, was tl;at of Mr. Asa j’*|*^** esawomer u am i o 

a good face aud act Iudepeu- 

and the once fine fami ia loat oiuid 
ttie growtli of wooil and brush tiint 
now covers its then fertile acres. 

During the Hucceedlog geucration 
wonderful changes came over tho 

cliild; bear in mind that after you annoyance it may I’ause you I well 

.sluill have exposed yourself, I, wlm make ample umemls,” fori 

liavc kimwn IMiilip almost ever Hinee Xcilher of those to whom he spoke all e 

he wus born, will, lodefeal you, awear much ulunued hy liis words, ami pliil 
that be is not her son, and bear in he had left tlieiii, Isubel asked: me. 

mind, too, that the boy liiinself, ‘‘Wliy lias he been so interested to ** 
would, al my iiiHligulioii, swear that ,j,, all this for uh?” I dV 

we nave »ncMv.,s report* i i ..- leaven rtum, —— • - - . . 

foruM, a seivaiit who relieves me of' uccoimt before 1 i»ropoHed to Inabel Hunt, famUiarly culled “Dr.”; an old ishing to them lun ‘ . 

all cure, and pleiily of money. Ah, lo marry me, aud I should not deserve fiudfioned one story liouse, theuprol»- cn p ace m ' “ 

io>;k.. I ..II. ..riiiiil vdii liiive diTfived is, i.nv» uhdIi u wife If 1 were afndd uUm fj.rie nr llfiv cfiini old. after- beeutuus. Larly 11 le p c 

mind, too, that the boy himself, 
would, al my insligutioii, swear that 
he distinctly reincinlu-ra both of liis 
parenl.s. I’rocluim him your son if 
you cliooHc; it will, posaihly, Kaveim* 

Neither of those to whom he spoke all cure, and plenly of inoiiey. Ah, to marry me,aud 1 should notdeserve (lujfioned one story liouso, theuproli- 

was much alarmed hy Ills words, ami IMiilip, 1 am ufinid you have deceived lo have such a wife if I were afndd ^bly forty or fifty years old, after- 

after ho had left them, Isabel asked: me.” or aHhuined to do anything honest to wards owned and occupied by his son 

“Why has he been BO interested to “No, I liavc not deceived yon, for supi>ort her” Ana, Jr., and Is now the roHuJeuco of 

lb) all this for UH?” 1 dUl expect we should have to live ou Barry Lewis, who heard the con- hm widow. IMie next, u few nals to 

tury, the turnpike, ”<^ueen Anne’s,” 

do all this for UH?” I did expect we shouhl Iiave to live ou Barry Lewis, who heard the con- hm widow. The next, a few hkIs to lu f.w vearN later the 

“ilccauHC,” replied IMiilip, “I Imve wbat I could earn. I don’t know versalion, knowing what ho did of ihc South, alw) on the right, and a , * ..ffordiiiL'* hHU 

always bitcn rather a pet of his, and why I never spoke to you about uncle ji>!iepli Arnold’s wealth, could not fittle buck from the street, wus the * *'' ^ 1 i i 5n,.L ..r 

■ * hk'athal he was ,mnprehe«d his desire to have Philip old red dwelling, two slorieH in front 

oine things in re- resume his ponitioii of hostler aud and one on the rear, well known to ^”^y *^** '!*r*'** , , ii 

,ml that you are yet coimhmuu. But Harry Lewis did uol iB| except t/ir cABdrcit of the present i; .,i„ 

ru.-*l me and have know, cither, why IMulp’s uncle hml tfeiieralhm, then the residence of Mr. ** IJ, ’ r .n 

nil 1 am at liberty i,een so mixiouH that he should marry Zaehariah Hunt, brother of I>ea. Lb- I iroug 1 1 1 s m nj,t? inos t ^ i 

MOit myself?” Autboiiy Davenport's daughter. enexer. It afterwards passed into tho miwle it a slopping piue. lutess i- 

I should he per- As Joseph Arnold had said. Mr. hands of Mr. Alexander Nash, and hotel accommot utions , 

if I <11(1 not trust Kolsom was pretty mad when he saw wuh hUII owned by his widow when it and as is usiuUly the cose, le man 

him first after reading the news of was demoUshed a few years since. f”-* the tKcasion apja^tred in the per- 

.H scliool-girU say, fim elopement. Further to the South and ou the son o ( apt. Samuel Arnold, and the 

ng lo know what “You may Uke your carriage and i*.ft hand side of the street, was the "brick tavern soon sprung uot • 

;d her in regard lo h„i>eK awav from here assmui aspos- dwelling of Mr. Kbenexer Kingman, islance. ,i , . i. 

she had murriid, i.ible, the smiiier tlie better I ahull Hinee taken down and the piesent ^enempoye< n >u *'**« '* 

It ibeii. UH mIio Iiml like it,” he said. “I thought you huilding (which has been raised from found wives n re am iiuu i ns \cre 

that lie was right- vvere up tosoine deviltry, and you lied one story to two) erected. It U now home. Niw 'U ^ 

much higher posi- (t> me as that seapegruce relative of the resideiiee of a daughter of Ins. magic, win e t u ai ivt la* er 

beshies for some reason wliich 1 do joe. and 1 bad no idea tliat he was 

the Irouhleof Hinloing, iiml will imike know, he was very mueh gruti* rich. There are M»me things in re- 

my vengeance ihcinorc eomplele.” fietl hv our inarriuge.’’ gard loyoui bu'^lmiid that y<m areyet 

Anthony Uaveiiport vv:ih too much Isabel Uriked no more (luestioiiri to hear; cun you me and have 

C l.orilKH AND MAUKKt 

*aU- fill <tl< A( ilri' H Mot 

Good News Range, )oii buy HD) otl*' I. AI»g. till- 


Htl It dll lilt ituiG.ottu. Ii'kU |md fi lUiitO- 

my vengeance ilu inorc complete.” lied by our inarriuge.’’ 

Anthony Uaveiiport vva** tot) much isuln l anked no more tpieHtitmt 
hliakeii ill ImhIv ami in mind lo have „|,y began faintly lt» realize 

much control of eitlier: aud before in niarrving her fatlu*r’s ctareli- 

he ctmbl •■'peak or even move he was she had not eondeiniietl lierM-lf 

left alone, lie fell into rather than lift-of comparative poverty uml | b ctly inisemblo 

sealed liiiiiM lf in a chair, ami tln rc piiUip fmiml liiiii'^elf think- 

ur iXBIIUliltoU VBW --- — nUlUB Uf* »»»•»• w. « ***..v*» .. i * , tl A 

«ui.i«.rt her.” A«., Jr., and i« now the reridenua of w«. “‘''-''.‘“'I-« ‘'.T' 

Harry I.cwU, who heard the ion- |,i, wi.luw. The next, u few rod* to immiuatioii hutwein U alon a 11>. 

viimalion, knowing what ho did of south, alwi on the riRlit, and a .,in 

JoHoph Arnold’^ weallh, could not |i[,iu from the .treot, win. Ihu 

.uaipruheiiil hin diMlro to huvu Philip „[,( „,[ ilwullini;, two rtorii-K in front i-'i'calcr fai'i tiuH or yi . , ^ 

reHume his poHition of hostler aud and one on the rear, well known to u/*i*^*'. i h ' i it Itnn 

uMiehiimn. But Harry Lewis did uot except tht eAih/cfi* of the present I Bvdf«*rd, 

It aflerwanlh passed into the 

Htl It dlllbi III* .k IritlG 

i«)i «>itl) 'SJ. 

lllll |.|l .AM- Hllll It* Ulll 

<1* It. Ill lU.lUll*!. •** H.'DIlHH 

,ll .ll wall tt* Ulll. )l»ll CXlH'fl 
d* H.' liltillll'*. « t. I) ItllH'. 

.|i».4.1Mt 1 11 AIK.h 



.1 bI (hi l.ow 


H W-tl.b. I'i Ml. 

Urt.sil mru*t. 


Carpenter and Builder, 


• Minm..; KTiiK.-T. 

n .i.i i: h I ii.ito 1 ■ ' ■ »i“ ' a* hUtl.l- 

luii. I .i,.liel--G''«I ‘ •“* ’ 

ti*. aulH IIHO'WiU IH'i . I'* lie »iU«I.Bi' 

tli.ll ..I |...etiG- I • O.Dil »I*V (bdllX* l•.l 

i.HBt f-iv'if HU.I Btiju'it • •i.di. ul eu...i. edOttu- 

r -I nm. A«b'. Kx-T WfctSHlTH. 




(Iloriit'j iiii(l('nuiist'llorul Law 

urriuii ko uuuKT ot., kuuh it, bostuk. 

Cioiui t dJiJtHorul HlOruUi.u lu Mi> kuwJ 

wi l«K«l boaUwM. 

, ,u XAI.E AT OiS 


i.v I. I. i-nAl 1. 

iii.i.,- ... K">i““t^..h 

01 loi Woklj r.lai. niO<..taa.. 4c. 

la- rcmuiia il unlit . In- 'va^ «rou-. d | p.r Hic lii>t liinu of liia iiin lu .lie 
hy hi. wile, wlio nckud aiixiiiucly: .upli'" .■in um'-laio'c", for hr knew 

■•Wliown. Hint iiinii wlio hn. Inn. ([laithnl liini.c h:iil not ' 
with you .o loll:;? Dili h>‘ know',did fur Ha* rcci* 

hr 11*11 you nii.Mhiii;.'al.oiit l-ala l?" ...[f mal hi. hi'idu w it 

Shi* ruuld uol . 1 *'* Hu* fai l* ot ln*r ,.x|i,.iaiituri* of iiioiii'V. 
lai.l.niid, r otli. r . ir. um.laia'.'. cuvumor Hnv. ninnt 
I .la* wouhl not liiivi* i.*.ouai/.u.l Hu* ^ ,,, 

voi.*.* a. Id., w licii 111* n plii d: iaalt.*r of form oi 

I ** Vu-, .Mnrinii. 1 linvi* licnrd lioiii mi.'^iiiu. to iiinki* ** 

j l-nlo*!, Shi* i. mnrrh-.l lo—to -lo- i.imui l-.du*l, t'Ul »hi 

' l’hili|i Ainoid." wlial la* .iiid lo lo r H 

I ’riiu tinii* Iiiinhl collie when .In* fur,*, nial when .lie .n\ 

wuuld Hie w'liole dreiidfiil Iriilli; and iiii.ernide he np|i 

[ he could uol lull il lo her Hieii. llinl il w ould uot do U 

1 **l*liilip .Vriioldl Dureonelmmiil'' ll"*'”* 

; .la* exelnimed. Hal theeiiniiu.* fruai | While* ihey wereal H 
idretid uiieeiiaimy lo Ha* knowledge | Wnl.iiiulmai entered 1 
Hml lierehihl Inal loeu heard from ; iioune.*.:, and Hiin.tii 
wa» .ueh a leli. f tlial for Ha* iiomieiil ! .diao.t into the face ol 
«la* did not con.ider Hie feiirlul error he .aid; 
l.aliel laid lo . 11 x'lHl.i of, hill addid* ‘ ** 1Hii.-lory true? 

I'liaiik lieavi ii Hint we li..»e licurd ; it'?" 
i from her. Where i» riic'f" Aulhouy Duveupor 

. II. ill Iv clitltleu m a mucii ingiieruM'fi- 

bovenmrDaveiipmt passed a *lecp. ‘ m‘> ‘ » 

. , I . . t • » I r I tiuii than be hud tM’Cunietl hiiicc she 

chH iiij^hl and wml to bis hreakfaM , • i 

, , I II I first met Inin, ^ O' wisely di'l»*rinined , 

;l^ a matter id Lonionly. Bis wile niMimi , 

, . - • to wall until lie hliould tell lier who 

wu'*utixmus to make -lOim* eiMpiirn '' 

ahout l';ihel, i'Ul »liu n*iia aihered 1“'le.dli wiu-. 

whallie .iiidlo lier the eveidii.' la- I'liilip having nolhiie,'to eull him 
fore, ami when . 111 * .aw la.w liaa-riard from ihe liou.u deeided lo |.a.« Hie 
and mi.eralde he ap|a*ared. .In* fell 1 day al loam* with lii. youii*.' wife, a tiih’* 1 wii. i 
lliat il wouid mil do lo i[ue*8tiou Itiia deei.ioii which met la*r lieult) ul*- ju.I rum me 

I [iroval; uud for lioum they amuaed Tliuoiielo 
While* ihey w ereal Hie tulde, Klmer | Hiem-elvu. iii.peeliiix their nuw huuiie a,,pear lo H entered ll.u naa.. uio.ii- ! and il. eoiileiil., like Iwo ehildren ; .iroiiK laimi 
aoune.*.’:, and H.ia.lii.x* a hew.|,aper ' will, a lot of new toy., VVlieii lliev j kee,a*r ; on 
.ilioo.t into Hie* fate of Hu* ;>oveiuor. i weiil into Hie kiteliun they fouiol Hie 
[„. j woman hu.ily »l work and »e*eamir 

**i-. liii.-lory true? Have you .eea j lo f. el a. mueh al hoiiii* a. if .he luu 
,j*j,** i liveti ill Hie lamse for yeara. ,Jo.e|d 

1 Aulhouy Duvtuiiorl aaw the* lille Arnold liad told hor who it wa. tin 

to hear; eim you lru..l lau ami have know*, eitlier, wliy I'liil|i’B unele liuil ,{uiU‘ralion, then tliu re.iduneu of Mr. 
laitjma e lo wail until 1 am at liberty i,een ao unxiouN llail lie Hliould marry Znelinriuh Hunt, hruther of Dea. Kl>- 
lo tell vou mim* about lay.ulf?” Authoiiy Daveii[Mirt'a iiau);!itur. unuxer. It uflerwanl. [iumhuiI into tlio 

--Ofeourai* lean; 1 hlanild lie |a*r- A» Jo.cjdi Arnold liuil Haiil. Mr. |„md» of Mr. AluxBuder Kuali, mid 

And allliouxli. a. Heliool-:>irl. .ay, the elopement, 
.he wa. ju.l dyiii;; to know wluit "You may U 

Hi ilthat lion..* h:..l not l.eeii prepared Ha re iviu. lo lie tol, I her in regard lo hon*.*. away from here u.iiiHin oapo.* 
in'oia. dav foi the reeepliou of Imo the .me h1,.* had marrhd, .jhle. Hie sooner the better 1 .hul 
.elf amt id. I■ridu witlmul a tho..:;', .he H.oUKht ihea. a. .he had like il,” he Huhl. “1 thoUKl.t Voi 

him first after rcuiling the news of was UemofiKhed u few years siin e. 
the elopement. Furtlier to the South and ou the 

“Vou may lake your curriogo uud i^ft baud Hide of lh« street, was the 
horses away from liere assisui uspos- fiwelling of Mr. Kbeiiexer Kingman, 

fiianv tiines before, that lie wus rigbt- 
fullv entitled to a inueli higher posi- 

gic, wliile tlu‘ active leader tn all 

litni than be hud m eupied Hinee she yemrs bad lied lo me befors. One of Miss Ruth Kingmaii. The old barn the eulerpris iig i j ^ 

liiHi nu t liiin, slic wisely di l»Tmiucd „iy eusiomerH, Mr. WaUiughuiu. has „|, ii,*. ()p|M)«ile sule of the street is d»y* fimhng time ‘• 
to wail lUilillie .liould tell lier wlio already left me, ami otheiw will follow yet atundiiik-, ulllioukli heariui; Hiu “l'“" ln» hands, e» a 1 1. a 'J 

..O.. 1 . 1 ... a*,,.,.,*,..,.. ..oi.Ho*hlaim*u.H.a ... of oxtremu ace. An yard, and imported hi-workmen from 

to wail lUilillie .hould tell lier wlio already left me, ami otheiw will follow ye( aiundiiik-, ulHioUkli heariui; Hiu “1'“" 

he really W 10 .. him. Kvery onu pul. Hit* hlaim* uia.ii ,*vulual mark, of extreme a«e. An .''‘“'“j 

i'liilip haviiik' nolhiie,'to eull him me for rueommeiaiiiiK tothe Kovurnor ejubth of u mile further on, uml Hie* >''«»• 

him. Kvery onu pulH Hie hlameuiHiii evuleiil mark, of extreme ak’e. An yard, uinl m pollen 
me for rueommendiiij; totia* Koveriior ejuiith of u mile further on, uml Hie* thusliilibuddiiii; tow n. a onu 
afelloworwhomlieallvkaewnolh- re.ldenee of the laU*. Mr. .ioh XohI. hI””--* 1 In. new element «avu lal.l- 

i„... 1 wa. a fmd lo do il, and it will yam.* into view; H.en the dwullinc of !>'■■ 1“ ll.u already ll.rivms vil* 

jud mil. mu.” hi. widow Ahitfall and her *«.... Kli- laK^' i «*“1 

Thu onelo w hom he KiMiko did uol .huaiid Job. Il .till remain., Imt- J*! 

appear lo take any o.feaeu at the tered and weather .tiilned, yet li-h .a- ZL ll-rvw 

.troll,; iHimua,;.; u.eii by llie .Lahlu hie, Imvin,; lw*eii, until very rtieiilly, .. 

.hore. Tin. new element xnvu lulili- 
lioiial life lo the already lliriviiik' vil¬ 
lage ; and tin* young men, in.lead of 
going lo .eu a. formerly, reliiuiiied 
more ut home, und hetliouglit lla iii- 
M.*lve. of liome iutere.l. ; and muuu- 

keeiier ; on Hie contrary there wa. an iKouided by Naney, llie duugliler of fmlnrie. grv w aiuiii. 

Hu* cove, nor I went into Hie kitei.en they found Hie u.m.i d .mile lurking around Hie eor- Job, the eliild of In. old age, .he be- .«..e«. o. uo ..u.e, .... . 
H“**''"'.‘o‘^'l;;;,;;,l;‘[,u,i,yat work a...! .eemin« , ,a.r. of hi. mouth a. Mr. Fol«,m ing .bout .Uly-four yean, younger opened one u,a,n Hu*eo ner nowo nmehalbo.ii'e a. if .he 1.14.1 i,poke of tValKingham, uml he replied than her father, nod probaldy Hu* pled by I be 1 uft. buildiiig. h 

• I iv *d 1. Hie boa.e for year.. ,)«.e,d. ^-ry coolly, a, he drew a pa,wr from youage.t ebild of tbe.ixH. geaeratmi. Vebb A Hunt'. -a. ■.■*>.*“ in 

.14W the title -Irnuld bad told her ibo it wa. .he hi.Vocket; Irom the origiirol .elU.r, now building now kuow.i a. Mr. Job, 

Job, tlio ehild of Ida old age, .ho be- in.lead of uo atore. Dr. Tufla 
ing about .Uly-four year* younger opened one uja>u the corner now oceu- 
Hiau her fallier, and probaldy Hu* pled by llie Tuft, building. Soon 
youage.l etiild of tbo .ixth generation Webl. A Hunt', .igu wa. .ecu lu the 
from the original telller, now living building now known a. Mr. Joliu G. 

Woltler’t ProtIMon Sinre, only ni»n 
IhaonpmURcldcotthe w»y where Ihr 
henli now MnnHe. whcni c It re- 
weTiflniin efter, while lu«t ;>«r |h.' 
lino the little wmxicn iMilhllne 

Town and Vicinity. 


The proiremme of Mi*. N'ait* Wliec- 

I ▼inat* Onpeterr. 

The aiiniifti meetInR of *1*'*, ,^U**** *","” 1 "'*. Ati^Vhe MedhPl 

fVmeiery Atitoclolloii w»i heW Apr I t’o., In ll* 2IHli eiiiinel *Ul»*menl, Wetnnmlh (lep»t,lii lo Uhe the Ahtmt tlir HUli of March, l>r. Wm. A. 

pth. ftefnnel f'urllt wm choMti »/»••«• {u proeent caah fund l» Iyt ♦;W*i.2iW.w>. mu! teleuraph oflict* at South Wey* Drake, with his wife, vlslteil this ulare, 
Rlushita llli:ftey, Vice IrealueUi; j,„( ,|ep,ttlt notes ih«hI»'K •» mouth. May lit. Mr. Bates Isa Hrsi entire strangers tw» niir people. Adris- 

W. r. Sanborn,Secretary ami rreMUwr; totsi of $7.V>.7!<». 17. Taklna the appro- ,,p<rnior, ami l•elng ronrteous an*! ing with several leading reshlenia, he 

Ihirlui Smith, Charles W. Smith, Djh>. c|gt|on In market value ul the Invest- »ni nr* dmihi IwafavorHe with was informed that our former skillful 

The (Quincy Mutual Fire Insurance 


air. Herbert P. Bate# of JTorih Scitii- 


Ah«mt the Hull of March, Dr. Wm. A. 


.^■^■ftcriwa nrworvRtore hy me preiremniRu. «r . . .... Ih,rlu» «iiillh, vnwl*; W.SOIIUI, clellon In ni.rkH value of me invrii- ,i|| „„ ,|„,il,i IwafavorHe with 

reftwAmna Sletaon Many of Ihe lai’a (trend concert, which wai aivcii In ^ Ciiahing and f . A. (hcMinan. Dl- „f , 1 ,^ i,« uucr wniil.l pMrnn. of itie t>M folony 

?KtejlM^™monVlonc.irreX«alyln Idncoln Hall laal Monday evening, well reclort. k„™ iv. -land at »:tlrt,<n7..V». ThI.l. aflnc.t.ow- Mr. Hate. wa. ag.nnl friend toil.e 

Jwa akliurweretrn .iLn to g^lve K'^lct Ing for Ihl. f.vnrl.e ( oinpany. .. o, .he pre... an** >1“ 

way for more nuKlera n^ SltlSJlc alS elegant characler, and the SmUh were chn.en a, , 

class operator, and iwlng foiirteoiis ann mg wiin several leaning resnienia. iie 
oblliriiiB. all! no dnuhl IwafavorHe with was informed that our former skillful 
'e .n* . . _ _ a .a.. JkI.a ....1-- l.a.1 MtMa.VaMi faa 

Jo#hua Blnney. W. P. Sanborn. Il^»* 
Ilf Smith, ne<». A.'CiiildTig and C. W. 
mllh were chuien as a committee to 

out atrjirtnreft, while iitimheni of new oj talent which appeared to take Into or.iifWeratjon the matter of re- .Sprague Iniemis giving » con- 

hotwesdf vastly iimrc nreten^ wo^ *lvr effect lo the numbers tff the pro. vising or amending cert at SYiuth Weymouth ah»iiit the inhl- 

erected ; fomo of which, even now. gramme. The customary crow»l armind Voted, that the ^harg t ^ ^, 1 , ^ .4„j,md by 

kgivo evidence of no mean skill nnd entrance liefore the diH»r# were mresl on all lota Md hw^cerortn, aiu r ^^om Ihisl.ui ami also 

_ig i„,w some of our iNcst tt»»n artists. Miss 
be noli- l^prague Ims always l>e*»ii r«*ady to l»*ml 

the rallroail patrons of the Did folony ptiyslclan and surgeon had removr^ to Mr. Batea was agomi friend lolhe another village, ami that we were ready 
g tor iniB lavoriie N.«ini|miij. niottihers of the press, arid liM won f<»r to encntirage the lettlement of a gcMMi 

himself a boat of friends. Wecongratn- phyiieiaii here. Dr. Drake at oner 
We are happy to annonnee that Miss uteoiir friemi iiim.ii his ge«M| fortune. |«.|ise.| the residence of the late .lames 
mule W. .Sprague Intends giving a con- and heartily wish liim success In his new Tlmmaa and has met wltli iiiiexjwctet 

rt at Mfiuth Weymouth ahfiiit the inhl- flg.|,| „f UIhu. Ih J- M. siieress, Ids practice Increasing dally and 

a- proving the need of a doctor here. All 

who have emph*yeil him recommend him 
SOUTH WEYMOUTH- in the highest tenn# as a skillful physl- 

ci.vit, In whom all ran have irnpllcii con- 
TMtipevaisre intereM. fidence. Dr. Drake tiring# romplinien- 

The Cheapest 

t^lvo evidence of no mean swin nmi n,* entrance liefore the «iH»r# wen- leresi on an .. .... . from Ikisloii ami also oATTfPO wrvuftnTH wm» nave ernpM.yrfi nim ri-comniriiu mm u 

bale In arcliitcctnrc. oneneil Indicated that the attendance sLsly days from iBne of ial«. nrtlsts. Miss SOUTH WETMOUIB In the highest tenn# as a skillful physl- 

”xor were the S contcnl with wm to Iw no less graUfylng to the p«pu- Sprague has always l«-ei, r.*ady to 1. .,.; cUin, In whom all ran have IrnpIW^ 

*Kre Ttn^ P»H.lioiia nrivilegca. and lar manager and hli many friends than |n the hands of llin rreasiirer. be noil . ^ 1,1 ,/nvery enYis«*. and we Ti-mperaare iniereM. fidence. Dr.Drakelirlngaromplimen- 

!il ?S.!{i"nf rtlu feplinir wm the cs- at prevl^a eiiterUliimenta. and they flrti that Interest will triisl she will In* greeted^ by an nndleiice A renewetl Interest in the subject of j^^y letters from high fifflcluli to him 

tbft Ucliffioiis WPn».nol disappointed In this respect, us .Inly Isl, IHfiO. If not psld liefore that „„jy i,y ,|,b sire.,} Music Hall, temperance was awakened by the s.-ul while practicing In ihe IJ. ». hospitals 

tabllahmcnl of the Union l«pH^ sitting ami slamllng room was fully »*c- lUno. ... . We shall he able to give full particulars event which Iim been chronicled In your «i Portland and St. I/mls, and he was 

Society of Wejiipoulli and l^ilntrn, j,.. embracing a large V*)ted, that the Directors prYicnre a pn|er—the desth ofS..M.>VII- |n an army hospital during the last y^ar 

with A meeting house, imi>ortcd from of onr l>est residents. pUn Y)f the femelery, with the naiues of Hs—and a m.ass meeting was hf?ld at the of Ihe late war, l>ehig promoted three 

SOUTH WEYMOUTH- in the highest tennt as a skillful physl- 

cbaii, In whom all ran have irnpllcii con- 
Temperawre intereM. fidence. Dr. Drake bring# romplinien- 

A reii**w**«l Interest in tbe subject »»f h-tters from higlt offirluli to lilm 

temperance was awakcncil by the s.-td while practicing In Ine U. S. hospitals 


KKKI»S TirE T 1 O 



QvMtIity Superior I 


Hollis Sirect, lliwlon, in lli' ir 
midst, where they could go tomeftinji. 

The eoiii-erl ceininenceil wllti s pisiio tlin nwiiers Iherenn, to lie kept wllli the , 

itiiell, "rolks <le Cniieert,” which wa» TrcMtircr. 

instend of the onc,t«(oniid thtcciiiilis performed hy Mr. sml Mri. .1. ''■•'''hre- 
of Irevol of llio previous years. ler In hrlllfanl and tasty style. Miss 

Voted, to adjourn the meeting t«» Iw*) li, itilio. 

• . «_ ... -..-..I..... ..S ei I 

ItTnuinin^ In thr WeyntMith 

Instead of the two score of honic- 
stOAds, these hml grt>wii to about doti- 
ddo that number, with the proiiiij«e of 
a still Inrger ratio of incrciisc for the 
future, wliieh promise 1ms hceii more 
than fulfilled, as the nresciil gciieni- 
tion can cheerfully acKiiowlfeilgc. 

Thus briclly, ami hastily, the endea- 

nerformed ny Mr, ami Mrs. v> . w mi -oj-mu u ..... . - . • 

ler In hrilllanl and tasty style. Miss weeks from that evening, at •> cbick. 
Nellie Nolan iie*t appeared, and gave in Lincoln Hal . 

ii.« ..iim.^Sweet Sidrli. hear tny prayer, W. I. ».VNBoiia_, Jk'crelary. 

5Hr. I'hilip .\twoo<I, I. Conwar. Mn. Kllen 
liter, .Mr*. Henry IDnnintan, .Mr*. I'*^j'** 

11- the jMmg,“»weet Spirit, hcartny prayer, W. I. S.VNBoim, -'jcciri 

„f with Ihn niii.lcsl Hdelily Slid |!r». c that OwliiR to I.hicoIn Hall la-liidcii 
l„. ever marks lii'r lairfiirniaiici*. Mrs. Etn- on that evsniriK. the plaeo 'd m 
Ilia F. linrrcll, nf Quincy, was ihc rcail- has liccii rhsn«iMl tn Aniasnii Hall 
'*"* or of Ihl! evening, amt gave "Kit t'ar- 

"■ soiriKhle-’ pleaaiiigly an.l i Heellveb: ■'fi.'! I'J;,„„re l,elntig 
but nianifeatallniis of applause were iinl 1 »I 
•»- .oeinhuslasllea. I. g?...-rel'y„’ ,^ 1 ^;-.i.h. ilTe 1 ,^ rti^ 

p;aster, .Mr*. Henry IDni 
folin Mft arly. Mia, 

lin—Atid a in.TSS meeting was held at the of Hie late war, l>ehig promoted three 
Ciiton church vestry nearly a month ago times, the lasr time as Siirgeon In charge 
pout fdTice April n,„i h eomniitlee cii«)sen to tievise plans hAYSplUsl at Kllsworlh, Me. 

fur more vlgYirotis actbin. This c»»n>iiili- coolnea*. 

Ywar. MrA. Kllen |,avliig fully ninsldereil the matter, Mr. SobmuYn Lt.vell Intends that his 

Annie McPt.naM, 

Owing til I.lnco'ln Hall i»-lngengnged M.rharl Nash. Willie |■llpI.ll, Mi.. A 1. .-'milli. 
1 that evsnlng, the place of ineeiing Miv J.m« I. .Madr, J.orid. WmgM.I, K- >• 

I'lrst i;nlvrr»all«t f*ari«h. 

Idli'jplrltcil black mare l.el.,nging Ui “."""’'i' V'i"'i"i ''’‘tI I r.'.' 

r. F. (». Nssh mi-t with a aerere Injury "'“'L’lif-' r™™!'.??... .i'.. Ill' .111 M 1 .111 

Thus briclly, niicl hastily,the cmlca- ,.|itliusla#llc as Is generally the case Mr. r- ' ■ port of the Treasurer shows all the ex- 

vor has been to sketch the old lima «i ii,^« conrerU until Miss Fannie pens,-* of .be pas. year to have l^-en 

WoymoilUi liUndlUKof twniind lline Spiagiic had retideretl Ihe «'"«•» •> . .g „'|„i,.r »t the farm i.n l>ri>mptly im l. The raniasMiig < inn. 

...t_......I t>M T>,.ll/ia o »ja.,,|, re|t|i SliClt Ull Iere«i oIIi Mi|i sI ..... . til 11fiss -> ao riiiMirt K t>ett•• r raiiviLSt and 

The <'aii\us>ing 

ieuiratii,ns1!^'tv:r;!‘.h^ while..amnngin ..le zr 

f fcnerallons a>fo ; uiKis impcitv-wny 
t has been done, it is Ih^am! llml the 
endeavor may not be* altogether fmit- 

. I.wi. A .;# .. -i.Mltf .a tn nvoke tlic Kssex Street, aiHl While SYamiiiig in me 

rirhearfyapplati.e%nd.hewa.eal,.M '-'rri' 

less, but lliat n view, soniotvlmt true ..MlI5r*sS.-cre^l’’ * l"''' tlie 

to the facta, bn.s liccn t{i\V«; and iilsii, ^ Falrhaiiks‘pi'*aa»«-« » fl'"- rta'l. wl‘"'| tlie msre aiiempti il in 

tliat tills effort may awakdiillicdeaire baritone v.ilco, sud his iireseiiUtloii nf ''V"" V''' u't'w.i'.Vuial'inhov V 
in the niimls of olliera in various (larls ..-ri,, ij,,y |, Uone,” waa a plea.- her Jj'’** 

of the town, to do for their seflUoiis. |,.g„„mlier of the programme. Signor 7; 

only more arorthily, what baa been 111- Kainetll, who baa for many veare lieeii « in.|,ihllnL' in every niiih. ami tin- 
tcmpteil by tlie writer of this, for his „f ibi Injury lieing illscnvered. a 

ritl, «^'o^V«=of^7l..^l«^^ -'re-j;.a,“:::i.. • 

\u p-'noll”rpe‘ra^^^^ "'CTIroekfon .... 

'■ ... .. . Ing all that llio manager was alKiiit right „||,„t!iddimllh Tliik- 

had got loose, in their wsmleriiigs about 
tin* sUhle kicked a pitchfork intn the 
Btall, and when the mare attempletl to 

Mr. Fred D. Falrlmiiks possesses a fine sisn. aim wm i oiy. mrt. t ■ « While, W. K. Baker, (loo. !i. Baker, vV comiiiillce of 12 are H» visit those 

baritone Video, Slid his preseiiUtloii of m^w-l. h.fliinli I A Alexander Slierniaii, (ieo. K. fi.rler, ilealliig In liiloxlealliig lli|Uora. Acinn- 

Ualfc’s "The IJay la done,” waa a plea.- her JaiweIs, ii Ihu^^ dosepli \V. Arinliigion, ( has. f. iliiiil, mittee i.f similar iinmher are to vi..ii 

Ing iiiimlier of the programme. Signor 7 hrsn mal » II. Austin I’elersoii, I’eler I.aiie. th.ise win. use llqiinr as a liPvenige, K. 

Kainetll, who haa for many veare lieen g 7'.,',i, 7^ in cLrv m ainl ll.e •'lerk. Kl.iani.r F. Il.ilines. |n.rsnu.l.i Iheni t.. refrain fr.i.n Us ns.-. 

eonneetMl with the Uostiin M aseiiin Or- log, tn iiihllnt. In . very iiinii. an i .Treasurer ami I'iilleelor, Marlin K. A Ciimimttee nf |g are i.. cans.- a s)sle- 

malic distribution 4 |l lcin|«'rance llbTa- 

fur more vlgfirotis ftctbin. This c»»tuiiili- coolnea*. 

* tee having fully CYinsldereil the matter, Mr. Sobmion Lovell intends that his 
calleil a nu'eiltig Yif the cltlz«*ns'I’lieSflay onstoniers shall not c<»iiie slM»rl of Ice 

[ evening, tin* iflUli, .%t flnY vestry of ih*? {|||^ season, liavlng tilled his Ice houses 
! 2 d (.’oiig*! chnrcii. Tills meeting was uitli three hiindred ami s«*veiily-llvntons 
fully atiemlefl ami was fiiille eiithnslas- |)„, pupijii eastern ice. I.llly Lak«*, 
tic. Ibfv. Oeo. F. .St.'inton calle«l to <»r- .jj Huekpor., Me., was tin* source t»f iIm* 
tier, ami after .he singing «if » temper- ^npnly, which was freighted fnnn tlien’ 
- aiice antin‘tii hy the uiiit»*tl <*lioirs, piayer n, Weyinoiith in a schooner, the carting 

• was offered liy .Mr. .ftdiii .S. Fogg. from the wharf being done by men ami 

Mr. StanlfMi then pn*sente«| the object 
I of Hie tiieeling ami c.alled npiii Kev. (L T<mn Pitthcr«. 

. N. Marden 1.. pr.-seni tin- rep..rt .d ll.e |,| 

I e.....n|lM.m on a plan -f ; «',! |„i T.iesilay Rflern....n. Their .il.jeel 

r.-,».rl was »<'cepl.Ml “ H; ^ • ., ' 1 ., ln,|„.ei the pri,|K..e.l 

f plan recomiiicmis an organi/Jillon simple » ami itralirhlen- 

s. o iiHdemllH. but wo bone far reacliliig ’* 

lliMt i-iin be ff>uiMl tbl* 

— —— tomatoes, 




<-OD,llitnnO«'K. Ar.. 

amt HI. -i.Ie nf • • __ . .. 

3 lb. cans. 
3 " 

12 cts. can. 
18 " 

an exei-llenl feeling Ihriillglmnl the par rt-|Mirl wax aecepleil and ailii|iteil. 1 he 
Ixh. The fiilliiwlng are the iifneerx .d plan reeiiinmemlx an nrganirailinii xiniple 
the parl.hI’arlxh Coininlllee. Eliax In llx detiiilx. hut wo hope far reaching 

sxi .s. * X. t sd._II_ t%* ix. .-..•■■Ita 

I’leii**- brliiv oYit ynyrdflif* 
.\h.| tmj tlx ••• llr’ilf* 

Hiclmnls. David L. 

Sterling, Deo. W. in its results. 

r. f/co. xS. Baker, \ coiiiiiiillee of 12 are to visit those 

Ing this thoroiighf.ue. The inti*nth‘ii 
working of the new street in front of the 
t’atiiolie church was also conslderetl, and 

Ti-sm« <lriv«n (Infitich 

rillfiife n viiiil Wr.iaoiTH I.ANnisu. *'“• 

'I .w I S Tii. Thur-d^j- »nd 

Iheir .il.jeel 

il liiipr«iveineiit ItAir Wr.TYii'iCTn.Tiir««li*v*. Kri'l»yi<.Siiiunl»r". 
iml ftraigliteii- Vorth WrT»tfHTH. Tliuf-Uy \n»*nii>itii-. 

The inti*nth‘ii Bnsi*«TKHS. TtuffUr* and SMuntur*. 

ill rpfiiit /,f (Iks I Iio«p wli«y drt«lrr till* full will 

, i firiiil p(ist.(l to Wi-viiMiUth. or call at ri'«idiliff« 

STRING do., 2 

COOKED WHEAT, 2;eaung.,|u,,r. .. «e expect x.»iii to have a puMalile road 

mittee of similar number are to visit • • 

those wln» use lltiuor as .a heverug*', t<i * 

*. .X . ' ... ...... Itiillilinv liiinmvixtntiniHx 

g\t Ihn annual meeting of the Sunday I lure. 


Iliilldlng linproTemrnlSx 

The houses hirlonging to Mrs. Cleverly 
are all to b<! fitted t«» xt new suit of 
blinds. Other alterations will Also Iw 

orders may be left at the Oro- Horse Radish, 
eery Store of P. M. DROWN, pepper SaUCO, 
Weymouth LandirtB- ^^Kpper Ite 

epper Relish, 



Mixed Pickles, 

fb ftpilk ^atti. 


FRIDAY. APRIL 23.1880. 

Ma. II. Batm. AdvfrHdng 

.\tfinf. 41 Park Iber, llnlliling.) >i*w 

York. U »iilhori«f*«l n» for mlTrrtnf- 

when he announced the concert ‘•uiiap- 

iwx/xx, prnachable,” at leaxt xo fxr ax SIgmir K. . „f ,i,i, vicinity, 

—- - ~ WM conwrnca. I we therefore copy the artU'le entire. 

sare .««« The Character 5<»ng aniumneed for " ..u„t, ^ n 

! Mr. Wheeler’s first niiinher, “I hale Fit* 
Twenty IsAps,” was effectively height- | 
ened hy the nilrth-provoking iniiutitm | 
of p«»dc8trian attire in which In* walked 
out uiMUi the platform, and gave f»m* of 

notice of the late OllverfhddimllhTinlc- Treasurer. w , v%i iT 

liititi tif that nlace who well kiman Tlie report of the 1 reasiiier slmws all Itcv. t». N, Manlen. Itev. f». r. htanloii, 
to many residenlt of this vicinity, and hills paid and money in the Treasury. Itcv. KInier llcwill, William Dyer, Mrs. 

Rtbi Ijbofttisenunts. 



Matclen. llev. (i. F. Stantiiii, xtreel ix rec-lving the ntiriilioii of the 

lli.-aill. ',71111x111 Dyer, Mm. e.irimntem, new dimii Iwing put in, Ihe qNE LARGE HOUSE, 
naif xhlligled, Ac., tthlle the harn ix he- -riiai.i^ cunri 

"Tlic annotiRcciiicRt f»f the death of O. (i. I The last rehearsal lids season of the 

Tinkh.nii which ti«k nlace on Montby evening. S|„gl„g Soch ly was given last Sunday C. Torrev. .lohn S. Fogg. ’l 

came with AUtthng visldemteAs to the omnut- ,,veiHu|f with the largest amlieiice in at- v Mjuden Bev Ch-o F .Manluii, 

Itemarks were made hy the chairman, itJg made fiver in such a manner as to 
also hy L’. \V. Fearing, Oeo. W. Bales, render it aliiUYSl as g<KMl ns new. It is 


a» tiill of life 4nd 4p)urcntly as full of phyMic.U 
vigor a> UMtal, rxchanging jokes cr wottU of 

the WaraocTii ttA*#TT£. »t our In-«i I Ids original comiMYSltlons w lilch an* st- L^yi^jr inuxirt with «rveral at Ihe «lep»t 

ktes. ways sure to bring down Hky house. In 

This pAreRtnny Im* found OH flir ftt tivo. I. ►...Twnise to encores lie gave **St. l‘al- 

W intHle for it In Nsw York 

*,( Hall. Ii<Mig iH'fore the eoiiiineiicement, 
the standing room only u:ts announced and 
ith- many were iiiiahle to gain admission. 

Tilt- llfoiaf isilivifli-d into 7 C(.km 1 
^T* in SjK (I'lieti* lA*.-ini it< d Ml iir ItnIrtHiidi 
• Hi-i->i(it)ir« . 'I lie l)'iii-<- litiuirt ,111 
th'* itiiMii •triFt. :»Hf5 Ihi- -hiii oii 
I'xiut tin- lot lOiiiliiiB liii'Miii'h III bolJi 

iK'nr «!• iiiiC. ehtirrh'--. o'liool Imoi*'• und 

arrival oi the afternoon trains, and meeting oth- many were iniabli? to gain a»limsston. ^ud Noah Vinlug was chosen to preside Tuesday afternoon, to call at his resl- 
rrv with a m^l of friendly rccffgnition on hi» way At 7* tr’clock the orchestra coiiiineiiccd m i|,ai mcctilfg. B. dciico and Interview a ripe pineapple 

hm^^anvUiii^'else”^^^ neV**to* Hie '‘“**^* K«nd<hild of whom he was «P«ially pjaiKi, following willi the ClHirus "Ami 

William II. Whiililoii, tlie iiiileil vli llnixl, j„,l i,^, rnx ami 

home. During the evening he stayed within with the overture from the Messiah, with I 
doors, spending much uf the time in amusing Mrs. C. ft. Thompson presiding at the 

ODB wncroN ami. 


William II. VVinui oii.uieiliiieiivii iinix., („ |,i, calM for liclp from hi. wile 

inzile Ilia liinv In tlie aaxenilily, anil cave ,,||| „p vnable to obtain relief he 

1 - 11 . C. Tirrrey, .Inliii .S. Fuki;, Kev. rniimreii llial the place has la'cii lenxeil i.-nei.' ix-. o. ..r l,|Hiid. 

. Maiilen, llev. i;.in. F..'?laiituii, Josiali for a term of yeara. kjjggi . a, I i.i-b .ii... i„.m. on 

Iieil; tlie exeriixi-.x laillg varieil Willi |■lne«p,,|,.. V,mo,I, 

singing hy the congn*gatioii. Vmir corrt'spomlpiit n’celvod a very »tri'« i-: «u'f«r d* put, clmrrhi-. o iioo! imoix** und 

It wax Viitcil tiiailjonni In May li.'itli, ,.uri||ai Invliatlnn frniii K. .S. Heals,Esn., •i'o.-. -.i'l |.r..|,.riv ilH ib.. 
nlXoah VinlnKwaschuxentn preslile Tiiex.Iay aflerii.mii, to call at his veil- I.’,?':,!; I ..r wether 

that mcctiirg. B. ilcncn and Interview a Hpe pineapple l.i ill's s. I'mou stnet. 

that had been grown in his sitting room. 

remiuiiia. Five years ago, K. Trait, a inembtjr I’f MOIIIsl-a MOKMK. Anctlowoer. 

As the readers of your paper have re- Beals’family, fi»r an experiment cut - 

lived with it a copy of Hie premium off the top of a pine apple and planted li ii^ 4 I 4 

1 |_ 

HUNT & GO.. 

Front St., Weymouth Landing. 

ptiilii ufrir* I'll iiiiif' of 

jia i.i firs s. iiATi>. t'l 


As the readers of your paper have re- 
ctdvi'il with it a copy of Hie premium 

.^OKMK, AnctloMoer. 

them a fine specimen of his skill in ma¬ 
nipulating Hie "sounding strings.” Mr. 
Whiddon alwaysgives saltsfncHonwhen- 

got up and lurtialiy drritted, and then being par¬ 
tially overcome hy a coughing fit sat down lean¬ 
ing his liead in his wife’s hand, where he inime- 

rns and was given aiHinnusnalexn^^^ nUwi of the .Vgricullmal Society for p in a box of rich earth, placing il in a 
lelice. Oftliesrrliilxtx, .Mrx. I lixhiiiR tle- l.WMi, if is to la; htilieil tliat all will liirw wi,„|„„. wliere it had tile iMiaelil nf Hie 
xervex lire iii-rsl priiiiiiiieiil her |zy ilieir plans with refcreiiee tn the lui- ,„.,,r|y .,|| ,|„y_ Tlie house beiiii; 

voice wax ieomiiixly ill p.Tf.-eterm.liiiui,. „„ai ..xel. clliii! slid, varieties j lemperii- 

\|pa .1 W. Hart rittil Mr« W oFrt- ..t ... i.. ... x..«L-.i .. .■..■Ipsa I.I.. ^ \ f 

aiLili KSTATE 


Mrs. .1, W. Hart and Mrs. xicnide ^Vors- vegetables as m.Ny make a desirable 

of applause, as usual. 

CoBcrwM sUll puraainB a policy of maw- Fairbanks gave ibe "Yeoman’s 

of thoWof^alor Conveoiloo U looked encored gave a pleasing ballad. Sliss 
at tn >Vaiihl»*lon. Nolan sang Scliubert’s "S\anderer with 

ever he spiwars, and received a full meed I diately expired. The cause of hiv death was I ter sang as iisiia) with much ability. L^jiAortmeiit and add to the beauty of the 

If* 1’ll. w o taOii. .s.ipn »».i lix.hof chatACter in liiiv community. 'Ihc nature of hi- 
Wedding bong. Ktl'H lH.Mnrwvh.,,1 brought him into a wide acquaint 

AVaVsiiiNGTOaV, April 10, ’M). 

of amdause as iisuai. redemaof the lungx. Miss Annie Dean sang the cav.itin.i 

Mr^ Fiiriianks gave the "Yeoman’s Mr. Tinkliam had for years been a marked “Light and life ticjicled languish” in a 
Weddhc' SoJ.g,” with spirit, ainl being character in mis community. Ihc nature of hi- ,,i,.;i8liig manner. Hie solo "Be pro- 

piea,i.,i ha,iad... 

Nolan sang hclmbert B"Wan.aert*r with Kn^Und. and all who knew ^ i" “ »v- aip r * • 

n fervor and biilllancy wlilcli gained h»r himorue wouM know him thereafter for hu Hi splt.iidnr bright, b> Mr. f t., 

her the appnrval of all lYrescnl. and in a Uutf and hearty way* and hi» pi«itive and ring- Ihoiiipsoii, 1 In* Solo irolii tin* »> ai- 
recall gave one of the f.inioiis Knglish ing Aticevh. Neither convitlcrationx of |»olicy or purgis Night given l»y Mr..!, r. I tirter 

lure Was maintained. No fruit had ever 
set on the stock until liie first of Llai 

Fair, while it a'Id.s to the weight of Bu*ir N«»veinlM'r, wh»*ii one little apple iiecame 
pockets. While Hie .xoeiety has ever liad visible, and fn.m Ibat lime the delU iotis 
great occasion to bt? ihanKfnl for the iruil has couHimed its growth, until II is 
generous cooperation of Hn* iwople, lei fully jiini fragruiit. Mr. 

’'"*■**' TXTH.tx be Sold .»t I'uliiie Aui'tion. mi the pn-iii- vV on Tilt'U.-I Y.\ Y. till'±Mii iii-t.. at 3 

her the appnrval of all ])rescnl. and in a yuff hearty ways and his pieiitive and ring' 
recall gave one of the f.iniolis Knglish ini; siicrvh. Neither cunvjtlcrations of |Milicy oi 

us all coinhiiie as ncvi'r before to make 
liicFairof rtet. 1st and 2<1. Is^^h the 
liest the siociely has ever held. Site. 

uuii (u . I L , i... 5 „Mtriii-iiioT wiHihlm on "Tlie Elevatetl lUllroad, 

Ml»so«iniuulKcntucK},liilii»trii(l,iis excursion lie .Icplcteil in lively 

<* wxxtrez rii-fiiPxittat ... * . .# ... _ 

for (Iraiit, were forcj-iiliccoiicliiaiiiiis. «lille x 

these Slates haviiij; from the heniii- „„Vu^-niiipniil 
iiim; been emhniceil in tlie Uniiit col- p,„xliig train 
timii; iiinl tlie seleeliuii uf four dele- actcrixlic. 11 
(rates lit liirfre from Mimsacliliietts, ami favored ! 
wlio itiipenr to lie for no one in par- witli an ailnii 
tieular, is ■■■iinniciiled niiiiii liere in iiielher, hoy, 
terni.s uiiconiplimenlarv to llie leaden rice, 
of llmt iliiporlaiil re|iuhlicaii Stale. -'I"' ' 

The oilier .lay, n, luriiint; over l ie 
tiftiTcs uf aHcninhuuK cuiilniiiiiig Hie /,, 

circuliiMances ever M-vnied tu >uml in the way was fully appret iated. Jluriiig Hicshoit Is il not with a R«*nsc of reslfuliicss ‘ 

of a frank, outspoken ex|>re->sion of his frrlinq<>, intermission the orcht Sira gave, under that wu cotutnil tlic interests u( schools The Bev. .Mr. Ilibbiit of New Haven, 
e-|K-cially r,n temperance and otlier like su'ijcct- charge of the "doctor” a fiiMi sel«‘Ctioii to the efficient iioard <if coiiitniUcc, after Conn., will occupy tin* pulpit of the 
in which his conviction> were rs|«cuMy v.rnrii:. |,, j)^ fial. The "Inffaiiimatus” was some of the suuiuy seasons of single Cong. Churcli of (J|il .Spain next Sunday. 
Thiree wliti knew him l)esi. however, found un- uiven hfr the chising iiiiiiiber in whlcli superintendence*.’ Have our schoolslosi 'ei, , i» ..i..,, i„- .{,.i 5 , ./ I'l.,i 

drrnrall, 1... br„ 0 |„e r,l.„„r a wa,,,. an, .ym- j, ,|„. audience satixfae- anytliilisj in .llialily l.y ihe clialme? We ! ' •'."ri-; (V I‘ .17.1 

ixaUti^int? hrtjrt. :iiul thr niinilirr i<i lint Il-w hi I . ~ * ^ \ _ ISIS lIletT Willi the I IllVtOs.t ISl 1 illlHll III 

KVemiM'r, when one lillte apple Iiecame o’l brtrk iv .n|.. idHiut l.» m r—of b.lm»*;intf 

• II I# .1 . .1 ' I !■ • Y't III” li> ir« nf l.ovi'll Mati'V. ill I'l :i-'il. h itiir lii'Ki 

Sible. and from that time the delicious ... i,, i.,,.,„ n,,. ^,,. 1 .m i liu,|. 

ml has coiiHniU'd its growth, until it is ti>-- and dvo uuah ... bri V'- -im t. in 

iw fully ript*, rich ami fragruiit. Mr. Wi-viiuHith. Tin-i.niil to h.* rtr«t nii.-nd iu two 
frail liax xlill aiiolher xl„ek (jrowiin;.— I'"',.-'"I "i,ii in .m. I,.i i..r "n'.n;". 

Hie trmi lia.s lM*cn gatliercd, and proves si ihMiNKit .t.\NK l.. NbU'ToN. 
to l>t* as deilcioiiB :is any brought from ^.dr pn-iuvi-. t<i luitlieot wiuthtT fair nr 
the tropics. f""!. t'oii<liiii>nol liayno-iit: to per ci lit. at time 

' of iidf. and ri ni uitit<-r w iiliiii h n day « tlii'ri'iilti r. 

The Bev. .Mr. Ilibbiit Y»f New Haven, win u till*'will t».-eivin ' 

.April I’.Mli. ISvi. 

•JAMK.S IIATKS. fur lut: 

WlilCli excursion iie uepicieu in iiveij .athiiimr heart .lud the mmiber in n..l few in 

xlyle, wliile x.niie uiixeeii |ierforiiier(;ave tory evidence tlial her voice was not eii 

an accompafiliiM*nt of the rattling of the their [*>411111116 h»r rciieaied acts of kindne^'- aiel Hrely cxlianslctf. 

pjissing train wliich was strikingly ebar- help I c lia?* shown in time^ of need. For scvci- A a iiiceling of tin* Singing Society 01 

I,. I I lirely cxiiaiistcd. 

ucterislic. He was "pulled out" again, al years he Iwcn an (tticieiit aicent ot the 
and favored the yoiiiig men in parliiular vreiety whose mt»>ion it ii to defend dumb an- 
witli an adnilral»h* miYtto, "Stiek to voiir imaK from abuu*, .in-l in this w.irk, ba< ofun 

Ixiist Tuesday evening about lifly 
iV a iiicuting of tin* Singing Society on youpgpersonsassenil>lcd atthe resid(*iice 

other, boys,’*—goiMl and scnsilde mi¬ 

Mrs. Burrell then read *‘f)iir Folks — 

in4uife%ted the ten<Icrtu--<i of tiix n.itiire and his 
dc-iire to alleviate siitlering. Ill'- funeral, on 
'I hiUNd.iV. brotiglit together a laii;e mimiior wh<t 

Uicieut 3 [:cnt ot the \Ve,|iu*s>lay uvciilng, held at the office of 

to di.'fend diinib an* t*ix tx* 1 at. %i /. it- § * 1 . 

this wi.rk. hav ofun Klias Bichards Ls.|.. Mr. f. W. 

ofhix n.itnrc and his WHSchosiuia director, and also Mr. K 

mg. Ili<a funeral, on H. riideii was chosen a director ami l.i- 
rr a !ari;e mmdior wh.. Irrarlaii. It was voted to give a eniiipli* 

of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Hunt on Bark 
Avenue, to celebrate tlie Idriliday ot 
Iheir 1*011 Waller. The young man has 

AV Boston Association of I'liiv^rsal- 

ists meet willi flic I'niveisalisl BariHliiii 
* this place on May otli and dlli. Bev. Dr. 
fly A. •!. i’attcrson, Boston, will deliver the 
oeeasioiial sermon on the afternoon of 
tin* first day. In the evening tlu're will 
,,t he a mass nieetiiig at wliicli Bev. Dr. 
lias MiiHT of Boston, wili be one of tin* 

had known him in life an'l de-ired 11 a;t<>**t llirir ineiitary l•enet^t to .MisC. (i 

Of Hlrtl Jinporiani rejlUDllcau c-ime. , •,i,eiU* storv of ibe death of the sol- “ .7" .'V'" an*. I c-.rrii I ■ a.u-M u.n, 

T>w» iilher il-LC ill tnrililio over lilt* siory oi ineoi.un » ‘o ie-iK;ct lor his memory. Ihe >6r\iccs were con- 

f * " *1 i- ii(7ititiii ilie ’Her s sweelliearl, whieh she ntclled in a i,v Krv. Mr. KrN«y, «vho w.i- asM%ted by 

pages of a«tnip hook loiilailim^ Hit f.a,.||„g uianuer, and the List mimbei of Kev. Mr. liamiltmi. ..f lUMun. a n.*phpw nf tiu* 
CAllipaigU of Inifp, 1 huppclied upon pj-i,gramme was reached—t!ie"\Valtz, deceased. Hit wid <>w ami out* toll. Dr. (iran- 

thc aildrc.s.H of tlie famous Fifth Ave- n Haccio,” sung i»y Miss FannieSprugm*. vilic rinkh.un, of Wcymouih, consiuute iut on- 
ituu L’oiifeieiicc, w liiih lUiieiiilileil, « iili Hiile, violin ami (liaiio lu-cniiiipaiii- j mediate faimly cimnecimin. 
vou will reiiicnilicr, in mlviiiice of llie nn nl liy Mexarx. lianielli, Wliiililon ami j , „ -- 

Coiiveiitioii.x, for llie jiiiriioxe of jirce Wlieeler. the |n' 

vilIc Tinkh.un, of Weymouth, consiuute >ut im¬ 
mediate family connections. 


.Mr. and .Mrs. K.. tl>e edit«>r and Ids 

•on. and the execiiHvecomnilllee are n*- 
•luesled to me«!t at the office of Mr. K. 
Btchardsoii .Saturday evening next, to 
make arraiigenieiits for the same. 

His f.ither ami inotln-r gave meeting is t*.\pi*cled.,l ill ll.e e„.|,loy ..f M.ssim .loMan •l',"akerx. Dixcusxions .,f varioiix lojdex 
MaisliA (.'o,, for two years, and Some ot will oci’iip) Hit* leinaiiider of the days lire.-iiirK'o-iuiv ili-vi lop.-ii to 
his fellow saii*Hiiieii were present on tin* *b*'^ eveiung. A large and inti'n'sting It iu-iibu--uiiply. vti-iibuc iiiu 

A large and inti'n'sting Itiu-iibu--uiiply. vti-iibuc iiKiuy iitii«-z iii,- «-ix.t 

>(*cted. ot iitimii;; and hului'iut;. It* I'NMiinu n tii tlic 

iiutii* (li.tii- vii-iiiii V of -« vt ral ri< b ■tl%< i -prodiu'- 
VII t'iliz>*n is the furtunat<* “or mim*. now Im-Iuc pmiitubiv wihI'iI Mr. 
, . # I* 1 1 • W. S. IIiUiiuiu. Siip'l of ilir Mint-, i* hoiv iii On- 

f.iSt liorse, of W'llicll lie is ,.nyj f,,f puriKret- <>1 piiM-iinui; mucliincry. Ar., 
The love of horse llesh Is and v.m b.' m-.-m .u ihr ..m.-.'..f ib.- for 

, . ■ ... ,1 t< W d.ltVV 111 T< lit' lit 1 h- li|r;|a, d ||> t:iv (■ iiiiv 

le liumuii ract*, lienee it Is u.-^ind iiif'irmuiii»u.- Uvvoii- of tiu- lho<-t<>rH. 
me to pride himself upon ra>oo .iiorm .>r iIm> tr«-.i-uir-itH*k w.i* rttr. r«-<i m 

WorkH at T«ii*kiirura, Nevada. 
<llttrr, <J*4 CouKreMH SI., HuMtiin, .tiaaa. 
S/ifi /yrtftr MH’tiuit.tHe- Io'i.oni <]i>tri-. |i:ir 
V.iitU’ fi-'i v;irb. ot U liii-li 'Ji,1,110 «b «r«-« nri- pi.u-ed 

ill til” (icuxury iia vvnrkoiu ''.ipilal. 'Hit* r>>m- 
p.uiv I* ir> I* from ib-bl own* ihi- .>li>ltotiiuKt 
yiiiii-. ill «•% t'l JO utTi'-. uu .1 Ml n-di'lji.i il aioi ex¬ 
ploit'd liii«'ti--(iri'%• III of ril'll laolll tlllll Sll\<T 

him a liandsoine napkin ring. beM<!e.s | 
w hieh hi- had several oilier pi't'seiits. a I 
.silk iiandkerehicf, an ulbtiin, A'C. 'rio* 

An alia,-k wax ... the I:. A. >''""l’an.* enj..y,',l tln-inxelves (.[.ijiii: 

- -- - -- ■ * . . I -Kiiifs till about lialt-past ten. when 

panics, anil a.s.suring tliciii that in the 
event of their iioii-accepliiiicu uf the 
enmiichue tlius kiiidly selected, the 

support uf the liigh-toiuul, schuiail) phuuic uidch coni|H*l|ed her toagaiii pr«‘ 
ineiiiliers of the L'onfcrciice would he Hu* waltz indicated tlial sin* wa* 

withdrawn from them and given to tlioroiigldy appreelaieil. 

meiil hy Messrs. Banieltl, Whiddon and — -- - -- B. .’gf. on Tuesday evening last, at 

... . _ . Wlieeler. the performance of lids iium- Hrleilcte. Hieir hall, hy a parly of live, under the 

"HiVi'VcVu^^^^ two orcut I h’T >»^*^Hig a lieautifnl wPnding up of .Mr. and .Mrs. K., tin* editor and Ids eoinmaiid of Mr. .Morse, of the fiitn of 

'.'..•s.T. ..tot ,.L-iiFiii.r ili,.in ihut ill Hie Hds "iinapproaclialde” eiiterlaintnent. lady, ai e making a trip to Wasldngtoii Leopold .Morse A* «*o. .\fter surround- 
i.ii-tie«. unit a.s.siirin_ lliLtil uiai III uit I J ^ ^ and inehmond. During the ahseiue of ing Ida of the brave s.ddieis with Hie 

lieaid !n*r to be a singer of wImuii Wi y- the editor, the IIazkttk will lie Issiieil "tape,” at a late Inmr lliey took ilu'ir ' 
moiitb may well lie proud and tin* ap- under the niamigeiiient of W. H. Troll. departure. F. II. T. 

line supper was partaken of. Tie* party exciisal-le in one to pride idniself upon 
liroke np at an early hour of tin? next liis charger. But to he the owner of a 

A well known citizen is the furtiinate 
possessor of a fxist horse, of which he is 
very proiiil. The love of horse llesh is 
hiliereiil ill tlie liniiiuii race, lit*iice il is 

iMSElGM WAT€i£§{ 



Post office Buildin^r, 'WKYMOUTH. 





morning, ail expri'ssing theiiKielves iiiiich •‘••K Hial other colls can beat is agony, 
ple.ised with the occasion, und wiiii Well, this well known citl/.*ii was com- 

liis charger. But to he the ovvnerof a i«r-lioc. .1 |•'>rtloll’lU «JiliIi i* yii for-.lia¬ 
na*: that other colls can beat is acoiiv. 'V'’^'*'!'K.:'• "|•l■b*•utI..u. |..t* 

lieaid tier to be a singer of utioiil Wey- the editor, the (iazCTTK will l»e issued 
moiitb may well lie pnnid and llu* ap- under the niamigeiiient of W. H. Troll. 

plaiise wlil’ch comiMdled her toagain pre* *||„. Amity flub soelable last Wed- 
senl lln^ waltz iiidicateil tlial sin* was m sday evening was not so largely a’- 

their Aipponeiits. If you wili rciiieiii- 
lier, the prcumhle of tlie aforesdd 
rtihlress .Ki'ts foilli that llic geiitl'-ineii 
usscinlded in confcreni*t‘ are not pidi- 
ticiaiis nor camlidati"* for office, imr 
wouh) llicy accept office under any 
coiisiilcratum from any party; Iml 
that Having tlic good of Hie coiinlrv 
iu view, <Slc. %^v. Ac., and llie addiv''- 
was signed hy Carl Shurz. Andrew* 
I). While. Bayard Taylor, Brof. -1. 
U. Lowell. Fr.incij- Walker aiul muiu- 
wherc heiwecn seventy and one liun- 
ilred utliers. In ghuieing over ihi** 
list of signers I tiud that foriy-oiie of 
the nuiiiher have already aeccpled of¬ 
fice under the present administration, 
receiving their appointment from the 
man whom they ilciioiinced as uiiwor- 
thy of their eouiiteiiaiice or of the 

DU wili rcmelii- Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Wheeler .tnd Mr. 

the aforesdd W. K. Burrell rendered elTeetive service 
the geiith-incn an accompanists during the evening, and 
t* ire not noli- Hie grand llnuh* was churmingly sup- 
f„'r olli,','. nor l.y M.'sxrx. liam.'Ui, Wl.i.I.l..,, 

... ..i.v and »\ heeler. 

1 ‘1 .Mr. Wlieeler aiiiioiincetl this eott- 

i\ paitv; Iml was to be the hist oie* given here 

if Hie coiinlrv thin season, but we Ibilik Inr bud belter 
. 11(1 the adilii*'’- vvitliilravv that stat»*nient for we feelsui'i* 
hui'Z. Andrew* tbul our people will most liberally p<it- 

tfiidi'd as on previous oceasiims, never- 
lliele.-tM a gooil time was eiijo>ed. 

Johfi Bi*nnls and Kd. Jorilan liavi* 
bought of (teo, Bickin*li the lot of hind 
adjoining ihi'irs on iSiimiiier St. 

F. ('liffoid N i.sli disloeated Ids arm 
*.vhile at work .Monday of last week. 

I Ibuit busitii-ss still eoniinih's to lie ' 
j quilt* brisk at some of tlie sliops in this 
I village. 

I Mr. Francis Hunt started Wednesilav 


wishes many liappy reiiirnsof the 

Mitkleul. ' 

Mr. Nate Wheeler, llie prince of young 
niaiiagei's, aiii.ouiiced at Ids last concert 
that he w.e* to give a concert at Mu>ie 
Hall .Ma\ HHli. vvith sucli liio* artists as 

iiitkk oiiix'i L.tii inrai. t9 aaoot. , 1 .. 1 ■ 

ti* 11 • II I ® ■ u*--lH''l. liii-i-IU< eolv-loi'k till* I'oiiMiniiY 

Well, this well known citizen was com- .,11.r ..1 j.m ..ib. .OHi i«.*i ii.-tt.uu i.ner. ^ 
ing from t^idncy the other day quietly I'lii-trivx * evi-ry «>f li« tni; <iii<- of tie- I 

allowing Ids steed logo as he’ pleaM-d. iii'«t v 4 lu;iLt« mini •* m tin-M.ce of N. .„„i 
siowiMiiy, a.i,i ,var„i„(^ iviii, 

no noi^e and haiUly any perceptible ef- tin-iimMimt iuv*-i* U. 

fort, a riiler vva.H disciiveredgoing rapl^llv ii» nnui ... ufi'-iniMi n*. i xU 

1.1 tlic fri.lil. ll.'ie ivas a ililfliiiiia. I'l "I.. .. x;ii.'t. «'J 

„ , .. |. . „ ,1 1 ( Milk'.■ >tr«»t. M.i--. .ig.l 

Visit to » rawior. lie w.IS to give a conct'it at Music 

III tie* iiatiiial tirder of things aiul iiii- Hall .Ma\ HHli. vvith sucli line art.sis as 
der the diseiidim* of the .Methodist Ileiir) Brow n. Ihe famous cornel soloist, 
fhureb. Bev. I). B. Leavitt, who for the .Miss Npragin*. .Mr. Whiddon, theaecom- three years, has bi'en pastor at'rriu- plislietl violinist. Miss Alla Bcase and 
ily M. fiuireli in Broviileiici*. expect- Miss Nellie Nolan, llie favorite contr.d- 
ed to be ralb‘il to another sct'iie of lalior. lo». .Mrs. Floremte 'I*. Huitl, oiir vvell 
Bt-aiing this in mind, a fewevenings ago known lady reader, .Mr. •!. frank I’orier. 
two hundreil of his parisdionets visited ill** favorite liasso. Mr. ami 

no noise und hardly any perceptiide ef¬ 
fort, a rider vva.H discovered going rapi*IIy 
to tlie front. Il*'ie wa.s a diletiinia. B 
was a iiani matter l«> *liscover llie kimi 
of vehicle I Ids equestrian mde, and asliil 
more knotty point to d<*cide wh^ru the 
ioeoniolive power c.ime from. .Ml that 

Henry Bn.w m the f.iiiioiis cornet soloist, came from. All that 

J ixx N.ra(,ii.'. Mr U 1,1,1.1,. 11 , 11,,' at'O,,,,- ,,al,lo wax 11,.. ,1,1, ,' ai„l aiipar- 

l, ,xl,.'M violiiiix . Mixx Alla IVaxo a,.,l ni„r.. .'xci.l a (.ain.f riinx. 

M,sxN,'ll,.' N,,lai,. tl.,. Iav,„,u. .Ira - n..'rihi;. x..°„....l lo I .0 r,.llin« tl,,' 

l.„,,,,;.' I . Mui.l, our w.'ll .. a].. .. 1 , 1 , 

known ally naili-r, Mr. .1. Iiaiikl ,> 11 , 1 . ..l.'rfiil than 111,' liiM.,ik'al 

lOhl Ilf-I curi'il <111 c.irly s{i)ili<-;tti<>u. in Jut* ■We have just received a large line of . . 

rill-I-III* oolv-I'H'k <>t tilt* i'<>iii|iniiy 

Ptipc*!* Htiiij^ino-s of the Latent Styles, 

..r inl'lii.a .. wli.i '.I i„ ., 1 , 1 . 11 ,inn 

(>t iIh-- t'H-k iiit\r olT' o il. 4 ri'liini III iii.tiir titiit-** 

..... ... . 8, 10, 12 1-2, 15, 18, up to 50 cts. per roll, 

ri'.',!'.;,'r.LM 7 .n lU-nm. .S'l'’'' hlth'"r ...i f..rm..r 

Exchange on Ireland C-A.RPETI1TGS!! 

^ U K II.WK IN o.i* u V 

liilii at his n"-iilence, an<l wiiile Hiere. 

roid/e such conceri.s a.s he give.s. one* a ^ trip to the s«*iilh. * xp<*etiu’g Mr. Heorge W. Smith, Siip* riiol» iil 

bUpjMirt of an eiiliglitciicd cuiiuiiuid- tri* 
ty. It i-H a eiiruuis I'uiiieidetiei* that ii‘ i 
among liic Migiier* t«i the call for u 
coiiveiilJoii at St. L*»uis of tho-ewho " 
are opposed to u lldnl term, appears 
the self EUkine name» that adorn tin* 
address of tlie Fifth Avenue confer- 

It is rather unfortunate that there 
is iiolidng here more im|M»rlaiit t*i * 
write about than the squahlding over * 
llie nuiidiiutluii.s; hut so long us Cim- 
gies.s itself, the motive for the j*res- 
eliec of the ctirrespoiideiit at \\ ash- j, ,, 
inglou, is doing little or nothing elsi*. \v, 
so long as the hunleii of all eoiiver- pit 

month ill** year rouml. p, \ Washington ami 

TiirUl-b limbs. ^*>‘* H"'>d wil 

Mr. W. H. Cobh, Ilinghani err-s- ’‘‘^.1 "'7'', ‘ 

pomieiit **f lie* <i.\/KnK, h.ts paid avmit 1 '* " ** ' ' v- ** ** 

t*> Dr. I)i*> Lewis* Sanitarium, on H.»v- *'• ‘"‘d K. Nash 

ward Blaet*, Boston, .und speaks ot lii*« j hiisiness alMiUt May Isl. 
i*nJoyint‘iit of one of the Doctor's Tiiik- j 
I isli Baths as a luxury and neces.sity <mlv , 

to 1,,- a|.l.r..dal.,.l l.y ll.,.x.. wl,.. h..,',. '"''".'V!'' 

to V isit Washington atol Ballim ife ’ the Sunday Scliool. pre.*.*nlfd Idm willi vi***' 

Mr. t'jrox l.,„.,l will x.m,„ in ... aii.l Mix, Kil.,, 1 I" a 

,.|» rali.„;,.,.i,'hl.,..rvf„i' rmii,,,; ura,,,,. 'Vili'lmrv M.x I.,...i,u wol. a 

hll,.,l 1 ,...|. at II .. f....t,.ty „f A. I'. Naxh. "xf,,,,l l.lhl,'. ax l..k. „x ,.f r.'x|„...| 

...... *' eslei-m. A*e., vviHi the usual pleasant 

s. W.andh. Nash exprel to resume f.,rmalilles. 

Mr?, al. W. Wlmeler, the tiuished pian- 
f isls, and artists of tlial stamp. We ad- 

inore wondt>rful than tin* Idsloiical 
hrootnstick, witli vvliieh wilolo's were 
torim*rly seen to navigate the air. 'fin* 
appaiili*>n went by as .silently a.-* a ray 

B y ixii lien fiiit III with ill*' M.<Vfri<'l: Ni«ti>mal 
H.hlx 1.1 H. 1 .I.. 1 I. U.. tM*»N NATHiN.M. 
it.VNK 111 WfVinoHlli i-iiort H'tidwri) fiirm*h<\- 

eli.iliirc 1)11 111 l.tii'l !•> Il* riniiilllfi* ill 4 H.IV tl) 
*4><' t'o iM titlll- 411*1 IIIWlll-V. 


4-4.'>-4. ><-1 4ii-t I* 4 Hrthli*. W< Ii4\i' tlire*' t;r4*It--. itinl vt-ry «l<‘*tr;tli)L- *lyl«'A. Abo a cm 

Wl Ii4\i' 'lire*' t:r4*lt-. n 
4 '<iirtiii*-iit of 

.fMlIN . 1 . I.til'D. < 4-l.i.T. 

, 'ill .< 1 ’I I.I t • kl*>ii XX* III x'x .I.v It.* .t 

,,..'l, iy .,.,.. wl.„.'al, l,..xxll,ly ,1., X". . Il,', ,, 

all.'„,l. If th.'y want I” "'.‘r a >'"io'''rl ... ,, ,|„„. „( ..n, ,, 

IX, I,,...tiit wiH, a Wliu'l,. it x..|.n,xi.> ILX. will l.u li.iiil t„ .iiixi. a sir. ak of yll,,,, ami aiiulla r 
l..k. iix I.f r,'xii..,'l, I I' ami lu xiiii.nsx. |„|,j ,|^„|| ^,,,1 „ p.iir,,, I,.-, wax 

Mr. Ifllfox s..i,„.rl.y'.l ll. l.'av- ••koul all llial .'.Mll.l I,.' 5 ,'..|,. llmlli.' 

..I ii.i|.i,.»xi..ii ax iv.-ll ax ..tlie rarriai;,. ili.l „„t iii. ali 

oivltillx. .. 1 ll,.' im...' ...lllal.l,' '•■' ..lo'" ■>' 

,'x'ai.'a»il,,'roaxt„r|.i. x,',il.',ll,. Mix. aov r-im. xo K-Hliooij! op H"' '-''osJ"' 
.'.' Ciiriix, a (tol.l watrl. to Mr. on;... lux liiar,'t„ lu-r xt,.,.,|,x 11., ., 

im x Arlliii, IKirrix ,.f Park Av. ii,,,.. V"*',' 

all.. l).ilii,.|.Sullivan, a !>'"'v.'il oi lr..i,l ..I tlio liiml wli,.,.| ..I 

,.lj,.w.'lry to Mixxlo.ra D.'rl.y, 1 m ov'>*'l,'. pr, x.-mly it w.tx ov..., will, 
,1 a 1 ,. 11 ..Line .loll to Mr. Will Kot'k- I ■•'forw..r,l oi... an, a„ iiixtai, atl. r it 

sliowed to th*' Iroiit. ! lien tin* other 
rider, It'.inine iuh iiody fotvv.ird ainl giv- 
Mr. t.’yrus Tirrell h.e- g"in* to Texas ing a swll"t<*r motion !*> Ids Ie»'t, imparted 
visit hi** non wln» is in Hie ealHe- inere.ised vel.ieily lolii* inaehiin*. and ile- .Si.iie, spiti* the ulmost elT*)ris of llie «lriver of 

tin* imiit* ami a Bee iim* of tin* wlnp. 

witli the usual pleasant | 

tri>‘d them, (five the Doctor a call when 
in the city, and try tin* Baths. 

The N(irr<»lk t’«»nttljr ('«nivetit;oii 

Of public sclnM)l teachers into lie In'ld hi 

ICertolotlon*. seinl is « 

The fotltiwiieg B<*sohilioiis vver*' adopt- the liest 
«><1 hy D«dphi l.odge So. 1.*), K. of p., on genuine 
tin* di'atli of tlieir late Brother, .Bdin B. v- 

r„»..,.: '"•' ^ 

Wnv.MOt rH. April, zj. iSHo. serve us 
Wlirrea**, I»ro. |o|in il. Tower, an p>trcni«l ’I'lit* V 

<■.„ t.,i. .. 1 . tl,., fourtm.i.ll, ami lift,...nil, -J"' i;.'*';' 

, ,, t . . . ) K' "J * * liavnig licfij rcniiivrti irniu oiir niuUi 

of May. Pa(,.'rx on t..incx of ,..l..r,.xt l.y , 

able men will In* reail. \ . ... 

1 lierrlorr, Ke** iv,*d, ‘I Iut iii the dratli *,1 
IU'. ‘I’'wrr. the l.**<lgr is<4lted up<in to mourn 

Smokkic*! l)*>you know that Town- 
semi Is s*.|e auent f«ir "First .N'atimial! " 
the Irt'.st i't cent I'igar in town. .Mso, the 
genuine Kr'V West, fi.i B) eeiits. 

Mr. Noah T. xlov was not drawn to 
serve us juror, but Nathan T. doy vva**. 

Tilt* W. T. r. will licdtl lln*ir iei;u- 
lar meeting hi 'In* re.iding moms ne\« 
TueHiiay .vfternooii. at Jj «i'clock. 

Tovvn* 4 ;M)’.'S Beef. Imn and Wine.— 
The very b«*st t«»nlc and spring inedieim* 

fiU' ttut i-M-r IcU .[ ileep 4 nd .tliulnii; In Hn* Wolld. Duly 7'*»et*. per ln»lth*. 

Mr. Uufiis Soiiierby .«ueeeeded in leav¬ 
ing a pri'tly good hiipiession as well as 
iininy gitts. N'*nn‘ i*! tin* nioti* Vxiliiable 
oiiCH ai<‘ a silver castor pitx'liled to Mi*«. 
Frei’iiian t'liriis, a gidd w.ticli to Mr. 
ilames Ariliiir Il.irris of Bark .Yveiiiie, 
eliamlier fiirnlturi* to Daidt*! .Sullivan, a 
line set of jewelry to !iliss Dora iJerhy, 
ami .1 h.indsniiie doll to Mr. Wili Bock- 

to visit his son win* is in ihe calHc- 
raisiug Jnistness in tli.U .Si.iie. 


VHxE; genuine 


From 15 to 42 Cents per Yard. 

XS’0»lai:.% A\U IIK.YII* <'ARI>l‘:TlXiGM. 

New Styles in Prints and Dress Goods, 

-Al-s*!* IN- 

Woolen Goods for MeiPs and Koys' Mcar. 



inglim, is Huing umc or noiinng ets»*, \\ ,.ymoulli. He had tilled several pul- h,i„ 4 purr i-c * 1*1 
so long as the hUldcil uf all coiiver- piln acceptably, and at i'i)nnMilb lna«ln Kev.betl. Ilut ilirM* rev*luti*> 

sntioii is ill ringing Uie clianges upon strenuous exertion in aid uf tin* buibling in die Wrvmouih <.\/i tti . nnl 

that all-iinporianl tlicnn*, there seems of a new house ef worship tliere, but llie tu ihc familv ot the Utc llmdict. 
Home slight c.veuse fur jidning in with labor resulted In injury to his health, 

oiin’w fL'llow-Illorlul.x nll.l .'lllivn.'-xill'' from wlnvli l.y iievi-r _r,',',_.v..r,'.l, ami f-.r l;..v. Aiixol. Tilnx. .Ir.. I 

I tenth unnlv#*rsary of their niarriag**. In- they deserved, Hiiltlie lal wlm hsteiied 

in tlic WrMni'udi < < \/i tti , 4nd 4 c<<|>> lx- n-nt 

Home slight c.veuse fur jiiining in with hdior r 
onc’» felhiw-inurlals and canva.**’*iiig 
till* cdiunce.s. .Viul speaking of the 
prcfcrenccH of the delegates '<eU'«*ted 
at Wurceslcr the other day fr»r Semi- t 

lor Kdmiimls, reiuinds me [»f two 
things that tend to confute the mind 
of the outsider; the une being lliat Noiicr, 
the Senator persists in declining to he Aral 

from which lie never re*.*overe»l, and for B**v. Anson Tims, .Ir.. has been in- 
several years lie has lived in ri lirement. vlted liy tin* ti. A. B Bogt .Vs, to dflivei 
Tile remains were interred in tin* (Hd the annual sernioii 1 h fore Hiem on the 
Norlli t.Vmelery, when r(*marks w«*r«* Sunday prevnnih to Decor.itloii Day. 
made by Bev. .M«‘Sbi(>. t hapin ami Till- .May gdrd. It will lie delivered ill llie 

•un. ami a Boston cb-rgyman. 

reverf'iid gentb'liian's own pulpit 
I First riiiveisalist. 

caiulidute before 

and the other that .Senator Kdinuinis' 
inefereneu U iniiiiKsiioiiahlv (imiit. . , 

S'oiiiing here is more pu*itivelyknow n ? #!«•• proposed <. puhl 
and com*eded than eillicr and ImuIi of | 
these fitcU. M’hy, tlien a (‘ouTeiiiioti 
of a rejuihlicun State should declare 
its preierence fora imin vvho is not :i 

I'clining to he Araiigements are in progress for ttie 
convention, puhlieatmn of the journal of (i«-n. .soio- 

I moil Lovell, tm'iition of wliieh was made 
I ill a iate number of tin* tiA/KiTK. and it 

viting friemis and relatives. Tlieeve- 
r<'v*lutn>n> l»e inibli*.hr«l ,, 1 ,^, spent in singing, social coiivr- 
TT». 4n«l 4 C"|>> lx- ii-nt satjoii. etc., and in view Ing the presents 
^*^* *'^‘* received. .Yliiong the gifts were a large 

, I , . hanging lamp, a very IiamNoiiie plmto- 

V -’I" .**.’ graph album, and many other arlicb-s, 

iHfj.r.. ll,,.,.,..,. llm 11 ,.„ir..,,axl. 10 wl.Ul, full 

I .....ralnni Ikiy. 
le delivered ill llie ^ * 

I's own pulpit, till* 't'owhsend'!* F.xtrael of tiiiiger is the 
piil>'st. stroiigeixt aiol cliiMpesI: so lh«*y 
ail say who havt* used it. 

of B . paraded last -'Ir. .M. L. t'ushing is having a new 
111.' fn’in'ra'l ,.f tln ir I'li'axur,' »a(!.ni l.nill l.y .Mi. A. A. S|..'.ir. 

Tin* Fuirbaini Family lemlered to this man power ami the Ideyle compu'red. 
illage as tine a piogi.iiiiiio* .ts could be N. M. 

• Mind ill any iravelling^company, but 

HMith Weymoiilb cannot stan»l allof ilie -V**. /•zdiVoi*;— 1 In* effort to raise the 
nterlainnients iullieted upon it so tliesi* uitiid above tlie oniinary affairs of iMir 
..•,||.1.> ill.l mil Iii.'. t 111 .' .. that ||(,. j, ..k,.,, 

l„'y.l,'x,'rv,',l, IJntlli,' l aLvlm hxl.'ii,',! ,.l ll.,' fa...r. lint .ih.'i. 

priMKMiiiced ll tin* best >et. jiHympi njRde Micces*ful, in tSie 

'Hlliolle Fair. * *•*'' most adveis.* ciiriim*»tames, 

i. I I- L* • • 1 . I I- ■ >1 t *l lieoiine.s higlilv eiedita)»le tu the pi-i- 
11ns Catliolie hair IS building >Mil tbl** , 1 . .7 ■ * . 1 . 

, .1 I _■ 1 . .1 . foiiner. In Hi • connection, ll see iot as 

veek, i>aiticularly in tin* m.itier ot , • m ««• h : .1 . . 

, , 1 ; , II,. M , s if a word was due oil. \\ i kie, Hie tenor 

•pfRpU MEl FO R 

■eEWARE or iV»'’'>*TiON5 

I- utierttl. 

Delphi Lodgt*. K. of B.. paraileil last 
Sunday, tu allemi Hie funeral of their 
eHteeiiieil brother .Mr. xiohn S. Ti*wer. j 

publish a sketcli i-f .M'oul .‘(O Knights wen* In the ranks, 
n connection with it. mostly iii iinifiMin, and Knights Smith. 

rin* materials for sueii a sketch aie scat- I Bicknell, l» vrdinT ami Bichards, acte«l 

tered lo a great extentamong the private 
families of this and the neighlH>ring 

as pati lieaiei's. Bevs. Titus and B. 
A. .Nordell officiated In the servlei* at 

cundiuatc himself, ainl i** an advi 

a lownn. and the object of tbis is to call B*'* ln•U'*e. ami tin* process ).mi w;i 

>iU«‘iitioii lo that fact, and tvi re<|uebtaitv 

of the eK-Br(*Hi(lcnl, is tuu perplexing who have any dueuiiisnls or inforinatioii 
for the ordinary iniinl to fathuiii. re.siiectlng him to confer a favor by fm- performed tin 

* 1 ; v- - : waiding the same lu * in an iinpres 

-Oil' iinmnn .'U', Iioiix i.i \ uui.ii,. Xax,,. It...', s.'.'v za. on.- of a 1 

liaviU({ aui'lui.'.l Uiiniiiiiiouxlx f,.r „f tl..-\V..yin„nth .z.xi.ty. 

(iram, It H safe to !*uv Hial thelw eii- _ _ . i»U*oui.e. 

Ij'-lwo vol.'x Iro... 111.' 01.1 l)..i.,i„i,n, j,. ... , K-v I' V 

iiiiiy iM' i.i.'lu.l . . ..mill ,,i..,..i„« i.i„.'..ln 11.,II ■rjI.',"lVi..';' ( 

iiierca**llig llf* total to two litindn*d List ev»*nlng wbleli was laig.*!) attemled. 

c*irl<‘vl to tin; Vlllagi* t Viiieterv b\ tin* 

Lodge, wlicie tin* t bapl.iiii L. D. N'iirili, ‘l*ht> naib'rs i 
performed Ibe liiirial «ei v ice of ibeUnier m.Mitb Iron t'o 
in an impresf»i\e manner. Mr. T«*wer for two vv<*«*ks. 
was uin* of a f.vmily of l-l eliildien. 

Our enterjirlsing painter. Mr. K K. 
Bunker is giving the (( 1 * 11 . Bates a nevv of varniidi. 

Mutual Lodge 1. A*. (1. T. hav<* eiigig- 
ed the ball oV4-r .Mr. .bdiii F. L*'<''s store 
to bolil Hn*ir inceting'( in. 

The naih'rs in tin* eiii|i|oy of ili< W 
iiixMith Iron <'o.. have siispeioh-d vv 

und tweiilv-four. *»r ivvu-iliinU of tin* 
uumher required, nix weeks before 
the asseiiihliiig of the conv» ntioii. - 
From all side** it is Raid that Hlaiin* 
stuck U uiipreciuting. It in difficult 
to uuderstaiid jUft at iire-t lit how ,\|i . 
Uluiiie’H noiniiialioii can he (*c«-iired. 
except in the coiitiiigcin v of tin* 
hl'eaking up of the iiniut inoveliit lit 
hy ihc withdrawal of the chief; in 

Kev 1‘. .N"iili*ir* •ii*i') List 
.Siindav on tli«' ‘*Ltb' * 110 ! ruin'i of \\ ill- 
iam Kllerv ( liannmg.’' vv..*a liin‘tiil)-| 
iite to tin* e.vcetlcnl oi the I 

■ri..' lealx ul ,li«l,t „f liaml. .l..|n..„. l',ni.,ri,,n ,li, im-, ii.ii I'h. i 

.lr..l.....,,.f xpiri ....lixm 1., Ilx„ UU- fnln,.''aii..n in (...mi.I.U-t 

brega are almost miracnli. .<«. ^nd the , 
singing by .Miss .M.Hiel K T* nip!** is of .( *’ *' 

•uperior <*rder. Last evnuig Ivventv- Kl<*ur. 

four piizet ui-ie drawn by luck) hotd< ii, .Mr. B. 11. Blaiichanl. of VV<-M*..>utb. 
of numbered tickets .nuoi'ig tle iii a »l< ni I' *** J“st received two c.u load* • l .-vcel 
winder watch by .lohn Morriii ami a h‘nt llour oi \aii<Mn> Ii.ii.'Ia, whnli !,•> 
Very ItandiMilin* sihci castor bv .N'ei!ie otf« is at tin low« id iiiaiket lao 

Bev. Mr. .Swan.I Bepperell, will oc. [ 

ciipv the pulpit tif the < o|jg. ( Inin h • 
next Sunday. 

'I'le'('« inph- Di HIM ( orps li.ive l>e It I 
engaged iu i-oiine<‘iion wltJi the Wiv- 

eat I' dtv ine. ti.d Hn r** is Home | month B.vtnl by Bost .'is, f.i| i4*‘corathMi 

H.[s»elt. The entertailillieiits will l.e |. - 
|H*.iie«i tonight amt toiimrruw night and 

vvliieh event it Hceins that in tin* grand many valnaiik* gifOi will Ih> distrihuicd 
correlation uf forces Mr. Itlalm* iiiighi 

offer better mlvaiitagc for eohcHioii. j 
So far a* Sliemiaii Htm-k is con- i 
cerued, it fiinU H w lakeis. Hi* imiv 
fairly he eouiitol a.s iu the field, vvith 
slight chances of sneecsH. 'J'he Hiih- 
ject uf the deiiKN-raiic noiaiiiation, 
nerutofore hut little eiiiivasxtd, will 
probably receive a coiisiderahh* impe- 
tUH from Syracuse t>»morruvv. Froiu 
ibe hcHt iufoiiiiatioii. ( iiimgiue that 
the Til«l‘*n HtiM-lnini is pr»>grcssiiig 
favorably, and tluit in the grutni 
nhowiiig of liainU In- will ind he 
behind. Tlierc in talk of IlumiM'k. 
more in the cmitingi*in*y uf tiniiil s 
candidacy than utherwini*, uinl it 
uut itupussilde tlmt lu* will come U), 
from the South w ith a delegation that 
will be overjioweriiig. In the nn aii- 

liiae C'ongi'csM coiitjiiues to do iiolh- 

w. <*. 'I*, r. 

Tin* next regular meeting of tin- 
Woman's t hristiuii 'D tupcrance I’uioi, 
will In* held Hrvt 'I'MesdaV .iflcriKHili at 
d o’clock. Tc I .vl d o'«*l«M k. 

S. II. Bl( ll viiiis. .w,*4 t< ta;y. 

Tetwln-r*’ .VlceliiijC. 

Tin* le.icherH* iin * tiiig Was In hl at the 
reshleiive Ilf .Mi*^* l.i/zn-Hunt ui W. •! 
in-sday evniiing. I.iit «»wing to soiin* mis 
undemtaiidiiig. in>l as loao) as iiNii.t) 
were pri'Seiti. .Vrilhtiietic or nuini*ei, 
w.vs Hie iM(J>J«'<‘l f*»r the evening, Iml 

Buil evcr> lMln*h.iH* r 

Ueal r,»lale ’sale. 

>. 1111*1 t uriii, auctioneer. hoM a num 
Im>i of hoUH«: lots I'll sli«'(*i, in'- 
longing to the NV'i'vinoiith .'s iv in*.;s 
l.iHt .MtMiday .vftniiiooii, .it -goo.l pin. *, 
llie sale re»vdliiig .is fi*;iort<»; - I ot 
H, l»» 'rijollKIS .Mcl)oW<-|l, sp||; 

hid for J'din FomI. >1 i; %•< j >, s.l',, N. , 

•j 7 , re.Vi, No, ;k;. .N**. .H. to 

David xL Bierce; \*). ie*. r *to t • 11. 



till Wednemhiy officci L*<inl aii.ste.l 
two )iMing tw*’n iiained .Mn'hai'l t oi,ii.'. 
aini Michael Bv.ui o| Bocklainl, on l••Ml 
ch.irges, -fvsl driving, .isxidl on oili.. 

Tin*’relilple Driltu (Orps bx-M their meetiog in ’rnriiet's liuildin: on 
.Moml.iy cv4'niiig. \ list of ptw s wa* 
upon iiid otlii-r husii i** o to* 1 
.n i«df> i tin* Coining ve.O'. Tlie n.|i> | 

ing i'irH4*is w**ti* clios4*n t - l.i-.tiler itnl ■ 
foinluclor. t Will Bnlev. i lerk. W. r 
B< vri*. .Vgeiii. .\. ll. Hollis, who will 
mak«'all ari.ihgeim-nt for *in ('otpi, 
fuinish parll4-ii who wish willi a list ot 
i*rh 4 s. 

i*Hlliollc Pair. ' .. on* mosi a.iie,. 

“ 'I'l.n Cullmli.' Fair ix l,n,l,li„K -nl tl.l. , 

; ,',7 «...'k, |...,ll.'ularly In ll.,' m.,t..'.' .,1 ."V* 

'*>' 0 - > ** , if a W oril VV .IS due 311. »t n sie, kite leiioi 

a„.nxo.|,eni, ami ,x . x,,.'.n., ly 1,. ... 

r.iii alin* iitodestv I vv Co iliim* n>.*ell to the , .. , , , 

' Dill • . 1 I 1 .1 i , . .1 of .Mr. D'»w. the ^•llIlure. and perlect 

ciMiipany lui iisln*«l l)> Hus part tit tlie i< i . r .1 . 

. * i. . . V .. , self-poASession of Hic true artist were 

town. It was pioc auin’il liv postersa n L . 1 > ti tt- n ■ 1 .1 1 

ll... .t .1 . »c 1. I .1 manifested by .Mi. v\ llkie, w ho, tlioiigli 

tin* ffvi-is tinil vv edne^d.l) evening w as to Im* . . / . 

Ili.'v ll!.. „...'...i„n ,l„.'^|n. s..„mi,.n. ..I a (<-00 •> i loH.oomai.n v air...!.,,,. 

,,r..:;„„. l.y ll..- ll .y .s,.iu. Mo.xti. l "Ho'Ho"'*',. >"i !! ”>■ 

a C.'ry Ini.t .. t.. aH irn.' 

, ‘ ll... , ,..,nl.,.rx oi tl.ix „r;.,.nU,.li..„ ix '"f ‘ 

xxary il.a, ,1..- .. .,.1...may nml, .- •' .‘r o'ooulol 

K K .,a.,l 11 o .■.v.'it..,n..nt ul.i.i. tl.ix an- -X that .l.'lin itlnl .'...o', 

m.nn.'.'...,'nt.'l.'al,',l. ... ,I„.m' , 

" ' ... xilx ll,,' .'.iIIkI- '.o "M'-'Ox-"I |»' 

... r..,nl,., .Slallar.', a l.all.,' Af. i,'..,,. ‘ '‘, 11 “, ,!i. , , ’ 

„n n|. lo all ll..' .(nii.x ... ,.f ll,.- •‘i,! ’f. 

Store miiiHtrel eralt. unrivalle.l in rejoimii r. ‘ •' 

unsurpaHsed in musical i.ileni, ami un- ‘ " 

.ipiii«>achalile in luaki' iip; next, a char- TfiVTIT'^ f' 

M ev- acter which >*‘U >’'MiId r»*.itl tbiough .md 
Work Hitoiigli !•) one gl uicc at b:.* 

phvsiogiioinv; iben-^d.isoii—In* ih.ti M‘- I'- H- Bratl iinoi 

pnoc** ot old. liC H«‘aiclie<i lor the negloli last W4'ek to see 

* i..d.l. n Fo.*cc. wlMch proved, in Ilus!„i.., ;,re s-.j ... t 

i .a*e. to l.e wlul.*—lienee lilii ..: 1 i,,,.j i.,^l S„ini.iV. . 

I next- ..m* whom >ou i.Mild i.'.t .li*.*..v. i 1 ^ a.compatu.. 

be n I ‘‘> •l••vinihg. bn? be w ..* Hie, •• * „„ H.. Bo*o, 

WeV 'iMi'ltig 4lulc«'l lle'l'rtlv ftolll .4 itllU ; tlieli , 

ati*M» aMihiiJ and .4 1 '*m> c>Miibini.l- n.nch Ih-v.C. II. Fvriiswi 

• n ..I Ho* p.-h'ics of this d ||,is i,' 

-rat4* »|.i>; ne\» li-f. .. who i.i.ibdi* ‘ 

their ah 4WS4T t-. I.i-Ien .l•*^o* * h 4ii ; tb* c b «■-*• ‘h‘b .uuv.'d 

. 0 ' 0 . 1 . 1 ...: ... 1..1 . 'i-n .. .I,','"* ' 

suffi’i'ing fioinaii liilbimiiiatmy atfectioii •*' "“,‘1“/'' 
of il[i* tl,r*»al, >4*1 gave great deliglit to 'vv|tu.'«' 
all true mUHic-lovets, !•) ids *4i llstic per- « .mri. 
t*>rm.4nc<'. The liigit B tl.4t," rang " 
cl.irl'Mi-like thiougli the •*olil North,” " 

at that .i«*lightful eonc<*rl vvili In? doubly 
appi4*ciatiil i>> those who learn at what Comnio 
all expiiise o| |H‘r.sonal discomtort It was v.iiu-.o w* 
taken and iiiaintaiiie.l. This Mr. Kdilor ‘ . ‘v 

is a slight trilMite l*» the generosity of an I ' . 

Cominonwealth of Massachusetts. 

N'iKFof.K. >s. l*uoii.4Ti; < ■»( nr. 

T l lli«- Ni \l .if Kill. ( r«'«lil‘>r*. uii.| all 

|)4 r*oii* ill,' ri 'n-tl in th*' K-tati- f >AMI'LI. 
KI< tl.V l*l>*>. UO' 4)1 VV*i-wii'i'i(li. Ill *.lilt ( oiiiity, 

• ll n-'i-i •!. -l.lli* . 

I Win r> 4-. 4|<|ili4-4li>*ii li.t* t>e4'ii in iii<- (•• •4i<l 

1 oiirt to gi.iiil .1 b'tn r •.! 4<niiiUi*tr.4liuii >*ii lUi- 
of .iiiii .1. f.i Will iiu l»o (. oi VVi'V* 

lll••>)l■i. 111 jli*. ('■•unti tif Noitolk. 

j Y'*'l .40-In o li> •'it*i| *» i|<lM nr il ii i*o*li4lr 
( irtirt to bi-liiilib II 4t qniiiii->. Ill *.iiil < to.Ti Ilf 
.Voit'ilk, oil tin- -'exiinl VV’i dii.'*ila> •>{ Mm 
in-xl. 4t tiiin- ii'elmk in tli'. loo'ini'in. to *li<xw 
I' iio). ilaii\ lull li-oe. .igiin-t gi.inoni; tin-- iii.- 
.Vi”l -.inl |••nM"a•’l !• Inti'.i ilti.iliSi I*. ,;np 
l.iililii'iniliei ilii-ri of. iq |.>iliii*>liiii4; ilii* 4 .t.ili'xii 
• <ii”i'4 «*• 4 W. fur tlin-x- •«n’i.'-ivt- Mi< g*. m tlif 
It* M*p.i{» r • lib •! till VVi ,1 l■l•'<l■lt < x4/i tl)-. piiiitx ll 
4, VV 4 iinoiltii. ill*' l i-l l)nl>li...Mi*>n to ti< tno 
i|.i\ •. 4l li-4*t. tn t'ln -4 'I ( oilit. 

VVitiK',,. Wliii* . EN jiiui'. *tiii|g<. Ilf 

».ii*l t oiiri. lliofoiiiti iilli *1 i> ‘if .V|iril. ID tin- 
.i 4 roi,« tlnii-...)'! ' )_li> lllllllil•■•l 4inl • iglili. I 
'.i g JO.N.V I M.VN MUUI. U. giMer. 


New Styles in Ladies’ and Children’s Hose. 

We have the Best line of CORSETS ever shown. 

I*ICI( KH. :me. .VOe. 7.Xe. HK«. rVl.tNI. HH.'g.Y. 
l’U'4«i‘ cull iiiiil 1 -4 SIM ine •iiir a* »■- li.ivi- ui.iiiv N KVV' AND iVKsf UAKI.K 11001).**. 


Independence Square, - South Weymouth. 

Milliner) Opening! 

Comnionweallh of Massachusetts. 

NOlH'lU.K s>. PltollATB ( iM’ltr 

r|s*)(|„ N. \i Ilf Kill. <r<*iil'*r*. aii'l dl ntlnr 

# l•tlil•> Itilrri xt, i| III tie K*l.i1* *<l l'.\ r 

Jill k MiHiJH'.* of VV< \|||■■||||l. lit *.iiil 
( *1.. :l: ■ u- ‘I. lilt, >(.||. ' 

Win 1 ... Mi iti !..|X l). . IT t:. 


;n••ln); ilii*n-^,l.[si*n—he ih.ti | M‘- I’- H- Br.itl lu.iilc a iHp to W asli- j , 

• t olli. Im* se.iiclii’il I'lr iIm* ^ lu'glon last wi-ek to hi'i* lii.s wil«' aini .son j .N ''!" 

I-i.i'cc, wliich proved, in Ibis . s..j nin.img thi*ri*. Tb-v n* * , ■' 

tn* wlilli*—lienee lull •■ll••lub:l 1 , 111 ., ,J l.,*i Siiinl.iV. b.iv ing liis V ■ •liligi-st j A > 

• nc whom >'Mi I'l Ml Id i)ot di'isiv I'l i j,,, i-ninp.tidt •! bim. and lepoi t * ' i* • i- 

h .levinihg. bn? be w.v* Hi.*ie * - ; „„ ,p.. i*,,*,.• I ;^ 

t* 1 idiiti'ti 11 4 

* -I. ..I III - M . 

• Il l h.din’-D.*i 

. I>v Iiillil.xl.tiii: Un- • 

ll I .d« ; ; •!.”n .i « 

*ti. d. . ‘■'••I* III » t*' *v !.* X ; J Ill'll Bl.iiii-;. I 

.1,1 tb.* tlMlIlp-’*-. ; iM’Vt tb.' p .-‘l "t .. 
.• .III. «-o|ol;g 'i . i-.i.*'-, IU •• ■.•!. ' > 

.'I.'. ; mV Im . t wb- m i: ** .* uuii.'i. 

‘•-\ll mgid b iV4' tbl' i ' bi'.dd 

’I h** Ib.te V iobli .d.«l b.i*s"oii.” 

(•'*pi I ..ills Hie latlt ■ , Till- I'lil friiini 

i'.'lo; ibi'H .4 n)Ud lunUU "I tbl- li.llijo - list 4it*l tliiit* cidii. W) He 

* I* u I iHi'it 

B.'V.C. II. F vrinwortii, w ho was ap 
|M.ihti'.| to this pbii •> liy He* M L < "i 
fi t.'i.: c. ilnh .iM iv 4'i| bere I -st Fu'bi *. 
! .14 x'lMiip till- ll III id* v\ in*. 'I'lii'i it.ivi* 

I I It up lb* It li'Milel. *' 'M'li Ml. I ll.d-* - 
iBi.itt III.Hi till' pji *■ *1 I'll* I* l•.^lly b*i 
i i(iip(, wi.ii'h x..,‘ I c .It .4:1 i.tilv 

U I' li-.iru that Im'V. II. 

I pli'.M'll xll ll.ltiovi'i IIm* ' 

*. Il.ivlelt is 

• luiiig >1 ar. 

I l,.ist 'I'iutruibiy night theivcK entered 
the iisli market S ilJian tbnit|*|>eed on 
I Broad •treet.aiid idole live dozen orvnges 
: amt two qii.irts of oviiterH. 

ot ii-iiM'D, poelit'.iii} tncliiicd ' ing. 

te*l in p4-deH(M.lldsm !» feVlV- 
\N 111. ToW|i*.'iii| leceives .1 

oilier topicH of interi'kt, a» s|K*lliiig .tini ili.dgl,(on, being drunk, and diHiurliin' 
g**ogtapiiy, also oicnpied tiu* aitenin.ii ibep.-ne. 'Ihe li.Mible .a 4 urieil at tin* 

of those'ltt. 'l lie lii-Xl lllee'itig n. 
•ppoi'iled for M.vv .'dh, at the houf* o| 
Mrs. V. < . kii'li.iidx. 

•HUMieorrei 4 p 4 >nib*nt lia* a letter I 

wurth w:i]|doubt- thm week that will i 

Lainlmg in June Uut. .in>l the parlies | ;(nnii 
all -'“iiireii in tear of On \Vi*diM'e- : im-t* 
<la> nffner Loud vi ib . 4 I Ib-ckiand. wben . 
he W 4 » iidotnti'il Hia' 'he p.irlieii ic ^ i 
lutlM'd, and lie made lli*' aii*'*l. I lie\ * l»ral» 
were liHlgeil in the |ih kup. an>l >• *'< io.i) ditc 
morning w* re i iken to t^ni.., ^ ( mkI. it* tb 

'Die cilttem ill tin* eiiiploV of IL ’ 
Biattil Soli have C'*niiiieiici x| ciitling! 
out good* for Hm' f.lll tiaile. 'I'lieie Will 
tie verv little ihiliM'Hs tlo*. year ’•belwi x n 
Hi-.isoits” av i« iisii.iP) tbl* ciuitom. 

Vli. 'riiom.ts N'l'iiiaii opened hl^ new 
•tore to tlie pulilic Satiird.iv ev etiing 

I ’I'Im* phoio-gr.ipb artist. .Mr. M* Lellen. 

I atiiiouiM-eB to lemain In-re but one week 

and huiuuruuHy rampant. 

And tli* t-aiel pi.4>*‘d. An iiniiiens’ 
nnlicnci' w i* in alli tid itic*. 1 In- s* >■ 
olid p.ltt c."!.*.*!.'.! .d il'.gs by .M-"l' 
J nIi.iV >»l B .i'klainl .did H*'.*I* > of \\‘-> 

I "g 1 as >*.M |.le I*'*” 
Fianb \ oMiig H.i* 

' sx <d w id ninb •l|hl< d. 
oil the s.iWiiuHt. 

-liailelige lloilt .Ml. I 
4. i-k. .Ml. ’l.-wn i 
<lef<-n<l bn? n coi 1 ' 


T ,l V 1 • -*• • . ! - 

t .. . : d W 111 *1' VMl.i 

1 1.1/ Vlib I H bb! 4 N 1 VhMKK. 

4 .*. 

• 1 . V| .0 l*vi 


cutting ! * ill.lied !•> 111 . ini» I* ‘-f lb*' B. .M. 1 
*ie willl.s.ngs III .il'Ml.ibxl;. . al.d IiM.bU.vI hjm 

.*>.)iigs III .d'Mnd.xni . aiol 
• ■ lilix * nnbi'.dd ■ t t** l'*ic 1 o ' 
-tin* t'x'il i|in*-s - . 4 . »*• d.vit d l<* 
..| .4 Slippi I piepaicd by Ml* 
1 ..nfi- I. .I'ld lol w ba the w !*• 
pall) lcl.d» l Ibcii than xH. 

• •I pc; I. I*' .*<111111.IV Mr. Kilw.ird llowicy und , 
-M. 1 .M.** .Miiy Burk", llnspiaie wcreiiiai- i 

al HJM I {,,*d. .del tbc event Wa* celebrated on I 
iiol >ip I Monday I'veinng by a laig. givthcnng of i 

I HlfM VS 

lean perHcverc ill the aiiic coiirwc uti- froin Uit hijjh literal) cliarai l. i. pajin* th«* i,n,*» *nd v s' tor bwH*aiuuuutm-tv 

( r. *i-en» I.odge 1. t» tt F will -rcl. 
Iir.ite the t'iNt aiihivei- irv of the intro 

..fOiJ'ir bipiiM*, \'' ic.i. 

ill tb-^o ii.iil oh M-'i.'biy I'.e: ing. \|.rit 

Itopallake 11 ien>ls .ind sliopinate-. 4 * Hn* boliM* o| | 
ll* I'llin*) ->>, 1 , mil 11 < d p.lir, who ente|(.iii,ei| ; 
A b> ■>' lu 11,1 III III .4 b spit aid I* .41 id lider . 4 I iiMnii'' I \ 
: .Nil liouiev, wIm) o a lustei in .Vt. < . 

ll.UlldV*. l>i/-:A ( • * l.e t*>i V . w inpres) lit) d w ilb 

' * 1 . x-Je-Mnl e.4*y *b.4;i .>V 111* 4.x.w,,|g, :* 

ban ;foid ami W ..le inkaiiivi linn m ib at dep .411 in* i.l .\ I «‘. 4 iii d nl baiig 

r, .• . n.'i.l I'i .”'i* m ll'.'O ! u a : -”''1»■ ”'I'”'■ I". 

n'‘“ , ' , ,, ,, f.i.',..l-,.l .(..'.".imr. A(l.'r .. =.a--. 1 , ..I 

ia.l II" -' 'i.. !,'..." "I M, A .M,-. Ii '. 

[ ii-.i ■ (.mi. ” ll- ■•'.I ,, ., 11 -. II..;!.,..- U'- 

. ' ,...1 m .N. , .mil. . 11 . ' . a\..r „ , [...ilily .'i.jnyaOlf oc- 

. '"I lUvox'.ioliU'many Janm. 


\ r IS l.( M4>l I'll. 

.1 ll.l II (I 
1 VNB. 

tU liXtvr til# cuuveutiuus* 

ulorly in rr^ard tu pUuuvUc spvilin^. | wUuiU wvi# j»aiil. 

I lie litusl.* fo| tlo 

I furuisbvU by Cotbiu^ A- bUtsuu’* lianU. | p;v#«ut. 

1 casiuu by dauv:iii|(. 

I Mpoiaiv* U d««u«d. 

A Liiri^e and Elegant Stock of 




. >'■ 

The Latest and Most Desirable Styles, 

.sf?' /'.'isn PffiCK.s, 

Ladies of East Weymouth and Vicinity, 

p: IX . ,d| 4l|.l . ..,11, 

jM.E. Collier’.'-; .Millinery Parlor, 

MKin ll v* 1 ■ bill* K, 

Jfci4*k<i4»ii Miiiiuris iiioiiili. 


\i rii 


w A s IT I vc, r <) i\ s u a w i-:, 

11 4X 4 I ■ Ui.K 

First-Class Dry Goods and Groceries, 


v\' I. •” ■* l.ov. I.-. vv :. 

^jlf'OoudtD D«*Uv^urt4d Dr«iUiutlv Kt'ue ot'Chargu uud tiatis* 

t'Kclluu Uuai'AUUxoU. 



/ EST!! 

12 ct8. can. 
18 " 

13 “ 





16 " 

16 “ 

10 “ 



Mixed Pickles, 

i I 


I Landing. 

tCJEN ! 







■ge liue of . . 

Latest Styles, 

►0 eta. per roll, 

r |.riiv,. 



4 -r>' «lt-«iruli)c *iy)»'«. Al*i> a Rootl 


r Yard. 


i Dress Goods, 

uhI ItoysMvear. 


children’s Hose. 

SETS ever shown. 


r ani> i»i>iu.Gii.K 


South Weymouth. 

lening I 

Stock of 




Bsirable Styles, 


h uivl Vicinity, 


iicry l*arloi-, 


t nioiini. 




and Groceries, 

i/_E, (ScO- 

■ of Chai'Uu uud tiatla* 



AWP ■■■■ 


CJoa*. W'mahinfff.on Ac FWant Mtei. 

WEYMOUTH, March 1,1880. 
We are now ready to show a ftill stock of 



And everything belonging to our line ofbueinese. 

07 1RES8T QvJULsnrT, 

Dealer in 

We have this day reduced the price of our 

and now offer **'X' 1>.’' an extra Spring Wheat 
Hazall, and warranted to be equal to any on 


INlTrr r*prKtn<, 
Table “ 
Oftaert “ 

Mnetartl '* 


the market, $0.26 bbl. $1.16 bag. 

CROWN HAXALL, a choice Haxall Flour made 
from Minnesota Spring Wheat, and war* 
ranted to eclipse any sold at the price„$8.60 
bbl, $1.07 big. 

All other brands at proportionately low prioea, 




I allee. 

^ Ilf Kntvee, 
CaU Bella. 

Y NapliInllinc*. 

Vmi f*h«lna, 

'9 Kte 

{ Wk*. 

Mhrr iVtiril*. 
Kar I liitfa. 

--- . (h til«‘ Pina. 

BKPAIRINH Mtawl t*iiia, 

▼er Wimlow 

PolUh. A SPEOIALTT. I'oUdi, 

'WaahInsboB Btnuwa, 

Orders Delireitl ta nyr part iT Ike Ttm. 


Wholeiale tud Retail dealer in 

1..iaic*olf> Ncjainrc* 

Bought cheap and will be sold dll IC.^1* for 


3^ N«w Goods constantly coining in. 


of the season will be seciured as soon as in the 

We shall be glatl to sec OLD Friends and thank them for 
their patronage for SEVENTEEN YEARS. 

1/L. T£. R/EiLX). 


Goods delivered in all partn of the town Ibee. 

Commercial St.. WEYMOUTH, 



|.m.r..i. ..h nin.... n, rr >11 min r M.. 
onliM". limt u... |tul)llr lilt., iM" ■ in ,iim.|t». 
liiK Ih. ' 

>111 iw .olii for I'mIi M thr prln.*: 

Clear Quill, Fnnry llnxiill, $8.00 

ClearQuill, Kmny llnmill a 
grnilon betliT. 0.00 

Superlative, Sprinc; Whi'nt 
I’ntoni, 9.00 

Qolden Seal, n.'iiiilii,- I’niont, 8.50 
Heroulee, Kmin llnxnll, • 8.60 

H. D. Rush's Premium, 8.60 

H. D. Rush's Oulden Ea- 
irle, 8.00 

Perfeotion, tVInter Wlienl 
Patent, 8.00 

Coffey's Beat, 7.60 

Baker’s Premium, 7.60 

for »U |iiit-,»n* 

tars ri'<|tilrra. wltiilicr for Fetnilr 


o! .Miti'ltliir* titki'O ill rxt’beiiifr, |' 


Kof -avirli 



Picture Mouldings, 

which I elidllArll V*rM per re«f. frre* /sVcrii ffe»feM Frdrre. 


Commercial Street, - EAST WEYMOUTH. 


triUlM' ... tMI Ml'l'IiPittillll AtlllHtVV. 

t-Ulii'i'pi rstaitdlh or It) itiHil 

\\ <■ Wi«ll taM'Mil tin- •-••pai-Ml lit l« lltitlO of (lllMf 
who 411 Iisliiff tio'olil at\V Ifowc. Ill iltP rrrrtil 
ttii|>riitrmpm« on iliia kiHrhIix. wlin-liffivp li 
grratcr diirttliUliv, •ImplirUv. I|h piI. IlghiiH ao in 

|t'om'»ponilpi*ci* of the tiaxrttr.] 

Oer Busten Letter. 

weeka ago, ami now the lecoiul edition is out. 
Il is “ihir Cuiitmun ScIkhaI syttem” which 
Ihis <loublc<dged w ritcr cuts into now, and every 
thrust tells as only she can make them. 1 'he 
(loren or mote essays which make up the vot* 
ume are fully et|ual in style and pith to the best 
which flail ever wrote, and will delight her 
frten<l.s as much as they will irritate her enemies 
—and the enemies of the common KhrMil syt- 
tern. From the same house comes “Monsieur 
laNioq/’ from the French of that intensely fasci* 
nating novelist, F.mile (iaborian. It's a book 
ime will sit up alt night to read. 

ITie May magazines are ciuite up to the mark 
—the Atlantic contiiiuinK the new story. **The 
.Siillwatfr Tragedy" by T. H. Aldrich, and the 
Wide Awake full <if sense and nonsense for the 
litile ones. The Musical Herald improves with 
every number so noticeably that its subscribers 
are congratulating themselves on getting more 
than they bargained for, and nen names are 
I'oiiring in to this three months' old journai of 
music every day. 

The Tourjee Tourist is a new monthiv publi* 
cation of which thr .April number isihe Arst. It 
is a spicy and well wrirten sheet and contains 
much valuable information. *' 

Brockton Steam Marble Works, 

FRET). HANSON. Proprietor. 

WprUlmiodo the Iwit work at Uio UiwesI A large stoek of mtntelii^ and bracket shelm 
pries**. always eu haiitl. 

'S-: f«n.. ii-" , 

Wu liave all ilie iiiiU'tihirry for sawing and Bn- stsFck of shelf brackets In the City, 

. t . I / '•»nl amt I will call on yem, 

|S|MM*ial ticfligna fnniUlM il for all kind* of i em* but «ln not lra 4 |f with me unU ss inu are Mthfleti 
I'lvry work. wllh ihi' stylra uutl priiT*. 

27^ Parties coming to my place fk'om Weymouth and vl* 
olnity and trading with me» will receive railroad tickets free of 
charge. 503 u 

3Ir9. Wlilii of Cambrldgepnrt, will' 
apeak on Tetnponnee In the Metluxlist 
Cliurcli. Soulli Uraiitlreo, on Sunday 
evcniniiiipxt at7 o'clock. Allan in* 
vlUnl to attend. 

On Uonday evening lust Tlieoilore 
Tliaxter, 13 years of age, son 4>f Mr. 
Joshua Wilkini, met with an accident 
liy means of wliirli lie Inst his life. 
Wlicii opposite the Idiu'kBmlth slion of 
W. .1. Ciisiancc the horse atteniptru to 
turn into the yani and wiieti he turned 
Ijlro into tile road in acme w'ay the horse 
stumbled atid fell, throwing the buvand 
stunninff him. lie was so seriously in¬ 
jured that li<‘ was hrouglil lionie on a 
tied. Doctors Korsaitli and Dearing were 
called, and upoiiiimkins a thurougliex- 
atninatioii pronounced that lie liad re¬ 
ceived n concnsDlim of the lirHiii.with 
riiptnro of 8«)tneof the blood vessnli in 
tlie head, and tlial there was no |>oi»il)Ie 
cljancH of Ids recovery. The lail was 
convulsed, and unconscious, Ids lower 
extremities being paralyzml. The result 
proved llielr deoislDii to lie correct, as he 
passed away alxiiit 1 o'clock next morn¬ 
ing. Ills fattier was in Kenliicky, and 
was Immediately lidegraplied to. He 
reached Iionie aliout lOo'clock lastiiigiit. 

When in Kentucky, Mr. Wilkins was 
struck by liKliUiing while riding with 
anotlier geiitleiiian uinl icccivi'd ioitie 
injury to one <>f Ids hainh, wiiioii, liow- 
ever, was in»L very serhius. Tlie horse 
he was driving was paralyzed, and ilw.os 
a considerable lime lM‘f<irei(. vvashr4iught 
to. Mr. W.'s rtlnrn was Biunewlial do- 
layesl, In one instance tbc cars jumped 


mnde from Miriilgan Wliltr Wtirat, mid ffniiiiui 
cx|irrMlr for me, 70 M HO Cli, per Stag. 

Also IIKAW* fur lli>rses, Cattle and Hogs. 

for * 111 *. U’liolr«i»lr biuI Ileinll. 

'i 4 1*2 llui. si «iiini' rRtc«. Floiii. 

ill ten iiiiW. FKKKOP CIIAKUK. 

Ttii-imdiT*lgiiri|. Agriu ftir llie nUbmiiig In* 
irstirt't ita., with A< 4 *<-t««ifm<«r 4 'lhiiii $' 4 . 1 , 000 ,. 
IN), i« prepnreil to ln«tin' tu hiiv siuniiiit. on 
.rsi.itr I'rhsonai, rit 4 *PKUTT.Iii\VKYMnuril 
I ik'iniiy. lUviiiir Iih.! muiiy yeui*'rviHTienec 


nil llmiikful for p»*t f«V 4 )r<«. milk-tts a «'otiUmiiiuer 

Hiniill ling* of 
b'livereil wUli* 

i’.mimrrrisi.' 4 trrrt.VyKYMOLmiLANI)INtt, 


, 7 f«MMFwrffvrrrs «Nil Dratera in 

«|nlncr MnlBMl, >( Qnm. 

Oorrhrntrr, of lioto 

Mriwhanla A Famrra, Wnnrnti 
AblRuInn. of Alxngiii 

llomr lim. 4 'o.. of New VlU 

Of-rnian Amprlmn, - of New Yul 
■na.Co. orWorth Amrripa, I-hi 
Amcripan In*. «'a.. of l-hiUJclph 

Nhop A I.pBlhpr la*. Vo.. IWnti- 

Hhpuix ln*.< ' 0 «« llrooki) 

44 lo*ppatpr Ian. Co,, - filoucnti 
I'ho-alK •• •• ll.ttfoi 

l.auraMliirp ** •• Manchnlcr, Er 


Wiyiuoiitli, Aug. 15 , 1 S 7 U. 

. you ever me 
tu gu travelling, you’d better send for it 


. jk«M A TkWKl.T.lNO IPlUHR nm) one* 

JkVnrM|K ^ 4 ‘lgliili nf * 4 *re of Isiid oli llwker's 

■JWIAhS Aveiiiii-, tirsr l.iiic«ttn Sf|usrr. Wry* 
VHB 9 lB|u«(iiih. Istely 4 >wDr 4 l by t'slvin H's* 
krr. Il 4 >ute iwo •t 4 >rv, bs* «ix room*. !• in fuir 
irpair, wntl i« 4 Tentrisliy lorsteil. 

a^AQINfil.K liOlTSR with 3,537 
^ »i|tiur4* fi'vt of IaiuI, Slid s Ooulilr 
■INVmS lloiiar wllh VWtU aiiusie fret of IsihI. 

hImi ISiUlirr lots of Isml. rnn* 
liiiliiig ill tlie UKgr 4 -gst 4 ' IKt.aTO tapisre feel, ull 
known HA the Hti'pl> 4 *n H. hiyi* pi-om>rt)'. »itusl 4 -d 
»r»r |tr«iHd Mrerl. W 4 *Tinoiitli. Tlirte lots. t 4 )* 
gi'tlicr wllii our nr Itoth )if thr Ii<iii« 4 *«; if iMit prr* 
Tioii*ty sohl. will b'* olferril for ohIo ut A tJCTTIUN 
oil TMi‘S 4 lsy, April 20 th. A plan uliuHiug thr In* 
rsiiiiii Hiiil ■!»' t)l till* lol« osn b<? Rerii »t Uir 

’nWKUJN'ti 1 IOU 8 K MBl onr* 
Itulf sii acre of luml nu North 
■WMhHS street. Norlli W ryiiiouth, Utely 
HHBimtnwneil by tiro. K. Uriwl. Itousc I* 
H Krrtirli roof rottagr, roof nlHtrd slid tinned, T 
rootiiA. giHMl crilsr. pisns. in good repslr, and 
|ih-i»«siitly lorsted. 

. MtfL A OARTT.Y in Weymouth iuit ino*|. 

ly in IlinglisiD. tlie ratste* now 
ktoffySocciipii'il hy I). 1 *. Ibiywiu-ii, ou 
Fort 11 ill «lrrct, cotmlmltig of »n «cir 
iirloii'i. » ilHrlliiiie liouoc, 114-Hrly hi'w;h Itirgr 
liiiiltling MlApi4>4l for iiiAiiufsi'tiiritiR piirpoAc*, 
roiiiii*«*t4-ii wilii whicli 1 a s WHlcr prlvilrgr of can* 
fiilmibii* powiT. 

Kor furtlirr pnrticulnrs spply at thr 

Weymouth Savings Bank. 

One of the Best Assortments 
this side of Boston of 

Potaoks. Ilic gri'At SprclAr for Ditihtlierla. 
i'o(tt«kn rurr« rII Son-TliroHiA. 

I*nin«ka (*iirr* llroiiohltl*. Hotirseiir**. 

PotHAku riirrs Sinldi'n Cobl*. 

PotiAeku riirr* (‘HiHrrh. 

PoiHsku riirr* Ti«*klintr in the Tlirosl. 

Polit«kik i< rrsilily laki ii liv C'liildrru. 

PolHAkH id inrsliiuiU.-lo INildic S|H-ttk«*r« sod 
-“A. Sold by oil PnitfgiftH. '4 


KxpreNN tsnil JSilk WVnironii, Doiilsle tind 
Minglv^ Runner KxpreMH MlelffhH, *e. 



iiig Prp&ruiient, wiilch Iiiaa'i- bren niiidi* with tlie ; 
KroAtest I'sre by expi-riciii’eil liimds in our own 
workahop*. They sn* iut4‘i»ieil for griitlnui'U 
who alcsin' u tiiuroui;lily gtHol gHriiieiit for imiiic* 
liiste u«e St H ftsir prici'—litti* Hvoiding tlu* ilelity 
iltcidrnl ii|mii 4 >rd 4 *rliitf nrtii’Ii-i iiis<lt* ti» incriMire. 

In i'oiiM‘t|Ui'iic(- i)fliAviiig iiioflr ctiriy I'oiiirsi'l* 
fur Ilfurly sll otir iiuit-rlitU for ihi* seusnu. ws ari' 
ciiabirfl tn make niir |>rirca ubout tiic ountr a* Iasi 
year for ko«h 1 « of iMrri--t>ondiiig •iiiality. altlMUigh 
tkr corl of woitllrn ^»ods liu« iiii'rt'a*«- 4 l 



Hvyond lli•p 1 lt«*. t'lilt** the Im*wcIs do 
their «iiity silh if-i-iilMrity. ci-rfi'i't lirnllti is im* 
]io««iliIr. the-iton . wliPiiiliooriirn-ii.cotitmlthiin 
Iminrdisteh a itli /.it timi, tin* surrrt Hiiil iiioul 
ftTi'rtual rai>i.iriii* Mtol i.ixutivi‘ known. It hs« 
been tested f'>! (‘o*>ti\<'iie»« aii<l it« Iniili of ilis* 
iinicr*. such ns ItUiousiiiss. Piles, etc. It is with¬ 
out n rival. ant to the ta-tc. invuliiHliie for 
rhililrm ami driic.itc pi-r«oiiA. Arkfurit. Price, 

&U C«DtA. 


al*o nu liiiiid a flue ass 4 >rtin(iit of ROItl'.H, Rl.ANKICTS, 1 VII 1 PS, unit oilier tfomls t 4 > bt* found 
in a well rct;iilatc«l lluruc*s and Curriug*-' i’hop. 


conslnntlv on hsnd. ronsistiiiif of 1 JUKWSTKI 6 . fOMlilXATlHN. HIIITdN and IlI’litiY PIIAE 

Xo. .'17 lliiiicock Mt., nillX'C^Y, .tIAMN. 

4 S H 


Macnllar, Farler & Compaiy, 

too Washlnglon Street. 

••Tiik Itr.*T MKBirTsr in ih«* \V«»rld. 

TIi 4 '{)/</ I'tgftithlr i'nlmoHiiry Atfffiw. t'litlrr 
A ('o.. liosltiii. Siiiull ri-diicfd to 3 .’> ct*; 
l.aru**. # 1 . 4 U 53 


r .N this town. si<' lii-rcl>v ri iuiiMb d Ihul suid 
Dnifs must be UKtilsTFUKI) in the 'I'owii 
( Ivik's ofli 4 -«* during till- pri-sf m motilh. 

Dogs wliicli Wi re ri i-isii rnl h, 1 H 7 V csii reloiti 
iIm* sHine uiiiiiIkts. if tin-ir itwioTa make i-ariy 

Wrytnuutli, April, isnu. 

Kboumatism. Ifcuralgia, Malaria, 

Diphtheria. Pnoumonia, Soro Throat, 
loflammation of tho Lunsa. Ao*i 
—ci'Rsi) nv— 

This evening the Ilingham Brass Hand will 
give a complimentary {urty at our Uncotn Mall, 
tu those who assisted them in their dranutic en¬ 
tertainments on the evening of Fast day and the 
evening after. There wril! be a dance, with 
music by Burrell and Stetson, and a supper. 

I.ast Monday, Mr. Russell LcBaror, one of 
our highway survr}(>r 6 , lost his wallet while at 
Wiirk upon the r<ad. The wallet contained 
about seventy dollars, and several {tapers bearing 

T IIK »ubs«*rlln*r Inn* for sale *1 Norlli IV'ey* 
iiioiiih. a small l>ut I'luiicc to-orttiieiil of 

At piioTH whh'li mnnnt fall to •iiit. 
TIi 4 s«* Villon liHseiwi-n »crow iiwitli i«p4'i-l»liTf* 
f-ri lire in (lUHlity. Rlid w ill Ik* fiMiioi 

#••*« 4 m rtrrm reaprri, s 

K. K. IM1A1T. 

North Wey uiouili. .\prd 3 . 1 ssi>. bu I 

NickeDPlated Leader 

Student Lamps 

&c., now on exhibition at 
the Store of 


in blank amaac. “WilyumStaci." \Vilha|x»t* 
script—men i/tf write postscripts—‘'Pve adopted 
thefonetic spelling of my name ; my lawyer says 
it’s all right; so yuu wil know William Stacey 
no more. Yours as usual—Wil." 

And in the left hand upper corner of the let* 
ter wa** pasted a tiny strip of {U{>er,on which was 
printed the fulluwing legend: 

"The Knglish s{>clling is the worst in the 
wuild. Millions of years are wasted by each 
grncratiun in tr}ing to learn it. Milionsuf dol¬ 
lars arc waited each year in {irinting and writ¬ 
ing silent letters. The American I'liilulogical 
Assucutiun and the leading scholars of the world 
recommend the following rules fur new s{x*II* 

“I Chnit i 2 from the diagraf ztz when (ironounst 
as t short, as in hed. helth etc. 

"a Omit Silent rafter a short vowel, as in hav, 
giv, liv, definit, forbad, etc. 

Write / for /A in such words as alfabet, 
lantom, camfor, hlovrfy.telegrxf, etc. 

"t When a word ends with a douide letter, 
umit the last, as in >hal, wi), clit, eg. etc. 

"5 Change ri final to/when itiustlic sound 
of t, as in lasht, imprest, tixt, etc. 

"For further infurnutiun of the reforms, and 
its recent rapid progress address Mehil l>ui, 
Sec. .S{>eUing Kcfc»rni A«Micuti 4 in, Boston." 

So 1 addresse*! Mr. Duiand received in reply 
an envclopte full of printed teports, items, criti¬ 
cisms, editurials, etc., w ith a copy of the "Fonetic 
recher," which is {>uUlsh^^ mrsnthlyin St. l.otii* 
and in which the extreme ot foneticism is reiwe- 
sented. Vouieally Itasenuidea—at least Fin 
suic I hadn’t—liuw this reform ha*, spread in the 
f'lur short years since it uiiginatnL It is {>urcly 
a reform—a missicnary M«<ik—nobwiy makes 
any money by It, that Icanlearn. Itis certainly 


4'«riirr BridRP itiiil AlhrnN Ntrert,. 

.Vn Ai'T I «»N 4 KiisiNij IbMis, A?rn S 4 >it ntoTEc* 

TioN ur Siihki* a.sii otiikk Domkhtu' Akixai.*. 
Jif it &•(.. at : 

Sec-I. Every o« inr ‘t k«4'p4T of tt ilog fimll 
.kiniiiidly. on or lx Ion* iIh tbiilit ill day of .\)>ril. 
I'liiiiii-II to t**' r«'L'i*i>'ri-<l. niiBilx'n-ii. tb'-i rtlH-ti Hini 
ii<'< ii-i it. for 4)111- )4'ar lioiii llie llr«l 4 I 4 V of tin- vii* 
-uiuk' M'l.s . >u ih<- oilii-i- oi till -1 1,-ik of'the oity tir 
lowii wlo-r4-iB *.101 doi; 1 * ki ut. mioI •IbiII i-uiix* it 
to wear itroinxl it* im rk n ottlhir iiurkt il 

w ith it- ow iM-r* ii.inM- uiiil it* ri-gi-l4'r«'i{ iiniiilH-r. 
ami •IikII p.iy for oin'Ii lio 11 * 1 -. for 11 iiinlt* 4log 
iHo dollar*, uiid for u b'>-ilou flv< dollMr*. 

Skitios 'J, Any p4-r*oii iH-coiiiitit; ihi’ 4isviM'r 
or kri p«-r 4,r .1 tint; IM't alllly )ll'i-|l-a-<|. OB Hlld aftlT 
tlo' llr<l iloy of .May -halt 4'.iiia(* l•ull| dog to lx* ri-g* 
l»t>-ioi, uiiiiiIm'Ii d. ■l4w>i'ril)r<l uiul lii‘<-ii*rd tiittil 
tio* first ilAy of till-4-ueiiliig May, ill till- iiniiiiii-r. 
Mild siibji-i't to fill* tt I tti* and diilK'^ pn-arribs-il in 


Sprlnir and Summer Wear, 

art* on hiind iiiid nf Hii{K'rior (jtmlily, nt 




Dry Goods, Groceries,Provisions, 

Hay, Grain, Crockery Ware, Hardware, 



D. B. Stetson’s 



which givi-* iiiiiut diiiti- r4'lirf. nixl i- a ritdica) 
o*. I.aiiii-Bai'k. Iiitlaiiiiualion of tin* Kidixy*. 
t kiu'lie. I'lli !*. lluiiiiiio or Sor>'li<<*of tlic IVi f 
III wlinti vi-r I'aiior*. Biiiii<* or Si'abi*. iiiid 14 II 
naiiiiiiatory I»i*t*a*r*. lU-tanlli ri'li'iv 4 ' 4 | uiid 
ri*il. "Sapaniilc" will *av 4 * life, lio not ii<g* 
t t«> inn a iMkttli*. hi* a liou-diold iir4'i-*-it) 
ill |>utti>'uUr<4. in our llliiininiilct) t'aid*. aiid 
ri'ulAr*. •ent rr 4 ‘ 4 *. u|HMi a)*plu'aliiiit li\ in.iil. .\ 
hI will bi-iK-at you. \V«‘ giiuruiit>-i' -ati-fariiini. 
in«>n4-y r('fiin)|**il. &>M'cut*4 anil SI |M-r ll<illli-. 
tat Hollb s. 35«'. Sidd by all Dnigiri't-. 

Sawi kl (irrtHY j, (oyi'ANY. 

IS ly l'io|o i«*ton.'J:i 7 Broadway. N 4 a York. 


We are baviug a fiiio aatortiiient of 

Ladies', Hisses' and Obildren’s 

Sandal Slippers, 

Newport Ties, 

Stylish Made Garment, 

her. •'>. Any tx-r-oii ki-4-piiig a ilog I'outrary to 
t be prov i-ion* of lio- mi'I. *hall forf«*il tltti-eii dol¬ 
lar*, to be r 4 i'<i\i-n<l by roiupluiiit. 01 indicl- 
iiK-iit: aiisl of >ai<l 1 ) 114 -or foift iltiri-, flvi- iiollui* 
oliall Im* )•i»id liithi' <’oiii|,|.iiii;iiit. Mild Im dollar* 
-bull Im- p.inl f.) tin-T'ri'u<iir 4 'r of tin- coiinlv in 
wliirlillo' dogi*ki|it .V lii-4'n-4' from iln* t'li-rk 
ofuiiyciiy or lown -ball lx-valid iii uii) part of 
ihr < oinnionwi allti Mini t4i.i> be t rMii-fiiri d with 
tbc dog friK-iJtJ •aid ru'i-B*c lx- rc* 

4*oii|i’d liv lb«-(ti-ik of iJx- i-tiy or town wlii-r*' 
-IK I) dog I- kept. 

SeiTioN n. rio' M**i'**ur* of ihc citie* und 
town* -ball uiiimally t aki- a li>t of all dog* 4 >h tn-d 
or ki'i'i ill tb''ir ti-»(M-«*live ciiii-* or town*, on tin* 
lli«td4>'of May. witli iltv owni-r-' nr ki-cpcrB* 
inline*, and n ium tli>'Buiiie to tin-city or town 
< b'lk. on or bi fort* the lir«l day of •luly. Any 
iiiwnt r or k<'4|Hr of a dog w ho «ball ii-fiKt- to 
I uivi-ju-t und inii- .iti*wi*r*. or *11411 4ii«w«-r falwc* 

, U to till* u**>'**0|- l>‘lHli\4' lo till* owill-labip 
ibi-n of,-liail Ih* |>iitii-lo'd by a fln>' of not li-** 
tliaii ti ll iliillai*, to fo-|i»ii| into till- rnuDly Iri-o*- 

>riTli>N 7 . Mavoi <4 of rifle* uii«l (he i'liatrui. 4 U 
of tbc fM b*a'iii)m of town* *1)411 aiiimall). w'ilbin 
ti II day * ftoin fix llr«l of .liiiy, i*«ii 4 * a warrant to 

I one or 1114*14* |H>li(.. or i*oii*lab|e*, dirci't* 

iiig lln-iii to proeci-d loiihwith i-iibrr to kilt or 
c.iiisi- to b(- killed all ilog* willitii tln ir ii-Bpci-t- 
I ivt-ciin - or town*, not il■■•’B••-d itixl I'lillari'il uc- 
■ ordiiig lo llo |>ro\ i-itiii* of till* >*•-!. uixl to cuii-r 
coiiiplaiiit agat»«l lli«' ow in r* or*kri-|ii-r< iberi-of. 
and any |h-t»oii inuy. and i-vcry noUt*- oibcrr 
•bull, kill or 4 -Aii*)- Ui b«i kllb'd, all * 111-11 dog«. 
wbi-iicvi-r . 4 i>il wbi-ri’M-r found. 4 ') 53 



T*arti' * wi-bing to Mi** Wiiitk 1 
ally, rail .MOMI.W)* wnil FUR DAYS. 


Tlioui' l|l■»i^uu• of 4 gfxxl article lu llie 

By Holbrook k Fox, AuctVs, 

OfHrv, I'-a l*oal Ottic** Si|imrt*, Itouliiii, 

Rlurriagcs ;ini) tlcutbs 

OF THE I.ATEST STYI.E 8 . al**i 

tH'oiity tnoiitlis |>a8!ti*il. th*' paiiB li.ail 
e»*aaed l<> Im* "ilresit-up” an*! for 
ttiiic liati iK't't) trnrti i t tlio factory am! 
£anlrii. (iii«‘ Siiixlay iiioriiiiii*. bvforo 
rising, he thniiglit he saw a piece of 
{Sreeii pap«’'r pmirtKling from the bottom 
of out' of the pants legs,—the- pantshap- 
petiiiig to Ih* ill a nearly inverted ptjai* 
tion—anti on examinatiou fouiul liU Itdig- 
)«ist ^iS.DO hetareii the canvas Ihiiiigami 
the p.inta t'lolli at the lower eml uf the 
leg. The moral aoenii In btt thii:—use 
««ilvrr, Ilf wliieh cniililn't get lost 

In your {tAiits leg. 


The {HM»r tramp ha.H liis ailvantases a.4 
wi'II .14 infelicilii'S; us nm> stooilat otir 
liiHir lagi'ily devouring the food fur- 
iiNIicii him wecoiiltl not Lilt think h(»u ' 
' tniicli iM'tier idT tliiH liniiieletiH man was 
than tie* f'/.ar nf Kus<«U, whii ilares ntit 
eat of any ilish •oTveil iti hit* own palace 
ttiilrh.'H first tatleil hy 901111 * 4)110 else. 

S|i«)r Itiiwlneuu 

Il.oia hriglit niithvok ami the loaf be> 
twiiKii catunaigiis will he plea^aiilly slh*rt 

Snme nf our townsmen aru concreting 
th*‘ir walks, doing the work theiuselvea 
and making a nice joh nf it. 


I.evl Wihh', formerly of .South Wey- 
tn4iutli. has hail two liici Ts a.iwed o|T in 
NittdIev’H mill, amt .hnilaii IhilliriMik ha* 
met with .» siiiiilar h»'*H at W4*«»t lI:ino\«*i'. 


lit Itraiiilrre. A |iril Ikl. Th** 4 Mlorr Tlotxb-r, 
if doBiiua Wilkin*. :ig«*ti rJ > t*. 4 ino*. 33 
Fuiii-ral totnorrw (.Satur'Uv) hI 9 . 3 U B. M.. 
ti- fatlier'* rr*i<l«*iia-i-. 


Mortgagee’s Sale 

REAL ESTATE ill WeyiDODlli, 

Best Drugs & Patent Medicines 

' lUI tin* klitil* i)*iially kept iu » rtr«t eliMiu itore 
alt ttiir own gnutl*; are warranted, aiitl if u«>l 
giMxl wr give iithrr* fur tlirm. We ket-p 

constantly on hand, 

hint-, will tio Welt to rail At the Market of 



Broad SI., Wrymoulh Landing. 

4 Im 1 wniiieii are imt tiltiiir 4 4 l. Il la<'kilig t 1 i-*ii, 
vital, bruin or iirrvr fiircr. u*e U 1 II/.DM.\. (iiejl* 
e«t rviU 4 dy uu 4 -aitlt for »i uual and g 4 iit ral d< ■ 
bditv. iiniMtti iM'i-. * 1 - 11 ,mat wt.tkiie**. tiiinurv 
trutihit-* Aixl K 4 -uiHle >Vi akie-—. < 1 )' . # t 50 . flit 
K.\STMAN. is Dtivrr St.. Write lor 

it; oallforit. .'•J 3 

M ii 4 *igii>an and Atlaliiir F. liodgiiian, his I 
wile, in her right, tu the l)c 4 lliam liistiltili)>n for I 
>a»in);>>. 'iatwtl Seid. 4 ilj, rccortled with I 

Norfolk DeetU, I.ili. ytS, I'ol. 175 , aixl tor | 
htrjch 'ti tliff cofidilioti '-I said iiDirlgagr, will lie 
sold at I'uhlic Aiictiuit oii liic luortgagrtl {•rein- 
lues, on Mf »NI)AV, the tenth day of May, 
ft. iv'*(), at four o'clock in the afternnon, the 
prrinisrs in sai<l in >r(gage deetl (teMiibetl, to 
wit. -All tiiat tuct of laixl, uitli the buildings 
tlii'reoii, situatrriin Weyntouih, m the (.'iMintv ‘ f 
Norfolk and Commonweallli ,>1 Massachusetts, 
containing c t acies, 70 r 4 >ds, l)i>un)li*il easterly on 
laiiil f'^mrrly «d (lo.igt* (da),'*, anil now or late 
ff Lliiilrs lluniplirrv, inirtlinly on Wrymuutii 
I* ore Kiver; westerly on said Kiver, anil a creek 
leaihnit into the same, and then vnithrrlv, and 
tiveii westerly again i)Y iaml now or foniinly of 
faiucv White, ad, ami thcii viullierly again by 
ttir hoiitii .’shore Hailroail, leiiig thr sanir prtin 
i-**-* conveyed to sanl Adalmr F iliulginan by 
(tc'-r-ge f) ttrast-iw, by «i(i-<l ilateil ()it. r;, iStwi,! 
; ts’cordnl witli .Nmtrilk 1 >rr«i*. l-ib. 24 it. Foi. s^>. 
.-\lv> all 4 >tlirr tracts of lami whi(librlong<-<lto 
said rnortgaguis, nr eiliirr •>! liirti), at the ilatt- 
• d * 4 ii| niortgagr, sJluatoi in -aid WeytiKMitI). 
and lying a<ffacrnt t - th<’ (tael alx-vr 'liscntit <i. 

I I ivr iiundreildollar* >1 tlir |Ktr( liasr in-inrv *0 
I ' H- lai'l at tfie tniir .il'I pU . oi sab*, jii'i tie 
I >n ten ibys itoiit >4 I-ale u{M,n d>liv>-rv 

.f the ,lr d. 

' I(|.OII-.M ISktIM I loN t -AVIS).., 

' ll\ C :’..)) ! I f.-aoir*' 

11)11^ M.- I 'Il-sf, Ac - .* I : .M .It 4 .ag. . 

Ladies’ Hosiery 

and Men's Socks. 


^I^Il.VT Ihi- ■ubN'ribi'r ban Ix-eu «luly apBointi-il 
A .\iliiiiiii*lralor of tbi* K*I.Ue t)f fiAMt’k,!, 
T* tRRKY. lute of \Vi-y luouiti. ilrt-fa*4-ii. ami Iim 
tuki-ii uix>ii loiiiM-lftbat lrt)*i by givuig Ixiixla, 
u* tbi- lawr iliit-el*. All I** nuui* l)aviiig itiuiuudu 
iilMiii till' eututi* uf Mid ■l*-i*i‘a»<-il an- n'lpilretl t» 
exiiibit tbe •auB-i aliil all |H'r*iiu* iiuli bled luauiij 
(-stute are eulletl tiixin li> uiukv |•uvll)t-llt tu 

|iU.\DFDRI> lOUltKY. Adui'r. 
l)o*iou. Marrh «t, tUM). 4 U 61 


Fire Insurance Co. 

the s{x‘lliiig*s(hiX)l becuiiivs "lost tuview though 
to menu-ry dear?” 1> there riot Sf-niA danger 
that It may put an end In marrying in tiie rural 
districts.’ It il well to look sharp after these 
reforms, you know. But thi > une is corning, 
without a doubt I only it lia<i come a 
dozen or two yearA earlier, that 1 might luve 
liecn »aved those many tears and thuse fearful 
columns of werds m Adams'—i believe it was 
Ailanis’, I d'/n't think I could {vowibly (orget. 

But I have wnicthing else to trll yim of not 
new either, but mm/ is a nrw > nr, and I am as 
dehghteil writli it as any chdd Uitliaiu-w toy* 
411’lvasssI as 1 was With no i-rst --. t',; loadiine. 

I It's a st.l.igrih) {■«!!.—nu.d hr l-nrtli s|.,-niin! 
[aL;aiii r.r ol llic r«-a*.!-i - 1 ..:., vo 

I |ici>s all-i I. ( anv > 11 . 1 ( 4 ( 1 - 11 . It 

lies ink til I- r. t ‘.. -it'll I--w mans 
tho:%.4ii-! ■■id*. It 1)4 4 V f ' (,|. oiil I lan 


U. n..»TKTM»X, 

Washington St., - OUINCY, 

Surplui over He-iniuraoe, over 5200 ,OtK) 

l>iTi 4 |( ml* ou rT 4 -ry <-xt>irinK l^•li<■s ; 611 pi-r 
rt'iii oh Sv 4 - yrwr*. SU tx-r 1 - 4 -iit. oiitlir' 4 - y i-ar*. Mint 
'30 |Hrr I'liil on All 4 >lhrf*. 

Tlila fuiuitAiiy |m»>» for iIaiiiiak*' tiy 

Tlti* ( oDipAtiy wiilrkolily ou the •Af 4 *r <'lA««r* of 


AN!) KVKUY l.()^S 1 »A!I)IN El’I.L 

'1*1 If ( • iiii'aii.s b s* Ix-eii til o|H rsU'Ki iu<>i4* tba.> 
s<-ar« tiid II i« !• o>l ..O P #1. ,).So.ta*) in to**, 1. 4 ii<l 
os.-r S'Oi.iMio III In-t* to i'olit-y liotilrt* 

I •rM4*l U . > 1 IIIIro**, I'o -id' III alxl I (• «*iori 

4 liH*. IIowIaimI. *H,'tt|Brs. 

ELIAd KICI1AKD3, Ageat Lr WryniuBth. 

I)iiri(ig tilt* |i.ot *('u*()ii und wliu-li are now 
ut Woik*. litar 

NolH'itli'tuioliiig till' g' n*-rul uthaiH'*' 
«*-ki'l 4 'il iKfot) July l*t 4 t oiir foiim-r liiwi 

Carriage Paiiitiii; 

McGRATH BROTHERS, Quincy, Mass, 

T he •nl44K‘iibertAk('* thi* uirlliod of inlonuiU|e 
bu frirotl* 41x1 (hr iiiibllc ibal hr Ija* 

It K MOV l-', l > 

III* I'ltrrluxe Haiiil Nbo|> lu 


witi ir hr will ix* j.ii-a*) •! to wait oil aH who niAV 
14 sor Iiiii) with »I'all. Ik-iiig thankful lor tiirfr 
|ia*( fasol* wnl I'uIroiiMgi . lo- wUhi <4 tu Ui'-ril tho 

WASHINGTON St., opposdo Prospect 
\v i:YMi>r^\'\\. 

$6 or $10 down ! Balance in 
Btuall Monthly Instalment!! 


Fancy Goods. 

Shears and Scissors. 


|).uU-i ill 

Eloiir, (iiwries 
and Provisions, 

or lb- 


A mi At tb" 

Zioiirest Cash. Frioes 

%%uwliliigluii K«|,« H«'>iaioulli. 


Patent Medicines, 

llUb.ll \M - 

tromaiic Camphor, 


A Pull Sized Eange for $20.00. 


HIM \Tllli: 

Mi'divid QiihiiHic Bitlliri 


East Weymouth 



Tl\, t lH'l’KM* 

eai.iwtaxy i Ml 


) SANI¬ 



i,ir> of ull kiuJ^ Tiiiru«liii« uinl Jublniig. 

it Allaali t« pripAfi 


Never Assessed oKolIrrAOT'^LOMONs 

. •• -II I .■)> I<. vvimln 




1 TrmMt PlMt, ttmit *»«■»» ttoitl. 


r M nrw mHhod, wMhnnt • 

Artift«-i»l K) m wit hout p* *n-_* *y _ 

•ml rart>fntiT« ami piifll^ rtlArly. U. I'samlm 

■»ar iJTw. ."mMI- Ph'iMK! 1" •!<". "« 

TKAIK!I l.rAVK nO)<TON Fdll 

M«« Torfc, \U Fill 

tarn. »t* F»H RI»*t ^'»» v»- 
Wfi^pfiTt, n Oi am: 3.**. 4 44. ** {•N.wt fM. 

lam. T.15 AM, MM 
FMimivM? Vi* T«w»t*Hi,e»- 

TlwfabwTib^ lafllM the pablM- irmrrallT, 
hU MOfk of ll«M4njr Unrly Inrrvaard 

AtnnitM Mb***" Muiy bf ftHitin 

iYnibiinr> l»t* IWtiO. 


PM R*tvim V^;;; 

11.04 am: 3 41 mm; vu Brlil»**vAa»pr. « »» 

rann" Jl^rvln W ) M m. II »» am ; S 
" PM AS aM.431 MM 

(WAl*^«?H.)4 45rM. , ,.4 ,,~ 

am: aai). >i.o 4.i * r..r iut..i..i|.»i.) *4». 6 05 
PN. RMam, JioTtli 
A M AM : IJ i: 4 .54 MM 
•on. M-W. »«'• am: 

RolMrn, lUiii'tolpR. IS *■ * >*■** 

MMAi'taraA It.ll »Aa: 9«.4.10.«wni. Ito- 
IntMa 7 9) OOTiAM: li<tSa 4.10. M.l<7 MM. 
Ilrtllp>w>tar.«.; I*, il »A»: a w. * 

fM. Hr!am.#.4Jt ?-S4» •-’ai-’AM. H.8«. 

RniktonV^T* • * m : I.W. 3.W.4. I®.S.*-Mmm . 

** Holurn* 4.M. • «. ® *S *■; 1* 8 »>. 4.63. 

t>1»mo*ith vl* AMnjton,* iioam .3 >* ^ra ; >i* 

^|iiiMhory.:a5 am; S.M). »m |UUir^*m ! 

hur». 7 » A«; i 4'» M«. ^ 

Kant 1 ‘ 2..m.5.oii,PM. 

iurf»5..vv MJAam; .hjbvm. 

Mouth AMfiMtnn, 11 AM : 

flotiirt*. *11*, < -I'i. o.Mam . 1« l.». 4^6 I M 
aoiilh l>_ii«linrr.7 .ViAa: Ja 3iin«. Rrliini. 

'J * 

a.'A) I’H. B^f am.AohaA.rl,. 4.*. i.P* 

. r. 0.7 A» 11'i «*. * '«■ » « 

IIInKham.IM.T.iA «3«. l'"«> »«! 

K..I W'Vreiimlh •"<> Wrjiin.iilli.7 M, 11 no 
■ .»n, a .HI. 4 ao, a ai i*o HAtom. Kaot 

Wr»i«ioll,ll.T.I«. I" ', 

.15. S 0*. 




to be shown in this vicinity is at 



irtiruUr Atl^iitloft u> ihM Sole of 
iioir Mini PfrM>fi*l PropMrtjr. 

LOdret*. North Wtraocrm.llstt. 



(Corner of llenrli.j 

tlOOtPOIATCD 1818. Clianer PMTpMtttl. 


CaHh Assets, • 

Business Suits, 

3'.), $10, $11, $I‘^. SC6, 

$l«, $1^1 n«i>l !520. 

Dress Suits, 

$18, $-20, $‘22, $‘24, $‘27,$:10. 

• , 

Spring Oversacks, 

$7.50,-$8, $!). $10, vSl‘2,,Sl4 



680 & 684 ‘Washington Street 

CZO. W. WJLKZlZXr. Mamaffor. 

prrmpnrp in»y 

riii'*i<i iMvi'ifiHi*. 

Ut-ili«iir tiirr E'liml. 

f IUl..Vi.*i25 

Ah incrmar «r aver t»,<MM».00 

ill tlwlr during 1478. 

f .vjn 40 
100.771 4.1 

delivered at your house for $24.CX), 

f!4o«itli IBmlniree* 

who will c*l1 for lliftn sml morn the osme. 
T»erfiM*t ,*ll'f*rUoii to the |MUtlP«i both In wotiimmh 
thin *nil (iriee. 

rtJtoBA A i*yUTH BBAINTIilC^_ 

.11, .nd w. will ihow tit Oowli Md *1« th. Prlow. will pl.anr#. 

always in stock; also 


A Good Set of Bed Springs for $2.00. 

Black Walnut Extension Tables, S|,05 a ft 

Chestnut Tables, S5e a foot. 

INSURES against 

£. C. BVXPUS. 

Oflicf, Boston Post BalMlHf. 

tititkf mtmr It^aoAlMfffM M«i 


wtTHnnm amtmm 4 «*ci.oc« F. 

It in PM llottsm, Wry*’ 
11)14 aw;M4 * P'. « 

KM*t llrmnlr****. ' ^Lo*' s 

^iV'jnfM llrturn,7 14. s. 
4 44, 6 MM. 

Wofihinf/ton Sgtu ire, Weifmoiith. 

EDU'ATIOXniul KilPLOtfMENT. y ^ g BSttOS 

KWW llV.lrnnl.'ll 00. 11 ,:b i»; 4.«.(E,,« |»>(K 

i.r. to TAiiuton) I'm; BMlurii, 4 I**. ♦••I 

Dividi-Od*. w |*« r rent, on fc Tr*r polirlrs, Mnil^40 
lu'r mit. on all otlirr*. 

■nli'th KMOlnlrwe, 0 46. 4. h.I.*’.. 6.31). 11.00. 

11 :m). am; Wm; 1 w. 2 :>•. 3.rn. 4 16. 5. 5 3i, 
« 05, 0’J'. 7 WJ. 7£«.»:vi. II IS rn. Hrtnrii. 

5 55. 4 41. 7 18, f ^ « 4 .m. N 5.VM l«>.8i 
am; 12 It. I 21. 3.41. 4 Si. 5 ■2<>, .S.‘24,7.-.1.4 

|n 'ill I'M 

||roIn?r»'«. 1.45. 7 8S. 4 s 15. 0 .'V). 11 f) am. 

12 M 1 frE 2 5d>. 3 4.16. V. 5‘iO. 6..W. 

61)6 6'^i. t.iri. 7 .Vl.W.Xr. 11.15 PM KMum, 

6 00 0* 44.1 47. 4 IM.W.O.W. 1».27 

AM- 12 17.1^. 3 47, 4 51. 6 27. fl.», 7.34, 
4714. 10 84 MM. _ 

llohM-y. 0 46.7.36, 4.16, 9 ». ll.'Sl AM; 12 ■; 
'* i ih 2 3). SW.4.16. 4.6,.-W.«.U5. 420.7.02 7.W. 
9 :)•», 11.15 I'M llrftirn, iV.t*. ♦: 64,7.3o. • .37. 

7 .VI 4‘tl 8 37. 'A.tvl y 3H. lo.r<3 aM; 12.62. 
1 :ui 3 .si’ 4 ‘7.:i:t. «:i5. 7.:w. •• lU. lo ao i-m. 

9roiiNMt »ii iieiKiit*,** A?i 

12 M • I 6*'. '2 3:t2 4 lj. 6.>2. 4.A*, i.oi 

7 W». U 3*. 1116 I’M. |B. 4 f>4.7.4l t» m, 9 42. |I).3« am; 12 55. 1.24,3.60. 8.W 
6 3H. M i;), 10.31 I'H. 

, MeiMitiM*t,4.46, P.;u*. 10.16. 11 w AM; i; 
*M 12 I • I >».2 ;i.).3 32. 4 16. h. 6 W/- • '«• »» 

1 rt ju.*.<''i7 to.O.'W) 11 I’O'M lteliins,4.17.7.t'j 

4. $. .I(IRI»44’ Si ill., 

At4KNT.*‘ n>n 

Weynioulh, Brniiilrec&Vkinil) 



(ii tlir alK9Vi' li«l «*( I’fira • ur h.iri 
wrri' nrvrr lirfuit* otrrml la l»'’«l* ii. 
thr nuinlM r«, 

dt'«irr4 lo call apTriMl MttfiitloD to the 


in thr c«*k of 

wiiMn tilt, l,t.-l r.tiir iii.mllf. u."^ 
. .|,nlit «»rll» i.-r»tlu ilr*. »« 

tirrk. A*.-, iiiittt It f'ttti'i 

u'm th. Twit lIU-.NItllKO SII,r)fcVM 

I t.«Tf utti-nth .1 tit.r. iluiiiii; thtit tim.. ^ti I 




liiKtiiu Slf'-it. Hiftoii. Mit*«^ ._ 



and rn «••ltn• tin* i»iililir tliiil In- I* aI>W* t*> *nj'lly 
till' Qui'«t hi*triiin('i)|4 at 


]ror.MRiti.T I. 

Till' Fanioii* and long r-taMi'hi'd 



a. O. EASTEUIJUOOK., Itublt-nhcr 

COMMLECIAL ST., op. Station St., 


American Organ Co 

( TImmiiuo’* 4«ls'riiliir«* 

.\ 4k«;t(.‘h of tln» Imtii t'f ih** r-Viilni' 
t«i ill III*' foliiiuiii:; iloriitin-iit, 
vviiA rvM'i'itlly prildlslit'il, uihI ri':nl«'i4 uill 
i))> iloiiiit iu' iiitiui'Ali il ill itii* «|iiaiiit iiM*' 
IMoriai vs iiii;li Ii.ts In'rli li.llidcil lis fiti 

'riipNr ni.iv Ccrtifir .vll vtliom it iii.iv 
j I hat \Vc the $ulAcribcr« U'in.; well acqiuiidrtl 
I with Cji't )«din riionui in hi* I.ile tinir wh'> 
was a tienticiiun fit uni|Ui'ttii>ruhI.‘ T'luth id 

4lor|ihin** Ituliil ritrrel 1<> loin 
•2'r tiai*. N« fiuy till euirrd. l»U. 
.1. .st'rpllKM*. I.i IwlMtii. t ». .'■0 l> 

Wr*t ejtiinrv. « !*•. 9 2“ *'• • ,'*.*||* 

I'M lii'iiipn, rt 44. 7.'>-'. H 5.*. 1*1 *■1 AM ; l.Jl. 

!miGiVl.oiMrHIII*, ;i.. s.9.(lu.l.7 via.Ni" 
|m.ii..|}am ; I. 3.4.15. .S.06.(5.2i>vmNviH.ii*it,) 
n‘26 lu.i ll.l'V PM. Brl«rii.«‘4J. l> 54. I.W, 
iiS.'|t..iim.)4-'-4. m IKaM; (I237«i» 
• J., {4.66 » im Nfimu^rt.j 5.^1. 

Vleiryard nnd Nivnluokot. 11:91 
.1 N.w H.df'id. d.iilv (Mii.dvv- .»• 
.Au.iiiiU.fO'*' I'tid ) 

.— “.3.»am; 

havr iii'W- and atlmctiv** ,tvh-» ihl««‘'i»'*'>ti. «l«*B'h 
« that id* InuiM* »h««ild I**' w'illi'»nt iti* inu«i‘'. 

... h't. t>r»oM un iii.|;iliii« iit«, or 

rhiingf*!. nr iiim d aii'l ripulrid. Stinl l«tr lal' 


Middle Street, East Weymouth. 

Al.l. KtMl* nP 


wl.i.'l vilillH .,4.1 t..rt ;..|i ..Itl... towt-T‘-t 

^ '*AH I'lih i« |•M>lIlJ'l^>• .tttc inli-tl to. 

Mills 111 Eiisl Hrainiri'’. 

I'.,-I om--i*a*t<hf*. W'r )iit.iotli oi- Ki‘i 




(3-. nSTYB, 


On (loltl 840.00 

On riiiiiitiim, (Continuous Gum 

Work) 30.00 

On Silver 

Oil t'hvonhvslic (Mutullic) 10.00 
Oil Celluloiil 10.00 

On Kubber 

(H ;ai 


7.I1.S PE. 

Martlin’* V 

AM , »l.» N 

<■< itit'il} ICptiirM. (VI. 

.S..l.ti|.k«l.» i tAVLtlS!!. 

MuiMlve;. AM;4 tu PM imurii, 

2.41 I'M {»*'•• V; 'li*v« ) 

IlyAititla.ll.l’* am; 4.I'» rM{Wf.W ilat 
turn,6 W *M : l.> pm k d.u- 
|>r<»vln<vtowu. B.I.Sam; 4.13 pm. KHu 

FiilM>«"»h «i'‘i Kaliuoiilli 
llrlKllI*. **16 AM. 4.1i» I'H. (w" k 
Igpriirii, h'ivvf W«Ni«l» Hoil. 7.'.8) AM; 2i'M 


N>v%' York, (via Full Uiv rl.iiii .) 7 W PM. Ile- 
t«pii,(vu Fall Ihrer hit* i'V*«iPM. • 

Fall KIvrr, via Hmlg* **!;-: M’M-; via 1 auB' 
ton,7 pm. Ilpttirii, via ratinitBi • J*. AM. 
via HritlE«'W»t«r7.35 avi. 

South llrMintrrt* aiul » 3»> am , 

12 45 5 lu PM. U«'l*»r»* (2>tfUtl» Ur»uiitrr«). 
6 31 am; 1 4.3. 6. Ill 41 PM. . 

/-ittn.i.iih to |.•a,-*■|».l-•^•1•g*'r-•;e‘»^un^•rnvAI 
..I t»Jt froii. w Y...k:.i .'Xr-pt-J. 
.. • 

Citizenf* Market, 


TIu* anb-rriluT I* bow iratly to 


and Itiiildcr. 

SHORE HOdSKS n Specially, 

!• , -taT 1!? 

CIAIT’S llAltl 

.uitl C.vj'tii Ihi-iiu- ♦.»)• that he v.»riic'! iIk 
raijiict ot lctler^ *■ ft froin l\.n!;l.'»n‘! ii> lit Ikiri'l 
in the year luS.S irvuuetlijtely U l-.ri' Ihi* Krv.tlu' 
tion To their Mii;hne>ie^ the rriiici'and I'rin- 
(It (iranijewhich ielierviitN roicdlhrir li..,l> 
IK*SM.*H cf the Great troiiulc th.* l'.ii;;li»h .\aii"n 
then t in.ancd I'ndcr that the irn|»drtance atnl 
Hi/ard id conveying th'ive letttrnat time 
w.i*» >0 that he wa*» »-i>liilgrtl to conceal 
thriu Ivtvv'ren the Ihictng and niitNltle <>( hi* coat 
that he then w<.re .^ncl th.i! ni)lwiihH?.m'!ing hi** 
tiring hroiiglit too and examined in ht% (ashage 
to il'iilatid hy .in KngLih inrn of war ho delii- 
cri'*l tli'oe letlcr> vife t-i their IlighiK'»'M"* and 
tliat he wai Master i-f the YatJi ■.vh'i!t Iwuiight 
liver the I'rince ot Orange ii|v-'n the Iti'v. Uit'i-ii 
tliat King WiMiam anrl Oueen -Mary ujv-.n tl.eir 
arrival tii Kngland w.»ti »<) de.-j lv eogagerl in 
■,-ltling the Great ami iinp'irtatit .iffairs ot lie 



iK-hig m 'V eomi>l< H'd. will he h t for 

General Public Gatherings, 





F.ims. <tc., 

F-.rli ri».. nl-l-l, in I'« »'■*» "r '**' I' in *'. *" 

|i.\l;jr'« ."MITU. daii.lor. 
i:.«l.l.-iir'* . Uro'id S|.. mar tU- li»ll. 41 



N« vr Iaw». Thcia*aiel« entitled. Every ••I' 
dh-rev.ii-lightlv doahled hy wmiiiiD. dPi'AM*. 
or aeii.leiit. * iitilhd to dating luoK !•' 

day ofili-ehicrgi*. Even the Ih* of a Ihitfvr '*r 
tiM*. I iilillr* to iM'iplitu. A1 m». all wldo’Vi ami 
deiK ll■U■nt iiaieiit* imd Iiiiiinr** enlill. il. lime 
liiiilf d. .Xl'idv aloiHe. Many iM'ii>iomr' m;'V 
• III it h d to iiierl a-e. Ihniiity yet due to ihmi-nmG, 
I iiiidre**'** •. till'd. I’.ileiu** pr.M'ureil lor invent- 
Oi^. Fee. fixed hvl iw. >end tw«'Mamp-for liew 
law-. Iilink-iiml m‘lriiiii.»n- to 'l. s> . 

NEK X I G.. I.iH'k Ih.A :iU, Wa-lmigton, U. C. 

.VI :3 _ 

8 ’ooked Mna K^ndy lorthf* table* | 

at the lowe-L maikn priee*. railUa will pk'OAe 
give ii*» from ivvo tliree day- iiolie**- 
t.'ii-ioiiHT'* will lilvray" find ounnarket well •up* 
piled vvltli 

Meats, Vegetables, Oysters, Pastry and 
Confectionery, Fruit. &c. 

All onler* earefnUy and promptly atUnded t«. 
ami giMwl- delivered tree of eharge. 

•#'IlaVTiig hohl out the Hilliard Hall, t have 
fitteri lip a room helnw. wln re MEALS ran m- 
oiit.diied at all litiie-: ai-o DYSIKUS eiMiked in 
every ^l) h■• Tea and Lviirct*, elc. 

Wapiiihutivm St., mkak tiik c*ik. nr IIiuiaii St. 


Adilrea*. U«ix 3*>’*. 


Quincy Dye-House, 


Steam laaundvyi 

H aving fitted up»l)reUoiiAelnthem« 
Impruved Htvle. we are prepared to do a 



V AA* AgPuF* l*rr>tit | 

4B«fflP\Vill prov*' it or forf« 
riree. K. t. Un»F.«»ri Ai<». 
I. New York. N. Y*. 

ri rpilK milolil loi-fri. - that 

^ \ i re*uh irmii Indi-ereiinn in 

Z\ - » earlv hie mif l*e alleviAtnl 

^ ,ui.lViired. Ihro.-who .Inihl 

^ |K^> till* a^-eitioii.liouhl putell.oe 

ll„. new metlieid Work 
I,.lad hy th« TCAnouV .'In*- 
It At. iN.-rin'i>i Uo»ton.«n- 
fWF^r'^^'l.lFi: OP. **FI.F. I*lth>' 
k\!>aii-M «l V Hahty. iieivm- a"‘l 
rli, or vit.iht V impart d hy theerrot* 
■>I I-O elo. • lliplli'.rtli.n in liHMoeH.«. in.iv 

I d and iii.iiilintMl le;:,lim'd. 

Iimhedlli e.liliM". 'i'*d and .nurn'U. 
l•|,• I It i« -i.tml irtl nndieal '*"ik. 
Ill the Knuh*!' Uniiimg., vvritJeii hy a 

I nf gi < it i \pi ... totvlmin vy.i« .la.ti'l' 

1 mill Jew. Ilr il met lal hy the Nattonai .M*d* 
N-iation 11 iiinlrtin- Uantifnl tuidviv 
e eiigravim.'*. IhP'e linmhed p.ige.. 

,11 V) v.iliialde preM-iti.ti-m- for all.. 

, the ii-ultol many year- o 
,• and -u.T.-lid praeliee. either one j.l 
worth teiniim - th. pri. of the G-rk. 

1 Ireiieh eh'lh; piiee mdy #1. -• iit hy 
t-t'.hd. , . . I.amvl -ay-: "No pel...n •Imirnl 
an lid- Viili.ahle t.k. Mr* .vuilmr i - a 

. lUu-irAied pa* 
A vear.SI.«N>. 
Ifaj-Tisin*. 47 

UltrAIRIMU done in llm Ik'.iI manner, and at 

1 make a WIIKKI..'rhk'li I will warrant to 

Uivv rerfret WnlWIbrllon. 

Ma*'IIINK WllBr.l.a fiirni-hed a* de-ite*l. 


49 Iv 

3 3 ll>NTIIHf..rlAet*. I..iri 

A44KNTJ- WASTKIb. 11. 

i on lnll. lh>-ioii. Ma—. 

I'uiicv Chnnilicr Nets. 

) l'IKl Ks, all t'omplele. in Green, HI 
Maiooii and IMiik.-I'lling at the low p 
mm ... V Ui* I'lt.VT IS 

.i.oNeii I..I .li-.ihle.l -oldier-. fiom date ol .Ii- 
uirg*'. il tipplieilion i- fih d lief*<re .Inly l-l. l'*’M>. 
ii.iim« im reaMtl. ?*eiid i»<*«tagr' new l.iwp», 
.ink', and m-U'iethm-. Aihite'*. 

W.r UKlllNjiKU X (■').. 
i’itt'hiirg. I’.i.. «*r \V.i'lnogl»'n. H- 1 ’• 
««'Olde't I l4im .\g« ney in the I'liiud Male-, 



Gr>ril.;i3r,'.:c.-. iimi P'.iwS. Vr 

Fine Card Photographs 


Bl^KMKIsK, dliiiiiiTf nMMH. 

d'"70 A WKKK. BlSaday at home ra-ily mode. 

<.'o«lly oiiltil liee. Aiidres* ThUM 4 CO.i 
.V iign-ta, Maine. 

'juot j;;.. ub*»T^ 

.1 h. Il b.*-earkil mcay V* »r jfJ 
,K». auJ ha* ue *cr falU'd to F/ 


Hood'staBook COFFII wbfuousf, 


ADrati! i\D RETiim, 

Lightning. Wind and iluin. 
liMvr Miich H chaiicM* MKahi. 
»H-t large-iAe. iinprove.l Uahh 
Wringer in the w-.rhl. 'elliiig ai 
piit'e. IohmI refr'ienee ^umant* 

' 1 adea . • nf 1’ 

txl eHkli lUlf. 

.'i w.:.' ; 

^ tr •• II !- “f *• »• 

t ''It..' fine 

It «■* 

t . - iii).iV*ti*',^r!' - .'ti 

Jlf: •a2'’.a>3jre '. 

. « u »*-v 

5 C* ipl..! If.” 


■< PijJfEft 

M BEfAi-*:: IT 
rrSLivi:;: t : : i.;> 

-'.T v;:: 

, ri flccnvito it c'h*:! 

.. ThepoUoooJShu 
In Kidney Uri 
[ :•,l* 153*3. 

• ? or hi Rite*-: 

und F vJ‘30 

Ki.xN fV.W'.Mt! 

p««arl, m 3 tfJH b'* 

[J t)ur« parka- •- '* i'i r 

S •3?XL‘T£r T'Lf* IVCiT.Hr 2 

R ney 1. nt i!k- I -.rr'.'* . i*r4rr, ♦t.oo. 

— .V [icstifuiou' gruuntiiuk ] 

I ill- Iiur-utly. 

— In wlial 'tiit il'M-'r n tn;in 
IVi l r iuiiliiilabli y In n l;i«>uit 

— Nruni, iiflir i^rtziii^; nt sniiiu 
r 'hinu.-n. j'InrnU bis lifUil nini Mrlfiniily 
- If d,'rvliitn fnlks In' "n rlnik 
. 1 -. 1,11 (lilt I wnti.l. r wlial's rli' 
"b til* blllck folk-.'' 

I'lrvi itrv \M> ni-TUK.'—. 

Tl.-il nl.i.ll lir.nltn-.- lln- 

■'.■(.tli'-l .li'-lir'!"* in lint nf ibt* pUI'-n, 

r.iil nf tin- ..I 1). inii' .l nf it- 

finliii' it I" cnlnn- ..I'itlil ainl nnl.’rv . 

;i I .inililinii i. rnn.l .r.nrni'i in nii' 
iviiiinU'- tiiv. n llii- .nnililinii. ninl 
-ICntnlnii.'ncllin-j-. innl mu* ,, i-’i n- 
I'li.l ninl nnivnll' .1. Iiilil.v. In.-nf llncl. 
ninl iiliin tiln.'"'nk Innu'. llin'nl 'b'- 
,■... 1 - ninl (■nii-imililinii. rrm ninnin; 

liii- cnnininti n-nil-. 'I In-rcfnrc. il 
\.ni niv II -.illTi Ti l' finlll lliiii nil'l I'""' 
.in llnl In-.IInU'. l ilt llllliln.V 

ti„l<l.'i> .M. -licnl lii-> nu i\, Ill' ll '11- 
lii h'. llin I'l"'"! nli'l nnlicalh '■tilin' 
tin -..' nlT. '-linii' li.\ -irikiiii.' nt tln iin.l 
nf 111 !' I'Vil ninl |■'•m"Vill'.r tl"' '-nil-''. 

I■•"r all I'l' ni'liiiil. llimat ainl laan 
alTiilina-. M'Vi'i'n lianirian I'lniuli'. 
wi'.ik laa--. I'na-uaiclina ta il- early 
.lau''-. a.tfaaa aial kitalreil atterlina- 
Dr'l’ii'i' i''. linl'l'-a .M'llii'a! lla""V- 
■rei ja 1 ' lat 'Iv, ainl lia- 
it-. enan"'lil"i.. ft I- 
i\ I'lni'lilma nf tla' -v — 
ifallnraie. 1 ii'at;i-i-l* 

. ... ' 1 .. 


.licr i.n3 UlUary 

'rulile «'ntlery. 

T KW -tiH'k (if lalde Cuihry 'at urii c- that de- 
^ fv ('oiupetitinn. hy S. W. I'U.V I 1. 

Pet-Htnml Kirperleucen in 
the United States and 
Confederate Stales Armies 

By Goiajial J. B. HOOD, 

Lid*' I.ieiiieiuuit'livm ral Confedvi ale Slate- 
Army, puhli-hed l«>r 

■ t'l ntl.iuan that !»e iind-it. k .mi 
u.; ■ tie.* Sati; • fn :n a tiue ilevire' t" ad 
. . -tie H'ii'i'jr lla] J».tii' - an I 
t'Al Iditain wh.cFi liealwaVA •»rcu--<lt(i haw 
■Itch al heart. 

Wi v.i>i.ld further declare llul we pnhi.’sh tin- 
(ittnii'ny to the wi.ild on the avi‘Uiil '.I the 
4h I- 'Item we have the Ik I. rc iiaiiic'.l Caj-tn 
hoiius whesc atijuAintancc ic ' ' nvet-a'.nm 
hde hviing We lu'l the gieate-t t<ir sV 
.■n•.id^‘riIlg hi» .'-lugiiUf laithtal >' r- • • •• Lrl 'ft 


\ l.uily’a W lah. 

11.vv I lb) wi-li iny >*klii w 
iihI Ki*fi a** yuiir'-,** furil it I 
frii'ial. “Yoii r:in 
n.” all'svvi i'f*! iht* frioiul. 
iiH|uirc(l llu* lii>t Isuiv- ’* 1 
ih iUlDT'. that iniikf-i jui 
(1 uimI blooiaiiiLf hcaltli. 

■ inr, a> \oii ol*»*fr\'*.' K»' 




:tem of V 





i« •piiniig 

Auction Sales attended to as usual 


General G. T. BEAUREGARD. 


Thr entire priH'eed* ivri-aig from llu* 'ivh* o 
thi- work are «|evnled to the II'koI lliplun Mr- 

morUl Fund, whirl, i-Inve-ted in rniud State* 
R.-'i'lered lit.till' for till' mituie. e.irr. ' 
an.I ».hiruli.iu of the ten tiiiiint- deprived nl ih. n 
parent' la-l'Oimner at New 'hlemi*. (the iio l 
aiieholy iiieid.'iit* '‘f whieh «ad berravriuent an 
'till fr.'ll in the pnhiic luiinl. 

;..n..k i' uh elegiiiit (M'lavo, eoiiUimiig .OV 
;i-. with liiM'pUotogi ivph hkeue-' and a liii« 
I UiglilVIllg, lii'ide e.\pie'-l) for tUl' Wolk 
I. .... a..1.1-. II...I .11 ll•lll.l 

piige-: lo pel eeiil mure iiiaiter tli.iii i 
i-f ipa'dia »•% er 1.1 fore pal'h'hf.l in thi* 
anti •'hi. hand'omi'ly ainl well hound, 
fi.r UHL >n hall ino[i(M-eo iur 413, an 
•Mi fin.' heavy pap T. wid.- maigiii-. hoin 
llii—ia. K'h top. t'.r I6'2l>—an tnt.-inii 
truioliiiaiy it' -uec»«*. h^youdthc 
i.i h'.ok puhli'liiiig. may' lx- fairly etuiu 
.siig.ll ite M LiUrjry JCt • tr/slu'H. 

'I'ltK LinivviiV op I'nivmi'AI. K.'^oi 
.( icpiint entire ..I tin la*l(M'^^ Kdiiil. 


HirnI .iM'l* I.'iin' i 
The we)l-kiiowti repilt iti.«n>.1 th 
lit gnai.iiiti.' thit they w lU pn 

- a IHrsiiii ol a holxt hie and lair Liura. trwwe ^ 
:.:uiiblv hoia*that the vi.ung nian w.ll meet w.lh | 
the favour . I all w men A true hw. i- . i I n- | 
Idwfty & L ..n*idcttng Ilut the ^.d l aptn 
1 hotna'dtCeavcU when hiv ta.d ."'•/n w.v* t-- , 

viing fi» Kiii'ive a K'datu.ii id th > gieat .ilta i j 
ae lh.'Ught il highly juvt t: give out 1 ' 

;iservul >o far a*, we ha.v hcatd it tionv 4.a|ti. I 
111 .toa.'uii^iith .''otral tiiiicv amid., tl.eiel | 
In rcuntu trrilv .''iiLocriU; .lUt Naim - the I-iur ; 
ti-.nth day «'t >cptenibcr .\nn': Di-min.' uni 1 
th«.uxai»l .''liVeit hun>lre.l aiel I itty .kitBi'g K' | 
.;.n krg.'Iscotgn .''ccur.Ji M .;t;re Ihitat.f •■ 
I'lan.hrct Hdictnire & \ ii,e'vinu-(iLait>.Hi. j 

'';.;nd i I-Vi oH N V'll. : 

i i lil'VI \V 111 N t . I 

: !..||•» lu ST. 

1 \\ ILJ I Hist. I 
i.. LM 21.K Him. 

Captii lbonu> iiient>>>ii.'*i it. th:- isi)« r : 
wa-a Gcntlctuan Justly 1 sleti....! Lv all th.P 
knew him with wlu.m 1 w.t> jailf.vilatlv av. 
ooa.nle-i a- he t.vcd alter hr <Mttl(.-ti m Ktaintie* 
iti Uie ?uctety to whicli 1 UHoiig* he » vv a nun 
I .Singular ingenuity uf J-.ntcr|<i'*« km-wledg*^ 
and ai'inatnUiKc With kingdom'and s 

aho tt . .i>c lie that iio nun m Ins 'la, 

ka«l >ailcdt" 3k (ii Ui man) )—rt> iii the *.«'. 
z'm’ jafof thr w .dd had d«'ni - h-. at t II 

tv & tidehtv • Rn' imridril liio, - the gtr-it 
L ♦: Keia-scd in hill, in - n.f h ttefv If . 

<>^*/A*rr** m^isSb 



Will he m S»t TU WEVMori H every Tin RaUAt, 
at llu* t»rFi* K OF Uk. C. 4-* Tow All. 

N. B,—I'.r'on- de-iring l eeth exlrai led hy tl»« 
n-i* of N it roil' < taide (iA'.oun have it a.iniiuuteted 
1.) Dr.'rowi-r. 

i,("i hauih' l''** With uIk.uI 4*1 per 
•-.lit.oln. w lit .(lei aiiili >1. upi'ii |..pie« of'perial 
iiiieH't to .tiaeneati r«.idei*. tliii* making ti 
t>piali» ehaui'ler to uiiv 'ludlar wurk. hiTtrr 
thill aiiv nth. 1'Uiti'd !•> the want- uf the gr. at 
o.ajutitv o| ihioe who e..n«ul( w.wk' of r« ferenee. 
'iinl allog. tliei the late-t Lucvelopa'dia in the 

Hprt'iliieti VolllliM'a in either -Ple will Ih- 
..-lit I'.e . Auliiinal'un a oil privilvgi* uf return uii 
i«<*tlpt ot pi'portiuiialr p lepci vulniue. 

MplH'ltAl l>l*eouii|n t(i all etily luh-cnber-. 
atid extia di.eoiint- t«v elah-. Full partiealai- 
with d.'veriptive i-alal'.ig'n' I.i many uthei »t.uid- 
aid wi ik'ei|ually luw lu pric«'. ■ent free. 

Till' IxHik I' Uh elegant 'a'lav WI-'.. ' ■ 

't.-(l uigia'lllg. lii'ide I laig«- map- uf hatlle field". 

Mkiiieloay Kngli'h* loth, at Hi 
I.r ill a fine ."'heep Bmditig. wi 
I'tlUKK iniLl.AR.'s AM> I 
In liall iH.uiid Mo.i'.x’t'o. libi 
or ill hc't l.evaiit 

lullGiil >i.l' ' .uul E>lg.'. FIV 

On the r. e. ipl lioni any p.'i 
mall or « xpie". ot the aiin.m 
i. tliTur h> a »«>•(.d or.ler. I'.m 
a ei.pv will he mun'-dialeU 'eii 
ri'L'i»|.'ri''l a- '. ean.l-ela" lUJtl 
The v.>liiiue i- puhli'lo il in 
tviH>gr..pliv. on ih'gant paper. 

*\M-Hled a' hik'IH 'l "pe. lUieli' 

III.' tKith.o. 111. «nh|ect. III.- 
r\ niiar it worlliv a place in 
ev« ly ih 'k —or n|"'n the hiMik • 

III the eountrv 

MVI.V/A/f in 

eouiil) in the I nH**l ."-late'. - . 

j wilM»‘‘giv 'll to honoraldy di*. vittiaii' 
fiiMii Ihr uiniy. . . * .i i 

Tulhe ladle', who leel a.h 'i.e to expre— llu'lr 
-vmp.vthy with IHb OrfH-tm AU*Hjrt.U tund 

tin 'ale ol till' h*-.k amonglheir eiieP' of Irn ml*. 
wilUtToid auev.-. Ih-ni warnf c.iitrihnniig «ub- 
'taiitial -nl to ... de-etv mg a ean-e. 

yoR I LUM'i. h'Vles to .\g> nt'. eU'.. addre — 

wuli fnll parta-nl'ir'. 

Gen'l G.T. BEAUREGARD. Publisher, 

t>u beluilf ul die ll(XKi Memuri.*! Fuinl. 

4, ii NKW ORLK.VNS. I A. 



li'1 \itK Mtr.t . .It'ltn limit, "f 
id* lUM'. . K. 1 . fi'Uiid iiiiii*** II I 
il uilli ;* H. i'il IL'i 

, •*vv(*llnl to .III ein'tiip.ti' lo 

il ii** 'lo" tl. ainl 'leulli '( » 
ii.iblv. II;' •‘J"** 

y atlcclnl. 'V\u- - lAi* * ' « ‘- 

IH .! pliN'il'iuli vtci.' 'it ur*'*!. aiul 
»'rrij«;ioh niinlc afG'i’a tb»»r- 
!i I'Xaitliiiali'.11 M’ lltn*! br^.tii 
:ii|il‘oV(' ;it olid'. 311*1 3 L*l*‘^* 

ri'*'ti»i‘p(l l*» I b» 

lit) ti-i'd ibo til* •li‘-iu*' ill'‘‘Hiildi 

'With tll»* '.lU.e l**sllll'. 1 Ih'> 

iH.i it HI NT '' |{K.Mi:i>V. lb»' 
;it Ki.liH V :m«l Liver Mr.liiiiif.aiHl 
. now '(.ill »•> all Hruir'ji't'. 'Lnai 
T'’» rvllt' 

.t.d.hc, I'rln.ry and Liver I *»"«««*, Dropay, 
• ■• * * ar; cured by 

Grav« I ainl BulM t. 


„ <lr. »t K'ilnry ai"l I "'' t M'-'U'-t'''- 


or. . Itri.dit’p Di'ea-e. Reteiitlotl «>r Nonrete 
:.« ITmi. Cam. ... U.e Bark. L..ln.. or Si.l 


,ir. . t„..,..p.r,.'.-.N. 

:fcb.ii'v. .'."..I" w-A'"- *"'1 


cos ri V KNKSS 

Ami Auemlaiil Kvils. 

.sn M Aw 

Piles, Headache, Liver 
Complaint, &c. 

A atihwlllult* r.»r Ihf iiKM'e..ii" liodl 
ilue*. pill-. A*'.. '*■ ^ ■”! 



Wharf, East Braintree, 



i AMKU'tN SIIAM'pKIN “ *• 

Wm i K Af-H FI RNAl fc COAL, 

•• ** VHiii *• 

o jgiyr o 

*‘ “ STOVK “ 

•^t 'o.d delivere'l .It fair lUtrtrf € artagr. 

'awed. onJ 

wetm^sn) iLAWni?iii9 

h I'Ln he. .huinrllre. $our 
foil alip.vtiua 3ni I'ih * 


Whii'li lias I'V.'rv facility for 


Mr. John Tighe 

tl, Khlnev*. l.lviT.a" 1 

I. m t.. » heaUhy aelloii. e. I 
•her iii.'-llrln'" f.*i1 II -‘ 

, I wh.v havf been given np 

• t.. * 

IKI'. rroxhhiHS'. If I 

Standard Bcoks, 

HARD A.M* PLNK \V* »* »D. whulw u* 


For Sale at Lowest Cash Bates. 

P.O. Address 

I iht «i V ad I'liiv. l-a. Kiiiaw l< «lge. 2U vul* . # 10. 
Milmat-il' U.-ni.-, v..T' . «J 60, 

si*.- od.iy ■' 111''..* V KiiuUnal. 3 .ni* . #1. Vv 
l hau.le ( v* h*i •* 'l.a “I Lng Lit , 4 vi.i* . $2 
Knig’'-’- ni't>ar> ..I FngUn.l, 4 #■* 

I’Juiar. h'* l.iva ' of IllU'f I > *■ -M.'h. J »‘'l' . # 1 : 
(irik.t • l.dr »n.l Wm-l'.-f* hii»l. nt' 
iMtl.ik ' Bdiie I •>i.e->olaiU'a . 3lL*AAi [a-lerrii. 

pitpiring #-'•■‘0 
v.uo- I ihi.r. - t Ui'.graphy. 

II.H.k .»! 1- .M' '• .K'op. -le . lUw' . 6* • .-n*' 

M Uoti ' « . ini I't** 1’“ l’"“* " 

-ih »k 'pa «' '» * UUlpla-l.' Work' Tail.’' 

\V . k* r .1 Dante. (laii'Gli -1 hv ( ary. .n r a ait' 

I'liSTF.US, ll.WD-lill.l.S, 

l lltl l l..\l!S, IT.Vl'illS, 
\Vlt.M‘l'Kll>. TAl 
TU KKT.', 

4ltr'‘. ' .f Fan n».m> patien* '.a 

■J. ainl vi.uaitv. l.a 1.1* UNE. >!.■ 


All a.ida-t- plOlUpll) aUelialt il in. 
r< I uiriiiili. ur Ka-t llr.untiee. 

.\* .1 4 ore fan 

Kialliv’V - * ;»*■' ' U' 'I 

ill ill*' llll’.'l' "t;- 

.•.di'ii;.Aii'»B ; lb. II. l*'* 

llol iii\ ‘ iFin-'.' ''‘i ' 


I,.kiun Id' tr| 

Scieiititic American 


The Most Fashoiiable Styles, 

R a.p. .Iltlllv'the public thal he e«' il him-ell on 

Adams St.. • North Braintiee, 

NKAR .M'*UUl7'''N>. K.M l*'UY. 

ah< Ii lie I' p.a p lo fill all a>|ilvl- lor 




liKl-: S4»llt6.. that 1 Wdl ■« I >uur 

I \ .; . t ..i., i: ■! iUla-. »i. lhal llia'V Will 

• ligM i • • ai-1 al*4i'el V uur Tit. a. wdh- 

• da.l.i.ig wt Ihv ah.eU ..| 'piiug- 

! .' >"'i'' pil* «nag. i' ra 'piitiully *»*“ 

lUL >i l♦.^Ta•U AMkiU'AS 1. a Uig 
I u»' w ■ a kl* S' w -pai- I "I f'.v'"’ n I* '«' 
.,|” tiu Ml"** laa-mulad •l.vh - ft 'luuy 
■.p.aliiO'l « ngl.aVl*'k'. lapaa-..-' 
U.W--1 Inxl.ll*'^ aiaal lie ni -t :’.;:nl A 
II, lie .Vii- a .1 . • " ' • =-d‘“4 >' •' 

(. i. 'lii'i; 1 Ag’ " ii.l-t- ■ II.' 

11. III. . 11 M' 'I- *1 I -»• '*-**‘' 

Natural IL*' • •••' ' •' * 

r*|i| a. I e -l I «pvlI'« '* 

FricoH that defy Competition 


$1.00 per iozen 

\oiir I'l.II* r. 

I tota'I 



The PoaUlTM t'MM 

For til Fvuuilo t'uuiplAliit.*L 

TBm rkMrAAATtoM emt«*iuu tub BU>ot> to itm 
Atnir r, ■wit«kOTItM«aTMBMC'CLme OM TUB rTBMl'B 
•TBUOTU. «o THAT TUB u'lifcD u m4ical 
dr*. llMrea«lbriiBTUB sacs AMDrBLTtOWB' 
nji; IT ftBe'TVBBe MeTbAiL:-' OBOABt TO TllBtB 

XATCEAX. rteatnuii. Tuat rkcuati ot bbaji4b*i 


iB wlUt at «U BtaMM aaJ aadrr all rirraw* 
■laaeaa* act la harwMiBY %vUJi tW lawa tkui 
apBTcni Ike feaiala mj otraa. 
Varc4aearaan&Ua«*5 i 

On thv« prifd this diilt*, 

Cooked Provisions 

i:r,t lai'f-. 

Ntiii; iii:.\i>: 


'itllln %iiierUaii, 


M la'Ilt tile 

lO.r.'i'i'a.H tar I'lit: 

Nclcvliiifii \ Ovt-rMiT' ot foor. 

I liy . . • \S . .... ;‘li will l»' .1. .clou 

o < I't llte 
«n> bk«* 
n .VL.*tiU 

; .. ktaai k. 

.lUa| a Ifrt t. 

I ic-uits and Parties 

■n.Ut -'I a 

||i>(ika at 


'YJiTTl^TiBkAttja^'v^rCBble ( «ai|MMia«l 

IB p<VpAr«4 At ill* pluluatuXa lauvrokat r. 

Xo, ]IA8 Wf»l«r« Avcbb*, I.jab. Xbbb, 

Pria, tl. Six 0«ni» to one tdilres, $5. 

MiB. y iakbam AOeVef« aiai'‘Uc YeuI inquiry. 

Xead for pmphUu. Addp «a >« sLuv*. 

Mo famUy tauald bo wIUmmU L/dUK. H o kh ti'A 
UVUIPILIJI They eve t'ut.«CpA4.un, UUIooa 
aBBB, aad Turpidlily of Hm Liver. 2A ut«. pa r box. 
0M. 6. MOOWM A CO.. BaulBa, OtaerAi AfialB. 
Xvui b/ 

A'f rui; A,‘'H I'mets 

Ainei'ican Book Lxchange, 

I flliuu*' Itulhiln*;- ^' V* \airk. 

’rt‘>M'>. Cuoil 'r>pt’ UU.I 
buetl Wuikiui-u. 

All KkdU W'‘f('‘'‘tt'l' «r 


.-.'L lU Yv LiMGt IM 

1‘aMaa i.P 


,|ltlk K| r.aalk.O. 

$b to $20 

IT - - . M- - . 

iAl.u;U*aU Id it: 




• ofth' Tp»r 
wlthnttt • 

wUhoniiNiin. ^ ly 


•r tUrntlon lo lt» »•!« »( 

Mil) Pfr*on*l rmpwtjr, 

m. Ncotii ytTaoimi. !!««»• 



a Mutc*. Ali*o.fiiniT»l iwlBri<UI 
MTf wn) “f*®***^ 

r Imrinn Mowf rt In any for* to 
It tiiciu «l»inr liy •<i'lr«»«inf 


;tli IBmlntreto* 

Diftn anil ri’tom the namis «)th 
Dll to llie i>arlle*i both In workiaaa* 

III Frnniniitnn UNtitRTAiyi»i 


Hton Past BnIMIiKi 

r«r IttoaftlMfffM* Bf«t 


m arran 4 nViiOcB p. 




Afi MANt'rAL’Tl.'nBD BV 

a-. nSTYB, 



iiiiin, (Coiilinuous Oum 
k) 30.00 

’ 15.00 

.hvslic (MBtttllic) 10.00 
„i,l 10.00 

,cr 10.00 

icy Dye-House, 


am laaundry. 

S'(J ISltei! up a l>yi* lloiise in tli« mort 
uti-il Atvlf. wf are prfp»n.*tl to do all 
h'l’ing at thi* Aliorto^i nntire auil in the 
IT. rlfKniieUor 

liloTeK, Uooti and 81lpiH:ri ideaiiaed. 

imOY laundey eeopened 

onliTA li-ft with C. S. WiLtUN* wUl be 
Atti-nth-d to. 

liKOiUiK HllDTIlKltf, Propr’e. 

;K. B12u(l:i> at homo radly made, 
lii'v. AddrvSB ThUK A L'O.t 






lHS, robes md HABITS, of 
everj description, 


VTK.'Cr fllKK/.Kll U..<KU IN I’UE- 

ion Sales attended to as ainal- 


. T. j. somrsT, 


.o ai .''Oi Tii WaYMoi TH t viryTHCliauAt, 
>'ili b OF Uk. A‘. <■. TuWfcU. 

... ilf«irin»r l '-* tli l AtrAi o d hy Abe 

, II roll* I > All if (ia*. fun >u\i- it uiliuiuoiered 


harf, East Braintree. 

NS VAl.I.KV FllANKI.lN t’OAU .3 
mM) UKl) AsU 

11 HUNKl.lN UED ASll ‘ 

;i;o.S ?*11 A.MoKIN *• •• 

K AsU H UNAt k- l OAl., 

Ktiti “ 

“ NUT “ 

“ sroVK. fuiriutr«(f ( 

I and IT.N K \VHI>D. mIioIv m •awitl. aotl 

Sale at Lowest Cash Ratea 

.|rt» pi oiiiptl) attfiidt 4 to. I*. O. Addreae 
1 ‘ ii’ . , r..i*t Ui.inniff• 



, ■■ I ,i:i . I,:* llx pttblif th.ll Ilf k«< ee- 

4 • vU -n 

St. • Noftii Braintree, 

SKAl; M'>liKl>"S ' I loUY. 

lAcksMITH "work. 

OKSfci SHOKINU, «nd 

carriage work. 

I tKI. NtUM F I •» a't )' ‘r 

, . a ili. i t»iU 

, . , 1 tri ■ w iih 

' • ..I .piuig- 

UKl. III' I'llK 

fcliiit'ii \ Iln rMiT' of I'uor. 




VOL. i 4 . 


NO. 1. 

C. U. KAHTKniinOOK. 

.. t Two DeHart • V«ar, m advene*. 

• I S>ngl* Copy. Fiv# Cant*. 

OrilerN for a'l kimU nfPriiitinK will receive prompt 
•Itentirm, and 1>« nnally and cnnectly eteerrlfd. 

jBusintsa f arts. 

111*112 W. LEWIS, 

Utomi anil Conselw at lai, 



Bundle Hay and Straw 
F<)1{.SAI,K IIV 

JOM. I.4)ru«( €' 0 ., 


r. W. 

Stock Broker. 


B OUttHT Hiitl nolil nil ill ltii«trill. 

Ni-w York iiiid San KtHii>'i«4'n. Mniicy ud* 
ViiiUM-d on SlOT’k* ami lloiido piurltiinrd by u*. 

Basement Old State House, 
llOK^ON. Htf. 





C 'irfNSTANTI.Y on liutul. mid KOIl HALE 
^ wlinlc'idn uiiti n tail. Ill T.nw<-«t ('ii«li f'riree. 
Alao. MINLUAL H.Vl.T for llorfCh. 


NWyiixmth LmiditiB. 

T. J. FfAIOlP, 


Corner nf Coiniiiun & Wiialilniftan Streets, 

tVc}m»ulh Liindinir- 

BIAOE WORK of all kinds, 


Monumental Works. 


In> 11 . ' 4 M. to 4 I*. M ; ill liiK .oii.'v 

„ . . , -. «• .1 >" llnlln.Mik-UI ckI south UUAI.VniKK. oii 

llrfpi li'Ari: tn liifonii tlir A' ) liioiitli oiIkt iliij-a. 

, . , All Him iiii- III w« 

Mill\iriiilty lliat lie i« IK . prcpatui oin.ikniii .na. ,»ta • % ^ „ ... 

> 1R8T-0LA83 WOJl ud Qiallty of MtUrl*!, 

C a O A '■'**''*'*'*)' -'It,: liiiii II r.tU 

n.’-'llirv V. VlimmCV /•kicks ro, /r //IK r/MKS. 

All sisnsijs w 

fxecutrd in ihe lif*t nf i<jrll !■ 


^ TIh' ritixen* of Wrye'"ri< aillffnc] iipnn iitTr*ttffAtlnff. 
R til It iliry run aav- tnonrV t>T pAvtinnlylnK Imnic tn»di-. 

V l*lpn«M^ k 1 V4* u*« I* onll. 


jr .'/ashlngton Squan Weymouth Landing. 

* 4 _ ■ _ ■ _ 


g A Miu i-Drilimly htrin-il 

Spr!!ig&Summer ” 


* * V -* 1. 



AIaI^ kinds of 



Aiui from (In* mid Iii><'(vood*. | ^ || | | ^ T 

— M4DI<: Te OIIDER. 




uAnlVICIll Q 

l,im .0 ..m.m . >11T I CtS-N 

__ for I’lCniHK KU.\.^IKHt ..hi h >itv iiirc ur* 



iu nil cn,.,. ^ II nrurr. 111,',1 tc . .ull.fti.'lloii. 

Prices as Low as the Lowest, suawmut si.. Ka.s Weyniouih. 

enable* liim to werrunt a 


Jle/i?y L. Ihayer, 



Wi*mIi1ii|{Iuii IVKVMOUTHt 

liT dm 

GKO. \Y. lildlSEY. 

Painter and Glazier, 


Painta. OiLQlass, Varuish- Putty. Glue. 

Slu>|i ill (ieo. S. Kitki'r’- IntiMiiii:. Hour tlif curuci 
of Iti.Tiuiund Hlrt’tl. 

Wei/iuoulh Ltimlinif, 

For Firsl-class Cattoet Portraits, 

-(,l) TM- 

BISSIILL’S, ((uliii'y. Muss. 


likAi.eii i.s 


HAY, &c. 

Koiiili YYeynioutli IU‘|iut. 

A. Fk.a.vk Hi mmi:*.!.. 

PinmidKAlMllC AHTIST, 





i-xrrutril ill till* nrati.t lu-iimtT, mid »l llir l.uw* 
vsl i'uufcililf I'rid'i-o. At 


ut WAldii ruriirr'* < 'arrttii:t' iu.tiiuf.i(‘liiiy. 


Siv lliiiiili‘(Mi Cords of 

Buv irt Wav Mrt J* 

And you will never be without it! ^ -CO , 

__ OvKK Cuaiii.eii I'RjiE's hToiii:, 

UP. nnnnwTV’fl ii«n««ck m.. . qrivcY. 



M.M)E PANrH. fa 76. 4.00. 4.:.0, 
6 Oo, uml iipH'Mrd*. HTTITS ii Hrt’cirdanro with 
llir tiiiii'<i. iniidc from All Wot L'lolh* uiid wur* 
ruiiti-J l<i Bl. I'lriL*'- fflvn tiM 4 r»ll. H |y 

eiTTTS TTT5 fancy Chaiuker Sets. 

» > . f"! **.»<». Ill h. W. I'UAn's. 

The Jte»t in the Mat'ket\ -- 

««. Funeral Undertaker, 


It is highly recommended by — 

all who have used it. \\r K .lie i>r< |>«krrd : ' Altniil to all order* ron* 

Y r l•>’«'t<• 1 with It * bu«iiu-*« of Uiiili-riukiiitr, 

irt &50 I TS. PER BOTTLE. “ > ' 

I AM. ukn mruoNs of 

All •udori'l«> In* UildrrvM d to clo‘ rroiniotoi I /-^ i a rw~t 

T w;r /^/-i/^TXTTTTWT Caskets or Coflans 
J. M. GOOD W IN, i l„.i, l.., (uri.,.|.. ,J.r; ul.M. KOIIKS 1 . 1.1 

YYVytiiouth, 1 ’** .nnrt-t* •nJi U.i* b«aiiu*«». at our 

NEW WARERlOMS, East Weymouthi 

New Photograph Studio, 

tiuirvctv, 3 [umm. 

, i!??uMl';ni™ J’ E. JOHNSON, 

i* iiiukhiK Biirwoikof K\ KKi I)hS UIKllOS. / 

_ 0»*»lrr in 

w.T.BURRELL, |tioiir, (jiiwries 

and Provisions, 

..FINEST "quality, 

o....,l.„,lly „|, l,..„.l. ■ Al.a.ltl.0 


Broad St.. Weymouth Laod’g. I*OWe«t CaslX PtIOOS 

... aq.. WeyiuouOi. 


illoriu*} iiiid roiiiiselloral Law. GOODS DELIfERED Promptly. 

pr« |oMnl 1 'Altriiil to 111 ! order* ron* 
V r l•>’«'t«■ 1 with It * bu«iiu-*« of Uiiili-riukiiiir. 


I'rouii t and I'areliil aUrnti'iu iiaid to miy kibd 
01 l**tfal hitniin 

t'oU-r* railed for. it rr<iu«**t>’d. 

Th. dcalroii' of a go.Hl aiiit h* in the 

Pine, Oak and Maple. 

— AL*'^— 

One Pluiidrcd and Fifty Cords of 


- AL***— 



White Cedar Posts and Rails; 

Trellis Posts. Bean Poles, &.c. i 

\Vii«Ml aun-rd uiiil to urtler. l 

I Thi* -hiio'iii 1 * iui«‘ of tli<- liruiii'h •- 
fM.ll kH «V I o . and po... * ui>« I'i 

a<ltAUtAC<'« f-ir tl»- iut|Mirta'i<ui <>r in-iiiiu»i. 
from tio’ lM'*t uiAJHif.ii'tuit s * III Koop'’. it ly 

JOSEPH SHERMAN, ('arria»T l^iiiitiiii*. 

i»rri« *. WiiAMr *m» LIavt ntukit*>. ^ ' 

JE Al*T %V K 'I' .414»I'TII. T"‘- ^ ^ 

X • ud« Aiid 111 * 1 - ' :ii' that It- < 

1{ K M ( ) \ !■; 1 » 

P. 1^ GAVTT'J IIN t iiiriaKV I'.lm Mio|. 



ttS Iluil4*4>4*l4 ISI..4H i'* V- I «r h« htitM* 

II 1 

KamT Itol tu. 

Fill I.IMkYI \4» I |l>:. 

.. ■M l** M MlIi.N 

ibaat '.h. Al'iu W. IRw W. 


Down in the deep 
Dark hole* I keep, 

And there in the ncKtntiile I ll*at and iile«p 
By Ihe hemicek log and the sivringing bog, 
And the arching alder* I lay incog. 

The angler'* Ry 
Comes (lancing by, 

Hut never a moment it cheat* my eye: 

Fur the hermit trout 
Is no such lout 

As to be by a wading boy puIliHl out. 

King of the brook, 

No Rsher’s hook 

Fill* me with dread of the sweaty cook; 

Hut here 1 Me, 

And laugh as they try ; 

Shall I bite at the bait ? No, no, not I. 

Hut when the streams, 

With moonlight beams, 

.Sparkle all silver and starlight dreams, 
riieit, then took out 
For the hermit trout; 

For he springs and dimples the shallow about 
While the tired angler dreams. 

«il>lc, better tli.n Ihe one I had aliall publicly brand you ns a liar.” with an expreision upon his face that he not only could not prove U but 
arranged; it will l>e much pleasanter That last won! to every man who she had never seen upon It, drew wonldbeenapectedoftctlingUiedls* 
forher, and bitides In that way lean heard it was starllinK, and Elmer himselfup and demanded In a hsnghty graceful story of himself In order In 
keep the truh a longer time from Walsingham wae for a moment dis- tone; break the marriage which he did not 

him." concerted by it. Hut recovering him- “What does thin mean, ancle JoeV prevent; and ho was compelled In 

llo had jns. finished tho perusal of I self, he said; 

* -* 1 ' Is it iiesce or wsr?” 

— Often sbove pM*-« baM head. 

— In 1879 M7,31S acres of pabUe 

yiel.l lo Id. bitter enemy’s demand In ^ ^aaltpl*. 

Ills letter whm his attention was at- “My reniarks'rwcrcj.raado tn.theso Ho received no reply, for the lady rcganl to the reception, and also lo **T.’™^ 

Iracted by sonething that waa aaid gentlemen”—laying particular cm- springing towards him and embracing tho other demand which was made, —When the compail geq .^inly, 

by one of a gtoup of a dozen gentle- pliaeis upon the Inst word—“and I do him, exclaimed; that he should eland as a candidate they box it. 

men gathered lAgether atone end of not hold myacif reaponslhlc to any "Oh, Phil, I didn’t know aa I waa for rc-elccllon. In making that laat — A pamphlet has been larsely diw 

the largo rcadim-room, and evidently on e! who overheard r ,wliat was not ever to see you again. Yon naughty, demand Joseph Arnold atshbed hia culated In Midlothian, Scotland, en> 

in reply lo s qu|8tion. addressed lo him.” naughty boy! And this is your wife! victim once more by saying; titled “Political Achlevemenb of tha 

“Know lilm?| Well, yes; 1 sup- “You can not, you shall not thus I know 1 ahall love her; I do love “In the reading-mom of Ihe Clare- Earl of Dalkeith.” It is ncatlygot- 
posc I may say I know him In a way. evade your responslldllly for wlial her because you do.” mont House, and lo at least a doxen Un up, and when it is opened Is found 

Ho used to grootk my mure.” you stated in this pigilic place,” ro- And Isabel, who li*ll not the fainb |iersons, I heard your friend Walsing- to contain thirty blank pages. 

“I don’t scorn lo rcmcmlrcr him,” plied .Tosqdi Amidd. “Vuu said that eat Idea who the lady was, found her- ham say that yon cannot bo nomina- _. i 1 , i i-— 
said the one who had asked the quca- tlio young nmn wlio married Oov- self embraced so closely that ahe led, rorlaliily not elected, and 1 The moustache is above talking ; 
lion. “What kiuJUtfaltiokliig fellow ornor Davenport’s daughter was low could seareely hour the words ad- olTered lo bet him leu thousand dot- “I"®*'* vet inking, 

is lie?” ” ' horn, and expressed I hr opinion lhal dressed lo her husband; lars that you will get the nomination —Thefollowingadvcrtisemeatap- 

Joscpti Aniuld found (imsclf inter- he gradiinled from sonic country nrad- “So von young rascal, here you nro. and another ten thousand that you penml the other day in a Tiondon 

081011 iu I lie talk tliat waa going un, cniy. What do you know about tils Arc you not aslianiod of yourself?” will be elected. lie aaid that Philip newspaper; “A Imdy of position and 

iiiiil, unobserved by the group, be rose family? WImt iiifoniinlinii linvc you Mrs. Lewis, wlio did not at ail un- I was low born, a graduate of a coim- 

nnd took a aeat near tliem. 

■“He’s a green looking fellow. 

as to wlicrc ho was edtiealed?” 

ilcrstaiiil wlio llic stinngers were, had I try neadcniy, and green. 

rortiino deaires to nhare her very ola- 
gant and Inxurioua home with one 

Wiilsiiighain (lid not sleign a reply, the good aciiso to see tliiil for the I Iciiged Ills etateiiiciite; I told liliii I P'’™'* of correaponding means.— 

saw him the Ural night llinl Folsom hut lie felt llmt tlie man wlio ciiies- |iresciil at least slic was not wanted, before his friends tlint Philip’s par- Vague and inexplicit, Impccuniona, 
hired Idni, ami ailriscd him to get the lloiiod liim was one wlio wniild not iind i|iiiutly left the room; and .loscph cut’s were people of good standing or obscure pctaoiia quilo ubcIcii.” 

Iiaysecd out of his hair. He dresses submit to silence, and lie attempted Arnold, ateppiiig forward, said; 

and that he was educated ut Harvard; —-pim riifforouco between a sailor 

^ ^ a e Ww well, and thinks lieknows II gooddeal, tomovc away. Hut .loscph Amnid “It’s neither pence nor wiir,l*liil; —Hint Instls triioand you have no ai„| asliowman is that one likes a 

U I* 1 Q IN I ^ guess lie gniliiatcd from some placed almiiil upon Ids slioiilder wliieli Imt I am tho hearer of a Hag of truce, cause to feel iwslmmcd of him. 1 aliall liglii.liuusc, while tho other docs not. 

country nundemy, for he uses big was more powerful tliiin any wonis, under wbicb I linve liroiiglit the eii 





wonU enuu^li to ciiivc » mnn emzy and said: 

wlu) lumre him. IHl bn is a low-born 
fellow; and he Miows ibiibhe U.*' 

t*iiiy into ymir enttip, trujitin;;, kiiow- 

ndvocale your election to defeat your ..« . « . 

friend Walsingliaiii and tlmlPhil may Upon the Invitation of Sir Fred- 
ivc an npiiorluiilty lo sliow that he l-elRhton, Mr. Bret Ifnrto will 

isinlicritcd talciita for public life the toast of “Literature” 

Din Ilia fatlier.” Academy banquet, Lon- 

Dreadfiilly bitter was it for An- In May next. 

(Illy Diivciit>ort lo licar tliat tlic ter- — When Cliinnmon play bllliarda, 
lile nilsfortiiiio tliat liail over- tliey never use their own queues, 
helnied liim-the result h. believed _ir,„re was roccnlly found in 
ids own cnmc-lmd been tl.o sub- inicki,,, Nevada, an egg tlic sliell of 
cl of conversation, ami liad led to pad been pierced by a kernel 

agora iu regard lo Ids re-election in 

“Your remarks, sir, were addressed ing lliul tills young Indy, wbeiii you have an npportuidly lo sliuw that ho 
to Iboso geiillemen; they will and and I lore, and wlioni lliey, too, can- lias inlicrlted Inleiits for public life 

.losepli Arnold raovcil uuensilv in you sliidl listen to me. You, by your not help loving, will leiicli you nil from Ida father.” 

Ids rliair, but he eraitrolgd liiiiiself to 
I'cniidii sented and Silent. 

“I don’t agree with you, Walsing- 

silciice, liy your attempt to escape, that It is liesl to lay down your arms; 
decline to prove Hie Imtli of wliatyou in fad all surrender to lier.” 

asserted, decline lo retract, and I 

fad all surrender to lier.” Ilioiiy Diivciit>ort lo licar tliat tlio ter- 

Exaetly liow slie lenrned it Isaliel illile nilsfortiiiio tliat liail over- 

liani,” said miolliei of IliB group of lliercforc lirniid wliat you said in re- never could remember, Init slie did wlielnieil liim—the result lie liolieveil 

gunticiiien. “He ii iiioro than ordi- gard to tlie young gentleman of learn that lliegeiitleniim was I’Idlip’s of Ids own crime—had bcoii tlic siib- 

iiarily good looking, I always found wiintn you spoke as false, liy Ids fatlier and Ibe lady I’liilip’s niotlier. Ject of coiivcrsnlloii, ami liad led to 

liim geiillcniaidy, and Ids iniigiiago iiintlicr be is connected willi a fniuilv Tliat slie. herself was not Mrs. I’liilip wagers iu regard lo Ids re-election in 

I perfectly proper. You are prejudiced of lliu greatest rcspocluldlily, and no 
against him; tint of course wc all man in tins state liolda any Iiiglicr 

Aiillioiiy Dnvoniiorl did not leave 'W 
Ids bouse on tlic day Hint tlie elope- "<■ 

iiieiil of Ids dau-'liter was nnnoniiced. at.” cniiiitrv iicademy from wliielilie grad- United KInles Sunalo, ami Ids motlicr Tlic invitations lo tlio gmiid rceep- 

Mrs. Davenport read tlio aceouiit in Elmer Wnlsingliam undcrstocsl well imted willi credit is loonird in (.'aiii- a sislcr of .Iiisepli Arnold. lion to be given liy Hie governor and 

till! pnjicr wliieli Widsiiigbnm left the nieaidng of tliat last remark, iind bridge, Massaciinsetls, and is known And Inter slie learned tlint the sen- Ids wife in bunor of tlio marriage of 

upon the tireiikfasl table, and slie in order lo destroy its effect, orrutliur as Harvard (’ollege. Atorcover, let at or aforesaid liad desired tliat his son Ibeir daugliler to tlicir coachman were 

would have liked lo go to (jeorge lo prevent nnviliiiig more liciiig said me tell you tliat if Ids liair were stionld lieconicn lawyer—a profession Issued. Mrs. Davenport was nut con- 

street to see lier ilnugbtcr, for her alioiit himself and Ids attentions tu sprinkled with bayseed ns Ibirkly ns for widcli tlie son bad no desire; ami sillied in tlio mutter, being merely 

,•,01111 no Arnold,l*nl Mrs. I’liilip Arnold Teni- aliolel reading-room. And yet he sprouted, and a 

ly liigiicr pie. That lier liiwliaiid’s fatlier was must make his disgrace still more 1,1 g„,y„ of barley four 

iindcrsliind thill is not lo ho wondered I position Ilian does Ids fulhor. The a very (linliiigiiislird member of tlic piddie and prominent. inehes long was growing from the 

Tliciiivilnlionslollic gmiid rceep- i,.,rlt.ycom. On breaking a small 
lion lobe given liy the governor and pi,,,.e from Ihe side of the shell, dl- 
hiswifo 111 honor of the marriage of ,„|„„ilvc llliroua roots of Ihobarley 
(heir daugliler to their coiichman were Htock were found extending into the 

i-rnnl love was sirou-'cr than licr Isaliel Davenport, lio liiistencd to it rimld lie, he eoiilil, from his own iiiorever Hint he aliould marry a Indy Informed that her liusbnnd, after due —When John Monigrip’s wife asks 

Hut slie did not dare lo men- reply; 

forliiiie, cover every sei-d with a gold of good family and of large fortune dclllieintloii, liad concluded timl it foradollnrortwoforcurrcntdeinands. 

lion tlic subject lo her liushniid, and “You liavc a perfect riglit to your dollar. WIint I liiivo-stated is true; lint wlioni lie could not Iind it in Ids would behest lo receive I’hilip Aniolil he smiles sweetly ns he says ; “True 

llio "overiioi's lioiisc was ns silent opinion, l.yons; but I’ll liet a hand- wbnl yon slnlod was false. Now will liimrl tn love. That in coiiseiiiienec us a son; but sha was so deliglilcd love seeks no eliango.” 

and gloomy as if Isabel were dead some sum with any one Hull tlio fel- yon relnicl’/” of somo liiirsh words spoken by Hie wllli Hie prospect of seeing her — I’rof. Vcimor says that May and 

instead of married. 

low won't iiiiiist niiieli of his fninily 

Anilioiiy Davenport did not leave coiuieclioiis. Due thing is very cer- 
the house, hecniisc lie did not possess lain; Davenport liy allowing liim- 

on relnicl?” of somo liiirsii words spoken liy Hie willi Hie prospect of seeing lier 

Iliit KItiier AValsingliaiii was dumb, seniilor, Ids son bad ilepiiricd from dimgliter again, slie gladly ns.sisicd in 
“If you wisli lo eall me to nccniint Hie pnreninl roof, liiid given lip all iimkingprepnmtionsfnrtlicrceoptioii. 
I yon ran easily Iind me. Ifyoiisbonid iiopes of tlie rich inlieriinnee be could The story of .loseph Arnold’s eii- 

self lo be outwitted by a young man ihink of using a linrsewliip 1 sbiill iinve seeiired, and liad aeeepicd Hie counter willi Wnlsiugliam at llie 
from tlic eoiinlry tms ruined bis refer you loliiiii—yon will miderstand liiiinhlu i>usiliiiii of liostlur ill a livery Cliireiiioiit House bad been told liy 

tlic eouraoc to meet friends and lie- self lo lie outwitted by a young nmn Hunk of using a linrsewliip I sliiill linve s 

qiminlaiiees, and listen to words citber from tlic eoiinlry tins ruined bis refer you loliiiii—yon will miilerslaiid liiiinlili 

of sympiitliy or of eoiiilemiinlion—for eliniices, wliich Hi ve days ago were wliy; but slioiihl yon coiisidi-r tliiit stable. 

Elmer Walsingliaiii was not tlie only belter Ilian tliose of any otber mnn, instrumcid beneatli your digyily you Hut, 

one lo siiv tliat Hie governor Imd (Us- for tlie iioininatioii. This nffnir lias cun itiako usn of this.” one co 

one lo say tliat the governor Imd dis- f»r Ihe iioininatioii. 
played great lack of judgment at least killed him, and he 14 
iu allowing his daugliler to ride day “I don’t see Vjfy it should kill ham’s^liaud. Josepli *-mill very de- 
after day with a nandsome young liim,’’ said still iinollierwl llic gr. J|>; lihenilely walked away. • 
gloom. And llierc was another reii- “on tlie eoiitrmy, if'hc issiimrt he can Kliner Walsingham allowed the 
SOM why he remained at lionie; lie was Him tins marriage of ills daughter to card lo drop from his Imiid to the 
afraid to move at all until he sliould giMidnceouul. I Imve met Hiisyoung door; liiil it was picked up mill 
Imve seen .loseph Arnold again. .VrnoUl, and, as Lyons says, he is a linnded from one lo iinotlier of tlie 

lint .loscpli Arnold Imd found very geiitlenianly nppraring fellow; group, lill liiially a gentlciimn wlm 
eiiougli lo do Hmtiluy witliuul ;iltend- and lo my cerliiia knowledge Folsom, recogiiizcil tlio name, e.\claimed; 

liwiws iu.” I 

“I don’t see \jy ahould kill liam’ii^liaud. Josepli * —mill vnry do-1 wife, they Imviuir talys tiiu clrcwmB4Anvv& of itio tim- 

liiin,’’said still iiniitlierwl the gi‘.J|>; hi,enilely walked mvay. ' nnd heeii iiitrodiieed In Mrs. Lewis— inray marriage, drew everyone who 

“on tlie eoiitrmy. if'hc issiimrt he can Elmer Walsingham allowed the one of the uoiisplralisni—left tliemod- riceived an invitation to the liiiuso of 

liirii Ibis marriage of Ills daugliler to card to drop from his hand to the esl house in tieorge street to return the governor on tlio evening uf the 

giMidnceouul. I Imve met Hiisyoung iloor; lull it was picked up mid to tho Claremont House, 1‘liilip’s rerepliiiii. Hut all Hint the eompany 

.VrnoUl, and, ns Lyons says, he is a handed from one lo iiiiotlier of Hie fatlier drew him one side and said to saw to gratify there curiosity was a 

Kliner Wnlsinghmii allowed the 

hy; but slioiild yon eimsider Hull stable. one to iiiinlher, nnd tbo cxpeeliiliim 

slrumciit beneath your digyily you Hut, ns Joseph Aniuld Imd said, no Unit tlicre was to he a denouement in 
III iiinko use uf this.” ■ ^ one coiild lielp loving Isabel, and lie- rega'rd to Hic groom, together wlHi 

Aat’.l HiriisHiig a can] inlo Wising- fore the lioniinilile senator and Ids itie pulillcity tliat Imd been given tn 

ham'tyliuud. Joseph * ■•■mill vtiir de-1 wife, they Imviug tnl»*" suinisi' ii.Mr.i 
lihenilely walked mvay. ' j nnd iieeii iiitrodiieed In Sfrs. Lewis— 

ill" to Anlhimy Davenport, and would w lio knew liiiii lietler Hinn any of us “.lusepli Arnold of 

limed; “Yon imve boHi struck at the very side tbo dimgbler of Hie boat, both 

Merrivale! root of oin; of tlie roinnmiidinents, liride and liridegrooiii very modestly 

ivilli Hie prospect of seeing her _ i>rof. Vcimor says that May and 
limgliler again, slie gladly assisted in tlie llrst linlf of Juno will bo cold nnd 
Iimkiiigprepnmtionsfortliercccplioii. wcl,aml that after that there will bo 
'J lie Mtury of .losepli Arnold’s eii- clear and very dry weather until tlie 
roiinlor willi Wnlsiugliam at llie end of the year. 

Uhireiiioiit Ilnuse bad been told liy , , 

line to luinllior, and the cxpeetatioii “ f“J'' = ““ ”y»‘" 

Umtlliere was to be a denouement in Ihe five sensea and lie 

rega-rdto Hie groom, togellicr will. ™>«hlbe tlm Bl.inocerM of the sea.” 
I#.e publicity llmt lm.1 been given t» ““ '?«Sener- 

Hid clrcwmiSAncvonf llie ,im- P>-’™OU wl l give him thoee IblUgS. 
iBvay marriage, drew everyone who ^ he price of half a dozen friedoys- 
rlccived mi invitation to the house of “ “ rliinoce.os would 

the governor on Hio veiling of Ihe “'’"y 

rereplioii. Hut all Hint the company I'ockot'hooks ; and a 

saw to gratify tliore curiosity was a ‘=““1’'“ "yh®" «“<■'' di- 

llne looking young man standing he- would depopulate a town. 

certainly not lake any particiilar pains do.. believed be was in liis Wliy, lie's wortli a iiiiiil of niouey! wliirli iiicnlciiles obedience to parents iIiymmciI, wliilo the governor in vain 

— I’leaidonts Scclyo, of Ainliorst, 
nnd ClmdlMiiinm, of Williams, will 
deliver addresses at the closing exer- 

lo relieve llmt geiiHemaii's iinxiety, liroper iiliicc as 1111 hostler and alinc'K- And he is one, too, wlio can, if he as a snored duly. It Is not for me to endeavored to appear pleased and at claes of the Hartford ' Tliculogical 

which lie knew he felt. Having driver, f.el Hie governor come mil iliooses, liiive un iniincnse iiitliieiiec say,liowcvcr, Hull you have not acted |iis ease, Ihongli his wifo,uotwilli- 
liieakfaslcd willi I’hilip and Ids wife, and recognize liim pulilicly, take him hi his seelion of the slate.” wisely.” standing her great disappoiiitnienl in 

lie went to sec Mr. Folsoiii, liy wlumi and Ids lirido home 10 his bouse, and Poor Wiilsiiiglmni. Ho really did Ami 1‘ldlip, wlio loved Ibmigli bo not securing Elmer Wnlsingliam ns a 
he was detained ruHier longer Hmii he it would create siieh a feeling in bis not Heserve such hiiiiiiliatioii, for he Imd not obeyed liis father, replied; son-in-law, was henndng with the 

ill his seelion of tho slate.” wisely.” standing her great disappuiiitnient in 

lie went to sec Mr. Foisoiii, liy wlumi and Ids lirido luMiie 10 Ida lioiise, and Poor Widsiiiglmni. Ho really did Ami 1‘ldlip, wlio loved Ibmigli lie not securing Elmer Wnlsingliam ns a 
lie was delidned miller longer Hmii lie it would create siieh a feeling in liis not ileserve siieli liiiiiiiliatioii, for lie Imd not obeyed liis fallier, replied; son-in-law, was benndng wilb Hie 
Imd expected lo be; and wlicii he bad favor witli llie masses tliat it would was in Hie main a good-lienrleil nmn. could not liave olieyed yon, Isa- gralilicntloii of liaviiig her duuglilcr's 

urrangeil matters lo his sutisfactiuii be iiupossitile to defeat Idin.” lint lie Imil erussed .loseph aVriiold's bel eunld not have obeyed tier fatlier marriiige aekiu)wleclgo3.' It wasob- 

willi Mr. Folsom, he drove to Ileutli- “I’erlmps” said Wiilsiiighmn sar- palli wliea .loseiih Ainold was ripe lo wiihoiil eoniiidlliiig a great eriiiio. served loo liy niiiny tliat Wiilsingimm 

lield tor Ml'S. I.ewis and lier liusbauil, eastieidly, “you know inoie about Hie avenge any wrong Hint he or I’Idlip Y’on euiinot think wo sluiulil have did not iilleud Hie reception given to 

us lie knew llmt Isaliel must dim polities of Hiis slate than 1 do—lint I had snIVered. Wulsiiiglmm did not lioiiored our piireiils by so doing.” the inuii who used tu groom his iimre. 

great eleal of sliopping, tliat she would doubt it. I tell yon that Davenport for one iiiomeiit donlit, however. Hint How iiincli the two facts that Pliilip Xo, Ihoro was no denouement, for 
Iind it very nniileasant to gouiit alone, can't get the nominiilion in the llrst what lie had liearil was true; lie real- Hiroagli tlie generosity of bis uncle 

lioiiored our parents by so doing.’ the man who used to groom his mare. 

How iiineh the two fai ls that Pliilip Xo, lliero was no denouement, for 
ihrmigli tlie generosity of ills uncle .losepli Arnold was not yet ready to 
was independently wealtliy, and Hint mil Anthony Davenport Hie truth. 

and Hint she would he delighted to place, and could not now lie eleeled Ized imnieiliately Hull he had aroused was iiidepenilenlly wealtliy, and Hint mil Anthony Davenport Hie truHi, 

Imve tlie eompany of her Irieiid Fiiu- if he Imd already been noiniimted. the ire of a powerful imlugouisl; he lie had married one whom even his „„i| Hiereforo Pliilip’s fatlier nnd 

ny Lewis. .Joseph Arnold wa.s very Hut he will not try it. And in regard knew llmt sluiubi he iiiteinpt lo o|e family might he glad to recognize, motlier were not prescnl to see lilni 

llioiiglitfiil for the eomfort and the to Folsom—ask ills opinion now of pose Anlliony Diivenport liis iiuilivo Imd to do willi Mr. 'remiile's ready pulilicly acknowledged ns the hus- 

happiness of AiiHionv Daveuporl’s his verdant liosHer.” for so doing woiihl he mercilessly Williiigiiuss to forgive his son, we hand of Anllioiiv Duvcniiort’s ilauL'li. 

family might he glad to recognize, motlier were not prescnl to see lilni 
Imd to do witli Mr. Temple's ready pulilicly acknowledged ns tlie hus- 

Williiigiicss to forgive his son, wc bund of Anthony Davenport’s daagh. 

ilaiigliter. .Iose|ili Arnold certainly Imd 110 exposed; and before lie closed his leave it to Hie remler lo decide. lor. 

Feeling soniewliat fatigued after reason lo wisli to favor Anlliony eyes tlint iilglit lie liari wisely decided Josepb Arnold, Ibougli lie Imd Joseph A mold tlirew every energy 
bis ride to Ileatlillelil, be |mssed tlie Duveiiiiorl; ut Hie saiiic lime he liad to wilbilruw from Hie approueliiiig gralilled liis desire for revenge and i,f bis imliirc into Ihe eiiinpaigii iii 


John C. Hayn« & Co„ notice 


afternoon at I’hilip’s lioime and Imik Imd the sutisfuetion of limiibliug liim, campaign altogetber. imd tortured liis enemy sulllcieutly to favor of llic rc-eleetion of his enemy; 

saiqier tliere; for lie keenly enjoyed of making liim suffer terribly, and liis .losepli Arnold, Hiougli be felt jus- satisfy bimself fully; tliougb lie Imd he poured out money like water; he 

seeing liow niueli Isabel was pleimeil appetite for veligeanee was soiiiewUiil tilled in Imviiig put down Elmer Wul- ilelerniined 10 llirow all of liis inllu- spoke day and evening, week after 

witli Hie home be had provided for sated. Walsiaglmin Imd persistently singliaiii, was at lirHt ratlier sorry , iiee in favor of Hie re-eleeliou of Ids «eek, iqipealiiig tu Hio iimsseH willi 

her; lint he left at quite an early insulted I'liilip, Imd perseented Isa- that lie had allowed biiii.sulf lo say as nepliew’s fiitlier-in law, bud not yet Hiu argumeul llmt Hie governor Imd 

liour for tlie Claremont House, where liel witli liis iiltentions, and, witlioiit • mncli as lie did about I’liilip; Iinl lio carried out Ids full plan, lie ineaiit sliow'ii llmt be bud no pride nor class 

lie jireferred to eoiilinne to imve 11 really kiiowiiig anvHiiiig about liim, eoiiMoleil himself liy Hiiiikiag Hint t_lie Hint Anlliony Daveii|iort sliould puli- prejudice, as was sliown hy Iris inmie- 

riKim, allhmigli hoHi I’liilip and Isa- liad stated ilia jiublie reading-room Iriilh must soon lie known, and tlial liely own bis former eiMiclimaii as tlie diutely reeogui/.ing his former coiieli- 

liel urged liim strongly to make ids llmt Pliilip was low born and green. Wulsiiiglmm rielily deserved all Ihe husband of Ids daugliler, and having nmn as his son. .loseph Arnold not 

home with Hiem while lie renmilied .Moreover, Josepli -\rm)!d wa.s imtu- hiimilialiou to whieli he was sub- settled the mutter of reemieilialion only worked liimself, he iiidueed his 

in the city. nilly very iiupulsive. though the (piiel jeeled. Iielweeii I'liilip and Ids father, lie w as brotlicr-iii-law, Seiiutor Temple, lo 

When he called for Hie kev of his life he led for iiiniiy years Imd a tend- A week hail p.assed since Hie piih- ready to cull upon Anthony Daven- give his aid, and ho arranged also— 

had tortured his enemy sulllcieutly to favor of the re-election of his enemy; ufion liim at W cst 1 oint, 

satisfy himself fully; tliough he liad 1 ,,, poured out money like water; lie and aiiiied ;—“1 imd Injured no one 
delerniined to tlirow all of Ills iiillu- spoke day and evening, week after '’5' word or net ; ami their 

cnee in favor of Hie re-eleeliou of Ids neek, iqipealiiig tu Hie iimsseH willi >» enough lo cause 

iiepiiew’s fatlier-in law, had not yet ilm arguiiieut tliat llie governor Imd savages to hide their faces iu 

loirrieil out Ids full liluli. Hi, iii,>:iiil -li..u-.. il,si 1 ... l„iil .... .,- 1 , 1 .. ...... nl,.-- sliallic.” 

Seiidimry on May Id. 

— A youngster, wrldlo warming his 
Imiiils at Hie tire, was remonstrated 
with by his fatlier, wlio said ; “Go 
awav from tho lire. The weallior Is 
not cold.” “1 ain’t heating tho 
weallier. Fiu warming my hands!” 
tlie little fellow demurely replied. 

— Moody and Saukoy are in Xew 

— “1‘lenseto uudciiilaiid,” said the 
Itoiiomlile Hilly, tlieoHn-r day, “I’m 
not such a fool as I look.” “No,” 
s'iiil Bob, “that would be too much.” 

— Cadet Wliittaker wrote Ids moHi- 
or, a worthy colored woman, at Co- 
luiabiii, 8. C., un account of the re¬ 
cent outrage ufion idm at ’West Point, 
and added ;—“l Imd injured no one 

Musical Boxes in Great Variety. 

Brass Band Instruments. *WTflTT 

Violins. £ luijwil J; lull 

Aineiicao Guitars V/arr.inted. 

. , - -oit- 

linporteu tauitars. 

Banjos from i 2.00 upwards ITI I 11 

Violin. Violoncello. Double Bass, Banjo. . X- JO -L -Cj -Lit 

ZdheranJ HarpStringsaiKl Tron- m. «,nUuwillr.n»iuttii,-.Msrt-.g 

A '“P’P? A 

Accordeons and Concertinas of all de i -t*-* -J—-1- i 

scriptions American and Foreign j 1 ;^,,;,^ si., Wl'jlllDUlIl Landing. 
Sheet Music, Music Books. I , . . , . , . 

Am ■' • il'llr Iu. lUI’t giMNli 

&.C. Wholesale &. Retail 5 w..*-..i • 11 * 1 ;.'. 

in the city. 

When he culled for Ihe key of hin 
i room the hotel clerk huiided to him u 
letter, and he nlepped into the roudiiig' 
ruoiu tu peruM‘ it. Thu letter ])roved 
to be ill utiswcr to the one ho wrote 
(111 Ihoeveuiii^ after i^hilip uiid Iv^ubel 
ucri* itiamed, atifl us he read it he 
made eomiiienis u]>oii itH eeiitcnU lo 


spoiletl the luiv’ —ihut 1 de* 
iiy, for Im 'k a Ion;® way from heiii;; 
hpoiled. 'lie never W4)ulfl Imve j;niu* 
asvuy if you hatl itol pin ?'Ueli iiotioio? 
into his lieafr—tliat'.-* rich, eoiixider- 
in;; lliut 1 kuew nothin;; of wliat wu-s 
deliiuuih’d of him until after Ik* vveiil. 

life he led for liioiiy yearn had li tend- A week had pnsned Hiiiee the pult- 
etiey to make him more 4 * 00 ! and de'* lie liad been inforiueil of the elope- 
liherate, and when he iieurd Wulsiu;;- nu-ut of the ;'uveriior’H dau;;ttler. 
ham huy that Atilhoiiy Davenport. She liatl been hunily (‘n;;:i;'ed, UH-siiited ' 
because of I’hilip^K nturryin;!: hit* by Mm. Levvi.s, in replenishin;; her 

flaugbtei*, could not be re-elceted, he 
determined ut umr.'. to e<*pou<*e the 

ntiH'kof elotliin;': IMiilipliad returned 
to his old hiinuliou at Mr. I'olsom's 

caiine of tlie ;'overnor, uiid he knew Uiuhle, mucli lo liie Hurpiisu of Kliner 

that he <*mild exert ti ;;real inlhience 
althouL;h he bud nevertaken aiiUelivt 

^Val.'?in;:batii and ihone wlio with liiin 
beard what wiim nuid of I'liilip by hit* 

part iu |><diticti. Hi?*in;;uudapproach- uncle; and Anthony Davenport bud. 

il have ;;nnc C»'‘Uip of ;;enllemen in a ili-' 

ueb notions >»’* tion ttt face WaUin;»liiini, lie said: ' 
b. consider- “If you have any money you want 
•f what was to lose 1 uin ready to aeeoiiuiiodate 

day after day, awaited unolher cull 
from his bitter enemy. 

I'liilip at luH iincle'H requet*!, bad 
obtained leave of uhsence f<tr the 

bet you any ainoiint afternoon, and was to iitcil in LiiK|iar- 

*iUit niuee vou aiv determined to back from ttne dollar lit ten thousaml that lor 4’onvcrsing with Isabel and .Mrs. 

Fine Card Photographs 

M.MlK IlY- 

■II SN»;i.l.. «|ulu<}. Vlaaa. 


Carpenter and Builder, 

carpenter and Builder, 

IIN 4 iirriHu** ••••iMt Mi4»|i Iu KABT WEYMOUTH 
INOETH "WEYMOITTS , KKs*ll>l-:\4 K. Minitl.K vntl.FT. 

him up which luaket* him entirely I .\nlhoi 
indepemlcnt of me’- -that i?* so. and 1 nated. ; 
! am glail you see it; ‘aiwl as 1 know (if elected 
no UHc to keep what we know aliuut KInn 
bitn private,* you are ri;;lil llierc .it the s 
*l nhatl submit to wliat J camnd ilreHMil 
cban;;e’ a very wiM-decisioii. •lhou;'b tuiiicii 
' 1 shuil always think you did very tnar, t 
wi'oiiv; lo encouruire the hoy as yon what I 

.Vnlhony I>avenport will he nomi- 1 «cwIh, when a carria;!*’ stopped in j inid y*>u was true, and that your re|)- 
nated. and the Kiine that he will Iju frmit of (he house,and he approached in in my power; that 1 can 

thill Anlliony Davi-ii|iort sliimid imli- pn-jiulice, as wan sliown hy Iris imme- — WiUminFlumnicr, of Dovcr.Me. 
liely own Ills former eonr liiimn as Hie ,|i„tely revoguizing liis former eoiieli- „„„io UU own cotHii several yesw ago 
lioshaiKl of Ins rlaugliter, anil Imvmg man ii-s liis son. .loseph Ariiol.l not p |,i„ |„f, jj^ 

settled the mutter of reeoneilialioii only worked liiniseif, he indueed his ^,,1 die diineusioiis wrong, howover, 
1 ,1 iweeii I’hilip and bis father, lie was l.roHier-iii-law, Senator Temple, lo p 
ready to cull upon Aiitliouy Duveii- give Ins aid, uiiil lie nmingerl uisii— died Hie other day. 

|i»rt. iiiirl tliiil was Ids strongest eurd—for 

The governor was iieliiully glad to Pliilip, wlio developed great talents — Caniicii crabs ate tlio modem 
«ee ITnn, for he felt Hint almost any us u iiolitiial speaker, to iqipeur in delieaeics. The salesman’s usual re- 
eiimige woiilil be belter Hiun llie feel- every seelion of Hie alate; and be liad I* ■’ “Take a eanecr ?’’ 

ill" wliieli he liad suffered for days, |l,e sulisfaetiou of seeing -ViiHioiiy ,,_ ,,, _ . . 

lliut lie (lured not sliow liimself. Hut Davenport triumphaiilly re-elected. ,, ° o™ 0 oar 

Hiesigliloftlie man ivho bad wronged Tbe.i, and not till Hieu was An- f ■*>>d re- 

f iuline De tUstro reawakened in u.oay Davenport tul.l the truth in ^ V ri"? 

Hie heart of .).«e,di Arnold .11 of his regard lo Dbilip. Hut lie never fully ‘ '.‘T * n. 

liitler enmity; and iilthoiigli he knew recovereil from Hie shoek he had • *'■.1 l’ 1 1 I •’ "* i 
Hiuleveiiluully be sliould relievo All- re.-eived; never wa.s the same man «o>l.« wbiehshe Uved 

tv . ri- .1 . - . aim (hi*4l. It 18 80011 to be demoluih- 

lljiiiiv 1 >avenport of hiH mental Utfoiiv, be wiu» ln'fure that iiiurriaj'e. i» l r 

I I . . / *1 I r eUlo tuuke room for ut*w improve- 

ho coulil not forc;»4i the pleoHure i»f made indopemUnt by the meuts 

snbjer ling liim oiiee more lo torture. | fr„„, |,i, uii. lo Jo- 

■■Well, sir," lie said to liim, “I pre- Be|)li,'gralilled his taste for farming — The success of a church choir 
Siiiiie you are eouviiu ed tliat all 1 and liorses anil lives a ha|ipy, con- after all, a matter of chants, 
told you was true, and Hiat your reii- ,c.„t..d life; but iieitlier he nor Isaliel _ William Tiisw of Fltlsbun/ 

utalioiiisiii my power; that I ean ever learned why Joseph Arnold was offered ,o aiv..’ si'..MO 

— Geor;;© W. C'hilds ofTern to bear 
the entire expeuMe ufiemovingand re* 
buildiUK in ita origiuul t*tyle in Faur- 
mount Tark the house which William 
I'eim built for Ida daug^hter LeUtia, 
iulMutadelphia, uiidin whichtihe lived 
and (Ui*4l. It 18 80011 to be demoliiib- 
ed to tuuke room fur uew improve- 

— The 8UCCC88 of a church choir D, 
after all, a matter uf cbaiitf. 

Kliner Wal»in;^hani lmvi* one •®!aiire 
.it (be speaker, and Kcein^ that be wa* 
ili'cHwi’d in coarse, gmy ('iothe;«, he 
tunicil it» Kponk to Aome one htaiidiiii; 

lino of ibe windowKl.nsce.if pos*.iI.b-, j ruin you if I cho4>»e l**. And you L,> auxiuua that his uepliew ahuuld 

wlio was about tu cjill upon him ()r abu kiitjw that you riehly deserve tu 
111 - wife for he luid inislru-ted fnuii i,avu the truth ex|iu»eil. IIul my 
'•oiiicihing bin uiii'ie had naid that hi** with you will be very rtuty- In 

.vife'o pan nl** wouM eume l»» olb r ; the llrHi pKice I ih iimnd llmt you Hhull 

marry the ^{overnor'b daughter. 

mar, taking no notice whatever of 

graud reception iu bunur of 

been Huiil to liini. 

I-abei. who wat< bed lier husbaml 1 your dauglitei'^* inurriuge, and hIiuII remarked the 

(ih, no yuu Won't when you •wunu* uf the other gi-nllciiicn noted 

4 !v . iil)?*« rved he bet ame slid- i invite lt> it all whom you wuubi have he ihiew off 

cuine to know all. ‘llul I cuniiut | 
appr*>ve t>f making the parade of the | 
.ilfair which you pn>po-*i\ and al- j 
llitiUgh ^liuil, het'ume v\ e mu'*!,; 

the stranger*** creet furm, hi-* liin’ly 
-liaped head, and the tile of inlellt- 
nee that gleam* d in bi- l yf* 'I’ln v 
itM*keil l*» the man not al hi* dr«- . 

•1* Illy Nciy pale; and u.s sbe drt-w near iuviied if your daughter hud married 

D cuiun^t 

^ilio - dtur, un 
to tu wurk. 

lo him, slic -aw that tbrec persiUis 
lia.I aiiglitctl from (he cuiriage, uue 
• •f whom wa- Jo’** pit Arnold; (be 

• - I m ri- -- - 

' Well. .tiisWered the 

aiMy ruporttir: ‘^thi8 U where w'c 

,m IWj'A 


F. I. SWKfclTIXH. 

D IO LEWIS ^TAHIUM, ■»'>■*V 11 *i:ii** 

-pot. kahthraintheb. 

\ lltiwitiii lilt- i ■••lllulloii ai’ * lIY Is I rit.ill', 

1 auat*!***- fut' I ull ' • ' to >•; It--, U- 

recognize the fact that he i» iitailied, ;iim| |b*‘V galhcr4*d around him fet 

lu pli’o-se you iuHiciul of herself.'* ruporttir: “this 

In vain dni Anlliony Davenport 
plead t«i have the facU u** llO UIKfer* 

and aekitowbilge his wile.w*- •*hall- 
do H<i ill a very •|ui*-( ni.inner, wiitioul 
, .in\ di’'pl.i\. V*»u may expe* l l*i »* e 
u* Ilia l«’W (lay*, and a** y*»u ha\*- 
liiu* far taken it u)ain \*>ur>i«*lf tu act i 
f* master of ('T* no’iii* we -*hall «le- i 
p. iid upon \ 1*11 to mil •sluce u ^ to the 
Volin-'* *>.ie)inian uioi lit* io•-tin'ralii 
binle. who ” 1 iliiiik more t(- he pit- 

«iuite-me that W.iUiiigiiaiu wa** imt ug genlli n 
\t- ew.ipe from the utlm k made up**n ‘ 
him t*v a display *»f snperellioiiMii - J ’ -' i'b A 
*1 -ey Wt le not disap|a»iuted, for Jo- the hell, an 
--«'pb Armdd suid; the (lUollo 

'‘Von ail- under no tddi'aiion to w h«> are tl 
‘•okii! ■*•->< opinion ill ngaid t<» ihe loi wa-tU,! 
s'ii't iioii Willi a wager, hill \ou lii.iih* -gt iitb uoiU 

a italeim-ut in lit) hcuiiug winch you hy timtfidv 

tlh*:-,aveiy distitigiiislicil appeal- them explaini'd ip Ffillip and 

iig genlli imiii and:* olegaully* , Juf he b«tf to be' 

iu -- -!,du* liad never ■•een before. ; i^lowwl U> hi* wi/» mid daughter 
* ;ib Arnold did not wait to riu>r t and burv hinuelf mid them iu some 

Cwust) wuil effiH’t. 

the bell, Htid befitre Label (‘•> 11 ;^ .* | 
the «|uolion wbicb wan in lier mi' i;. 

w b*> are ll»«‘yy " tb»' door U‘-- | a* ; 
i.’i wa** tUfOWii upiru, *i4d'b* K Ltuy ■ 

g« iiti« umu duvi't to'l-jweil 

■ . i-.l., 4 

w -. ileiu Mrilderiies-f. Ih* was told ibiit 

Tlie nudit cauiie of iiervouMieKS m 
imli^enliuu. and that h caus'd hy 
w(*akm'M of (be '^loiuacli. No olic 
can have aound nerves and 

, led ibau blatutd.’ Ihui ; laa i» sea* [ must pn» e to b« true or retnwl, ur i | 

tha V'Uing people were perfectly con* lieullh without Using Hup Dittvia to 
(ented mid happy. tlmt tin ie wu« nu sirent^tlien the stouiucb, pui ify blood 
need that tliev should 4*V«rliear th« ami keep the liver andkidiu s active. 
4t(oy «•' the d«-*crUonund de.ith of iitcarryull all the poifrouuu.*-.iiidvviuti 
rauline lie coiiiprehcuded lhal matter of the syMteiii. Sec olhereul- 

nr do** tu Kiuiip whOy j •houid he tell Uui I'iuUp ww lu* eon, 

— Mr. Wiliium Tliaw. i.f KKtibuj^f, 

l'u.,ba 8 otfur***.! (O giv 4 } to* 

ward 4 l!MJiu<£ 4 A(aiihk Uo 8 pi- 

'^\ tti lhat^);ify. 

^ilo a mull wuM sillying, the 
other day, “TUvrc'iiajicKKl lime com¬ 
ings’* unuther nmn r«ii*c and nuid, 
“Wouhl you kindly li.x tlieilute 

— canary bird bad quite un extend¬ 
ed trip aiuiiug the mail ba^b on the 
-Maine Ceiiinil lust week. It wu8 in 
a biuuU wicker and iiuuuie way 
gut mixed up with the mail, no that 
it WU8 placed iu one uf the baga w ith 
u lul of paper*. Tliiu b;ig W'u» lliruwu 
oiT ut Urtiuewick. Me., and the bird 
vreitt to \Vi8eaj»»et, and n'turiiu4l tu 
llruu8wick auuin, wbciv it wiw Uikeu 
out uninjured und lively oe ever. 

— “All-' riur* lice ilo ytiu U>ve 
bea^l- “.Viii I tu cotsidvr tUat at 
apropoiMil. bir ’f" wm the lady'* ijuich 

j rttort. 

|k Iqmtl ^laltL 

•n* prnne to cnfn<*home toroniil, then 
Ihe eplMNlf of Killln|.*h nml hii* cor- I 

~ TlH.Or«M ,,, Wlcl..rtrt l«l »»nhTBSr«^'Ai:7utlonnf 

IlM* wrUI .tory The fJorernor ■ IHugli- The •tlenilon of oil who moy conW. week Thwiwtoy nliht ifler ■ ran of '*'* "**’ -I" I" '»"• Hniver. 

ter which hu«ttnicte.l the oltentlonof but* dower* to the n«>l nrtnnal exhlbl- orer two wweto. m ibemmerom .n|. S'iV Wrriwmilh m, 


iWive rcvolrer may not hnvc hern in the terinl atory The (loTernor'a Daugli- 

vliliwlt h*a ikm «ltrawn*loea 

o. a. baitubbooic, boitob. 


ft ia nlwnya a plcsaurc to mii cI nh| 


FinOAY. APRIL 30.1880. 

Mr. J. fl. fliirit*. 
Affpfrt, 41 iSsrh Hnw, 
YitRR. it RtlthnHfOtl I 

. A.Irrnl.lnH |IIIIl!|®Vh?"mh« •h»ll filwiWi ,»fi mir flrtt pRfr ••^lecllont ukr f.f the RrcUury, In thr opy fur^ hroi.k;’liwigln* niomiiR WhIlthT 

Terrj?, of North WtVmonlh,"nt ViTR^ W »hlcli we triiHt, will iiftlirflthe printer, the word IVtnniM, K*»»h.lph; eetr #iR|r, W. I- Orroit, ». 

MeM.tntheW<;Tit»A»Trr. M ner i»..i ;„j„„rn|„g i»-MhlnKlon. hie ** "*<ler*. was wrlllen In the place of Pansies, V.-, work Uhlw, Mrs. Tlioma* Nash; 

ha* been arratifted for the meetingR: 


9 A. SI.—fJonference Meetlnf, fed bv 
Rev. II. V. Ikkwiei. ' 


17*. **I**V*^^-f ^'^*^^*^* *^ ©•rllcel il«y» hi iii.Bia. tr.ii Um„ ut»t. i •owi inwi noigive cAtaTiiiwinR l•ole,|l«||f| ijfinmir; 4 numtl me llottte," Hy Key. Sumner Kilit Pol. 

ciiiohswr...*. ” ’ mouth, when Maalcr Ferria .lircile.1 W. .wpratiie repeal. II ||«tIo Walls," have l«n correcte.1 aii.l Mrs. .1 WcA.Iiir. .Mt. .o.—j • Bowles an.l ||, K. Kalon, E. D, Ijra- 

was •'•'"•u In the place of Paii.lea, W.; sr.wk Uhlw, Mrs. Tlomia. Nash; in A.'Sl’.-h>l.IIy on ••rhrl.M.nliy aii.l 

^ lll^ IIIIttkllMAtil nlsA^* ....a _t_ ai«lists«lai»a lal.l.. ff>.^a .1 #• ...ncB i al... . •«!. Wa'^ a... __ 

hence die •iippUment iheet il«>ee iiotglvK eilenrion Uble,D«iffl fJ.*nnor; 4 iCuffetl Hie MfOtte’** l.y Rry. .Sumner Kllie. ^Po|. 


the ticeifftllnff pmgrnM of rucIi Imivr 
RR lAoinl nnn lAfncofn rhH tliintrtim 
•ml TIitpII aihI Terr)* nml llRkcr, 

BRBiReM RMl Sawe ItoHM. 

Anyone ileilring jewelry of any He* 

have Iwn correctol an.l flower flrowert B". Ilanlel McArllff; while apread ami J - Bowles an.l II, K. Eaton, E. |), lira- 
yn eaiieelally Inrileil u> arraiifle now, »''"aeii goblets, tiarslisll Sprague; re- ^l.’niMii/jI.—Siish7e»s Meeting 
lor an eshlblllon of this lieanllful Bower, volver, John Hacl, Kaielolph; half bar- ‘■i P. M.—f onfetence Meeting,' le,| hy 

.. Terry. ^ 


"."i acriptloii alKHilil not fall u> read tlie id- With Ibe return of spring and the dlaplay "'’“r, K. 1; atndent , „ 

vertlsementolMr. Rlward II. Prary. of fruit tree, for aaleonerar, han.MnV:.!: ^r'“" **•"'* A.'V. 'l^itel’^" i.t ' 


KP.R|^ riip, f Al -h T A-a M -a 



QuaUity Superior I 




» ■ —" »« dwewrtat and the pwlltIwtasM Idle prcaciicc of ••Carl.” It sceniH 
*^**'~.T?!*'*V rfwra Tragadg.- hilt veatenla.v—and jcl if I mil not 

ilenU. .L . V . — eeiwani ri. rrary, “■••■■■• •■•^ .or aaienncrory nandinoiir . . .V - a. .). raiicraon 

h|7f ,T| 7?.’ uM !** ami then go anil eaamine the alock .d Hliet, evei present tree agent at "•achliw, Dan |)on.Tan,«ey«ouih; lea 7 P. M.-Pral 

UirintensX nuXr^^^^^^ walche. at |,|, .tore h, the Pmi,.„flice »ur homes, the ten,platlon prelJnl, it- ir'ii'' 'I;'*' T'''**’^*7P *M-A 11. ... .. vc 

Idle prcaciicc of ••Carl.” It aci nm Wr. P.’s long espcricnce with »ell »<> Increaae onr slock of trees and 1“. n'lVnill i 'hf a u*'' Bhidle, on ••'lai^ahy to tliV f 

' - . the Waltham Walrh Company ha* given ••'le'l hyihe lllu.traledcatalogue weforlli- ' '"'I"*B<^land, I lo, Mrs. Ils Meiiiliers.” ’neir, A. J. Canlleld nn 

l.ta.. wi.a.^..i. ^ I_s_ a a .a ._gak. B_ _ a a » . IlHtllMl iB^Biev. N. Mr • nnwaaaa U..I ..I a.... I a t. _ w .. ... * 

-P™'*® Meeting, led by Mr. 

A peellwa C aagreaaman.-Wermwmli much 
people la Waaltl»tlan.-Oar Mllor wa alraili 
tbw wlBB- lidnc. 

much mialnkcn their 
alreiigely ilivcrgcil. 

I S H 

•atlia have him aiiperlor knowinige In the a.declloii »Bh hiiy a ♦ doa. of treca, and And on I’*!"'"’ allvcr ■•TheS|.lrltiial Alin's of t'lio Chiin’h 

ine WWB- Joined the silent maiorilv; nnotlier „ .. ’ , , .’ . 

—. fell where the tide nf nnllfc was rug- , B"iirk has rcci-iiily hroiighl 

WAailiKriTON Alrril'M ’St) lUK the lioltcal; oncAilonia (he h»l-. <’»'>*<l» a line tbwk of horses, 

•pi; . ’ aii'dher hna renclieil an •nvUhIc poai- which are exhlbllnl dally on our iireels. 

The chronic h cliaimatliim In eom- ,Ion m. I, teacher; nml still nnollirrms , . . 

riiit itself to nny legialnlion of conae- a hank cashier, la rolling aiiiiil the I" »'>mhor ciiliimn may lie found the 
qilence that has dialiiigulshed the w®»lth, for which the mculcsl and "■’■''•laemenl of the popular guiney 
nreaent Congress, roiiliiiiiea to mnrk l>«"i‘V"* "'llI» fnu;'-. '- 'all"'. Mr. Pr.iik A. .Wpear, and ••iwlii- 

Threo hnve of his slm-h, and In repairing walches. esanilnallon, theyall ripen In .•iept "umvaa; toilet set, Nate 

%fp I.* tr,. I, I It wliRii |)f*ni CRH lunlly b« Riven awav ”***®l*’r, VfvynuiiUi; Rlliiiin, Mr». 

Mr. fc, ibMirk Iirr rmuiily liroiuiftt \r - . 1 . given RWRy.— (iiM. lUidai,® oalr vaM. Waitmaw. it. 

In another cnliimn may lie found the ripens In July, and cloaing with the “'"I’ ®halr, J. O, lliiichins; 

Iverlltemenl of the popular giilncy “Prealdelil Droiiart” which mellows in '""''S*’’““'ria Murphy, Hoihrm.k; pir- 
lliir, Mr. Prank A. .•ipear, and ••twin- May. And he flhre and not omit the Popr I,eo XIII, John O'Meara; 

g 'round sb.Mil Ih” la an inducement Benrre ile Anjou, or the Sliehlon whi'e ‘‘•J'" ''"'. Marble U.p table 

.atsm ....,.^^1_■ _.. . _ a. . . ' will « riwwaa— ^..11^*.. aJPw.1 -..—.1 . a 

WAaiiiKoTON, Ajrril '2«, ’SO. 

Ill) paiiitliig, ,lohn Nofcn; luirrvi flour. 

preaentCongress, roiiliuiiea to mnrk I" fn"''’*''' 

Is. mi., s.™ nil I I renchlng, with the tlngera of Tanln- 

ila pi^reaa. The Anny hill hnving |ua. As for the missca, why bless 
run the gnunllet of the Senate, srilh your heart, long, long ago ihcv hnve 

knives, Peirr .Snilivau; toilet set, Nate Bev. A. A. .Miner, I>. I)., on “The Prog- 
t. Wheeler, Weynnailb; album, Mrs. 'he Uiilversallst Mna of the 1 ) 1 - 

Chmi. Haleb; pair vatm. Wallace Ifunl: |'h’® and ilibileal Inlerpre- 

lllg*fnUlMl Rbfilll it,*’ 

loiiiiK**, Mcirrit Ifiirpbf, Holbroi»k; pir- 
Irrit of l*o|ir IiRu Xlll^ Jiibti 0*MvRni; 


0 A. Ms—TfRyer Mealing, led by Mrn. 
K. I). [)ni)N*r. 

lu a\. M—iCRRRy on '‘The Parish nml 
Knterlalnmeiiu,'’ by Kev. W. .S. Kalph. 
Koitownl iiy aliort Rddrt>Hiu>fi hy Revs. J. 

rRRNH nAf'KKRRfi, 
ttllAD, NAIsIRIT. 

UiBl rnit lir roiintl (hU attlr t,( Ilr»«ioti. 

brihH out tour ili-lipd, 
AimI buy tl.f'»e littip fialipn. 

TrBm« 'Irlrpti tlimutfli 

hU'M for Ihe unemployed, imrticiilRrt Of Which the Uwrence rh yft tRiiki Rwoiig onr S***ry A. 

Iinve will be gireii by applying a, there an- Ireat Jaiiiiary pears. Audi cannot to- *'« coal James L. Connor; 

quilt, Alvah lUyni.jiiil, Marble u>p ubte H* Weeks, fJ. kl. Hannon, A. P. Reiii I.ardiro. Tiir.tU)« bimI y 

the prohibition CAiiM* nitiuM, went tfwo the way of •!! ibe worfd, Rii.l noiinceU •r««««ry peart. And I cannot ic- 

|4) Ihc Prcaldent An Kridny acconiim- »'^.'»re®lin« the Insinicllon of misses _!_' . ‘>B«Hiig aplesfurihe child- 

are directing the Insiriiclion of misses 
•nd maatera of their own. But this 

til , 1 , •* ami iiiaatcis isi sneir own ssiit mis ®lthig cuatom uinije clothing will find ren i what ao enticing to a hov ss s nlen ' 

ndedbyaaliidiodinniNithyonlhrpnrt is nu incxeusnlde digression, for I had ““ *'■"^'*mallly tailor worthy «f a call, llful anppty of paper. Wh.t ‘l„ir '“'•P'* 'hi* h'®. b 
of l^li |mrfic*,aslowhe|licrit*liould intended to say tliiit In her cnil uimn Pull particular, of the Grand Army '’'®»‘Bh cacapet we hail In chlUlli.HnI P'"* '''fh “ ♦'»)». 

or ahould not, receive the oxceullv.. pr r .Uv, p,„ ,i Wnh.cwlav aiid "> --ni- «' risk Mr. W. F. B.iroll, Mi 

mid iicek-cbaln, J.L. Bunia, Randolph; Tlie Parish exlemlaacoidial invltallnn h"s'>'r«sa,'fii'im'Ii.V7nd'H«i?nIsjI?”''*‘ 

etc., etc. It la noleaay to catlmate the 'h® idends generally to allciid Ihcae Tbi>«c • ui.- tpani to ritll will Dl.'MP 

rccelpla of Ibis ter, but a cnnicctnre ' ®f*;>ns deilrliig cntcrlalii- Wrymnmi,. di . 

and ntlirrs. 

2 P. Ms—Cyomniunion. 
Rev. Charles F. I^ee. 

***”"**>"• .I'rwl 

■Sernmn by'Viir'i.,tTa.Tiim,l«,.. 



STRING do., 


3 lb. cans, 
3 “ 

12 cts. can. 

lk|i|irorat. During the deliatc a lively 

your eorras|Hin<lent the nlher day, 
Mlaa Terry wa* arcom|iiinird hy Mr. 
Praiieiu Hunt and Miss Mary Hunt 

Senntc between 3Ir. Iiliiine and Mr. hr was only Itni nlmri. 1 was tfratJ- 

Pair at Idliicolii hall Wnliiesilay mid ®***”***tig the tree* In the awainitt at risk Rf* W. P. Biimll, Mrs. and Mr. J, W, 
TliurMlay evenings w|]| hu given tiesl **^ **"'** *’*’**^*» •***! f**^ll»g«niplyreiraiU- Wheeler, furnish accompanists for Hie 

rvcnaic Detwecii Mr. llliiinc and Mr. us was only Iih» short. 1 was gratJ- 
Carpenter, in wliieb the Inlter took Hed to learn that 5fr. Ifunt'ssotiilivni i 

occaaion Id range liitnscif proniiiivntlv ***'1 *^*’*''“ *’*^*»^**»’I«J* 

cck. '"I hy R'i'hig a few •luaris of rsry Infe- artists 

»-Kngl,.h Tspestry Csrimt. « -B; of^n'Tt, 
mmr’'"'^’ H-. -fauch hirelous grspe. m. 

Itieni for the night will confer a favor by 
imllfyliig Mr. Augustus Deals, North 
n eymouth. 

PortNaaie Eecapt., 

Tticmlsy night four gentlemen who 

ei-sni m rail will .,|,.aw. 
lb. nr call «t rpNlHpiiPt. 



ih)-Wieeler's “.Star Hiisi- «t f-’arroll's shoe factory In East 

oery Store of p. M. DROWN 
Weymouth Landing. 

lie,” Weynioul^ Say IIHIi. 'Veyininilh. wliile on their return home 

wllh a horse ami two scalml open car- 
Intelllgenoi comes to us of the death '''“8''.''•’r® Paaslng down Cemetery hill, 
Kolierl .Sbele White, In Was'hinulon r'";" '“'”® •mhicniy shied and coiii- 

Sre Chipintn's ailverllsc- 

Diftu ^bb.rttsemtnts. 

Horse Radish, 

Pepper Sauce, 
Pepper Relish, 



Mixed Pickles, 

term, and the former to help along favors upon the exile, vour corn s' 
hi* own iMmiii, hy Ihe nid of one of |MHidcnt hail the ngreeiiiile |ileiisiin 

The Rprlahlvr. Wl tl 

..'lutiing" Ihe village u ,1T|', “il*. 

III H l ie* * I " , »» of RidiPrt iStVele White, ill Washiiifftim •»'bi^*‘iy »liledand coni- 

we did nut know in uiir cbildliwHl, at an Terriuiry. Mr, White was a funniAAFfu "«*** <l'«f«»ce, was brought 

annual cost <if less than five dollara ~ t ■ • « * i * * to a stand still. One of Hit* n((*ii, Mr 

Why’c.m.ider..d » . Z "ury^ ™ • Cl of thi, pirn*, and all 1 , 1 . connec- Henry Slmhl.rd, *« throw,/:v"; G.e 

It will i.lee ...e .1 iiieaiure Uon. ,ro hrre. In bis day he was a f®"®® » """k. ami recelve.1 several 


oiciviiiitS' ?w4^%.i7r. 



■ V ..•••»- I'sssstar,,, was*, sasawsra. a aaa Wfuss |'S VtSflfll'n 11« IT I - i. . 

literature of the natfon, and the frienda ••ledcsliiiiesnf IhetiAZKTTK. .liidg- »e will aiiimunce Its appesr- 

of Imtli Imiiig eipmllv sniislied will, i';8 f'V.'" n|’|>e«'^'» <'». "l® editor and a-®® »^'ni the first of May. 

the result, it may fairly l«? considereil selves. They have covered the en- w.jmo«ih Hisiorlewi tnwMy. 

Ran drawn battle. lire Held of ohservation from .Ml. The regular monthly meeting of this 

Aa the time for Ihe nii-eling of the ’'.'iV' '* l'l'■®»'•y. on 

..... , .. " nobbed with our digiiilnnes from II s ..i... __ 

, •• • -." ——~ —..v.-.., Msy the wagon from the fence, and after a ss uu r e- e....... 

Hth. At this lime we are unable to thorough Insiwctioii had Imeii made of ^VANS, Counter Tenor. 

At ths llNIVKRM.ll.iaT CHURCH 

Tharsday Even’s, May 20, 

witbilip followiiiK Mftiat«: I 

convciilintis aiiprrMctica tlic n|)]Mtivnt Exculle 

certainly of the result grows more 

defliiitc, nnd Ihe lines iH-tweeii the "I”’" 'Be Seiiiile iiml House iiiid 
various aspimiils lo grow smaller hv through the Cureuraii gullery, 

.legreesamlbeaulifiilly less. ,f th'e ,1; 

eoi tculiiy Ihi'v ilul, were sighing for fresh worlds to 

rmm to Arlington; have lioh- society will iw held in Tufts Mhrarr 
died with our digliilnnes from His eveuing. May 2,al7.!to ' 

Lulluiiey Ihe |•^esldelltdolVll lo till- ... , . ' 

L'd X'ongressmeii; hnve hstked in '"1®'“ »r« "rBed to be pr,.. 001 . 

eosivenlioiis were lo meo 


__The liiiiiiiesa oullmik Is eiieonrsaloa W'll* of the sttraillons that will be pre- can-lago and harness, the 

~- ~ our si.... f.e,...,... 1 I I'*' wjuiej. ® party started again lor home to tell the 

Weymoaih Hl.iorleal HoeMy. r shoe factories being |,„sy win, , tale of a fortunate escape from a dlsas- 

The regular inonlhly meeting of this ^'“*•*'1 from Ihe California and Brown’. Brigale Band have been eu- "'oiis sinasliiip. 

elely w ill Iw belli in Tnfl. Mhrary, im "®*‘®''" "'«fkcu ; slih the revival of 8»«ml hy Ihe tosii of Kucklsml for Me- „ ^ lu dcller who visited this place last 

uiir {luliiilrieB cuiiics an itii|iiiry for inorlal day and »rctiiiiff. A conotirt is "'*S “•“I oN»er fuiu-y 

menTl''‘d’ ""P"”®- '"f >•'•1 Mis. .Vellie No- cent' isT.iiU u’,™„ ‘a" jmunggir’l" wll'fj 

III 111 the ftNdiiig ill n*a| ustatii clrclcH. Ian will sing on dial occasion. tfoiiis llirougli tliu wowis known* as Hie 

.... viiiiifs an itii|iiiry for 

house loll, gild A coiise«|iient itnprovpw 
nient In the f«N;liiig in real estate circles. 

I. O. O. F, AaMivBrsary. 

Presoeiit laodtje, 1. G. O. K., L*«lebrat- 

woulil i)c nbsolulciv eertniii lodcchirij ^«iuur. Of tiic .MaM. Pi-lre Ar-hi)- *‘* *•“’*^*D-«ral anniversary of the in- 


I The Norfolk ConferHiice of ctiiircbes AaalvBraapjr. 
will meet at Holbrook, next Tuesday. •' 

tionof Odd I 


The (ilst aiiniienary of the intniduc- 
lion of Odd Ktfll'fwship Into this cuuiilry 

for (imiit and Tildciigimi! iiicrelv till- «>«*o the plcnmin* of re- ‘^.Mlnctlon of ,m 1.| fellowshin Into Aiiier- "* *®. C% was cen uratwl by Wildey Lmlge, on 

forescell.cniilin.ri>tii iim bnraiiiy isi- i tlie jui|ii:unlniier of *Mr. Hob jc^ in ihelr hall, last ilonday evenln*. Tins flourishiiic institiiitm* «*.«. ‘^vcnhig Apr. »l, alarKemiiii- 

ore^ujomin^ Imnlly hkely den, of the y»»rn«f; Mr. IlnRliiiffR be rxerdse. en,.si.t«| of anUlres. if; hitberu. her of memWs and their hnlie. hein,; 

oanse.cmi 111 the upinit.ut.f the hast of the Lynn /Irm, nml nf meeliiig ^ "® «|w««;m, »>• |., resUiiig, vm-al ‘wd v .Vn- the oi.rerva- ,„rte„t. Aa extensive preparations hud 

informed, nlTeel this pmlmlde result .Mrs. fir.ten m.d Miss i’iiiing ..f iht "V ,1^. 1 ^'‘ f -.Mquilon, the eieo! 

incilherense. ThnI Ihe ex-l’residei,| /'<»<ri«f, no less lhaii u iiiulli- pi..M,Il. an.l k.’|U difmun,.m.e’h .lo. 't'L *'' *‘*'''‘*P* pnived to be i*e of unusual luieresl. 

Will goto Chieago.wilh foiirhiinilred !m hlvidiVuT’'irTheic "deiiuh^^^^^^ '\T' "•'•riy all the time. My hy some sllgla o'vera^ T"” ®*®''®''«* "'re of a high onler, eiii- 

n»thee„invued; and thus’ii'L"C 

ill rilhereiise. TIml llie ex-l’resident f'ulriiit, iin lesslhniiuiiiulli- 

^IIg.UoChie«g„,«il,.^ J^'inlfirr’"if 

volts, is among the ))rohahilities I hut peoidu are fair re|iresenlalives of ihe 
tio one here tliitiki< of quastiotiiiii'. proicsHioii in MtiMRRchiiRcHa, berhieb 
It must be nniiLMiibcriMi Hint there U wjdc repuiJili«»n in 

no or>iniil7.atioii nmontr Hie frieinlR of **‘'’*‘^ 

H-unt. no central heudipturte:: fir lire SllliiSl 

disHemilialioii of rnm|inign litenituru, Imtile-liehls and hl.slorie hieulitie 
no one mithorixed lo sjieuk for him, '''® rebellion, hut reliiriiiiig 
or to promise lewurd or |>iini.sliiiienl "’''l'"®®'loy,night will speiiil ihe 
in Ills name Tl,.lowingdiiy 111 W ashiiigloii, mid li 
in Ills name. Tlio l.rnni iiioveiiieiil fur home on Friihiy evening. 

IS M|>ontaiicous nnd disorgniiized, iiml f.ui 

ile|sends soltdy upon the popular iiii- -^- 

pulne. On the other hniid. the move- Tmirsi isirv, 

meiit ill favor of the viirioiis other lUWN AND VlCINlT 

canslidiites is thoniiiglily and carefully _ 

orgauized, provideil with men and AdjounwA Maeilng. 
meiaus ill abundance, and with full The Village Cemetery Associaiiiin 
(lower to coni|ironiiso nnd adjust and a«"rdlng to adjournnieiil, at 
arrange, for any mid every coiitlB- Mall, on Friday evening, April 2:t, 
guncy or iiieidetit of Ihc canvass. »’*P’“r«eo lo Ama«,„ii*ii,fixteeir«i 
u strange annuialy to the reiiiildicnp '“rs being present. Tlie|iresideiitca 

situation, we behold the only oami.l r,*""'’’ 

Ike last ineeliiig weic read. The c 
tatton in the deniocnit.c ™nip lo Ik- „,|.lee ehomm take Into om.idera, 
that which IS led hy.Mr. Tildcn, while ,|,e matter of aniemliug the hi-i 
his opponents are ullcilydemorolixed, made Iheir report, preseiiliug aev 

Wediiesd.-iy night ivill spend Ihe fid- 
lowing day in Washingloii, mid leiivr 
fur hiiiiie on Friday evening. 


."jii'rr"" .. 

hitherto lo have eiea|>ed the oi.rerva- „re,ent A, 
t on„f y,mr „i..liiiudim.u., miMquilo.i, 

cent uRsuiit U|Miti a younu girl, while 
U'oiiiK tliruugli the woods known as Hie 
Pa^J^on.l>*»^ The girl witli a coiiipanioii 
was playing ill the wimhIs wlien the de® 
lestniile wretch came upon tlieui and 
made an attempt to carry out his liase 
desigiii. The girl iiicceeded in escat)- 
ing from the rascal and ran bonie to in- 

Mr. J. H. STICKNEY. First Tenor 
Mr. W. H. WADLEIGH, Second Tenor 
Mr. C. B COREY, First Bass. 

Mr. H. M. AIKEN, Second Bass, 

of the APUl.LlS CI.I.'II, and 

HUNT & OO., 

Front 8t., Weymouth Landing. 


sSOl'UAXO. aii.t . » 

Mil • aiitifiit Piuiiiae |„ l„. 

was ceb*br»tiNi liv U’ I .,, 1 . V'H rascal aiiu ran home to n- 

was 111 . brai«l try Wildey Lmige, „i. form her, ami her falher siarled 

Momlay evening Apr. gll, a large mini- in pursuil of the fellow, who hail gone 

her of memtiers and Iheir liulies belog direclion of tliestalioii. Ilefoiiiid 

preseiil. Aa extensive preiiaraiions hail i .'.Tf “ '“*" *'‘*weriiig lo thei!eseriplloii, 
M,eo m.,I. r.„ , 1 .. '■® •‘“•‘I y .'naii.Uliied that l.i „ai 

TieSETS, 50 Cents with Seserred Seat, 


T.tke some of T<iwiis..mrs Pore Xi- "'8 a gresl ami go<Ml work. Aiiioiig its 

u.''ih exVracUM’’ ' '"•»l ynng l»‘<'P!e 

ing a gresl ami goml work. A log ii’,' -‘I' 

tnemher. „re . 1 ,., ...... .. * " «'»> •I""'® Ueao. -Miss Nellie 

Town and Vicinitv. 

in the place, and no one can join witb® 
out s|H.-cial The |weiiliariti.-8 

the rcodlers tlioie of SJiss (ireely, M 

, •wstnj iiittiiiiaiiii'u inal he was 

occnaioii, the event inimeenl. Kndeavoring lo get on board 
i>f unusual lnli*re»l. the train, he was detained by the de- 
uf a high onler, » m- l’/’^ Mr. Ul.inchard, but eluding 

licat musicians vo '•’bi» Csipiors. he started on 
iiiusiLians, VO- i|,«ruii for Weymouth. Voimg Wiille 

il*U In this viciuily. Blanelianl, son of TlieiMlore lllanchard, 

( programme, we fi*el imniedlulely siarled in piirsuil, oveilak- 
long to publish en- bim In fn.ntof the Old North ehiircli, 
ly difficidtto .i.-.L-.. "‘^^■‘''^bvelyliisshM'iisiied in which the 
y UilIiLiiIt to mak.- scamp received some pretty severe blows, 
uid give the reiuler imd “nilly” came out victor, lioitihig 
(cellence; hut when blni until the others came up. I],, 
igoiir vocalists siu’li [‘.7‘‘‘‘‘"■“.'I blenll® 

eDeifi Mim v.iii. ‘ I’•b*^/‘*^berof tile one whfim he 
L* N® ’t*'* ^ had assaulted ready to lake iiim to 

*. Miiiiig, niiiohg n»e loek-iip. Hut he told siieh a pillalile 

Joseph I. Dates, Lowr:>si- 



Commission BTerchant 

«•(■»”* fill ('<>ti«ii;iiiHeiiU. 

names as Miss .tnide Dean, Miss Nellie 
I'nilt and Mr. N. F. Vliiing, a.. 

1 an aged nmiln-r de|»-ml,.|ii 

Weymouth Landing. Mass. 


•O' THE 

Post office Building, WEYMOUTH. 




Adjoarnvd Msvilng, 

The Village Cemetery AssneiMion met 

At IhJ am.i..l mm-ang .. e.ect.oi, «r U.® order are ^Iph!:;:;:" Sdt^ 

of offlLer. .,f the Eureka ll.s.k and l-ad- n‘®>‘l. marked sobriely.siriet i.:i„|...raiice enl el^alTMi Iv. ^ ^ “S“‘" ‘ ‘‘■il ">1'' I'lave. 

•I.r Co., he following „Hker. were In alllhliigs, eiuineiii ciiliur,. Lmht I'‘*'*5'‘® «“"•><■•' ''>® c'-mpassion of the 

. for the ensiling year: Foreniaii, fnl «ocielv and the il,„r.„. I’l '’Y Mr. Vining, •• it goes withimt i J'"''? iwrsuailed hcrlios- 

Ohver hirre l; lrta..-i.|.,.. I|nrl«rl II. , ‘l"f»'gli devotion .ajing” whatihc ouality „f the enter '®‘ 8». Before .loing 

Hale; 2.1 a,.'t Uo., Henry Vogel: slew- “* 'm'"''*™. Drinks of a|| kinds, taimiLt h.. ^ ‘"wever, ho wras made aware of a 

ani. CImrIe. Delano; clerk. J,,1,11 Den- (including water.) .upper,, dancing Z^ ... ■[dination on the faiher's part to lak? 

brooder. _... ' i r * The table arrxticeiiiflaiitH tri.n.!. «i.. him iKku-n !>* tli** rt.,...* *■._ i. 

.sr.,,. .... riiBiiiiig year: roreinan, fnl ,oclelv and tl.« i i 7. •*> i^r. vmmg, -u goes withont b*** » inoim-r, wno iiersumit-u lier bus- 

li er B irre l; lrta..-l.|„.. I|erl«rl II. , ‘i""»'Bli devotion .ajiug” whatihc quality „f the enter >®‘ i"'" 8». Before .loing 

ale; 2.1 ass't Uo., Henry Vogel: slew- “* 'm'"''*™. Drinks of a|| kinds, taimiLt nm.t h.. ^ l"® <mler- however, he w.a, made aware <,f a siVong 

il. Charle. Delano; clerk. J,dm Den- (including water,) .n|.pers, dancing Z , , • nciination on the fallier's part to lak? 

“®‘l«f- 8aiphlh.g,,mipr„f,„u'are itricl lot ® *"»''*®'“®nl»'riiich cn.lsl- h m .low,, to the ami drown him, 

Mr It l> V i> » .A F II biddeu lft>**iiri p* lit ■ ^ •*^*lm«iiteii/ll-RR variety of eferv- iiolhliig but the Inw’iiessof the 

Mr. IL I. VqlUpiel and fandly left ,\z "^‘*^**»*«» are held reguiuly at thlfe luit coulAWemie the eye or leniii* Prevented his iiieeliiig that fate 

I-. ww.rK f-r curU... bi he the beat Kvery shoemaker is faiuiilar with the 

Iroo.t himself; but by a rule which is *1^ oiiaiiy occJ- or ui‘u in urcsiiiiii 

Mr llfiirv » Tiwssoii I i . theiccreu of the Order the ev ^®ble (irdiid McGill was in his »h«e8. Highlly applied bv 

Mr. IliJiry H. Tirrell has purchased a . » ill ev happiest iiuhmJ, »iid in his Introductions skilled and careful unrlciiiRi.* n.i i. 

.r« of Mr. Jusua Wilkins. •* “-^b.cli meetings are held are gave a peciiiiar’ xeat lo the "..“lit *f mudi to the Jauly o^ tl.e ,?pAe S amJ 

We learn that .Mr. Ilerliert Hale is re- *. 1“^“ P™*'*^* «a<^b meeting a ^be compaiiy; and In faelevery one pres* I‘“^'aimes the price at least one do’llar a 

rotiii.sed sti UDion KatioDi] Bank of Weymouth 


this place, cLfSt OJ Husituit, Afrit IS.'MJ. 

Ion of the 

k mother, who |M;rsuaded her Iius- I .oMii* ami I>i«io«uta. 

h"0*lz tc) -kctitrf I'li-ftiUtioH. 

t44o.<i4i) IS 
■lOO.IIDU Ut> ! 

adjournetl lo AiiiMviilIali.tixteeirryuu V'****. !•.* ww-xrii, f-r cu*i.*.«. ' odd inti 

Iwrs being present. Tlie|iresideiitca(lc<l I'rob.f 

the lueellng to order and the revordl of i, Tir™ii i.. i . »"‘n»S. I 

Ike last nieeliiig weic read. The c«ni- horse of ilrl Jo'sna 

niiilee chosen lo take into ismsideratioii w« le*ri» tl..* Vp ii.a..i .hi • ‘dways 
tlie matter of amending the hy-Uwa coveriiig lrt>io kia lAiy'aeddeiil* '**^bnile 

iwever, he w.a8 luaile aw’ure of a slroiii: *!*•“ .,i„| lajyy 

Ldiiiation on tite failter's part to lakt nim-tt ‘SSV 

in down l«» the cove and drow'ii him, Aor»i,r<«.i, Inm.. ’ 

d that nothing but the lowness of the "'•‘• r luds 4 ii 3 iV 

le prevented his iiieetlngthat fate »‘^‘‘’f*'‘‘«'<^'jn-«siev.(iiit-h»tlina Nickt-u.) ' 3 * 3 ^ 
Everv sh-wntaker I. fanhliar wZ the 


Ills opponeiiu,are uilcilyuemorolixetl, made Iheir report, preseiiliug aeveral ,, , . , , . . 

disorganized an,I dismayed. He is new one. he mlded ih.oe thi'herelSrhZf 
the only muu wdio will go to Ciiiciu- adopted. It was voted lo accept the re* large nurober of them were caiigbl. 
nail with an urgaiiizulion, „r a nttise, I«>rt '>«( not to adopt the new hy-laws. Aromalie fai„|dior at Townsend's 
aud the o|i|KMiliun makes gisid Ihe cnuiuiiltee also reeoinineiided Unit , 

use of tlie time belwecii now nml tlie P'®**'!®'*' call a nieeliiig of all inier- M„i,ul Dslgif r i" t'j 't 

±!tl of .Imtc, Mr. Tildeii will ea|iltire C*® c®“>®'®ty (•* l»k® 

iveriag IruiB Isk FiiU liny aeeidenl. dellnile work is attem|iled and accoiii- 
Herring made Uieir *—i gpiisarsm i In ***!!!,**?**", 

>e herring kniuk last Monday, and a *»ke it sitogelher. there is probably 
trge number of them were eanglil. 'n* instlliillon in this eoiuniunity, or iii- 

.Vruiiialie t’ainpliur at Townsend's. ‘(®®d in the country, wltielt is doing to 

Dll Thursday evening two ineinlters of ““J' '**® coiin-rva 

(itual laodee. I. IK 1 ; *r *..».i,... Hun of public frcedoin. os tlu* fl I. i' 

r tMxa- or useu ni uresiiini; viUi u. s TnA.m 

Sion. Noble (irgii'l MeGill was In his '"•"(» and slines. Itightly annlied^ hv Fm-|t.> c,.!,. t.r 

happlestiniMxl, a:.d in his inlrnduclions. skilled and earefni workinaii it adds 
gave a peculiar teat to the enjnyinent of '“nelt to the Iwauly of the iipm-rs and Total, 

the eunipuiy; and in fact every one pres- advance, ihe price at least one dollara ITIFs 

II"’^^'’‘® nccasioii. Iniiig B*® effeel. alllniugh strikhig, is not one ?.“r|'l“* F 00 . 1 . 
live Wd Ft'lk wshiji’ and siiciMiss in (" gratify the setiKs, parlicularir of the I ";!'‘‘("S!’- 
enZ^V* ®"‘®’’") ■‘'"■"■•'C IIS®. It. iio Ihonght a in,lZ‘l!Z.'or” 

engage<l. proin.iient resident of this place a few In iaa-in. .0 .>.,1 

The great netitlm. .a., ... ' ''■''‘‘I* P® '“l’P«''®d into the fi*-1''--''- ' 

We have just received a large line of ' 

Paper Han« iii<>*.s of tlio Latest Stvies, 

t/ r 

wliit'h whiill .fll ai 

8, 10 , 12 1-2, 16, 18, <up to 60 cts, per roll, 

Irt iitf* litili' or IH» uil'.aiii'F dh ftiriiH'r prici-!*. 

eiit seemed overflooritig with the p«‘rv»d- ‘^**«*- when used os a hair dressing 
tng gt^ fertin; if the occasion. I,ong 'he effeel. alllniugh striking, is not one 
lite Wd Frill wshij, and siicitess in t" gratify the si-iiks, particularly of the 

hia convention witli altout tlie same , 

easeasltegall.crcdin lite forees at ““ Z,'*'® 

8. Lonisfonrycarsa,. Uisamot.g evlZ: 

Mutual Iwiilge, I. D. G. 'r. madI-a visit 
to IlaociH-'k laslge of guincy, ami were 

The great petition circulated by a 
friend of your correspoiidciit turned nut 

'Bessing rouni of the factory of J. H.- .I- 
» i ‘ ^**^*’*‘y* siting down on one 

I Uiitf to otiu r Nutioiial i*nk.. 

f400.rNiO (lit 



-lo.ic.ia f’T 

4.3u; h) 

puldle freedom, a. ,1... H. I. , to 1« one with ahoutltall in veo ■>' D'e UtnchVs. gav® l.Zelf .;i, u" Z 
If ynur rciMirlers really have at heart the same handwriting, rtiully «rv amt o*..* ava.n.... .....i.' 

erallon the matter of holding .1 fair for '^armly welcomed hy the broihert and an interest in Hie welfare of il... .^..>.1 down into letter form, 

the beiiHtlt i.f ih,* fsa***t..i..wu Risters. ,,, .... I ^ out any iiaiue timied to it. nml tii 

ury and case. Feeling rather fatigued I 
he became iMJSsessed of a desire lo re- 

Any one who is iinabU* to get thirty- and its grand and glorious work. 

Be. they nngh, to keep an eye upon'tl.: 

the signs of the times lliat the Ogre 
of C'i)>lier alley wtw never so slroiig 
as just at (ireseut. 

Tlie severe (iropricty of the Sciiiile 
was soiuewliat siurtlcd lite other iiioni- 
iug, By tlio a|i|>eanincu in tlie |iugcs 
of tlie CoiKJrtMsiouul tltronl of an 
e|)ic ]ioeiii of the Homeric style and 
(leriusl, wliich classic effort was cu- 
litleil “The Iiiimorttils,” itutl dedica- 

W. 1’. Sa.nuoIiv. .Secretary. 

live cents worth out of Nate W'lieeler’s 
Songs can have llielr inuney refunileil at 
the diM.r of Music Hall, .•4,.. Wcyniuiicl- 
after the concert. May loili. ’ 

SMr of Mttuu kuuUs .» . . 

Countf of \^/olks * • • 

J. .JmiNvJ. I.Hl-,,. ( J,„vFl,4IUia 

Bai.k.tlt. .oifuihlk .wvi ih:.t tlif wUl. • 
u.' the btv ttf kiutHlnlp. l.l 

band played. giving uilcrance to the exclainiatlon: «'MhV U v‘'..f my 

*i*v . G, bum; I III so tired.'* ho **‘*'‘*‘ 

The engineers regret very niiieh that lo lay hiinself out literally Had h,. Jou.v., i., 

“l*,'."®'*'"* •Iwllncd serving |'®«'‘ diKniHe.l and -stuck up” he woiil.l d.r‘.'f Aprii''iJil' 
on that Isiard tile coming year. Hu is hate sal rigidly in a chair, and an es- F.l.l.'n nicTIAltl,!! .lu.ti.. 


\VK iiavj: in sT(»( k a 


.l.t.4..W,6.1u„.ls-, w|d,|„, tv,. l„v,. 'l--,c™l''^.c.'l t.ry .l...iral.l.. Mvl.-. A|.„ a LhI 


TTrrkm 1*^ *f\ xlO Oev»s*.e. __ tt_.7 " 

. RiiDwii’tiirc liiitl 

JOU.V ., I.Oflt. t a.l.i..,, 

d..7.'f A^riClJS;' ■■‘T.i. 

.. ^LI.\S UlCIlAUDA .iuwtk-o Ilf ilic IVut-i*. i 

From 16 to 42 Cents per Yard. 


.Mrs. FlorenceT. limit, the well known . Townscnd’a Bed, Iron and Wine, only 
lady reader, make, her sn-eml apjK-ar- ®“' '“’'B® BolUc. 

mice under Mr. Wheeler's iiianugemeiit, ^ *i*MKl \v««k*a Work. 

May KHh. 

Th* First AaauRl 

cu- Of the Norfolk County Sunday .School i 

Auociatiou, will be held in the Con* d*y. 

Ts** cla. jMT large bottle. -'ext aabbath tin 

R •> J ». ... . Univeraalut church 

A lioiKl \4««>k*s Work. i* .. ra. 

TheWeymonth Iron f'o. mmie ...t mZh w,' 

week, three thousand three an.l ...p^ ' . 

^«r keg, nf naila. The n„i, department ^ ettZ 

will reiiune Operation in full next Mon- “ 

Alu Peme, the favorite Ihistoii con- that board tin- coming yoar. He is have sat rigidly in a chair, and so es- ’ EU.\s UiaiAUDA iu. 
iralto sing, at .So. Weynmnth. May loth. -■ K^oiri^d'X‘Ji,y'':^.Zr‘''.l;;‘*“7‘ the Wolt-stKit 

M'*-M®I-.URhliu/r»,„Sou,h Bo.u.„. X!hZll,raV‘ncaHy.'‘"-i'kT“"’l^ - a'iHu' 

Xext Sabbath the,it »f Lh. o„d Mrs. McLaughliu front South Bosu.n 
Bnivcraalist church will lie filleil by Mr. who cnines highly recuiiimended. wil 
llemaiit from Tufts College. In tl,,. give a Teni|H-rance I,eciure In the vesir, 
evening Mr. H. will deliver a Iccinre "'Bev. Mr. Suiitnn’s cl.itrcli, next Smi 

...... dluv Ai’Mitllti* *?< s W..SS 

... . . .(S'tU'sir.lU X 

AMOS.S. tvIll lK. !l 

i ItA.Nl'IS Allltl.KIl. ) 

who cnincs highly recommended, will »"d •" »“ Inslunt' the hack of his 
givea leni|H-ranee I,ecturc in llie vestry '"'atl hecaine saturated, each hair cuin- 
of lie,- Vr U,...,....'. .1 , log lit for iu thare. -• -- 

led to Hie Congress of tlie I'nited gregatluual church, Dedham, Saintday, 
S*.atetf. It seeiua tliat a few days ago May tllh, 1880. We note among utlici 

on ’-The beoelit derived from a study of ‘tendJnre U drairld —- 

the ethnic mllglotts." tendance is dea,red. LOVELL'S OORHEE. 

People lay it is worth the price of a . „ . , — 

The friends ami relatives of Mrs. Hcke'. to a cottrert lo Imar Frauk Porter u“i.n.!*.*T.'!!l? , 

.Stowell, who resides with her, ' ' .. . . - 



firat National Bauk of So. Weymouth, 

Mr. UuwneVp the delegate fruiii W*y- I lb;iiii iu the order of exercises that an 

uium,;, inlruduccU a bill iu the House, ®“ay ’'•B l>e delivered by Itcv. s. L. 
haviug for its (ireaiiiltlc tlic A)iostles' '’'*'*7 BosUm, formerly of Kiul|Wcy- 

I!ev. Mr. Parry of Provl.leme, It. I. •^‘"*®B'»''o reside, witlt.her daughter 
•mcii|.ic.l the pulpit of the t. imgregatioi,! V”' ,***'''• "“'reB on Mgin St. atirpriseil 
al Church last Sunday. ' ‘® " ** ****1 ***' ''*®k Tlinriday, it being 

.Stiiwell, who resides witli, her dauglilcr 'imT ®“'‘** “'Music Hall, 
Mrs. BenJ. Burrell on Mgin St.siirpriscil 

Croeii iu rrrtufim, aud for iu ohjeci '""“'B, on the luhjeet "How to have 
the u|i|,ro|iriutioii of uue-hulfn mil- '®“®**er»'meo'.ing, and normal claaars.” 
lion for the |iur|M>sc of having tlic ^ 

walls of the Cuidlol citihcliished with f ... 

el..,.,, v,„„. 

and death of Uinst. Jhc argument of i). F. at Plymouil. last Jl-mlay ev. „ 

III Mtll7thihrt rif (its. l.ill ....__ I 


Mrs. \y. E. Cushing and her daiiKbier 
Daisy read befors Mayflower I. t>. i 

-Mrs. II. I.. Hailingi will preach in 
/ion’s Chapel on (Ugh street, next .Siin- 
aflernoon and evening at 2a!,di o'clock. 

IVanlcil—Jinpatient waiteri to know 
Iliat "Tliat Maple 8prn|i'' has come at 
last. Come quick il jolt want some of It, 
el.'2.'>|icrgal. at J. Townsend's. 

Ihe noth aniilveniarv of her birthday, and *■* aumuh' 'he citlicna of this 

a pleasant lime waa had. She was pre- 'B® feinoval of onr estecinc.l friend Mr. 
sented with a willow rcK'kiue-el,air wort. .*••• J-"I'BItcomb ..he sution of the 

ce. lo w cunceri to near Frauk I’orter ici.r.r . . 

ug ; he can he licaiil at yfusic Hall ".""B was arrangi'd by the young ladica , 

ay loth. “Bo aiicml the Higli scliool fri,m i|,ia [f't!”,.* 

was given in Pratt’s Imll last oiia.', s 
I he greatest puzzle sinw, the rnclay evening, and was ullende.| by a I>u. fr..i 

1 among the citizen, of ibis vlll me is ‘l'•;’,®‘■'“'•'e audience. The ■(••IK- 

e removal onr .. ^ x. w“. Bri-tty sutuarlze, 

*d Mr. was ai»Iy sustained throughout. F D* 
<‘f the Tratt »aiii: ill Ills usual Iiunm* inthi..*...*•’ 

». Wataoi TM. IS Tilt FTATK uf l|AR.iA( lll wtTTK. 

At tAo <t 0 t* of HutiHotix Afni 11. ismi. 

this r TC. 11 **^*””''*"'.. . . 

last oiiu-r sM.H’ii,*. ithti M-uicrt'.. :dj.tMi()ii 
by a Iluf fniiii <\|)|iruvt'il Kt’scrvi-Ar*iit«, l*i.i >44 5'J 

*l’bP Ht'llt r.*(Utt', 'kianttn, 

I •« {iiitl Tatf* i) 1,1 

U»*r, 1 rttu IV 

first b*’*f*i Ti’Odrr NoU-«. l.itaiuy 

,Udi- *•«»«* Tminin-r. 

New Styles in Rints and Dress Goods, 

Woolen Goods for iien’vS and Hoys’ wear. 

_ •' AsmiUT.MK.NT Ilf I.AIUKV AND I llll.mtf s' s 


New Styles in Ladies’ and Children’s Hose. 

We have the Best line of CORSETS ever shown. 

ritU'Ks. :iHf, .'.Ofl’, T.'So. ««*•, 

: altcniiuns sliuwii her. 

ill support of tlic hill was urruitgcd in ing „„ the 
hlauk verse by litis new jioct nf the Tlicre wc 
Sierras, and rauged Ihrougli tlic vuri- present, a 
tins inythologics and sat red IcgciidK Cushing a 
of antiquity, atid wound U|i in a hlazc “B- 

of iiyrutcclmics. The (loctic dfusiou - 

covered some tificeu (mges of tlic Hisrutt 
/freortf, aud to make jtrccaiitiuii D. -V- B- u 
doubly sure, Mr. Dmrney took occu- '(“I 'l»y- 
siuii to liiifc iltc tiling co|iyrighlfd ‘'*®'® " 

with tlio I.ihruriuii uf Congress, iliu. •“« Tigers 
preventing your corn‘s|H>iidciil front '®5' 
trau.iiiitling the Mtiiic to tint; A/.t.’i 11. '•'B*'*'* * 

for puliliculiuii. U this tliiiig Is i,, ** 

contiaue, who know, wlierr it may ti,. display 
rutiy Tile |,r,,-|»cx*i is i,mv ti)»()a)liiig 
for further i (iniiiieiil. EvcrylHw 

Xu liiilc cxtdieiiiciii is ill (trogres. )V'hi,ldoii, 
here, over lliu .huutiiig of l)e Young •"(“ at 
of llie .‘xuii Kruiiciseo Cliruii'rli, t,\ *B*B. 

yomig Kullm'li. tut an oiilgrovvili of 
the (Hditical agitulnin iii.der wliieli ••trih®. 
tite Poeitic coa-l liu. hccii Iniittring '*'B*' 

Uinicr the ailo|iliuii of Ihe new cou- ***''*®B ("*■ 

stltutioii. it i-n iiiallcrof tiuiuriely. 
tliat Jouruuls that dtqteiltl U|M,ti vlln- * 1 17 

perulioii aud (leinoiial aliuse a. lite ’_ [ 

bulk of their stiH-k in trade, are rcu- 
Buiiahly certain to wiud u(i, simucr or *''‘**‘' 
later, with a tragedy or an iutnaiiie- i, ^® ' 
tiuu to Hiu bankruptcy court. It i. 
nol euoughto say K..I1 .k 1. an,I ZrLril 
his frieuds are i,ulilic euemies, if in rbe (lAzr, i 
onler to cir. umveul ti.eir ,,laus. il ru. ml of furniture 
becomes m e, ..ary to .ioo|> to pert Walsli 
level. Oito may Hght the devil will, bowl by Pat 

ii,g on the ,Kvasl„i, of their amiivcrsary. 
Tl,«re were over live hui„lr,',l |M-.q,l,' 
preM'iit, and the elTurls of Ifoih Mir. j 
Cuiliiiig and Daisy wc-ri* [uuilty upplaml 

..•.|sx., Av«f. avRiiornuf, «*. , • *.». 

The .Annual *‘May Party’* gotten u|i 
Mr. Isaac Heed it erecting a Luuim* fiy Ifie latliei of the Univertalist Socielv, 


Independence Square, - South Weymouth. 

nt’.\l to his atorc. 

Mr. ('rbau Bates, fur many ysarsare*- 
uf Hinghaui, and fatlicr „f Mrs. 
K. V. Merchant of tills village, dlnl at 

y the la,lici„f the UnIvsrsaBst SiK'Icly, The most popular ban,l niMter and 
iiuesolT tonight, BteUoii ,k Cnsliing C"D‘®1 soloist In Xcw Kn.'lanJ, "Harry" 

in keeping witli tlic wonla of the song 
lo® ^’®Bi® Pronty and 

Mis, Itia Taylor were a,*ccptal,|y given 
an,l w,*ll receive,]; tlie siwakine l,v Miss 

furnish Ihe iniisie, aulsled by a promi¬ 
nent clarinet player from Ihwlon. W,' 
learn il,at Mr. Whitmore, w ho ia so well 

Urown, w ill luakd Music'Hall'ring, Mat 

loth. ' 

e words of the song. Csi„ial .sne-k |,.i,i m, 

IS Nellie Priinty ai:d !*.‘"|:'f“ 

ere ai-ceplalily given 

the S|waking by Miss i)i>i!i. i,J. impa'id!" “ 

Tlie many iiiiiiical friundsof .MiasFa 

the residence uf hia daughter, Mrs. Cbaa. B'towi) here, will be the one, if his ,er- "*® ^i**'“8ue, al home and abroad. 

It is rutuureil that Iteynolda P,wt 58. 
G. \. It. may visit Hiogliam ini Menne 
rial day. K. W. Kinaly Post II:! will be 
tliere on that day, escorted by tlie ll<„. 
ton Tigers, aa gueata of Kdwin llmnph- 

bhldy of w«e after a long L.d painfiii 
illlieaa. HU funeral belav at s ..'elo-.L- 

Lt'irMrth'oduV'trUt'ZHiZ’i^^ .|« this party a. enjoyable 
••iiiguaui. „ ,„j, „„„ I 

t'ieet can be iirucured. Xo pains will U- Bate tendered her a cnuplitiicnlary con- lion ami 
simretl u. make this party a. enjoyable Vl.T'^i;'‘*!,;‘'!jrv.“"M'.';: wll'ZV: 

a.,,1 well recived; the.,waking by MU. i,,‘ ;:i:.'^|.,';i;|,aa'‘ 

Alai) Ituifa aas greoU'd u lih deserving bulmt|ii4 li.|H).a#. •ubjui iuiIu-.l 
plHudiis, and the reciuii .ii by Mrs rt- . J •'‘...luki,. 

Verona Voiiijg, a nupii of Mts. Cushing. 

gave evidence of the dramatic iMiaer she > . 

jM,, The ebaracterUfi r.-a.ling ^Tn Z " 

oyirof. \ ose cinninaiided close alien* u.*nL 

lion ami well merited applause, ami the •■.m u,, u, i. i,,,. t'i,:"li ..'"l;r'‘u'ii‘ 
liariiitJiiica iiiiisic by Mr. (ieo. Torrey 


1.’4.&U> uti 
i.4:il u<« 

Townsend’s Beef, Iron and Wine is -ri 
thebesL "«*••»» There was a running nulch .m the 

Fair Grounds .Saturday between Mr^ra. 
The season just cIomhI at the factory Ka*t Weyiiiuulb, and Weath- 

eveiiiiig of Ibe Vfrii of May. Miss uos w armly eneored. Duriiie the eveio 
,nan'‘v'*Z LTZmeml-i o. 0 ™'.'.“..,.“''-*“'! '' .«®B T-.dcre,l 

. J.:. ■’i n "OS. •'i-niig 1 'a-ku r , 111 ,.. alK.v. 

iLOiittl U-tiik. lit, ...tlriuiilt 'Wt Ar tl.4t t'li-ttUskt’ 

led £'ii?.r"" loe.«Udi.- 

Milliner} Opening! 

I «naii> tociaigaihKrlmr»liiihistowru, ami dialogue was giicn by the f.dliwii'e 
I III order to show her how hlaliU she I.A.* vtui.t* i-.n..- V. - 

ivy ost U4, and the guvmmr and his The season just vIiuwhI at the factory Weyiiioulb, and Weath- 

full itafi will alto be present. Putt .V( i*f M. C. Direr A .Son's, ho* b«eii one og ^^**‘-‘Ws'*d—distance three lulleR. 

will parade in new iiiiiforuis, and should unusual activity, ther M.«aa) rases ol ****^^ 'Vealhert won, being 4d 

they visit llinghain will odd tiiucli to i*<*<*t* And shoes have iH*eii luriiedotil hy secoiult ahead, 

the display on that tn'casbin. **'*• firm, whoM* iiiisiiieF> 

— ^etus hi h« ever iiwreasing. ’I’he cm- Next Monday Mr. E/eklei J. Whit- 

Every iHKiy. fa,nrile, Mr. Wm. H. «Vw .mVZ'^A.^r Z!-''. Tf v o, ‘’L 

her how highly she )..uiig lotlies, Vaiiny Holbrook, Mary Cgnm-AmM* 

IC W’OS Lllfkliellt IkeRt I.. Ptkiks.ra I.Ai.a.i.. II..O .i. k* . ^ . 

aiikilMlit'f. . 

•I- II S1K1.*^>N. rbIikt. 

day'^TAnnk^xlii ■'I-■-®". 

.. II I)\ Kit. Ji.r liiF I'.-A.-*.. 

A Lart^o unci Elegant Stock of 


jKfeii appreeialed it wot thought best to Powers. Jennie Holbrook. Mary Ure^n^ 
lender her iIiUim'ML It will be com- l.illa llulbnaik and .Nellie llulbnmk’ 
Oosetl of verv FMr.. tRlitoi >t..l.. »»!.. t*. . •♦oflonma. 

seconds ahead. 

Fveryljody’s favorite. 

Next Monday Mr. E/eklei J. Whit- *nieh i« * tafe miaranlce that 

j - a. Kivut,. 

0»ltli Ikkltli. 
i. ( . Ui.A’kt'llA* 

^ IhrFk'Wr*. 

5000 YAEDS 

•II. will give another elegant vlo- seaion lhi» lirm vudenH) rolculatea 

liii sulo at Nate VMieeler'a ei'iu'»*t!, May 


I alHiut bttw imieh iMiiiitek* il 

is generally done to ihe ielirr. 

etiuib will be siuiveded by Mr. II. K. 
hates of Xorlh Scituate, in the dulieR i.f 
■tation ma»ler for .s«,uih Weyimtiub. 
While hoping that Mr. liams will please I 

nothing will be hfl ui.done i,, make it 

it w.i* •.•iven. 

.\n old sayiiij; Is that -there is honor 
.uiitiiig Iheives" but we f.u| to see any in 

Exchange on Ireland 


vike. The aiiiiiversar) of the hi W. IL (* 

The laborers of U.iitl A- Prall's wliarf. l«t Monday evening wa. a enj*i). 

the laii-oiis uf tlie road, we. at the i.ime tfi** slock and brushes trum .Mr. 

lime, regret the withdrawal of Mr. Wha- L-' p.iintei. .Mi. 

I k ' I s .i— III tiaii IkURiI ^lok all wiitis'i .iiitl li'i.i 

c., ,,1, wli..,m. lln-.e,w,y ,. |,tove,l lw,y„ml Jn.l... n, g,.| w...k »'l...u ...Im- 

* doubt, and wliose ti.Irhty to nil tlic l.,-«rll.o» l.riil.-l.iokc i 

struck for higher wag... |,at Mondav. .bl® .wea.lon. pre:.... . 'J > b' '■»•(•■ 

dcinaudinv tw„ ,l„ll>r. . 1 . 1..0 ' from Hingliani. .X. Ham.v.., I . ("•*'• rciwocd lit biin haa met tb, 

demanding two .InlUrs a„,l a half f!”'" ••‘“kbsm. X. Ha„..v,.r. 

uv«r, at two duiiart par ilay. 


Jtta* «•iMiiitroce.i ui get woiK wlieu •••liie I 
l*«*«irtb>^» lirule Isiuke illlti |.i» I 

’»tob* all of hi> ItrusheA ai,.] \\ f I 

w.suldllkel.. have I. Ib.^ Lm.I. i„ 

BV -ui -ifneiutiURiii, tl..' M^w’ft.k NM,j 

»\iK . u- ' '"V ' nmii->n.\i. 

n.V.xK .1 \>ty,u,>i.Ui i« „,.k, y 

• it.UIKt Ult lo-iuiltl It) II* •'t|*(uiut'(» ill AMO |,. I 

• tUs'U. Itlur Alisl IU**IM . . 

" •l"ll.'( J 1.1,111 , ..1..,, I 

At the etitcrlaiumetil giiei, by Mr. 
Kufus .Soincrliy cKk^turday etetnng at 
I,inculn Hall, a large rmlnl.rr of priaca 

- »ill> » jeabimcyc the iiitcrc.l.-I 

we;mouT‘‘p;.^!^;,,*{'n:al‘;';:;z^:i^ “‘® "•"•'"■.k 

lUe friends in a nlcaaaut am) cainlbtl "* *" ®‘'®''“ ' "*•'■' c»B» for a 

maniH-r, after wlilcb teinarka were nude sklBed telcgrapi, operwUir, .till w,- l«.- 
byr lir<«. .Sprague and tUla.runf Hlug lictc tliat a rccor.l of aeven year* of 
ban, lendersiM, amUybltlngI ,„|.,.r,i«, 




A 1 AU I.t»Al» «»K K'KsK t*«»r.\i(,K.s fr.i ' 
** »et'J. fut »alr by tbv •uiiM-tilNT I 





S. ' \ 

The Latest and Most Sasirable Styles, 

A^jiiVAvr c.'/s// rr.’rrAs, 

Ladies of East 'Weymouth end Vicinity, 


« •'*d t^Mkruof ' fi*?'** a recorti ttf s*‘ven years of faith- 


follier and ll,e B,-,. Mr. Ia.avitl'.yitali‘ " * cB*"*® ■» imp.Talivc, it i> 

. . . .a .1 . IS .. 1 Ka. ull si..., kfl_ O' - li. .. 


Nuiib \V« 


M. K.(’olli(‘rs MiniiKMT I'ni lor, 

'in:, 11 'M 

Jii«'k«4>ii Mqiikii'*., 

Wi'y iiioiigli. 

SI,ip building at Kx-n'a >.ird ia begin 

For Sale or To Let iiuntlHome 


.7 Iflciaes » Oiurr onu me tn-v. jir. lafaviu of Kosl I .. *.P* irm***, h i* n. 

ware dislribute«|, un« of ih^ ^tloches of Weyiu*»ulli, and Uie Itev Mr. ('haidit of ; Mr. U’. will be proiu«»ted 

lha (tAZKi rK drawing a pair oT Ahe^to ^'^rth Meymouth. 1 he exerviset were ! pu**l»<**i of higher liusl. 

The set of furiillure was dr^w.. k. Wo' •“‘‘'•‘.V**** »•> Miss .Udie 

ho|H*.l Hliig lo improve. Mr. Keen has a lkai<|Ui 
d lo a I *^‘*P*’» Mil 

tire, but there la always the pnibubil* handsomest lady was awarded lo M 

lue set oi lurullure was dravu b* Hu- u u T .iT -wiss .\uuie 

W-I.I.. » I «I‘‘* »h** TrniiHTaiii c quartette 

pert Walsh, a bandsi.uig crystal sugar , Larne UichlWid and Mary Viimi 

bowl by Paul Badger. The prise to ihs I ^iie select rea*biigs. Ji U»un- 

ilyof jfeltilikMmc'e liugers burnt iu I NVHie Cusblng ofSVe>«uoulh ia4ndin7 I T*. **“'“*'^* ‘^i’*’-**** 

the proa ea*. If tl.c tragic fwte of D.. -J .b.gcnUeman natued .. ..ceTf.o;;! fc\“n*rw. “‘® 

Vuuug will u|K-rule lo relieve juttr ■ *“ B«i“*y »B conipetiiors was Mr. Amoa I 

uilUtu of till' preaeiit Iciiileticy j Th« live pig was not forth ' A tualch game of !«*« ball will U 

tibuae where it cnouol couviiice; lo ®®"Bng »s Mr. .S. was uuabU n, obtain •B*)'®'* .8atui'lay aflcrn»,n b.'twceii . 
wcuti out scusaliouulUiii aud •ciili ■''“Blly. The bsB was crowded, and ' •'(caed lailui Irutu I'. II. I'ralt A .Son. 

mcuUlUut; lot.fiord Ibe awful "“B a “ ' 

.... wuerehjf the thtekrtt. uf ..pd.. j f‘^ZZri:‘,r:7i:r:;X‘‘“'‘i .‘■iTM 

gave snme line select rea*biigs. A U»un- 
llful collation waa Mrvetl In Ihe Upiter 
hoU iu which tiver un« hundred dbl am 
^ justice. The whuls 4ft.ur was ap«*r- 
fact suct*eas. 

A tualch gouie uf l>ase ball 

The adjourned Parish Meeliug of the 
1 nioii chiirch, wan hebl .\loiiday even- 
ing. .S'tah N'inlng Wasi’liosen niudera- 
tor. The prudential c*>mniiUee for the 
entiling year are Jtdiii .S, F-.^g. (Iian 
U'hde. N Vliiim:. Tnasurer, J..»lab 
IL-eJ. < lerk. .\. II. Wjight. j 

s(«K‘ks. Just at present llie ni«-chaiiie'* 
are obli;:e«i to reniatn idle, on accitiiut 
• ’f a laU'k u( luateriai. ! 


K A •' Ituitiiligc »'U 

MK •irrti. wtilt kVrul tUH'du.l 
Skf «'•'« i>l 1 * 0 * 1 . luruit ih 

*'U .. i 

Utl ..t: -LaJI I 

VYUpt* tl Lk J 

The)acht .\nnle V. hsi been Uiiiieli 
' «1 and ( apt. VesOda ii now reatly to lake 
parties out for a oaii. 

(i**«tn:e I,. Vewtim and (ieorge Ii 
Fr'-ncli have l>ean spptJinU-d engineer* 
of till' MVvmuulU Klre Department. 

iLr lAit Jatitu \V lliini'll *« ^ 

Mill* A van |.|ru.*l.| I.Utlut ltl ,B U,. ' 
■l| iwf tsIw-V ri.i* ».•o•.ll•,•f a.lURl.U )|| lit. ! 

.«utiv-I *^R k,i.4m-. *^,,, . *1,,,,, ! 

‘‘y'* ,i t ‘‘H*'“ ' s*'d ■nfrtt'l* 4u . t i 

trll. -at I tUtf) ft.r !■ V W’’ •• “'I Vla*'l,. a, 

! -f Sdj.'. , 4 ,, U' fl t Jluf Uh; '. ... 

Hik^f b. 1 lt.*r * 1 ,.;. K , ; aiA.s *i,-!.u.N(ilil.K Mi»U.nK ^4„„„ ' 

a), tl IU. I t-ij < jfi- , , 

.\Mllt W’tyiu.Mllh. >iji. lOMl 



l .(/.*/>, 




The {Miiitp in t tduinbun ».| 
Woutol up (ttr one week. Il it 
(.%a . fcaroiiotutu’ « f ihi» sppi 
that It pr*»viib'i the beYai 
^ regular llriu. K 

t -Matter <*>*rbani Walker, the local 
' ue •« • < airi ler, hav ing hod ti«H|U«id calN 
for the liv/KarK. from his «-u*u>mer*. 
^ has • ••mineiii-ed tu egrry i^al i»aper 
I Ills »(ipplv la»i Week was •o.-n dispt>a«‘t| 
• •I, I he iM.pularit) t.f the Ooselle is ca 

VV. A. Drake. .M,D, 

lllinil.\',\ ( illPCT STiiRi: Dry Goods and Groceries, 

_ .. FXJRrOSriTXJI^E], c5icC.. 

( ur. CuurluBU lluBiitt'r SI*.. 

I th« lucreose m Uaii secUoa. 

“.North Weymouth, Ms.j 


^IfDooUd DohvertAd Pi.nniiflv Kroo «WCharge aud Sati*- 
factiuu (iuaraiiU»ad. 

For Sale.— (State, County or Town 




12 cts. can. 





Mixed Pickles, 
> l/ l.\ J 

li Lauding. 

TCKS4 ! 







ge line of 

riUtcvst Styles, 

O cts. per roll, 



r> ilfwiralili- A No a giMiil 


Yard. ’ 


Dress Goods, 

ihI l{oy.s’ near. 

tX im.UUKN s 


hildren’a Hose. 

:TS ever shown. 

..Ni> I>Ksi|{ \iij.K (ioo[>s. 


)uth Weymouth. 


ck of 




rabie Siyles, 

met Vicinity, 

IT liii ldf. 

I'o.t nioHili. 



I AlJE, 

d Groceries, 

, &;C.. 

W 1.-1. 

bartfe huU Satis- 


REDUCTION llRead's Clothing Store, 

' We have this day reduced the price of our 

Oor. ‘WnmhlnirToii Ac ITront Mt*. 

WEYMOUTH, March 1,1880. 
We ara now ready to show a Ml stock of 

and now offer “'f 1 >.** an extra Spring Wheat reaay u> snow a luii scoex 

Haxall. and warranted to be equal to any on _ . ^ ^ nmTTTXT n 

the market, $9.25 bbl. »1.16 b.g PTSATt y MATiTj! CL 0 THIN 5 , 

crown haxall, a choice Haxall Flour made ' 


“in p»p—r .0. pH«. TRUNKS, BAGS, VALISES, UMBREL 

!»'«• nell (lit* »*TAH f'RKAJIKm' BIITTKR. a mir linn rtf hunt 





r. III. DBOwaT,]Groceries AiProvisii 

Dealer in 

oioioB a 

m wsssT wuSiinrTs • 

Awl atilN 





Goods delivered in all part", of the town ft*ee. 

5000 IoOLIjS 

And everything belonging to our line of business. 

' JAilTfrHpw'o*, 

T>r«iieTt “ 

Siiffsr “ 
Mnaunl ** 
Halt •• 
Berry ’* 
Jelly •* 
Butler Rnivea 

Nut Pick#. 
t 'harm*. 

i'olUr |tutli>n« 
M agic 




<*ake Baaket*. 
Btilirr Dialiea. 




T atilea. 
rie KulVea, 
(’all Bell*. 

Aldi^OM Stand of 

“Little Store on the Comer.” j.G-.Worafer&CkMt 


1 \7 NapkinKiitgA, 


^ VcatClitln*, 
OVIUAIl 13 t.orkel*. 

tr«. DAVAlLf Kielila^ar*. 

i 1 .hI»«. 


U'fi- ^ K;ir I lug*. 

. (h'IH"’ l*ma. 

limiRINCI Sliawl riiia, 

WMbington Squmn, - WBTMOUTH IjANDtNO./ 

Orders Delivertd la uy partaf IheTnik 

P. II. RIanehard, 

Wholeinle and detail dealsr in 

- < »i.» - 



l'"'**!* xvitli 

Itouniilis, FltlKZRS, DADOS 

Picture Miculdings, 

Bought cheap and will be sold CJH1<1A.1* for iw*" ' 

i'oll«r llutU'ti* Kat 1 lDg«, 

CASH AND CASH ONLY. I Magi* limiRINd Aliawl riiia, 

Hii«er * Wlnilow 

3^ New Goods constantly coining in. 43P£ 


of the season will be seevured as soon as in the S|uff6(] tO OldCfi flOd FOf SsIB 
Market. _ 

Wc shall lie glad to see OLD Friends and thank them for Al*'> <''‘Knt t-oii 

their patromigc for SEVENTEEN YEARS. BTiBalfl. 9. ftiivnn Van Kn 1 

FLOUR SewingM achine& 

Commcicial St, WEYMOUTH. 


I liHVr Jm*i rrnlMil ilirMt fi in llti- MUN. KAMT Wfil’Mtll'TH 

TWI» .Rft? Imrrela) nf lli.- _ 7 . W ■. R .TRWR i W. 

ln Mnl« u( !<|. I ID»I* »»im1 Mihid «<*trt Vl.Mir. wItW Ii I'f***^**'’* •" «»•'») lurr all t.ll«rr Ma- 

will In* %ol.l r.*r r.»«li at tlir f-illDwlug hV,[‘uv ’** * *'* •'* 

Cloar Quill. Kniu’y Muxuli. fi 
, ClearQuiU, fun'.* llsxnll a 

H. I2;EAID. 

Braintree Department 

. „ , tllC COlinmiiy Uie evcnillir before. The l»nta«ka enrr# HrourliUb. lloar-fiH *-. 

The iiteetiuu bf the Btftliitree Temper’ . . „ . ■ . i . ii I'<tiMkaeiirr»Sii<l«liuCol(U. 

I.., llie whola was otkimwlnilgeil liy p,„p.kpoi.r...«-.i«r,l.. 

Slice UiiUm at tli« Mtllioillit churcli lait „|| p,e„,n „.„dere.l. The 

Sun,lay evPiilng was largely allen.le.l. j, !:r|: V.,'b!i:.‘''Sp»kP... 

Kev.Mr.Uolmrnre«.Uu,.iei,assag<..fru,n ,„„u place after the play, Immghl ,91 nr«kl««. 

the Ilibic, the report o t le ast tiiee ng rapturous applause, anil T. K. -Tiik IIkt tueiiii Mihii in. in il,.. Worhl. 

was reail hy the secretary, aiul then the . ■ , . .one “Are von fl,.- OIJ /’.Wmir, cut, r 

ore.lileiit iiitroiliiceil Mrs N J. Willfs in nm tuaracter song Are you h„,..4c„., Iio.i.,n. Suiidi rclmr.l m M n.; 

presiUeut iitroilucii Mrs. ?l. j. n iiirs ,|,ere, Moriarly?” was Itiimense. Being hurar..!. «M 

of CainbrhlgeiK.rt, who ilelivcreil the ail- „ --tt—- 

ilress of the cveniiig, which was an ex- brought ilowii the house, aiul being Uheumatlsm.Neurslgla. Malaria, 
cellent ini.l an earnest one, .Iclineatlng „calle<l. he inaile a few remarks Diphtheria. Pneumonia, Bor. Throat, 

some of the evil, of liitemperanee anil go|,.geonrll.,gtoSoiith Braintree. In««nm.tton of th. i,un«. *o.. rtf Gut WAVS llV ull clltllMV . -CURRH IlY— 

ifll Trm |ifr crw#. Um$imm f*rlrrf. 



wittier ( tiliDi Nei No. 8 

Sewing Machines. 

aiiee Union at tlio MulluMliit church Uat 

Sun,lay eyeiilng was largely .ltei.ile.l. j, 

Kev.Mr.Ui)ll>nrnrea.l some passage, from , , 

Commercial Street, 


Ilifflits on Jirticlo nateiitc^d Marcli 10 , 

-«P ’■ 


g Custom Clothier, J 

G 80 Hancock St., QUINCY. 2* 

P _ rV 

O pk 

I MowEsr Ibices i I 

j* __ o 

I ALL THE novelties! 


as soon as they are out. 2 

O 2. 

•fsratl ‘«3iS‘V 'a «]MMa'TS lMK‘'» 0 T?iMyi 3 e ) 

“jTr. ORCUTT, 

4 'oriU‘r llridltfd* iiiiil AtlitMiM Mlrcd'tR* 


,ri*jnl(^ln‘ttl*r. ’ 0.00 *h “ Oiry will H UKT I.MU.K. K( ()N<0|. 

■* l('Ai. Hiitl pviTy WAV 

®p?n.n\'‘“''”’ 0.00 MIPKHIOR NAl'ill^’R 

' f'M-nil I'ftHMi-t.. niinlrftl. wIu'IIht Tor KNintlv oi 

Golden Senl. tieiniliie I’ 8.00 |„f...ii,.i„a„... , 

.VII LiihU <•! Vltti'liliie* (itki-ii |Vr- 

HercuIi'H, I'nin i Ihixnll, 8.50 .i-hii.a i,. i.ii,.. 

H. D. Btteh’M Premium, 8.60 HOWE MACHINE 

H. D. Rtteh-e Ool.ieu Bit- ... 

rvlu 0.00 U «• til imII l|n- rw|H-fD»l Itlltlllioil Mflliitii, 

* » nltiiuM iMiutf (Id dI.I M>lf ||..n<MD ll.r m-pm 

Port’eotion. Winirr \Vin-ut vu tiii« m«iIm,d. niiiHtgivr n 

****‘n** 0 .\J\J riiiiiiHig ami Im'iiui) orfliilDli. 

cellent mill an earnest ..lie, .Iclineatlng 

,»„.e.,l the evil, i.f liitemperanee anil ,. 1 , s„|,.penurllngtoSonlh Braintree. 
. 1 ,owing some of the ways by which they conelmleil the ei.lerlaliiment. The 
may be prevent., 1 . The simakerclalme.l 

that intemperance like Insanity Is often coiniiience.l at Ul.tW. 

transmllteil from parent to chihl, ami .pbe hall prove.l to he a graml succe.., 
urge,! that more care shouhl he tahet. by partielpalfng. 

parents in imiulging their desire for 

stimulants. style, far exceeding the expectations of 

Home, for li,..hrlates were advocated, u.e credit is due 

where they should meet love and syiii- caterer, Mr. C. K. Vaughan. Ilohhs’ 
pathy, and he made to feel that there I, 

something to live for heyoml the gratll - reiiiarkahly well, 

cntlon of adcath deallng apimtlte. Such ,,y 

homes would cost no more, in fact not ,b„ e„„,p,u,y in the Church of the Sacred 
nearly a, inm l, as it now eost, to sup- 

port sucli In lliolr u<*nru(lation. _^ ,_ 

The Bpt^akcr Rtuli'cl llml in nmny of HTHianiU 

wliat an* coiifiiiU*n*il our ln’fU faiiiiHi'S _ 

wine Is plac,si upon the table and that I Cast Friday evening, Mr. Wni. C. 

Oolfey's Dest. 7.60 

Baker's Premium, 7.60 


inmlD fr«nu Mri'iiigaii Wliili- WIm*hi. inidI mu'mtl 
FX|irt'«Alt fur HIP. 70 a MO CtUs |M*r BRg. 

Also BKAK* for IIdiscs, Cattle ami Hogs. 

for vale, VVliolcvalr aiitl lletHil. hniiill IUg« ot 
•j 4 l-*i llii*. Hi ..DID* Flour tli-livenol witli- 

ill ti'ii iiiil.-s. FItKKOK C’llAllCiK. 


i'<»UMui-rrliil?'m‘«'l. WKYMuF’lil LANItlNG. 



!• fotiBilriiilv rrpiiinmrmiDfl i<, FHitiilii** h* iM-iiig 
(Im'/I/,/ im th* mttrkti- 

MU. ( I NaMNunAM iHniMvAgmfor iId> 


Knit M.tNI’FAlTUIlKItS. 

Brockton Steam Marhle Work%, 

KREl). HANSON, Pi'opiietife’. 

"Se. . 

We pUIhi In (to tlir 1 ip»( work at the loweat A large HimkoftnaDt(>tii(anil bracket sbelvtl 
nricpH. ilwayH on hanii. 

JV,. orislMSIr onr nnn ilr.lan.. y„„ , 

VV e Imvr (lie largrut ulm k li» Prlrel from. ... l • » i • . i ... -- 

Wr have all tlir iiiurblurry for Hawing ami fin brai .tnek of Hlielf braekeU ItiUioCllX. 

iHliintr* H«'|hI me a |)n»(al eanl and I will oUl on jrq. 

Imperial tlrtlgna funibbt-tl for all kinOt uf (.’rtos bill ilo not trail.' wKIt me unlsH yoo ara aalteSaC 
etery work. wllli (he Htyles anil prinw. 

ur~ Parties coming to my place tYom Weymouth and vi¬ 
cinity and trading with me, wul receive railroad tickets (Ym of 

cinity and trading with me, wi 

1 receive railroad tickets (Ym of 


'•> lUs, fd’ 



Mi'ilical Gnlvaaic Balterv, 

......malar... ..rTlIIN WUMOniC JjailCrT, 

WtMU.l.KN ()VKU('I»ATS in our Ut lulH lolh- 'IV gu ali Ht Hrieiilldr no|jD-v, nD‘iif of lln- age. is 

, ....-1,1 t. . , ...i.i. ,1... iio’lH'«t known riiii'for I'nrniwla. Uh«*uiiiHtiiin. 

log U.-partiiM III. wni.-h Imw- ... wlib Hm- a;,.„r„|gu. |i..«ri. .Serve hikI hII .. ,U*ra.r,. 

gu'uteat e«rp l*y ex|MTirnrrtl IdiidIh In onr own Ii la*!* a lifeiiiin*. mol 4 *d*|h Inn $ 1 , single, or 

«*blUlrrii’s size .'Ulr. Sent by iiukll, uiul a aufe (!c- 

nearlyasmnebastttmwcst. m Slip. . ,p„Ki.K,,K,utAr,” .VcKltlNK ...iTIi.N : 1 m mXa IID rjllOl WU Ur ODD IVir, UO, lUIUl II, mU, A Olil IIIIU, 

‘’"rhewellker sUb'd that inMnillsnf blS' ii’Kin.'.";-;', '."“I'; 1 " I'-""'- ... /^O.V/; .t T SHOK r .\OriCK AND A r KEASO.XABl.R KA TES. 

IhesiH aki t that in inaiis in HINOHAM. lia.-UHa-. l*n.... il„- f; ,i """l'■"l'M.nb rii.g .ni. l. , ..... “ 7 , .v,,,l r.,, r,?i L“ - 

wliat arc ConeiilpirJ our Ih-M flttllilips — from wlmleve, .•.u..e. Iluii,- nr SoubU. nod all In eoii-e,|m nre of liuving in-nle enrly eoiitruelA HAS A ( <>.. |„viniur«.>iir.irtnreiH nod M>|r A T>lU''VrQfi‘ 1 Ffif IMP A the tal.le and that p.^iday evening, Mr. Wni. C. '.'I .S f'''-'■'■•'ly sh....r mat,-,f.., n.i..,.,..,am laapmmr.. sim'.. n „v,r i)rl,„i.l U: AUN.EsBC>£<B JKL^VJta a.AJSUJSlly 

o.,i,se.,nently.>flet, ln the afiernnon the Hau-s, win. recently resigned hispn.ithni ',|„V inim.i.aiml't-'mi:'a‘,;,i i-AV'm^aimVi ..... ncincB. IILANKKTB. witll-S.and oilergncl, b.t„„ml 

ladles of Ihojif fiiiinUi’H ar»‘not m a eojj- teachnr of the grammar Bchool at ( irruUi^^*. m ,ii bee. ,i|hd n|i|.l,ertiD.,, b A n,,. j-owt „f w...tlliii ... b i-ine,eased eon.ider- \V>.AKhKMM a SraVui^v.^Lamis Vn at- in h well rrgulatnd llanoand Carriage Shop. 

ditloii toii'celvecullms, u proof that Iho niiigham Centre, was invited to go to I'r momy n 7 ,lnd^t'■ w < vnu uldy will,in tbr last few.mbs. tksuanik. (. ono.ii«i,.„i Free. MKW AMD NKCOMD HAND CAKRIACIKN 

lerrlblf evil of intemperanee U not con- .Dp Pnldli-Ulmirv ii„ bia urriv»i ()„.rp T,lai Uoub s. g:. Sold by all Dnigelsis. - / . /»•,».*. /*.,/rr f«„ *mvr 

...V, ....e sdi... ne 1 UUUL LMMUry. UII ms arrual lin-rt Saniki. (ir.uu> A Cogi-ANV., Unanllnn Bniilrnn D nnmnnnvr Awry „_ 4 s/ con-ianib on band, eond.ling of HIIKWHTKU. t:()MIIINATION. UHITUN ami UFUClV PKAK* 




KxprpMH Hiiil milk WiiironM, Ihoutole hrR 
Mlnifle nitmier Kxpr«MM NlelRlia, dfcc. 


X wbb'bglveH ininoaime relief, and I-a rndlnd .Ua,,. .taf-dr |Mlee-iloi« av.ddliigi 
eiire. LailD- |i;ii tk. Iiilliniliiiilioii of (be KUhteVs. ... . , ., . . 

HaekuHie. I»il. -. Il.iiiiiai- or SoreiirHSof (be FJ el "I.rderlng Hrlirb - n,.Dle to 

frntn wlmtev < r t-.ui«e. Iloi II- or ^ould*. aiol all In eoii«e«|ni ii,*i* tif baviiig iiDide early 
liiltaiimial..,. I'i-l,."’- in-lantl, r>-l, iv,'.l an,I f,,,-1, ah„iir mat,,ilal. f,ii Ilii...'a.,. 
eiHcd. •’bopiliol. Hill save life. I>o not lieg- ,i i i . .i . , I m tl ■ 

o.n„e.pienlly i.flei, in the nflernoon the ' 3 .‘,1;;, 

ladles of llioae fiitinUi’H are not III a eojj- teacher of the grammar school at Creulur*. s* m bee. nie,, uppiuMOon b) jnail. a, 
dltloi,t»r,.eeivoealle,s,u proof that the „i„«,.a,„ Centre, was Invited to go to 

terrible evil of iiileiii|ierunec is not con- „,g p„,,iie di.iury, Dii Ids nrrlval tlierc ,;,!‘'nl-.!luv“"A’rH‘«'A'»v. 

lim’d to any sex or any class. lie was received liy two of his former 4 ->l>' Pr,,iMi, ioi..‘itT lii„a,lway, N,-w Y*,tk 

Tlieleelure was one of tlie best we |,i,|,i|,. diaries \V. 11 iitehiiis ami Kddle -■ 

have ilBl,,tied lo for a great while, prac- ||. priilt, by whom he was eseoricd to IllurrillOtS UllJ) Dcittbs. 

Ileal and etnnprehensive, not treading iriistees’ room, where he was i>re- ^_ ~ _ 

along the beaten iialh so many Iceliirers i,y j[|,j Anna M. Fearing, on he- MAKKIELI. 

IIIMI n 111 US ID'IM xaiii. as I-. .. i i r .> 

orimim ) nliinddl. Wl V„(»,»,d #1 jwr lioilb-. "**•>■ wjlbln tbr bu-t f* 

Tilal UoUb-i*. 7 .'.- Sold by u)l I)ingL'l<*tH. — 

4 .'> ly l*rD|Mb'iui'‘.‘<^'tT llioadwiry. N>-w Yt>tk. Mannllar Parkar i 




Macillar, Parker & Company, 

Lreud, but taking a broader view. 

half of the members of the scliool, witli I 

Willis treated her subject ilia spirit of „n ^sieyaut y,.|liiloid dressing ease, and a j[' 
C'liristiun eliarity wlilch would delight in Ijandsome copy of l)ryaiit*s poems, 
doing good mail alike, wlileh would lead j,,,, prig^.pi^ wiillon tlien read a poem ,!,' 
all lo a nobler niaiihood and womanhood «.ritt,.„ f„r i|,e oceaslon by Mrs. A. T. 

|l|urrta0C9 unb pettbs. 


111 Wf>iiioiitb, Aj>nl bv Ib'V. AnHon TUu*. 
Jr.. Mr. Vri'di'flv It. ('■obhig hid! MUh Mury 

4(M) IViiMliinglon SIrevt, 

<iN inJoritmi-Ht p/ tht geMnimr tiriUlt. 

iHVtitijCitit ht/prt^mri-hiuim£, f>U 22 

By Holbrook & Fox, Auct’rs, 

UtHov, l!j |*ott H4|iiar«i iSostou* 

r.m-i.tiiib oil liHiid. i-nndslitig of IIUKWHTKK. C:()MillNATION. lUtlTON nml UnSfiY rUAR* 

&T Hwnrork Mt., 



Jr.. Mr. Vri'di'flt^ It. ('■obhig Riid MU* Mury 
il. iliir. botti Df voye*"'nlD 
111 SduIIi WirrgiD^, Acrll by Ib-v. . 1 . 
Ibikrr. .Mr. Kdwr-fl feiTortl Ilolb" («• kUi- 
ibuAdtkUD* ll.i,iuird-^b of W'cyi'x^'ub. 

Ill Smib WeTi| 7 "mit 1 hpril 22 . b> lb v. (Jon. F. 

'* v- fMs . li f.uild Hlltl MU* 

Avnitw, A.« ■'OBI vama-ti ntiiwroi itosiou* .. Ill 

Mortgagee’s Sale. Mortgagee’s Sale MoW Light! 

— ® S-A-IjE ^ 

hy the exorcise of that, b, 

[ lIuteliinH, nflor whicli she prost'iited Mr. 1 Mary Addu- bum 

without dissimnlatlpn, and liy which ^ heanlifnl bom,net. Tlie 

they shall he iinnle asliamed to do any ,,x.„.hoolmaster, allliongh taken entire. , .i VeYi,ri,j. ■, i'. 

thing whleh shall eltlier degrade their „ ,,j. g,..,., . 

In Smii, WeT»^''ti,»«|Vpril 22 . bt lb V. t Jon. F. (Tlu Muidu t'.'Kooiiuii mid Mary ('. Ki'i-nun. 
<w.tuM. Ml. • (i f.uild Hlltl MU* ^ 3l<ir(gi,A'*>'*> **■*! all |)( r*nu» btltinsU'd it, tbr 

ary Addii* bum> ’ W. pit'iiiiKt-H lit rriiiiifloi <lf*riilM-d. 

j)|r;|v liy \ irtiH-nillii’ oub-<'<>ii(itllM-diii u r«-r> 

' * (iilit tiiurlgugi- tb-tti giti'ii t> .Muititi Kt riiun 

In \Vf \ niiiiidi. April 2 il. (Ji-urgi' 1 .-. Jr . oint uf ud<I M«,y 1' Kt i',i.,i,, r«-,-i<rdi'il •*i(li Nurfnlk Ufg- 
■■nrut'L. WIdic and {luiiiUiii, Ilf Sbt-ritrtJfDrgf Uirv Ui-i-d*. l.ib. .'>U 1 . F«d, I 12 , and l«ir biiurli «>f 

REAL ESTATE in Weymontli. 

'F KSU A NT lo » |M»wcr tif sale i 

D WKI.LIN<» lIUtJSK iiiid W> 
figblli of ueri' nf bind on lIukiT’a 
Avviine, lirur Lhii'iiltiSltiHrt*. W«<y- 
iiniiKli, lulely itwiK'd by I'ulvlit llu- 

a ci-ruin derd (d nnntgagc given by .MarciiH I ki-r. Ibiiiar (wt> Hturv. biut otx rmitui, U in fair 

o>v 11 OI u brother's or sister's character. 

wishes of his pupils in a liappy manner, 

Minllilim-ctnjiuUn tI in *.,h 1 ninituugf. and >J. {{(idgnian and Atlaliiiv F. Ibrtlgnian, his I H'p»lr, bihI I* cfiurully l«M-nr«tl 

Invili * (111- ’ utii-niiDii «i|‘tlii' luiblir t«> bi« 

XaOW n?,IOH3S 


Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, 

Hay, Grain, Crockery Ware, Hardware, 



I'oi* (lits 

“OIL. Drugs & Patent Medicines 

constantly on hand. - 

In fact it was astrcmgiileaforlliatCInis- nfu-r an evening very |ilensaiillv TPU^T?, A T .T^ 

tlan love wliiel. would take in all men I I n i 

ami .lo them g..od, lieing trm. for Irnll.'s „ NOi.Tn_lVKV!W.,PTI,. 

»ake,n.anlytormanhoo.l’ssake-.,ari,e8t, fy, nklF I ARPF Hni KF MANl IFAr 

loving and true wi.rdswhiehhee.h-d will ONE LARGE HOUSE, MANUFAC 

make all win, liear.I ami will inaetise At the town meeliiig held last Satiir- TURING SHOP and LAND, 
them iH’tter men and women, i.elgUbors ‘lay afternoon, among other lm|)ortaht 'n,,-Il.n.,-i., 

Ulid friends. iirtieles ucled llpoii was one In regard to temnn-no. •ituu 

After th-! elose of the lecture the fol- the town's plaeii.g hydrants along the MBS mrSiMr...! 
low ing.dllc'rs were eleele.l for the en- line of ll.e water pip.’S. $;UXSI was ap- 

suing term:—I'resi,lent, Alverdo .Mason: propriale.l for lifly hydrants and a snii- I.. 

Vice I'resl.leiils, Kev. K. Smith. Key. T. I''-'’"f waterfront the llii.glmm Water i',;;;'.,™?..*; 

A. Kuiersoij, Mr. M. T. Call; Secretary fur six muiitlis. Wd I.L< II s8. UA 1. 

and Treasurer. Miss C. L. Darcy; and The room over the iuck-up was graiiled . T^n n 

an executive commiltee of live. f***; ‘‘S'* iu‘w hose carriage whUdi fj W A P]. \ 

„„ , ,,.11 It IS being built, and appropriated to vMXi/Xi.iXJ f 

The limell-.g closed with a henedietioli .. . . 

by Kev. Mr. Colburn. Di, the lualter of license, it wjis voted T“*’* *'**»"**«»>*''■ ; 

MS, / I «Msi I M'liDs. . not lo reeoijslder the vole passed at tl»e (iiiU'F VINfT* ** ' 

1 he funeral of I heodore \\ ilkms sun \|,trcli meeting requesting the selectmen 1, whii h 

of Mr. ,10811113 WilhiuB, whose sudden to issue licenses. TIi,**'Vim-i. Iibw btui 'ni 

death was recorded ill your List weeks’ . rui. i to ,|uuli(v. uml »U^V,! 

. . .1 1>*9 KxcellClicy (toveriior .lohn 1). 4 m rterm roM-ri. 

issue, occurred on Saturday last, at the , with his family, took possession ' terw r, prn. 

residence of ills fattier. A large iium- ,tf their summer residence on Ootlage Nmth Wt-ymouib. A|ril 3. 
her of friends ami relatives attended, street Wednesday. 

for lbr |Hirji-;*«'nl (..r.-dii-l-'K (br .aim-. hiU Im- «ife, in licr riKbl, to (he I Mbaiii InsliditiDn for •.w x..*,.. ..,,.,.1... i 

•1,1,1 at riililii* .. UJ,.,II (be on v,.,;,,,., ,i.|,,i c.„, .j,., .... - AWk A hl.LlNt* llriL’Sh uini oin- 

M*).M».\V. Mav 3 . A, l>. 1-wo. «i IuiHimU ibree v i» i ; i ■* ’«' , 'I liHlfgii m-re of Un^ on Norib 

DVJu.k F. M idl liD.l -tiiKiiUr the noiirt'e* il'- ^ertolk I)cciU, l.lh. 3,8, l-ol. 175, ami tor iQmirwQr ■treet. .Seilli ..mb, lately 

•»Tibe,l iu siD'l iii«,ii|Ctia<'. ei>ii*t*Uii(( uf lM‘, |i.»r- hrcjcii ot (lie ciiMchtlDii of miu nmrtjjage, Mill Ik* Dwiied by Uen. K. Ueu,!. Il«>n»u U 

«‘,-U of luiul l■••lllMle,i Mini i|,'<i’riiie«l te* IdIIdh*. sold at I'uhJic AlicliDti on the nlurt^a^rd (irvlii' u Fr<-ii<'li (*Hif ruttiiKe, n»>f «lu(e(l an ,1 (billed. T 

*rii<-iifol i,,i Ix'Uiii* Dll I(r,,a<l *tivet u( fin M().^ H.W, the tenth day d( May, A. riioin'*. tfuD,| rellHr, |,iajsa. in Kuod repulr, and 

til,'nurtlii'ii^t. fly eurn, r ef html uf Hinnev an,I |). iK.'*,), at four u’clnck in the afternoon, the i»lea*.mtly ba’aieil. 

funH lu-l.'fh alunif III.' -umlierly lihe "f vod i„ ^»i,i ,lt-M:ribr,|, lo . 

III,,.,,! llnriy-llu' 1 <,l. lo a |M*-ap-w.i>, L,.. aii ,i,.,,f Un.i ,i,- m.iUin,,, A TJA It IIA In \V eyiuoiilb but i 

elis'iici'•etillK fly by •m.l . .. IiMti- vv' |> 111 Ibnubiiiii. tin, v*tiite 

Quo of the Best Assortiuents 
this side of Boston of 


tirt'il an,I, Irht leel; tliciit' 

:e-utiy. ulie Ituti- 
O rly. nUyfe, I. to 

tlurrMi, sitiiatcfl in Weyniontli, in tlie County of 

A llTI.i In Weyiuoiiib but iiiu*t- 
ly in Ihiiubiini. tb* v*tiite n«,w 
u«‘eui,i,-,l by U. llaywanl, uu 
^BMtSSlFurl lliil*tri'('t. ruit*i*UiiKuf u» m-re 
uflHiiil. ■ ,lwi-llhiK liiiii«e. nearly new; a lai'Me 
binltlliiir HiUnit'ij fur luaiiiifiieturiiiK liuriM, 
eunm eli il u'itU wbieli [s a wat, r |•rlvtlrM'' of eon- 
*i,|< i‘.tb|i' liuwi-r. 

I' ur fiirlber piink'iiUm Ni>),ly at the 

Weymouth ^vings Buuk. 


HALL and 


..I i.n II ^ ». OA li-.h. I im,n . ire« t. j,„j iwent*',‘i«lii feet; lin in',• ea*(- the South Shore Kailoail, liciiijj the sjine prtin- 

eily Dlinty-lwo feeiio »aid *ti» tl.ciiee by *iuil Ufji conveyed Iu said Atkiline F lIiMl^nun by 

n*D A TITI T 7 TATT 71 C 1 •tre,i ,m,'b.u-lre.l an.l laeiity-uv lect te | , (>. l{ra..tuw, by deed datnl (kl. jt.iSCk., 

IjltArjJ VliNijO. ••t l.e,<u,,.in«.lH'i.iKlofirtm.lKi..,| m and 2«P un ,„,,,dc'a VAitb Nudnik Ile«K l.ih. J.n, I’ul. S^. 

- ’‘■‘Mnn nia.l. kiiuwntitlliu.'.1 |.la"e uf *ale. A^i all other IracU ,.f land wbitb WonKcd to 

IIK mb.nlbcr buH f..r »!,• ai Nuril. Wev- K 1 1 /AHF.TIl l.'« KK. M-iiKHKee. s.iid imirtgaRm^ ur either of them, at the date 

.mil. a .mail bn c-boh r ^MMiiiieni hf Weviu.mib. An,,j |Wi uf saul inorlgaKr, viluated m wid Weyniuuth, 

AI’K VINKS r-i.iAa Um ii.viinit, AucUoneer. and lyinn adiamit to Ibc tract above de'vcrilwil. 

At |.rU-.. »M.-h n.,mul rnll I.. .“It. - - I'.vr the |aircl,a« 

■ I - . at the liinc and place uf sale, and the iMCIIDAMrC 

K. F. IMIAIT. riKr IIMNIIKANIsr. iNsnrunoNFoK savings, 

luith Weymouth. Airil 3 . lase. Ui I I IIIL 11 «W Ir lirvi w Vkl ■ MiirtxaKec 

-—... . liy Calvin Guild, Treasurer. 

P . lib ( M 1 ii Th,'niidei-iened. Ai;'lit fur the f»lluvriiie In* llill ^ Mackint.isk, AUorncyi fur Mortgagee, 

X inumh. a .mail bit i-buier N»*uiliii,-nl <>f 

Al prices wlileh niiiiiul ThII («> hiiK. 

Tlose Viiu-k bare bein grown with .iH-eiul ref- 
eruiee to ,iuiklitv. and will In* found ■«i 94 a 4 jir- 


Ninth Weymouth. Airil 3 . Isse. Ut I 

'1 etui's nia<l<- known ut liiii,' »nd pla'*e of )>Hie, 

HI l/AliF.TIl l.'K KK. M ,il(rn(;ee. 
Weviuclllli. AimiJ Is.') 
hO I Ki.ia*« Um ii.viinH, Auctioneer. 

Fire Insurance. 


AND SHOES NickeljiPlated, Leader 
Kprliig and Summer Wear, Student Lamps 

I IihidI Hiid of Su|M-rior (juallry, ut 

The exercises, which were of a very in- i^xtcr B. Whiton, for several years . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 
Ktrestiiig cliaracter, were conducted hy ,„aiiimi,r uf tin* KfU'kland (’«f**, Ki„ (v lo ' * iI 

IS .. II V V....1.II ....os.... ..r ,1... tl.... ' * rp*»the >exi of Kin. <>e*lit,»r*. uml ull ulnet 

Kev. 1 . Noidtll, pastor of Hit Hap- Ilt*uch. tiled of consumption -A |‘,r.un. Interr»(i',l iiitlu'K-iute f SA.MCl'il. 

list elmreli, \Vey..u,i.ll.. 'I'l.e eoiii.te. » |i„^„rii‘g “ml ipaihful ill,,ess <.f 

, nauee of till? deceased retained its lift?- ,n>veral niontlis, ut (lie residcnee of liis 
COnritautly on hand. **-- like appearance although nearly a week father, Ml. Klijali L. Wliitoii, on Nortli ( onrt («»4tr.uit » h'lirr i< Mluiinotmdon y" d*,- 

-- -- _ ... ■ had elapsed s’.nce bis d-alh. A greal Iasi .Saturday .uorning. ile was 

— .. 1 i.i „ thlriy-elglil years of age and uuinarried. You un-hinby liim to uniM-iir hi » l'r.ii,.ir 

■ na II I O *A profusion of llirwers surHUiiided Ihe laS' ^iid was blglily esleeined liy everyone Court to Im* liolihu at Q'.im-y. in -ai,! (ouniv of 

llllinmi niInKnIO €inri I.I^OnilD mini if C ki*t, mosMy tlie gifts of friemU and who knew him. Ills funeral took place Nurfolk. „u ihi m-ishmI Wulucday of Mny 

UUiriUV llIQrUlC QIIU UlClIlllU llUIIVO^ m-iglilHirs. l'r‘.mim'iit“miiiiglli,-m«us liisl'I'liesiisy iifti'niucm, uml ivusveiy 

” A ___ ___ . .. . lli.weis ediilrilml,,.! Iiv »rgely ,xllen<le‘l. 1“' reiiialiis were ai,.i ..‘,1 iKiiti,>ii.. j.. i.. gi>r 

Wlo-reiM. a|,|>ll>'alion lia. Ihtii mad,- (o .aid 

•iiiaiii'i' ( Ok . w ith A*«, (• of nici,-1baii 8 ' 4 'l,m> 0 ,’ 
(NH>, ,<• iiri'i'jo d to lo any Hinnnnt. on 

IlKAi. or Fkii’usal Fiiui*»:ui'V. in WF.Y.MDt; 1 II 
ot viftnilv. 11 -iV iiitf Ii 4 <i m.iit) yt-un't-viH-rii-nct’ 


aiuI ibaiikfni fur i>a<sl fuvoi*. •ulioitH a (-onlluitaiicf 
»f (Ilf * 4 IIU-. 

l> IX 1 M 5 . 1 , 

IV.' r, ■,ill.v ‘,‘11 lb,- “f tb, eiibli,- I,, lb,' ,,l X. » lb -ifi,- “I 

Monuments, Tablets, and Cemetery Work, 

ill .Tatirhle and (wraiiite. 

|1“>1 el“ps‘,‘l s' his .leatli. A greal sfreel. Iasi .Satlinlay m,M-hi,.g. He was *V.. i, al X.Trf"^ 0 «i„L'F - "< U'hncy 

, - ,1 .... tlilriy-elglil years “f age and iimiiarrie.l, Y.iu ar.-benby .■iii',. n. ui,i,.'«r ai . I’r,ib.i. |».,rt'lit>Hlcr. - ol linMun. 

[irofiuion of llitwers suruniiithd lilt las* i,)|,ij|y |>(|(«•|t|n(,d l»y everyone Court to Im* iiohhuai Q' tiwy. in -ai,! ( ouniv of \c . , r 

ket, mosMy the gifts of friemU and who knew biin. Ills funeral took place Nurfulk. ,.u ih. m'.shmI WMliu'.day of Mny .7I4 T«*Ihsi»U A ifcrnn‘ri*, \\uf.c»tcr. 

„eighl„,r». I'n.minentaMmnglhen.wa. Iasi Tues.lay after.,an.l was very r!,;;;;;"Ablnglm,. ■ • 

.‘viii“le I.f linweis ennlrilml.,.! In '“Wly ■bllemleil. Die remains were Ae.l .ai.l laiitienrt .. i.. gn. lloiiie liiw. € „ixra>i,.rk. 

'* *' ... . , . buried in ids fallier’i lot In the llingliam publi,-uono,-th. oof. by 4,ubhdnn« itu. i lunon 4 j«*ruit%ii .imvricMi'l. • ufNtw\ork. 

Ihe rtui >\tuks (*raniiiiar School of ,.fuii*lerv . a »•, k. for thr. * siitriMlv,' w*, k«. in liu - a. .,§• pi„i. 

. w'ilL-l, . . .Mools.r iim.p.UMi lAlhJU.i' \\>>UKMilliUai.(t,'.l.rint,.l ■ II**. I O. (»l l^Orlll I ImU. 

nlticr, lUuk liuihhitg. 

Dctlhani, .\|wil 1-1, iS8o. 51 i 



Tl . B. SljO^SOn S. &c-> now on exhibition at 

NVc arc liuTins * ilii0 tiaaordiu nt of 

Ladies', Hisies' aud Ohildreu’a 

the Store of 

Did .Dt: V**'' l> I't *( .t'OU .odI nhi.'l, ar> no 
at VV.Dks. I.' ir 

< 4 lT|X< \ 

N.>|.\'ill,-i v tb*' U' IH iolv.oii 

ft, d bi ii.i,'diilv I’t .Il ••nr r*<ilU' i bin 

McGrath brothers, Quincy 


ililplovt•lll•'nt^ will L, 


il,'ft.tvi-<i 1))’ tlie 



A Full Sized Range for $20.00. H 

^ Ills e«|ll 

VI. 1 . AND K\ \MIM: Vl 

tlie Irtui Wtuks (Jraniiiiar School of t*,.|u,.i«.ry, 

(.. Ill,' mimlD-r of N*, « D. .nfii" „i which young Wilkins was a member. 

-a WravL- ■ i.lre.d Ihe ,,lll..w .’..,ni.,.».-.l At a .ne.,ling nf Ihe Terrel ,1 Engine 

d Cemetery Work, ,„„i. „lilie .•arnaii..n8 .....1 h..,.- u,,, l““‘ -'leh.lay evening, Cai;!. 

, ...1.1 l,•tle..TllE(>.,in|,url,|,. i,n,n.,.lelh,s. Wn,. F. Hard.'., wi... has h.,en fereman 

illlll >11 of tlie company for lim |>ast lifict'ii yfurs, 

. . x- , Mr f'ruitiiutn* N WalLice is utea’lv •leelinetl u re-elccllttli, lunch Ut the re- 

in Uiir Nrn \V'aor, u».i \ard Mr. ( r.utiuor V ua u s gt^^ ) his eoniiiiaud, and Capt. Alexau- 

.mprevlng’e l.y er.'.-llng hank ,, .y,,,. 

AOAAIM i-i'PA'riOX. wall on till* poiDl side. lie I# als.i iin- „tlier ollicers eleele.l wer** as fttllows: 

tu kill any ofihia woiktlnit iiuybr proving ills slabh* by ha\iligaht»x stall isl assistant for«*inan, Wm. 11. Ilersey; 

|.„l in, nieely linisi.ed will, all ll.e im„l- '-''1 'I''-. tia»l"-r A. la-wis;, 

ir-r»,. /-V • es • . It I I I., u lloraee IVart*; clt*rk. r-nineis .M. < lark; 

ItRS, Ouincv, Mass. .-m im|.r.,ve„.enls. K-J. I-nring. . r. is The Tnrr.-.,1, 

iloing lltn w ork on Ihe stable and Henry wliieli has Iteeit receiving grt-al liiiprtivi*- 
■ — llobarl is luildlug (in* wall. iiientH al the l•stab]i^llln•*nl »if ilunne- 

_ iiirn »V Co., Ibisi.iii, vvaa returned on 

Tin' •h*tikiiis .Maiiufaetiirihg ci,mpaity \\*t*diu*silay cvi'niit'.'.'ahd is now In splen- 

WM BBB^ art’ continuing tlieir cii.utui'H an,I iin- did oithT. notklic.' 'tn,l biiglit as 

: ... al II,.' I..e>,.r.v. ami a.e l.,.i, :* ''''ll-''; 'IT .- • M,.-.... . ,d ll.e 

lnltuovt•nn'nt^ will ).,' il,'lt.tvi-<t by tiie 

lin'lobe D'.tlylo >taila pnlof (Ion 

^ ' Mi.vcliinci v b.'f'DD a CH'.tt ubilc: but sev- 

’ '•••'‘I '"'""i... "“•> "ill .... H"- 

heahle l„ h,.| all.d il g.’ing. A. gine f'b, h.-l,l e.emng, the f„|. 

I\l A biw ing •dlii*i*i«« vv,-i«* t*If,-i,*il: F<‘M'iiian. 

11 "sHartka llfuri ('. I .\. A I.. V. Kich.inl .Mi'Koe; lal a*"^’! «lo.. .f.ihu I.. 

RAl 9 Si|f 9 ^*^/,V 4 kX 'Ihediamaiieei.u-Mali.inei.l ami hall g.l . 1 ,,. . 1 ,. Til,(; 

—•siri fWr^^ I .1 , . ... .1 ... tl (lu.iaiKfi. Mn hael« t- v : flfik. Mtoin.ts 

\ • eivonby tlo* ul)ov«* asHocIwtlon wt tin' vv* j 11 

W t»»vvn ball. Notiili lb aintrcc, on Fibl.iv , ^ ^ 

MRffl HfflrnaX^iniililfl e'e"i"« i,"'- i"'''"'! » u'""'' ,....,.,11. .. .. \.i,„ 

fcfflIwBiWiCBWipffTff ffiBMMsB 'Pin* tli.tiii.v ‘'ll.nnly .\iit|y.“ vv.ts acid . iii,-r, m-J, i"i tii. d>--*“ . . Uiv* i «i..i 

.1. .til wt (DU.t. h I't 1 In Ul.ll, AI tl. I -I' kk I ••>. Dl - t . 

' bi'fort* .1 large and appivci.itivc audience U )...., i.. ir,( h. n k.,'i, ib 

' Tin? best acting »;n*, we Ibink. by tl.. j. .u.i .ifum, 1, .u • 1 ., Uil.v .. ,...1 

__ » «, 1 v* ‘'"*>ttua*tl Wut bv il»,'CM-. .WI..U4I Uki c*l 

r A TKT f'llT"^ lad) wlto look ll»e part t»f Matl Nancy« wurr c ut* fui ( .••liv, us-kw. f.$*t lakiuK 

LAJN E V JIjxv. her line a,.I ranee In the lahleaux ir.,'' 

I bringing forth great applause, and by 1*110' 

^ ^ A A A |•l•*nn^» l),» us N<|uire (f'itiHtly. 

THT' W/fl nn TT""""''•Vh.-a.nin Ihe .-h,..a.-u-r ..I By HOLBROOK 4 FOX. Auctioneers 

XwA i|rMWaVrVra llan.l. And, hr...lghl .l,.»n U..- li.,....-; i no.-.. X., l-j ... 

bis ei|Ual in tiiat position would in* [ 

. .. . .. llIM, 4 'u* (»r Korllt .%lU«*rll*U* l*lnla. 

.t( VV*,'VIII,,util, (hi* loki tiublicalloii (o (ic oru Al■IS*fli* 4 •l• lUN. Cu** of i'liiladclphia. 

''*''\va.I.'«,''|j,u’tg.’'wdiii'i:^„i *>t««c A l.cisllit-r I„n. V"-. l>"si“n. 

wai*! Court, tlit* fntirtcrulh Jay of Anob in th*' l*||S*||i]( lllW. 4 'u.« iUcioklyn. 

vi-arone thuUkAiid right liinelrMl aii*l fiehl> J 4 .. . I ;i.,utr»tit 

.122 JONATHAN t onn. U, got* r. lslOM(*4*al«T ■ IIM. t O., Oloutcsl, i. 

- IMltrilli •• *• lUrtfurd. 

n uu t lA L 4. Isisurawllirt* •• •• MantheUer, Kiig. 

Cummonwioalth of Massachusetts. ci lae Di/>iJADnc 

s<uiF»»i.K .•k'i. I'lmuATs t uiUT. ELIAS KIOHAnUb. 

rpoilo- N,-\iuf Kin. Crc'dilor-. aud all oiIkt W.-jm-.iillj. Aug. l\ \nlv. 

I tH'i'M,!;. iun'itkicd IU til,- K>i-ti,' of I'sVT- 
nit K .MOtiUF. iati- of W'l-) luoutli, lu ■aid 
i cDiiitv, di'V >4., * 1 . iuU.*nt.v(t-: 

'h illllLOTIIIlX JllSill a, 

Dioiitli. Ill the-(oiiiiiv ul Norbi'k. * Wurka al Tii»kart»rw, Nrvwda. | 

V.r,. ...e b...b, 4 |,|"a' “/ «l■• ^ Via... 

I cDirt. I>> U- lii,|<l«-ii at t . to ’.ti'l t c'liiiv ol I " uu tb« •t,c-nd\V*.|M’...liV ..| Mav u','M. .Sr.A 4 /iorf l«.. —* .i..»r,-. i».»i 

4l i.iu* oVbak in Ud l..r..ikDi. I*.’l.-a ...n.,. I v.tiiD f'*',ul » Id.',-‘ u.—U ... ao-plu-iJ 

ilauv >,»i| tiavi. auaiii*' gi tiiliua 'I,' kauD . m ti,,-tirakui' .i' auO.,.« - • l.»l. Il,|k ‘ ***** 

Viid nttoiii t ,a L,'i* l,r ■l>i,ii,«t III give j i'*,.' i« b, ,• li'u,*'b bt .c*'! '‘-‘a IS 'liM,»l|iiaU 

,.'.|i. • ill. i, "t. I'v iHtbi'|.|.iiia tbis ( tiaOuD i VI m,-. u|,*** - 2*' *1 aud • \ 

4 M. k !-.l iJ,,, •• ’D*'* »••»•*, 'V*,kk. D, tbr 4l*0,,ll.U, |I-»DI»'V'IH I * 'i ' :-i ID.'l VllV • I 

j I,. »b.l.a|M I . all. *1 l!„' . ..Ul* It. . unut* ■( I t»o'. kUltt, Hiitiv d* V, «** u.*b*at, an iii* \ 

I ..t \v. Uu lA*t(**ibtu-.Ul..i, l.,U ta...uv.. ' ». ui.nU,-•UJ,J>ly. V I, 'I - lU-u.v lui.,- tl,*' e..’l 

I al |. a*l. Im (i.s -afliuDit i <.f uuiiiiig a'l.l n*!'. !'• alum i» lu Uu 

Ladies'. Hisses' auU Umldreu a HENRY LvOUD 
Sandal Slippers, ’ 

Newport Ties, has t wkymott'iil 


WASHINGTON St., opposite Prospect. 


KllK,:>ll snil K Ilf 

Wurka al Tuakartirw, Nrvwda. 
Dttlie. 0'.* (’oiiKrr.a M., |to*|olt, VlWaa, 

,'ii; Hiewurd. (o'l.ige W. I •,ld,. 

l*llla I'ulliliotil ariikr. VV b ,■ 

. Ill,' r. 111' -j, I'*! tlic d> -•* “ ' ■ I-,, ('• I liv* I Mi.-i 

• b ail •t•■lll.l'Il >‘1 *b< Ul.ll, al ll.i -I'kk .'•>.:tl-i. 
, ,11,1 |Dlt|,ll .* Il V •'ll « xpi il Ic* Ir, ( a. II k* cp lb 
.tiiii siftiini I, lu a lu .slUiV t...iUiii.'U ,»>l 

Willi, **•. • <> Ul Wbili-. F",t II, . .I.i*iu<- ill kd 
'■>•■11. lUfk iiiit«'<< > mil lUv uf .Vi'iil. Ill t 
. . 'MIS' Uu*u<all<l l-iallt luilMlo-it .IDiiltgbO 

JoNA i MAN i olU( U-uoir 


1 \\'» I OW*k \Dl ‘ ! 
r W D I 1111 ‘M \N, 

FOK. SA.Ij 3 i! 

AT II frl'l TISRI Til. 

.Sfit, i rr I" 

v.tiiD !i. ul wlii.'I.-‘".''•aj 

ID t(i,'tn-akiio .i’ .,.«' - - 
l- tl.V l« III I- ll"IM ' 1 , bt ,li>'l oAsi 
M,...-. cl• -“»• .i -.c _ “ 

4|.sil<ll.U, tl-xiO- V • II' I > 'i ' 

Oil-, kUlU, HIlUv lb V, IciMil It, II 
I, iiiklibh-kUJ.J'ljf. V I, -I - lu-u.v 
of iiiiiiiiig a'l.l It >1 “ ' 1'* 

tl ' :ii,ia ill lie V I, niitv 

I 'MMi .i,. 4 r, k. |».«i 

. ... 40 ' |>l u.-kl 

1 .( 1 . 'iliik t HID 
n Vli-l|,<Uiiail 
!■ ';t.> ■! aud • \ 
:-l a..'l '•Ilv.i 
• l.i-at. an 111. \ 
IDU, ■ til*’ i'O'l 
•iiuu uk lu Uu 

II kllvi t I'.' ’ 

Finest Diup and Chemicals 

co.skiantky on hand, 
laum: as.sout.mknt 

Fancy Goods. 

Shears and Scissors. 

KlTJala <*!•' 

Patent Medicines, 

Aromatic Camphor, Qtlji^Cy MUTUA 

For iiotiia. '^.v <-eiita. Fife InsurancB Co. 

uF THE L.\TE*kT STYI.Ei*. al»o 

Ab'iw’ CALF BOOTS & SllOFS '% i 

of all Itif kliuU iikUally ki'|it in a (trot rtaai nlori-; . .1 I 

all iiur ow II g«»od*; are wartanted. aiul if not *y jry'T Tiff • 

giHul Ml* givr utliir* for Uh'IU. We keep 1 


$5 or $10 down! Balance la 
Ladies Hosiery smaU Monthly lustalmenU 

and Men’s Socks. _ 

Fbaw call and laaiuiiu- ,iiir g,aaU. and «<’ 


Washington St., - QUINCY. ni.iu.ii.'.di ixsiKuiTi.ixn liivBX. wmi 

.-ill, ll.K.iK ..K KXCllAX.ilN.., IS X.*!' 
nil.l.v nATlsflKUi 

O.sti Fund April 1 . ' 80 , over $ 393 , 000 . uwrkiurM IIoukIiI, Sold. Ilrulvd, 

I , «<S D ^ rfl l-e H A i •t.-l.ulred isud Kx, I 

$5 or $10 down! Balance la 
emaU Monthly lustalmenU ’■ 

fourlMce ofaijintlie Martel! 

H ul'kil. hi VIU.F. I)L im M.l> 
IM.h '.M l*' FI ‘»1 I ASI* 

Il 1 1 " 4 | 1 , "(U>UI (D . 

^ >1 V U Mlilg (u UuMss ' '. 1 111 

I , 1 — w-k ll'.M '.ll I. > 1 . 4 iS'lUl M .’1 ii. 4 I 
' Uu ain.'iiut ui%i-*t4,| 

I t*iilll« lu Didll lOUHlJ.lU ktl* U'lc'l 

: ... . . \Y s nil.I, man. 

-- 1 '. ■ M..-. 



TIA. <' 4 »l>|k|:il. 


<.il. isiMtA A III-.. 

East Weymouth, 

■»l II l»!a. 

i»»tiA ■‘‘iri-:. 



ls(‘pii> ul' lilt kiiiilN Tiuruuliug uud Jubbiug. 

l..m..l. J.d.l. IV. falri,,•.l 1 Till. W 1 . 1 , 1 . h.S'.W.X 

lilt* p.irt I'f .S'(Uli*‘ Kgaii, a» «li«i aJ» * 1 I «a i i ' a a 

Ilali*> lb«* c!i.»iact'-r of Mr. .Vluipbv.', Iloumiian I state, 

J. \V. I .ui’V sill prising lii» liii'uda bv * 

'(ill* iiiD' tiiatuier III wbicb ii,- acieti j At Nttck V^t^yiHOUtll, 

-I.uii.'s IV Md-iiiev n*iidei.‘l tin* ebatac ^^TJCTIOIT 

•( K«lw;ir*l »*’l oniivr uni Mi. Kur * 

I'.llg llliv’lv. wbib' -M, ssi* Ibtvnl liUllik _ _ A w A ^ a l_ 

. Il I,a,...... MONDAY. May 10th, 

I l(,l • ul Mi, Il !i*i . 'I,,- pa* t« I*' (be , C 4 '■ .'d k !■ M . 

“llll. M.ks M*l> M .»'‘‘li,> . Ill t li,'fb il - , .»/'l ■' I.- 1 

.11 :, I I'f (».,n.»b K..,>i,ev. waa vci > nlcaa ’b ui ui* •. ^ ^ , . 

• i.-s-i rvAuira, -a i..i uu 

ut^, paiitculafly in ihv K't'ue whUtf court*, u* b« p*4J at eai*. 



l-'oi* .1lotli.«>, ‘a.V 

^ Fine Sponges 


M.\, lltl l.Km. a I.K.M INI 

LaNormandi Cigars. 

U '"-1^ 1- 

..a .>f I.4U.1 a ‘' 

»OK Ift% 


I \ I AhI \V k \ MUI 1 If. 

M I .... IlL I I ; ■! 

. i-AIt UUAV li., r,. .1 J i" M. 



pfrFU N^ f or 


Parti. \Ur atu&tv - tc ji'eptna^ PHYtflUlAlItt' 
PELtiCiilP'riUN.S fruu Ue b««t luaUrtola. 

U.l'IUT) \VV\IAV, .Vitoiliecur). 

Skl.N.W aMi:> 

, I , . -r , ll . . Iw..... .1- 

---’MII/.M.MA I, i'*l- 

Surplus ov«r Ueunaurocs, over $200»(>(H) ).«UI oil ori) i-a|>iiiugl’« 4 u'> : to (hi 
. • III llll bv (- >f ps't c. ul imluu-c >v Oi*. aiM 
jj |4 I ■-> ul uu all <>lU,'r». 

TlUa K'outimu) IMfc> a fur dauutjg** by 

I Uik ( uiupskuy a rilvs uuiy uu tia- aafer i-la*>rk i>( 
pio|M rtv 

A.M» K\ KUY l.‘>'w F.MDl.S FFLI.. 

I ilml • tup.vnv 1 , 4 * Iht-U III <>|D'rH(i<>i, UUKC tbaii ^4 
. ..lul Ii4« I'^i.luv. ■ vl.a>u.iHai IU luiuH'*. au.l 
I (•(«' ^a.k,.>a., HI (>|Vlxli ikU U* li.Jlici*. 

1 Isio,-! viitriM'. I'lr'i.i'ul-iii.l luokurt-r 

I ( lia*. i. Ilnwlaiid. Sscii-tarv- 

LlUti UKJUARDtl, Ageat fui WayuwuU. 

3#'IVniu to Buii iL« cucuttutouci-auf aUcu**! 


I'tT K MAUKKlto. HiirnT.KS. lUiKlIlN^ 
AM) lliNDKlO FuU .\l.l. M Al lllML'k. 

OIL. tin.i ANS. .*>( UKW i)Kl V w.-. 

Kvery kual uJ At'oriug Rlox'inuu Ib'Vativd Ivy 
,-k(- nvuci'il wuikmcii. 


Urouilield Mt.. 



, uuFt's i.K.vvirr. 

J. M. URakNT. 

1 W «\ uumiU. 

...i I . uk-. 

- birii ilulv apiMduldl 
ol UV.SIKI. llYKK, 
:iH 1 .>1 N«d bUa. vU ! 
'.'■ t>' U Uiat lru*i. 
•(.V .1..••-!». All (M.- 
‘ :• III,' . •» X* - of *4l'l 

). V I M V\. I- 1 *.' 

Uu« uu \Viu« tor ' 

i.i u .ninn ki.i kn F.kUMKU 

Kai, UUU. 

U'liuuwib. )l4D.'b «Alb. JA 2 

g**>ivli-r* eou *l*u Ik U-A wtti« J. kl. (bonis 
Wcviu.'Utb. 4-1 


'I'wu k.mull ItuIlH, 

S llTABl.K 

auctfty u 4 


I «,i pukl • , , - ’UtgA ' 

lOtlOu* uf 


■ BAEB* fc BAWBABl., 



•ft mmI BoU»l^r« p*rtt<*»1»rlT. to r»ttnln» 

• ■hAnl«l to •h«iw loir 

TW tatMMTfib^r th* poMtr fronmlt' 

%1« fttorkAf fOo<i*> lltlTlnr t**^^*’**^' 

MDonir vktrK m*y br iwfttl 

1 Trit&ont Placet comer Beteee Ktreel^fl 


r»» (tb«triir 1 ion» «>f III*'T* rtr rrnTt.Tfd 

. n- ’^ tn* t!»»'l. wUhout • •nnrlo.l 

;rikfl. ki.l r.»r« without p«1h, % ly 


to be sbown in this vicinity is at 



litnl m ImuR Cum. 


Olwtn 'rnftml- 

Cash Assets, • 9mtAtA.IA 

N lliclr nsliirs] MAlr. AJ*o. Fiinrr^ w».l BriJ^ 
Wn « rM«w* stHl Ho«n|UPt«.ln rrsn^w 

obp*. Any oiip Urma Klowrr* Insnyfonato 
l ^l^r»p limy U*f p 'lour l»y 

Unpahl #•»•> 

Unpaid • a»00 

Re>io«uraDce Puml. • 100 .TT1 H 

Ab lacrrsMe eif aver Aa.oOO.M 

In their rtarpla* ctarUif 1^79. 

delivered at your house for $24.CX). 


f Aliit COIVER ANf> irtfiN niMP«. fAUl’KNTKIlM ANO FAUMINO ftKiLM 
r TOl s! BoItJ it HKBX ClIAI^NH, RIVETS, IHtllSK NAII.S, Willi'S. 

% »!^iVTilhvxTAUl?E ANlM*»H;KKTtn;TI.KIlY.slhVRU I’l.ATKil WARE, 

!t rikTRIlSiwl <‘aP^ tiAl.VANIZKIt IWtN 1*11% FITTEDKOR 

(Ml, m 4 *t >fll akaw tU OmU m 4 |ln Ik* FrioM, witk rltuira. 

who will Pull for Ih' tn »h*I re 
IMTfrrl •i»li»fA«*lloi» 1 '»ihr pa»tic 
tliip Slid prir 

fi t;, iiai.lendeck, 



always in stock; also 


A Good Set of Bed SpringB for $2.00. 

Black Walnut Extension Tables, SI,OS a ft. 

Clkefttnut Tables* 95e a foot. 



Oflirr, Dnstnn Pont lltiildlil|r» 

.ftll*. ttrmr tfm»Mimgl9m S#.* 

uraTneurtt AVTsa 4 o’rtofK f. _ 

Washington Square, Weymouth 

Dik ideml*. U) per rent, on t yesr poll«*lp«, sftd 40 
per cent. on sll others. 


ril! Washington Street 

aaih RnalnlrM, ru. I. 9», 11.00. 
II.»t. an; Pin: 1 .M.9.3n.S.A3. O.lft.ft. h.9U 
6 06 . 0 30. T iKt. T t'l.tiu'. II.IA rv. Itwtwrfi. 

6 M. « 44. T.2S, T.43.19. « 66 .9 ». tU.U 
AM ; 3.41. 4.46. 6 30. 6.34,1.31.160. 
10.31) ra. 

•ralncrMi, 6.46. T416. 6.1.16, 9.30, am; 

12 ■; t.W. 2.20, >3II/:UV*.1A*,W, 1.12. 

0 06.6 30. T.G3. 7 rH.ACslMnt, 

6!<N>.6 4S.T.S6.7 31,7.40, 9.9.63, l».'r 
am: 13, 4.41, 6 37, 6.0. TJ4. 1 

5 .11, 10 34 eM. ^ 

Llalna v. 0.46.7 36. t 16, 9». 11 OO AM; 13 M; 

I 6U. 3 30. 3.33,4.16,1..^ 33.6.06. 6 3U.7.03. 7.60. 
9 .10. 11.16 fM a^fini.6.00. 6.64,, 

7 6.1.9 33. 0 37. 9 06.033, I0J6 aM; 13.63. 

I 34, 9 64. 4.67. 9.3t. 6 56. TA. 9.40. t0.9U tW. 
Wolla6tGii HalKliU, 9.46,7.99, 9M. 11.00 am ; 

13 m; 1 60. 3.5). 1.33. 4.11. 6.IS. 9.30. 7.03, 

7 60, 9.30, 11.16 PM. nctMPW,6.10,, 
7.67, IO.Mam; 13A6. 9.69,6.30 

6 .19. PM. 

lfapoasetA4:*.7-‘t6.9. 9.50. lO.U, 11.00 am; 13 
H -13 4'>. I 4.16,9. 5 20y, 6.33. 9.06, 

6 ’J).7.n3.7.CO.0.3O.I1.16PS. Il 0 liani, 6 .17.7.06' 

7 IS. 9 lO.S.aO., 11.09 am; 13.46. 
1.46. 4.07. 6 06., PM. 

HarHson Nqnarw, 6 46. 7 U. 9, 9. 9.30. 10.16. 

II 00 am; 13 m: 13 46, I.|.66,3.30J1. 3 . 33 .4.16. 
6, 9,»l. 10.1I.18PM. 

■Uinm. e z). I. li. 7.61 s.l«. s. 39 . 9 . 09 ,9.33, 
9 51 10 83, 11.13 am; 13.49.1..S0. 1.69. 4.13, 
5 UU. 6 46. 6.11. 6.4H. 7.20.7..%«. PM. 
Weal Oiilnry, 6.15. ».3U as; 12.45. 2 30. 6. 6.30 
l*M. IlelUPia, 0.41. 7.56,9.66. lU.63 AM; 1.39, 

8llll'on'l.«werMlllii, fw Ne- 
AM : 1. 3. 4.16. 5.06.(6.3UviitN4 poiiwt.l 
. f ... iA. a fv. A Ai 7 Ml. 


Dier’s Cmnnercial Colleiie 

A. S. 4»RnAN ft CO., 


Weymanlli, Rrainlrce&Virinily 


316 WASillHOTGN wT.. lloSTON. 

In llif sbftvr ll*t of priPPA nre bArpulti* a'icIi sa 
wrtp nPTpr Ifpfore olfpred In BoAtun. lUtnrmber 
iho nnnlipr*. 


a <Sm inai 


Inktaff nprih^ 
lanw, p^ta> 





InKtoti ^fprt. 



Thea MM Oop BOIAIM. 


r sny Other kind, ynii rAii llif VGitrAplf with our m 6^9 41^ 

ipw Marhtne. m. limt li will rut bclirr than T, T \M U 1^ Y 

Trr. Ttw ii pili will all n niAln of pipiAl Also and 60 tt ttJfW ^ 

Impp. Sent fn-r on n-cPU't of et| 50. rn Any _ — 

an of Ihr United Stair*. lllu*trAt«d ClmilArt HAftVlYTfVO AlfS BAITlNv 

rce. OimkI A»enU Wanted In evpry county BUAJU/XXiU Bau OAftAA-aww 
ltd eitv. Addn-A*. K. ItOTIf * llBO., New ^ > -T -rr^ 

• Nfoi.l*. Fa. S *X -A. -D -1— -CJ , 

*W“ We liavp hondredA of letter* from men nt* ^ 

nu our utAcliinf. who Asy they would ^n<rt I OOMMEBOIAL 8T.. op. Station 8t., 



Hop cofroM CirttlM 
th« NweetPti, safest 
andbsM larwMTi^ 

The Bop Pa» for 
RtomacK, Urer asd 
Ktarryii,lf swpwefap 
to all others. Cans 

IrosMsaLv l- w. inniAUT 


fine«t iiiAtniinciilA at 


'‘Cls i Eyi uu tb 
yerM, LalP»f»s 
in and l^** 

Bop BlUen dally.** 

■lorpef to Aohrtrty a^ 
hcalUk, perfect «TPc^ 


•'Sear sloma^^ 
Meskdarba and dun* 

ocas Unp Blttpn pans 


O. Q. EASTSRBBOOK, Pubtishsr. 



and IrmtAtlble aura 
for drunkenasaa, aas 
of opjnm.tobaoroaid 

Tlip Fiimmi* and InitK c«tahlidicd 

Moruhlae habit rureel in 10 to 
Z) days. No pay till cureel. Dit. 
J. PiTKPlItNa, Uebabun. O. 60 ly 

sbovw mM bf 
roi^ta. lfopB9llerM 
lanufartorlB^ GSw 

ri.KASUUK r.VRTlEH ronvpycd to any |d«uTf 
at Aliort nutlet*. 


will W ««t the Dfpol on arrival of »»ll train* li. anil 
froiii Uiwlon. T»|p II.Al'K will In* Rtaliotied at HpU- 
ry Uuii.r*Slmf bctw.ruall trah.*. to rrci-ive nr* 
(Irr*. An order box will al«o bi* found at ihr "ainp 

fi rwiturf: novku 

to any idacp dealred, at rcaMumbU* prlcr*. 48il 

hare nrw and atirartirr *tvU-« llii« *r;i«(in. »r -o 
prirce that no hoiur ohould be withdiil it* inii* 
ii)*lruini*iit> II I. or «old on iii*tiilini'nt<. nr 
chanerd. ur tuned and repaired. Hrnd for 1 


Middle Street, East Weymouth. 

feed for poultry, 

New Law. Tlinutand* of Huldirra and lipir* pu* 
tit'id. I’lU-iuii* «Iati* hark to diacliatKP ui dratli. 
Timi llinitrd. Any dUahillty now e»tFtiiip{ ron- 
tracted in Hire of tliily. wlicti proTcd, RivcA Fen* 
Tbuiipand" arr miIM rntiilrd tu bounty. 
TIioUAamI* who arr drswintf ppn*ion« arc entitled 
to inert-ao’. two Atniiip* for huunnarr »1 

l*i*n»lon« iiimI Hnnnty set*. 14) j»prnil*»lon we 
refrr to tiM* followtptr partirA In lndUua|M>ll». aa 
to oiir RtandiiiK: . „ , 

U. I*. Kennedy. l*rrA. tVntral Bk.:^4. R. llol* 
lonar. lV*«liiiii«U*r; IIoii. J. 14. Julian. Kx-*iudH«’ 
t Ir. C't ; Fled. 14a({(t** I 'd Int.: Ilrr. lloii.J.C. 
Ihniiy, EX'Aitv. Gen.; IndLuina Hankingt'o. 

nn* lumc 

• ft i'.. 10 (f 11.16/PM. llellim.i.OG. 6 64, 7.W. 
( via Nppon*' U) 9 54.10.16 am ; (13.37 via 
NriamKct). 1.46.3 56, (4.55 rl*Nep<uiAPt.) 6.66, 

7 0.» I'M. 

Martha's 6*laeyard and Nantacket, 11 3U 
am (vu NpW B'-lfor.l) (Ullr (SuikImv* i t* 
cri'tid ) llrtiirn.fvu .New liedfunl.) leave 
Nauturki 16 16 a M.4.»iiv.{''Uiiday$ exet |itcd ) 
liau<lwlrh,6.15AM; 4Jo rs. Iletora, 7 8 >am ; 

2 41 I'M (week d«)‘.) ^ 

ilyannls,9.l5 ah: 4do rM(wrrk day*.} Re- 
tnrsi,6.50 am; l.^lrafnerk day*.) 
Frovinewtowo. 9.15 a a: 4.10 pm. Return, 5.05, 

WoIkI's^HoH, Falaioulli and Falanoiith 

llelahta. F.i:i am: 4.lo pm. (wc-k .Uya.) 
Itetiirn, leave UimhI* Hull. 7.5S) ah; 3 I’M 
(week iljy*.) 


Npw York, (via Fall Rivrr l.lin*.) 7.00 pm- Kw* 
turn, (»!•» Fall River ) 5<W PM. 

KnII BCIvpr, via liintHr’K-'t''* ■ ^ >'M.; vi4 Taiin* 
tiin,7rM. Krturti.Tl.! TAiiiitoii 5 ’,M'am; 
via Ilrid|fpwau*r7.4» AH- 

Houth Hra4ntPPe aii4 H *> Ma»loii«.9 30 am ; 
13 46,5.10 PM. Brlnm South Urainlrcc). 
9.31 am; I 43. 6, lOiHPM. . 

/Moifoiilv to have io«onHer-; / or on arrival 
ol IhkU IriHii New York ia Tliur«d.«)a rxr« pted; 
I /Thiir-daj*only: «/JUmUya exnj teil. 

I i9 

whicl: will be aohl for Caali at the 
rates. , , 

All nnlera pruniplly attended to. 

Iliiit lull tile liily, iionl, |)i-m’r:iMi- iip- 
pi'iiniiu-e tlint nu.toii lias. Tli« allior 
day there wan a street iiamilc wliirli 
a-a* the most disgustiii,; 1 . 1^111 I have 
ever seen, ami shews the seatinieiit of 
a great portieii ef tlie society iiere.— 
There wore lireweries, wines Slid 
Ihiuors, tiilliard and gniiihliiig saloons, 
all rc|)reseiitiiig their trades hy drink¬ 
ing tile l.eer and lii|iii>rs in the wa;; 
oils, laal tile iiiosl disgiistiiig part of 
it was wlieii they eaine hy the seeoiid 
rniic nearly all were so iliuiik tlicy 

Mills at East Ilraliitres. 


CitizeuH' Market. 

WM. 6. THATEB. Proprietor. 

Ka*! BrAiii- 
53 IV 



and Itiiilder. 

SHORE HOUSES a Specialty, 



TliP puhveriher U nuw re 




bcliiK new emn|iU*led, will be let fur 

General Public Gatherings, 

such AA 




FsiJBS. AC.. AC. 

; Furterin*. ni'ldy In iKnun iw by tetter, to 

DAlll!’< >Mn II. Jsnilur. 
MrAhlrnee. llroa.l St., iimr Hm* hull 30 41 

On tfulil 8" 

Ou riatinnmy (Continuous Gum 
WtM-k) : 

On Silver 1 

On rit( o]»la’‘lic (Metallif) 

On i'etluloiil 
On Uiibber 


New UwA, TIiouahihIa PUtitlfd. Kvpry 
ef even *‘lij{hlly di»«liled by wound*. di*cA*v, 
AL-ddent. entitled'O iwnd.ui, dAtiiitf b4ck to 
ly nrdi«4‘lmrft«*. Kveii tb«t Iuxa of a AiiUPr or 
d*. PiililipA lu pcn-iuli. Al««. all wl(|o*v* and 
'lii'iMlrnl parpiil* and minur* rntitU'd. Tiiite 
aiiled. A|»|ilv at oiite. .Many ppM-iunvr» now 
(litled lu incitw*p. lloimty yet diu* iutkuu«AudA. 
.ind rw * •eltlfd. I'.itiol.t iirociired for Ilirdttt* 
*. Fee* fixed by l;vw. .'*»nd two •tamu* fur new 
w*. blank* ami lu^truptloin* to *1. '»• FI.EX* 
KU ft ('0-, Is«K’k 14ox 314, WAfhintttuil. D. C. 

5U .S3 

C'ooked and lle«4ly lor tlie Inblr* 

At the lowest niaiket price*. pArtk* will plca*e 
kItc u* from two tlirer day* tioliev. 

Cil^tnnieni will aIwavk fiud ouruiHrket well sup* 
plied willi 

Meats, Vegetables, Oysters. Pastry and 
Coofectionery, Fruit, &c. 

All order* rarefuUv ami pnmiplly attended to, 
anil uo«mI* delivered free of el»arj;e. 

M~ilavinK luiid out the Uilliard ilall. I have 
fitted up a room Im-Iow. where S1K.\I.S van I*- 
oblaiiieil at all lime*:al«o OYhTKRS c«H>ked in 
: every *t) li*. Tea and L'otlee, etc. 

I Wahhinuton St., nkaii tiik con. nr 11 iu>ai> St. 




X Hdl AMPtit’a I'roflt per Week. 

•f*lPMl\Viii i.riivi* It or lorfeit #4 

I im*. K <4. UinKtfLT ft t.O., 2IH Fulton 
t. New Vork. N. Y. 46 11 

H aving fined up a I>ye non*e in the mon 

improved •tvle. we are jirepared tinlo sH 
kind* of Dyeitii; at the ^hl>^le 1 l notice and hilbs 
beist nianiieV. GetitlemL'ir* f ianui-nu> eli aii*eil or 
.|)ed. Kid Glnvo. Root*, and .Slipper* clean*ed. 



All order* left with .S. WlLLbAMS wlllbu 
|•rl>lu|•tlv utlelided lo. 

' ' ti fr< .I-Itl.'lfkg 

Rkpairinu thuie In the be^i manner, and 
SuoRT Nutics. 

gg -1 make a WHKKU.whieh 1 will warrant 

Cilve PerIVrl NatlMltertloa. 

Maciiiss Whbsl# furufhed »« ile«ircd. 


49) V 

tels. ImrKr. lUu*trated pie 
IpEOPLE. A vear. Sl.OO. 
KU. 11- 1*. IIasti.sum. 47 
46 13 

AllewPapefforDoys and Girls. 

“golde¥ days,” 

Pure, Interesting 1 Instructive 

hlaiaed tor di'*Al)led *oldier*. froiu date of di«* 
iiarsp. If application I* filed belore .luly I*t, ItWO. 
’rii»ion» liu’n‘a*cd. .‘■*eml iH>»tat{e for new law*. 
Unkt. and m«tructioii«. Addie**. 

W. C’. llKUl.StiKU ft CO.. 

l’» »«• IV 4' 

0g- Oldest flaiui Ai;elipy in the L uiU-d Stab*. 

That Acts at the Same Time on 



( A whtiK. ei- 
. ( .»ilv oiittil till 
■lu. .M.'iiiie. 


■a srctlie rxlurat clean** 
Uti:cr work wclk health 
I tL ■/ Iwcome ciouifoU. 
' iluw vUa 


Ileadscke, DynnepaU, Jsmb- 
or Kid* 

7t:eL«frreat orcao* srotlif : 

rriof the •vhU-’uu I*" " 

will tm perfoct: If L*. j i*-* 
ilr.'adful diaeiuc* sro *010 to f« 

childn*n oftoir eoitutry. .\« there i* m» leual 
im an* of rh« t ktn;; the flow of llii* i»oisoliou* 
fountain, ever)* 

Parent, Educator & Guardian 

i« comitelled to t*k hlia-elfthe (piedioii, ••What 
i» the m *i mean* ofelieekin^ lie evil 
The beat aiiltUote fur bad redUili;,' i' f;ood read- 


I.ijshiiiiiii;. Wind and Raiii. you wilt ucvrr 
lave auvh m chMticti agtain. Wp have ilu- 
«*l UrtJe •lie. improved Uilbber Roll t 'hdhe* 
V'rin({er »n the world. Keilinie at le** iIiaji half 
rice tMMHi referettcp B»>“*“>lp‘d. KvciylMHly 
■ted hot'’In (fet oitv! No eoinpetilioii: the be*l 
li.tnceof vour lifititin' to 51okp M(Miey. Sample* 
!3 .'k). fircuLir* and full parli.'ular* five. Aifeuta 
tPhi'K to he (Huiviiteed. addre**, I'aiiauoN 
Vul.MiBU Ci>.. New lk‘df.*rd, >la*». 47 S 

•.TOO Keward 

wiia ft>r yfitrs offort'd in every paper 
of the lainl by the former pniprietor 
Hemt'tiv for a 



dlfp, VoBstlpallon and I'Ue*. 

Bpy (‘omplalutv, Cravel, l)ial*etM» 
Ht'dluiMit In Ihs I'rlnc, MlUf 
or Uopy I flns; or Ubea* 
loatlr Pain* ami .ichr-t, 
arc dereloped S waa'- the hlo d la polaoBPd 
with ihu liumora that »lu*»ld Itaic Luvn 
expelled mitura'.ly* 


them and yoQ will II' U hnt lo autler. 

' iKSkil i bavebe heur..d. 

will odd mo fsoro to thcrutmUr. TaWrlt 

andh afh V iUoncsmoretrUitd. n your heart 

Till! iiioiilh of till! horse c.aii lie so 
Irenle.l by ihc ilriver ihiil it i» Heiisi- 
livc lo llic loueli iinil the liorse yiehls 
])roiii|>lly Jiiol pleaHuiitly lo liio guiti- 
iiiiee of llie filler or driver. On Uie 
Ollier hand, llic nioiilh limy lie so 
idiusc.l tioit llie aniniiri Ims no seii- 
.iiivi.iie>s of toiieli, mid tlie ilrivei 

sciliBNCii roB 
1,. full of iiilcre.Hiug niateriid on sul - 
jeels of geneml or timely interest, 
la adilition lo the hook iiolii'es. Lit¬ 
erary erilieisni is represented hy Mr. 
K. C. Sledinaii's study of Kdgar A. 
I’oc. Am (,'ritieisin i.s repre.seiileil by 
a paper on --The younger I'iiintei's of 
.\tiierien,” the llrst of threo hy Mr. 
M'ni. C. Itrowiiell. With this are en- 
gntvtngs of pieliires hy W eir. Shirlaw. 
llydtr, Sargent. Kakins.('hii.-e, Snaiii 
tiifloril, Dielinmi, the yoiiuger Inness 
imd Chiireh. Xlmlern Tregiess, hy 

of Or. Sage’s 
ease of eatarrh it woiihl not eiire. it 
eitres hy ilsinihl, suolhiiig, eleansiug 
and healing properties. Snuff or 
dust of any kind dries up eatarrh and 
<lrives it into tlie longs. Tliis reme¬ 
dy 1ms sKshI tlie lest of lime, Imving 
hi eti a jiopnlar remedy for a ijimrter 
of a eeiilnry. Sold hy druggists at 


.TKW stock of Table Cutlery at price* that de* 
S fy et»iui>« tition. by S'. *V. I'R.Vl 1’. 

And lliP duty of lho*e havln;; tin 
to fLiriti*ll them v\ ith W’lioleaoine. 
instructive rt-odin;;. •‘tieh n- will 
iiiiuilM-r of "Goi.ivE.M ItAY*.'* 


UOrriNS, ROBEii /.nd HABITS, of 
every descriptient 
ri’Rsi*iirn at Tna Mnmi’».'‘T 
UIK I’AIKM Utl'.K/.Kll L''KD IN i‘UK* 

.sKitviNG iu>dd:.s. 



A I.M«ly‘» WUh. 

“Oil, bow I do wish my skin wits 
a* t'lcur and soft yt'urs,** s;dtl ;i Id- 
dy to ht r frii'iul. “You i*aii fudly 
iiiakt* it so," aiisworttl lIn* Irifiid.— 
*• Httw?" intiuii’otl llu* first latiy. “Hy 
usiiij; Hop ItilUTs, dull iimkfs purt' 
rifh IiUumI aiiil hlotniiiiii; lu-allli. It 
diti it for me, as you observe.'’ HojuI 
of it. 


Auction Sales afo;udeil to as usual 


An Knc>ela|'«'!lia ui 3(1 vols., over 10.000 
I'Hgi'v: lutiercpitt more luattpr tliaii any Kiicy* 
ciopxtiiii ever hefttre p.!h!i*lied in tliN country, 
uml ■old. haiid*oiii<'lv liinl well hound, in eliith 
fur SlU, in hiall'inorioceu fur •13, and priatrd 
on tlnr lie.ivr paper, wide niaigiu*. bound in half 
UiMaia, trill top. tor •'JO—an viUi*rpri«p on ex* 
tioitidiaary th:il it* *ii>'*'ei4. Ivpvonditic prrci-dent 
l.t lHH>k puhli*.|iiiiK. tiiay Ih* f.iirly cUiiucd to lu* 

iplciitlid *tori(«. '1 lie 

('oUlain* tliP upenini; uf (w 
lii*t I* by 


And i* ealh d “ Two Way* of lltc.uuiu:; 
er;” and tlip other i* by KDWAKD ?*. 
and i* cnlillpd **I''lr«. ^uow. and W.tler 
in life Lone I.aml.'’ 

» i'ei>iiiit entile <>t the hi«i (HT'A) K«liiibui|; rdttiuii 
of "i ItAlilbei '■ Uiieieloiiu'dia." with uIn>ui 4U |H*r I 
rpiit. ol new matt«*i adiled. ulM,n topic* uf ■ | 
iuu’ii-»t to .Niucricau reader*. thu« luakiiiK it 
eiualin cliaiacier to aiir *iinilar woik, better 
th ill any other *uited to ine maui* uf the at 
ii.Mioiit) ofilioic whoeon*itll vv oik* of relneuce. 
and ^I'o^'ether the latent Kuci • lopK'dia m tbe 


HppcliiiPiv Volume* In elliipr •trie will be 
^eiiC for • X4ii>uial>iHi wiih piiviteicp of reluru ou 
rreii|it of pi* |nirtioii.ite pr.i e i*pr volume. 

>|>6rlMl IBueounI* to »il early •ub«eriber*. 
Aiid rxlra dt*et>uni« to club*. Full uartieular* 
u till ilescriptivp eaUlo)(ue of luany oilirr ataml* 
lird w< rk» p,(ualty low in price, ■rut trer. 

l.raillnj 1*1 inct)ilf* ul the .AMKRIcAN UuoK 
KX( llANtiK: 

I. I'ubti'h only book* of real value. 

li. Work iip"li the ha«t« of prtumt cjj/ of tuxk* 
irt{t hook«. about ourdiaU' wUaI it wa» a Irw year* 

III. Sell to buyer* direct, ami tave them tbv 
60 toiM) per cviitj coiutui**ioii couimonly •llowed 
to drain*. 

IV. The <*o*t of book* when nude lU.OuJ at a 
time i* but a fraction of the eu*t nlieii tn.'de 500 
at * tuue—adopt the low price and •« 11 the iarEe 


V. ('* 1 - crwal tv)*’. paper, etc . do t’arrfid print* 
iiiK. and 'iiuiijt. ‘n< ol hiiidtiiK- but avonl all "pad* 
dnur." fit ainl lo aiil) •Iradeti tviw. * 1 * 01111 * p>*|H-r 
and k-iuiiy buolmir. wlueli are *oiotuiuoulv re> 
■oilttl to to make U<M>k* atMo-ai laiv’*' and fine, 
and whieli Eivatlv ad'l to tueir co*t. but do tict 
o-Ui to th« ir value. 

VU 'I'o uiake 61 ai 
uukr 6 '> and an eu«i 


!,b.SrAI. lUOM* IN mUir.lITeos''' LL(H X. 
tir II.VNCtK'Iv ft «JU.VNIT6: STs*. 
Will be at .”01111 WkYMoVTII e\i t> rill'IlKUA'. 
UL the 1 ll’ell c of Dk. t '. t 'ro'VLU. 

N. i( -r.isoiiv d. »iiiim L’lh • xtra.ied hv the 
it-e •>! Nit I lilt' Glide t ia«. > ..It li iVe it adiuinuivred 



Sub*cript»(in* to the (•oLUVN I>A'e. 93.UO 

annual. 6l.5U per ■ix moiitli*. *1.00 (ht f 
ui>*iilha. all I'ajublc in advance. 

iviUElv iiumlier* »ix cent* each. »V c p** 

TO TUOaK a uo UKeinit To UtT I I* ( LUH*. 
If voii widilo (tel Up aeluh f-.r’ ‘Md In, Ihe 
aelid il” v«»ur iiailie* ami ae will huaaid ) 

free of charjte. a U'Unbei of ».p»i’imeii et»pie4 
the paptr. *>» that, vvitb them v«»o can give ) 
neighborhood a (ti*o«l canva»»iiig. 

iH U t 1.1 U UAIK-'^- 
For 6J‘» we will ■end four copi*’* f*»r one \ 
to one ad Jrv*. 01 roch coi»y to a p n ate ad>lf 
For t-'y nd «Ii;ht ei‘cir- to one 

drc**. or rath copy t.» M-parate jildre**. ■ 

I hr part) who »» ml" u» 9-‘o (••r a club of i 
ev.pica\all MUt It one lime will he « ulilletl 
couv FHEK 

tVrUer-upof elul*a of nithi rt.pie* con a 
aaid atid "lugie . pii. al a'ta 'h. 

Mtuiey •hem d 4 h ol lo u* rltln 1 by I >•*! 

I ficetttd ro. U. iji"lrretl Letter. Ml a-to pr- 

TllK GltH.VT 

oosTiV i:NyKss 

'Aiid AUi'iidiint Ibils, 

t>ri ii AS 

Piles, Headache, Liver 
Complaint, &c. 

A subatitule for Ih** imuarmia li'edl- 
rlivr*. pin*. Ac., wid'b have betnitaj loi»*r In 
UW. M.ld and enlam lu aetloi*. Hmtalde f.u all 
tff JhvoImN* «*rf i kilUitm 

SIwUh* im h.ut* at (At t •• 

iinrtu. Fo, ”u|. hy all DiUtriCM*. rro***. 
CVUI*. L ima h. lU.-lv ft Vo.. N.h I'roprulor*. 
Itmtiui. M '— 


CURi7^ Mil Dlseaat'S «if th* Klduejrs* 
ld«er. 14la<ldcr. and Vriiiary Ornna; 
Dropsy, iinavel. Ulabcle*. Urlghl a 
Dlsvaac. I'alna In Iho Hack. 
Lolna.or lilA**; Krteiitlonor 
Nunrctcriitlou of Triise, 

Nervoua Dlacasea, Femultfi 
Weakucaara, Kxceaara. 4auD- 
lllllouauraa. llcadisrh*. ^ur 

Btoauacb.UyspepalA. CtmallpMilon • 1'11«6. 

Wharf, East Braintree. 


GrauUJ Ay tkt VnUtd Statu O itUtant #/ 
tkts StaU, pr tht u-ttk tsdinf Mar.k jo, 

[Fri{.N4*«iiKh pidi WKYUlii rii GA/.Kne, 
moM TIIK A.\l» FArtST 06> l« K OF 
J MvC*. l*erklua,K4A>l.Mt.\VaahlnKlt»ii,U.t'. 

(Juit S'tth 0 / i'aUHt (hfrrr.) 
t'«irrr* 4 >«>udenci •uliciU-d. 

K.MU a* it ai't* «llr**c(lv am) nl oncrunlha 
Kldneya, Elver, amt liowela. realorlmr them 
U> a heiUhy actitoi. lIl'NTrt UKMKDV I* a 
safe, aura and aiKetly cure, oiel humlrcU* Iwtvs 
b««n cnrrtl by It wlwn physician* ami friends 
batl Mlven them up !•* die. l>o Doi delay, irjr at 
once HI NT rt KKMKDV. 

Send for pamphlet to 

M’.H. r.. CLAKKF:. rruvidouor. B. I. 

Fricea. 75 mtia and ai.J.^. I.ar6e alM 
the « heA|H-«i. .\*k your druKxtat for UUNT^l 
KKSIKUV. Take no other. 

Tlva IU*na4>u >Vliy. | 

Tlif li'uu* fftVi t ot Kblufy-Wt>rl is 
|iHMlu» tMl b) ilH clt*aii*iii;: ;iutl|»mify- 
iiij* hi'litiii ‘di iHv bluibl. \\ litM'i* then* 
it* a i»ravclly in the uhiic, <>r 

milky, rupy uiiuv from Hisortlcn'il 
Kitlmyh, il furv**" uillmm fail. Ctui- 
tviipuliou aiul I’ilv •" itailily \ iL’bl lo ils 
t arlhurlii* iiml lu'aliiu' povwj . 

Whifb has ever)* fuciliiy for 

ti a Irieud i« bellrr than lo 


Mr. Join Tighe 

Standard B;oks, 

I.ihrary «• 

Mae tula> 

t hamitei 

II. ll. llr>ant. avv'or. U> W. W. Warren, trnv 1 
tec l4ii*Uiti, branding vtaiiip. I 

C. A. Chandler, I'.a*! llridj-caAtcr. a»'or.<I 
to J. 1>. (iuuld, iUtatoii, fluid meter. 

P W*. Dolicrt), lh*vt.>n, clavp ur Itnk. 

(.. A. Kavinuii. Uostmi, cunritiUe chair, 
j. A. I'.iiwry, lh«*tan, drew tiukerv <Mpure. 

A. 1*. llalAtil, ilrockton, aiiuc maker* ed^r 

K. Macmt'di, Ih'vtun, utrvh.t><i*iii for the 
manufacture of waxed endv. 

{. 11. .Mctjuilkin, ( aiitbriJce, banjti. 

1.. Morw, Niilb .-Xttlcboiuu;,!', a"*'or. to K. 

1. KicliaiU". New Vork N. \ . vJer-e lailt- a. 

1.. .Mor^.-, av"."r- t I - 1 Uuluidv, Suit:i At* 

I tiruorou jb, uintuix and ciumcl to meul. 

j J. .s Kaaottli. Manihaalcf, Ln,^land, aw'or. 

I t" W F. ltia|<r, llopcdalc, beating lot '(•is* 

I 'onK spindir*. 

' |. V\. Kakcf, Chelvea. corn vlirller. 

\V. > .”>t.<kntaii, llovtLii, uv’ur. to hiliivrlf 

|a:-dll. .**. I'ortcr, .Nvrvkiih, Lunn., l.-Lkdtiii|;r. 

II. 1 uiner, ov'ur. to K. W. Tutner, Uovluti. 

' pneumatic railway awitch and viinal apparatuv. 

\ K Daviv, li- >t(ii. avvVr- tu ). .Andraiie 
\ '■ , Nr*t V‘>ik, N. \ . featiwr duatcr. 

For SrIo at Lowest Cash Kates. 

like Atteiitt'Ut of bi* maitv polrou* in 
kUkouili *ml viciiutv, lohi»HNF. 


A'Ukc t-ibraiv ol ll.oKiapli). jO eruli 
It.oak «d Fabi' *. .K"op. ete . illu*., &l 
M iliou’* t t.uiph’tr I'ti lorid VV ork*. 5 
-wlirkeBpeo '• t iitupUte \V’u»k«. 7>et' 

W’lrk.” ol 1 »a-ifr. |.ali»iated bv t ii} . 
Wi>rk* of Vliail. tUil»ia|.*(t h> Di vd 
The Koran id .Muitaiuiut tl. trail-, by 
.X<h ru uie« 0 : D- u Uuixot*, tiln* . a 
Itiiiivau'* I’lUrou’v l^o*k;*e»*. tllu< . 
lb>bin«oi> 1 lU'.M . iilu* -*• ernt" 

M II eliaux li tiid I iiilLv e I • litvel*. 
Miiikeeann lt. 4 li.el*. by K I .Mdrii 
.Verne l.ibraiy of )Jo>h rn I la"-»i’». -i 
Ameiieaii I'vtilotnui. Sn nt” 
Istoe'" lii"t"i v ffK<ijl>*h l.itiiaiui 
V tell * liook ot Natui tl lli«tuiv. #1 
Pii'ltkral 11 amiv l exntui. ftt 
'vAVitnr*. bv Aatlwi'ofSpaiioaara-* 
M;* Ihmau'* l*»»*tu’*l aurk*. iiet 
Kit o » I V 4 io'-U’di I ‘'I |4ib. 1 .ilei otUi 
K whn’* Vueii ul llk«t-<r>. J > 


ScitMititic .\iiiericiui 

The Most Fashonable Styles, 

tcNTiru AMI thAS iv 
vkU Nea*pa|wr e! .sivie 
lnu*t lH .kUl»lul •I'le // 
•plekwlel enUiaVl«-». i« 

AJji... St.. • Noilh Braintree. 

M -iim-'N ' i a> nuiv. 


HORShl lallOKlNO, tmtl 


AhVATiCE or 
'$1.00 per Dozen 

! Prices that defy Competition, 

' 1*1 rfret 6t» ituaiaiitrkd. I’- **»■ jflvr uiu a«’All. 

JOIIA TiarillK. 

4’j:> .viai.v *»thkkt 

m tii<- .vii" • 

t. II «tii.M F' 
11 me. lb* 
Natui 4 I III* 
V ahtauU' pi- 



Tbs Positive Coro 

Ftf all Fesule CompUlEts* 


XftTUSftii vuMomoit iMAScm Tsa titai. rovea 
AaMRiaTaaMftTMBasTua m vsexju or nia trraMvs 
BiBiaiiia in TMiTTria ~"na tarsftleal aadlta* 
Bn* lts4r«actksMiTua back Aao filtio bb* 

Ilwflii as bII tiMM Bisd HBdrr nil ctr««m- 
gIBB—>BC6klWfiSBy wUk the lawn Ikui 

*VwrCk«e«r« Bf kSbv y CBBSylnlats of wUker 

MSX, tklB i'MiHpsBaH In ■—n>s—«<■ 

IrjftlB K« HBkkBM*M Vc««tahle I'oibfvub*! 
iBptsparsd BtUkoproprlutuYAiaaor-.t rry. 

So. tW Vsstsra Avsnss, Lysj. Horn, 

On th© price ufler this date, 

Cooked Provisions, 


lli({h 1‘rlvvd Itullvr. 

BuytT* pay ihe bi;{bi**l privc (or 
i;ill filgctl biuur,” ’ml waul eviry 
tub I*' la* of an 1 \» ii. bii/hl, lulor.— 
rbe> .11 oiimu iul ibeir |>atrouH lo um* 
•iiilv WvlN HiLhanlM*ii\ 4'«i.'*» IVr* 
iVt ieil HuIUT Color, a* il ix llu* mo*.t 
roliaHU- kiiuuii. and will give pi*rftrl 
trior, it rvtviv* tl itiv uiiiy a^taulat 
tiie liiUriialioiial D.tiry Fair for 'su* 
pfiior puriiN. xirt iijlb. |.t*iI* vlioii of 
l ulor autl |)t i iu.tut u» v‘ 

Pic-nics and Parties 


ATE C AHEELER W,inii,i-r 

. . . -.a*-/r^a..’y ' 

at TUK lowest CASH FUlCKa 

p, r . . .1... I . It .1 lhi*» t" four day* 

All Me*U W*rriuU*d. or No Pay. 

I > * 1 , d la. an 1 M* at* do* 

American Book txchaiige, 

Irlliuuc liultdluB. S*’w York. 

Juus II .Ylubv Wh«M^ * 3ti 

(juuti I’roM’s. Iiuuil IJ [ir null 

Uuoil Wuikiuru. 

Ml ; t 

March *ih. !»>' 



^bOuuiath .\adiv*U IUllbttA kO., 

PwtUlMii UoUaS. 

V • 


‘Pr'l i 

ill ll ii|« 1 

f 1 

1 ^ J 


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